The Villager

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The Paper of Record for Greenwich Village, East Village, Lower East Side, Soho, Union Square, Chinatown and Noho, Since 1933

May 4, 2017 • $1.00 Volume 87 • Number 18





Chin is developers’ doormat, must step down, activists cry BY K ARI LINDBERG


he monthly protest led by the Coalition to Protect Chinatown and the Lower East Side was held once again on Wed., April 26 — and this time its target was City Councilmember Margaret Chin. While the group’s previous demonstrations have been held

in front of City Hall, the location was now moved across the street, directly in front of the offices of New York City councilmembers at 250 Broadway. The message of the 40 mostly older Chinatown residents who braved the rain was simple: Chin must immediately step down CHIN continued on p. 3


Nurses Week and Eldercare Special Sections Pages 8 to 11


The Love Parade brought back that lovin’ feeling to Union Square on Sunday. See Page 23 for more photos.

Sorry, housing is No. 1: Mayor on garden battle BY LINCOLN ANDERSON


t’s not every day that a sitting New York City mayor comes to a local Democratic political club seeking its endorsement. But Mayor Bill de Blasio swung by the Village Independent Democrats’ candidates night on Tuesday, where he made his case for why he deserves election to a second term. But during the question-

and-answer period, de Blasio came under fire from advocates from the Elizabeth St. Garden, who repeatedly peppered him with questions about why he won’t accept the community’s alternative plan that would save the besieged Little Italy / Soho green oasis by shifting a planned senior housing project to a vacant site at Hudson and Clarkson Sts. Yet, as he did in March at a

town hall meeting in Chelsea, the mayor was unbending. He said he felt the current plan for the garden lot — which would only preserve one-quarter of the open space — was the best option, and that creating affordable housing is the city’s topmost priority. During his allotted three minutes for his opening remarks, de Blasio said the city MAYOR continued on p. 6

The Roots rock Third St. Music School gala.......p. 2 Editorial: Suing only chance to save garden.....p. 12 Hats off to Amanda Lepore.... p. 13

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