Save Chelsea Chosen as One of ‘Six to Celebrate’ BY DENNIS LYNCH The Historic Districts Council (HDC) launched this year’s Six to Celebrate program on Wed., Feb. 15, at a celebratory gathering held at Calvary-St. George’s Episcopal Church Parish Hall in Gramercy Park — and Save Chelsea was one of the groups recognized for their steadfast preservation and awareness efforts. HDC noted that the Six to Celebrate program opens their “strategic resourc-
Penn South Resident’s Website Documents Gentrification
SAVE CHELSEA continued on p. 2
Chelsea Takes Stock of the High Line’s Legacy BY SEAN EGAN “First of all, I think the High Line is an incredible success,” Robert Hammond began his Wed., Feb. 22 phone call with Chelsea Now. This would seem an obvious opinion for the High Line co-founder and Friends of the High Line (FHL; executive director to hold — his “adaptive reuse” park draws approximately eight million annual visitors, and is projected to HIGH LINE continued on p. 5
See page 12 for 2017’s most anticipated video games.
Photo by Wyatt Frank
Below: Wyatt Frank, during a recent “gentrification walk” with Chelsea Now. Above: New developments Hudson Yards, left, and Manhattan West, right, with Penn South in the foreground.
BY DUSICA SUE MALESEVIC Wyatt Frank, a longtime Penn South resident, can survey the playground he went to as a child, where his grandfather used to play squash, and also see glitzy new buildings with monthly rents — $27,000 — that are more than what some people make in a year. Frank recently took a “gentrification walk” with Chelsea Now after spending two and a half months researching, collating data, and creating “Chelsea Living” — a website that looks at development in the neighborhood starting with the “affordable housing havens” — Penn South, the Robert Fulton and Chelsea-Elliot Houses — of the 1960s.
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The 21-year-old’s maternal grandparents — Emily and Newton Greenberg — had lived in Chelsea since the 1950s, he said, and moved into the co-op when it opened in 1962. His grandparents, being part of the co-op, helped to get his mom an apartment in the complex, and he grew up there with his parents, Elizabeth and Cory Frank, and his sister Sabrina. “Chelsea Living” ( was spurred by a required capstone project to earn his bachelor’s degree in American Culture at the University of Michigan. “I realized in that time that I wanted to just devote the next — this was around two and a half months — to figuring out what was happening in Chelsea in terms of housing,” Frank explained at Bean & Bean Coffee (318 Eighth Ave., at W. 26th St.) before the walk. “It seemed like such a hot topic issue right now, such a buzzword — ‘affordable housing.’ ” Frank was taken aback when he went to Michigan, and people immediately knew about his neighborFRANK continued on p. 3 Photo by Dusica Sue Malesevic
VOLUME 09, ISSUE 8 | February 23 - MARCH 01, 2017