The Villager

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The Paper of Record for Greenwich Village, East Village, Lower East Side, Soho, Union Square, Chinatown and Noho, Since 1933

March 30, 2017 • $1.00 Volume 87 • Number 13





Deal brewing to bring Starbucks to Avenue A and St. Mark’s Place BY LINCOLN ANDERSON


deal reportedly is in the works to bring the first Starbucks to Alphabet City, The Villager has learned. According to a source familiar with the situation, CitiUrban Management, an arm of the owner of the building at the northwest corner of Avenue A and St. Mark’s Place, is far along in negotiations with the multinational coffee chain — although the deal technically hasn’t been sealed yet. The property features a slew of empty storefronts, including the former pizzeria spot on the corner, along with the nowshuttered Hop Devil Grill and Ton-Up Café along St. Mark’s Place. The source spoke on condition of strict anonymity, for professional reasons. “This is like very, very secret,” the source said. “I would say it’s a 90 percent certainty that Starbucks will be in the space. They’re just making sure that Starbucks is comfortable with the layout and arrangement of that corner. They’re trying to


Activist poet Bob Holman led an “Unchain the East Village” protest in Feburar y 2013 after word got out that a 7-Eleven was coming to Avenue A . Now a Starbucks repor tedly is set to follow suit.

negotiate the best space.” Further west, a couple of other retail spaces on the building’s ground floor are still occupied, including 10 Degrees bar, at 121 St. Mark’s Place, and Box Kite Coffee, at 115 St. Mark’s Place. STARBUCKS continued on p. 2


Helping coax in spring with color, Jenna Kr ypell spray-painted a graffiti mural on a construction trailer at E. First St. and Second Ave. She had permission to do it.

‘Diller Isle’ dead in water? Judge nixes crucial permit BY LINCOLN ANDERSON


as “Diller Island” suddenly transformed into Atlantis? Could the extravagant plan be sinking into the murky depths of the Hudson? And, if so, ironically, it all might be because of the quirky “pot”-shaped concrete support piles that are the project’s signature design element — which would need to be filled with

pourable concrete after being installed in the river — as opposed to traditional straight concrete piles that are just pounded right into the riverbed as is. ... Talk about “going to pot.” In a stunning decision in federal court last Thursday, Judge Lorna Schofield ruled that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers erred in April 2015 when it issued a permit for Pier55, the glitzy $200 million “entertain-

ment fantasy island” proposed to sit off of W. 13th St. in Hudson River Park. In turn, due to the “seriousness of the…deficiencies” in the Army Corps’ permit, the judge vacated it — meaning she yanked the permit. So, the project now lacks a critical requirement without which it cannot move forward. Media mogul Barry Diller PIER continued on p. 6

‘Do the flip’: 5th Ave. gets better bike lane........p. 3 Cab crashes into Jefferson Market Garden ..... p. 11 ‘Checking in’ with Ravi...........p. 13

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