Play More is a guide to creative and challenging recreational choices in Durham and is produced by Durham Parks and Recreation (DPR). Within this guide, you will find the many opportunities DPR has created this season to help the community Play More! Through the programs, services, and events offered in this guide, we connect our whole community to wellness, the outdoors, and lifelong learning and strive to help residents discover, explore and enjoy life through creative and challenging recreational choices that contribute to their physical, emotional and social health. If you have comments about this publication, please call us at 919-560-4355 or email DPRInfo@DurhamNC.gov.
Please note: Advertising contained herein does not constitute an endorsement by the City of Durham Parks and Recreation or its staff. All information in this program guide is subject to change. Please refer to the COVID-19 page on our website for the most up-to-date information on our openings and closings.
Visit DPRPlayMore.org , Select Register Online, and search our ActiveNet Registration site for our most up-to-date program offerings.
The City of Durham will observe the following holidays and most classes will not be held on that day.
Memorial Day Monday, May 29
Juneteenth Monday, June 19
Independence Day Tuesday, July 4
Labor Day Monday, September 4
Customers and residents are encouraged to immediately report any injury or illness received as a result of participation in leisure services provided by or at City of Durham Parks and Recreation facilities, parks and trails. Residents are also encouraged to report safety concerns and maintenance needs in parks and on trails. Please call 919-560-4355, ext. 27212 to report safety concerns, maintenance needs, or accidents. If you see illegal activity in any park at any time, please contact the police by dialing 911. We have assigned off duty officers to monitor our parks, and we also ask that residents call the Police Non-emergency line at 919-560-4600 to report any violations of unsafe behavior.
Participants who take medication while participating in DPR programs are required to complete a Medication Information and Waiver form and return it before the program begins.
Assistant Director, Business Services
Assistant Director, Community Recreation Services
Assistant Director, Planning and Project Development
Parks Superintendent
Budget and Finance
Accreditation, Operations, Reservations, Safety
Campus Hills, Edison Johnson
City Lakes, Heritage Parks, Outdoor Recreation
Culture and Community
Teen Center, Weaver Street, W.D. Hill
City-Wide Special Events
Holton, Lyon Park, Mature Adults, Special Programs/Inclusion
School-Age Care and Walltown
Senior Parks Planner, Trails
Wade Walcutt
Joy Guy
Jason Jones
Thomas Dawson
Robert Jennings
Rich Hahn
Gina M. Morais
Tammy Brown
Ashley Harris
Andrea Hicks
Kim Oberle
Mary Unterreiner
Jeff Forde
Rukea Womack
Deirtra Spellman
Danielle Haynes
Lindsay Smart
Please note: Only one discount may be applied to a registration or facility rental.
• The multi-child discount applies to select programs for families who do not qualify for reduced fees under other discount programs and have more than one child registering for the same course.
• Senior Citizen discounts are available for mature adults age 55 or better. A ten percent (10%) discount is available on all recreational programs and admissions to facilities for activities sponsored by Durham Parks and Recreation. Activities with specified mature adult rates, mature adult programs, and facility, field, and equipment rentals are excluded from this discount.
• A ten percent (10%) discount is available on all recreational programs and admissions to facilities for activities sponsored by Durham Parks and Recreation.
• Current City of Durham employees receive a 25 percent (25%) discount on all instructional classes and recreational passes for activities sponsored by Durham Parks and Recreation. This discount applies to the employee only, not family members. Child Care programs and facility, field, and equipment rentals are excluded from this discount. Please contact the DPR Administration Office for verification and to have the employee discount added to your account.
• Non-profits receive a fifteen percent (15%) discount on facility, field and equipment rentals. Facilities, fields and equipment with specified non-profit rates are excluded from this discount. Please note that non-profits must provide the IRS letter documenting their 501(c)(3) status.
• The sliding fee scale may be used to reduce the amount paid for childcare programs.
• The scale ranges from 10% to 100% and is based on income and number of members per household.
• Applications are available at the administration office, recreation centers, and on the DPR website.
• The application is used to determine the percentage (from 10%100%) to be paid by the participant for participation in childcare programs, which includes summer camp, after school, and intersession.
• Once approved, the reduced fee is valid for one (1) year.
• The fee waiver is available to anyone receiving support through the Durham County Department of Social Services (DSS) and may be used for programs, excluding childcare programs, facility, field, and equipment rentals, and others as specified in registration materials.
• Applications are available at the main office, recreation centers, and on the website.
• The outcome is valid for one (1) year from the date of approval.
• The applicant is responsible for completing the reservation process prior to submitting the application for Facility, Field or Equipment Fee Waivers.
• Any persons requesting a fee waiver must submit a completed Facility, Field and Equipment Fee Waiver application to the department.
• The applicant must reapply for each rental.
• The applicant must pay the security deposit and application fee by the date due and pay all other fees not waived by the Recreation Advisory Commission by the established deadline.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Durham Parks and Recreation offers an exciting benefits program for our program participants! Participants may purchase a “DPR Play More Card” which will give them a discounted rate on all programs, in addition to other benefits listed below. The cards are renewable annually.
Each program price listing has two prices: one for City Residents (CR), and one for Non-City Residents (NCR). Play More Card discounts will automatically be applied when a participant with a valid card registers for any program. Play More Cards can be purchased online, at any recreation center or the DPR Administration Office.
• Participants receive a 10% discounted fee rate for all recreation programs (excludes rental facilities, athletic league – group rates, adventure challenge course rates, special event fees).
• Participants may purchase volumediscounted punch/monthly passes for the following programs:
• Aerobic Classes
• Open Gym (Adults)
• Fitness Training
• Pickleball
• Court extended use passes
• Lap and Recreation Swim
• Water Exercise Classes
• Wellness Packages
Individual: $20 Residents; $25 Non-Residents
Benefits apply to one (1) adult plus all youth under the age of 19 residing in the same house.
2 Party: $35 Residents; $50 Non-Residents
Benefits apply to two (2) adults plus all youth under the age of 19 residing in the same house.
Participants may choose to purchase this card in order to receive the associated benefits; however, a Play More Card is not required to participate in DPR programs.
Volume-discounted multi-visit passes are available for select activities. Patrons must have a valid Play More Card in order to purchase these passes. Except for monthly passes, all passes expire one year from date of purchase. Please see the Pass Sale chart for available passes.
Daily Entrance Fee: includes indoor pool general admission, adult/mature adult open gym, exercise equipment, and land fitness programs. (Note: some areas may be age restricted). Please keep in mind this is for ONE DAY access only - frequent users of our drop-in programs are encouraged to purchase our monthly Wellness Pass and/ or other discounted punch passes offered for those with a Play More Card.
Please note: Play More Cards and volumediscounted multi-visit passes are nonrefundable.
Wellness includes unlimited land fitness and mind/body classes, open gym programs, drop-in pickleball, use of the gymnasium when available and use of any weight fitness equipment at any DPR recreation facility.
Wellness + Open Swim Package includes everything in the Monthly Wellness/Open Gym Package PLUS recreational and lap swim in the indoor and outdoor aquatic centers.
We support InclusionPara obtener información de última hora sobre nuestras aperturas, cierres y ofertas de programas, visite nuestro sitio en línea (web), en DPRPlayMore.org. Para ver nuestro sitio web en español, haga clic en DPRPlayMore.org en Google Chrome. Habrá un pequeño menú que se encuentra en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla y dice "Select Language” / Seleccionar idioma. Haga clic en la flecha y seleccione español.
Actualmente ofrecemos programas tanto virtuales como en persona, tomando las medidas de precaución establecidas. Para buscar / registrarse en programas en ActiveNet, visite dprplaymore. org y seleccione "Register Online” / Registrarse en línea.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita servicios de interprete, comuníquese con Rosalie en el correo: Rosalie.Bocelli-Hernandez@ DurhamNC.gov o Reimari en Reimari.Mateo-Perez@DurhamNC.gov o llame al 919-560-4355.
Para registrarse en los programas, los participantes tienen la opción de registrarse en persona en cualquiera de los Centro de Recreación o en la Oficina de Administración. El registro en línea también está disponible para la mayoría de los programas, visite dprplaymore. org, busque los programas favoritos utilizando palabras claves, edad, día, hora, ubicación y más. Seleccione Registrarse en línea / “Register Online" para acceder a la plataforma de registro de ActiveNet. El sistema en línea tiene muchos beneficios, ¡es fácil de usar y no se le cobra ninguna tarifa por la transacción cuando utiliza su tarjeta de crédito!
1. Visite nuestra página en, dprplaymore.org y seleccionando Registrarse en Línea / “Register Online” o vaya directamente a apm.activecommunities.com/dprplaymore
2. Haga clic en Crear una Cuenta /“Create Account”.
3. Escriba su nombre y su dirección. Los campos obligatorios se indicarán con un asterisco rojo (*)
4. Complete su información de contacto. * Nota: Para recibir alertas por mensaje de texto, incluyendo las notificaciones de cancelación, por favor indique su proveedor de telefonía celular. Haga clic en Siguiente / “Next” cuando termine.
5. Ingrese su información personal y luego haga clic en Siguiente /“Next”.
6. Complete su información de contacto de emergencia y luego haga clic en Siguiente /“Next”.
7. Provea la información de su cuenta. Cree una contraseña segura que usted pueda recordar, pero otros no puedan adivinar. Si prefiere no utilizar su correo electrónico para iniciar una sesión, entonces cree un ID de inicio de sesión diferente. Una vez que complete todos los campos obligatorios, haga clic en Crear una Cuenta /“Create Account”.
Durham Parks and Recreation encourages and promotes inclusive experiences in all of our programs, activities, sports, classes and events. Inclusive leisure experiences encourage and enhance opportunities for people of varying abilities to participate and interact in life’s activities with dignity. We also provide an environment that promotes and fosters physical, social and psychological inclusion of people with diverse experiences and skill levels. Inclusion enhances individuals’ potential for full and active participation in leisure activities and experiences.
To ensure that adequate resources are in place, we ask that requests be received at least 21 days prior to the start date of the program, activities, sports, classes and events. For more information contact the Special Programs, Inclusion and Mature Adults unit at 919-560-4288 ext. 27236.
For additional info related to city government activities, please contact the ADA Coordinator, voice 919-560-4197, fax 919- 560-4196, or ADA@DurhamNC.gov, as soon as possible, but no later than 48 hours before the event or deadline date.
Expires one month from date of purchase, i.e. Feb. 15-March 14; Additional discounts do not apply to these rates
Monthly Wellness/Open Gym Pass - Individual
Includes unlimited land fitness and mind/body classes, open gym programs, drop-in pickleball, use of the gymnasium when available and use of any weight fitness equipment at any DPR recreation facility
Monthly Swim Pass - Individual
Includes Recreational and Lap Swim at DPR indoor and outdoor aquatic centers
Monthly Wellness/Open Gym + Open Swim Pass - Individual
Includes unlimited land fitness and mind/body classes, open gym programs, drop-in pickleball, use of the gymnasium when available and use of any weight fitness equipment at any DPR recreation facility PLUS recreational and lap swim at DPR indoor and outdoor aquatic centers
DPR strives to make our programs, services, and facilities accessible for all individuals and families, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation or ability level.
For Spanish language accommodations, please contact the following staff: (Si necesita contactar al personal que habla español, puede llamar o escribir a las siguientes personas) • Rosalie: 919-560-4355, ext. 27235, Rosalie.BocelliHernandez@DurhamNC.gov
1309 Halley Street, 27707 919-560-4288
M-F 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Sa 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Su Closed
500 W. Murray Avenue, 27704 919-560-4270
M-F 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Sa 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Su Closed
2000 S. Alston Avenue, 27707 919-560-4444
M-F 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Sa 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Su Closed
401 N. Driver Street, 27703 919-354-2750
M-F 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Sa 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Su Closed
1308 Fayetteville Street, 27707 919-560-4292
M-F 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Sa 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Su Closed
1308 W. Club Blvd., 27705 919-560-4296
M-F 9 a.m.-9 p.m.
Sa 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.
Su Closed
3000 E. Weaver Street, 27707 919-560-4294
M-Th 2:30 p.m.-9 p.m.
F 2:30 p.m.-10 p.m.
Sa 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Su Closed
Please see the Facility and Park Rentals section for information on renting the following facilities:
DPR strives to make our programs, services and facilities accessible for all individuals and families, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, martial status, sexual orientation or ability level.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Indoor pools are open year round
2000 S. Alston Avenue, 27707 919-560-4444
M-F 6 a.m.-8 p.m.
Sa 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Su 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
500 W. Murray Avenue, 27704 919-560-4265
M-F 6 a.m.-8 p.m.
Sa 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Su 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
400 Cleveland Street Durham, NC 27701
Staff are available by phone, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Please call 919-560-4355 for assistance.
2614 Crest Street, 27705 919-560-4560
M-F 2:30 p.m.-6 p.m.
M-F 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
1101 Cornell Street, 27707 919-354-2730
M-F 3 p.m.-7 p.m.
Outdoor pools are open seasonally. Visit website for details.
917 Liberty Street, 27701 919-560-4202
HILLSIDE POOL 1221 Sawyer Street, 27707 919-560-4783
FOREST HILLS POOL 1639 University Drive, 27707 919-560-4782
WEST POINT ON THE ENO 5101 N. Roxboro Street
Durham, NC 27704 919-560-4355
5253 N. Roxboro Street
Durham, NC 27704 919-560-4405
2615 Harvard Avenue, 27703 919-560-4278
M-F 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
We support Inclusion
- Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Warren Creek Trail
This trail follows Warren Creek from Whippoorwill Park to Horton Road.
Length: 0.75 miles
Surface: Paved, 10 feet wide
Begins: Horton Road
Ends: Whippoorwill Park
Restrooms: Whippoorwill Park
Stadium Drive Trail
This trail follows the south side of Stadium Drive along 10-foot wide sidewalks. It switches to the north side at Broad Street and then back to the south side at Kirkwood. This trail is primarily a sidewalk trail.
Length: 1.9 miles
Surface: Paved sidewalks, 10 feet wide
Begins: northern terminus of the Ellerbee Creek Trail
Ends: Whippoorwill Park
Restrooms: Whippoorwill Park, Rock Quarry Park, The Museum of Life and Science
Ellerbee Creek Trail
This trail is one of the oldest trails in the Durham Trails and Greenways System. As a part of the North/South Greenway, it runs through the center of Durham, providing excellent recreational opportunities as well as good bike and pedestrian access to downtown Durham. The majority of this trail is paved, separated from the road.
Length: 1.2 miles
Surface: Paved trail, 10 feet wide
Begins: Stadium Drive
Ends: Club Blvd (Parking at Northgate Park)
Restrooms: Rock Quarry Park, Northgate Park
West Club Blvd Trail
This trail is a 10-foot wide sidewalk trail which crosses W. Club Blvd at the corner of W. Club and Glendale Avenue. This trail follows W. Club Boulevard.
Length: 0.3 miles
Surface: Paved sidewalk, 10 feet wide
Begins: Northgate Park (Parking)
Ends: Washington Street
Restrooms: Northgate Park
South Ellerbee Creek Trail
This trail is one of the oldest trails in the Durham Trails and Greenways System. As a part of the North/South Greenway, it runs through the center of Durham, providing excellent recreational opportunities as well as good bike and pedestrian access to downtown Durham.
Length: 1.4 miles
Surface: Paved, 10 feet wide
Begins: West Trinity Avenue
Ends: West Club Blvd.
Restrooms: Northgate Park
Duke Park Trail
This trail follows Brookline Street, which is closed to traffic. It connects Duke Park with the North/South Greenway at Washington Street.
Length: 0.3 miles
Surface: Paved roadway
Begins: Washington Street
Ends: Duke Park at Acadia Street (Parking)
Restrooms: Duke Park
Downtown Trail
This trail runs through the middle of downtown Durham. Green bricks along the side of the sidewalk mark the trail, but there is also good road signage. While bicycles are allowed on these wider sidewalks, please ride slowly and yield to pedestrians.
Length: .9 miles
Surface: Paved sidewalks, 10 feet wide
Begins: West Trinity Ave
Ends: Jackie Robinson Drive adjacent to the Durham Bulls Athletic Park and the American Tobacco Campus
Restrooms: Restrooms at the Durham Farmer's Market
This trail follows West Ellerbee Creek, which has recently been restored. The Ellerbee Creek Watershed Association has landscaped the trail with native plants.
Length: 2.25 miles
Surface: Paved surface, 10 feet wide
Begins: Albany Drive near Indian Trail Park
Ends: Stadium Dr. and Broad St.
Restrooms: None
This trail follows Third Fork Creek. Keep an eye out for mud and water, which can sometimes be found on this trail during high water periods.
Length: 3.6 miles
Surface: Paved off-road trail, 10 feet wide
Begins: Southern Boundaries Park
Ends: Garrett Road Park
Restrooms: Southern Boundaries Park, Garrett Road Park
American Tobacco TrailDurham Section
This trail is a 10-foot wide, paved, off -road trail which follows the old CSX railroad. The trail is heavily used by walkers, joggers, cyclists, rollerbladers and folks pushing strollers. Users need to keep their speed below 10 mph and watch for other trail users.
Length: 11.0 miles
Surface: Paved off -road trail, 10 feet wide
Begins: Corner of Morehead and Blackwell Streets
Ends: Jordan Lake (Durham section ends at the Chatham County Line, 3000 ft south of Scott King Rd.)
Restrooms: Elmira Park, Solite Park, C.M. Herndon Park
Riddle Road Spur
This trail follows the old Riddle Road Spur of the CSX railroad. There are several street level crossings: Riddle Road (no light), NC 55 (Apex Hwy) with pedestrian light, and S. Alston (traffic four-way stop).
Length: 1.50 miles
Surface: Paved off-road trail, 10 feet wide
Begins: Intersection of Riddle and Fayetteville Roads
Ends: S. Briggs Avenue
Restrooms: None
Sandy Creek Trail
This trail is a 10-foot wide, paved, off -road trail that follows Sandy Creek. This trail and park are birding hotspots. In addition to some 100 species of birds having been sighted, there is also an abundance of other wildlife, including beavers, deer, otters, coyotes, red fox, and turtles. The best time to walk the trail for birds and other wildlife is early mornings and around dusk.
Length: 0.75 miles
Surface: Paved off-road trail, 10 feet wide
Begins: Pickett Road
Ends: Sandy Creek Park
Restrooms: Sandy Creek Park
This trail is one of the oldest trails in the Trails and Greenways System. It was originally designed to serve the NCCU community. On-road connections can be made to the R. Kelly Bryant Bridge.
Length: 1 mile
Surface: Paved on-road and off-road trails.
Begins: Elmira Park
Ends: NC Central University
Restrooms: Elmira Park
This trail is a 10-foot wide, paved, off-road trail which follows Rocky Creek from the American Tobacco Trail to NC 55. On-road connections can be made to the R. Kelly Bryant Bridge.
Length: 1 mile
Surface: Paved off-road trail, 10 feet wide
Begins: American Tobacco Trail south of Fayetteville Street
Ends: Dakota Street, just west of NC 55
Restrooms: Elmira Park
This trail currently consists of a connector sidewalk from the Bryant Bridge to Alston Ave, the Bryant Bridge, and a street trail along Lakeland Street the main feature of this trail is the beautiful bridge named after long-time civil rights and Durham Open Space and Trails member, R. Kelly Bryant Jr.
Length: 0.3 miles
Surface: Paved off-road trail, 10 feet wide and street trail.
Begins: Alston Avenue just north of the NC 147 exit ramp
Ends: Corner of Lakeland and Mathison Streets
Restrooms: None
Volunteers help monitor the hike and bike trails in Durham.
For more information and to apply, visit DPRPlayMore.org and select How Do I — Volunteer—Durham Community Trail Watch.
To provide programs and services to Durham residents and visitors, Durham Parks and Recreation relies on its strong volunteer base. The contribution of volunteers to parks and recreation departments is invaluable whether a large group or individual efforts. Our talented staff also remains committed to getting their hands dirty to ensure our community, park visitors, and customers enjoy DPR events and have clean, beautiful, and spruced-up spaces to gather and recreate.
This volunteer spotlight gives thanks to Reynaldo Mateo Cristobal Cruz, a solo volunteer who invested 20 volunteer hours in less than a month, and DPR staff who, during Random Acts of Kindness week, cleaned up Long Meadow Park and creek.
The benefits of giving back and getting involved in your community go beyond individual growth. It is a great way to learn more about the community in which you live. Rey came into DPR in the first week of January wanting to spend the month volunteering in the parks. Since January 2, he has visited eight parks and volunteered 20 hours. The opportunity to spend time outdoors has enabled him to visit parks he had no idea existed in our park system. The Durham community and our parks are made a little brighter because of volunteers like Rey! Thank you, Rey, for choosing to PLAY MORE with DPR!
Let's make 2023 a banner year for volunteering! For more information about volunteering with Durham Parks and Recreation, please visit our website, email Mal Atkinson at DPRvolunteers@ durhamnc.gov or call 919-560-4355. You can also visit dprvolunteers.ivolunteer. com to view our latest volunteer opportunities.
Several DPR Staff participated in Random Acts of Kindness Week by volunteering to clean up Long Meadow Park. At the end of the two hours, staff removed a tire, a shopping cart, a broken bicycle, and more than ten bags of trash. They also made sure to clean out plastic and garbage from the nearby stream. We thank our staff for their commitment to keeping DPR-owned parks well-maintained! Park cleanups help us beautify our local parks by making them more attractive eco-friendly places.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.
CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Online registration is available through ActiveNet. The online system has many great benefits, is easy to use, and customers are not charged an online transaction fee! Search for your favorite programs by keyword, age, day, time, location, and more!
Visit DPRPlayMore.org and select "Register Online" to access the ActiveNet online registration site or go directly to apm. activecommunities.com/dprplaymore
1. Start by accessing our registration site by visiting DPRPlayMore.org and selecting "Register Online" or go directly to apm. activecommunities.com/dprplaymore
2. Click Create an Account
3. Fill in your name and address. Required fields will be denoted by a red asterisk (*)
4. Fill in your contact information. *Note: To receive text message alerts, including cancellation notifications, please indicate your cell phone carrier. Click Next when complete.
Program registration will begin Thursday, December 1 for most programs taking place January-May 2023.
Athletic and Swim Lesson Registration: View tables on pages 16 and 45.
5. Enter your personal information then click Next.
6. Fill in your emergency contact information then click Next.
7. Provide your account information. Create a secure password you will be able to remember, but others will not be able to guess. If you prefer not to use your email to login, please create an alternate Login ID. Once you complete all required fields, click Create Account.
*Registration information subject to change
*Registration information subject to change
*Registration information subject to change
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
*Registration information subject to change
*Registration information subject to change
0-18 $0 $5
19-54 $4 $9
55+ $3 $8
Lap Swim
During lap swim times, patrons may use the facility’s lane space for lap swimming. Aquatic devices such as kick boards and pull buoys are available to use. The number of lap lanes available will be based on the current program schedule. Multi-visit passes are available for purchase with a Play More Card.
CR Fee: $4 NCR Fee: $9
CAMPUS HILLS POOL 18155 Jun 1-Aug 31
Recreational swim is a time to enjoy unstructured water activities with friends and family. A multi-visit pass is available for purchase on a Play More Card at a discounted rate. Times vary depending on scheduled activities.
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5
CR Fee: $4 NCR Fee: $9
Recreational swim is a time to enjoy unstructured water activities with friends and family. Children 3 and under are free; ‘multi visit passes’ are also available. Times vary depending on scheduled activities.
Adult CR
$0 NCR Fee: $4
$3 NCR Fee: $8
We support Inclusion
CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident 18
- Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.
The purpose of this American Red Cross program is to teach safe behaviors around the water and develop swimming readiness by leading parents and their children in water exploration activities with the objective of having fun and becoming comfortable in and around water.
Age: 1.5-3 years
CR Fee: $46 NCR Fee: $61
18178 Jun 5-Jun 15 M-Th 5pm-5:30pm
18175 Jul 24-Aug 3 M-Th 4:30am-5am
This American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim program aims to promote the developmentally appropriate learning of fundamental water safety and aquatic skills by young children. It teaches aquatic and safety skills with a goal of independent swimming. The program offers a fun, challenging, and supportive learning environment for preschoolers.
Age: 3-5
CR Fee: $46 NCR Fee: $61
18181 Jul 10-Jul 20 M-Th 5pm-5:30pm
18172 Jun 20-Jun 29 M-F 4:30pm-5pm
The American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim program consists of several comprehensive levels that teach children of varying abilities how to swim skillfully and safely. Each level includes training in basic water safety. All aquatic and safety skills are taught in a logical progression. Prerequisites for each leave are:
Beginner: No pre-requisites; new to the pool, needing to learn water adjustment skills and basic stroke techniques.
Intermediate: Able to fully submerge head, able to swim at least 15 yards (half of pool length) of both front crawl and elementary backstroke.
Age: 6-12
CR Fee: $52 NCR Fee: $67
This American Red Cross program is designed for beginners and intermediate-level swimmers. Students will be grouped according to skill level on the first day of class. Topics of instruction include basic aquatic skills, swimming strokes, personal water safety skills, and basic water rescue. If you want to become a better swimmer, or have dreamed of becoming a lifeguard, this program will help you reach those goals. There are no prerequisites for this course.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $52 NCR Fee: $67
18180 Jun 5-Jun 15
Participants in DAS must attend one of the Precourse Swim Test sessions offered to be able to participate in DAS.
Age: 16 and up No Cost
18495 May 21 Su 3pm-8pm
Age: 16 and up
18245 Jun 2-Jun 4 F 5pm-9pm Sa, Su 9am-5pm
This class offers a total workout while protecting joints from the pounding of a traditional land aerobics class. The program is designed to utilize the natural resistance of water allowing for muscle toning, cardiovascular endurance, and increased flexibility. Participants do not need to know how to swim to join. A multi-visit pass is available for purchase on a Play More Card at a discounted rate per class.
Age: 13 and up
CR Fee: $5 NCR Fee: $10
18158 Jun 7-Aug 30 W 12pm-12:45pm
18159 Jun 5-Aug 30 M,W 7pm-7:45pm
18166 Jun 1-Aug 31 M-Th 6:15pm-7pm
18174 Jun 20-Jun 29
The purpose of this program is to offer free lifeguard certification training to area teens and adults willing to work for Durham Parks and Recreation (DPR) as lifeguards. To qualify for the Durham Aquatic School, participants must be at least 16 years of age. They must also register for the DAS Pre-Course Swim Test which will be held before the online course begins. Each participant must be able to pass the prerequisite tests. Pre-requisites: Participant must be at least 16 years of age. They must be able to swim 300 yards continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing. This may be performed using the front crawl, breaststroke, or a combination of both swimming strokes-no backstroke or sidestroke allowed. Additionally, participants must be able to tread water for two minutes using only their legs-arms must be out of the water or hands in the armpits. Lastly, participants must be able to swim 20 yards, retrieve a ten-pound object from a depth of, at least seven feet, and return to the starting point holding the object with both hands while swimming and exit the pool. The retrieval of the object, return to side and exit needs to be completed within 1 minute and 40 seconds or less. Both hands must be holding the object with the face at or near the surface. This is a blended learning class. Participants must complete the 7-hour online portion of the course prior to the first class. Space is limited, please sign up for the pre-course on Sunday, May 21, from 3 p.m.-5 p.m. Please contact DPRAquatics@durhamnc.gov if you have any questions.
This invigorating class is conducted in deep water. This program is designed to give a total body workout. Sessions include cardio, toning and stretching components. Exercisers do not need to know how to swim but should be comfortable in deep water even though flotation belts will be provided. A multi-visit pass is available for purchase on a Play More Card at a discounted rate per class.
Age: 13 and up
CR Fee: $10 NCR Fee: $25
18165 Jun 3-Aug 26 Sa 10:15am-11am
Teens! Come Celebrate Bimbé in your own way at Campus Hills with a teen pool party! There will be games, music, food, and giveaways! Grab your friends to cool off at the pool and turn up to the sound of the beat. Participants must wear appropriate pool attire.
Age: 13-18
No Cost
18162 Jun 2 F 7:30pm-10pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Durham Parks and Recreation maintains three outdoor seasonal pools for individuals and families to enjoy water activities. The outdoor pools will open for the season on Wednesday, June 8.
917 Liberty Street 919-560-4202
1639 University Drive 919-560-4782
1221 Sawyer Street (located in Hillside Park) 919-560-4783
1200 N. Alston Ave.
Open End of May-End of September 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
500 West Murray Ave.
Open End of May-End of September 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
1639 University Drive
Open End of May-End of September 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
1221 Sawyer St.
Open June-August
Monday-Sunday 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Open Labor Day.
The Hillside Park sprayground is located inside the pool area and is only open during pool hours. Pool fees apply.
Jun 7-Aug 11 M, W, F, Sa, Su 1 – 5 p.m. Open Tuesday, July 4.
Jun 7-Sep 3
M, W, F, Sa, Su 1 – 5 p.m.
Open Tuesday, July 4.
Weekends only August -September. Open Labor Day (September 4)
Durham Parks and Recreation operates four spraygrounds. Spraygrounds are playground areas with water features that allow residents fun places to cool off when the temperature rises! Spraygrounds are free, with the exception of the Hillside Park location.
- Lap swim reservations will be available Monday- Friday from 12 p.m.-5 p.m. only. Lap Swim hours are subject to change. Visit the Indoor Pool Lap Lane Reservations page (DPRPlayMore.org/LapSwim) for lap swim hours and online reservations.
-Reservations will last for a 45-minute timeframe. Patrons may arrive up to 15 minutes prior to their reservation timeslot.
-To request a single-use lane during the lap swim reservations timeframe, please e-mail DPRAquatics@durhamnc.gov
- Single lane use is only available MondayFriday from 12 p.m.-5 p.m.
- Drop-in swimmers are allowed if space is available. Reservations have priority.
-Reservations can be made same day or up to 7 days in advance.
-If you have questions regarding lap swim reservations or need to cancel your reservation, please call: Campus Hills Pool (919-560-4444) or Edison Johnson Aquatics Center (919-560-4265) or email DPRAquatics@DurhamNC.gov
-All other operational times lap swim is available will drop-in only.
- Patrons may use DPR swimming or fitness equipment.
- Patrons will have access to the locker rooms.
- If the patron who is swimming needs someone to accommodate them on their visit they must also follow facility requirements.
- In the case of inclement weather, DPR staff will communicate with patrons if a reservation will need to be canceled.
Provide programs and league play for various ages in a variety sports. A leading resource for recreational choices to help residents enjoy life while contributing to their health and well-being through diverse sports programming that is supported by quality staff, facilities and program guidelines.
Looking for some summer time fun for your child? Come join us as we explore the world of sports. Your child will be exposed to both team and individual sports. This program promises to be fun for all and parental participation is encouraged.
Age: 2-5
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18336 Jun 3-Jun 24 Sa 10am-11am
Participants will learn the basics of soccer dribbling, passing, receiving and shooting. They will learn more about teamwork and playing as part of a group. Our instructors will keep the atmosphere fun and non-competitive, making sure that all participants feel good about their abilities. Parent/ Adult participation is required.
Age: 3-5
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18369 Aug 3-Aug 31 Th 9:30am-10:30am
The objective of this program is to introduce young children to the game of basketball in a non-competitive environment. Through various drills participants will refine their motor skills and incorporate physical activity into their day. This program requires participation from the parent/ guardian each night. Participants’ age is as of July 22, 2023.
CR Fee: $3.75 NCR Fee: $8.75
This clinic provides a great atmosphere for soccer to be introduced to beginners and taught in a noncompetitive environment. The one-day fun-filled clinic will teach drills and exercises that focuses on passing and dribbling.
Age: 4-8
CR Fee: $2 NCR Fee: $7
18386 Aug 24 Th 5:45pm-7pm
This academy is designed to teach basic introductory soccer skills to participants. The academy promotes an atmosphere of fun and sportsmanship among coaches, parents, and participants. All participants will attend skill sessions and scrimmages on Saturdays at C.M. Herndon Park.
CR Fee: $7.50 NCR Fee: $12.50
C.M. HERNDON PARK Sep 2-Oct 14 Sa 9am-10:15am
18141 Age: 5
18142 Age: 6-7
18143 Age: 8-9
We support Inclusion
- Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.
CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Durham Girls Soccer League is an instructional soccer league for girls ages 6-13. It is the league’s philosophy to provide an opportunity for all girls to participate on a soccer team regardless of ability. There will be one practice per week and matches will be on Saturdays.
Age: 6-13 year old girls as of August 1, 2023
CR Fee: $39 NCR Fee: $54
18144 Age: 6-8
18145 Age: 9-10
18146 Age: 11-13
Participants will learn the basics of tennis. The class will review basic strokes, tennis strategy, and learn how to score a match. All equipment is provided; participants should bring water and wear tennis shoes and weather appropriate clothing.
CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14
Aug 15-Aug 31 T,Th 6pm-7pm
17665 Age 5-6
17666 Age 7-8
17667 Age 9-10
Participants will receive a racquet and can of tennis balls after attending four out of the six lessons. Two sessions of Raising Racquets is offered. In an effort to provide tennis equipment and lessons to as many children as possible we are asking that parents sign their child up for one session only. If parents are interested in both sessions please contact Jonathan Ray at 919-560-4355.
Age: 7-12
CR Fee: $13.50 NCR Fee: $18.50
17669 Jun 12-Jul 3 M,W 6pm-7:30pm
17670 Jul 11-Jul 27 T,Th 6pm-7:30pm
Participants will learn the basics of tennis. The class will review basic strokes, tennis strategy, and learn how to score a match. Participants should bring a tennis racquet, water and wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing.
Age: 7-12
CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14
18374 Jul 12-Aug 16 W 6pm-7pm
Come join us as we explore the world of sports. Your child will be exposed to both team and individual sports. This program promises to be fun for all.
Age: 8-12
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18337 Jun 5-Jun 26 M 6:15pm-7:15pm
This basketball clinic is designed around fundamental development. Participants will be provided the opportunity to advance their basketball skills in an enthusiastic and cooperative learning environment. Participants will develop and improve their overall game with station work focusing on shooting, ball handling, defense, offense and conditioning.
Age: 7-12
CR Fee: $3 NCR Fee: $8
18372 Jul 8 Sa 9am-11am
This program will introduce children to the sport of squash, a ball and racquet sport played on an indoor court. Participants will learn the basic rules and techniques of the game in a fun and positive environment.
Age: 7-12
CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14
Join us in the gym to play the worlds favorite game, soccer.
Age: 10-17
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $20
18323 Jun 21-Aug 30 W 6pm-8pm
You got game? Bring it to open gym. A facility attendant will be present to organize the games.
Age: 10 and up
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5
18259 Jun 5-Aug 7 M 6pm-8:30pm
The camp is for individuals who are new to the sport of volleyball. The focus will be on teaching the fundamentals in a fun and non-competitive environment. Participants will learn serving, passing (underhand passing), setting (overhead passing), defensive skills and have a better understanding of the rules. Participants need to wear the proper attire and foot wear for volleyball and bring a water bottle.
Age: 11-16
CR Fee: $4.50 NCR Fee: $9.50
18373 Jul 13-Jul 20 Th 6pm-7:30pm
The DPR-PAL Teen Basketball League is a free basketball league for teenagers ages 13-16 cosponsored by Durham Parks and Recreation and the Durham Police Department. Players will be assigned to a team with a volunteer coach and will practice and compete with peers from JuneAugust. Practices and games are on Tuesday and Thursday nights at Walltown or W.D. Hill gyms. All players must attend the pre-season assessment on Thursday, June 8, at W.D. Hill Recreation CenterLast names A-M: 6:15 p.m.; last names N-Z: 7:30 p.m. Practices begin June 20 and games begin July 11. The season ends on August 3.
Age: 13-16
17788 Jun 8-Aug 3 T,Th 6pm-9pm
To register a team, follow these steps:
1. Fill out Team Registration Form and submit to League Coordinator
2. Upon receiving confirmation from League Coordinator, pay registration fees online or in person. Teams can play up to two matches per night, each match consisting of three games. Games are played six on six with a maximum of 12 players per team. Teams will compete in an end-ofthe-season tournament.
Age: 17 and up
There are no officials used for this league. Registration Fee: $80 per team with a $12 NCR fee per non-city resident
Age: 17 and up
18153 Aug 17-Nov 9 Th 6:15pm-9:30pm
Officials are used for this league.
Registration Fee: $240 per team with a $12 NCR fee per non-city resident
18154 Aug 14-Nov 20 M 6:15pm-9:30pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.
CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
In the DPR combo doubles league teams are comprised of up to 15 players playing three doubles matches. The combined levels of each doubles pair cannot exceed the team level. To participate you must have a current USTA membership.
Registration Dates: June 1 - June 27, 2023
To register: http://national.usta.com
Ages and Fees:
18+ and 40+: Total Fee = $14 (Tennislink Fee $3; DPR Local League Fee $5; NCTA Fee $6)
Age 55+: Total Fee = $12 (Tennislink Fee $3; DPR Local League Fee $3; NCTA Fee $6)
Age 65+: Total Fee = $9 (Tennislink Fee $3; NCTA Fee $6 )
Age: 18 and up
17649 Aug 1-Oct 27 M-Sa 9am-10pm
Swing batter, batter swing! The adult softball league plays two nights per week from Aug - Oct.
Registration Fees: $475 per team with a $12 fee per non-city resident. Registration Dates: July 1 - Aug 1. Team registration only, individuals should contact league coordinator.
Age: 17 and up
18148 Aug 7-Nov 1 M,W 6pm-9:30pm
18149 Aug 8-Nov 2 T,Th 6pm-9:30pm
18150 Aug 8-Nov 2 T,Th 6pm-9:30pm
Want to try Pickleball, but not sure how to start? Stop by and we’ll teach you. Then stick around for open play time to put your new skills to work!
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21
18346 Aug 5-Aug 26 Sa 9am-10am
Join us Saturday, July 15, 2022, for this fun women’s single round robin tournament. This event will be held indoors at Walltown Park Recreation Center gym. Each individual will play one game to 11 (win by 1) against each of the other five individuals in their pool during match play. Medals will be awarded to the top three players. The deadline to register is Saturday, July 8, 2023 and space is limited to six participants.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $24 NCR Fee: $29
We support Inclusion
Advanced beginner (2.5) and intermediate (3.0) players are invited to register for this traditional DAYTIME Pickleball ladder playing at the outdoor, covered courts at Bethesda Park. Players will pair with three different partners and compete in three matches weekly against doubles pairs with similar skill levels. Players move up or down the ladder based on the scores they earn each week. All participants must be at least 18 years of age, and must have recreational Pickleball experience prior to registering. The focus is on fun, improving your game, meeting and competing with other players in this sport. The deadline to register is September 15, 2023, and space is limited to 48 participants. Match start times are scheduled from 10 am - 11:30 am and players should plan for 90 minutes on the courts.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $32 NCR Fee: $47
17712 Sep 27-Nov 15 W 10am-1pm
Grab your MIXED partner and come play in this DEDICATED DOUBLES Pickleball ladder. Teams competing at the 3.5 or 4.0 level are invited to register for this fast paced and challenging ladder. The ladder plays on the outdoor, covered courts at Bethesda Park. Players should plan to be available for all start times specified, and teams are encouraged to attend all dates. In this dedicated doubles ladder format, mixed teams compete in 3 matches weekly, and move up or down the ladder based on the scores they earn each week. The deadline to register is September 15, 2023, and space is limited to 24 teams. When registering players must list their partner’s name. Sorry, we are unable to accommodate players without partners.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $32 NCR Fee: $47
17713 Sep 26-Nov 14 T 5:30pm-8:30pm
Some dream about goals, but here at DPR we make ‘em! Come join our 9v9 Adult Women’s 30+ Soccer League this fall. Grab your friends and register today!
Age: 30 and up
CR Fee: $39 NCR Fee: $54
18140 Sep 6-Dec 13 M,W 6pm-10pm
Participants will learn the basics of tennis. The class will review basic strokes, tennis strategy, and learn how to score a match. Participants should bring a tennis racquet, water and wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21
17664 Aug 8-Aug 15 T,Th 6:30pm-7:30pm
Kick back and enjoy this time socializing with friends and teammates while competing in one of America’s favorite childhood games, kickball! Whether you’re new to the game or have been kicking the ball around for years you will have lots of fun in our adult kickball league.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $28 NCR Fee: $43
18139 Sep 7-Dec 7 Th 6pm-9:30pm
Are you new to the game of golf? Or do you need to shake some rust off your game? If so, join us at W.D. Hill Recreation Center for an introduction to golf. The course will cover topics such as hand grip, basic swing mechanics, and how to keep score. Once this class is over, you will be ready to hit the links!
Age: 18 and up HILLSIDE PARK
CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17
18340 Jul 11-Jul 25 T 11am-12pm
CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21
18339 Jun 6-Jun 27 T 11am-12pm
18341 Aug 8-Aug 29 T 11am-12pm
DPR strives to make our programs, services and facilities accessible for all individuals and families, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, martial status, sexual orientation or ability level.
- Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.
Beat the summer heat and cool down your four-legged frenz at Doggie Spray Dayz! Come join Canine Recreation for an afternoon filled with sprinklers, doggie pools, and many more heat-defeating activities. Your pup is sure to have a splashingly good time.
No Cost
18507 Sep 9 Sa 11am-2pm
All dogs MUST be registered with DPR annually. To ensure that we provide a healthy environment for all participants, we have adopted the vaccination requirements recommended by the American Animal Hospital Association. All dogs are required to have the following vaccinations before being issued a Dog Park tag: rabies, distemper/ parvo, bordetella, and a negative fecal exam. We also accept titer results in lieu of vaccinations except for rabies (state law). Vaccinations must be current, and not due to expire within 30 days.
When these requirements are met, a DPR dog park tag is assigned. All dogs must wear their current dog park tag while playing in the park. After registering, vaccination records and liability waiver must be emailed to DurhamDogPark@DurhamNC.gov. See website for complete instructions, or call 919-560-4355.
All dogs must be registered with DPR annually. Online registration is available through DPRPlayMore.org/ActiveNet. Search Dog Park Registration to register.
Registration can be done by mail to: Durham Parks and Recreation
Attn: Dog Parks, 101 City Hall Plaza, Durham, NC 27701
Registration can be completed in person at the DPR Administration Office located at 400 Cleveland Street.
Fees: 2023 Dog Park tags are valid through the end of the calendar year. (January 1 – December 31). Fees are not prorated throughout the year.
CR Fee: $17/per dog
NCR Fee: $22/per dog
We support Inclusion
- Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.
CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Durham Parks and Recreation has four dog parks, which offer a safe and controlled environment for dogs and their owners. The dog parks provide access to open space for off-leash play and socialization.
400 W. Lavender Avenue
(Located on the north side of Northgate Park)
Features two enclosed areas:
• Small Dog Area: 15 inches or smaller & 30 lbs or under
• Large Dog Area: 15 inches & taller & 30 lbs or over
Amenities include waste bag dispensers, water access, and benches.
1608 Acadia Street
Features two enclosed areas:
• Small Dog Area: 15 inches or smaller & 30 lbs or under
• Large Dog Area: 15 inches & taller & 30 lbs or over
Amenities include waste bag dispensers, water access, and benches.
400 E. Woodcroft Parkway
Features four separate enclosed areas:
• Small Dog Area: 15 inches or smaller & 30 lbs or under
• Large Dog Area: 15 inches & taller & 30 lbs or over
• Program Area: special playgroups/ organized activity
• Entrance Area: smaller version of program area
Amenities include waste bag dispensers, water access, and benches.
304 Elliott Street
(Located on the corner of Roxboro and Elliott Streets)
Features two enclosed areas:
• Small Dog Area: 15 inches or smaller and 30 lbs or under
• Large Dog Area: 15 inches & taller and 30 lbs or over
Amenities include waste bag dispensers and benches.
We support InclusionProvides local and regional cultural heritage programs through active and passive interpretation to gain an understanding of how the natural and cultural history of the area has shaped our past, present, and future.
Take a guided-tour of Leigh Farm Park. Come inside the Visitors’ Center and request a tour from our Historic Site Interpreters at your convenience from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. You’ll learn about the families who lived here, their work, and life on a middle-class plantation. Venture inside the historic farmhouse while also visiting the enslaved people’s cabin and the Leigh Family Cemetery.
No Cost
18251 Jun 3-Jun 24 Sa 10am-3pm
18252 Jul 8-Aug 26 Sa 10am-3pm
Take a guided tour of West Point on the Eno’s historic buildings and grounds while visiting the West Point Mill, McCown-Mangum House, and Hugh Mangum Museum of Photography, you will hear stories about the people who lived, worked, and played here. Tours leave on the hour, at 10 a.m., 11 a.m., 12 p.m., and 1 p.m.
All ages No Cost
18249 Jun 3-Jun 25 Sa,Su 10am-2pm
18250 Jul 8-Aug 27 Sa,Su 10am-2pm
Join us for a new tour that will delve into the lives of the enslaved and emancipated people at West Point on the Eno. Through the eyes of William “Dink” McCown, the tour will explore his experiences as an enslaved child and adult, and then freedman who was trained to be the miller of McCown’s Mill.
All ages No Cost
18576 Jun 3- July 30 Sa 10am-12pm
Explore the trails around West Point on the Eno while learning about how Durhamites have played on this part of the Eno River...from picnics, swimming, fishing, and more, there’s lots to explore. Participants are encouraged to bring water and wear study hiking shoes as some hikes can cover up to three miles. Dogs are generally allowed unless the specific hike includes entry to the historic building(s). Contact caitlin.avinger@ durhamnc.gov for specific hike details.
Age: 10 and up No Cost
18577 Aug 5-26 Sa 10am-12pm
Man has changed the river; the river has changed man. Come explore the water and floodplain with us. This hike will be about three miles long and will have two water crossings (the Eno River and Warren Creek), so you may want to bring water shoes. Registration is required.
Age: 10 and up
No Cost
18279 Jul 14 F 10am-12pm
Throw on your hiking shoes, we’re talking geology on a hike to Sennett’s Hole and back. Along the way, you’ll learn about the soil and rocks that have shaped West Point on the Eno and its history. This hike will be about two miles long and will cross the Warren Creek, so you may want to bring (or wear) water shoes. Friendly dogs welcome. Registration is required.
Age: 10 and up
No Cost
18280 Aug 4 F 10am-12pm
Discover! Play! Learn! Register your group for a day full of exciting learning opportunities. Student groups will begin their adventure with a walking history tour of the park. Then participate in educational stations all focused on exploring West Point on the Eno’s trails and learning about the power of the Eno River. Participants will explore the trails, learn about navigation and directions in nature, try old-school fishing, and more! Activities are designed for ages 5-12. Siblings outside of the age range are welcome to attend, but may not be able to participate in activities depending on available supplies. Registration is required. Guardians must remain with their children throughout the program.
Age: 5-11
CR Fee: $3 NCR Fee: $8
18281 Aug 18 F 10am-12pm
18282 Aug 18 F 11am-1pm
18283 Aug 18 F 12pm-2pm
Join us for a literary celebration of Juneteenth! Together we’ll reflect on the significance of this important day in history; acknowledging the great strides made and the journey still ahead. Participants will listen to the powerful songs and poems of African American writers past and present, tour an historic farm, and discuss the importance of Juneteenth and its meaning today. Registration is required.
Age: 13-16 No Cost
18284 Jun 3 Sa 10am-1pm
Join us to make your very own unique pair of pants! Learn how to create pants using basic materials and a pattern traced from your own body. This hands-on workshop will guide participants through the entire process, from creating the pattern to hand sewing the material. No experience needed. This project was supported by the Durham Arts Council’s Annual Arts Fund and the N.C. Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural & Cultural Resources.
Age: 13-16 No Cost
18285 Jul 29 Sa 1pm-4pm
Looking for an enjoyable way to pass a weekend morning? Stop by the mill and checkout a cane fishing pole and drop a line! Folks have been fishing in the mill pound at West Point on the Eno for centuries and now you can try it the old-fashioned way. Stop in and see how you do at old-school fishing!**There will be no Cane Pole check-outs on 7/1/23 and 7/2/23.**
Age: 5 and up No Cost
18253 Jun 3-Aug 27 Sa, Su 10am-12pm
Have you ever wanted to learn a fiber arts craft, but didn’t know which you would enjoy? Now is your chance to explore different skills. DPR’s Cultural Heritage team is partnering with Piedmont Fibershed to lead a series of fiber-arts focused workshops. Each workshop will provide participants with the introductory skills and supplies to begin your crafting journey. Be sure to check out our free, monthly meet ups to come hone your new skills. This project was supported by the Durham Arts Council’s Annual Arts Fund and the N.C. Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural & Cultural Resources.
Age: 15 and up
CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17
18286 Jul 16 Su 12pm-3pm
18287 Aug 13 Su 12pm-3pm
Calling all fiber artists! You are invited to join Piedmont Fibershed at a monthly meet up to work on projects, learn, and share your craft. We will have a facilitator on hand to get novices started, and a small collection of equipment and materials available for anyone to use. This project was supported by the Durham Arts Council’s Annual Arts Fund and the N.C. Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural & Cultural Resources.
Age: 5 and up No Cost
18275 Jun 11 Su 12pm-3pm
18276 Jun 25 Su 12pm-3pm
18277 Jul 23 Su 12pm-3pm
18278 Aug 27 Su 12pm-3pm
Would you like to schedule a private park tour or hike? Private tours and hikes are free, but please allow eight business days for us to set up for you. Private tour options include park tours of Leigh Farm Park or West Point on the Eno Park, or a selection of our History Hikes. Contact Caitlin Avinger at Caitlin.Avinger@DurhamNC.gov if you have questions or would like to schedule one. Please note, private tours and hikes are dependent on staff availability and are limited to a maximum size of 14 participants.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.
CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
5101 N. Roxboro St., Durham, NC 27704
This 388-acre natural and historic park is located along a two-mile stretch of the scenic Eno River, six miles north of downtown Durham. Take a step back in time to Durham’s early beginnings by touring the working Grist Mill, the 1850’s McCown-Mangum House, and the Hugh Mangum Museum of Photography. Park tours are offered on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday through December. Tours are free, but registration is required. Park tours meet at the mill. Private tours can be arranged in advance by calling 919-560-4355.
You can also enjoy a leisurely picnic and stroll around the grounds or take a hike through the woods on one of the park trails. Feel free to bring your canoe or raft and experience the beauty of the Eno River. The park gates are open daily, year-round, from 8 a.m. to dark.
370 Leigh Farm Rd. Durham, NC 27707
This 82.8-acre property located at 370 Leigh Farm Road is anchored by a seven-acre historic core listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The park includes the Leigh House (circa 1835), an early 19th century dairy, a mid-19th century enslaved peoples cabin with notable stick-built chimney, smokehouse, corn crib and a late 19th century well house and carriage house. The property also features a second mid-19th century slave cabin with a 1930 Rustic Revival log addition, an early 20th century tobacco barn and pack house, several mid-20th century residences, and wooded acreage that was historically open agricultural land. Guided tours are offered on Saturdays through December. Admission is free.
Do your kids enjoy painting? Would they like to try it on a large scale? Then they will have a great time at Color the Park! Make some art. Make a mess. Have a blast!
Age: 1-5
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18206 Jun 16-Jul 7 F 10am-11am
Love to create? Come create a masterpiece of your own. Enjoy painting your canvas and a cupcake treat too. Just bring the artist in you and be ready for some fun.
Age: 2-5
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18210 Jun 21 W 11am-12pm
18211 Jul 12 W 11am-12pm
A play-based, preschool environment where social and emotional growth is nurtured. Children are encouraged to explore and problem solve through the uses of senses. Children and parents play instruments, sing songs, listen to stories, create projects, and play. Adult participation is required.
Age: 2-4
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18217 Jul 10-Aug 28 M 6pm-6:30pm
A fun, energetic mix of stretching, flexibility, and balance techniques designed for young children. Kids are able to express themselves and explore what they are capable of in a safe, fitness-guided environment.
Age: 2-5
CR Fee: $4.50 NCR Fee: $9.50
We support Inclusion
Planting the seed of knowledge and encouraging healthy habits while learning all about a garden. Come and unleash your green thumb! This program will be held entirely outdoors, with physical distancing between each participant. Participants should bring a water bottle and wear closed-toe shoes. A hat and sunglasses are recommended.
Age: 5-12
CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14
18214 Jun 7-Jul 12 W 11am-12pm
- Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.
CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
In partnership with the Girl Scout organization, this program is a unique opportunity for all Durham area girls to embark on the journey to becoming their best selves. Girls will participate in weekly activities that include STEM, games, and other forms of creative expression. Girl Scout membership is NOT required.
Age: 5-12
CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14
18215 Jul 5-Aug 9 W 4pm-5pm
Want a place to chill, relax, and kick back? Come hang out or participate in both physical and leisure activities in a safe structured environment. Youth will have access to the computer lab, game room, gym, video games, pool table, air hockey, ping pong, Facebook, Twitter, and more!
Age: 5-12
No Cost
18289 Jun 1-Aug 25 M-F 3pm-6pm
Learn how to make quick and healthy meals with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Age: 5-12
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18213 Jun 6-Jun 27 W 6pm-7pm
Bring out your inner artist. Come enjoy Makers Monday DIY style. Participants will enjoy making handmade crafts and creations that others will not believe you “Did It Yourself.”
Age: 6-12
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18207 Jul 10 M 11am-12pm
18208 Jul 17 M 11am-12pm
18209 Jul 24 M 11am-12pm
Learn to float your own boat at this laid-back program. Participants will build boats out of natural materials and run them through various trials.
Age: 7-10
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18470 Jun 6 T 11:30am-12:30pm
Meet the critters that keep our water clean!
Age: 7-10
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18469 Jun 13 T 11:30am-12:30pm
It’s undeniable: frogs are fascinating. There’s a lot to love, from their powerful legs to their lengthy tongues. Meet up with fellow frog enjoyers and see which different types we can find.
Age: 7-10
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18477 Jun 20 T 11:30am-12:30pm
Become a wildlife detective and solve the mystery of an owl’s last meal. Participants will dissect owl pellets and learn about the food chain, adaptation, and of course, owls.
Age: 7-10
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18471 Jun 27 T 11:30am-12:30pm
The earth is constantly moving under our feet, even when we don’t feel it. This educational program will explore how tectonic plates move, what causes volcanoes and earthquakes, and how geologists study the earth.
Age: 7-10
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18473 Jul 18 T 11:30am-12:30pm
You already know that slime is sticky, gooey, and fun to play with. But is slime a solid or a liquid? What makes it so slimy? Come for handfuls of slime, leave with fun facts about chemistry.
Age: 7-10
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18472 Jul 11 T 11:30am-12:30pm
Ever wondered how whales stay warm in cold water? How they eat? What they evolved from? Beat the heat with this indoor class all about the world’s largest living animal. Participants will perform science experiments and play educational games about whales.
Age: 7-10
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18474 Aug 1 T 11:30am-12:30pm
Water is everywhere, from our faucets to our bodies. It’s such a normal part of our lives it’s easy to lose sight of just how weird water really is. Stop by for a series of science experiments exploring capillary action, surface tension, and other wacky properties of water.
Age: 7-10
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18475 Aug 8 T 11:30am-12:30pm
When you think of an acid, you probably think of the green fizzy stuff in cartoons that can dissolve floorboards. But did you know common household liquids, like lemon juice, also contain acid? Bring two of your own household substances to test for acidity and learn about acids, bases, and the pH scale.
Age: 7-10
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18476 Aug 15 T 11:30am-12:30pm
Participants will learn the fundamentals of Modern Dance through individual creativity, flowing movements, and interpretive style. Modern Dance is dramatic and touches on the dancer’s emotions. No experience is necessary.
Age: 8-12
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18342 Jun 2-Jun 23 F 6:15pm-7:15pm
18343 Jul 7-Jul 28 F 6:15pm-7:15pm
18344 Aug 4-Aug 25 F 6:15pm-7:15pm
Love social media, and can't live without it? Join us for Content Creations, a place where teens learn skills to build their brand, and how to successfully promote their brand, themselves, or a small business on social media platforms.
Age: 13-18
CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17
18216 Jun 8-Jul 27 Th 6:30pm-7:30pm
A Journey to Transformation is a four-week long mentorship program for teen girls between the ages of 13 and 16. The program features guest speakers, field trips and life skills.
Age: 13-17
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18345 Jun 28-Jul 19 W 6pm-7pm
Come in and take advantage of our computer lab. Access to the Internet and Microsoft Office products will be available.
No Cost
Age: 6 and up
18317 Jun 3-Aug 30 M,W,Sa 10am-8pm
Age: 13 and up
18412 Jun 2-Aug 30 M,W,F 10am-8:30pm
18413 Jun 3-Aug 19 Sa 10am-2pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Resource Center provides a place for the public to work uninterrupted on job or school related projects--anything from homework assignments to resume writing.
Age: 5-18
No Cost
18288 Jun 1-Aug 26 M-Sa 3pm-2pm
Do you know the difference between buying and affording a car? This program will help you understand the difference. Come out and get some hands on experience on how to change a tire, detail your car, properly maintain a car along with other basic maintenance needs that will make affording a car little easier.
Age: 13-18
CR Fee: $3 NCR Fee: $8
18463 Jul 8 Sa
18462 Aug 12 Sa 9am-11am
Spend some time at the NC State Farmers Market in Raleigh where you can find a wide variety of fresh and local produce, meats, cheeses, and crafts at the market shops and farmer’s stalls. Lunch will be at the Farmers Market site where you can choose from any of the two restaurants on site. The cost of meals or any purchases made while at the Farmers Market are not reflected in the registration fee. Participants will depart from and return to I.R. Holmes Recreation Center at Campus Hills in a bus for transportation to and from the Farmers Market.
Age: 55 and up
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18453 Jun 2 F 9:30am-3pm
Aquariums are for everyone! Meet a rare albino alligator named Luna. Get eye-to-eye with a loggerhead sea turtle. See a rescued bald eagle. Talk with a SCUBA diver swimming with rays and eels. Touch sea stars and horseshoe crabs! We’ll stop for breakfast and dinner, and you may have lunch at the Aquarium. The cost of meals is not reflected in the registration fee. Depart from Campus Hills Recreation Center (2000 S. Alston Avenue). Please arrive by 6:45 a.m.
Age: 55 and up
CR Fee: $19.50 NCR Fee: $24.50
18479 Jun 27 T 7am-8pm
Did you know that the Durham County Public Library has a wonderful and innovative space called the Innovation Lab? Come join your Mature Adult friends for a fun morning of exploring and creating various digital and physical fields. Come here for 3D printing, laser cutting, coding, robotics, digital design and more! Now, before you say “what in the world, I don’t know how to do this” know that you will have step-by step guidance and all the materials you’ll need. It isn’t rocket science, it’s fun! Plus, you’ll be able to impress the grandkids with all you learn! Participants will depart from and return to Walltown Recreation Center in a van for transportation to and from the library.
Age: 55 and up No Cost
18478 Jul 11 T 10am-12:30pm
Communities of faith and places of worship have been a central thread in the city we call home. The beliefs, practices, and doctrines are a wonderfully diverse blend, and the physical structures and places are beautifully diverse as well. This special two-part Old Durham / New Durham trip will explore several places of worship in Durham--some old, some new. Protestant, Jewish, Catholic, Muslim sites are included. This program is not about religion other than to learn how the actual structures in which we worship have added to the growth, challenges, and sources of strength for our city. The maximum number of participants in BOTH Part One and Part Two of this program is 18. Participants must register for BOTH Part One and Part Two. This program will fill quickly so do not delay in registering if you are interested. We will stop for lunch as part of each day and the cost of the meal is not reflected in the registration fee. Participants will depart from and return to Walltown Recreation Center in a bus for transportation to and from the destination(s).
Age: 55 and up No Cost
18481 Jul 20 Th 9:30am-2:30pm
18482 Jul 27 Th 9:30am-2:30pm
Calling all amateur and seasoned casino players! We are off to Cherokee, NC to play table games, slot machines, and video poker. We’ll stop for breakfast and eat lunch and dinner at the casino. The cost of meals is not reflected in the price. Depart Campus Hills Recreation Center (2000 S. Alston Avenue).
Please arrive by 5:45 a.m.
Age: 55 and up
CR Fee: $80 NCR Fee: $95
18483 Aug 2 W 5:45am-11:15pm
Durham has a world-known national Black-owned wine business and we want to learn more about it-and sample their wares! Come learn about winemaking and all that literally and figuratively goes into it! Plus, see up close and first-hand of the new thriving Black woman-owned businesses in the Bull City. A wine tasting will be offered as part of the registration fee. Participants will depart from and return to Walltown Recreation Center in a van for transportation to and from the winery. Participants are responsible for any purchases made after the tasting.
Age: 55 and up
CR Fee: $30 NCR Fee: $45
18452 Aug 18 F 1:30pm-4:30pm
Oh the places we may go! You really never know! The only thing required is that you “go with the flow!” Bring your sense of adventure and an open mind, for on this trip, you never know what we’ll find! We’ll definitely eat and we’ll definitely explore, have no doubt! After all, this is what a Mysterious Magical Mystery Trip is all about! The cost of meals or any purchases made while at on the trip are not reflected in the registration fee. Participants will depart from and return to Walltown Recreation Center in a bus for transportation to and from the surprise destination(s).
Age: 55 and up No Cost
18480 Aug 24 Th 9:30am-2:30pm
We support Inclusion
Up, down, turn around, time to move! Preschoolers will run, play and stretch to music and burn lots of energy. Parent/adult participation is required. Come join the fun and Kid-O-Cize!
Age: 1-5
CR Fee: $4.50 NCR Fee: $9.50
18360 Jun 1-Jun 22 Th 9:45am-10:30am
Looking for some fun on a Saturday morning, moving and listening to great music. Well give Roller Skating 101 a try! For beginners thru advanced, Roller Skating 101 provides an opportunity for skaters to share and learn from each other. Bring your own skates.
Age: 5-12
CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21
18338 Jun 3-Jun 24 Sa 10am-11am
Do you enjoy roller skating? If so, come join us at W.D. Hill Recreation Center for open skate. Drop-in fees apply and payment, if applicable, will be taken on-site. Please bring your own skates.
Age: 13-18
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5
18311 Jun 5-Jul 25 M-F 6pm-8pm
You got game? Bring it to open gym basketball! A facility attendant will be present to organize the games.
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5
Age: 7-12
18189 Jun 3-Aug 26 Sa 12pm-1:30pm
Age: 5-12 18291 Jun 3-Aug 26 Sa 10am-12pm
You got game? Bring it to open gym basketball! A facility attendant will be present to organize the games. Everyone must bring a valid photo ID in order to participate. A multi-visit pass is available for purchase on a Play More Card at a discounted rate per class.
Age: 13-17
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5
18416 Jun 3-Aug 19 Sa 10am-1:30pm
18417 Jun 2-Aug 30 T,W,F 6pm-8:30pm
18440 Jun 3-Aug 29 T,Sa 12pm-8:30pm
18294 Jun 3-Aug 26 Sa 12pm-2pm
18199 Jun 2-Aug 25 F 6pm-8pm
18234 Jun 2-Aug 30 M,W,F 4pm-6pm
Provide clean, safe fitness equipment and a variety of fitness and exercise opportunities at all levels to enhance the aerobic fitness, strength, flexibility, and overall health of participants.
Using resistance based workouts, combined with aerobic exercises, Resistance Circuit Training for Teens aids in the toning of muscles and reduction of injuries that occur during engagement in sports activities. During each six-week session, participants will track their progress in a fun, noncompetitive environment. Each participant will receive a personal journal book where individual fitness goals can be documented. In addition, participants will receive a list of free fitness apps that can be used on their smart phone, if desired.
Age: 13-18
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18334 Jun 6-Jun 27 T 5pm-6pm
18335 Jul 11-Aug 1 T 5pm-6pm
Preparing for fall sports? Want to work harder than your competition? Come to Edison Johnson to put in some work. This class emphasizes constantly varied, high-intensity functional movement. Work cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy, maximizing your performance and fitness for any physical challenge or activity!
Age: 13-17
CR Fee: $24 NCR Fee: $29
18200 Jun 14-Jul 26 W 12pm-12:45pm
If you are a teen interested in using fitness machines and weights, this program is for you. Teens will learn about the correct methods and practices to perform exercises utilizing different body parts. Teens will gain knowledge on how to properly use fitness equipment and free weights in a safe and beneficial way.
Age: 16-18
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5
18239 Jun 6-Jul 13 T,Th 11am-12pm
18240 Jul 18-Aug 24 T,Th 11am-12pm
Fees for drop-in programs are per day:
0-18 $0 $5
19-54 $4 $9
55+ $3 $8
Multi-use and monthly wellness passes are available. Classes held at Holton Career and Resource Center are free for city residents.
You got game? Bring it to open gym basketball! A facility attendant will be present to organize the games. Everyone must bring a valid photo ID in order to participate. A multi-visit pass is available for purchase on a Play More Card at a discounted rate per class.
Age: 18-55
18418 Jun 5-Aug 28 M 6:15pm-8:45pm
18325 Jun 3-Aug 26 Sa 12pm-2pm
18184 Jun 7-Aug 30 W 6pm-9pm
African Cardio Blast offers a unique workout that includes dance movements from various regions of the African continent. A drummer accompanies the workout. There are benefits to be gained for persons of all fitness levels. Multi-use and monthly wellness passes available. This class will take place every first and third Saturday of each month.
Age: 18 and up
18312 Jun 3-Jul 8 Sa 11:15am-12:15pm
Waving a rope around sounds simple right - until you do it DPR style. This class relies on the “art of undulation” meaning a regular rising and falling or movement to alternating sides: movement in waves. You’ll work every muscle, especially your core, all while reaping cardiovascular benefits, improving coordination, and increasing metabolic endurance. Plus, this highly effective workout is low impact, safe for both beginners and avid gym goers.
Age: 18 and up
18225 Jun 6-Aug 29 T 6pm-7pm
18196 Jun 1-Aug 31 Th 6:15pm-7:15pm
Bigger, Faster, Stronger is a full-body workout class designed to help improve muscular strength. This class will use resistance equipment and body weight to challenge all major muscle groups to become stronger.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $60 NCR Fee: $75
18243 Jun 5-Jul 7 M,W,F 11am-12pm
CR Fee: $72 NCR Fee: $87
18244 Jul 17-Aug 25 M,W,F 11am-12pm
This circuit class focuses on increasing cardiovascular strength, abdominals, glutes, triceps, biceps, and shoulders. A variety of equipment will be used. Join us and tone these key parts of your body for a better look and fit.
Age: 18 and up
18226 Jun 5-Aug 28 M 6pm-7pm
In the fun filled fitness environment- we will focus on toning your entire body using free weights as well as tightening those abs. This is a class you definitely do not want to miss!
Age: 18 and up
18258 Jun 1-Aug 31 Th 11:15am-11:45am
Dance Fitness is a high-energy easy-to-follow fitness class with choreography that keeps participants moving to all genres of upbeat music. This program is designed for all fitness levels.
Age: 18 and up
18201 Jun 3-Aug 28 M 6pm-7pm
Join the masses who have discovered the wonders of yoga! This popular form of exercise offers both physical and mental benefits. Please bring a yoga mat to class. Multi-use and monthly wellness passes available.
Age: 18 and up
I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER 18228 Jun 5-Aug 28 M,Th 12pm-1pm
Do you think you are fit enough to complete a fitness challenge? Come to W.D. Hill to participate in this high intensity program. This program will incorporate several target areas including cardio, core and strength.
Age: 18 and up
18310 Jun 7-Aug 23 W 6:15pm-7:15pm
Fun Intense Training: This workout class will be fun yet intense involving various intervals of exercises that include cardio, running, and toning. Participants should bring a water bottle.
Age: 18 and up
18197 Jun 5-Aug 28 M 6pm-7pm
We support Inclusion
- Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.
CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Are you looking to get a good workout in a safe, outdoor environment? If so, join us at W.D. Hill for a high intensity workout to get your blood flowing and body moving.
Age: 13-18
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5
18324 Jun 30 F 6:30pm-7:30pm
Line dance refers to a range of choreographed routines danced in a group without partners. It’s a great workout for the body and mind; participants will learn a limited number of basic level dances. No prior experience is required.
Age: 18 and up
18231 Jun 9-Aug 25 F 9am-10am
Pickleball is a racquet sport which combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis. No need to worry about the weather, this open recreation sport will have participants enjoying friendly game play in a climate controlled indoor setting.
Age: 18 and up
18318 Jun 5-Aug 21 M 6pm-9pm
18255 Jun 6-Aug 31 T-Th 12:30pm-3pm
18232 Jun 5-Aug 29 M-W,F 10am-8:30pm
The racquetball courts are available to rent in one-hour blocks. Reservations are accepted up to seven calendar days in advance. A multi-visit pass is available for purchase on a Play More Card at a discounted rate per hour.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $8 NCR Fee: $13
18233 Jun 1-Aug 31 Every day 6am9pm
Challenge yourself and try something new, come Rock the Bell and see if kettlebell fitness is for you! Rock the Bell is a high intensity workout using kettlebells. Kettlebell workouts get your heart pumping and uses up to 20 calories per minuteabout as much as running a 6-minute mile.
Age: 18 and up
18194 Jun 7-Aug 30 W 6pm-7pm
Soulful Line Dance is a fun, exciting way to dance your way to fitness. Exercise your body and mind by dancing to lively upbeat music of the 1970s, 80s, and up to todays sounds. This class will combine low, moderate and high energy line dance routines that will help you burn calories. No previous dance experience is necessary.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $4 NCR Fee: $9
18295 Jun 1-Aug 31 Th 6:15pm-7:15pm
If you are looking for a quick and fun workout, then this class is for you. In this 30-minute indoor class you are going to ride one of our indoor bikes for the first half then transition to some full body workouts. This class is perfect for anyone looking to mix up their workout, and get a quick sweat.
Age: 18 and up
18465 Jun 6-Aug 30 M,W 12pm-12:30pm
Using the studio step, you’ll move your way through several choreography combinations that will give your heart the cardio boost it needs to stay healthy and happy. Class complexity and intensity will begin on a beginners level and elevate as the course progresses.
Age: 13 and up
We will learn the Tai Chi Yang Short Form to promote a calm, focused mind and improve mindbody coordination. See why this is also called meditation in motion. All skill levels welcome.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $4 NCR Fee: $9
$24 NCR Fee: $29
You will learn the first three steps of Grand Master Don Bin’s Yang style Taiji (Tai Chi, as spelled in China). The style is also called meditation in motion. There is a slow jazz dance approach to the form. All skill levels welcomed to attend.
Age: 18 and up
18327 Jun 6-Aug 29 T 6:15pm-7:15pm
On your mark, get set, GO! Walking is one of the most common forms of exercise. You walk every day, so why not come into our climate-controlled facility and enjoy a nice walk? Rain or shine, it does not matter how the weather is - if we are open, you can WALK. So grab a friend, tie your shoes, and get ready to walk away the pounds!
18185 Jun 1-Aug 31 M-F 9am-9pm Jun 3-Aug 26 Sa 8:30am-2pm
18414 Jun 1-Aug 31 M-F 9am-8:30pm Sa 9am-1:30pm
Xtreme Hip Hop is a high-energy cardio step aerobics class that focuses on cardio conditioning with choreographed movements to upbeat hip hop music. This program is designed for all fitness levels. Come Join this new fitness experience.
Age: 18 and up
18203 Jun 7-Aug 30 W 6pm-7pm
18459 Jun 3-Aug 26 Sa 9am-10am
2023 is the North Carolina Year of the Trail! Join us for a morning walk on the Hillside Park Healthy Mile Trail and experience a unique urban landscape with family, friends and neighborhoods. In addition to bringing community together for a fun and engaging activity, come learn and experience the many healthy benefits associated with walking in a beautiful park.
Age: 6 and up No Cost
18319 Jun 3 Sa 9am-3pm
18320 Jul 8 Sa 9am-3pm
18321 Aug 12 Sa 9am-3pm
From the Taoist tradition: Yin focuses on passive, seated postures that target the tissues in the lower spine, hip, and pelvis. All poses are held anywhere from one to ten minutes. The aim is to increase flexibility and encourage a feeling of relaxation.
Age: 18 and up
18236 Jun 2-Aug 25 F 7pm-8:15pm
Join the masses who have discovered the wonders of yoga! This popular form of exercise offers both physical and mental benefits. Please bring a yoga mat to class.
Age: 18 and up
18187 Jun 6-Aug 31 T,Th 10am-11am
Zumba is a fusion of Latin and international music dance themes, which creates a dynamic, exciting, effective fitness system! Zumba combines highenergy and motivating music with unique moves and combinations that allow participants to dance away their worries.
Age: 18 and up
18315 Jun 5-Aug 28 M 6:15pm-7:15pm
18466 Jun 6-Aug 29 T 6pm-7pm
18420 Jun 6-Aug 29 T 6:15pm-7pm
18195 Jun 1-Aug 29 T 7:15pm-8:15pm Th 6:15pm-7:15pm
This Zumba inspired class uses special Zumba Toning Sticks to provide a great body sculpting workout with the same Zumba moves and music you already enjoy at a slightly slower pace.
Age: 13 and up
18422 Jun 7-Aug 23 W 6:15pm-7pm
The martial art of Tae Kwon Do teaches selfdefense, physical fitness, self- control, clarity of thought, focus and confidence. The class offers a fun approach for intermediate level participants to engage in an activity that promotes their growth and development. Additional fees will apply for uniforms, testing, and belts.
Age: 5-12
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
This group exercise program is designed to improve your overall health and fitness. All classes are taught to music. Participants should wear loosely fitted, athletic-type apparel. Fee listed is per day. Free with a Play More Card.
Age: 55 and up
CR Fee: $3 NCR Fee: $8
Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement, and mobility. This high energy class incorporates dance moves and is geared for active mature adults. This is a drop-in exercise program, fees listed are per class.
Age: 55 and up
CR Fee: $3 NCR Fee: $8
18230 Jun 5-Aug 30 M,W 9am-10am
This group exercise program is designed to improve your overall health and fitness. All classes are taught to music. Participants should wear loosely fitted, athletic-style apparel. This is a dropin exercise program, fees listed are per class.
Age: 55 and up
18198 Jun 2-Aug 30 M,W,F 9am-10am
Men, it’s time to put down the remote and take control of your health! This program is designed to teach you the proper usage of exercise machines, free weights, resistance bands, balls, Bosu, and more. You will learn exercise principles and improve your physical fitness. You will also learn how to design a personal exercise program to meet your goals.
Age: 55 and up
CR Fee: $7.50 NCR Fee: $12.50
18237 Jun 5-Jul 10 M 9:30am-10:30am
CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14
18238 Jul 24-Aug 28 M 9:30am-10:30am
Do you feel pain and stiffness? Are you listening to what your body is telling you? It is telling you to join us! Learn many new techniques that will help keep you loose and limber. Wear comfortable, loose clothing and bring a bottle of water. Free with a Play More Card.
Age: 55 and up
CR Fee: $15.75 NCR Fee: $20.75
Ready for a fun, energetic morning, dancing with friends? This program offers basic square dancing and line dancing for mature adults. Bringing a partner is helpful, but not necessary.
Age: 55 and up
18202 Jun 6-Aug 29 T 10am-12pm
Women, it’s time to control your health! This program is designed to teach you the proper usage of exercise machines, free weights, resistance bands, Bosu balls, and more. You will learn exercise principles and improve your physical fitness. You will also learn how to design a personal exercise program to meet your goal.
Age: 55 and up
CR Fee: $7.50 NCR Fee: $12.50
18241 Jun 6-Jul 11 T 9:30am-10:30am
CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14
18242 Jul 25-Aug 29 T 9:30am-10:30am
Line dance refers to a range of choreographed routines danced in a group without partners. It’s a great workout for the body and mind; participants will learn a limited number of basic level dances. Comfortable clothing and closed toed shoes are suggested. No prior experience is required.
Age: 55 and up
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18381 Jun 7-Jun 28 W 9am-10am
18382 Jul 5-Jul 26 W 9am-10am
18383 Aug 2-Aug 30 W 9am-10am
Looking for some FREE on-demand fitness videos that you can do from the comfort of your own home? Our YouTube Channel has a variety of fitness videos for all ages! Subscribe to our channel to make sure you receive updates when new videos are posted.
We support Inclusion
- Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Edison Johnson offers a variety of equipment including treadmills, recumbent and upright bikes, and elliptical trainers. Dumbbells and stability balls are also available. Please bring your own towel. Fitness Room orientations are available by appointment only.
Jun 1-Aug 31 M,Th 9am-6pm
Tu,W,F 9am-9pm Sa 9am-1pm
The fitness center at Holton offers treadmills, recumbent and upright bikes and elliptical machines, free weights and strength training equipment. Please bring your own towel.
Walltown offers variety of equipment in a small, private setting. Perfect for getting started with a new workout or maintaining your current program. Treadmills, recumbent bikes, jump ropes and upper body cycles are available for your cardio workout. Universal weight machines, medicine balls, and stability balls are available for your strength workouts. Please bring your own towel.
Jun 1-Aug 31 M-F 9am-9pm Sa 8:30am-2pm
Treadmills, recumbent bikes, jump ropes, and BOSU Balance Trainers are available for your cardio workout. Free weights, machines, medicine balls, & stability balls are available for your strength workouts. Jun 2-Aug 30
The fitness center at W.D. Hill offers a variety of equipment for your cardio, core and strength workout needs.
Cardio equipment: treadmills, ‘stationary’ mountain bikes and jump ropes. Core equipment: stability balls, medicine balls, kettlebells and a designated area for floor exercises. Strength equipment: free weights (with smith cage and bench), dumbbells and resistance bands.
Jun 3-Aug 26 M-F 10am-3pm Sa 10am-2pm
Work out at any of our centers and take fitness classes for an affordable monthly price with DPR’s wellness package.
DPR Wellness Package
• Unlimited land-based group fitness and mind/body classes
• Use of weights and fitness equipment
• Open gym programs
• Use of the gymnasium (when available)
• Can be used at any DPR recreation center
City Resident: $20 per month
Non-City Resident: $25 per month
A Play More Card is required to purchase a Wellness package.
DPR Wellness Pass is for ages 19 and up.
*Additional fees apply for the use of aquatics facilities and participation in some of the other classes, activities and team sports listed in Play More.
• Our wellness centers are now open for use!
• Reservations will last for a 45-minute time frame.
• Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance and can be made up to 7 days in advance.
• Visit DPRPlayMore.org/Fitness for details on how to make an online reservation.
• Please bring your own towel.
Includes everything included in the DPR Wellness Package, PLUS recreational and lap swim in the indoor aquatic centers.
City Residents: $40 per month
Non-City Residents: $55 per month
A Play More Card is required to purchase a Wellness + Open Swim package.
Daily Activity Pass Includes:
• General admission to indoor pools
• Drop-in exercise programs
• Open gym
• Use of exercise equipment at any DPR facility
Daily Fees:
Age: 12-18 CR: $0, NCR: $5
Age: 19-54 CR: $4, NCR: $9
Age: 55 and better CR: $3, NCR: $8
Adventure in nature with your preschooler at the West Point on the Eno Environmental Education Pavilion. We’ll read a nature-themed book, then take a walk on the wild side to find the nature right outside our door. Children must be accompanied by a parent, and of course, wear boots or sneakers that can get a little dirty! Parents must accompany children. Pre-registration is required. Please note this program is weather dependent.
Age: 1-4
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18303 Jun 6 T 10am-11am
18304 Jun 20 T 10am-11am
18305 Jul 11 T 10am-11am
18306 Jul 25 T 10am-11am
18307 Aug 8 T 10am-11am
18308 Aug 22 T 10am-11am
Celebrate July’s supermoon with a Full Moon Paddle on Lake Michie. We will leave as the sun sets and return under the full moon. We will provide equipment; you will need to wear closed-toe shoes and weather-appropriate clothing. Preregistration is required for all participants. Please note this program is weather dependent.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $8 NCR Fee: $13
18300 Jun 3 Sa 10:30pm-12:30am
Savor a sunset on Lake Michie with this Sunset Paddle. We will paddle canoes and kayaks after closing and enjoy the peaceful sunset over the lake. DPR Outdoor Recreation will provide the equipment; you bring weather-appropriate clothing and closed-toe shoes. Youth under 16 must be accompanied by a registered adult. Preregistration is required for all participants. Please note that this program is weather dependent.
Age: 7 and up
CR Fee: $8 NCR Fee: $13
18296 Jun 3 Sa 7:30pm-9:30pm
18297 Jul 21 F 7:30pm-9:30pm
18298 Aug 31 Th 7pm-9pm
Float down the Eno River with a root beer float! Join DPR’s Outdoor Recreation staff for a relaxing float down the Eno. We will provide PFD’s, personal floatation devices, and root beer floats. You will need to wear closed toe shoes and clothing you don’t mind getting wet. Preregistration required and children must be accompanied by an adult. Please note this program is weather-dependent.
Age: 7 and up
CR Fee: $8 NCR Fee: $13
18302 Jun 17 Sa 1pm-3pm
Celebrate the longest day of year by getting outdoors with DPR! We will hike at West Point on the Eno and enjoy a sunset over the forest and river. Wear weather-appropriate clothing and closed-toe shoes. Youth under 16 must be accompanied by a registered adult. Preregistration is required for all participants. Please note that this program is weather dependent.
All ages
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18293 Jun 21 W 8pm-9pm
See a different side of Lake Michie with an evening Starlight Paddle. With its dark sky, Lake Michie offers excellent sky-watching opportunities, especially on the water. We will provide canoes and kayaks as a group to enjoy the beauty of the night sky over the lake. DPR Outdoor Recreation will provide the equipment; you bring weatherappropriate clothing and closed-toe shoes. Youth under 16 must be accompanied by a registered adult. Preregistration is required for all participants. Please note this program is weather dependent.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $8 NCR Fee: $13
18299 Jul 21 F
“Once in a Blue Moon” as the saying goes, come join us for a paddling trip under the rare second full moon of the month. We will provide canoes and kayaks as a group to enjoy the beauty of the night sky over the lake. DPR Outdoor Recreation will provide the equipment; you bring weatherappropriate clothing and closed-toe shoes. Preregistration is required for all participants. Please note this program is weather dependent.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $8 NCR Fee: $13
18301 Aug 31 Th 10pm-
The RAC meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 a.m. at the Durham Parks and Recreation (DPR) administration office. The mission of the Recreation Advisory Commission is to advocate for DPR and the Durham Community. For more information regarding the RAC, contact Lynda Merritt at 919-560-4355, ext. 27233.
Lesley Stracks-Mullem, Chair
Cedric Burke, Vice-Chair
Kenneth Barnes, Member
Mike Johnson, Member
Girija Mahajan, Member
Tea Rawlings, Member
Karthik Sundaramoorthy, Member
Jill Thomas, Member
Lynda Merritt, City Staff
We support Inclusion
- Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.strives to make our programs, services and facilities accessible for all individuals and families, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, martial status, sexual orientation or ability level.
Durham Parks and Recreation (DPR) is encouraging residents to get outdoors in 2023 for Year of the Trail in North Carolina! 2023 NC Year of the Trail is the largest statewide celebration of trails and outdoor recreation in North Carolina history. DPR maintains over 30 miles of multi-use trails and greenways. DPR’s multi-use trails are free and accessible to the community and provide excellent opportunities for residents to recreate and exercise.
The Year of the Trail campaign will reach communities across the state with the message of how and where to experience trails that showcase North Carolina’s beautiful landscapes, provide healthy recreation, and stimulate local economies. The NC General Assembly NC designated 2023 as NC Year of the Trail, an effort led by the Great Trails State Coalition.
Goals for NC Year of the Trail:
• Inspire people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to try trails
• Demonstrate the importance of trails to elected officials.
• Boost outdoor recreation tourism across the state through Year of the Trail events in all 100 counties.
• Promote safe and responsible use of trails, with the Outdoor NC Principles.
• Advance diversity and inclusion on trails.
Each month DPR will highlight a trail and provide Durham residents with a trail focus self-guided activity. Residents are encouraged to visit the monthly Trail Spotlight and complete a self-guided activity and photo challenge for a chance to win a DPR Play More Pack!
We’ll also share activities, programs, and events taking place on DPR trails all year long to make it easy and fun for residents to experience our trail network.
DPR strives to ensure trails are accessible, safe, and welcoming to all residents and visitors. Learn more about current trail repairs and upcoming construction. Follow along on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter by following @DPRplaymore.
Provides multiple safe, fun, and educational program environments where children can express their creativity, while staying physically and socially active.
Looking for a safe, fun, educational after school environment? Join DPR's after school program for homework, arts and crafts, health and fitness activities, and other enrichment programs. Year Round After School: July 17 2022-June 7, 2023
Traditional After School: August 28, 2022-June 7, 2023. Visit our website for pricing.
July 17, 2023-Jun 7, 2024
Age: 5-12
18490 M-F 2:30pm-6pm
August 28, 2023-June 6, 2024
Age: 5-12
18566 M-F 2:30pm-6pm
Age: 7-12
18570 M-F 2:30pm-6pm
Age: 5-12
18567 M-F 2:30pm-6pm
Age: 5-12
18569 M-F 2:30pm-6pm
Age: 5-12
18568 M-F 2:30pm-6pm
A sliding fee scale may be used to reduce the amount paid for summer camps, after school programs and intersession. The scale ranges from 10-100% and is based on income, number of members per household, and special circumstances affecting the applicant's ability to pay. Applications are available online. If approved, the reduced fee is valid for one year.
Please note: if you are a new sliding fee scale registrant or your current application is expired or will expire soon, you must submit a new application as soon as possible to ensure that it is processed and approved by the summer camp registration date.
7:30am - 6pm
JUNE 20, 2023 - AUGUST 18, 2023
Ages 5-12
Play More this summer with DPR! We offer a variety of traditional summer day camps for all ages and interests! Children ages 5-12 enjoy fitness fun, arts and crafts, friendship-building activities, swimming, day trips, and much more.
7:30am - 3pm
Holton Career & Resource Center
JUNE 20, 2023 - AUGUST 18, 2023
Ages 13-17
Teen Summer Connect Camp is for campers currently enrolled in middle school or high school (Ages 13-17) and is designed to immerse campers in a variety of fun and inclusive activities tailored specifically to their ages and interests Space is limited
Youth Summer Camp Locations:
W.D. Hill Recreation Center, Walltown Park Recreation Center, and Edison Johnson Recreation Center.
Does your child have a passion for art? Do they need a large canvas? Then please bring your child to Campus Hills. Concrete doodling provides an opportunity for your child to use their imagination and draw life-size artwork and brighten up the colors in your local park!
Age: 2-5
CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17
18227 Jun 6-Aug 24 T,Th 11am-12pm
Parents will pair with their preschooler for arts, crafts, music, and movement. Get energized moving to the music. Have fun and explore your inner artist with markers, paint, glitter and glue. After each class you will have a project to take home.
Age: 1-5
CR Fee: $4.50 NCR Fee: $9.50
18361 Jul 10-Jul 31 M 9:45am-10:30am
Want to try several sports? Shorty Sporty All Stars lets you experience different sports and games.
Age: 3-5
CR Fee: $4.50 NCR Fee: $9.50
18362 Jul 6-Jul 27 Th 9:45am-10:30am
Come and play with your children in the gym! The emphasis of this program is placed on socialization with parent and child as well as on socializing with other toddlers and preschoolers. Play with a parachute, crawl through tunnels, jump rope, bowl, or just play tag!
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5
Age: 1-5
18256 Jun 2-Jun 16 M,F 10:15am-12:15pm
Age: 2-5
18235 Jun 7-Aug 30 W 10:15am-12:15pm
If your child loves to dress up in fancy clothes, dance and participate in arts and crafts then come join us! This Spring Fling event is for preschool participants to dance, participate in mess-free arts and crafts, and meet new friends! Dress up clothes are not required to join the fun! Children can come in fun costumes or their daytime clothes. Light refreshments will be provided.
Age: 3-5
CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50
18460 Jun 26 M 10am-11am
18461 Jul 25 T 10am-11am
- Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.
CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Beyblade is a line of spinning-top toys. Do you want to show off your Beyblade skills in a fun environment? Join us for a Beyblade Tournament at W.D. Hill Recreation Center. Please bring your own Beyblade.
Age: 5-12
No Cost
Participants will be using a range of materials and inspirations, and will explore color, texture, and theme to develop their own creative voice.
Age: 7-12
CR Fee: $3.75 NCR Fee: $8.75
18370 Jun 15-Jun 22 Th 6pm-7:15pm 18371 Aug 3-Aug 10 Th
Fun Caravan is all about highlighting the fun, games, and exciting offerings at your local parks. Fun Caravan is a mobile recreation program that brings recreation to communities throughout Durham by providing a variety of fun, active, and recreational experiences for families with children up to 12 years old. The program offers a variety of unstructured activities in the park. All children must be supervised by a caregiver at least 16 years old. No registration is required. Come drop in and join us. Weather permitting, we will be at a park near you!
Age: 12 and under
Make some noise! This class teaches basic cheerleading skills, cheers, and chants. If you have high energy and spirit this class if for you. Participants will present a performance on the last class.
Age: 5-12
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18464 Aug 10-Aug 17 Th 6pm-7pm Aug 12-Aug 19 Sa 10am-11am
Experience the American Tobacco Trail at night with the Full Moon Fever Bike Ride, with Durham Parks and Recreation. There’s no cost to participate, and you don’t need to register. Depending on how far you want to ride, choose one of these two start locations and times.
7:30 p.m. - Early Start Time
The early start is at 7:30 p.m. in front of Mellow Mushroom (410 Blackwell Street) in downtown Durham. That group will ride down the American Tobacco Trail and meet up with the late group that meets at 8:30 p.m. in front of Bean Traders Coffee Shop.
8:30 p.m. - Late Start Time
The late group will meet at 8:30 p.m. in front of Bean Traders (105 W North Carolina 54) on Hwy 54 at Fayetteville Street. Both groups will ride together on the American Tobacco Trail to the end of the pavement at New Hope Church Road (7.5 miles one way from Bean Traders), and then turn around and head back towards Durham. Riders are free to turnaround at any point and head back towards Durham at any time or keep going past the end of the pavement to the end of the natural surface trail. Riding pace is up to each individual rider, but is typically very casual. No riders will be dropped within the main group. Helmets and lights are required. The number of lights and the type of lights you have is up to you; however, the lights must be visible from at least several hundred feet from the front of the bike. You must also have lighting on the back of your bike. Rain or unsafe riding conditions cancels the ride. In case of inclement weather, check our website, DPR Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages for last minute cancellations. A cancellation statement will be given by 6 p.m. the evening of the ride.
Total mileage: 7:30 p.m. group = 30 miles
8:30 p.m. group = 15 miles
No Cost
Have nothing to do on a Friday? Looking for a safe and relaxing atmosphere? Look no further! Come out to play basketball, video games, surf the Internet, learn to dance and much more. Participants 18 years old will be asked to present a valid high school ID in order to participate.
Age: 13-17
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5
18415 Jun 9-Aug 18 F 6pm-9pm
18314 Jun 2-Aug 25 F 6pm-9pm
18292 Jun 2-Aug 25 F 6pm-9pm
18254 Jun 2-Aug 25 F 6pm-8:30pm
Come participate in a variety of fun activities including billiards, foosball, darts, and board games.
Age: 13-17
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5
18313 Jul 15-Aug 26 Sa 10am-12pm
18441 Jun 1-Aug 31 M-Sa 5:30pm-8:30pm
18290 Jun 1-Aug 26 M-Sa 7pm-2pm
Do you think you’re the best gamer in Durham? Come put your skills to the test at W.D. Hill Recreation Center. We will have a different tournament each week to determine who is the best gamer. Games that will be featured are Madden and NBA 2K.
Age: 13-18
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5
18322 Jun 2-Aug 25 F 6pm-8pm
18326 Jul 15-Aug 26 Sa 10am-12pm
W 9:30am-11am
18050 Aug 9 W 1pm-2:30pm
Imagine sitting on the dock on Lake Michie on a beautiful early summer morning when all of a sudden you “hook the big one.” As you begin to reel it in, all of your friends surround you and watch anxiously to see if it comes home with you to become dinner or if you release back into the lake. You feel the pride of landing the prize of the day. OK- we can’t promise you the big catch, but you are sure to have fun. Bring your own fishing gear and cooler, we’ll provide the bait. Participants will depart from and return to I.R. Holmes Recreation Center at Campus Hills in a bus for transportation to and from Lake Michie.
Age: 55 and up
CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11
18454 Jun 16 F 7:30am-12:30pm
There are lots of things we can do when we “Get Together.” This program is planned based on your interests and feedback. Anything from a checkers tournament, guest speaker or discussion group, to movie and popcorn. Your help in planning and leading is always welcomed, so “Lets Get Together!”
Age: 55 and up No Cost
Durham Parks and Recreation has been recognized as a Playful City USA since 2009! Playful City USA is a recognition program honoring cities and towns that ensure that kids in their communities get the balanced and active play they need to thrive.
"For Teens, Built by Teens,” that’s how we roll!
Durham Parks and Recreation offers free, drop-in programming and activities Monday-Friday for all teens between the ages of 13 and 18 years old.
From gardening, video game tournaments, and indoor hockey to park clean-ups, crafts and job readiness, we are providing a place for the teens in our community to have fun, hang out, and be active!
For more information about the My Durham locations and program times being offered this year, please visit the Teen page on our website at DPRPlayMore.org.
We support InclusionPrograms and events that bring groups of people together to celebrate culture, music, and art.
Explore all that the American Tobacco Trail has to offer! In conjunction with the 2023 N.C. Year of the Trail, join the City of Durham, the Town of Cary, and Wake County and come explore the American Tobacco Trail. Stations will be located along the trail corridor with trail safety information, bike maintenance lessons, pet safety information, and more!
No Cost
18395 Jun 10 Sa 12pm-6pm
Come out and enjoy free music, community performances, dancing, and games for the whole family! Activities will include bingo, a bounce house, 3 on 3 basketball, arts and crafts, games and recreational activities. Book Harvest will be giving away books and free haircuts will be offered on a first come first served basis from 5 p.m.-7 p.m. Come hungry and visit one of the food vendors selling hotdogs and Italian ice.
No Cost
17723 May 31 W 6pm-8pm
Join us for the Bimbe Cypher featuring the OnlyUs Music Collective. Citizens will gather in CCB Plaza to rap, sing, make beats, and create community together. They will be challenged to improvise and think on their toes and to build self-confidence and empathy.
No Cost
CCB PLAZA, 201 CORCORAN ST. 17729 Jun 1 Th 7pm-9pm
The Bimbé Cultural Arts Festival celebrates West African traditions and culture. All events are free and open to the public. There will be weekday and weekend activities, offering a wide range of programs including music, dance and readings. There will also be a full range of vendors offering local crafts, artwork, food and drink.
No Cost
17714 Jun 3 Sa 1pm-7pm
Join us as we celebration the end of the semester! Music, food, and games are the perfect way to prepare for a well-deserved break!
Age: 13-17
CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $8
Celebrate patriotism and civic pride with Durham Parks and Recreation and the Durham Bulls. Attend the baseball game and enjoy a dynamic fireworks show following the game. The time is approximate, the game time will be confirmed in the coming months.
18435 Jul 4 T 6:35pm-9:35pm
Durham Parks and Recreation will transform Durham’s parks into the perfect setting for an evening out full of music, movies, fellowship, and fun. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a summer-long succession of concerts and movies held in various parks around Durham. Both concerts and movies are free and open to the public.
No Cost
18425 Jun 10 Sa 6pm-8pm ROCK QUARRY PARK 18423 Jul 8 Sa 6pm-8pm
Join us for games, crafts and free school supplies and resources to school age youth. Registration is required, per child. Supplies are limited, so sign up early! Registration can be done online or by calling 919.560.4444.
Age: 5-18
No Cost
Do you have photos you've taken in parks, trails, or during our activities or events? Submit them to us and see them in print in Play More!
For details call 919-560-4355 or email DPRInfo@DurhamNC.gov.
Volunteers are regularly needed for special events. Visit dprvolunteers.ivolunteer.com for upcoming volunteer opportunities.
If at any point it becomes unsafe to host or continue a program due to inclement weather, DPR will postpone or cancel the event. Please check one of the following online sites for up-to-date information on cancellations and closures:
twitter.com/DPRPlayMore or call: 919-560-4636
Most outdoor special events will occur rain or shine. In the case of extreme cold weather, threat or warning of a tornado or hurricane, or thunder and lightning storms, the event will be cancelled. A decision to close athletic fields or cancel games and practices will be made at 4:30 p.m. during the week and 7:30 a.m. on weekends.
Are you ready for some football? Get ready for this pre-season workout to get prepared for the upcoming Challenger Flag Football season. Challenger Flag Football is sponsored by the Carolina Panthers. The camp is for individuals with disabilities interested in playing in the Challenger league.
Age: 7-24
No Cost
18445 Aug 9-Aug 25 W,F 6:30pm-7:30pm
Come join the fun and dance the night away!
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $4 NCR Fee: $9
18261 Jul 7 F 6:30pm-8:30pm
Come enjoy a night at the movies.
Age: 18 and up
CR Fee: $4 NCR Fee: $9
18263 Jul 21 F 7pm-9pm
18262 Jun 16 F 7pm-9pm
Eight-week summer basketball program. This program is designed for people with disabilities, but is open to those without. All levels are welcome. This league will give participants the opportunity to play together on a unified team.
Age: 12 and up
CR Fee: $24 NCR Fee: $29
18260 Jun 11-Aug 6 Su 10am-12pm
Join us for a game of bingo! You can play online or print out a card. It’s a slower-paced game but all are welcome to participate! The program is being offered using the Zoom online platform. Participants will be emailed the Zoom link and the link for the online bingo cards 24 hours prior to the start of the program.
Age: 18 and up No Cost
18265 Jun 22 Th 12pm-1pm
18264 Jun 15 Th 12pm-1pm
18266 Jun 29 Th 12pm-1pm
18268 Jul 13 Th 12pm-1pm
18269 Jul 20 Th 12pm-1pm
18270 Jul 27 Th 12pm-1pm
18271 Aug 3 Th 12pm-1pm
18272 Aug 10 Th 12pm-1pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.
CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Provide recreation services for individuals who have disabilities that focus on the participant’s abilities, rather than disabilities, and encourage people to attain their optimal level of independent leisure functioning.
To receive emails and/or texts about all general DPR information and alerts:
1. Visit DPRPlayMore.org and click on the Site Tools drop down menu in the upper right corner.
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In order to receive all alerts and news you will need to click on the icons in both Alert Section and News sections of the notifications sign up page.
Please call 919-560-4636 for updated information on any athletic field and league cancellations or to hear a list of facility closures during severe weather.
A decision to close athletic fields or cancel games and practices will be made at 4:30 p.m. during the week and 7:30 a.m. on weekends.
Select from the following options:
• Athletic Leagues
• City-wide Special Events
• Downtown Events
• Play More Program Guide (3 times per year)
• Recreation Programs & Events
• Special Programs/Inclusion Programs & Events
• Teen Programs
Do you have photos you've taken in parks or on trails, or at our activities or events? Submit them to us and see them in print in Play More! For details call 919-560-4355 or email DPRInfo@DurhamNC.gov.
Durham’s parks are great places to host your fun days, company picnics, family reunions and more. A park permit is required for event fields and trails.
Contact the reservations office at 919-5604355, ext. 27202 or email Reservations@ DurhamNC.gov
Picnic Shelters available on First-Come, First-Serve Basis During the Off Season
Picnic shelter season runs from April 1 through October 31. The 2021 calendar is now open for reservations. Anyone using the picnic shelters is required to comply with local and state restrictions including mass gathering size.
DPR offers the following field and court rentals:
• Baseball Fields
• Futsal Courts
• Softball Fields
• Soccer Fields
• Pickleball Court
• Multipurpose Fields
• Tennis Courts
• Basketball Courts
• Disc Golf Course
To reserve a field or court, visit our website at DPRPlayMore.org and fill out the online Field Rental Request Form under Rentals and Athletic Field Rentals, email DPRFieldRentals@ DurhamNC.gov or call 919-560-4355.
Additional rental information including fees and field dimensions can be found on our website under Rentals and Athletic Field Rentals.
DPR offers a variety of opportunities for outdoor recreation, including a camping area which has primitive campsites open year-round. Each site has an area for a tent, a grill, and picnic table. Campsites are operated by DPR and may be reserved by calling 919-560-4355, ext. 27202 to obtain a permit. Permits must be purchased by Tuesday at 5 p.m. for the remainder of the work week and weekend. All reservations are a made on a "first come, first served" basis.
Lake Michie Recreation Area: Overlooking Lake Michie, this recreation area offers camping, boating (paved boat launch), fishing and trail hiking. The area has seven primitive campsites open year-round. Each site has a tent pad, grill and picnic table. No electrical hookups are available and campers should bring water and other necessities. Vehicular access to the campgrounds is limited. DIRECTIONS: Take Roxboro Road North (Rte 501); go approximately 12 miles; turn right onto Bahama Road; after 2.5 miles, take a left at the “Spruce Pine Lodge” sign.
*Prior to use of the camping facility, a permit must be obtained from DPR.
We support Inclusion
- Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program.
CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
The 2023 calendar is currently open for the Special Use Facilities. Reservations are accepted on a "first come, first served" basis. For more information on these facilities, please contact the reservation office at 919-560-4355, ext. 27202 or email Reservations@DurhamNC.gov. Please note: All operational hours and rental fees are subject to change. For fees and other information, please visit DPRPlayMore.org.
The Durham Armory is downtown, on the corner of Foster and Morgan streets, and is available for rentals for your community or private event, whether it is a fundraiser, concert, wedding reception, seminar or family reunion. With a capacity of 585 in the auditorium/ ballroom and an additional 314 in the balcony, the Durham Armory offers a large indoor space with lots of flexibility. The amenities include a large kitchen, heating and air conditioning, coat room, snack bar, tables, chairs, A/V equipment, and ample parking surrounding the facility. Rental times: Sunday through Saturday 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. (minimum 6 hour rental)
The books are now open for those interested in reserving the Durham Armory in 2023. Please visit our website for complete details.
The lodge is a 1940s vintage log building located in the Lake Michie Recreation Area. The lodge has 2,500 square feet of floor space which is divided into four meeting rooms, all served by a kitchen facility and a sound system. Dependent on the type of activity, the building capacity is 120 persons. Log walls and massive stone fireplaces lend a unique quality to all types of functions. Hiking trails, a large lawn and play field, and a picnic shelter are also available for use, as well as Lake Michie’s camping, boating and fishing facilities nearby. The lodge is located 14 miles north of downtown Durham. The building, lawns, and picnic shelter are available to rent for weddings, large picnics, meetings, retreats, parties or other group activities.
Rental times: Sunday through Saturday 6 a.m. to 12 a.m. (minimum 6 hour rental)
This historic building located in the heart of Forest Hills Park offers a large meeting room with audio/visual equipment, a spacious kitchen, restrooms, heat, air conditioning, and a large lawn. The Clubhouse, with a capacity of 60 people, is perfect for business meetings, team building retreats, parties, anniversaries, church functions, and family reunions.
Rental times: Sunday-Saturday 6 a.m. to 12 a.m. (minimum 3 hour rental)
Gymnasiums, meeting rooms and kitchen space in our recreation centers are available to the public to rent. Keep us in mind when planning holiday parties, meetings, anniversaries, dances, church functions, reunions and wedding receptions. To reserve one of the following recreation centers, contact the center directly.
Edison Johnson Recreation Center 919-560-4270
Holton Career and Resource Center 919-354-2750
I.R. Holmes, Sr. Recreation Center at Campus Hills 919-560-4444
Walltown Park Recreation Center 919-560-4296
Weaver Street Recreation Center 919-560-4294
W.D. Hill Recreation Center 919-560-4292
Durham Parks Foundation members and supporters funded the design and construction of the Environmental Education Pavilion at West Point on the Eno Park and we are restoring the habitat of the 5-acre field surrounding the “EEP.”
5253 North Roxboro Street, Durham, NC 27712
The Environmental Education Pavilion can be accessed from the north entrance in West Point on the Eno Park. It was constructed in 2018, and provides open, natural space for programming and self-guided nature immersion. The facility is located in a five acre field that is being restored to a native Piedmont Prairie. For more information on this project, visit www.DurhamParksFoundation.org
All events listed are free.
Wednesday, May 31 6 p.m.-8 p.m.
Holton Athletic Field, 401 N. Driver St.
Thursday, June 1 7 p.m.-9 p.m.
Downtown Durham
Saturday, June 3 1 p.m.-7 p.m.
Rock Quarry Park, 701 Stadium Dr.
Saturday, June 10 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
American Tobacco Trail
All concerts are 6 p.m.-8 p.m.
Saturday, June 10
Forest Hills Park, 1639 University Dr.
Saturday, July 8
Rock Quarry Park, 701 Stadium Dr.
Saturday, August 5
Southern Boundaries Park, 100 Third Fork Dr.
All movies are located at Durham Central Park, 501 Foster St.
Saturday, June 24 8:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m.
Saturday, July 22 8:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m.
Saturday, August 19 8:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m.