Media Env.: Projection mapping

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P r o j ec ti o n ma ppi ng Doyeon Kwon, 2015


Experiment of structure Projection onto the model Folding structure sketch & paper model Making model and problem about skeleton Install motor shield process Mapping on moving model Laser cutting Soldering, again Projection Control the motor and arduino Animation concept Sketch Final output Programs + url

Experi me nt of str uc tur e

This sketch was inspired by geometric mobile. The structures are combining the main face every time when it rotate. Alternatively work structure with 2 cogwheels. It could be possible to make an object which rotate 2-way by attaching faces on the cogwheels. This structure is composed of two squares which rotate and move at the same time. I want to make 3rd sketch among the above things, but when I tried to make that by hand, the back side became too complicated to combine together. In the end, I failed because these faces couldn’t support the movement.

For this reason, I just tried to make a simple structure for practice using Pepakura and projection.

For my object, I used 3dsMax program to design it.

Export .obj file and then unfold in Pepakura.


Proj ect ion ont o th e mo d el

The worst things in this process are setting the projector and adjusting the place of a model to matching with projection.

Line drawing animation using the AfterEffect

Folding struct ure sketc h & Pa per mo d el

In the middle of the night, I created another structure of my idea to express the moving surface. I was inspired by the top view of “Dong-Seo-Nam-Buk origami fold� that I previously tested on a real paper.

M aking mod el and pro bl em a bo ut skel eto n

In the process of attaching the skeleton on my model, I had some problem moving the skeleton and object together. Maybe the position of the skeleton is not applied right, or skin binding was not processed through the object. I’m confused about folding and unfolding movement by using skeleton tool. I recorded Prof.David’s process of how to use the skeleton tool, but it was not clear to me because in Maya I couldn’t find the rigid bind. I researched around for some tutorials and references, but I couldn’t find the exact answer. It was too difficult to understand the difference between IK/FK handle, joint and spline tool.

Animation of structure’s movement Even though I failed to use the skeleton tool, I found another way to express the movement that I want. I just move each vertex manually and set some animation. The reason why I want to use the skeleton tool was to avoid the length that is stretched every time when I move the object.

Ins ta l l Motor Shie l d P ro c ess

I and Jiyoon followed the guidance of Adafruit to install motor shield. First of all, prepare electrics and tools. We broke apart a header and put into the Arduino and assembled the shield on it. Solder the Arduino board and motor shield together. Connect motor on board and play with it.

M appin g oN moving mo d el

Made a simple model(cube), again. Connected the arduino-motor-computer. Changed code and added delay time between movements. Changed rpm, motor step, delay. Fixed the model and motor to prevent from wobbling.

Laser cutt in g

Soldering, again.

To check the motor rotation of Arduino code, I observed the movement by marking a line on surface. But the power was too weak and unstable, so it was hard to control my model. I saw the bottom of Adafruit motor shield, and I found parts where soldering was wrong. So I soldered again. After that, it reduced a little bit of the twitch that kept on doing.

Proj ect ion

We worked on our project in 2nd-floor project room, stared at 2 pm. This model’s shape is quite complex, and I couldn’t make it to fit on the outline-image. In the last MES class, Prof.David had showed us the process of matching and mapping. I just remember that he used camera tools, so I tried to follow his process, but it didn’t worked. At that time, I always turned the camera, not the model. I’m so confused about my process. The biggest problems that I couldn’t understand is this: 1. Why did he set on the grid at the first? 2. Why did he rotate the camera rather than the object? So I called him and he answered my questions. My process which I did was wrong........ I misunderstood. I set the camera and rotated the object. And the model and outline-image are almost fit.

C ontro l the motor a nd a r d ui no : 1 . u ltrasonic se ns o r

I used the ultrasonic sensor that measured distance, so if object get closer the LED light up according to the distance from the sensor. I connected the sensor and LED on breadboard. At first, it just turn on the LED light if the distance get closed. 1. Turn on the LED depending on a distance 2. LED flickered depending on a distance

C ontro l the motor a nd a r d ui no : 2 . m oto r w it h ult r a so ni c senso r

Connect the motor with ultrasonic sensor. But the movement is not stable and it kept on twitching. To solve the problem, I revised some code.

C ontro l the motor a nd a r d ui no : 3 . LED w ith p hotos enso r

The reason why it failed is the different voltage and resistor. The resistor of #7 is too big now, so we need to increase the source; it called “Pull-up�. My boyfriend helped me understand the theory of how it overall works.

ANIMAT ION con ce p t 1: Ka l ei d o sc o pe

Original image and Offset 1, 5, 10 ,50, 100

ANIMAT ION con ce p t 2: Gi ger

Li II special gicle’e, illustrated by H.R. Giger (153cm x 108cm)

M odel ske tche s

Fina l outp ut

Prog rams


D e s igne d + pu bl i s h ed by D oy eo n Kwo n M e d ia E nviro n m en t C l a s s Spring, 20 1 5 D e part me nt o f D i g i ta l m ed i a d es i g n Ho ngik U nive r s i t y, I DA S

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