All Saints Wokingham Parish Magazine November 2008

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!"#$%&'(%)(*&#"%+%,#-($.("%/001% Some branches of the Church, including ourselves, regard the period of time between All Saints Day and Advent Sunday as a “Kingdom season”. The readings in church appointed for this period focus on themes related to the Kingdom of God. It brings together a cluster of observances that November provides: All Saints; the Departed; Remembrance; and the Kingship of Christ. In November we remember the good examples of those who lived on earth before us – our saints and heroes. What made them tick? And what kind of society did they live for and in some cases, have to die for? And so our worship services during November encourage us to reflect on our own aims and values in life. What are we getting up every morning to be and to do? What kind of a life are we building for ourselves and for our families, our community and society? May we help to bring God’s kingdom nearer? The Kingdom season brings the Christian year to an end with the Feast of Christ the King celebrating the reality of God's rule. As soon as we begin to evaluate how far we are fulfilling God’s rule in our lives and in our society; then we realise that we need God’s gracious help. So it’s right and very necessary that the culmination of our cycle of worship, the Kingdom season, is also a pre-amble to celebrating Christmas; God ‘s coming into the world in Jesus, to help and heal us. I remember a Sikh colleague once asking me why the 25th December is not also the first day of the calendar year. (I guess there are complicated historical reasons – answers on a postcard etc…!). What he could see is that Christ’s birth signifies a new start. As we reflect again on God’s kingdom values this month - and remember how far we fall short of those - God’s gift of Jesus shows us that God is always ready to make a new start in our lives; and in society. God’s kingdom is a reality for this world, not a forlorn hope; or simply “pie in the sky when we die”.


Jesus taught us to pray “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven�. It is one of a very few lines of prayer we have been given by the one who knew all there is about prayer!

New Marriage Laws open church weddings to more couples Parish churches in Wokingham borough are able to offer more choice to couples about where to hold their wedding, following new national marriage laws which came into force on 1st October. Couples are now entitled to marry in the parish church of any parish one of them or their parents have previously resided in for six months during their lifetime; a church which one of them or one of their parents has attended for six months; a church where one was christened or prepared for confirmation; or the church where either's parents or grandparents were married. Couples do not need to have been christened to be married in church. The new law does not change the right of any couple to be married in the parish church where they live. Reverend David Hodgson, Rector of All Saints Parish Church in Wokingham and Area Dean said:'The new rules are great news for couples wanting to get married in church and great for churches too because when any couple asks if they can have a church wedding we want to say "Yes- you can".' More information; The Rev'd David Hodgson Rector Of Wokingham & Area Dean 01189792999 or 07860636110 Or


!"#$%&'()*'+,,-!#$.' Rector Assistant Curate Community Priest (Youth) Honorary Assistant Curate Church Wardens

The Revd. David Hodgson The Revd Emma Antoine The Revd Michael Johnson The Revd. Colin James Sue James Jo Robinson John Smith Director of Music David Rance Head Server Chris Gillham Deputy Head Server Ruth Smith Tower Foreman John Harrison PCC Secretary Janet Alp Deputy PCC Secretary John Smith PCC Treasurer Stephen Smith Deputy PCC Treasurer John Alp PCC Treasurer’s Team Margaret Hawkins Dickon Snell Gift Aid Co-ordinator Peter Whittaker Honorary Verger Vacant Electoral Roll Officer Joyce Baldry Stewardship Recorder Jim Creech Flower Guild Chairman Pam Gilbey Children & Youth Co-ordinator Margaret Raggett Parish Secretary Jo Asplin Clergy days off: David Hodgson Emma Antoine Colin James Michael Johnson

979 2999 989 4324 979 0098 978 1515 978 4339 978 9730 979 0948 947 6734 978 3948 978 7065 978 5520 979 2797 979 0948 979 4407 979 2797 962 9792 978 1044 978 6225 978 8506 377 4194 978 5694 962 9378 979 2797 Thursday Friday Thurs/Fri Saturday

The Parish Office (0118 979 2797), in the Cornerstone, can be contacted about church related issues (Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals). It is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9.15 am to 1.00 pm and for urgent matters or by telephone on Monday and Thursday from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. e-mail: The Parish Office, Norreys Avenue, Wokingham RG40 1UE All Saints website: The Cornerstone : For room bookings and general enquiries please phone 0118 979 7778. Monica Martin, Administrator, is in the office: Monday 2-5pm, Tuesday 12.15-4.30pm, Wednesday 2.30-6pm, Thursday 1.45 - 6.00pm. e-mail:


WORSHIP Services at All Saints' Church embrace a wide range of formats. An outline is given below but for details and information about occasional services, see the weekly leaflet.

SUNDAY SERVICES 8.00 a.m. 9.30 a.m.

11.15 am.

Holy Communion. A said service with a brief address using the traditional language version of the Common Worship Order One Eucharist Parish Communion. The service is sung, with hymns, and follows Common Worship Order One Eucharist. Children are catered for in the Crèche and Junior Church. The last Sunday in the month is Parish Communion for the Whole Church and often includes Parade, children are present throughout, and contribute to the worship. Prayer for Healing with Laying on of Hands is offered regularly at certain Parish Communion services (see diary). Coffee is served after the service and this is the weekly 'social gathering' of the Congregation. Please come and meet us there if you are a visitor to the church or would like to get to know us better.

(1st Sunday) “11.15 Informal” An informal and contemporary child inclusive service


(2nd Sunday) Holy Communion. A said service using the Book of Common Prayer.


(3rd Sunday) No Service


(4th Sunday)

Occasionally Baptisms will take place during this time Matins using the Book of Common Prayer, usually sung and including a sermon.

6.30 pm.

(1st - 3rd Sundays) Evensong using the Book of Common Prayer with sermon. Choral Evensong is sung usually on the first Sunday of each month (An alternative form of worship on 4th & 5th Sundays ; and Services of Healing)


WEEKDAY SERVICES Morning and Evening Prayer are said, using Common Worship Daily Prayer, at 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. each day from Monday to Saturday. All may, and are encouraged, to attend. These services may be led by a Priest or members of the Laity. Holy Communion is celebrated as follows: Monday Tuesday

9.30 am. 9.30 am.

Wednesday 10.00 am.

(Common Worship Order One) (Common Worship Order One with short address, followed by coffee) (Simple form of Common Worship Order One and short address (particularly for parents and child minders of babies and pre-school children)

Friday in various Residential Homes Major festivals are also marked by additional celebrations of Holy Communion. Please see diary, or for whole year’s dates, see leaflet “Days to Remember at All Saints”. !

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" " HOME COMMUNION. If anyone knows of a housebound parishioner, either temporarily or long term, who would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the Parish Office (979 2797).

CONFIRMATION, WELCOME OR GROWTH GROUPS. Anyone interested in confirmation, a refresher course, or learning about the Christian faith is invited to join one of the Eureka! groups or a confirmation course - contact Barbara Smith on 979 4407. BAPTISMS are usually conducted at a special afternoon service on the last Sunday of each month; or occasionally in Sunday morning services if requested. Baptisms can be booked via the Parish Office (979 2797). WEDDING BOOKINGS. Clergy are available in the Cornerstone on Monday from 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm and on Saturday from 10.30 am 11.30 am on an appointment basis. Please book via the Parish O f f i c e on 979 2797 TRANSPORT. Pat Forsyth (979 7023) or Sue Farrington (978 2371).


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Please leave items for publication in the Magazine tray in the Parish Office or email directly to the editor on or before the Copy Date please. Contributions can be typed, handwritten, or e-mailed. Editor:

Andrew McKenna (977 3812) Email:


Sheila Longley

(978 4193)


Andrew McKenna (977 3812)


Sheila Longley & team

(978 4193)

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Flower Guild Recently, when looking through the list of Guild members, I was surprised to see how many of our members qualify for free travel tokens and the winter fuel allowance! We need to start teaching some ‘young mums’ who will become the arrangers of the future and so spread the word. There is no membership fee. It’s not necessary to know how to arrange flowers – we will teach you. We hold occasional evening meetings where we make simple, modern arrangements for the home. Arranging flowers in church is optional depending on how much time people have available, most members arrange twice a year but some only arrange at Christmas. ____________________________________________ Thursday November 27th – 7.30pm in Church Arranging for the Advent Carol Service – contact Kate

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Thursday December 4th – Guild Meeting In the Cornerstone, 7.45 for an 8pm start. The practice session will be a ‘Christmas Table Arrangement’ Bring an oasis ring with either a large candle or hurricane lamp to place in the centre of the ring or groups of taper candles to set into the oasis. If you have a long table bring either a single or double oasis tray with one or three fat candles. You will also need a selection of foliage plus cones, baubles, fruit – whatever you like. Contact Margaret for more information. (cont.)


Monday December 22nd from approx 10.30am Decorating the church for Christmas. Flowers in church during November Nov 2nd 9th 16th 30th

Mrs L Clark Remembrance Mrs A Vacher Advent Carol Service

Mrs J Alp MW Mrs J Potter KT


For information contact Pam Gilbey (978 5694) Kate Thomas (989 4190) or Margaret Whitaker (978 2307)

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Parenting at All Saints The Mothers Union November meeting will feature a talk by some of our members who also run the parenting courses held in the Cornerstone. All Saints have sponsored a number of courses and Gill Allen and others will be talking about their role as facilitators. Whether you are interested in the training or the courses themselves, this is an ideal opportunity to learn more about this very worthwhile outreach work that is happening in our parish. We have invited the other Mothers Union branches in the deanery to attend and so we are hoping that as many members and visitors as possible will attend. The speaker at the MU diocese winter meeting will be the MU central chaplain, Rt. Rev. Richard Ingram, Bishop of Bedford. All welcome. For more information on any of the above or for a lift to meetings, please call 978 7363 or 978 2678.

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Tues 11th Nov

9.30am Corporate Communion. 8.15pm Branch meeting: Talk on Parenting Courses.

Wed 3rd Dec

10 for 10.30 – 2.00 Diocesan Winter Meeting Benson Village Hall



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Singing in Church; Let’s Celebrate! Have you noticed that we don’t sing much in everyday life anymore? Programs like ‘Last Choir Standing’ and ‘X Factor’ which feature singing and singers dominate the television schedules, but when was the last time you burst into song outside of a church? The psalms are full of references to people singing praises to God and it seems to be a very natural human thing but these days we don’t see a wonderful sunset and sing. Maybe it is because we are British and reserved. Anyone who does sing regularly in a choir or on their own will tell you that singing as a group makes us feel good and it is good for the brain. Songs are one of the last things we forget. People seem to be made to sing and we just don’t do it anymore. We have always sung in church apart from a bit of a hiccup during the 16th century when singing, along with a lot of other things, like Christmas, was banned. Hymns and songs allow us give voice to some of those thoughts and feelings that we have about Jesus and about our faith that we would feel embarrassed to speak about in isolation. One of my favourite hymns is ‘Tell out my Soul the Greatness of the Lord.’ We sung it at All Saints’ the morning I discovered I was pregnant with one of my children. Singing this well known hymn was a wonderful way to celebrate such wonderful news and to give thanks to God for the gift of a child. The hymn had the words which I was struggling to find and I still get a bit teary when I sing it. So on 16th November we are going to celebrate hymns and songs in church by asking the congregation and the wider community to tell us what their favorite hymns are. Then we are going to sing as many of them as we can fit into the main 9.30am service. This is also the day we are celebrating Back to Church Sunday so this is an opportunity to invite a friend or neighbor who might have drifted away from church attendance. Research shows that there are 3 million people out there who would like to be invited to their local church. If they all turn up at All Saints’ on 16th



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November it could be a bit of a challenge but we would make such a wonderful sound as we sing! There is a form with this magazine (centre page) which will help us collate the All Saint’s top hymn and song choices. Please help us make this service a real reflection of those songs and hymns that we love to sing and fill in the form and put it in the box at the back of church or return it to the parish office. Karen Wellman, October 2008



Apathy A Prayer What if God said ‘Am I bovvered?’ Imagine if the God who holds this whole world together – And has done so from the beginning – Simply … gave up. There would be night … but no day. There would be sea … but no land. There would be animals … but no one to name them. The laws of physics would disappear The world would stop turning We could be in freefall towards the sun Crashing into Jupiter or Mars What if Jesus said ‘Am I bovvered?’ Entering into a world of poverty and obscurity? Into a race trodden down by military might? Surrounded by cynics, critics and doubters (And that was just his friends) Only being wanted Because I could make blind people see Or lame people walk? To have nowhere to lay my head Except a wooden cross? No, sorry world, there’s something good on telly tonight, Perhaps another time, eh? Imagine if you said ‘Am I bovvered?’ And church – as we know it – ceased to exist. On Sunday mornings we washed our cars, Did DIY, read the papers and mowed the lawn. Charities would go bankrupt Poor people would go hungry Acts of kindness would vanish overnight



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And prayers would never be finis ---When was the last time we really got Passionate about following God? (King David got so excited he took all his clothes off – Now that would make for an interesting service …) When was the last time we really got Passionate about following Jesus Christ? (One woman spent a bundle of cash On the most expensive, aromatic oils, Massaged Jesus’ feet and then Washed them with her hair. Wow … can you imagine doing that?) When was the last time we ripped up our carefully worded prayers – And just talked? And listened? But let us be cool – and apathetic – About the things that scar your world And let us be hot – and passionate – About the things that heal it. Cool about greed But hot about people trying to stop the financial meltdown Because it will impact most on the poorest in your world – Give them wisdom on Wall St and Downing St. Cool about war But hot about peace-makers whoever they are – In Gaza, Dafur and Zimbabwe – Give them protection and courage. Cool about hate But hot about loving – Especially those who are suffering right now; Through illness, rejection and insecurity – Give them your peace.



Cool about being cool, reserved and aloof, But hot about being engaged In this amazing world of richness and beauty and mystery Where everyone is abundantly loved by you Simply because of who they are. Generous and passionate God, you set this world on its course And hold it in your hand today. Exciting and dangerous God, you entered this world 2,000 years ago – And changed it forever. Breath and life of God, you live in us today Move us, shake us, disturb us To continue to build your community on earth. Peter Barrett _________________________

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Blogger? Surfer? Wiki? Aficionado of fine web design?

All Saints is looking to re-vamp our parish web site. We have enlisted the energies of our Communication Enablers, and are now in need of some support help. Parish web designer David Maund needs a few net-savvy helpers to get involved in building our new website. If this is something you would be interested in assisting, please get in touch with our Communications Committee leader, Pam Gilbey on 0118 978 5694


Parish Diary November 2008 Sunday

Monday to Saturday

All Saints Sunday





Holy Communion (CW Order 1 Trad)


Tu 08.15 pm Serendipity


Parish Communion (CW Order 1)




"11.15 Informal"


Th 08.00 pm Julian Group


Choral Evensong (BCP)








Remembrance Sunday 08.00am

Holy Communion (CW Order 1 Trad)


Tu Mothers' Union


Parish Communion (CW Order 1)




Holy Communion (BCP)




British Legion




Sung Evensong






Back to Church Sunday




Holy Communion (CW Order 1 Trad)


Tu 08.15 pm Serendipity


Parish Communion (Laying on Hands)


We All Saints Fellowship



**No Service


Th Healing Prayer Group



Bereavement Service




Said Evensong






Christ the King


Holy Communion (CW Order 1 Trad)




Parish Communion (CW Order 1)




No Service


Th Flower Guild


Choral Eucharist






Advent 1




Holy Communion (CW Order 1 Trad)




Communion for the Whole Church




No Service




Holy Baptism





MUSIC LIST - November 2008 Sunday Service

All Saints' Sunday - 2nd November Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Setting


Hymns Music

Holy is the true light - Harris

Final Voluntary

Antiphon: I thank Thee, dearest Lord - Karg-Elert


Choral Evensong


Holy is the true light - Harris




148 & 150


Harwood in A flat


Hymns Music

Hail, glorious spirits - Tye

Final Voluntary

Echo Fantasia - Sweelinck

Sunday Service

Remembrance Sunday - 9th November Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Setting


Hymns Music

Let us now praise famous men - Vaughan Williams

Final Voluntary

Nimrod (Enigma Variations) - Elgar


British Legion Service of Remembrance


Hymns Music


Final Voluntary

Nimrod (Enigma Variations) - Elgar


Sung Evensong:



Ferial Responses (McKie Amen)

Hymns Music

PiĂŠ Jesu - Gabriel FaurĂŠ

Final Voluntary

Solemn Melody - Walford Davies



MUSIC LIST - November 2008 Sunday Service

Second before Advent - 16th November Eucharist (Healing): Archer - St. Mark's Setting


90 vv1 - 8


Hymns Music

Thou knowest Lord - Purcell

Final Voluntary

Tuba Tune - C S Lang


Bereavement Service


Said Evensong with Piano



Psalm Hymns Sunday Service

Christ the King - 23rd November Eucharist: Archer - St. Mark's Setting


Hymns Music

The Lord is King - Martin Luther, arr. J S Bach

Final Voluntary

PĂŚan (Five Short Pieces) - Whitlock


Evening Choral Eucharist


Missa in Simplicitate - R R Terry


Hymns Music

The Holy Eucharist - Harris

Final Voluntary

Wachet auf! Ruft uns die Stimme (BWV 645) - J S Bach

Sunday Service

Advent Sunday - 30th November Whole Church Communion


Hymns Music

Broken for me - Janet Lunt, arr. David Rance

Final Voluntary

Prelude in G major (BWV 568) - J S Bach


Advent Candlelit Carol Service

Hymns Music





Lest We Forget Oh, I have slipped the surly bonds of earth, And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings; Sunward I’ve climbed and joined the tumbling mirth Of sun-split clouds – and done a hundred things You have not dreamed of – wheeled and soared and swung High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there, I’ve chased the shouting wind along and flung My eager craft through footless halls of air. Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace Where never lark, or even eagle, flew; And, while with silent, lifting mind, I’ve trod The high untrespassed sanctity of space, Put out my hand, and touched the face of God. “High Flight” by John Gillespie Magee This was written by an American pilot, flying with the RCAF shortly before he was killed. He was 19 years old. “From trembling hands we pass the torch of freedom, be yours to hold it high.” Esme Few

Did you know? The new quilt hanging in the foyer of The Cornerstone was sewn by the Thursday Sewing Group which meets there. Its panels depict symbols of church and community groups which meet in the building. All groups were invited to submit designs for panels. The project was conceived by The Cornerstone Steering Group and its working group on Art in The Cornerstone.


Celebrating our Partnerships: Are you a Christian in the Community? At the end of the summer, I was asked to join a new group of enablers responsible for developing partnerships. Our first goal as partnership enablers is to celebrate those who are Christian in the community. We wish to publish in each issue of the parish newsletter a real life story of somebody who is doing the work of Christ in the community. Who is somebody? I will start by reciting a poem which I used to keep on my desk at work when I worked in the corporate world. Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done So my second question is “Who are you? Somebody, Anybody, Everybody or Nobody?” In the Bible, Matt 25v35-40 Jesus says, “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” Perhaps within our modern culture, although we like a party, British culture is not good at celebrating our successes. Certainly most of us hide our bushel Matt 5v15. And try to be like the woman placing her pennies in the offering (Mark 12v41-44) always worrying that we might be people who say rather than do, like the Pharisees (Matt 23v1-7). We are looking for Anybody, Somebody, Everybody who tries to be like Jesus in their everyday work, in the local community. Are you the somebody who works with others in the community? If you do some work, voluntary or paid with people in need in the community, we would like you to share your experiences, dreams, visions, plans. (cont.)


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After all my questions to you, now I hear your questions to me. Why bother? Why not continue to hide the bushel of light? Well as a fellow enabler said, if we share our passion and vision, then somebody else will become ignited, enthused to join in and take over from us when we retire or can no longer serve. What does anybody do in our community in the Wokingham area, around All Saint’s Parish Church? How does somebody reflect Jesus to people in the community? Does anybody work in the Citizen’s advice bureau, work as a volunteer with a Social Services group, challenge youth to be use their innocence and creativity, work quietly on something that needs repairing to enable others to perform, to complete their work. Can we sing your success? Can we celebrate your partnership, your work in the community? So has everybody read this plea from the developing partnership enablers? Are you a somebody with a story? Are you an anybody in the church? Are you a somebody, an anybody doing something for Jesus in the community, for which everybody could learn about and anybody else could join? If we told your story could we enable anybody to catch the fire? To join in and volunteer and become a somebody? Let us be able to say the words of Matt 5v16. “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Selina Wilkins Stories please to me at or ring 9786380


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Healing in the Church When Mavis Stannard sent us her reflections on “Moving On” which we published in our last article, she also sent a copy of a leaflet, which she had picked up in Wells Cathedral. The following are some extracts from the leaflet, which give a fresh expression of what is meant by the Church’s Healing Ministry. “Healing is rooted in the Hebrew Scriptures in anticipation of the Messiah and in Jesus’ own approach to his ministry. In his willingness to bring healing and peace, Jesus echoes the thoughts of Isaiah about the importance of healing (Is 57, 18-19). He embraced and accepted human sufferings, sorrows and faults. He understood the shortcomings and sins that plague human beings, and saw how they caused physical, spiritual, mental and emotional pain. Jesus also saw how a great deal of human suffering was not related to any type of sin or moral failing, but to natural disasters and physical ailments. So he went beyond just the purely “spiritual” side of sin and administered to the whole person who was wounded and in need of healing. This is why healing in the Church has always been important and linked to wholeness and reconciliation. A few years ago the Church produced a report called ‘A time to Heal’ which made the point that each church community needs to become a place of healing. But it can only become effective in this ministry if a church is truly open to God’s healing in its fullness, and isn’t just somewhere where ‘healing services’ are held from time to time. So, for example, a congregation which is known to be quarrelsome and divided is hardly likely to be seen as a community which can help towards the healing of relationships! At the same time a loving community can reverse the damage of society’s values, pressures, abuse and selfcenteredness, that crush the spirit and turn a person who God created as precious into someone who is powerless, de-motivated, marginalized,


hurt and suffering. So the whole church community needs to be involved in this kind of ministry, which leads to wholeness and reconciliation. Prayers for healing are often said, but in the context of a service of Holy Communion, the laying on of hands acts as a focus of our prayer for the individual and/or their concerns. Roy Lawrence in ‘Invitation to Healing’ talks about the mysterious ‘X Factor’ in healing. Doctors, he suggests, don’t heal anybody; all they can do is create the best conditions for the body to heal itself. There is a force at work in creation, and in the body; if bones are broken, they knit together. If we cut ourselves, the cut heals. This healing force is not created medically; it is already there. Sometimes this healing force flows strongly, other times not so strong. So, how can we increase its strength? There are medical and nonmedical ways. A doctor by his very presence can sometimes help a patient to feel better. A program on television not so long ago, on alternative medicine, focused on spiritual healing. It showed that there was evidence of what we call the placebo affect; that people’s attitude of mind can really affect their bodies. If they believe that they can be cured, it often helps them to be cured. Jesus certainly had a healing effect on people, similar to this, and of course much greater. And he commanded his followers to carry on his work to “teach …and heal”. The act of laying on of hands is an extension of Christ’s healing welcome. In effect we are providing a ‘touching place’ – somewhere to experience God’s love in the gentle touch of hands, supporting and holding, with prayer for God’s healing. And, in offering the laying on of hands it is hoped to release in all who come, that power to heal which God has planted in them. If we see healing in this broader sense then we can also see how there is a place for the Healing Church – where people can come to find wholeness and peace of mind. For, as ‘A Time to Heal’ says, “this ministry is an integral part of our relationships and fellowship within the


Christian community and beyond. Jesus meets us at our point of need through each other.”” In their leaflet Wells Cathedral say that in their healing service the act of laying on of hands will be done with silent prayer being offered – no prayers are said aloud. At All Saints we offer said prayers or silent prayer. We find that most people request prayer to be said for a particular need for themselves or for someone they know. (Members of the group are Gill Allen, Maggie Bateman, Jack Hayley, Mary Hughes, Ann Penn, Joan Thomason, Joan Watts and Karen Wellman). Please let us know of any need of healing prayer support. Confidentiality is assured. The laying on of hands will be made available at Parish Communion on Sunday 16th November. The next Healing Service will be held on Sunday 28th December at 6.30 pm.


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All Saints’ Fellowship Welcome to Fellowship every third Wednesday in the month for a meeting in the Cornerstone DeVitre Room. Our meetings now start at 7.55pm, we look forward to greeting you at 7.45pm, this is to enable us to have five minutes longer 'chatter' time at the end of the evening. Leader Diana Clifford 9792614 is always happy to answer questions about the program or Fellowship in general and Transport Secretary Anona Jones 9619120 will arrange a lift, for which there is no charge, if transport is difficult for you. The cost to visitors is £1.50 which includes coffee. WEDNESDAY 19th NOVEMBER We do hope that you will be able to join us for this meeting when Diane Hayes will be telling us about the history and the work done by THE BRITISH LEGION POPPY APPEAL. No doubt many of you will have acknowledged Remembrance Sunday, purchased a poppy or have personal memories of war and wartime – you may like to share this with us and we look forward to saying welcome. WEDNESDAY 17th DECEMBER "A GET-TOGETHER FOR CHRISTMAS" AID CONSERVATION THROUGH EDUCATION ( This is a Cornwall based charity for which we are raising money this year and on SUNDAY 16th NOVEMBER we will be selling homemade cakes in the Cornerstone after the 9.30am service. The charity supports communities bordering the National Parks in Uganda, where many people live a hand to mouth existence. Primary education is free but parents have to supply pencils, exercise books, uniforms etc and many children are orphans due to the AIDS epidemic and provision of items falls to relatives and grandparents. Classes often number 200 with one teacher and classrooms have earth floors and holes




Wokingham Volunteer Centre operates a low cost transport scheme to enable those who cannot use public transport get to their hospital/doctor appointments Due to the increase in demand for our help we have recently had to let some of our clients down. We desperately need more drivers (we naturally pay for your petrol). We would love to be able to expand the driving scheme to enable us to take people shopping or for a short outing to say a garden centre. However, to operate this service we do need the help of more drivers. If you can spare just a couple of hours a week to help with this scheme, or with any other opportunities available throughout the district we would like

to hear from you. For more information please contact us on 0118 977 0749

ARE YOU THE MISSING PERSON? If you are a caring person and would like to help those in the community who are less fortunate than ourselves, and enjoy a good social life as well, why not come along to one of Wokingham Lions Club’s meetings to find out more about us and what we do? We are well known for organising the Wokingham May Fayre – but due to this, and other successful events, we need more members to follow our international motto – “We Serve”. We meet at the Committee Room, Wokingham Town Hall on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. for 8:00. Or contact Wokingham Lions Club on 0791-007-5106 or 0118-978-1561 for further details.


in the roof. To date A.C.E. has among other things supplied 7 water storage tanks, 3,000 kg of educational equipment, trained three teachers, built 13 new classrooms, supplied desks, chairs, cupboards etc. A.C.E. has a representative in the area who makes regular visits to the schools, oversees building projects, reports regularly to the trustees and ensures all contributions are well spent. SO, PLEASE BUY A CAKE AND HELP US TO HELP THEM.


Goodbye to Emma. Light refreshments in the Cornerstone after the 9.30am service


Children's Activity Table (C.A.T.) in the Cornerstone after the 9.30am service. t.b.c.: see weekly leaflet


Tea/biscuits in Church after BEREAVEMENT SERVICE


C.A.T. in Cornerstone. t.b.c.


C.A.T. in Cornerstone t.b.c.


CHRISTINGLE TEA in Cornerstone after 3.00pm Church service.


MULLED WINE & MINCE PIES in Cornerstone after 9.30am and 11.15am services.


Travellers Guides: Visiting Hereford Cathedral Why? A home to worshippers for well over 1200 years; the Cathedral Guide declares, “Christ’s love is central and visitors and pilgrims are especially welcome”. Free admission and regular prayer times prove the point! Also: • Two vital treasures, Mappa Mundi (map of the world) c.1275 and the chained library, holding nearly 1500 books. Beautiful chantry chapel to Bishop Audley (d.1524), with superb, richly coloured modern stained glass at eye-level, commemorating local cleric and visionary Thomas Traherne (d.1674). How? Make it a double date, drive/take the train to Hereford then go to Worcester before returning home. What else is there? • Marvellous mix of art: modern John Piper tapestries so big they were woven in Africa, the only place with looms large enough, next to a triptych of about 1530 and stained glass by Pugin. • Crypt c.1217, the only Early English one in a cathedral except Rochester. • Glorious garden on the site of the 10-sided 14th century Chapter House. Be aware: • Summer is the best time to visit, as guided tours of the cathedral, tower and ‘Secret Garden’ are all available then. • The café is just that, not a restaurant, but the home-made soups and cakes come well recommended. Bonus All Saints Church, just down the street from the Cathedral, built on a site that has held a church since at least 1200, has a striking crooked spire. (cont)


Still used as a place of worship, but the upper gallery is used in the week as a café, providing a great place from which to admire the church. Concerts and art shows are held here and the church itself boasts ancient wall painting, imposing choir stalls and misericords and a charity bread shelf, bearing the names of benefactors who paid for bread for the poor – bread can still be seen there awaiting collection today! Su McArthur

Readers Corner New additions to the Library Our Parish Library, in the Janet Lucas room in the Cornerstone, has a wealth of helpful books on all aspects of faith; several new additions focus on the topic of prayer. Prayer and Promises of Jesus is a collection of prayers and sayings of Jesus set out in full colour with photographs taken all around the world. Both the text and the pictures would form a good basis for prayer and meditation. Learn to Pray is a little book with big ideas: as well as describing and suggesting with examples many different forms of prayer, it includes practical teaching on how to prepare for prayer and comments on the place of prayer, in the life of Jesus and of ourselves. Pathways of Prayer was designed as a Lent course but contains five chapters on different forms of prayer from well-respected Christian authors, most notably Cardinal Basil Hume, who comments on ”Getting Started”. Other chapters cover praying through words, scripture, silence and life. All these and many other guides to prayer await you in the Library; please feel free to visit and browse as you wish, but please enter your name in the book provided if you borrow anything. Su McArthur


Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals This year's Service of Thanksgiving for Creation and Blessing of Animals was the 20th that I have organised and was the best as yet! One hundred people came with children and animals – these included Velvet, a three year old miniature donkey. She came in the south door and stood patiently for over an hour, accepting being fondled and stroked by many. Other animals present were a bearded dragon, two trainee guide dogs, terrapins, a cricket, cats, dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits and hamsters. Bishop Richard Llewellin, former Bishop at Lambeth, preached and spoke powerfully about the Christian duty to resist animal cruelty and to be aware of how animals are treated in the production of meat and eggs. Bishop Richard, David and Colin blessed the animals individually. Deputy Lieutenant of Berkshire Lady Elizabeth Godsal attended with her husband, as did John Redwood, M.P. with Cllr. and Mrs. Brian Willis, Mayor & Mayoress of Wokingham Town. A retiring collection was held which raised £154 to be divided between the local branch of Cat's Protection and The Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals. Afterwards there were refreshments in the Cornerstone provided by The Social Committee and the food for the animals was donated by Burns Nutrition developed by John Burns BVMS, Lic, Ac. MRVS. His food has a natural holistic approach to nutrition which is beneficial to pets. Now a chance to use your newly purchased 2009 diary or the one you will be getting for Christmas. The service next year will be on SUNDAY 20th SPETEMBER at 3.00pm when Bishop John Pritchard, Bishop of Oxford, will attend to preach and bless the animals. Marcelle Williams


News from the October Parochial Church Council meeting New parish membership database PCC agreed to write to all current contacts and members of All Saints Church to seek their permission to include their details on a new membership database. Living Faith – evangelism initiative Karen Wellman, who is our parish Living Faith champion, joined the meeting and presented a report on the Diocesan Living Faith initiative. This had begun with a large Diocesan conference in the summer which was attended by the Rector, Karen, Jo Robinson and Barbara Smith. PCC endorsed Karen’s role as Living Faith champion for All Saints; and to engage with the Diocesan model within All Saints as part of our Vision process; and to support Back to Church Sunday on 16th November. Archivists Group Shirley Colwill and Fiona Huggett joined the meeting and presented a report on the work, with Lesley Longley, which they have been doing for the last year to sort through all the church’s records and documents; archiving systematically those which require it. They have been working closely with and under the guidance of the Berkshire Records Office. PCC was fascinated by some of the interesting materials this process has unearthed; and thanked them profusely for their work to date. Reports There were reports given on the first All Saints Leadership Forum which was well received; and also a significant report prepared by Michael Johnson on his work with Revd Ken Flood to develop “fresh expressions” Christian ministry in Wokingham. The Revd David Hodgson October 2008 (Personal summary, other items were discussed. Please see official minutes)


RECYCLING FACTS from The Environmental Business Products Ltd company

Inkjet cartridge recycling has saved more than 50 million litres of oil! Around 1/3 of incinerated waste is left behind as ash! Much of which is carcinogenic and ends up in landfill!

• •

Inkjet cartridge recycling helps to reduce carbon emissions, a major cause of global warning, conserves resources and reduces waste! So … what can we all do to help? As many of you may know, we have an inkjet cartridge-recycling box in the Parish Office. This is suitable for inkjet cartridges, laser toner cartridges, mobile phones; but not suitable for toner bottles, Epson inkjets and office waste. Please remove all packaging before putting in box. Everything that we at All Saints recycle in this box will be counted as a donation to the Christian Aid Recycling Campaign. So … what are you waiting for? If you cannot get to the Parish Office, I’d be happy to come and collect, or you could give to me at church. I have a large box at home waiting to be filled and collected! Jo Robinson 0118 9789730


A Very Fishy Story With dubious thanks to Stephen Smith Far away in the tropical waters of the Caribbean, two prawns were swimming around in the sea. One called Justin and the other called Christian. The prawns were constantly being harassed and threatened by sharks that inhabited the area. Finally one day Justin said to Christian, 'I'm fed up with being a prawn; I wish I was a shark, and then I wouldn't have any worries about being eaten’. A large mysterious cod appeared and said, 'Your wish is granted'. Lo and behold, Justin turned into a shark. Horrified, Christian immediately swam away, afraid of being eaten by his old mate. Time passed (as it does) and Justin found life as a shark boring and lonely. All his old mates simply swam away whenever he came close to them. Justin didn't realize that his new menacing appearance was the cause of his sad plight. While swimming alone one day he saw the mysterious cod again and he thought perhaps the mysterious fish could change him back into a prawn. He approached the cod and begged to be changed back, and, lo and behold, he found himself turned back into a prawn. With tears of joy in his tiny little eyes Justin swam back to his friends and bought them all a cocktail.(The punch line does not involve a prawn cocktail - it's much worse). Looking around the gathering at the reef he realized he couldn't see his old pal. 'Where's Christian?' he asked.' He's at home, still distraught that his best friend changed sides to the enemy & became a shark', came the reply. Eager to put things right again and end the mutual pain and torture, he set off to Christian's abode. As he opened the coral gate, memories came flooding back. He banged on the door and shouted, 'It's me, Justin, your old friend, come out and see me again.' Christian replied, 'No way man, you'll eat me. You're now a shark, the enemy, and I'll not be tricked into being your dinner.' Justin cried back 'No, I'm not. That was the old me. I've changed.'......... (You're going to love this...) 'I've found Cod! I'm a Prawn again, Christian!'


Hail St Cecilia ! Wokingham Choral Society will be celebrating St Cecilia’s day, Saturday November 22nd, with a concert at Reading University Great Hall. The concert starts at 7.30pm and will feature two popular choral classics: Handel’s Ode on St Cecilia’s Day and Mozart’s magnificent Mass in C Minor K427. St Cecilia is the patron saint of music and musicians and Handel’s Ode on St Cecilia’s Day is an expansive celebration of music through the poetry of John Dryden, which culminates in a spectacular chorus: ‘the dead shall live, and the living die, and music shall untune the sky’. To find out more about St Cecilia come to the pre-concert talk at 6.30pm which will be given by Alex Chaplin, the choir’s Musical Director, entitled, Hail Cecilia! The honouring of music’s patron saint through the ages. The choir, conducted by Alex, will be accompanied by the Excelsis Chamber Orchestra and soloists including Amanda Forbes, Sally Harrison, Joseph Cornwell and Wyn Pencarreg. Tickets, priced at £14 (concessions £12), are available from Bookends, Wokingham, Wokingham Information Centre and choir members, or by emailing or by ringing Sue Bryant on 0118 934 0283. Further details are available at 43

Baptisms 28 Sept

Marriages 13 Sept

Burials 7 Oct

Ben Robert William Ackerman Jonathan Jacob Snyman Ella Evelyn Maynard Bailey Stuart-Campbell Callum George Cobb

Matthew John Jouanides with Rebecca Alison Lewis Christopher James Howard with Ruth Sutherland

Freddie Mathews

still-born infant

Burial of Ashes 13 Oct Dorothy Margaret Baker

Age 85

At Easthampstead Park Crematorium 17 Sept Sydney Frederick Bush 1 Oct Edna Mavis Sewell 8 Oct Kathleen Kimber 13 Oct Angus McKinnon Walker

Age 88 Age 92 Age 90 Age 95

Number of Sundays Sundays Week days


5 947 155

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