The Villager

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The Paper of Record for Greenwich h Village, Vii ll V ll a ag g e, e , East E as a s t Vi V Village, llage, Lower East S Side, Chinatown Soho, Union Square, Chi i n at ina in a t ow ato o w n and an a n d Noho, No N o ho h , Since 1933

February 2, 2017 • $1.00 Volume 87 • Number ber 5





Explaining the hate: Pol’s film forum looks at rise of the alt-right BY LINCOLN ANDERSON


ate is frighteningly in the air these days. Not surprisingly, it was also on the marquee in big bright blue letters on the SVA Theatre in Chelsea last Sunday afternoon. So was Brad Hoylman’s name. But Hoylman is not a hater. Rather, he is trying to

help people find some answers to what is fuelingg — at least in ess that is curpart — the craziness ur country. rently gripping our More than 300 people turned rd St. theater out at the W. 23rd for a screening off a documentary looking at thee roots of hate crimes, followed by a panel discussion about thee “alt-right” at HATE continued ontinued on p. p. 4

Nadler and Velazquez rush to the rescue of refugees at J.F.K. BY LINCOLN ANDERSON


ongressmembers Jerrold Nadler and Nydia Velazquez were among the fi rst politicians to rush to the airport Saturday morning to deal with the fallout from President Donald Trump’s executive order barring refugees and people from certain Muslim countries from entry into the U.S. After news broke that deplaning passengers were being detained, the two sped together to J.F.K. They

helped secure the release of two Iraqi refugees, Hameed Khalid Darweesh and Haider Alshawi. Darweesh worked with American forces in Iraq as a translator. Alshawi had been granted a visa to join his wife and child in Houston. Nadler said he and Velazquez mainly assisted lawyers in dealing with U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers so they could get access to the two men. “Because Nydia and I got BAN continued on p. 5


Senator Chuck Schumber decried Donald Trump’s immigration ban at a massive rally at The Batter y on Sunday. See Page 26.

Fighting Trump with love in Tompkins Square Park BY SAR AH FERGUSON


ove trumped hate in Tompkins Square Park on Monday evening, as nearly 1,000 people braved the cold to protest the Trump administration’s new sweeping rules targeting Muslims, undocumented immigrants


and refugees. The “Rally Against Hate” was called by Councilmember Rosie Mendez, who said she felt it was important to mobilize in the East Village and Lower East Side — a neighborhood that has been a gateway to immigrants and cauldron of dissent since the 1800s.

“No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here!” she shouted, leading the crowd in chants. Mendez was joined by Lower Manhattan Councilmember Margaret Chin, who led chants in English, Spanish and Chinese. LOVE continued on p. 12


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