Chelsea Now

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Throngs Take Prez to Task on His Hometown Turf

Photo by Paul Schindler

Marchers as they reached Grand Central on E. 42nd St.

BY PAUL SCHINDLER In massive numbers, a diverse group of New Yorkers — women, men, children, many in families, of all ages and races — marched through Midtown Manhattan to express their concerns, anxieties, and anger about the tone and polices President Donald Trump brought to the White House with his inauguration on Jan. 20. MANHATTAN MARCHERS continued on p. 4


Trump’s swearing-in ceremony played out on the SuperSign. See page 2.

Photo by Donna Aceto

Hands were joined together and women were in lock step at the Women’s March on Washington.

Women Rally for Rights in Washington and Around the World

BY EILEEN STUKANE United just as much by their commitment to peace and equality as their disdain for the bigotry and misogyny of Donald J. Trump, they arrived in far greater numbers than predicted. Shoulder to shoulder with barely an inch of air between them, everyone was smiling: Women with their babies cradled in wraps, women with toddlers, pregnant women, mothers with their teen and adult daughters, women of color, of diverse sexuality, and females from a few months old to over 80 were joined by concerned gay, straight, and transgender men, fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, and citizens from across the country. This was the Women’s March in Washington, DC on Saturday, January 21.

© CHELSEA NOW 2017 | NYC community media, LLC, All Rights Reserved

In this sea of homemade pink “pussyhats” (worn in reference to Trump’s sordid 2005 boast that he could grab a woman’s genitals whenever he may choose), here were the people making their voices heard — 500,00 of them in DC alone. Creative signs shouted out support of equal rights for all. “This Is Only The Beginning,” read the sign Kristen Rogers wore as she directed the crowds as part of the organizing crew. An attorney, she traveled from California because she said, “It’s more important than ever that people band together and truly participate in our democratic process. What we’ve seen in the discourse of this past election cycle WOMEN’S MARCH continued on p. 6 VOLUME 09, ISSUE 4 | January 26 - February 01, 2017

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