A Night of Stars

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A Night of Stars 2020 UMB FOUNDERS WEEK

V I RT UA L G A L A SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 2020 | 6:30 TO 7:45 P.M.


ACADEMIC DEANS Natalie D. Eddington, PhD, FAAPS, FCP School of Pharmacy

Mark A. Reynolds, DDS, PhD, MA School of Dentistry

Jane M. Kirschling, PhD, RN, FAAN School of Nursing

Donald B. Tobin, JD Francis King Carey School of Law

Judy L. Postmus, PhD, MSW School of Social Work

Roger J. Ward, EdD, JD, MSL, MPA Graduate School

E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA School of Medicine

ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Roger J. Ward, EdD, JD, MSL, MPA Executive Vice President and Interim Provost

Susan Gillette, JD Vice President and General Counsel

E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA Executive Vice President, Medical Affairs

Laurie Locascio, PhD, MSc Vice President for Research

James L. Hughes, MBA Senior Vice President, Chief Enterprise and Economic Development Offcer, and Interim Chief Philanthropy Offcer

Dawn M. Rhodes, MBA Chief Business and Finance Offcer and Vice President

Jennifer B. Litchman, MA Senior Vice President, External Relations, and Special Assistant to the President Flavius R.W. Lilly, PhD, MA, MPH Vice Provost, Academic and Student Affairs, and Vice Dean, Graduate School Stephen N. Davis, MBBS, FRCP, FACE, MACP Vice President, Clinical Translational Science

Peter J. Murray, PhD Chief Information Offcer and Vice President Kevin P. Kelly, JD Chief Government Affairs Offcer and Vice President Susan C. Buskirk, DM, MS Chief Accountability Offcer and Vice President

P residents Message Welcome to the 2020 Founders Week Gala, A Night of Stars. As the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s (UMB) newly appointed president, it is my honor to be your host. While the COVID-19 pandemic has caused us to celebrate virtually, I hope you will all feel a sense of community and the energy emanating from this evening of stars. This evening’s Gala, while in a different format from years past, will allow us to celebrate the University’s storied past and exciting future. We honor the extraordinary community of people who live UMB’s mission. We recognize our enormous contributions to the public good, locally and globally, and pledge to work even harder to expand our reach and amplify our impact. This year, especially, we feel that connection to fnding solutions and ways forward to improve the public good. Tonight, we will honor four faculty members who represent the best of us — in teaching, research, public service, and entrepreneurship. We also will highlight six Catalysts for Excellence: faculty, alumni, and philanthropists who believe in our work and whose support enables and enlarges it. In addition, we will feature our Distinguished Service Award recipients. Tonight’s program gives us an opportunity to not only recognize some of UMB’s stars but also to celebrate together — and have fun. The UMB community needs you: We cannot cure disease, or strengthen communities, or drive discovery, or safeguard health, well-being, and justice for millions of people every day without your support. Thank you for spending this night with us. I hope you enjoy the program.

Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS President

6:30 – 7:45 P.M. Welcome from UMB President Bruce E. Jarrell and Emcee Denise Koch of WJZ-TV Performance by Broadway Star Norm Lewis Cocktail Demonstration by Mixologist from Classic Catering 2020 UMB Founders Week Award Winners Cooking Demonstration by Renowned Chef Linwood Dame UMB Catalyst for Excellence Award Winners Special Musical Duet from Norm Lewis and Nikki Renee Daniels UMB Foundation’s Distinguished Service Award Winners More Music from Norm Lewis Bidding on our awesome raffe items will continue throughout the program or until sold out.

BE A CATALYST FOR UMB! Funds raised at tonight’s Gala will support the following University initiatives: UMB STUDENT EMERGENCY FUND Aids students who are experiencing an unexpected personal crisis by providing nominal assistance to help mitigate an emergent need. UMB COMMUNITY COVID-19 RESPONSE Supports medical intervention among Maryland’s most vulnerable populations and addresses emergency and unanticipated needs caused by the pandemic. STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT Alleviates fnancial burdens so UMB students can focus on their education and professional future.




Award Winners

In keeping with more than 20 years of tradition, the University community again recognizes outstanding accomplishments among its talented faculty and staff with awards for Public Servant of the Year, Researcher of the Year, Educator of the Year, and David J. Ramsay Entrepreneur of the Year, renamed this year in honor of the former UMB president who passed away in June. Tonight’s honorees were chosen by their peers in a formal committee process and forwarded to President Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS, for fnal approval. Highly competitive and compelling nominations detailing lifelong contributions and achievements were collected. Glowing endorsements from current and former students, peers, associates, and collaborators were arduously reviewed, and the most deserving candidates for each category rise to this coveted circle of excellence. Congratulations to our Public Servant, Researcher, Educator, and David J. Ramsay Entrepreneur of the Year. Read more about the Founders Week award winners at umaryland.edu/founders.

Photographs by Matthew D’Agostino





Jay S. Magaziner, PhD, MSHyg School of Medicine

It was the 1970s, and the feld of aging was mostly an unexplored area of study. Jay Magaziner was working in childhood development when he was drawn to the thenuncharted feld and its immense potential. Decades later, he has become a pioneer, a mentor, and one of the world’s pre-eminent researchers in hip fracture recovery. Magaziner, professor and chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, has been driven by his desire to help people recover as he has studied the effects of hip fracture in the aging population. “We know that hip fracture, stroke, and sudden fall injury reduce people’s ability to walk. They also may get confused, feel depressed, and have fewer contacts with friends. These are all functional limitations that get in the way of carrying out their everyday lives,” he says. “And what I’ve been interested in is, what happens in each of these functional areas and what can we do to actually help people to recover from them? What are the key things we can do to ensure that they get back to as close to their prior functional level as possible?” Magaziner’s research focuses on examining changes in function, bone, and muscle after hip fracture and the effects of new rehabilitation programs on outcomes such as the ability to walk. Magaziner’s colleagues at the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s schools talk about his compassion, his collaboration, his mentorship, and his legacy. “His accomplishments in research — through peer-reviewed manuscripts, funded grants, and training opportunities — are a legacy, not only for scholars and clinicians who endeavor in the geriatric arena, but for older persons as well,” says Linda SimoniWastila, PhD, the Parke-Davis Chair in Geriatric Pharmacotherapy in the Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research at the School of Pharmacy. “His work makes a fundamental difference in the way in which researchers approach their studies, the way clinicians treat their patients, and the way in which older persons approach their health and lives.” Magaziner attributes his success to his colleagues and students, and their openness to collaborate freely. “There are colleagues all over the University and elsewhere in the country who are doing work in this area. My success is based on their success,” he says.




Maureen A. Sweeney, JD Francis King Carey School of Law

Working tirelessly on behalf of people facing asylum or immigration crises, Maureen Sweeney has inspired students, colleagues, and clients during her 16-year tenure at the Francis King Carey School of Law. To Sweeney, though, the inspiration goes both ways. “I love the work of asylum and immigration law and have stuck with it because I’m continually inspired by my clients, who are resilient, hardworking, loving, and remarkably generous people,” said Sweeney, professor and director of the school’s Immigration Law Clinic. “As a teacher, I am equally inspired by the energy and enthusiasm for justice that I see in our students.” Sweeney teaches her students to combine legal theory with practice and gives them opportunities to help poor or marginalized members of the community who lack access to justice. She represents clients facing a range of legal issues that place their ability to remain in the United States in peril. She works on broader issues impacting immigrant communities and is an active member of several organizations that assist immigrants. And she strives to educate the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) community and the public at-large about these issues. Sweeney’s selection as Public Servant of the Year is well-deserved, says UM Carey School of Law Dean Donald B. Tobin, JD, who points out that the professor advances UMB’s mission to improve the human condition and serve the public good. “Professor Sweeney’s work goes to the core of human rights and human dignity,” Tobin said. “She is dedicated to the most vulnerable members of our society. People who lack citizenship also often lack access to legal services, courts, education, and due process. They fnd themselves in a system they don’t understand without the resources to adjudicate their rights. The work of Professor Sweeney and her students seeks to address these problems.” Sweeney says she was surprised and honored to be singled out at a university that includes so many people doing public service in a variety of felds. “I’m delighted to see that the work of standing up for the kind of country we want to be and defending our immigrant family members, friends, and neighbors continues to be valued and celebrated across UMB,” Sweeney said.





Joseph R. Scalea, MD ’07 School of Medicine If you talk to Joseph Scalea for 20 minutes about his life’s work, you’ll see why his colleagues in medicine and business rave about his can-do attitude and high energy. You’ll also understand why he’s the University of Maryland, Baltimore’s (UMB) 2020 David J. Ramsay Entrepreneur of the Year. “I’m ecstatic, surprised, and energized about this award,” said Scalea, associate professor in the School of Medicine’s (SOM) Department of Surgery and a multi-organ transplant specialist. “I have a lot of energy, but events like this keep me going. They remind me that the work we’re doing is important, that there are lives to be saved.” Scalea is executing his mission to save lives through research, education, clinical activity, and innovation, which all contribute to his game-changing entrepreneurial pursuits. In only four years as a faculty member at SOM, he has built the largest combined kidney-pancreas program in the United States, generated highly disruptive ideas, and co-founded three startups, including MediGO and MissionGO. The Baltimore-based companies are designed to improve the logistics of the human organ transplant supply chain and provide innovative applications for unmanned aircraft. These efforts brought national acclaim to SOM and the University of Maryland Medical Center in 2019, when Scalea and his colleagues performed the frst transplant of a human organ transported by drone. He was the project leader and one of the surgeons who performed the successful kidney transplant. The drone traveled 3 miles in about 10 minutes. Scalea described the fight as “one small hop for a drone, one major leap for medicine” as well as “a pioneering breakthrough in transplantation.” Collaboration was critical to the drone fight, delivery, and transplant, which included more than 100 contributors and a partnership among the University of Maryland Medical System, the University of Maryland, College Park’s A. James Clark School of Engineering, the University of Maryland Unmanned Aircraft Systems Test Site, the nonproft Living Legacy Foundation, and others. “One of my proudest moments was seeing that drone land on the roof of Shock Trauma, not only because it was a technological and a scientifc achievement, but because it represented the efforts of more than 100 people,” Scalea said. “The amount of collaboration that came together through the University of Maryland system was remarkable.”




Russell A. McClain, JD ’95 Francis King Carey School of Law

When Russell McClain started law school, he saw himself as an unremarkable student. That all changed as his professors sparked an “intellectual awakening” in him that led him to where he is now. A professor at his alma mater, McClain says his purpose is to inspire his own students in the same way. “The most important thing I can communicate to them is that they are capable. My overriding professional mission is to help students have the breakthrough I had as a law student — to see that they are capable of more than they can imagine,” he says. McClain, who also is associate dean for diversity and inclusion and director of the Academic Achievement Program, is known as one of the best professors in the Francis King Carey School of Law, according to Dean Donald B. Tobin, JD. “Professor McClain’s passion for teaching and education manifest in his classroom performance, his scholarship and research interests, and his administrative leadership,” Tobin said. “He is as devoted and accomplished an educator as I have seen.” Students in courses such as Bar Exam Preparation, Contracts, and Commercial Law praise McClain’s communication with them and his willingness to discuss and analyze issues with different sides and perspectives. “Professor McClain is celebrated by students for the genuine rapport he forges with them and his evident investment in their comprehension and success,” says Michael Pappas, JD, professor and associate dean for research and faculty development at the law school. “They praise, as well, his use of humor, his wide-ranging intellectual repertoire, and his ability to engage all members of a class.” McClain is passionate about increasing diversity in the law profession. As associate dean for diversity and inclusion, he helps develop and implement an inclusion and equity strategy by participating in training, student recruiting, organizing diversity programming, supporting marginalized students, and managing crises. “My colleagues and I all need to be aware of the fact that our students, especially our new students, are looking for guidance from us in these challenging times,” McClain says. “We are surrounded by overwhelming proof that racial and social injustice persists, and our students are looking to us to see how law and lawyers can make a difference. “Our educational mission is as important as ever.”






This annual award recognizes the outstanding achievements of volunteers — or a team of volunteers — who have substantially contributed to enhancing and sustaining the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB).

MARCO AND DEBBIE CHACÓN Marco and Debbie Chacón have been valued members of the UMB community for many years, generously supporting entrepreneurial, philanthropic, and educational initiatives. In 2009, they moved the company they founded, Paragon, to the University of Maryland BioPark, and it quickly grew to become the largest company there, employing hundreds and collaborating extensively with UMB. In 2014, Marco Chacón joined the UMB Foundation as a trustee and has been a consistent source of advice and counsel as well as an advocate, leader, and trusted mentor regarding the strategic direction of the Graduate School. Most recently, the Chacóns founded the Alicia and Yaya Foundation, which has been a generous benefactor of UMB as it supports science, education, children, and the less fortunate. In 2019, the foundation established the Alicia and Yaya Global Fellowship Program to enhance global learning experiences, support innovation in global health, and foster relations between UMB and institutions in Costa Rica. The Alicia and Yaya Foundation has always prioritized supporting those when they need it most. At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it supported the Graduate School Student Emergency Fund to help students alleviate unexpected fnancial difculties brought on by the crisis. The foundation also provided support to sustain operations and complete the fnal phase of construction of UMB’s new Community Engagement Center. Finally, it pledged support to a new cohort of UMB CURE Scholars as they receive innovative STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) programming and academic support from sixth grade to high school graduation and beyond. The UMB Foundation honors the Chacóns with the 2020 Distinguished Service Award in recognition of their dedication to UMB, our students, our community, and innovations in global health and education.



THE POWER OF PHILANTHROPY The word philanthropy comes from the Greek words “philos” meaning “love,” and “anthropos” meaning “humankind” or “the love of humankind.” Philanthropy is the pure act of being generous by putting others above oneself. This generosity is magnifed in diferent forms through the gifts of time, treasure, and talent. History is replete with treasured philanthropic acts: fnancial investment that drives change, creates greater access for all, helps the less fortunate, and lifts our shared world. Volunteerism also is a great philanthropic act by providing time and talent to improve local communities and give hope and reafrmation to others. When it comes to philanthropy, there is no threshold for an amount given or time committed. Rather, it is in the total sum of these acts that brings out the best of humankind and makes for a better day and better civilization. At the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB), we bear witness daily to the profound impact philanthropy is having at our six professional schools and interdisciplinary Graduate School. Community engagement is woven into the fabric of UMB and its partnerships, in West Baltimore and throughout our region and state. Each school is doing remarkable work worthy of these acts of time, treasure, and talent — from top-tier scholarship, research, clinical care, and entrepreneurship, to forward-thinking social justice, service, and other signifcant provisions. Supplementing the state of Maryland’s generous but limited assistance, philanthropic investment from private and corporate sources provides an enormous measure of substance and elasticity — especially in these troubled times. Philanthropy is highly accessible and costefective, with a return on investment that traditionally is higher than 80 percent. To all of the individuals, businesses, foundations, and organizations that gave their time, treasure, and talent this past year, UMB extends its heartfelt gratitude. You propel us to continue living out UMB’s mission to improve the human condition and serve the public good.

Recent examples of signifcant charitable investment at UMB: } A $700,000 estate gift from Joan Meredith, BSN ’62, to the School of Nursing to add to the Janet D. Allan Endowed Scholarship honoring the school’s dean emeritus.

raise more than $50,000 to endow a new scholarship in memory of U.S. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, JD ’76, who passed away in October 2019.

} $2.5 million from Howard S. Brown to establish the Thomas M. Scalea, MD, Endowed Distinguished Professorship of Trauma Surgery at the School of Medicine.

} A $500,000 unrestricted gift to the School of Dentistry from Charles Chen, DDS ’80, and $1.5 million in gifts from alumni donors and volunteers to endow the Alumni and Friends Professorship in Orthodontics.

} $1.4 million from Harvey Topper to establish the Harvey Topper Pediatric Surgery Research Fund at the School of Medicine. } The Center for Women in Pharmapreneurism was established at the School of Pharmacy through the generosity of Ellen H. Yankellow, BSP ’73, PharmD ’ 96; Jill Molofsky, BSP ’81; James Tristani, BSP ’73; and other generous supporters. } Led by its Board of Visitors, the Francis King Carey School of Law quickly mobilized to

} The Alicia and Yaya Foundation established the Alicia and Yaya Global Fellowship Program at the Graduate School to enhance global learning experiences, support innovation in global health, and foster relations between UMB and institutions in Costa Rica. } A planned gift of $400,000 from Arleen Rogan, PhD ’01, MSW ’87, and Julia Alibrando, MSW ’91, in support of the School of Social Work’s PhD program.

Gifts in support of UMB at any level are valued, celebrated, and deeply appreciated. FOUNDERS WEEK VIRTUAL GALA 2020



UMB CATALYST for EXCELLENCE AWARD WINNERS The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) Catalyst for Excellence honorees exemplify powerful advocacy for success, achievement, and philanthropy for their respective schools while serving as visionaries for future progress. Exemplars of excellence and inspiration, they have accomplished meaningful progress in their lives and careers, in addition to devoting meaningful time, talent, and resources to numerous worthy causes. UMB, the city of Baltimore, and the state of Maryland are made much better through the impactful efforts of these extraordinary individuals.

SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY The Doctor of Dental Surgery Class of 2020 rose to meet unprecedented challenges as its fnal semester was turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only did the class members exemplify adaptability and resilience as they successfully completed their graduation requirements and dental licensure exams, they also demonstrated signifcant generosity by donating their class treasury to the School of Dentistry’s Emergency Student Assistance Fund to help students experiencing fnancial diffculties because of the pandemic.

FRANCIS KING CAREY SCHOOL OF LAW Elva Elizabeth Tillman, JD ’87, is an active and dedicated alumna with more than 40 years of experience as an administrator, urban planner, applied researcher, university professor, and lawyer. A former member of the Alumni Board, a founding donor to the Larry S. Gibson Fellowship endowment, a frequent mentor to students, and an advocate for the law school, Tillman exemplifes leadership and service to the Carey School of Law community.



SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Howard S. Brown is a longtime friend and advocate. In gratitude for the medical care and education his family received, the real estate developer donated over $4 million to the School of Medicine (SOM) to ensure innovation in trauma care. He also gave $1.5 million to the Carey School of Law in honor of his father, a 1933 graduate. Two of his three daughters and a son-inlaw are SOM alumni, and his granddaughter began her medical education at SOM this fall.

SCHOOL OF NURSING Ruth J. Lee, DNP ’10, MBA, MS ’04, RN, has demonstrated her passion, dedication, and generosity as an alumna through impactful volunteerism and philanthropy. She has served on the School of Nursing’s (SON) Alumni Council and is president of the Alumni Association. She led fundraising to establish two endowed scholarships — one recognizing the Doctor of Nursing Practice program’s 10th anniversary and another honoring an esteemed faculty member. Lee’s spirit of service and philanthropy serves as a beacon to the SON community.

SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Daniel E. Wagner, JD ’62, serves as a powerful advocate for student success through his support of the School of Pharmacy’s (SOP) Pharmapreneurship initiative. Wagner established a collection of annual endowed scholarships in honor of his family’s legacy at SOP, which includes an impressive nine graduates. Wagner has ensured the collection of Wagner Family Scholarships in Pharmapreneurship will be funded each year during his lifetime and continue in perpetuity. This generous support gives students a platform to support research and business ventures.

SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK The Positive Schools Center (PSC), a program in the Social Work Outreach Service, is a shining example of a collaborative group of students, faculty, staff, community, and donors who have created signifcant positive change across Baltimore and the state. Through work with individual school leadership, PSC introduces the skills and mindset to proactively and restoratively transform school climate. The team exemplifes commitment, innovation, education, advocacy, and philanthropy, all through the lens of social, racial, and economic justice. FOUNDERS WEEK VIRTUAL GALA 2020



CATALYST CAMPAIGN DONORS $10 MILLION AND ABOVE Anonymous UMB Associated Black Charities SOD, SOM, UMB Bedford Falls Foundation Charitable Trust SON W.P. Carey Foundation SOL Catholic Relief Services SOM Robert E. Fischell, ScD, and Susan Fischell SOM Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation SOM University of Maryland Medical System SOM, SON, UMB University of Maryland Medical System Foundation SOM Whiting-Turner Contracting Company SOM, SSW, UMB

$5,000,000 — $9,999,999 American Heart Association SOM, SON Anonymous SOL, SOM Anonymous SOL Maryland E-Nnovation SOM, SOD Initiative Fund Authority PCORI SOM, SOP Robert Wood Johnson Foundation SOL, SOM, SON, SSW

$3,000,000 — $4,999,999 Peter G. Angelos SOM Peter & Georgia Angelos Foundation SOM Law Ofces of Peter Angelos SOM Anonymous SOM Center for Adoption Support and Education SSW Carolyn B. Frenkil HS/HSL, SOL, SOM, MAA, SON, UMB James and Carolyn Frenkil Charitable Foundation HS/HSL, SOL, SOM, MAA, SON Greenebaum Family Foundation SOM, UMB Erin Michele Levitas Education Foundation SOL The Medical Alumni Association of the University of Maryland, Inc. HS/HSL, SOM 12

Maryland Emergency Medicine Network SOM State of Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development UMB United Therapeutics Corporation SOM University of Maryland Faculty Physicians, Inc. SOM, SON, SSW, UMB University of Maryland OB/GYN Associates, P.A. SOM University of Maryland Pediatric Associates, P.A. SOM

$1,000,000 — $2,999,999 The Alicia and Yaya Foundation GS, SOM, SON, UMB American Cancer Society SOM, SON American Diabetes Association SOM American Society of Hematology SOM Anonymous (5) SOM Anonymous SON Anonymous GS, SOD, SOL, SON, SOM, SSW Anonymous* SOM Anonymous SOL, SOM, SOP Laura and John Arnold Foundation SOP Jerome Beser SOM Bien-Air USA SOD Boston Medical Center SOM Brain & Behavior Research Foundation SOM Michael Brin and Eugenia Brin SOM Howard S. Brown SOM Dorothy Lane Campbell* SOL The Annie E. Casey Foundation GS, SOM, SSW, UMB Catholic Medical Mission Board SOM Joseph Davidson, DDS, and Elly Davidson SOD Family League of Baltimore City SOM, SSW Gilead Sciences, Inc. SOM Governor’s Ofce of Crime Control and Prevention SOL George E. Groleau, MD, and Deborah F. Groleau SOM, SOP Mary Therese Gyi, BSP, PharmD, and Rebecca T. Gyi-Hovis, MD SOP John W. Heisse Jr., MD* SOM *Deceased UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE

CATALYST CAMPAIGN DONORS, CONT. J. Laurance Hill, MD, and Charlotte P. Hill SOM Grace Hofsteter, MD* SOM Independent Dialysis Foundation, Inc. SOM Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria SOM The Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine SOM Johns Hopkins University SOD, SOM, SON The Kahlert Foundation SOM Leukemia & Lymphoma Society SOM Mallinckrodt, Inc. UMB Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene SOM Maryland Emergency Medicine Research Foundation, Inc. SOM Nobel Biocare USA, Inc. SOD Open Society Institute/Open Society Foundations SOL, SSW, SOM The Orokawa Foundation SOM Alison, MSW, and Arnold Richman SSW, UMB Richman Family Foundation, Inc. SSW Scott Rifkin, MD, and Frances Maizels Rifkin, RN SOM Elizabeth Shamburger* SOM

Richard H. Sherman, MD*, and Jane Sherman, PhD UMB, SOM Sirona Dental Systems, LLC SOD Frederick Smith, DDS, and Venice Paterakis, DDS SOD, UMB Charles G. Smith* SOM Taylor Foundation, Inc. SOM Bruce T. Taylor, MD, and Ellen L. Taylor, MD SOM Irving J. Taylor, MD* SOM Third Sector New England SOL Harvey Topper SOM Leonard L. Topper SOM Elizabeth L. Tso, MD* SOM University of Maryland Anesthesiology Associates, P.A. SOM University of Maryland Radiation Oncology Associates, P.A. SOM UMB Health Sciences Research Park Corporation UMB, SSW Margaret and Samuel Woodside SSW Hansjörg Wyss SOM Ellen Yankellow, PharmD SOP, UMB *Deceased



niversity alumni and friends can provide vital gift support to bolster institutional priorities such as student scholarships, faculty excellence, interdisciplinary research, clinical learning, entrepreneurship, and community engagement.


ilestone: Generous support has pushed UMB’s groundbreaking fundraising initiative past $575 million, or more than 75 percent of the $750 million goal.


enefit: At UMB’s Virtual Founders Week Gala, A Night of Stars, we invite you to enjoy a unique show and learn more about how you can play a meaningful role in the Catalyst Campaign!

www.catalyst.umaryland.edu FOUNDERS WEEK VIRTUAL GALA 2020



Jay A. Perman, MD Chancellor

BOARD OF REGENTS Linda R. Gooden, Chair Barry P. Gossett, Vice Chair Gary L. Attman, Treasurer William T. “Bill” Wood, Assistant Treasurer Michelle A. Gourdine, MD, Secretary Robert D. Rauch, Assistant Secretary Joseph Bartenfelder Ellen R. Fish Geoff J. Gonella James N. Holzapfel D’Ana Johnson Isiah “Ike” Leggett Sam Malhotra Meredith M. Mears Robert R. Neall Louis M. Pope Kelly M. Schulz

Aaliyah Edwards, Student Regent, University of Maryland Eastern Shore Term expires June 2022 Nathaniel Sansom, Student Regent, Salisbury University Term expires June 2021 14


BOARD OF TRUSTEES Harry C. Knipp, MD, FACR, Chair Ellen H. Yankellow, PharmD, Vice Chair John C. Weiss III, Secretary Mouna Aissaoui, MBA Anthony P. Ashton, Esq. Pete Buzy Scott Canuel, CFA, CFP Marco A. Chacón, PhD Harold E. Chappelear Charles Chen, DDS Charles W. Cole Jr. Luke T. Cooper Steve Dubin, JD Tisha S. Edwards, MSW, JD Jennifer O. Estabrook, JD, MBA Patricia S. Florestano, PhD Carolyn B. Frenkil Barry L. Garber, MBA Brian J. Gibbons, JD Mary C. Gregory Emerson “Randy” Hall Jr., PhD Joseph R. Hardiman Jeffrey Johnson Alvin D. Katz, CPA James A.C. Kennedy, MBA Ray Lewis Aris Melissaratos Samantha Mellerson Michael E. Muldowney Damien Myers, MD Bill Niland Frank Palmer Todd L. Parchman Malinda Peeples Edward L. Perl, MD, FAAP Nneka Rimmer

Theo C. Rodgers, MBA Alan J. Silverstone Frederick G. Smith, DDS Michael G. Stankus, CPA C. William Struever Richard L. Taylor, MD, FAAN Mei Xu TRUSTEES EMERITI Edward J. Brody James A. Earl, PhD Morton P. Fisher Jr., Esq. Richard J. Himelfarb Wallace J. Hoff Kempton M. Ingersol Kyle P. Legg Thomas P. O’Neill Hon. Janet S. Owens William T. Wood, Esq.

James L. Hughes, MBA Senior Vice President and Chief Enterprise and Economic Development Offcer; Interim Chief Philanthropy Offcer and Interim President, UMB Foundation, Inc. (UMBF)

Pam Heckler Chief Operating Offcer and Treasurer, UMBF

LEGAL COUNSEL Jordan L. Bailowitz, Esq. Partner, DLA Piper

EX-OFFICIO Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS President, University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB)

Roger J. Ward, EdD, JD, MSL, MPA Interim Provost, Executive Vice President, and Dean of the University of Maryland Graduate School





















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