St. Peter’s Prayer Vigil Offers Support, Solace BY DUSICA SUE MALESEVIC The importance of community and civility were two themes at a candlelight prayer vigil for the nation at St. Peter’s Chelsea last week. “There’s been a lot coming out of Washington,” Reverend Stephen Harding told Chelsea Now before the vigil began. “It’s very easy to feel isolated, so providing space for those in our neighborhood to come together, hopefully that isolation decreases.” VIGIL continued on p. 3
Newly Forged Hell’s Kitchen Coalition Gets Cooking BY JACKSON CHEN At the first official Hell’s Kitchen South Community Coalition meeting on Tues., Feb. 7, members presented the previous months’ expansive survey results and began to plan their goals moving forward. The coalition was first ignited as the community’s way to respond to the lack of public input for the Port COALITION continued on p. 5
It takes a village to create Peter Michael Marino’s improvised oneman opus. See page 18.
Photos by Dennis Lynch
A “hop-on, hop-off” tour bus turns from 10th Ave. onto W. 26th St. to make a northbound turn onto Eighth Ave.
THE WHEELS ON THE BUS GO WHERE THEY’RE NOT WANTED BY DENNIS LYNCH A new turn restriction on Eighth Ave. has inadvertently funneled large buses onto W. 26th St., according to residents and community leaders who want the Department of Transportation (DOT) to ban buses on the side street. The city restricted left turns on eastbound traffic on W. 23rd St. at Eighth Ave. to help move along the new M23 Select Bus Service in August. That forces eastbound tour buses — mostly of the double-decker “hop-on, hop-off” variety, according to Community Board 4 (CB4) — to turn north on 10th and east on W. 24th to then legally turn north on Eighth Ave. Their trip on W. 26th from 10th Ave. to Eighth Ave. takes them by a public elementary school, a city park, a playground, a Hudson Guild children’s center, and a Hudson Guild community center frequented by local seniors. A crossing guard posted at W. 26th and 10th Ave. said she’s seen buses turn on W. 26th St. “all the time” during her shifts, BUS TRAFFIC continued on p. 4
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Trucks are restricted on W. 26th St. CB4 wants the city to restrict buses as well. VOLUME 09, ISSUE 6 | February 09 - 15, 2017