Downtown Express

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Pencil lead

Downtown schools found to have high lead in water BY COLIN MIXSON Downtown schools need to get the lead out. Eight out of 10 public schools in Lower Manhattan have tested positive for dangerous levels of lead in their water, according to the city. At 26 Broadway, home to the Lower Manhattan Community Middle School and Richard R. Green High School of Teaching, lead was found at outrageous levels in January, including at one kitchen faucet that contained the toxic substance at 1,900parts-per billion, more than 70 times the average amount found in homes at Flint Michigan. “That is very, very high,” said Dr. Judith Zelikoff, a toxicologist and professor at the Department of Environmental Medicine and NYU Langone Medical Center. New testing protocols implemented by the city’s Department of Education, which require faucets and water fountains to remain inactive for eight hours before testing, led to revelations that water in many schools throughout the city contained lead at levels considered high enough — 15 parts per billion or more — to warrant immediate action by the federal Environmental Protection Agency. Lead was found at dangerous levels at the following Downtown schools: • PS 234 Independence School at 292 Greenwich and 200 Chambers streets • Spruce Street School, 12 Spruce St. • District 2 Pre-K Center, 1 Peck Slip • The Peck Slip School, 1 Peck Slip • PS 150, 334 Greenwich St. • Lower Manhattan Community Middle School, 26 Broadway • Richard R. Green High School of Teaching, 26 Broadway (entrance at 7 Beaver St.) • Leadership and Public Service High School, 90 Trinity Pl. • Battery Park City School, 55 Battery Pl. Older buildings, such as the 89-year-old 26 Broadway, often have aging lead plumbing that can leach the heavy metal into water. But even Spruce Street School ­­— located in a relatively new building that opened in 2011 — found toxic levels of lead in four out of 138 tests, posing a mystery as to why a new building should contain the contaminant. “That is brand new,” said Tricia Joyce, chair of

FEBRUARY 23 – MARCH 08, 2017

swindled! AG: Firm cheated 9/11 heroes with shady loans

BY DENNIS LYNCH A New Jersey-based financial company cheated 9/11 heroes out of millions of dollars owed to them for compensation and healthcare for injuries related to the 2001 terrorist attacks, according to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and federal watchdogs. Schneiderman and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau accuse RD Legal and its owner Roni Dersovitz, along with two other entities, of “luring [victims] into costly advances on compensation fund and settlement payouts by lying about the terms” of their advance loans. RD Legal approached their victims — who included police officers and firefighters who worked at Ground Zero and also former professional football players suffering brain injuries — shortly after they signed deals for compensation payouts, but before they received most of their money. RD

Associated Press / Stan Honda

Hundreds of first responders are finally receiving compensation for illnesses cause by inhaling the toxic dust at Ground Zero, but New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman says one firm has been swindling 9/11 heroes out of their money.

Legal offered to loan them the rest of their payout, but through what the AG’s office called “confusing contracts,” the firm burdened

them with massive interest rates, in some cases as high at 250 per9/11 heroes Continued on page 14

Also in this issue:

Downtown PROGRESS REPORT 2 017 Deluxe Dining

Roaring Retail

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Pace Univesity’s $190M makeover

lead Continued on page 14 1 M e t r o t e c h • N YC 112 0 1 • C o p y r i g h t © 2 0 17 N YC C o mm u n i t y M e d i a , L L C

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