The Villager

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The Paper of Record for Greenwich Village, East Village, Lower East Side, Soho, Union Square, Chinatown and Noho, Since 1933

July 27, 2017 • $1.00 Volume 87 • Number 30





Survey says? C.B. 2 to release online poll on future of Pier 40 BY LINCOLN ANDERSON


o far, a series of meetings by a Community Board 2 working group focusing on Pier 40 have not exactly been going gangbusters in terms of drawing crowds of local residents. To solicit more ideas and concerns about the planned redevelopment of the sprawl-

ing W. Houston St. pier, C.B. 2 now will be sending out an e-survey. Tobi Bergman, chairperson of the board’s ad hoc Future of Pier 40 Working Group, said the survey will be going out next week. Few details were available at press time about the survey’s actual contents or exactly PIER40 continued on p. 6

Silver seeks Supreme solution: Lawyers say case vs. him weaker BY MARY REINHOLZ


heldon Silver, the once-powerful New York State Assembly speaker turned criminal defendant, still shows he has the savvy of a street-smart power broker. He wants his lawyers to get him a hearing before the U.S. Supreme Court in the aftermath of a July 13 decision

by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit tossing his conviction on corruption charges. The Associated Press reported late last week that Silver defense attorney Steven Molo has notified the three-judge appellate panel in Manhattan of his plan to request a SCOTUS reSILVER continued on p. 4


Beating the heat in Washington Square Park with some help from an umbrella, hats and the cooling mist of the fountain. For more photos, see Page 5.

Trust in Pier55 parley as new lawsuit is filed BY LINCOLN ANDERSON


ast Friday, The City Club of New York and two of its members who are leading waterfront activists — Tom Fox and Rob Buchanan — filed a new lawsuit in federal court against Barry Diller’s ambitious $250 million Pier55 project on the Greenwich Village waterfront. This Monday, the plaintiffs met with representatives of

media mogul Diller and the Hudson River Park Trust to see if a solution can be worked out under which the high-profile “arts pier” can proceed. As envisioned by its supporters, Pier55 would sit offshore at W. 13th St. and be connected to the mainland by two narrow pedestrian bridges. The 2.7-acre pier would sport an undulating, foliage-covered landscape, plus three performance spaces that would host

numerous performances that would be a mix of free and ticketed. In what would be a gift to a public park of historic proportions, Diller would fund most of the project’s construction cost, plus program the pier’s performance spaces and fund the pier’s ongoing maintenance through a nonprofit group, Pier55 Inc. The project’s supporters laud Pier55 as an opportunity PIER55 continued on p. 8

Arthur Stoliar, 90, first C.B. 2 chairperson ...... p. 10 Sal Albanese says, ‘Restore our democracy’.. . p. 13 ‘Heavy metal’ photographer .. p. 18

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