Ahoy Sailing Australia-South Pacific-September 2023

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S AILING NEWS AUSTRALIA & THESOUTHPACIFIC ©Copyright 2023 Down Under Rally Pty Ltd AHOY Sailing News is published and distributed electronically via the world wide web. Original editorial content & advertisements in this newsletter are copyrighted and the exclusive property of Down Under Rally Pty Ltd. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the Down Under Rally Pty Ltd. The comments and views in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Down Under Rally Pty Ltd. Published by Down Under Rally Pty Ltd To submit an article or to enquire about advertising, contact John Hembrow Email: admin@downunderrally.com Website: downunderrally.com IN THE SEPTEMBER AHOY Members Prize Draw Winner The Land That Time Forgot - Part 1 - Tanna Port Resolution Yacht Club - History & Future 2023/24 Tropical Cyclone Outlook SW Pacific Stella Marine Acquires Australian Davits & Cranes Chesterfield Reef - Still Closed to Visitation? Get Out Of The Rode - Encounter with a Manta Ray Destination Down Under Bundaberg Port Marina - Cyclone & Insurance Info Sailing To & Cruising Queensland, Australia Members Marketplace Marine Business Directory 6 7 21 28 29 32 36 40 48 57 81 84 U P D A T
TO AUSTRALIA Ports of Entry | Passage Planning | Pre & Post Arrival Formalities Customs and Biosecurity Inspections | Cyclone Season & Vessel Storage options East Coast Cruising info | Question and Answer Session WHAT INFO WILL BE SHARED? WHO IS INVITED? The captain and first mate of all vessels that are interested in visiting Australia 11TH OCTOBER 2023 | PORT MOSELLE | NEW CALEDONIA | 15:00-17:00 JOIN US AFTERWARDS FOR A SUNDOWNER COMPLIMENTS OF SCARBOROUGH MARINA!* RSVP AT: NUMBERS LIMITED- RSVP REQUIRED www.downunderrally.com/sailing-to-australia-info OR SCAN THE QR CODE.

Each month the Down

Under Rally draws the name of one of our members as the winner of the member's prize draw.

The winner chooses any item from the woman's or men's range of PredictWind Clothing plus a PredictWind Cap. predictwind.com/clothing-shop

MembersPrizeDraw Congratulations... Susan R - Member Number 619. You are this month's winner of the PredictWind Down Under Rally Members Prize Draw.
BECOME A MEMBER FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN downunderrally.com/membership

Part 1 -

“Aswesailtowardtheocean Wewillsoonbeouttosea Wherethewavescreatethemotion Andoursailboatsarefree. Allowthewindtotakeyou beyondthehorizon'ssight Andmarvelatthestars Aswesailthroughthenight. Whenthemorningdawns Anewlandawaitsthee Alandthattimeforgot Wherenewadventuresbe.” JohnHembrow,August2023 The Land That Time Forgot…

After a weather-related delay, the 2023 NC2V Rally fleet of 20 yachts departed New Caledonia for the 240nm passage to Tanna, Vanuatu, on the 7th of August. As we departed, I shared the poem on the previous page with the participants during the morning radio sched.

2023 NC2V

Having spent almost 3 months cruising the relatively sheltered waters of New Caledonia, a few of the participants were reminded that ocean passage-making could be a somewhat less comfortable experience, with seasickness once again challenging many of the crew.

Fortunately for those who were affected, the passage was a short one, and they were soon swinging calmly at anchor at Port Resolution Tanna with their Q Flags aloft and ready to complete the arrival formalities.

Rally fleet approaching the Loyalty Islands en route to Tanna. NC2V Rally participant s.v Vamp en route from New Caledonia to Tanna, Vanuatu

For those planning to visit Vanuatu, it is worth pointing out that Port Resolution is not an approved port of entry. Permission must be obtained in writing by the Vanuatu authorities in order to make Port Resolution your first Vanuatu port of call. See this page of the Down Under Rally website for more information about applying for permission to enter Vanuatu at Port Resolution.

Soon after our arrival and before we went ashore to complete the arrival formalities, members of the Port Resolution community gave a welcome we will not soon forget. The sound of a conch shell being blown, which is often used to alert the community that strangers have arrived, echoed around the harbour as men from the village paddled out in their traditional dug-out canoes to welcome the fleet. Each boat was circled, and the crew greeted in what was a very memorable experience and one many more to come.

Tanna as seen on approach from the SW Entering Port Resolution Harbour

As our welcome party departed, the officials radioed to confirm they had arrived from Lenakal, which is the official port of entry on the other side of the island, about a 3-hour drive away and were ready for us to come ashore for clearance.

Werry and Stanley of the Port Resolution Yacht Club had a table and chairs set up in what is the temporary structure that currently replaces the clubhouse, which was totally destroyed during the cyclones that hit Tanna in February of this year.

Having emailed our completed paperwork in advance, all 20 yachts and their 52 crew members completed the arrival formalities in just under 3 hours. We are very grateful to the team members from Vanuatu Customs, Immigration & Health Services for their assistance and cooperation.

Day 2 at Tanna started with the handover of 1000 Days for Girls Kits. Before we departed Australia in May, the Down Under Rally reached out to Robyn Payens, the Queensland Coordinator of Days for Girls Australia Limited and offered to have our rally participants deliver these kits from Australia to Tanna on behalf of Days For Girls Australia.

Bridging Health Vanuatu representatives from Tanna, Rosalyn, and Harry met with us and gratefully received the kits, which will be distributed over the coming weeks.

After we delivered the kits, it was back to the boats to prepare for an adventure-packed afternoon and evening! First up was the task of loading 48 people into 4 vehicles!

The adventure began with a very bumpy but fun ride to our first stop for a Kastom Black Magic Demonstration. This was an incredible experience from beginning to end...

We continued to our next and most anticipated destination, Mt Yasur. After another bumpy ride, we arrived at the relatively new Mt Yasur Volcano visitor centre, where we received our safety briefing before continuing to the base of the volcano.

We had arranged for five vehicles to pick us up and return us to the Port Resolution yacht club, but one didn`t show up, so we were pleased to find the missing vehicle waiting for us at the visitor centre. The trip home would be a little more comfortable...

Mt Yasur Visitor Centre One of the 4WD`s that transported us Climbing to the rim Standing on the rim Spectacular & Scary NC2V Rally participants arriving at the base of Mt Yasur

Standing on the rim of an active volcano with no barriers between you and the wall that plummets to the steaming, smoking, boiling lava in the crater is nothing short of incredible. On our visit, the wind was gusting at around 30-40 knots from behind, which made the experience all the more intimidating. This is not an experience for the faint of heart. As you will see in the video below, one slip and it is all over...

For many, this was a bucket list moment many years in the planning. For us, the Down Under Rally organisers, despite having visited Mt Yasur on previous occasions, it truly was a privilege to be there and share the moment. The ride home was a little more comfortable thanks to the extra vehicle showing up at the visitor centre, and despite some light rain on the way and not getting back to Port Resolution until early in the evening, everyone seemed to be in high spirits as we made our way to our tenders and returned to our boats having made many new memories...

The glow from Mt Yasur as seen from the anchorage at Port Resolution when we returned. The lights in the foreground are our vessels.

The next morning, the collective waterline of the fleet was rising, having already unloaded a lot cargo in the form of 1000 Days For Girls Kits, but there was still more to come. Our tenders were loaded up again, this time with school supplies as well as a few fun items, and we headed ashore, where we were met by the children from the school who were eager to help secure our tenders and carry the many boxes and bags of school supplies and other gifts the participants had brought with them from Australia.

The majority of the items we brought were chosen as a response to correspondence over a period of months prior to our departing Australia between the Down Under Rally and Stuart, the deputy headmaster of the school. The Down Under Rally then created and shared a list of items with the rally participants who went about purchasing the items needed. The generosity of our participants was overwhelming, as was the appreciation we were shown by the children and their teachers you will see in the video below.

“The next morning, the collective waterline of the fleet was rising, having already unloaded a lot of cargo in the form of 1000 Days For Girls Kits, but there was still more to come”

With our delivery of school supplies complete, it was time to take a guided tour of the Port Resolution village and learn about the ‘Kastom’ way of life. This was a humbling and inspirational experience. The lack of what many of us would consider ‘necessities’ and the abundance of smiling happy faces, along with the overwhelming sense of a people who seemed content despite their homes, gardens and meagre possessions being destroyed or seriously damaged by not one but two categories four cyclones just a few months prior left many of us asking ourselves who really are the lucky ones...

“The lack of what many of us would

consider ‘necessities’ and the abundance of smiling happy faces, along with the overwhelming sense of a people who seemed content despite their homes, gardens and meagre possessions being destroyed or seriously damaged by not one but two categories four cyclones just a few months prior left many of us asking ourselves who really are the lucky ones...”

During the Kastom way of life village tour, we witnessed the preparations of the food and the decorations for the last of our events. Even the plates our food would be served on were created by hand from palm fronds.

We headed back to the boats for a bite of lunch before raising those waterlines a little more by unloading the gifts we would give the community before the much-anticipated traditional feast.

Once again, the children and young men and women of the community met us at the beach and helped us unload our tenders and carry the gifts to the location that had been chosen by the community for the ceremony & feast.

Included in the gifts were 108 of the 132 Portable Solar Lights the Down Under Rally had purchased from Luci Lights Australia with the funds donated by the cruising community during our Lights For Vanuatu Project earlier in the year.

The gifts included essential staples such as rice, flour, sugar, milk powder, cooking oil, soap for both personal hygiene and washing clothes, cotton fabric, sewing needles and thread, fishing equipment, masks/snorkels/fins, rope, basic hand tools like wood saws, hacksaws & blades, pliers, wire cutters, sharpening stones as well some not so essential but none the less valued items like guitar strings.

As a result of the cyclones earlier in the year, we were told that a chainsaw would be a very useful item. We passed this information on to our participants, one of whom went out and bought a brand new Stihl MS 145 chainsaw along with oil and a maintenance kit, including spare chains, before we left Australia. Lessons on the safe use and care of the saw were provided the following day.

This was an afternoon of joy and sharing that will forever hold special memories for our NC2V Rally participants and the very special people who call Port Resolution home.

Our final day at Tanna was spent exploring with a few participants doing some snorkelling, and others taking a walk to the white beach on the opposite side of the village taking time to play with the kids along the way.

In the October AHOY, our adventures in ‘The Land That Time Forgot.’ continue with... Part 2 - Erromango & Efate

s v Pneuma
Departing Tanna, Mt Yasur Volcano in the background

When we visited Port Resolution in August 2023 and witnessed the damage caused by not one but two cyclones that impacted Tanna Vanuatu over a period of less than one week in February, we were deeply saddened by the extent of the loss and the hardships the community of Port Resolution have suffered.

Resolution Harbour Tanna Vanuatu 2023 Image Credit s v Aquacadabra TRACK THE FLEET
Course Content includes detailed information about: Safety Gear |Rigging |Sails |Anchors & Anchoring|Watermakers | Battery Systems|Electronics|Autopilots & Emergency Steering Systems|Fuel systems|Navigation|Charts|Sea Survival|Watch keeping & Safety Protocols|Personal EPIRBS & MOB devices|Seasickness|Log Keeping|Medical Kits & Medicines|Insurance|Communicating Aboard|Offshore Communications Methods including Satellite, VHF & SSB|Passage Planning & Management|Provisioning|Cruising Guides & Reference Books & MUCH MORE Learn at your Own Pace! - 10 easy to watch 1 hour sessions. L N FREE FOR DOWN UNDER RALLY MEMBERS LEARN MORE HERE

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It's that time of the year when many cruising yachts are deciding where in the SW Pacific they will spend the cyclone season.

The Long-Range Tropical Cyclone Outlooks for the Southwest Pacific (TCO-SP) is a useful tool for this purpose and can be found viewed at www.tcoutlook.com/swpacific

At the website, you can view both the TC Counts Map and the Probability Map and download the detailed outlook.

When you visit, you can subscribe to receive email updates straight to your inbox.



“WearethrilledtobringAustralian Davits&Cranesproductrangeunderour brandandwelcomeJohnBerg(Owner andFounderofADC)andhisteaminto theStellafamily.

“Thisstrategicacquisitionnotonly strengthensourmarketpositionbutalso alignsperfectlywithourcommitmentto deliveringengineeredexcellencein marinesolutions.Theproductrangeof ADCisanaturalfitforStellaandby joiningforces,weaimtocreateeven morevalueforourcustomersanddrive innovationintheindustry.”


Overthepast30years,AustralianDavits& Craneshasearnedareputationfor manufacturingreliableandhigh-quality marineequipment.Thetwocompaniesshare corevaluesofintegrity,innovationand customersatisfaction.

Stellaplanstocontinuemanufacturingthe entirerangeofDavits,CranesandHydraulic SwimPlatformsthatADCcurrentlyoffers andwillalsobelookingtofurtherdevelop therangeofqualityequipment.


More features with the DataHub 2.0

PredictWind,theworldleaderinmarineforecasting,introducestheupdatedDataHub, showcasingitscommitmenttoprovidingmarinerswithmore. Morefeatures,moreconnectivity,increasedsafety.

EnhancedGPSTracking: Whenitcomestooffshoresafety,detailcounts.TheDataHubuses high-qualityGPSdata,ensuringthatmarinersreceivethemostpreciselocationdetails,no matterwheretheyareintheworld.

AIPolarsInnovation: HarnessthefuturewithAIPolars.Bycapturingreal-timesailingdataand amalgamatingitwithahydrodynamicboatmodelandwaveforecastdeliveredbytheDataHub, sailorsgethighlyaccuratepolarsthatreflecttheirsailingstyleandyacht,givingbetterweather routing.

AdvancedAnchorAlertApp:Moresecuritymeanslessworry.WiththeAnchorAlertApp developedbyPredictWindandtheforthcomingintegrationwiththeDataHub,youcanmonitor essentialboatanchoragemetricsinreal-timeandreceiveinstantnotificationsofanysignificant changesorpotentialdangersforyourboat.

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OptimizedPredictChat: efficient.EngageinWhatsAppandSMSmessagingwithoutthetypicaldatadrain,makingchats datafriendly.

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“PredictWind's DataHub isn't just a product. It's a commitment to give sailors more in their marine communications experience. In an ever-evolving marine landscape, PredictWind is pushing outthe benchmark once again.”


Chesterfield Reef Still Closed To Visitation?

Chesterfield Reef is located about half way between Santo in Vanuatu and Bundaberg in Queensland in the Coral Sea.

The passage distance from Santo to Bundaberg is approximately 1000nm, which for the average cruising yacht means a voyage of around 7-8 days. As we know, the accuracy of the weather forecasts tends to be unreliable for more than about 3- 4 days from the time it was generated, meaning that it is possible to find yourself in unfavourable conditions as the voyage progresses. When choosing a weather window, there are ways to mitigate the likelihood of encountering bad weather during the latter part of the voyage, but having the option to stop halfway if your updated forecast suggests it would be prudent to do so is comforting. For many years, Chesterfield Reef was one such place.

Image Credit Sailing No Regrets

Inrecentyears(priorto2020),permissionwasrequiredtobeobtainedfromtheNewCaledonia authoritiestovisitChesterfieldReef,asitformspartofaprotectedmarineenvironmentthatis governedbyFrance.Myunderstandingisthattheprimaryreasonthatpermissionwasrequired wastoensurethatthosewhovisitedweremadeawareoftheimportanceandthefragilityofthe environmentandhowcertainactivitiescouldseriouslydisruptorevendestroytheecosystemof thefloraandfaunaintheareaandhavethemagreetocertainvisitationrules.Formepersonally, thiswasnoproblemandmostcruisingyachtiesIknowfeelthesameway.Sadly,however,Iwas informedthatnoteveryoneappliedforpermission,andtherewasevidenceofdamagetoboth thefloraandfaunaoftheareathatwasbelievedtobecausedbyvisitors.

In2020,theclosureofbordersandthesubsequentreductioninvesselmovementsmeantthat veryfewapplicationstovisitweresubmittedbetween2020and2022.Earlyin2022,asborders begantoreopenandplanswereonceagainbeingmade,IwasinformedbytheNewCaledonia authoritiesthatChesterfieldReefwasclosedtoallvisitationandwouldremainsoforatleastthe durationof2022.IwasalsoinformedtocheckbackwiththeminMay2023foranupdate,whichI did,onlytolearnthattheareawastoremainclosedtovisitationindefinitely,butapplicationsto visitcouldbesubmittedandmaybeconsideredonacase-by-casebasis.

SinceMay,Ihavebeentoldbytheownersofseveralyachtswhohaveappliedforpermissionthat theyverypromptlyreceivedwhatwouldappeartobeaveryimpersonalandstandardisedrefusal, Tomyknowledge,noapplicationsthathavebeenlodgedthisyearhavebeenapproved.

Itismybeliefthatthisapproachtoprotectionmaywellhavetheoppositeeffectandthatthere willbemorepeoplewhovisitwithouthavingthebenefitofthepreviouslysuppliedinformationfor visitorsthatwasdesignedtoprotectthefloraandfauna. Ifyoufeelthesameway,Iencourageyou tovisitthe ParcNaturelMerdeCorailWebsite tolearnmoreaboutthemarineandshareyour thoughtsusingtheformonthe contactuspage.

For more information or to make an application to visit go to www.downunderrally.com/chesterfield-reef

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You’re loving your boat. And why not … it’s been designed with days of fun and leisure in mind. But, like many boats, it may not be designed with a good night’s sleep in mind. A comfortable bed is treated as an afterthought, and mattresses are often a thin slab of hard foam lazily shaped to a plywood base. Sadly, this comes with a low level of comfort and creates problems with condensation and mould.

Now, there’s a mattress system that changes all that...

The unique Flexima® mattress has been purpose designed to provide the level of comfort you enjoy in your home …on your boat, promoting the ‘deep restorative sleep’ you crave and deserve on the water.

Never have an uncomfortable night’s sleep on your boat again!

Designed for comfort...

The Flexima® mattresses use a patented synthetic inner sprung system to support your body and relieve your spine It is guaranteed for 10 years and cannot corrode or rust like traditional mattresses

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All Flexima® mattresses come with removable, washable Tencel® covers Tencel® feels cool, dry and soft against your skin It is hypoallergenic, moisture wicking and resists mould and bacteria too

Designed to be a perfect fit... The custom-made nature of Flexima® Mattress means you’re not trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

Our mattresses are hand tailored to snugly fit the unique bedding shape found on your boat. We can fit to curves, angles, mitres and make multi-piece mattresses. We can make a mattress to suit your particular bed … deep enough to provide extraordinary comfort yet thin enough to provide optimal headroom.

Flexima® mattresses are individually manufactured to a firmness that suits you … as soft or as firm as you like.

Our Flexima® mattresses are flexible. Unexpectedly easy to fold and conveniently transport through companionways and down staircases. Makes changing the sheets easy too. Air and freshen your Flexima® mattress as often as you want. It is lightweight and easy to move using the carry handles fitted along the sides.

Designed for the planet...

The Flexima® Sleeping System is made on the only planet we have

Our springs are made from high-tech synthetic materials with no plasticizers and can be fully recycled at the end of their life

Our covers are made from Tencel® – one of the world’s most environmentally friendly and sustainable fabrics

All components of a Flexima® mattress are certified to OEKOTEX 100 standard - no harmful substances

Flexima® mattresses are handmade here in Australia, so our carbon footprint through transport and distribution is minimised

We create your custom made mattress in only 3-4 weeks

Down Under Rally Members Offer.*

Receive a complimentary Tencel fitted sheet set (fitted sheet, top sheet and 2 pillowcases) valued at $380 when you purchase your new Flexima® mattress from Eco Marine Bedding.

*Down Under Rally Membership must be current at the time of placing your order

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Get Out Of The Rode!

Whileenjoyinganotherbeautifuldayanchorednearthe spectacularJokinCliffsontheislandofLifouintheLoyalty Islands,NewCaledonia,wehadaverystrangeencounterwith alargemantaray.

IwasbusyonlineinthesaloonofSandDallor,ourStFrancis44 MKII(now47’)catamarantryingtosourceapartforaSCUBA compressorwhenIheardourcruisingcompanionJohnfrom Levitha callouttome.Heproceededtopaddleuptothesugar scoopsof SandDallor tochatwhilstAnita(SandDallor's first mate)wasenjoyingswimmingamongsttherichcoralreefjust 50metersaway.

Whilewewerechatting,Johnpointedoutaverylargemantaraynear SandDallor.Nosoonerhadhe donesothat SandDallor seemedtogetunderwayonherown.HavingabriefflashbacktoaYouTube videoaboutawhalebeingcaughtintheanchorchainofthetrimaran HotSauce whilstatanchorina bayinMexicoandsubsequentlytaking HotSauce foranunplannedrideinthemiddleofthenight.

Thememoryofthisvideospurredmydecisiontograbthewirelesswindlasscontrolatthehelm whilerunninguptothebowstoseewhatwasgoingon,soIguessmymemoryoftheencounter Hot Sauce sharedpartiallypreparedmeforwhatIsawnext,averylargemantaray,three-quartersof thewidthofour4m(13’)trampoline,twistingandtryingtodivedeepertofreeitselffromthe“V”of ouranchorbridle.

Theunluckycreaturehadmanagedtohookitshorn-shapedfin(cephalicfin)inthe“V”ofthebridle, somethingthatcouldberemediedquicklyifitcouldswimbackwardsorpointitsheadvertically whilesinkingdown.

Mr.orMrsManta,Iamnotsurewhich,wassostrongthatIcouldhearthebridallinesmoaningwith tensionasitkepttryingtofreeitself.Iimmediatelytriedtoreleasetheeyesplicesofthebridlefrom thebowcleatstheypassedthrough,buttherewastoomuchtension,promptinganewplanof action.Sincethemantawaswrappedaroundthebridleandnowthechain,Ithoughttomyself, “Whynotraisetheanchorchainsothemantawillbeforcedtogovertical,andtheropeandchain willslideoffhishorn”.

Ittookseveralattempts,withthewindlassstrugglingtoliftthemassivefish.Oncethetensionofthe bridlelineswasless,Imanagedtoloosenbotheyesplicesandsetabouttryingtountanglethe manta,butthebridalandchainwerewoundtootightagainsthishorn.Iraninthewindlassonelast timeandmanagedtobringthemanta’shornoutofthewater.Themantarespondedbyswimming backwardtoreleaseitselffromtheentanglement.

Jokin Cliffs. Lifou Island, New Caledonia Image Source

While I was up on the bow trying to release the manta, John tied up his kayak to SandDallor and joined me on deck to assist. Anita also became aware there was an issue aboard SandDallor and started swimming as fast as she could towards the boat to see if she could help. Once Anita arrived at the boat, she noticed the manta ray and used her underwater camera to take some video footage and images of it while at the same trying to swim away from SandDallor, which was now moving backwards & toward her.

JohnandIstoodonthebowinamazementaswewatchedthemantafreeitselfandthenswiminto thechainagain.Asitcircled,ittilteditsbigbodyandusedoneofitswingstosplashwateratusin whatseemedtoustobeastatementsimilarto,“Youshouldnothaveputthisinmyway”,or somethingthatIcouldnottypeheresincethisisafamily-friendlyarticle…

Despitethemantahavingleftus,theexcitementwasnotyetover. Priortotheencounter,wehad beenatanchorfortwodaysprior,andthewindhadshifted150degrees,thusnowplacingour anchorchainbesidea1.5mbommiein15mofwater.Themanta’sefforttoreleasehimselffromthe entanglementresultedinpullingtheboatforwardandcompletingawraparoundthebaseofa mushroombommiethechainwaslyingnexttobeforetheincident. AfterSCUBAdivingonthe bommieanddeterminingthatthechainwaswrappedtootightlytoloosen,AnitaandIraisedthe chainwhilemaneuvering SandDallor aroundthebommieandre-anchoringinanotherlocation. Thebridlewasok,butithadblackslimealloverit,andtherubber“keeper”onmyMANTUSchain hookwasmissing(thankgoodnessforthecableties)

Epilogue:IwouldliketothankJohnforhelpingAnitaandme,hereinforcedwhatisknownbythose whocruise,andthatiscruisershelpeachotherout. Asfarasthemantaisconcerned,wedidnot seeanybloodorunusualswimmingafterthemantareleaseditself,soweassumeitisok.

Wehavehadmanyadventuresinouryearsofsailing,butnoneasuniqueaswhathappenedon thatJulyday.Itwouldbenicetobeabletosharea'lessonlearned'asaresultofthisexperience, buthowmanyboatshavehadtheiranchorbridleandchainentangledwithamantaray?

I’mguessingnotmany.Lookingintotheeyesofamantathatisjust1meterawaywasaunique experiencethatweshallrememberforalongtime.Ihopethenextencounterwehavewithoneof thesemagnificentcreaturesisalittlelessstressfulandthatweareinthewater,equippedwitha cameraandablejusttoobserveit.

TomandAnitahailfromthe UnitedStatesandcall Jacksonville,Floridahome

Theyhavebeensailingtogether for10yearsandcruisingsince July2020aboard SandDallor, their2000StFrancis44MKII (now47’)catamaran

Tom&Anitaarebothretired (TomUSNavyOfficer&Anita EventPlanningandFloristShop owner)andhavefiveadult daughtersand2grandchildren.



D O W N U N D E R !


Tranquilrivers,inlandwaterways,theiconic SydneyHarbour,theremoteandseldomvisited pristineatollsandreefsofQueenslandsCoralSea MarinePark,theworldheritagelistedGreat BarrierReef,the100magicmilesofthe WhitsundayIslands,thespectacularwilderness areasofTasmania,andtheKimberleyregionof WesternAustraliaexploringAustralia’svast coastlinebyyachtsoffersincrediblediversity.

Infact,ascruiserswhohaveexperiencedmuchof whatAustraliahastooffer,webelievethatnot visitingandspendingtimecruisinginAustralia wouldbeatravesty

ThatiswhytheDownUnderRallyencouragesand assistsmembersoftheinternationalcruising communitytosailtoAustraliaandexperienceall thatourLandDownUnderhastooffer.


A U S T R A L I A H A S I T A L L ! A S A C R U I S I N G D E S T I N A T I O N , A U S T R A L I A H A S I T A L L !
Sydney New South Wales
Kimberley Region, Northern Territory Sailing No Regrets Diamond Island Sea Marine Park Queensland
A U S T R A L I A H A S I T A L L !
Gold Coast Queensland Lady Musgrave Island, Queensland Great Keppel Island, Queensland Lizard Island, Queensland Ilika ,New South Wales Shoal Bay, Port Stephens, New South Wales Refuge Bay, Broken Bay, New South Wales
Manly, Sydney, New South Wales
A U S T R A L I A H A S I T A L L !
Royal Cruising Yacht Club Hobart Tasmania


Green dots on the map are the current location of the vessels that have registered as participants in the 2023 Go West Rally.


FIND OUT MORE AT W W W . D O W N U N D E R R A L L Y . C O M / G O - W E S T - R A L L Y

Sailing To Australia?



Our comprehensive guides provide you with everything you need to know about sailing to and arriving in Australia in easy-to-understand plain English.


LearnmoreaboutthebenefitsofjoiningtheGoWestRallyat: downunderrally.com/westrally-fee-benefits

Bundaberg Port Marina Cyclone and Insurance Information

BundabergPortMarina’smarinaandhardstandfacilityhasgainedareputationforitscost-effective maintenanceandrepairworkandsecurelongandshort-termdrystorage.

OurcycloneseasonusuallyrunsfromNovemberuntilMarch,andintheeventofacyclone,personal safetyisparamount.Flyingdebris,particularlyinthehardstandareas,maybelethal.

TohelpBundabergPortMarinaensurethesafetyofyou,yourvessel,property,andstaff,please readthishandbookcarefullysothatintheeventofacyclone,allpossiblecarecanbetakenwitha minimumoffuss,misunderstandingandconfusion.


TheBureauofMeteorology(BOM)providesnotificationofacyclonewatchorcyclonewarning. Communitiesunderatropicalcyclonewatchcanexpecttoexperiencegalesorstrongwindsfroma cycloneinoneortwodays.

ThisinformationiswidelybroadcastbyelectronicmediaandisalsoavailablefromtheBOMwebsite at www.bom.gov.au Uptodatecycloneadviceisalsoavailablebytelephoning1300659212.

Strongest Gust

Typical Effects

Damaging winds. Negligible house damage. Damage to some crops, trees and caravans Craft may drag moorings

Destructive winds. Minor house damage. Significant damage to signs, trees and caravans. Heavy damage to some crops. Risk of power failure Small craft may break moorings.

Very destructive winds. Some roof and structural damage. Some caravans destroyed Power failures likely (e g Clare, Olwyn)

Significant roofing loss and structural damage Many caravans destroyed and blown away Dangerous airborne debris Widespread power failures. (e.g. Tracy, Debbie, Lam)

Extremely dangerous with widespread destruction. (e.g. Vance, Marcia, Yasi)

1 Less than 125 km/h | 67.5 knots
2 125 - 164 km/h | 67.5 -88.5 knots
3 165 - 224 km/h | 89 - 121 knots
4 225 - 279 km/h | 121.5 - 151 kts
5 Exceeding 279 km/h | 151 knots

Bundaberg Port Marina

Cyclone and Insurance Information


History has shown that the Bundaberg region is in a low-risk location when it comes to the chances of a major cyclone impacting our area. The data below is taken directly from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology site. Since 1969, we have had 4 named systems pass within 50km, and all of these were Category 1 or less. (Catagory 1 = typical strongest gust of 125 km/h or 67.5 knots)




Bundaberg Port Marina

Cyclone and Insurance Information


It is vital that you ensure your contact details are always up to date with the hardstand office.

In the event of an impending cyclone or severe weather conditions, every effort will be made to contact absent vessel owners to inform them of the weather changes and any action that will be taken to ensure the vessels’ safety as well as the safety of property and staff. However, as time is usually vital in an emergency, this may not always be possible.

If conditions deteriorate, Bundaberg Port Marina staff can prevent owners from returning to their vessels. As personal safety is the priority, it is important that owners abide by the Manager's decisions and any directions given

To reduce wind impact on loose materials, clean up and secure any loose items on board vessels.

Ensure all deck gear, including life buoys, boat hooks, buckets, fishing gear and floats, have been removed and stored below.

Deflate and stow inflatable dinghies. Dinghies, if left on deck or in davits, should be cleaned out and securely lashed and bungs removed.

Ensure self-furling sails and covers have been removed, and if this is not possible, double wrap or tie these components in such a way that the wind cannot tease any ends out and allow flapping of gear.

Disconnect all power leads and water hoses and remove them to a secure location. Ensure all gas cylinders – including those on vessels – have been turned off at the cylinder.

Clean up and secure any loose items at ground level.

If there are boats not capable of going in the water, ensure all cradle stands, props, supports, turnbuckles and cyclone straps are tensioned.

Shut off power and disconnect all power leads from pillar boxes, roll up and store. Close and secure all waste oil units.

Ensure your mobile phones and any other handheld radios are fully charged. After vessels are evacuated and all other precautions taken, turn all power off.

In the event of a severe tropical cyclone and owners are present, hardstand vessels will be returned to the water while weather conditions permit. Owners wishing to move their vessels must do so before conditions deteriorate, as the Harbour Master may close the marina to all traffic. You are reminded that severe conditions make manoeuvring in the marina dangerous. Your actions may not only cause damage to your vessel but also to others and may cause injury or even loss of life.

Bundaberg Port Marina Cyclone and Insurance Information


Allvesselsinthehardstand/DryStorageareasaresecuredtocradlesandgroundwitha combinationof2500kglashingstrapsand900mmaxlespikesdrivenintothegroundtoprevent cradlesfrommoving.

Thepicturesbelowdemonstratetheprocessundertaken.Thesestrapsremainonthevesseluntil ownersreturnandthevesselismovedbacktothewater.

Formanyyears,BundabergPortMarinahasworkedwithnumerousinsurancecompaniesto satisfytheirriskprofile. Wecanprovideyouwithacopyofourcyclonepreparednessplan toassistyouinobtainingyourinsurer'sconsenttostoreyourvesselatourfacility.




TAKE A VIRTUAL TOUR "The most popular port of entry into Australia, Bundaberg Port Marina has been welcoming visitors from across the globe for decades" Bundaberg Port Marina 15-17 Marina Drive Port Bundaberg QLD 4670 AUSTRALIA P: (+61) 7 4159 5066 E: info@bundabergportmarina.com.au W: bundabergportmarina.com.au
DOWN UNDER RALLY MEMBERS LOCATED AT BUNDABERG PORT MARINA. PH: (07) 4159 4399 E: info@captainschandlery.com W: captainschandlery.com Our well-stocked family-owned, and operated ships chandlery has been helping cruising yachties for almost 20 years! Ask about Discounts For Down Under Rally Members

EastCoastMarina,ManlyBoatHarbour,Brisbane, Australiaoffer330securewaterberths, cateringforboatsupto18m.

AvarietyofpublictransportoptionsthatwilltakeyoudirectlytoBrisbaneCityandtheBrisbane InternationalAirportarewithinwalkingdistanceofthemarina

TheManlyVillageisonlyashortwalkaway,offeringagrocerystore,postoffice,newsagency, chemist,coffeeshops,restaurantsandmore. MarketsareonsomeSaturdaysandeverySunday.

Phone: +61 7 3393 3811

Located less than 10nm to the south of the Brisbane river mouth Manly Boat Harbour is the perfect base for visiting yachts and East Coast Marina has long been a favourite of the international yachting community. DOWN UNDER RALLY MEMBERS OFFER. *15% off casual marina berth rates

*subject to availability at time of booking and confirmation of current DUR membership
info@eastcoastmarina.com.au Location: Latitude…27º27.6′ S Longitude…153º11.2′E

Sailing to & Cruising

Queensland Australia with Laura & Dick.

Throughout our times in the Islands, we heard talk about how difficult it was to sail to Australia, that the entry procedures were tough and expensive, and that there were sharks, crocodiles, snakes, and stingers everywhere!

It was in Papeete, French Polynesia, where we first learned of the Down Under Rally.

Australia was high on our list of places to visit, and joining the rally seemed like a good opportunity.

Truth be told, the sail to New Zealand from Tonga was a longer and more difficult passage as it crossed several weather zones.

The passage from New Caledonia to Australia was shorter and was in a consistent tropical weather zone, making it an easier and more comfortable sail.

Image Credit: Laura Ritter

Once we were docked, a Customs crew knocked on Maia and asked us to step off the boat. Officers and a dog were waiting to board. Next, Biosecurity came aboard, inspected our lockers and cabinets and we were awarded our Certificate of Pratique, and told we could lower our Quarantine flag. Following was the Australian Border Force who completed the procedures.

We were granted a control permit for Maia, which allowed us to operate within Australian waters for up to three years before needing to import our vessel or depart Australia. We were also instructed to check in with the Border Force every three months. The officials were kind, efficient, and helpful.

"Our decision to join the Down Under Rally proved to be a good one".
Go West Rally Participants Bundaberg Port Marina 2019 Image Credit: bundabergnow com

We enjoyed the Down Under Rally Welcome Week with the enlightening lectures and fun social events.

The info sessions covered everything from “Straya” slang to basic weather, websites, apps, cruising guides, land touring and in-depth cruising information for sailing from Bundaberg to Cairns & beyond, and down to the Gold Coast, Sydney and Tasmania. The cruising seminars were informative with passage planning details, information for waypoints, anchorages, and points of interest.

Another highlight of the week was our kangaroo sightings!

We spied them in park areas near the adjacent small town of Burnett Heads and had several wonderful encounters.

Our first Kangaroos in the wild at Burnett Heads
Welcome Week - East Coast Cruising Seminars Welcome Week - East Coast Cruising Seminars
Image Credit: Laura Ritter Image Credit: Laura Ritter

ArrivingatEastCoastMarinanearBrisbaneinearlyDecember,webecamebusy livingthemarinalife,workingonboatprojects,andbeganexploringthelocalregion bytrain,busandonour“pushbikes”(bicycles)!

AsCovid-19spreadthroughouttheworld,lifeaswehadknownitquicklychanged. ThestateofQueenslandwentintolockdownonMarch15.

Q l d ld lf i l d i "h i h " d l f
Image Credit: Laura Ritter Image Credit: Laura Ritter

expansive coast of Queensland and tour the Great Barrier Reef!

We were grateful that we would get to discover much more of Oz than we anticipated. We explored the Coast from Brisbane to Townsville and back, making 70 stops along the way.

Within our first month we sailed from the “Brissy” area in Moreton Bay, over the Wide Bay Bar to Pelican Bay, up through The Great Sandy Strait to River Heads, then up the Mary River to Maryborough.

Maryborough is famous for Mary Poppins, as the author, PL Travers’ was born there. The rich history of the area engaged us as the Port of Maryborough was where nearly 21,000 migrants entered Australia from 1863 to the end of the century.

Mary Poppins Crosswalk Maryborough Queensland Image Credit: Laura Ritter Anchorage in the Mary River Maryborough Image Credit: Laura Ritter


wesawkookaburras,turtles,dugongs,dingoes,andsavoredthelovely KingfisherBayResort.

We then sailed across Hervey Bay, up the Burnett River, and anchored in the Bundaberg Town Reach. Being in the “middle” of town made it easy to walk and ride bikes around, checking out shops and cafes, prior to heading back down the river to wait out strong winds before starting our journey into the Great Barrier Reef!

It was an early morning departure from Bundaberg that made it possible to arrive at Pancake Creek on a rising tide. We were excited to be there and our mates invited us to join a group of Aussies for a bush walk up to Bustard Head lighthouse. Our local “guides” filled us in on history, flora, and fauna. As we were taking a picture of a big spider one of our mates asked…

“Do you know if that is a variety of Spider that jumps ?!!!” Whaaaat??….

Once we arrived at the lighthouse, we were told to make sure to walk to the other side d heck out the amazing view. It was spectacular!

Kingfisher Bay Image Credit vactaiontravels com Wild dingo on the beach Frazer Island Image Credit Laura Ritter Bustard Head Lighthouse Image Credit Down Under Rally Historical Cemetery Image Credit Down Under Rally Taking in 'The view from the other side Image Credit Down Under Rally Blue Tiger Butterfly Image Credit Laura Ritter

Keen to experience as much of the East coast as possible we decided to make many stops on our way North, visiting islands and hiding out in rivers and marinas when the wind was strong. We had a favourable stay at Gladstone Marina, (possibly the most affordable marina in the Great Barrier Reef). We enjoyed riding our push bikes to get around the hilly town & discovered a circuitous route to the grocery stores to purchase additional provisions.

By the end of July, we had sailed North of the Tropic of Capricorn and had arrived at Great Keppel Island (GKI) with its beautiful sandy beaches and tropical water. There are anchorages on most sides of the island, so while we were there, we found ourselves closely watching the wind and being ready to pull up anchor if necessary, to relocate. After experiencing both rolly and calm anchorages, spending time on the beach, hiking in the bush, exploring, and experiencing the resort life on the island, we sailed across to Great Keppel Bay Marina in Rosslyn Bay. From here we would be sailing into a more remote area, so we were thrilled to borrow the courtesy car to re-stock Maia. As such, we had a couple busy days reconnoitering the area, eating out in restaurants, provisioning (shopping for food and other necessary supplies), doing laundry, cleaning Maia inside and out, and refilling our water tanks

As we cruised north in the Great Barrier Reef it felt like we were actually on vacation, finally taking a real holiday!
Gladstone Marina Image Credit: Norm Walker Gladstone Parklands Image Credit: Gladstone Ports Limited Long Beach - Great Kepple Island Image Credit: Laura Ritter Wyndham Cove - Great Kepple Island Image Credit: Down Under Rally

It was warming up; we had reached 80 (26.66c) degrees. As we headed North, we made notable stops in Port Clinton, Pearl Bay,Hexham and Middle Percy Islands. We came across lovely anchorages, beautiful beaches, whales, dolphins, turtles, birds, butterflies, spiders and snakes!

Quietlysailingalongonearvo(afternoon),wehadanunexpectedencounter. Weheardawhalespout(soundofrushingair)andbeganlookingaround.

Next,weheardwhalecallscomingfromunderneathus!DickandIlookedateachother, wonderingwhatwashappening?Subsequentlyahumpbackpoppeduptwoboatlengthsbehind us,itwasbothexcitingandscary!Weheardmorewhalesoundsandthenthewhaleresurfaced behindusasecondtime.Whatabreathtakingandsurrealexperience.

Kayaking in Whites Bay Middle Percy Island Image Credit: Laura Ritter Curlew Island was a pretty stop before heading to Mackay Marina. Percy Island Yacht Club Image Credit: Norm Walker Curlew Island Image credit via IG : @sv chasingeden Image Credit: Down Under Rally

At Mackay Marina it was time to re-stock again and we found the town a goldmine of shops. A terrific camping store, health food store, along with Coles, Woolies and Big W, grateful to have our “push bikes” with racks to carry all our goodies back to the marina. It was a 40-minute ride each way and we were happy to have a bike path to ride on. At the marina, we re-filled our propane tank as well as Maia’s fuel tanks.

Sailing on to Shaw Island, we had arrived in the Whitsundays, the touristy part of the Great Barrier Reef. We were loving the scenery, we felt it to be a little alpine-like, reminding us of Northern California. We spent several windy days & nights in this comfortable anchorage. "Hamilton Island is a popular holiday destination, we loved our time on the island". We were impressed with the hiking trails, restaurants, access to the resort pools, grocery store (at the end of the dock), convenient laundry facilities, and up-close visits of Lorikeets and Parrots at Bob’s Bakery. Next stop was Airlie Beach, where we adored the Coral Sea Marina, with its awesome floating cruisers lounge, free courtesy Utes (small trucks), nearby shops, and restaurants.

Mackay Marina Image Credit: mackaymarina com Hamilton Island Marina Image Credit: hamiltonisland com au Approaching Airlie Beach Image Credit: Laura Ritter Lorikeet at Bobs Bakery Hamilton Island Image Credit: Laura Ritter

The following week we spent sailing up the coast, finding secure and picturesque anchorages. East Double Bay kept us sheltered from the winds. At Cape Gloucester we reconnected with cruisers we had met in Kingfisher Bay. We appreciated the beautiful Shark Bay near Cape Upstart but had a bumpy night anchoring inside of Cape Bowling Green. However, the next morning the tide had fallen, and we woke to a quiet, still, and gorgeous morning before pulling up anchor and motor-sailing into Townsville.

When we arrived at Townsville Yacht Club Marina, we were greeted by friends whom we had first met in the Marquesas, French Polynesia! It was wonderful to catch up, spend time together and get the low down on the area. We explored and found Townsville a large urban centre and a great locale to provision with a variety of stores and a Farmers Market every Sunday.

Laura escaped the boating life for a few days and took a peaceful train ride on Queensland Rail, North to Cairns. She stayed with friends in Port Douglas, they delighted in the wonders of nature as they took a couple of day trips to the Mossman Gorge and Cape Tribulation in DaintreeNational Park.

Mossman Gorge_Daintree National Park Image Credit: Queensland .com

Townsville Yacht Club Marina Image Credit: townsvilleyachtclub.com.au
Fungi in CapeTribulation Image Credit: Laura Ritter

Located about 6nm North of Townsville, Magnetic Island or 'Maggie' as the local say was a highlight for us.

The bus system made it so easy to move around the island. We spent five nights at the Horseshoe Bay anchorage even though it was rather bumpy and a couple nights in the Marina where we were able to hire a diver and had the bottom of Maia scrubbed.

Our favourite hiking was along the Fort track where we discovered a network of walkers spreading the word of where Koalas could be seen.

What a thrill to see a 'Mum & Bub' low down in the crook of a eucalyptus tree where we were able to observe them closely!

Magnetic Island - Florence Bay Image Credit: Nigel Longster
"Magnetic Island was top on our list of places to visit and we loved our time there".
"We delighted in the sights, sounds & island life on 'Maggie'.
Magnetic Island - Nelly Bay Image Credit: Nigel Longster Magnetic Island - Koalas Image Credit:Laura Ritter.

Returning to the Whitsundays with warm temperatures and clear water we found the snorkeling fantastic around Hook Island. As higher winds and rain were predicted we located a safe haven in Cid Harbour. Swimming was not permitted here as in the past several years there have been shark attacks in the anchorage! We enjoyed a couple hikes and hauled out the sewing machine to make necessary Genoa repairs and sewed a couple of accessories for Maia.

With a break in the South winds forecast, we took advantage of the light northerly winds and made a 30 hour motor sail to Island Head Creek. Surprisingly, we had 4G along the way.

The next forecast was predicting 6-7 days of strong south east winds, 10-25 knots with gusts in the 30’s. Island Head was the perfect hidey hole and we ended up in 4 different anchor spots. Moving deeper into the creek as the winds picked up, we ended up approximately 5 nautical miles upriver where the wind and current were less This was the place to be as we could see 5 boats anchored in the west arm around the corner from us. As the winds gusted outside, we sat safely inside the cabin of Maia. With little internet (just an occasional download of emails) we worked on a few projects, read, wrote, played games, and watched movies.

When the wind quieted a bit, we explored nearby in the dingy. It was fabulous to get off Maia after 4 days and visit with a few of the neighbours. The next day the wind had slowed to 10-15 knots so we decided to move back downstream. Once again we set off in the dinghy to explore some of the creek and the sand bars. It was marvelous to walk around and view the environs intimately

"All too soon October was upon us and it was time to begin our migration southward"
"We stopped at many familiar anchorages and marinas and discovered new ones
Maia at anchor Black Island Whitsundays National Park Image Credit: Laura Ritter Black_red feather star Hook Island Image Credit Lauara Ritter Genoa repair - Cid Harbour Image Credit: Laura Ritter Sand Flats Island Head Creek Image Credit Laura Ritter Sailing Whitsundays Image Credit Laura Ritter

Once the Northerly winds returned we continued our southern migration and after a couple of day sails and found ourselves back at Great Keppel Island (GKI)

Long Beach

Great Keppel Island

Image Credit: Down Under Rally

We explored the island, hung out with mates, enjoyed hiking, sundowners, paddling, swimming, yoga, and beach walks. While at GKI, we relished the beautiful calm days and were less keen with the stormy afternoons and evenings However, we saw amazing lightning storms and Maia received cleansing showers. As we were closing in on a fortnight in this paradise, we decided it was time to make our way further south. Pancake Creek here we come!

Beach BBQ`s & Sundowners

Great Keppel Island

Image Credit: Down Under Rally

Tropical Vibes Cafe

Great Keppel Island

Image Credit: Down Under Rally

Great Keppel Island Yoga

Image Credit: Yoga4Yachties.com


Great Keppel Island

Image Credit: Down Under Rally

Monkey Beach

Great Keppel Island

Image Credit: Down Under Rally

"Long Beach at Great Keppel Island became one of our favourite Aussie anchorages."

This time we had an exciting entrance into Pancake Creek with wind against tide, 12 metre swell on the starboard aft quarter, giving Maia an exciting lift into the entrance.

Our week here went by quickly as we engaged with old mates, met new ones, joined in on sundowners at the beach and the middle sandbar. On a calm day, at high tide, we ventured on a dingy excursion up to the mouth of Jenny Lind Creek, just having enough water to row through the shallows. We engaged in bush walks to Aircraft Beach, out towards Clew Point and across the low tide sand bar. When the winds picked up, we spent several days hanging aboard Maia.

We stayed longer than others watching the ebb and flow of Southbound boats in the anchorage go from 20 to 3!

Sunset Pancake Creek Image Credit: Nigel Longster Dingy Excursion to Jenny Lind Creek Image Credit: Vicki Witheford Sandbar Sundowner Image Credit Laura Walker Walking Tracks Pancake Creek Image Credit Down Under Rally Image Credit: Down Under Rally

Musgrave Island."

We had an amazing four days and it revolved around beautiful weather, snorkeling, rowing, swimming with turtles, visiting with mates, and more turtles. While snorkeling we wer shore we saw where mot

At night when we went to crawling up the beach, di

"It was so special sh

"As the winds calmed, we took advantage of the weather window to visit what become the highlight of our Southbound trip, Lady
Snorkelling the lagoon Lady Musgrave Island Image Credit: Laura Ritter Swimming with the Turtles at Lady Musgrave Island Image Credit: Laura Ritter Maia entering the Lagoon Lady Musgrave Island Image Credit: Laura Ritter

Continuing South, through the Great Sandy Strait, we timed our arrival well with the tide and a passable bar into Mooloolaba. We spent five wonderful days exploring and visiting with mates before sailing on to our new home in Scarborough Marina.

Having once again adjusted to marina life we are loving it here. We have found Scarborough Marina and the local & international cruising community based here to be welcoming, helpful, and friendly.

Dick & Laura departed our shores in June 2022 and are now back in the USA.

They have kept their PredictWind Tracking page updated with information about their voyage.


Scarborough Marina Redcliffe Peninsular Brisbane Image Credit: scarboroughmarina.com.au


Located ON Brisbane's Moreton Bay, Scarborough Marina provides visiting yachts with easy access to the many anchorages and the islands of Moreton Bay, including Moreton Island and the Tangalooma Wrecks. The City of Brisbane and the Brisbane international airport are only 40mins away, with Public Transport right at our door. The suburb of Scarborough is home to families and retirees who form part of the safe & friendly community. With the convenience of waterfront Cafes, Clubs & Restaurants plus major shopping centres and medical services nearby and our popular weekend farmers & craft markets, Scarborough really is a home away from home!

Recognised by the international cruising community as the preferred destination when visiting the Brisbane Region.

Safe Enclosed Harbour

Protected from swell & unaffected by flooding.

Clean, Modern & Well Maintained Facilities

Modern Cruisers Lounge with TV and free WIFI

Electronic gated Access, with 24 Hour CCTV Monitoring

24 Hour Fuel Wharf

Full-Service Boatyard with 35 Tonne Travelift

On-Site Chandlery

Tangalooma Anchorage
SCARBMARINA.COM.AU PH: +61 7 3880 0300 info@scarbmarina.com.au
CLICK HERE FOR AN EXCLUSIVE OFFER ON THE GUIDE FOR DOWN UNDER RALLY MEMBERS. www.downunderrally.com/cruising-the-queensland-coast-guide


The Down Under Rally & Bundaberg Port Marina are looking forward to hosting the 2023 Go West Rally Welcome Week!

As the name suggests, Welcome Week is all about welcoming the owners and crew of visiting international yachts to our Land Down Under. All Welcome Week events, including our informative Cruising The East Coast of Australia seminars, are FREE to attend for Go West Rally participants.


Go West Rally Participants


RSVP is required for all events. Events are subject to change at the discretion of the Down Under Rally organisers.


8.00 AM - 9.00 AM - YOGA4YACHTIES:


AllWelcome-BeginnersthroughtoExperiencedYogi’s-FREEtoattendforthecaptainandfirstmateofeach vesselthatisaregisteredrallyparticipant.$10.00ppforeveryoneelse.


WHERE: Bundaberg Port Marina Cruisers Cove

Confirm your registration to attend Welcome Week Events & Collect your Welcome Packs.


WHERE: Baltimore Restaurant Bundaberg Port Marina


6:30pm-10:00pm:LiveMusic ComplimentaryCanapesareservedthroughouttheevening

*The Welcome Down Under Cocktail Party is FREE to attend for the Captain & First Mate of each vessel that is a registered rally participant *Crew members & all others are welcome to attend however The ticket price is $40 00 pp



WHERE: Lighthouse Hotel

Surviving Down Under. A light-hearted presentation about the Aussie culture & way of life to help you understand us Aussies & make your time Down Under more enjoyable.

VHF Channels & Weather Down Under. What VHF Channel to monitor and use. Understanding the forecast areas, how, where and when to get forecasts. East Coast weather - what to watch out for!

East Coast Cruising Intro A brief introduction to cruising the East Coast of Australia


A detailed presentation on sailing route options and stopovers for the passage from Bundaberg to Southport.

5.00 PM - 8.00 PM - SUNDOWNERS & PUB GRUB!

WHERE: Lighthouse Hotel

5.00 pm - 6.00 pm: Sundowners at the Lighthouse Bar.

6 00 pm - 8 00 pm: Take your pick from the menu at the pub

*Drinks & ,meals are at your own expense.

*MAJOR PRIZE GIVEAWAY EVENTS: Rally Participants who attend any nominated major prize giveaway event will go into the draw to win a major prize. Limit of one major prize per registration Participants must be present at the event to claim the prize


RSVP is required for all events. Events are subject to change at the discretion of the Down Under Rally organisers.

Wednesday 1st November

8.00 AM - 9.00 AM -YOGA4YACHTIES


AllWelcome-BeginnersthroughtoExperiencedYogi’s-FREEtoattendforthecaptainandfirstmateofeach vesselthatisaregisteredrallyparticipant.$10.00ppforeveryoneelse.


WHERE: Lighthouse Hotel

Join us for an informative and detailed presentation on sailing route options and stopovers for the passage from Tweed Heads to Sydney.


WHERE:Lighthouse Hotel

Join us for an informative and detailed presentation on the sailing route options and stopovers for the passage from Bundaberg to far north Queensland

6:30 PM - 9:30 PM - OUTDOOR MOVIE & PIZZA NIGHT (Weather Permitting)

WHERE: Bundaberg Port Marina - Cruisers Cove

6.30 pm - 7:00 pm - Pizza Party

Place your Pizza Order at Baltimore Restaurant before 10:00 am Wednesday, 1st November. Pick up your Pizza between 6:00 & 6:30 pm and head over to cruisers cove. Bring a salad or dessert to share. BYO plates/cutlery etc. *Pizzas are at your own expense.

7:30pm - 9:30pm 'The Castle’

The Castle is one of the all-time favourite classic Aussie movies. During your time in Australia, sooner or later, someone will ask, "Have you seen The Castle " BYO, comfy chair, popcorn and beverages!




Join us for an informative presentation on route options and stopovers for the passage from Sydney to Tasmania


If you plan to do some ‘Land Cruising’ during your time in Australia, you will find this presentation interesting. We look at each of the states & territories, the different attractions they offer and what time of the year is best to travel


WHERE? Bundaberg Port Marina - Cruisers Cove

A tub of freshly cooked prawns, a couple of beers or a glass of wine will be waiting for the Captain and First Mate from each boat registered for the rally. (Compliments of the Down Under Rally and Bundaberg Port Marina). Make a meal of it and bring along a salad, side dish or dessert!

*Crew members & are welcome to attend - Ticket price is $40.00 pp

6:30 PM - 9:30 PM - "JAMMIN"

Bring your instruments and vocal cords to join in for a jam session with your fellow cruisers and maybe a few locals.


"full of necessary and otherwise hard-to-find information" s v Moondance 2022Go West Rally Participant

Free to attend for 2023 Go West Rally Participants

The information & local knowledge we share during these welcome week seminars makes sure that your time cruising in Australia will be memorable for all the right reasons.

LEARN MORE ABOUT WELCOME WEEK 2023 AT: downunderrally.com/welcome-week
*2003 Go West Rally Participants Only *Participants must be in attendance at the event to be included in the prize draws. *Maximum of One Major Prize per vessel PLUS MANY MORE MINOR PRIZES PREDICTWIND • Conditions Apply • Subject to Availability • Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer 12 MONTHS PRO SUBSCRIPTION CHANDLERY VOUCHER FREE LIFT + FREE WATERBLAST FREE LIFT + WATERBLAST + 5 DAYS FREE HARDSTAND 2 x VOUCHERS VALUED AT $250 valued at $700 EACH WIN ONE OF 5 CRUISING QUEENSLAND GUIDES TOTAL VALUE $450 2 x VOUCHERS HARDSTAND CREDIT Conditions Apply Subject to Availability Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer • Conditions Apply • Subject to Availability • Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer valued at $500 EACH valued at $1100 • Conditions Apply • Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer • Conditions Apply • Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer Conditions Apply Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer valued at $499 TOTAL PRIZE POOL VALUED AT OVER $5000.00 Here a just a few of the prizes that you could win when you join the Down Under ‘Go West’ Rally!* JOIN US FOR WELCOME WEEK TO WIN!
FEE FREE ENTRY INTO AUSTRALIA downunderrally.com/go-west-rally SCAN THE QR CODE. *Go Wesy ‘Bundy Rally Participants only conditions apply - see website for details PLUS DISCOUNTS ON MARINA FEES, BOATYARDS & MORE * REGISTER NOW
Members Marketplace DownUnderRallyMembersareinvitedtolisttheir*unwanteditemsforsaleinAHOY! Tolistyouritemoritemsinthemember'smarketplace: Emailphotos/description/price&contactinformationtoadmin@downunderrally.com FREEFORDOWNUNDERRALLYMEMBERS *Itemsofferedmustbeusedequipment/personalitemsrelatedtosailing&cruising-Noboatsforsalelistings,please(Tendersok) NAVIONICS+ELECTRONICCHARTS PacificIslands SDMSDCard Brandnew,stillsealedinoriginal packaging. AUD $220 (plus postage) Call Phil on 0439 0616 55 or email: taddp@me.com ISTECPARASAIL Orange&White Onetiny weeny repair SuitCatamaran14.3x 7.7(ish) REDUCEDNOW$6500 Call Debon+61407330305 (WhatsApp) Email:steve@ninas.com
youtube.com/c/DownUnderRally Videos about sailing to and cruising in Australia, Indonesia & the SW Pacific islands, including Fiji, New Caledonia & Vanuatu and more... FREE Cruising Guides downunderrally.com/cruising-guides-resources View & Download at
For Down Under Rally Member Discounts Visit: www.downunderrallymembers.com/partners Buisiness Directory
Buisiness Directory For Down Under Rally Member Discounts Visit: www.downunderrallymembers.com/partners
Buisiness Directory www.eastcoastmarina.com.au ManlyBoatHarbour,Brisbane. 330securewaterberths, cateringforboatsupto18m. For Down Under Rally Member Discounts Visit: www.downunderrallymembers.com/partners AvailableinprintoreBook
Buisiness Directory PH: 07 5537 7433 EMAIL: INFO@EVOLUTIONAUST.COM.AU W: DOWNUNDERRALLY.COM/SAILS/RIGGING ASKUSABOUT DOWNUNDERRALLY MEMBERDISCOUNTS SAILMAKINGEVOLVED For Down Under Rally Member Discounts Visit: www.downunderrallymembers.com/partners
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Buisiness Directory For Down Under Rally Member Discounts Visit: www.downunderrallymembers.com/partners
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