3 minute read
from Revista Palpando 04
by DPM Pando
Me acuerdo cuando...
I remember the summer I spent in my grandparent’s house when I was five years old. I went with my granny to the farm, in which she had sheeps, cats, and pig too. She was going to feed the pigs while I was looking... Suddenly, the pig went out of the stable and I started shouting while it was running behind me. My granny tried to rescue me, but she wore a skirt and the pig passed through her legs, making my grandmother fell down and lose her glasses. I was scared, so I climbed up a mountain of grass and, finally we had to call our neighbors to take the pig... and to take me from the grass mountain too.
I remember when I was in a chess competition and I was in a room with some friends. I was at the balcony when suddenly a person closed the window and I couldn’t go out. I was trying to open the door when I kicked the glass hoping the door opened, but the glass broke. Fortunately I didn’t pay for it because we told the direction hotel it was the wind.
Alcuérdome de un día nel que diba pela cai y nel escaparate d’una tienda una choffatia, un tipo d’ammonite, un fósil. Y dende’l momentu que lu merqué, con nueve o diez añinos, ya entamó la mio afición polos fósiles y agora ya tengo casi veinti diferentes.
I remember one year ago I was in Salesas with my friend Nidiu. We went to buy a coke and some chips. We pay computer game for an hour. At half past eight we came to a little park with a children ride and I paid one euro to play on them. All adults were watching them, while we were having fun. Near the ride a little kid was crying because of the noise we were doing.
Me acuerdo cuando a una amiga se le cayó la goma por la ventana y tuvimos que bajar a la clase de primero. Otra amiga se asomó por la ventana y cogió la goma con un paraguas. Lo mejor de todo es que la goma no era suya.
Alcuérdome una vegada cuando taba de viaxe en Lanzarote con seis años. Tábemos tola familia nun espectáculu con munches otres persones. Había un domador d’aves, que tenía una cacatúa. Él daba-y frutos secos y la cacatúa volaba pasando penriba de los espectadores. Tras bastantes acribacies (y munchos frutos secos comíos), la cacatúa púnxose enriba de mí y cagóme nel pie. Un hora dempués, cuando ya taba llimpiu, volvió pásame lo mesmo con un loro.
I remember when I was ten years old, I was studying Language at home. I have a big problem: I always end up amusing and talking alone, like if I had a crowd in front of me, discussing many diferent topics. For no apparent reason, I did a movement with my head, I hit the desk with a tooth and it broke a part. Hopefully, now it’s reconstructed. I wish I had never started talking nonsense.