Big Apple Circus Resurrected 11
Soulpepper Theatre on 42nd 14
Fighting Trans Seniors’ Erasure 21
Photo by Jackson Chen
Hollow Core: Can Secondary Housing Market Save Midtown? P. 6
Photo by Jackson Chen
Michael Hiller testifying at the June 15 hearing on the DEIS at the American Museum of Natural History.
AMNH Expansion Foes Blast Environmental Impact Study BY JACKSON CHEN The main opposition group to the American Museum of Natural History’s expansion released a barbed review of the project’s recently released draft environmental impact statement (DEIS). The museum’s $340 million Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation project would revamp the entrance on Columbus Avenue at West 79th Street. The toughest opposition has come from the Community United to Protect Theodore Roosevelt Park, which alongside other groups, is against the expansion because it would seize surrounding land currently part of the Theodore Roosevelt Park. For the museum, the Gilder Center would provide significant extra exhibition space as well as a design for improving visitor traffic flow. Following a public hearing on June 15, Community United and its attorney, Michael Hiller, released a critical review of the DEIS that the group provided to Manhattan Express. The group retained GHD Services, an engineering and environmental consulting firm, which completed its “expert review” on May 18. The review stated that the DEIS should have included “socioeconomic condiGILDER CENTER continued on p. 4
July 13-July 27, 2017 | Vol. 03 No. 14
UWS Criminal Justice Reformer Takes on Mayor from the Left BY NATHAN RILEY Despite continued criticism of Bill de Blasio from police unions and other law and order advocates — his skipping the July 8 South Bronx vigil for slain Police Officer Miosotis Familia because of his presence at G20 Summit protests in Hamburg being only the most recent occasion — disappointment on the left over the mayor not moving more aggressively on criminal justice reform is animating one candidate who hopes to challenge him in the September 12 Democratic primary. Upper West Side reformer Bob Gangi is mounting a deeply personal — though likely quixotic — campaign against the incumbent over policing issues. Having spent a lifetime in criminal justice reform, Gangi said his doubts about the mayor began when he appointed Bill Bratton as his police commissioner shortly after his 2013 election. It was Bratton’s second time at the helm of the NYPD; his first was with Mayor Rudy Giuliani and marked the beginning of the “stop and frisk” era in New York policing. Gangi, 73, is not shy about offering his opinions, and central to his outlook is the view that the constant questioning of youth of color amounts to aggression against the community. He pledges an administration that would redress the past wrongs
of such heavy-handed law enforcement. In a typical fiery outburst recently emailed to his supporters, Gangi wrote, “END ABUSIVE & DISCRIMINATORY POLICING — ** On DAY 1, I will send a directive to the city’s police chief to immediately dismiss all the officers whose reckless & irresponsible actions led directly to Eric Garner’s death.” He also promised to immediately order the NYPD to end the “quota system” that drives many officers to cite people for minor offenses. Acknowledging the likelihood of police resistance to his reform efforts, Gangi said he would enforce his directive by monitoring the arraignments in city courts to determine who is being arrested and for what offenses. He has called for “summarily dismissing” any officers who makes arrests for offenses like marijuana possession, open containers, and loitering for the purposes of prostitution. Summarizing what his election would mean, Gangi said it would reflect nothing less than that “the days when the NYPD inflicted harm & hardship on vulnerable New Yorkers are over.” Gangi is, to be sure, no novice when it comes to law enforcement issues. For 29 years, he ran the BOB GANGI continued on p. 4