Downtown Express

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Serving Tribeca, Battery Park City, the Seaport and the Financial District VOLUME 30, NUMBER 08

MAY 04 – MAY 17, 2017

Wagner wrangle Locals balk at pavilion plans BY COLIN MIXSON Downtown civic leaders are going ballistic over a plan by the Battery Park City Authority to demolish a cherished pavilion in Wagner Park and replace it with a larger, more modern building as part of its stormresiliency plan for the neighborhood. A local leader was so persuasive in denouncing the authority’s plan at a meeting of Community Board 1 on April 25, that some members are prepared to go to jail to preserve the cherished park structure. “This is so offensive — it’s so offensive on so many levels,� said board member Wendy Chapman. “I don’t know if we’ll get arrested for taking petitions in the park, but, for me, it’s at that level.� The chairwoman of the board’s Battery Park City Committee, Ninfa Segarra, unleashed a withering critique of the authority’s proposal for the Wagner Park Pavilion, which it plans to demolish and resurrect in the form of a more modern and resilient building that’s roughly twice as large.

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For more on the fun, see page 10. Photo by Milo Hess

Little Luca got his face painted — and a few snacks — at Taste of Battery Park City on April 23.

Also in this issue: Outrage over ticket-vendor shooting Page 4

Foley Square as Downtown’s protest central Page 17

May 2017 Seaport Report Page 15

PAVILION Continued on page 2

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