The Villager

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The Paper of Record for Greenwich Village, East Village, Lower East Side, Soho, Union Square, Chinatown and Noho, Since 1933

April 20, 2017 • $1.00 Volume 87 • Number 16





V.I.D. backs Marte over Chin in primary for Council District 1 LINCOLN ANDERSON


n a blow to incumbent Margaret Chin, Christopher Marte won the endorsement of the Village Independent Democrats club Tuesday night in the City Council Democratic primary for Lower Manhattan’s District 1. An elated Marte said, “V.I.D. is the oldest voice for reform

and the progressive agenda in the neighborhood. Both our campaign and V.I.D. D. share a clear vision for change nge in this district, and we aree honored to have the support of a club with such a historic legacy, egacy, and impactful future. V.I.D. I.D. has a history of advancing a progressive agenda in New York City, MARTE continued on p. 4

Protests stop...fur now; ow; sts Canada Goose activists will ‘jump [to] the shark’ ark’ PHOTO BY BOB KRASNER



ooster St. residents and, of course, Canada Goose and probably Councilmember Margaret Chin, too, will be relieved to hear that the animal-rights activists “wrapped up the fur season” this past Saturday. Elizabeth Argibay, one

of the hardcore vegans who h have been protesting outside the new Canada Goose store since it opened in Soho back in November and also outside Paragon sporting goods in Union Square — which also carries the costly, real coyote fur-trimmed coats — said this

Lisa, 7, armed w with balloon sword and custom-made bunny basket, made a find at the Easter egg hunt at St. Mark’s Church. See Page 9.

Pier-to-pier park planning; With 55 in limbo, 40 up next

GOOSE continued on p. 4



t turns out the Hudson River Park Trust and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have an additional month — until May 22 — to decide if they want to appeal the recent devastating ruling against the Pier55 project. Last month, a federal judge yanked the Corps’ permit for the glitzy $200 million project planned for off of W. 13th

St., which was to be funded by Lower West Side power couple Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg. Tom Fox, one of the two City Club of New York plaintiffs who filed the successful lawsuit, said the deadline to appeal is longer because a federal agency is involved in this case. Both the Trust — the state-city authority which operates and is building the 5-mile Lower West Side wa-

terfront park — and the Corps would have to appeal. Asked this week if the Trust was planning to challenge the ruling, a spokesperson said, “We are going to decline comment at this point.” If they don’t appeal, then the whole project has to go back to the drawing board for a redesign — that is, assuming the Trust still wants to PIERS continued on p. 4

Afghan imports store fights for its life.............p. 12 PROGRESS REPORT: Special section .... pp. 13 to 20 Singing David Peel goodbye.....p. 6

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