Play More
June-August 2021
Rock the Lot Youth Sports Sampler Back to School Bash Spin
400 Cleveland Street, Durham, NC 27701
GREETINGS FROM DURHAM PARKS & RECREATION'S DIRECTOR We’re back….and in most cases we never left. When the initial stay at home orders were given, parks and trails were for the most part excluded. Our team along with medical and environmental experts have long touted the health and wellness benefits of the outdoors for years. However, as the health crisis intensified more and more people flocked to our parks and trails to take advantage of the benefits. You embraced us and the benefits we provided more than ever. Thank you, now keep it up! I also ask you to recognize our team members who have served the community during this exceptional time. Especially our team members who worked hard keeping parks, trails, and public restrooms clean and safe, picked up litter, mowed grass, raked leaves, made playground repairs, and provided facilities for children to have safe access to online schools and created virtual programming to keep you moving and connected. Join me in thanking our front-line essential parks and recreation team members! Want to know how to thank them or give back? Top 5 Ideas: 1. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @DPRPlayMore and Subscribe to our YouTube channel and monthly E-newsletter by visiting 2. Contact us at for volunteer opportunities or youth sports coaching 3. Support our philanthropic, non-profit partner @DurhamParksFoundation 4. Pro-Park Action - If you and your team want to do some fun, teambuilding, we’ll help you organize a park-clean up, reach out to us at 5. Be a positive park participant – Treat your park like your backyard, because it is. Help us take care of our parks and pretend someone will have to clean up after you – because they do. Not Returning to the Old Normal Covid-19 was certainly filled with pain, agony, and fatal impacts; however, in an ironic twist - as humans suffered the negative impacts, our environment benefited and we grew to appreciate it more. When the shut-down occurred around the world, travel (land, sea, and air) was reduced thus air pollution levels decreased. Air and water became cleaner, wildlife and ecosystems strengthened. So as we “open back up” (return to normal), it would seem pollution levels could return back to “normal”? It doesn’t have to. This crisis has opened up opportunities for potential improvement and hopeful change. Remember often proceeding great growth and change is equal or greater adversity. Knowing what I know about the Durham community (Residents, City Leadership, Businesses, and Non-Profit organizations) this fills me with hope and excitement for the future of Durham. So, as we return, let’s not sprint back to the old normal entirely, but move forward optimistically to the new normal and opportunities we created together in the Bull City in the face of a global pandemic. Durham has always come out on the other side better when faced with transformational events and it’s not because of luck. It’s the relationships we build and spirit of the community. Transformation and growth often come from intentional reflection on or contributing factors, and a relentless commitment to create a better path forward. Your City and Parks and Recreation Department is committed to this effort and hope you will join us as we embrace the new normal to better serve, build better lives and a better community. Sincerely,
Wade Walcutt Director, Durham Parks and Recreation
Play More: Connecting our whole community to wellness, the outdoors, and lifelong learning. We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Park Information
Trails and Greenways Volunteer Spotlight
13-14 15
Aquatics Athletics
19-20 21-24
Canine Recreation Cultural Heritage
25-26 27-28
Education & Enrichment Fitness & Wellness Centers
29-31 32-39
Outdoor Recreation Performing Arts School-Age Care Programs
40-41 43 44-45
Social Activities
Special Events Special Programs Facility & Park Rentals
50-52 53-54 56-58
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
ABOUT PLAY MORE During these challenging times, the health and safety of our residents and staff are our top priority. Our staff has been working hard to safely provide ways for the community to Play More.
All park and trail users are required to comply with local and state restrictions including mass gathering size.
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Play More is available online only at
As you recreate in Durham’s parks and trails, model social distancing by maintaining a safe distance (at least 6 feet) between you and other users. Masks are strongly recommended outdoors by the NC Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) in crowded areas and higher risk settings where social distancing is difficult. We have assigned off duty officers to monitor our parks, and we also ask that residents call the Police Non-emergency line at 919-560-4600 to report any violations of the Safer-at-Home Order or unsafe behavior.
All information in this program guide is subject to change. Please refer to the COVID-19 page on our website for the most up-to-date information on our openings and closings. Visit, Select Register Online, and search our ActiveNet Registration site for our most up-to-date program offerings
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
ABOUT PLAY MORE Play More is a guide to creative and challenging recreational choices in Durham and is produced by Durham Parks and Recreation (DPR). If you have comments about this publication, please call us at 919-560-4355 or email Please note: Advertising contained herein does not constitute an endorsement by the City of Durham Parks and Recreation or its staff.
The City of Durham will observe the following holidays and most classes will not be held on that day. Memorial Day Monday, May 31 Juneteenth Friday, June 18
Customers and residents are encouraged to immediately report any injury or illness received as a result of participation in leisure services provided by or at City of Durham Parks and Recreation facilities, parks and trails. Residents are also encouraged to report safety concerns and maintenance needs in parks and on trails. Please call 919-560-4355, ext. 27212 to report safety concerns, maintenance needs, or accidents. If you see illegal activity in any park at any time, please contact the police by dialing 911.
MEDICATION POLICY Participants who take medication while participating in DPR programs are required to complete a Medication Information and Waiver form and return it before the program begins.
PERSONNEL Director Wade Walcutt Assistant Director of Administrative Services Joy Guy Recreation Manager (School-Age Care) Danielle Haynes Recreation Manager (Special Events, Outreach, Holton) Rukea Womack Senior Business Services Manager (Budget, Finance, and Marketing) Rich Hahn Recreation Manager (Reservations, Safety, Accreditation, and Operations) Gina M. Morais Assistant Director of Recreation Programs Jason Jones Recreation Manager (Edison Johnson, Campus Hills, and Aquatics) Colleen Toomey Recreation Manager (Heritage Parks, Teen Center, Weaver Street, Jeff Forde and W.D. Hill) Recreation Manager (Outdoor Recreation, City Lakes) Kim Oberle Recreation Manager (Special Programs/Inclusion, Deirtra Spellman Mature Adults and Lyon Park) Assistant Director of Park Planning and Education Thomas Dawson Recreation Manager (Athletics, Walltown) Tammy Brown Parks Superintendent Robert Jennings Senior Parks Planner Lindsay Smart
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
REDUCED FEES DISCOUNTS | WAIVERS Please note: Only one discount may be applied to a registration or facility rental.
MULTI-CHILD DISCOUNT • The multi-child discount applies to select programs for families who do not qualify for reduced fees under other discount programs and have more than one child registering for the same course.
SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT • Senior Citizen discounts are available for mature adults age 55 or better. A ten percent (10%) discount is available on all recreational programs and admissions to facilities for activities sponsored by Durham Parks and Recreation. Activities with specified mature adult rates, mature adult programs, and facility, field, and equipment rentals are excluded from this discount.
MILITARY AND VETERANS DISCOUNT • A ten percent (10%) discount is available on all recreational programs and admissions to facilities for activities sponsored by Durham Parks and Recreation.
EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT • Current City of Durham employees receive a 25 percent (25%) discount on all instructional classes and recreational passes for activities sponsored by Durham Parks and Recreation. This discount applies to the employee only, not family members. Child Care programs and facility, field, and equipment rentals are excluded from this discount. Please contact the DPR Administration Office for verification and to have the employee discount added to your account.
NON-PROFIT DISCOUNT • Non-profits receive a fifteen percent (15%) discount on facility, field and equipment rentals. Facilities, fields and equipment with specified non-profit rates are excluded from this discount. Please note that non-profits must provide the IRS letter documenting their 501(c)(3) status.
SLIDING FEE SCALE • The sliding fee scale may be used to reduce the amount paid for childcare programs. • The scale ranges from 10% to 100% and is based on income and number of members per household. • Applications are available at the administration office, recreation centers, and on the DPR website. • The application is used to determine the percentage (from 10%100%) to be paid by the participant for participation in childcare programs, which includes summer camp, after school, and intersession. • Once approved, the reduced fee is valid for one (1) year.
PROGRAM FEE WAIVER • The fee waiver is available to anyone receiving support through the Durham County Department of Social Services (DSS) and may be used for programs, excluding childcare programs, facility, field, and equipment rentals, and others as specified in registration materials. • Applications are available at the main office, recreation centers, and on the website. • The outcome is valid for one (1) year from the date of approval.
FACILITY, FIELD, AND EQUIPMENT FEE WAIVER • The applicant is responsible for completing the reservation process prior to submitting the application for Facility, Field or Equipment Fee Waivers. • Any persons requesting a fee waiver must submit a completed Facility, Field and Equipment Fee Waiver application to the department. • The applicant must reapply for each rental. • The applicant must pay the security deposit and application fee by the date due and pay all other fees not waived by the Recreation Advisory Commission by the established deadline.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
PLAY MORE CARD Durham Parks and Recreation offers an exciting benefits program for our program participants! Participants may purchase a “DPR Play More Card” which will give them a discounted rate on all programs, in addition to other benefits listed below. The cards are renewable annually. Each program price listing has two prices: one for City Residents (CR), and one for Non-City Residents (NCR). Play More Card discounts will automatically be taken off when a participant with a valid card registers for any program. Play More Cards can be purchased online, at any recreation center or the DPR Administration Office.
• Participants receive a 10% discounted fee rate for all recreation programs (excludes rental facilities, athletic league – group rates, adventure challenge course rates, special event fees). • Participants may purchase volumediscounted punch/monthly passes for the following programs: • Aerobic Classes • Open Gym (Adults) • Fitness Training • Pickleball • Court extended use passes • Lap and Recreation Swim • Water Exercise Classes • Wellness Packages
PLAY MORE CARD FEE STRUCTURE Individual: $20 Residents; $25 Non-Residents Benefits apply to one (1) adult plus all youth under the age of 19 residing in the same house. 2 Party: $35 Residents; $50 Non-Residents
Benefits apply to two (2) adults plus all youth under the age of 19 residing in the same house Participants may choose to purchase this card in order to receive the associated benefits; however, a Play More Card is not required to participate in DPR programs.
Volume-discounted multi-visit passes are available for select activities. Patrons must have a valid Play More Card in order to purchase these passes. Except for monthly passes, all passes expire one year from date of purchase. Please see the Pass Sale chart for available passes. Daily Entrance Fee: includes indoor pool general admission, adult/mature adult open gym, exercise equipment, and land fitness programs. (Note: some areas may be age restricted). Please keep in mind this is for ONE DAY access only - frequent users of our drop-in programs are encouraged to purchase our monthly Wellness Pass and/ or other discounted punch passes offered for those with a Play More Card. Please note: Play More Cards and volumediscounted multi-visit passes are nonrefundable.
PLAY MORE CARD Parks, Durham
MONTHLY WELLNESS PASSES Wellness includes unlimited land fitness and mind/body classes, open gym programs, drop-in pickleball, use of the gymnasium when available and use of any weight fitness equipment at any DPR recreation facility. Wellness + Open Swim Package includes everything in the Monthly Wellness/Open Gym Package PLUS recreational and lap swim in the indoor and outdoor aquatic centers.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
City Resident, Play More Card
City Resident, No Play More Card
Non-City Resident, Play More Card
Non-City Resident, No Play More Card
Youth & Teen (0-18)
No Cost
No Cost
Adult (19+)
Senior (55+)
City Resident, Play More Card
Non-City Resident, Play More Card
Pickleball: Adult (19+): 10 Visits Pickleball: Adult (19+): 25 Visits Pickleball: Adult (19+): 50 Visits
$27 $64 $120
$42 $79 $135
City Resident, Play More Card
Non-City Resident, Play More Card
$27 $64 $120 $18 $43 $80 $36 $85 $160
$42 $79 $135 $23 $58 $95 $51 $100 $185
City Resident, Play More Card
Non-City Resident, Play More Card
$9 $21 $40
$14 $26 $55
City Resident, Play More Card
Non-City Resident, Play More Card
Monthly Wellness/Open Gym Pass - Individual Includes unlimited land fitness and mind/body classes, open gym programs, drop-in pickleball, use of the gymnasium when available and use of any weight fitness equipment at any DPR recreation facility
Monthly Swim Pass - Individual Includes Recreational and Lap Swim at DPR indoor and outdoor aquatic centers
Monthly Wellness/Open Gym + Open Swim Pass - Individual Includes unlimited land fitness and mind/body classes, open gym programs, drop-in pickleball, use of the gymnasium when available and use of any weight fitness equipment at any DPR recreation facility PLUS recreational and lap swim at DPR indoor and outdoor aquatic centers
Recreational/Lap Swim – Adult (19+): 10 Visits Recreational/Lap Swim – Adult (19+): 25 Visits Recreational/Lap Swim – Adult (19+): 50 Visits Recreational/Lap Swim – Senior (55+): 10 Visits Recreational/Lap Swim – Senior (55+): 25 Visits Recreational/Lap Swim – Senior (55+): 50 Visits Water Exercise Class: 10 Visits Water Exercise Class: 25 Visits Water Exercise Class: 50 Visits
MATURE ADULT PUNCH PASSES Mature Adult Activity: 10 Visits Mature Adult Activity: 25 Visits Mature Adult Activity: 50 Visits
Expires one month from date of purchase, i.e. Feb. 15-March 14; Additional discounts do not apply to these rates
INCLUSION AND NOTICE UNDER THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT Durham Parks and Recreation encourages and promotes inclusive experiences in all of our programs, activities, sports, classes and events. Inclusive leisure experiences encourage and enhance opportunities for people of varying abilities to participate and interact in life’s activities with dignity. We also provide an environment that promotes and fosters physical, social and psychological inclusion of people with diverse experiences and skill levels. Inclusion enhances individuals’ potential for full and active participation in leisure activities and experiences. To ensure that adequate resources are in place, we ask that requests be received at least 21 days prior to the start date of the program, activities, sports, classes and events. For more information contact the Special Programs, Inclusion and Mature Adults unit at 919-560-4288 ext. 27236. For additional info related to city government activities, please contact the ADA Coordinator, voice 919-560-4197, fax 919- 560-4196, or, as soon as possible, but no later than 48 hours before the event or deadline date. DPR strives to make our programs, services, and facilities accessible for all individuals and families, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation or ability level. For Spanish language accommodations, please contact the following staff: (Si necesita contactar al personal que habla español, puede llamar o escribir a las siguientes personas) • Rosalie: 919-560-4355, ext. 27235,
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
2615 Harvard Avenue, 27703 919-560-4278 SUMMER CAMP LOCATION ONLY
2614 Crest Street, 27705 919-560-4560 SUMMER CAMP LOCATION ONLY
1309 Halley Street, 27707 919-560-4288
500 W. Murray Avenue, 27704 919-560-4270
1308 Fayetteville Street, 27707 919-560-4292
1308 W. Club Blvd., 27705 919-560-4296
2000 S. Alston Avenue, 27707 919-560-4444
401 N. Driver Street, 27703 919-354-2750
3000 E. Weaver Street, 27707 919-560-4294
1101 Cornell Street, 27707 919-354-2730
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Many indoor facilities have limited operations at this time. Please visit our website for the most up-to-date information.
2000 S. Alston Avenue, 27707 919-560-4444
917 Liberty Street, 27701 919-560-4202
Indoor pools are open year round
Outdoor pools are open seasonally. Visit website for details.
Lap swim by reservation only.
HILLSIDE POOL 1221 Sawyer Street, 27707 919-560-4783
EDISON JOHNSON AQUATIC CENTER 500 W. Murray Avenue, 27704 919-560-4265 Lap swim by reservation only.
FOREST HILLS POOL 1639 University Drive, 27707 919-560-4782
400 Cleveland Street Durham, NC 27701 Staff are available by phone, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Please call 919-560-4355 for assistance.
OPERATIONS CENTER 301 Archdale Drive Durham, NC 27707 919-560-1701
WEST POINT ON THE ENO 5101 N. Roxboro Street Durham, NC 27704 919-560-4355
ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATIONAL PAVILION 5253 N. Roxboro Street Durham, NC 27704 919-560-4405
MORREENE ROAD 1102 Morreene Road Durham, NC 27705 919-560-4405
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
1000 Windermere Dr.
Rock Quarry Park
701 Stadium Dr.
Snow Hill Road Park
619 Snow Hill Rd.
Spruce Pine Lodge
2235 Bahama Rd.
Valley Springs Park
3805 Valley Springs Rd.
West Point on the Eno
5101 N. Roxboro St.
Whippoorwill Park
1632 Rowemont Dr.
Wilkins Road Park
9301 Wilkins Rd.
American Village Park
4703 American Dr.
Bay-Hargrove Park
208 Hargrove St.
Belmont Park
2207 Sovereign St.
Burch Avenue Park
816 Burch Ave.
Carroll Street Park
815 Carroll St.
Crest Street Park
2503 Crest St.
Indian Trail Park
2309 Indian Trl.
Lyon Park
1200 W. Lakewood Ave.
Maplewood Park
1530 Chapel Hill Rd.
Morreene Road Park
1102 Morreene Rd.
Old North Durham Park
310 W. Geer St.
Orchard Park
1000 S. Duke St.
Oval Drive Park
2200 W. Club Blvd.
Trinity Park
410 Watts St.
Walltown Park
1308 W. Club Blvd.
Westover Park
1900 Maryland Ave.
Wrightwood Park
1301 Anderson St.
Water Fountain
3320 Hinson Dr.
River Forest Park
Water Fountain
Red Maple Park
Tennis Courts
Picnic Shelter
Tennis Courts
2527 Bahama Rd.
Picnic Shelter
Overlook Park
7 Hedgerow Pl.
300 W. Club Blvd.
Old Farm Road Park
Picnic Tables
Northgate Park
Picnic Tables
1500 Orange Factory Rd.
3500 Dearborn Dr.
Little River Fishing Facility
Lakeview Park
Dog Park
2802 Bahama Rd.
Dog Park
4102 Holt School Rd.
Lake Michie Boathouse
Disc Golf
Holt School Road Park
Disc Golf
163 Archery Range Rd.
707 W. Murray Ave.
Holly Grove Area
Glendale Heights Park
Athletic Field
Athletic Field
Park amenities subject to change. Visit for additional amenity details.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Grant Park (south)
1200 Grant St.
Hillside Park
1301 S. Roxboro St.
Hoover Road Athletic Park
632 N. Hoover Rd.
Long Meadow Park
917 Liberty St.
Oakwood Park
411 Holloway St.
Rocky Creek Park
1014 N. Elizabeth St.
Sherwood Park ◊
1720 Cheek Rd.
Twin Lakes Park
439 Chandler Rd.
C.M. Herndon Park
511 Scott King Rd.
Campus Hills Park
2000 S. Alston Ave.
Cook Road Park
602 Cook Rd.
Cornwallis Road Park
2830 Wade Rd.
Elmira Avenue Park
540 Elmira Ave.
6815 Garrett Rd.
Leigh Farm Park
370 Leigh Farm Rd.
Old Chapel Hill Road Park
3751 SW Durham Dr.
Piney Wood Park
400 E. Woodcroft Pkwy.
Rockwood Park
2310 Whitley Dr.
Sandy Creek Park
3510 Sandy Creek Rd.
Shady Oaks Park
2400 Nebo St.
Solite Park
4704 Fayetteville Rd.
Southern Boundaries Park
100 Third Fork Dr.
Unity Village Park
2011 Matilene Ave.
Weaver Street Park
3000 E. Weaver St.
White Oak Park
2504 Dallas St.
501 Foster St.
Garrett Road Park
Water Fountain
918 Grant St.
Grant Park (north)
Water Fountain
1639 University Dr.
Forest Hills Park
Tennis Courts
Tennis Courts
Picnic Shelter
205 S. Elm St.
Edgemont Park
Picnic Shelter
East End Park
1200 N. Alston Ave.
2500 E. Main St.
Picnic Tables
East Durham Park
Picnic Tables
106 W. Knox St.
1100 Drew St.
Duke Park
Drew/Granby Park
Dog Park
417 Commonwealth Ave.
Dog Park
1501 Sima Ave.
C.R. Wood Park
Disc Golf
Burton Park
Disc Golf
3105 Hursey St.
1816 Stage Rd.
Birchwood Park
Bethesda Park
Athletic Field
Athletic Field
DOWNTOWN Durham Central Park
◊ Futsal
∞ Pickleball
5.2 Park amenities subject to change. Visit for additional amenity details.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
TRAILS AND GREENWAYS HEALTH AND SAFETY ON PARKS AND TRAILS All park and trail users are required to comply with local and state restrictions including mass gathering size. As you recreate in Durham’s parks and trails, model social distancing by maintaining a safe distance (at least 6 feet) between you and other users. If you are unable to stay at least six feet away from others outside of your household please be sure to wear your mask or face covering. We have assigned off duty officers to monitor our parks, and we also ask that residents call the Police Non-emergency line at 919-560-4600 to report any violations of the Safer-at-Home Order or unsafe behavior.
NORTH/SOUTH GREENWAY Warren Creek Trail This trail follows Warren Creek from Whippoorwill Park to Horton Road.
Length: Surface: Begins: Ends: Restrooms:
0.75 miles Paved, 10 feet wide Horton Road Whippoorwill Park Whippoorwill Park
West Club Blvd Trail This trail is a 10-foot wide sidewalk trail which crosses W. Club Blvd at the corner of W. Club and Glendale Avenue. This trail follows W. Club Boulevard. Length: 0.3 miles Surface: Paved sidewalk, 10 feet wide Begins: Northgate Park (Parking) Ends: Washington Street Restrooms: Northgate Park
South Ellerbee Creek Trail
Stadium Drive Trail This trail follows the south side of Stadium Drive along 10-foot wide sidewalks. It switches to the north side at Broad Street and then back to the south side at Kirkwood. This trail is primarily a sidewalk trail. Length: 1.9 miles Surface: Paved sidewalks, 10 feet wide Begins: northern terminus of the Ellerbee Creek Trail Ends: Whippoorwill Park Restrooms: Whippoorwill Park, Rock Quarry Park, The Museum of Life and Science
Ellerbee Creek Trail This trail is one of the oldest trails in the Durham Trails and Greenways System. As a part of the North/South Greenway, it runs through the center of Durham, providing excellent recreational opportunities as well as good bike and pedestrian access to downtown Durham. The majority of this trail is paved, separated from the road. Length: 1.2 miles Surface: Paved trail, 10 feet wide Begins: Stadium Drive Ends: Club Blvd (Parking at Northgate Park) Restrooms: Rock Quarry Park, Northgate Park
This trail is one of the oldest trails in the Durham Trails and Greenways System. As a part of the North/South Greenway, it runs through the center of Durham, providing excellent recreational opportunities as well as good bike and pedestrian access to downtown Durham. Length: 1.4 miles Surface: Paved, 10 feet wide Begins: West Trinity Avenue Ends: West Club Blvd. Restrooms: Northgate Park
Duke Park Trail This trail follows Brookline Street, which is closed to traffic. It connects Duke Park with the North/South Greenway at Washington Street. Length: 0.3 miles Surface: Paved roadway Begins: Washington Street Ends: Duke Park at Acadia Street (Parking) Restrooms: Duke Park
Downtown Trail This trail runs through the middle of downtown Durham. Green bricks along the side of the sidewalk mark the trail, but there is also good road signage. While bicycles are allowed on these wider sidewalks, please ride slowly and yield to pedestrians. Length: .9 miles Surface: Paved sidewalks, 10 feet wide Begins: West Trinity Ave Ends: Jackie Robinson Drive adjacent to the Durham Bulls Athletic Park and the American Tobacco Campus Restrooms: Restrooms at the Durham Farmer's Market
West Ellerbee Creek Trail This trail follows West Ellerbee Creek, which has recently been restored. The Ellerbee Creek Watershed Association has landscaped the trail with native plants. Length: 2.25 miles Surface: Paved surface, 10 feet wide Begins: Albany Drive near Indian Trail Park Ends: Stadium Dr. and Broad St. Restrooms: None
Third Fork Creek Trail This trail follows Third Fork Creek. Keep an eye out for mud and water, which can sometimes be found on this trail during high water periods. Length: 3.6 miles Surface: Paved off-road trail, 10 feet wide Begins: Southern Boundaries Park Ends: Garrett Road Park Restrooms: Southern Boundaries Park, Garrett Road Park
DURHAM BIKE AND HIKE MAP Check out the Durham Bike & Hike Map now available online!
Printed copies are available at the Durham Parks and Recreation Administration Office
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
American Tobacco Trail Durham Section
Sandy Creek Trail
Pearsontown Trail
This trail is a 10-foot wide, paved, off -road trail which follows the old CSX railroad. The trail is heavily used by walkers, joggers, cyclists, rollerbladers and folks pushing strollers. Users need to keep their speed below 10 mph and watch for other trail users. Length: 11.0 miles Surface: Paved off -road trail, 10 feet wide Begins: Corner of Morehead and Blackwell Streets Ends: Jordan Lake (Durham section ends at the Chatham County Line, 3000 ft south of Scott King Rd.) Restrooms: Elmira Park, Solite Park, C.M. Herndon Park
Riddle Road Spur This trail follows the old Riddle Road Spur of the CSX railroad. There are several street level crossings: Riddle Road (no light), NC 55 (Apex Hwy) with pedestrian light, and S. Alston (traffic four-way stop). Length: 1.50 miles Surface: Paved off-road trail, 10 feet wide Begins: Intersection of Riddle and Fayetteville Roads Ends: S. Briggs Avenue Restrooms: None
This trail is a 10-foot wide, paved, off -road trail that follows Sandy Creek. This trail and park are birding hotspots. In addition to some 100 species of birds having been sighted, there is also an abundance of other wildlife, including beavers, deer, otters, coyotes, red fox, and turtles. The best time to walk the trail for birds and other wildlife is early mornings and around dusk. Length: 0.75 miles Surface: Paved off-road trail, 10 feet wide Begins: Pickett Road Ends: Sandy Creek Park Restrooms: Sandy Creek Park
This trail is one of the oldest trails in the Trails and Greenways System. It was originally designed to serve the NCCU community. On-road connections can be made to the R. Kelly Bryant Bridge. Length: 1 mile Surface: Paved on-road and off-road trails. Begins: Elmira Park Ends: NC Central University Restrooms: Elmira Park
Rocky Creek Trail This trail is a 10-foot wide, paved, off-road trail which follows Rocky Creek from the American Tobacco Trail to NC 55. On-road connections can be made to the R. Kelly Bryant Bridge. Length: 1 mile Surface: Paved off-road trail, 10 feet wide Begins: American Tobacco Trail south of Fayetteville Street Ends: Dakota Street, just west of NC 55 Restrooms: Elmira Park
R. Kelly Bryant Bridge Trail This trail currently consists of a connector sidewalk from the Bryant Bridge to Alston Ave, the Bryant Bridge, and a street trail along Lakeland Street the main feature of this trail is the beautiful bridge named after long-time civil rights and Durham Open Space and Trails member, R. Kelly Bryant Jr. Length: 0.3 miles Surface: Paved off-road trail, 10 feet wide and street trail. Begins: Alston Avenue just north of the NC 147 exit ramp Ends: Corner of Lakeland and Mathison Streets Restrooms: None
BECOME A DURHAM COMMUNITY TRAIL WATCH VOLUNTEER! Volunteers help monitor the hike and bike trails in Durham. For more information and to apply, visit and select How Do I — Volunteer—Durham Community Trail Watch.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT We are so thankful for our DPR volunteers and want to recognize the following individuals for their outstanding contributions! We rely on a strong volunteer base to provide programs and services, and we could not do it without you - THANK YOU!
February: Cedric Burke
January: Maggie Stalls
April: Eugene "Coach Mo" Mosley Learn more about these amazing volunteers on our blog: There are so many ways to volunteer in our community, but we hope you consider volunteering with DPR! Whether you help at one of our special events or adopt one of our trails or parks to regularly clean, we have plenty of ways to get involved.
March: Tracey Taylor
If you are interested in volunteering with DPR or would like additional information regarding the volunteer opportunities available, please visit, email Mal Atkinson at or call 919-560-4355.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
GET TO KNOW ... PARKSON REX Parkson Rex joined the DPR team in 2018, after the retirement of his parents, Earl and Pearl. Get to know Parkson Rex and be on the lookout for him at an upcoming program or event.
About Parkson Rex Species: Sciurus carolinensis (The Eastern Gray Squirrel) Birthplace: Durham, NC Adopted Parents: Earl and Pearl Workplace: Durham Parks and Recreation Job Title: Mascot Favorite Food: Anything with Nuts Favorite Book: The Secret Life of Squirrels Favorite Color: Green Favorite Cartoon: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends Hobbies: Climbing trees, playing in Durham parks, exercising at DPR recreation centers, Connecting the Durham community to wellness, the outdoors, and lifelong learning Likes: Hugs, high fives, dancing, exercising How to Make Him Laugh: A-corny joke
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
REGISTRATION CREATING YOUR ACTIVENET ACCOUNT Online registration is available through ActiveNet. The online system has many great benefits, is easy to use, and customers are not charged an online transaction fee! Search for your favorite programs by keyword, age, day, time, location, and more! Visit and select "Register Online" to access the ActiveNet online registration site or go directly to apm.
NEW CUSTOMERS 1. Start by accessing our registration site by visiting and selecting "Register Online" or go directly to apm. 2. Click Create an Account 3. Fill in your name and address. Required fields will be denoted by a red asterisk (*) 4. Fill in your contact information. *Note: To receive text message alerts, including cancellation notifications, please indicate your cell phone carrier. Click Next when complete.
5. Enter your personal information then click Next. 6. Fill in your emergency contact information then click Next. 7. Provide your account information. Create a secure password you will be able to remember, but others will not be able to guess. If you prefer not to use your email to login, please create an alternate Login ID. Once you complete all required fields, click Create Account.
REGISTRATION DATES Registration dates vary by program. Please visit our ActiveNet site ( for details on individual program registration deadlines.
TELL US HOW WE’RE DOING! Visit our website to complete an online evaluation.
Click on "About Us" in the top menu bar.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
ESPAÑOL SALUD Y SEGURIDAD Durante estos momentos tan difíciles que estamos atravesando, la salud y la seguridad de nuestros residentes y personal son nuestra prioridad principal. Mientras navegamos por la pandemia de COVID-19, estamos tomando las precauciones necesarias y cumpliendo con todas las recomendaciones del Centro para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC) para prevenir que continúe la propagación de este virus.
INFORMACIÓN DEL PROGRAMA Para obtener información de última hora sobre nuestras aperturas, cierres y ofertas de programas, visite nuestro sitio en línea (web), en Para ver nuestro sitio web en español, haga clic en en Google Chrome. Habrá un pequeño menú que se encuentra en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla y dice "Select Language” / Seleccionar idioma. Haga clic en la flecha y seleccione español.
Actualmente ofrecemos programas tanto virtuales como en persona, tomando las medidas de precaución establecidas. Para buscar / registrarse en programas en ActiveNet, visite dprplaymore. org y seleccione "Register Online” / Registrarse en línea. Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita servicios de traducción, comuníquese con Rosalie en el correo: Rosalie.Bocelli-Hernandez@ o Reimari en o llame al 919-560-4355.
REGISTRARSE Para inscribirse en los programas, los participantes tienen la opción de registrarse en persona en cualquiera de los Centro de Recreación o en la Oficina de Administración. El registro en línea también está disponible para la mayoría de los programas, visite dprplaymore. org, busque los programas favoritos utilizando palabras claves, edad, día, hora, ubicación y más. Seleccione Registrarse en línea / “Register Online" para acceder a la plataforma de registro de ActiveNet. El sistema en línea tiene muchos beneficios, ¡es fácil de usar y no se le cobra ninguna tarifa por la transacción cuando utiliza su tarjeta de crédito!
CREANDO UNA CUENTA EN ACTIVENET CLIENTES NUEVOS 1. Visite nuestra página en, y seleccionando Registrarse en Línea / “Register Online” o vaya directamente a 2. Clic en Crear una Cuenta /“Create Account”. 3. Escriba su nombre y su dirección. Los campos obligatorios se indicarán con un asterisco rojo (*) 4. Complete su información de contacto. * Nota: Para recibir alertas por mensaje de texto, incluyendo las notificaciones de cancelación, por favor indique su proveedor de telefonía celular. Haga clic en Siguiente / “Next” cuando termine. 5. Ingrese su información personal y luego haga clic en Siguiente /“Next”. 6. Complete su información de contacto de emergencia y luego haga clic en Siguiente /“Next”. 7. Provea la información de su cuenta. Cree una contraseña segura que usted pueda recordar, pero otros no puedan adivinar. Si prefiere no utilizar su correo electrónico para iniciar una sesión, entonces cree un ID de inicio de sesión alternativa. Una vez que complete todos los campos obligatorios, haga clic en Crear una Cuenta /“Create Account”.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
AQUATICS LAP SWIM INFORMATION - Lap swim reservations will last for a 45-minute timeframe.
- Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance and can be made up to 7 days in advance. - Only one swimmer will be allowed per lane; multiple swimmers in one lane will not be allowed.
2000 South Alston Avenue 919-560-4444 Lap Lane Swimming by Reservation Only
- Patrons should plan to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their reservation timeslot. - Upon entering the facility, patrons must practice social distancing at all times and wear a face mask at all times except when swimming or showering. We ask that you please refrain from interactions with other patrons and any prolonged conversation with staff. - No equipment will be available for lap swim, such as kickboards, pull buoys, and noodles. Patrons may bring personal swimming or fitness equipment. - Patrons are expected to arrive with their swimsuit on underneath their clothes. - Patrons will have access to the locker rooms to shower or to change after swimming. Patrons will be expected to keep their masks on in the locker rooms when not using the shower. - The Family Changing Room will be provided to allow patrons to rinse off prior to entering the pool (shower shoes are recommended) and use the bathroom if needed.
EDISON JOHNSON AQUATIC CENTER 500 W. Murray Avenue 919-560-4265 Lap Lane Swimming by Reservation Only
- Patrons will not have access to a shower or changing room after swimming. Patrons will towel dry off on deck and put clothes over wet suit before exiting the facility. - Only the patron booked for a lane reservation will be allowed into the facility. If the patron needs someone to accommodate them on their visit they must also follow facility requirements. - In the case of inclement weather, DPR staff will communicate with patrons if a reservation will need to be canceled.
LAP SWIM HOURS Visit the Indoor Pool Lap Lane Reservations page ( for lap swim hours and online reservations. All lap swim hours are subject to change. Lap swim reservations must be made 24 hours in advance and can be made up to seven days in advance.
If you have questions regarding lap swim reservations, please email or call one of the phone numbers listed above.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
AQUATICS OUTDOOR POOLS RECREATIONAL OUTDOOR POOL SWIM Durham Parks and Recreation offers outdoor seasonal pools for individuals and families to enjoy recreational swimming. Please visit for full details on the Summer 2021 offerings. Fee: Age: CR NCR 0-18 $0 $4 19-54 $3 $8 55+ $2 $7 FOREST HILLS POOL 14536 Jun 9-Aug 13 Tu-Th 1pm-5pm Sa-Su 1pm-5pm Schedule subject to change
SPRAYGROUNDS EAST END PARK SPRAYGROUND 1200 N. Alston Ave. Open End of May-End of September 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Durham Parks and Recreation operates four spraygrounds. Spraygrounds are playground areas with water features that allow residents fun places to cool off when the temperature rises! Spraygrounds are free, with the exception of the Hillside Park location.
EDISON JOHNSON SPRAYGROUND 500 West Murray Ave. Open End of May-End of September 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
FOREST HILLS PARK SPRAYGROUND 1639 University Drive Open End of May-End of September 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
HILLSIDE PARK SPRAYGROUND 1221 Sawyer St. Monday – Sunday 1 – 5 p.m. Free admission on Wednesdays. Weekends only August 15-September 7. Open July 4 and Labor Day. The Hillside Park sprayground is located inside the pool area and is only open during pool hours. Pool fees apply. We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
The objective of this program is to introduce young children to sports in a non-competitive environment. Through various drills participants will refine their motor skills and incorporate physical activity into their day. This program requires participation from the parent/guardian each night. Participant age is age as of August 2, 2021. CR Fee: $7.50 NCR Fee: $12.50 C.M. HERNDON PARK Aug 2-Aug 11 M,W 6:15pm-7:30pm 15331 Age: 3 15330 Age: 4 15332 Age: 5
Participants will learn the basics of tennis. The class will review basic strokes, tennis strategy, and learn how to score a match. All equipment is provided; participants should bring water and wear tennis shoes and weather-appropriate clothing. CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14 ELMIRA AVENUE PARK Aug 10-Aug 26 T,Th 6pm-7pm 13396 Age: 5-6 13397 Age: 7-8 13399 Age: 9-10
SUNSET SPORTS FOR TOTS Looking for some summer time fun for your child? Come join us as we explore the world of sports for six weeks. Your child will be exposed to both team and individual sports. This program promises to be fun for all and parental participation is encouraged. Age: 2-5 CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14 W.D. HILL RECREATION CENTER 14650 Jul 24-Aug 28 Sa 10am-11am
RAISING RACQUETS TENNIS LESSONS Participants will receive a racquet and can of tennis balls after attending four out of the six lessons. Two sessions of Raising Racquets is offered. In an effort to provide tennis equipment and lessons to as many children as possible we are asking that parents sign their child up for one session only. If parents are interested in both sessions pease contact Jonathan Ray at 919-560-4355. Age: 7-12 CR Fee: $13.50 NCR Fee: $18.50 ELMIRA AVENUE PARK 13404 Jun 7-Jun 23 M,W 6pm-7:30pm 13405 Jul 13-Jul 29 T,Th 6pm-7:30pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Come out to Walltown for a two-day training program. The focus will be on skill development, fundamentals, and improvement. This program is non-competitive and no-contact; participants will not play games against one another. All participants must wear a face mask for the duration of the program. CR Fee: $4.50 NCR Fee: $9.50 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER Age: 7-9 15137 Jun 9-Jun 30 W 6:30pm-7:15pm Age: 10-12 15138 Jun 9-Jun 30 W 7:30pm-8:15pm
This sampler is designed to introduce different sports, basic fundamentals of each sport. The sampler promotes an atmosphere of fun and learning in a controlled safe environment. Activities Offered: Disc Golf, Pickleball, Basketball Drills, Tennis CR Fee: $3 NCR Fee: $8 Age: 11-12 WALLTOWN PARK 15311 Jun 26 Sa 9am-11am 15312 Jul 24 Sa 9am-11am BETHESDA PARK 15313 Aug 7 Sa 9am-11am Age: 7-8 WALLTOWN PARK 15314 Jun 26 Sa 9am-11am 15315 Jul 24 Sa 9am-11am BETHESDA PARK 15316 Aug 7 Sa 9am-11am Age: 9-10 WALLTOWN PARK 15317 Jun 26 Sa 9am-11am 15318 Jul 24 Sa 9am-11am BETHESDA PARK 15319 Aug 7 Sa 9am-11am
YOUTH GOLF ACADEMY Come learn the basic fundamentals of the game of golf. Golf is a game you can play your entire life! Learn values like integrity, honesty, and respect with one of America’s favorite leisure activities. Age: 7-12 CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11 WALLTOWN PARK 15323 Jun 24-Jul 15 Th 5:30pm-6:30pm
YOUTH INTRODUCTION TO PICKLEBALL Interested in learning about Pickleball? If you are new to the sport or have just started playing and want some additional instruction in a fun and friendly atmosphere, then this Youth Introduction to Pickleball class is for you! Participants will participate in a 2-hour session and learn how to keep score, the rules of the game, and tips to improve their confidence on the court. Come out and learn why people of all ages are excited about the sport of Pickleball! Please wear athletic shoes, comfortable attire and a water bottle. Balls and paddles will be provided. Age: 7-12 CR Fee: $3 NCR Fee: $8 BETHESDA PARK 15324 Jul 31 Sa 9am-11am
YOUTH TENNIS Participants will learn the basics of tennis. The class will review basic strokes, tennis strategy, and learn how to score a match. Participants should bring a tennis racquet, water and wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing. Age: 7-12 CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14 WALLTOWN PARK 14484 Jun 23-Jul 28 W 6pm-7pm
HOLTON BASKETBALL SKILLS CHALLENGE Welcome back to the gym! Join us for the Holton Teen Shoot Around where you can participate in various skill challenges. Please leave your basketballs at home! We will use DPR issued basketball; each participant will have their own ball to use throughout each session. There will be skills challenges only; no pickup games. Age: 13-17 CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $14.50 HOLTON CAREER AND RESOURCE CENTER 15129 Jun 2-Jun 30 W 6:15pm-7:30pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
ATHLETICS YOUTH AND TEEN SPORTS CONTINUED TEEN INTRODUCTION TO PICKLEBALL Interested in learning about Pickleball? If you are new to the sport or have just started playing and want some additional instruction in a fun and friendly atmosphere, then this teen Introduction to Pickleball class is for you! Participants will participate in a 2-hour session and learn how to keep score, the rules of the game, and tips to improve their confidence on the court. Come out and learn why people of all ages are excited about the sport of Pickleball! Please wear athletic shoes, comfortable attire and a water bottle. Balls and paddles will be provided. Age: 13-17 CR Fee: $3 NCR Fee: $8 BETHESDA PARK 15325 Jul 31 Sa 12pm-2pm
Interested in learning about Pickleball? If you are new to the sport or have just started playing and want some additional instruction in a fun and friendly atmosphere, then this Pickleball Clinic is for you! Players will participate in 1-hour sessions, meeting once a week for 4 weeks (4 sessions). You will learn how to keep score, the rules of the game, and tips to improve your confidence on the court. Come out and learn why people of all ages are excited about the sport of Pickleball! Registration is open for adults (18 & over) and limited to 8 participants. Please wear tennis shoes or court shoes, bring your paddle and bring a water bottle. Balls will be provided. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $24 NCR Fee: $29 BETHESDA PARK 15131 Jun 7-Jun 23 M,W 8am-9am
Participants will learn the basics of tennis. The class will review basic strokes, tennis strategy, and learn how to score a match. Participants should bring a tennis racquet, water and wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21 WHIPPOORWILL PARK 13402 Aug 9-Aug 25 M,W 6:30pm-7:30pm
BULL CITY CO-ED KICKBALL LEAGUE Kickback and enjoy this time socializing with friends and teammates while competing in one of America’s favorite childhood games, kickball! Whether your new to the game or have been kicking the ball around for years you will have lots of fun in our adult kickball league. Game Times: 7pm and 8:15pm Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $28 NCR Fee: $43 C.M. HERNDON PARK 14648 Jun 10-Aug 26 Th 5pm-9pm
DPR ENO RIVER COMBO DOUBLES USTA TENNIS LEAGUE In the DPR combo doubles league teams are comprised of up to 15 players playing 3 doubles matches. The combined levels of each doubles pair cannot exceed the team level. To participate you must have a current USTA membership. Registration Dates: May 29 - June 29, 2021 To Register: Ages and Fees: 18+ and 40+: Total Fee = $14 (Tennislink Fee $3; DPR Local League Fee $5; NCTA Fee $6) Age 55+: Total Fee = $12 (Tennislink Fee $3; DPR Local League Fee $3; NCTA Fee $6) Age 65+: Total Fee = $9 (Tennislink Fee $3; NCTA Fee $6 ) GARRETT ROAD PARK 14922 Aug 6-Oct 14 M-F 9am-9pm 14924 Aug 5-Oct 14 M-Th 9am-10pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Swing batter, batter swing! The adult softball league plays Aug - Oct. Registration Fees: $475 per team with a $12 fee per non-city resident. Registration Dates: July 1 - July 31. Team registration only, individuals should contact league coordinator. Age: 17 and up Aug 9-Nov 3 M,W 6pm-9:30pm SOUTHERN BOUNDARIES PARK 14441 Co-Rec 2 VALLEY SPRINGS PARK 14442 Co-Rec 3
Swing batter, batter swing! The adult softball league plays Aug - Oct. Registration Fees: $475 per team with a $12 fee per non-city resident. Registration Dates: July 1 - July 31. Team registration only, individuals should contact league coordinator. Age: 17 and up Aug 10-Nov 4 T,Th 6pm-9:30pm SOUTHERN BOUNDARIES PARK 14443 Men’s 2
Have you heard of Pickleball and want to know what all the buzz is about? Join us for this FREE Adult and Youth Pickleball Mixer on the covered courts at Bethesda Park. Teams invited to register and are required to have one adult 18 and older, and a youth or teen younger than 18. Bring water, wear comfortable clothes and court shoes; we provide the paddles, balls, instruction and FUN! Learn the rules of the game and basic play from experienced tournament players. Please note: each person wishing to participate will need to register for the program from a family. Age: 7 and up No Cost BETHESDA PARK 15336 Aug 7 Sa 12pm-3pm
Durham Parks and Recreation will offer free Community Open Play on designated athletic fields. The Community Open Play is designed to give free field access to all individuals and families. Fields are available first come first serve. The City will turn the lights on at the park from sunset till 9 p.m. on Wednesday evenings through June. No Cost C.M. HERNDON PARK 14918 Mar 24-Jun 30 Su,W 7pm-9pm
COMMUNITY FREE PLAY BASKETBALL Durham Parks and Recreation will offer free Community Open Play on our outdoor basketball courts. The Community Open Play is designed to give free court access to all individuals and families should be limited to one hour of play while others are waiting. Courts are available first-come first-serve. The City will turn the lights on at the park from sunset till 10 p.m. Note: Public court time can be used for DPR programming and tournament rentals if needed. No Cost BETHESDA PARK 14217 Oct 12-Jul 31 M,W,Sa 8am-10pm SHERWOOD PARK 14215 Oct 13-Jul 31 T,Th,Sa 8am-10pm SOUTHERN BOUNDARIES PARK 14216 Oct 13-Jul 31 T,Th,Sa 8am-10pm MORREENE ROAD PARK 14731 Jan 14-Jul 31 Daily 8am-10pm
COMMUNITY FREE PLAY TENNIS Durham Parks and Recreation will offer free Community Open Play on designated tennis courts. The Community Open Play is designed to give free tennis court access to all individuals and families. Courts are available first come first serve. The City will turn the lights on at the park from sunset till 10 p.m. No Cost SOUTHERN BOUNDARIES PARK: COURTS 7&8 14219 Oct 19-Jul 31 Daily 8am-10pm ELMIRA AVENUE PARK: COURTS 1&2 14220 Oct 19-Jul 31 Daily 8am-10pm FOREST HILLS PARK: COURT 4 14977 Mar 26-Jul 31 Daily 8am-10pm GARRETT ROAD PARK: COURT 6 14221 Oct 19-Jul 31 Daily 8am-10pm ROCK QUARRY PARK: COURT 1&2 14222 Oct 19-Jul 31 Daily 8am-10pm W.D. HILL RECREATION CENTER: COURT 1 14224 Oct 19-Jul 31 Daily 8am-10pm WHIPPOORWILL PARK: COURTS 1&2 14223 Oct 19-Jul 31 Daily 8am-10pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
POOCH PLUNGE “Pooch Plunge” is sure to be the pool party of the summer! You can enjoy a fun-filled day at the pool, along with your best friend on four legs. The outdoor Hillside Pool provides a safe and enclosed environment for your dog to swim and play in the water. Dogs must be accompanied by at least one adult (18 years old and up). Maximum two dogs per adult. Fee listed is per dog. Take the plunge and join us for this unique canine event! To ensure a healthy environment for all participants, please be sure that your dog meets vaccination requirements for DPR Dog Parks before you register for this event. CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11 HILLSIDE PARK 14537 Sep 11 Sa 11am-12:45pm 15179 Sep 11 Sa 1:15pm-3pm
Entry is only permitted for dogs with a current dog park tag. Please do your part and practice social distancing in the dog parks by remaining at least 6 feet away from others. A face covering will be required if social distancing is not possible. Dog park members are also expected to abide by the current mass gathering limitation. Owners are required to clean up after their dogs, both inside and outside the fenced area. Children under 12 years of age must be supervised by an adult and spectators (those without a dog) need to remain outside the fenced areas. All members must follow these rules in addition to all other dog park rules and regulations. Please visit our Canine Recreation page at for a complete list of dog park rules.
REGISTER FOR YOUR DOG PARK TAGS ONLINE! All dogs must be registered with DPR annually. Online registration is available through ActiveNet.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
CANINE RECREATION DOG PARK REGISTRATION All dogs MUST be registered with DPR annually. To ensure that we provide a healthy environment for all participants, we have adopted the vaccination requirements recommended by the American Animal Hospital Association. All dogs are required to have the following vaccinations before being issued a Dog Park tag: rabies, distemper/parvo, bordetella, and a negative fecal exam. We also accept titer results in lieu of vaccinations except for rabies (state law). Vaccinations must be current, and not due to expire within 30 days. When these requirements are met, a DPR dog park tag is assigned. All dogs must wear their current dog park tag while playing in the park.
After registering, vaccination records and liability waiver must be emailed to See website for complete instructions, or call 919-560-4355. Registration can also be done by mail to: Durham Parks and Recreation Attn: Dog Parks, 101 City Hall Plaza, Durham, NC 27701 Fees: 2021 Dog Park tags are valid through the end of the calendar year. (January 1 – December 31). Fees are not prorated throughout the year. CR Fee: $17/per dog NCR Fee: $22/per dog
Online registration is available through ActiveNet.
DOG PARKS Durham Parks and Recreation has four dog parks, which offer a safe and controlled environment for dogs and their owners. The dog parks provide access to open space for off-leash play and socialization.
400 W. Lavender Avenue (Located on the north side of Northgate Park)
400 E. Woodcroft Parkway
Features two enclosed areas: • Small Dog Area: 15 inches or smaller & 30 lbs or under • Large Dog Area: 15 inches & taller & 30 lbs or over
Features four separate enclosed areas: • Small Dog Area: 15 inches or smaller & 30 lbs or under • Large Dog Area: 15 inches & taller & 30 lbs or over • Program Area: special playgroups/ organized activity • Entrance Area: smaller version of program area
Amenities include waste bag dispensers, water access, and benches.
Amenities include waste bag dispensers, water access, and benches.
1608 Acadia Street Features two enclosed areas: • Small Dog Area: 15 inches or smaller & 30 lbs or under • Large Dog Area: 15 inches & taller & 30 lbs or over Amenities include waste bag dispensers, water access, and benches.
304 Elliott Street (Located on the corner of Roxboro and Elliott Streets) Features two enclosed areas: • Small Dog Area: 15 inches or smaller and 30 lbs or under • Large Dog Area: 15 inches & taller and 30 lbs or over Amenities include waste bag dispensers and benches.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Would you like to schedule a private park tour or hike? Private tours and hikes are free, but please allow eight business days for us to set up for you. Private tour options include park tours of Leigh Farm Park or West Point on the Eno Park, or a selection of our History Hikes. Contact Caitlin Avinger at if you have questions or would like to schedule one. Please note, private tours and hikes are dependent on staff availability and are limited to a maximum size of 14 participants. If you would like to register for a regularly scheduled tour or hike, visit us at
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
HERITAGE PARKS West Point on the Eno Park and Leigh Farm Park make up the City of Durham’s Heritage Parks. These significant natural and historic parks provide opportunities for picnicking, fishing, hiking, outdoor nature study, and cultural history programming.
WEST POINT ON THE ENO 5101 N. Roxboro St., Durham, NC 27704 919-560-4355 This 388-acre natural and historic park is located along a two-mile stretch of the scenic Eno River, six miles north of downtown Durham. Take a step back in time to Durham’s early beginnings by touring the working Grist Mill, the 1850’s McCown-Mangum House, and the Hugh Mangum Museum of Photography. Park tours are offered on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday through December. Tours are free, but registration is required. Park tours meet at the mill. Private tours can be arranged in advance by calling 919-560-4355. You can also enjoy a leisurely picnic and stroll around the grounds or take a hike through the woods on one of the park trails. Feel free to bring your canoe or raft and experience the beauty of the Eno River. The park gates are open daily, year-round, from 8 a.m. to dark.
Cog pit in the West Point Mill at West Point on the Eno
LEIGH FARM PARK 370 Leigh Farm Rd. Durham, NC 27707 919-560-4355
Leigh Family House at Leigh Farm Park
This 82.8-acre property located at 370 Leigh Farm Road is anchored by a seven-acre historic core listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1975. The park includes the Leigh House (circa 1835), an early 19th century dairy, a mid-19th century enslaved peoples cabin with notable stick-built chimney, smokehouse, corn crib and a late 19th century well house and carriage house. The property also features a second mid-19th century slave cabin with a 1930 Rustic Revival log addition, an early 20th century tobacco barn and pack house, several mid-20th century residences, and wooded acreage that was historically open agricultural land. Guided tours are offered on Saturdays through December. Admission is free.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Do your kids enjoy painting? Would they like to try it on a large scale? Then they will have a great time at Color the Park! Make some art. Make a mess. Have a blast! Age: 5-12 CR Fee: $4.50 NCR Fee: $9.50 EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER 14572 Jun 25-Jul 9 F 10am-11am
In this outdoor class, young minds will be encouraged to use problem-solving and creativity to accomplish tasks given each week. Projects will be S.T.E.M. based, and participants will be able to take their new creations home to show off their skills to family and friends. Age: 7-12 CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15156 Aug 6-Aug 27 F 4:30pm-5:30pm
ALL ABOUT A GARDEN Planting the seed of knowledge and encouraging healthy habits while learning all about a garden. Come and unleash your green thumb! This program will be held entirely outdoors, with physical distancing between each participant. Participants should bring a water bottle and wear closed-toe shoes. A hat and sunglasses are recommended. Age: 5-11 CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14 EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER 14580 Jun 23-Jul 28 W 12pm-1pm
CROSS STITCH FOR BEGINNERS Looking for a fun and easy way to help reduce your child’s stress, improve their focus, and boost their creativity? Why not try cross stitch? This one-hour class will teach your child the basics of cross stitch through guided instruction and simple, hands-on practice. Along with foundational tips and tricks, they will also come away with supplies they can use to start their next cross stitching project at home! Participants are asked to bring a blanket or beach towel to sit in the grass while working on their projects. Preregistration is required and space is limited. Age: 10-13 CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15329 Aug 5 Th 6:30pm-7:30pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
It’s no secret that dogs bring our families so much love and joy. Your child will have a chance to return the favor when they participate in this fun class. During this hands-on program, your child will work on two exciting DIY projects they can bring home to your family pooch: 1) A bag of homemade, no-bake dog treats and 2) a “snuffle basket” toy to entertain your pup and keep their mind active and engaged. Participants are asked to bring a blanket or beach towel to sit in the grass while working on their projects. Preregistration is required and space is limited. Please be aware that dog treat recipe uses peanut butter. Age: 8-11 CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15328 Aug 19 Th 6:30pm-7:30pm
Bring out your inner artist. Enjoy creating DIY style projects virtually. Participants will enjoy making handmade crafts and creations and others will not believe you “Did It Yourself”. Supplies will need to be picked up from Edison Johnson Recreation Center Friday July 9. Participants will receive an email with instructions. Age: 6-12 CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 14573 Jul 12 M 11am-12pm 14574 Jul 26 M 11am-12pm
PARKSON PLAY PACKS Looking for fun enrichment activities to do at home this summer? Parkson Rex has something for you - Parkson Play Packs! Each kit contains materials and instructions for eight different activities. Kits can be picked up from Campus Hills Recreation Center or Edison Johnson Recreation Center. Registration is required, per child. Registrants will receive an email with pick-up instructions. Dates and times listed are for pick-up only. Activities will be done on your own. Age: 5-12 EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER FUN IN THE SUN Fee: $5 15038 Jun 12 Sa 2pm-5pm MESSY ART Fee: $10 15039 Jul 10 Sa 2pm-5pm CAMP-OUT AT HOME Fee: $5 15040 Jul 31 Sa 2pm-5pm
VIRTUAL JR. CHEFS Join us virtually to learn how to make quick and healthy snacks with fresh fruits and vegetables. Supplies will need to be picked up weekly from Edison Johnson Recreation Center on the Friday before each class. Participants will receive an email with instructions by July 27. Age: 8-12 CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 14579 Aug 2-Aug 23 M 6pm-7pm
CAR MAINTENANCE 101 Do you know the difference between buying and affording a car? This program will help you understand the difference. Come out and get some hands on experience on how to change a tire, detail your car, properly maintain a car along with other basic maintenance needs that will make affording a car little easier. Age: 13-18 CR Fee: $3 NCR Fee: $8 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 13734 Jun 26 Sa 12pm-2pm
VIRTUAL CHILL AND PAINT Let’s have fun and chill and paint! Join us virtually and create your very own masterpiece! Supplies will need to be picked up from Edison Johnson Recreation Center on Thursday, July 19. Participants will receive an email with instructions. Age: 13-18 CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 14577 Aug 4 W 1pm-2pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
EDUCATION & ENRICHMENT VIRTUAL DIY DIVAS Hey divas, do you enjoy creating DIY-style projects? Join us virtually and enjoy making handmade crafts and creations that others will not believe you “Did it Yourself.” Supplies will need to be picked up from Edison Johnson Recreation Center on Thursday, June 17. Participants will receive an email with instructions. Age: 13-16 CR Fee: $3 NCR Fee: $8 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 14989 Jun 21-Jun 28 M 1pm-2pm
My Durham Teen Programming "For Teens, Built by Teens,” that’s how we roll! Durham Parks and Recreation offers free, drop-in programming and activities Monday-Friday for all teens between the ages of 13 and 18 years old. From gardening, video game tournaments, and indoor hockey to park clean-ups, crafts and job readiness, we are providing a place for the teens in our community to have fun, hang out, and be active! For more information about the My Durham locations and program times being offered this year, please visit the Teen page on our website at
#MYDURHAM We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Fees for one-day programs are pay as you go, per day. Age: CR NCR 0-18 $0 $5 19-54 $4 $9 55+ $3 $8
FAMILY FITNESS FRENZY Come out and take a breath of fresh air at Walltown Park! Bring your family out! Everyone will need to register individually. We will do a variety of different bodyweight exercises together. Each exercise will have modifications so everyone can work out at the same time while having fun, and getting our bodies stronger. Please note: each person wishing to participate will need to register for the program. All Ages CR Fee: $4 NCR Fee: $9 C.M. HERNDON PARK 15322 Jun 24 Th 6:30pm-7:30pm DURHAM CENTRAL PARK 15321 Jul 22 Th 6:30pm-7:30pm C.M. HERNDON PARK 15320 Aug 18 W 6:30pm-7:30pm
FITNESS EQUIPMENT ORIENTATION Not comfortable with using fitness machines? The class will give you the confidence you need. This class is designed to teach you the proper usage of exercise machines. You will learn the different muscles you will work when utilizing the machine. You will get a proper orientation on how to set up the machine to best suit you. You will learn exercise principles and improve your physical fitness. You will also learn how to design a personal exercise program to meet your goal. Please wear proper athletic shoes and bring your own water bottle. Machine weights will be provided. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $4 NCR Fee: $9 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15354 Jun 8 T 1pm-2pm 15355 Jun 8 T 6pm-7pm 15356 Jul 13 T 1pm-2pm 15357 Jun 13 T 6pm-7pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
FITNESS WALKING On your mark, get set, GO! Walking is one of the most common forms of exercise. You walk every day, so why not come into our climate-controlled facility and enjoy a nice walk? Rain or shine, it does not matter how the weather is! Visit for details on making a reservation to walk. No Cost WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER Jun 1-Aug 29 M-F 9am-9pm Sa 9am-6pm Su 1pm-6pm W.D. HILL RECREATION CENTER Jun 7-Aug 31 M-F 10am-1pm
Up, down, turn around, time to move! Preschoolers will run, play and stretch to music and burn lots of energy in this virtual program. Come join the fun and Kid-O-Cize! To connect virtually participants will need a good internet connection, a functioning computer, and a phone or tablet device with a camera and microphone capability. Don’t miss out on this unique experience. Each participant will receive an email at least three days before the program begins with a link to join. Age: 1-5 CR Fee: $4.50 NCR Fee: $9.50 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 15136 Jun 8-Jun 29 T 10am-10:45am
Interested in skateboarding? This class is for you. Come out and learn some basic skills to help you get started with skateboarding. You will learn on how to balance and enjoy yourself. Learn from some of the most experience instructors that have been skateboarding for years. Participants will get introduced to different types of tricks, moves, and jumps. Participants will need their own skateboard, helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads. Supplies are limited so it is recommended you bring your own equipment. Age: 10-15 CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14 DURHAM CENTRAL PARK 15327 Aug 3-Aug 19 T,Th 6:30pm-7:30pm
A fun, energetic mix of stretching, flexibility, and balance techniques designed for young children. Kids are able to express themselves and explore what they are capable of in a safe fitness guided environment. Interactive instruction will be provided through Zoom. Each participant will receive an email at least two days before the program begins with a link to join. Age: 2-5 CR Fee: $3 NCR Fee: $8 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 15148 Jun 8-Jun 29 T 11am-11:30am 15149 Jul 13-Aug 3 T 11am-11:30am
Looking to improve your overall athleticism? Come out and do a series of drills and exercises that will improve your explosiveness, agility, strength and conditioning. This program will be held outside. Age: 13-18 CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14 I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER 14549 Jun 3-Jul 8 Th 4pm-5pm 15070 Jul 22-Aug 26 Th 4pm-5pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
FAST 30 Short on time but still want to get your heart pumping? Need to change up your workout routine to burn more? Join us for a 30 minute full body workout using your own body weight and equipment to increase flexibility and strength, while burning off those extra pounds and firming your muscles. This workout will definitely have you wanting to come back for more and more and more! Age: 16 and up CR Fee: $8 NCR Fee: $13 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 14475 Jul 6-Jul 27 T 12:15pm-12:45pm 15109 Jun 8-Jun 29 T 12:15pm-12:45pm 15110 Aug 3-Aug 24 T 12:15pm-12:45pm
F.I.T. Fun Intense Training: This workout class will be fun yet intense involving various intervals of exercises that include cardio, running, and toning. This will be an outdoor program, and all participants will be physically distanced. Masks are required before and after the program, but not during the exercise portion. Participants should bring a water bottle. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17 EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER 14562 Jun 9-Jun 30 W 6:30pm-7:15pm 14719 Jul 14-Aug 4 W 6:30pm-7:15pm
FOAM ROLLING 101 Are you curious about foam rolling? Are you not sure what it is or how to use it? Then this class will help you learn if foam rolling is for you. We will explore exercises that focus on massaging the muscles, muscle soreness and pain. This may just be what you are looking for. Age: 16 and up CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15118 Jul 13-Aug 3 T 6:30am-7:15am
Are you new to the game of golf? Or do you need to shake some rust off your game? If so, join us at W.D. Hill Recreation Center for an introduction to golf. The course will cover topics such as hand grip, basic swing mechanics, and how to keep score. Once this class is over, you will be ready to hit the links! Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21 HILLSIDE PARK 14652 Jul 20-Aug 10 T 11am-12pm
HIIT 45 This 45-minute class features quick intense bursts of exercise to build cardiovascular fitness while improving strength, building lean muscle and maximizing calorie burn. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $18 NCR Fee: $23 I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER 14596 Jun 2-Jul 7 W 6:15pm-7pm 15076 Jul 21-Aug 25 W 6:15pm-7pm
HOLTON FITNESS CIRCUIT TRAINING Let’s get that heart rate up. Join us for a circuit training workout which includes muscular strength and endurance circuits while alternating muscle groups, such as upper body, lower body and core. There will be a 1-minute rest/clean-up and sanitize between exercises. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $17 HOLTON CAREER AND RESOURCE CENTER 15125 Jun 3-Jun 24 Th 6:15pm-7:15pm 15126 Jul 8-Jul 29 Th 6:15pm-7:15pm 15127 Aug 5-Aug 26 Th 6:15pm-7:15pm
PARK LAB HIIT Come out to an early morning of some High Intensity Interval Training exercises and kick start your weekday at the Park Lab. We will perform different body weight exercises, and push our limits while outside. Participants should bring water and wear athletic wear that is comfortable. This class is held at the Park Lab in downtown Durham. Age: 16 and up CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17 OLD NORTH DURHAM PARK 15123 Jun 7-Jun 28 M 6:30am-7:15am
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
This program is a hybrid SPIN and strength training class beginning with 30 minutes of cardio on the SPIN bike followed by 15 minutes of strength training using dumbbells and body resistance. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $18 NCR Fee: $23 I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER 15036 Jun 4-Jul 16 F 11am-11:45am 15037 Jul 23-Aug 27 F 11am-11:45am
Start your day off right and join us for an early morning workout to stay energized throughout the day! Using body resistance, free weights, or household items; you will learn exercise principles and techniques that build strength and stamina. This program will be held outside. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21 CAMPUS HILLS PARK 14544 Jun 2-Jun 23 W 6:30am-7:30am CR Fee: $24 NCR Fee: $29 14657 Jul 14-Aug 18 W 6:30am-7:30am
SPIN A spin class is a great way to mix up your routine and challenge your body in a different way. You’ll burn a lot of calories and vibe out to motivating music during your workout. Come join us for a great ride. This program will be held outside at Edison Johnson Recreation Center. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21 EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER 14558 Jun 7-Jun 28 M 6:30pm-7:30pm 14721 Jul 12-Aug 2 M 6:30pm-7:30pm
SPIN FITNESS If you are looking for a quick and fun workout, then this class is for you. In this 30-minute outdoor class you are going to ride one of our indoor bikes for the first half then transition to some full body workouts. This class is perfect for anyone looking to mix up their workout, and get a quick sweat. Age: 16 and up CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15117 Jun 8-Jun 29 T 6:30am-7:15am
STEP AEROBICS Using the studio step, you’ll move your way through several choreography combinations that will give your heart the cardio boost it needs to stay healthy and happy. This class gets you moving in a high-energy aerobic workout that increases your level of endurance, strength, and flexibility. If you are in search of a funfilled, powerful workout, this class is where you need to be. Class complexity and intensity will begin on a beginners level and elevate as the course progresses. HOLTON CAREER AND RESOURCE CENTER Age: 13 and up CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $21 15128 Jul 6-Jul 27 T 7:15pm-8pm 15130 Aug 3-Aug 31 T 7:15pm-8pm
SYNERGY A full body workout using dumbbells, resistance bands, and body weight exercises to work all muscle groups. From your legs to your arms, we’ll hit them all! High repetitions to build muscle endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, balance and overall mind-body health. All fitness levels welcome, modifications will be shown to allow you to take it up a notch or to work at your own pace. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $24 NCR Fee: $29 I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER 14915 Jun 1-Jul 6 T 6:15pm-7:15pm 14916 Jul 20-Aug 24 T 6:15pm-7:15pm
TEEN CONDITIONING Preparing for Fall sports? Want to work harder than your competition? Come to Edison Johnson to put in some work. This class emphasizes constantly varied, high-intensity functional movement. Work cardiovascular endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy, maximizing your performance and fitness for any physical challenge or activity! Age: 13-18 CR Fee: $24 NCR Fee: $29 EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER 14578 Jun 15-Aug 5 T,Th 12pm-1pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Hey moms! Let’s work. Whether you are a new mom or juggling multiple little ones, this class is for you. This total-fitness program is a high-impact work out using intervals of strength and body toning exercises to regain and increase strength, balance, and mobility. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 15152 Jun 7-Jun 28 M 10:30am-11:30am 15153 Jul 12-Aug 2 M 10:30am-11:30am
Zumba is a fusion of Latin and international music dance themes, which creates a dynamic, exciting, effective fitness system! Zumba combines high-energy and motivating music with unique moves and combinations that allow the Zumba participants to dance away their worries. Multi-use and monthly wellness passes available. Masks and social distancing will be required. Age: 16 and up EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21 15077 Jun 3-Jun 24 Th 6:30pm-7:30pm 15078 Jul 8-Jul 29 Th 6:30pm-7:30pm WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21 15113 Jul 6-Jul 27 T 6:30pm-7:30pm 15114 Aug 3-Aug 24 T 6:30pm-7:30pm HOLTON CAREER AND RESOURCE CENTER CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $21 15121 Jul 6-Jul 27 T 6:15pm-7:pm 14698 Aug 3-Aug 31 T 6:15pm-7pm
XTREME HIP HOP Xtreme Hip Hop is a high-energy cardio step aerobics class that incorporates fun and upbeat hip hop music to provide participants with a fresh spin on an old concept. Whether participants are beginners, advanced, older, or younger they all want a unique but effective workout regimen. Come and join the party and burn up to 600 calories in the process! Age: 16 and up CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15115 Jul 1-Jul 22 Th 6:30pm-7:30pm
YOGA Join the masses who have discovered the wonders of yoga! This popular form of exercise offers both physical and mental benefits. Please bring a yoga mat to class. Age: 16 and up CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 14471 Jun 9-Jun 30 W 12pm-1pm 15104 Jul 7-Jul 28 W 12pm-1pm 15105 Aug 4-Aug 25 W 12pm-1pm
ZUMBA TONING This Zumba inspired class uses special Zumba Toning Sticks to provide a great body sculpting workout with the same Zumba moves and music you already enjoy at a slightly slower pace. Age: 13 and up CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $17 HOLTON CAREER AND RESOURCE CENTER 15122 Jul 7-Jul 28 W 6:15pm-7:15pm 14695 Aug 4-Aug 25 W 6:15pm-7:15pm
FITNESS VIDEOS, ON-DEMAND! Looking for some FREE on-demand fitness videos that you can do from the comfort of your own home? Our YouTube Channel has a variety of fitness videos for all ages! Subscribe to our channel to make sure you receive updates when new videos are posted.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement, and mobility. This high energy class incorporates dance moves and is geared for active mature adults. This program will be held outside. Age: 55 and up CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17 15068 Jun 7-Jun 30 M,W 9am-10am 15069 Jul 7-Aug 2 M,W 9am-10am 15353 Aug 4-Aug 30 M,W 9am-10am
It's time to get active! Join us for a virtual hour of fitness. You'll learn exercise principles and techniques using body resistance, free weights, or household items that can be substituted. Interactive instruction will be provided through Zoom. Each participant will receive an email at least three days before the program begins with a link to join. Age: 55 and up CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14 14565 Jun 7-Jul 19 M 9:30am-10:30am 14566 Jul 26-Aug 30 M 9:30am-10:30am
LINE DANCING Line dance refers to a range of choreographed routines danced in a group without partners. It’s a great workout for the body and mind; participants will learn a limited number of basic level dances. No prior experience is required. This program will be held outside. Age: 55 and up CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14 I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER 15071 Jun 4-Jul 16 F 9am-10am 15072 Jul 23-Aug 27 F 9am-10am
VIRTUAL MATURE WOMEN FITNESS HOUR It's time to get active! Join us for a virtual hour of fitness. You'll learn exercise principles and techniques using body resistance, free weights, or household items that can be substituted. Interactive instruction will be provided through Zoom. Each participant will receive an email at least three days before the program begins with a link to join. Age: 55 and up CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14 14567 Jun 8-Jul 14 T 9:30am-10:30am 14568 Jul 27-Aug 31 T 9:30am-10:30am
This class will combine the basic blocks, kicks, and punches of traditional karate with the self-defense techniques of Chinese Shotokan Karate. Strength, focus, coordination, assertiveness and self-discipline are only a few benefits of the martial arts. It is also a great way to have fun! Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. This program will be held outside at Edison Johnson Recreation Center. Age: 6-12 CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14 EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER 15140 Jun 8-Jul 13 T 6pm-7pm 15141 Jul 20-Aug 24 T 6pm-7pm
The martial art of Tae Kwon Do teaches self-defense, physical fitness, self- control, clarity of thought, focus and confidence. The class offers a fun approach for all to engage in an activity that promotes their growth and development. Additional fees will apply for uniforms, testing, and belts. Age: 5-12 CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11 W.D. HILL RECREATION CENTER 14639 Jul 1-Jul 22 Th 6:15pm-7:15pm 14640 Aug 5-Aug 26 Th 6:15pm-7:15pm
TAI CHI We will learn the Tai Chi Yang Short Form to promote a calm, focused mind and improve mind-body coordination. See why this is also called meditation in motion. All skill levels welcome. Age: 16 and up CR Fee: $16 NCR Fee: $21 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15106 Jul 7-Jul 28 W 11am-12pm 15108 Aug 4-Aug 25 W 11am-12pm We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
WELLNESS CENTERS EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER Edison Johnson offers a variety of equipment including treadmills, recumbent and upright bikes, and elliptical trainers. Dumbbells and stability balls are also available. Please bring your own towel. Fitness Room orientations are available by appointment only.
June 1-Aug 31
M-F Sa Su
9am-8pm 9am-6pm Closed
HOLTON CAREER AND RESOURCE CENTER The fitness center at Holton offers treadmills, recumbent and upright bikes and elliptical machines, free weights and strength training equipment. Please bring your own towel. No Cost
June 1-Aug 31
M-F M-F Sa Su
9am-1pm 5pm-7pm 10am-3pm Closed
WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER Walltown offers variety of equipment in a small, private setting. Perfect for getting started with a new workout or maintaining your current program. Treadmills, recumbent bikes, jump ropes and upper body cycles are available for your cardio workout. Universal weight machines, medicine balls, and stability balls are available for your strength workouts. Please bring your own towel.
June 1-Aug 31
M-F Sa Su
9am-9pm 9am-6pm 1pm-6pm
I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER AT CAMPUS HILLS Treadmills, recumbent bikes, jump ropes, and BOSU Balance Trainers are available for your cardio workout. Free weights, machines, medicine balls, & stability balls are available for your strength workouts.
June 1-Aug 31
M,W,F 6am-9am M-F 12pm-8pm Sa 9am-1pm Su 1pm-6pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
WELLNESS CENTERS W.D. HILL RECREATION CENTER The fitness center at W.D. Hill offers a variety of equipment for your cardio, core and strength workout needs. Cardio equipment: treadmills, ‘stationary’ mountain bikes and jump ropes. Core equipment: stability balls, medicine balls, kettlebells and a designated area for floor exercises. Strength equipment: free weights (with smith cage and bench), dumbbells and resistance bands.
June 7-Aug 27 M-F 10am-1pm M-F 4pm-8pm Sa 10am-3pm Su Closed
DPR WELLNESS PACKAGE Work out at any of our centers and take fitness classes for an affordable monthly price with DPR’s wellness package. DPR Wellness Package • Unlimited land-based group fitness and mind/body classes • Use of weights and fitness equipment • Open gym programs • Use of the gymnasium (when available) • Can be used at any DPR recreation center City Resident: $20 per month Non-City Resident: $25 per month A Play More Card is required to purchase a Wellness package. DPR Wellness Pass is for ages 19 and up. *Additional fees apply for the use of aquatics facilities and participation in some of the other classes, activities and team sports listed in Play More.
Our wellness centers are now open for use! Reservations will last for a 45-minute time frame. Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance and can be made up to 7 days in advance. Visit for details on how to make an online reservation. Please bring your own towel.
+ ADD AN OPEN SWIM PACKAGE Includes everything included in the DPR Wellness Package, PLUS recreational and lap swim in the indoor aquatic centers.
City Residents: $40 per month Non-City Residents: $55 per month A Play More Card is required to purchase a Wellness + Open Swim package.
JUST WANT TO COME FOR A DAY? Daily Activity Pass Includes: • General admission to indoor pools • Drop-in exercise programs • Open gym • Use of exercise equipment at any DPR facility
Daily Fees: Age: 12-18 CR: $0, NCR: $5 Age: 19-54 CR: $4, NCR: $9 Age: 55 and better CR: $3, NCR: $8
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Adventure in nature with your preschooler at the West Point on the Eno Environmental Education Pavilion. We’ll read a nature-themed book, then take a walk on the wild side to find the nature right outside our door. Children must be accompanied by a parent, and of course, wear boots or sneakers that can get a little dirty! Parents must accompany children. Pre-registration is required. Age: 1-4 CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50 WEST POINT ON THE ENO 14513 Jul 27 T 10am-11am 14514 Aug 10 T 10am-11am 14515 Aug 24 T 10am-11am
Explore West Point on the Eno as you may have never before! Enjoy hands-on nature and science activities and take on a hike along the nearby trails! Pre-registration is required for this program. No Cost WEST POINT ON THE ENO 14521 Jul 31 Sa 10am-12pm 14522 Aug 28 Sa 10am-12pm
FAMILY SUNSET PADDLE Savor a summer sunset on Lake Michie with this Sunset Paddle. We will paddle canoes and kayaks after closing and enjoy the peaceful sunset over the lake. DPR Outdoor Recreation will provide the equipment; you bring weather-appropriate clothing and closed-toe shoes. All children under 16 must be accompanied by a participating adult. Pre-registration is required for this program. Age: 7 and up CR Fee: $8 NCR Fee: $13 LAKE MICHIE BOATING AREA 14519 Aug 27 F 6:30pm-8:30pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Discover the variety of wildlife living on and around Lake Michie on this Family Wildlife Paddle. Enjoy an evening with the family as we paddle canoes and kayaks along the lake. DPR Outdoor Recreation will provide the equipment; you bring weather-appropriate clothing and closed-toe shoes. All children under 16 must be accompanied by a participating adult. Pre-registration is required for this program. Age: 7 and up CR Fee: $8 NCR Fee: $13 LAKE MICHIE BOATING AREA 14517 Jun 12 Sa 6:30pm-8:30pm
In this program series, take a tour of the night sky as our knowledgeable staff provides high-powered binoculars and telescopes for high-quality viewing. This program will feature astronomers from CHAOS, NCCU, NASA and DPR. No cost but preregistration is required. No Cost WEST POINT ON THE ENO 14523 Aug 13 F 9pm-11pm
FULL MOON PADDLE Enjoy the view of the full moon over the lake with us on this Full Moon Paddle. The wide sky over Lake Michie offers spectacular viewing of the moon as it reflects off of the lake below. We will paddle canoes and kayaks as a group to enjoy the beauty of the night sky over the lake. DPR Outdoor Recreation will provide the equipment; you bring weather-appropriate clothing and closed-toe shoes. This program is intended for adults at least 18 years of age. Pre-registration is required for this program. Age: 18 and up CR Fee: $8 NCR Fee: $13 LAKE MICHIE BOATING AREA 14518 Jul 23 F 9pm-11pm
@DPRPlayMore Durham Parks and Recreation Recreation Advisory Commission (RAC) The RAC meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 a.m. at the Durham Parks and Recreation (DPR) administration office. The mission of the Recreation Advisory Commission is to advocate for DPR and the Durham Community. For more information regarding the RAC, contact Lynda Merritt at 919-560-4355, ext. 27233. David Fellerath, Chair Lesley Stracks-Mullem, Vice-Chair Cedric Burke, Member Kokou Nayo, Member Rebecca Reyes, Mayor Appointee
Marcella Scurlock-Jones, Member Karthik Sundaramoorthy, Member Eric Tullis, Member Frank White, Member Lynda Merritt, City Staff
Selected by the North Carolina Recreation and Parks Association as recipients of the “Distinguished Recreation Board Award”
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
PARK SPOTLIGHT Durham Parks and Recreation has responded to the public’s request to better maintain City parks and trails. Money from the ½ penny for park and trail deferred maintenance, Durham Parks Foundation, as well as money from the capital project planning, have gone into repairs. DREW/GRANBY STREET PARK - Playground The playground at Drew/Granby Street Park was replaced in 2020. The playground is recommended for ages 2-12 and includes an accessible swing in addition to standard and bucket swings. Access-a-mats were installed, which offers an accessible surface for wheelchairs and strollers.
LAKEVIEW PARK - Playground In 2020 DPR received grants from the National Park and Recreation Association, the North Carolina Recreation and Park Association, and PlayCore to install a new playground. The playground features play equipment for ages 5-12 and includes swings. Access-a-mats were installed under the engineered wood fiber surfacing, which offers an accessible surface for wheelchairs and strollers. At the same time, Keep Durham Beautiful received a grant from the Arbor Day Foundation and Bank of American that funded a significant ground plain mural next to the playground, new trees were also installed and native pollinators will be planted along the roadside section of the park.
BAY-HARGROVE PARK - Playground The playground at Bay-Hargrove Park was replaced in 2020. The playground is recommended for ages 2-12 and includes 2 standard swings. Access-a-mats were installed, which offers an accessible surface for wheelchairs and strollers.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
PERFORMING ARTS DRUMMING CLASSES Learn rhythms using basic base, tone and slap hand techniques. Age: 8-12 CR Fee: $4.50 NCR Fee: $9.50 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15134 Jul 9-Jul 30 F 6pm-6:45pm
INTRO TO PIANO Do you love creating your own sound? This is the perfect class where you can learn how to read music and create a sweet melody! Age: 8-12 CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 13720 Jun 4-Jul 2 F 6pm-7pm 15139 Aug 6-Aug 27 F 6pm-7pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Looking for a safe, fun, educational after school environment? Join DPR's after school program for homework, arts and crafts, health and fitness activities, and other enrichment programs. Age: 5-12 Offered weekly August 24, 2021-June 10, 2022. Visit our website for pricing. EDISON JOHNSON RECREATION CENTER Ages: 5-12 15142 M-F 2:30pm-6pm HOLTON CAREER & RESOURCE CENTER Ages: 7-12 15144 M-F 2:30pm-6pm WI PATTERSON RECREATION CENTER Ages: 5-12 15146 M-F 2:30pm-6pm W.D. HILL RECREATION CENTER Ages: 5-12 15147 M-F 2:30pm-6pm I.R. HOLMES, SR. RECREATION CENTER Ages 5-12 15145 M-F 2:30pm-6pm WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER Ages: 5-12 15143 M-F 2:30pm-6pm We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
SCHOOL-AGE CARE PROGRAMS SUMMER CAMP 2021 Monday, June 14 - Friday, August 13 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Registration open now! Summer Camp Offerings Youth Camps: Ages 5-12 Teen Camps: Ages 13-17 Specialty Camps: Ages Vary
SLIDING FEE SCALE A sliding fee scale may be used to reduce the amount paid for summer camps, after school programs and Intersession. The scale ranges from 10-100% and is based on income, number of members per household, and special circumstances affecting the applicant's ability to pay. Applications are available online. If approved, the reduced fee is valid for one year. Please note: if you are a new sliding fee scale registrant or your current application is expired or will expire soon, you must submit a new application as soon as possible to ensure that it is processed and approved by the summer camp registration date.
Summer Camp Fees City Resident: $132 per child/week Non-City Resident: $157 per child/week
For complete details visit
Looking for Child Care? We can help! Call for a FREE Child Care Referral Llame por una referencia gratuita
Apply for FREE to LOW COST High Quality PreK Programs Aplique para programas de alta calidad de PreK
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Does your child have a passion for art? Do they need a large canvas? Then please bring your child to Campus Hills. Concrete doodling provides an opportunity for your child to use their imagination and draw life size art work and brighten up the colors in your local park! Age: 2-5 CR Fee: $12 NCR Fee: $17 CAMPUS HILLS PARK 15073 Jun 8-Jul 1 T,Th 11am-12pm 15074 Jul 6-Jul 29 T,Th 11am-12pm 15075 Aug 3-Aug 26 T,Th 11am-12pm
Parents will pair with their preschooler for arts, crafts, music, and movement, while outside. Get energized moving to the music. Have fun and explore your inner artist with markers, paint, glitter and glue. After each class you will have a project to take home. Age: 1-5 CR Fee: $4.50 NCR Fee: $9.50 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15154 Jul 1-Jul 22 Th 10am-10:45am
HISTORY EXPLORERS Are you ready to step into the Walltown time machine? Channel your inner historian as you travel from the Jurassic Age to the Jazz Age. Each week, we will be outdoors, while the participants and their parents will explore the past through crafts, music, art, and dance! Age: 4-5 CR Fee: $4.50 NCR Fee: $9.50 WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 15155 Aug 6-Aug 27 F 10am-10:45am
TOTS ‘N’ TUNES Instruments and music will be used to engage your toddlers, while teaching them social/emotional learning skills. Music, props, and dance games are tools to keep their minds and bodies active. Parent participation greatly encouraged. Age: 4 and under CR Fee: $9 NCR Fee: $14 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 14653 Jul 14-Aug 18 W 11am-12pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Love to create? Enjoy painting a masterpiece of your own, and a cupcake treat too. Just bring the artist in you and be ready for some fun. Supplies will need to be picked up from Edison Johnson Recreation Center. Participants will receive an email with instructions. CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM Age: 2-5 15150 Jun 23 W 11am-12pm
This virtual class is for students interested in focusing on tumbling. Participants will be learning basic tumbling skills such as forward/ backward rolls, cartwheels and hand/headstands. To connect virtually participants will need a good internet connection, a functioning computer, and a phone or tablet device with a camera and microphone capability. Don’t miss out on this unique experience. Each participant will receive an email at least three days before the program begins with a link to join. Age: 3-5 CR Fee: $4.50 NCR Fee: $9.50 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 15135 Jun 8-Jun 29 T 11:15am-12pm
Adventure with Legos will give children the opportunity to create Legos projects. In order to participate, registrants must have completed first grade by the start of the program. Age: 7-12 CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $9.50 HOLTON CAREER AND RESOURCE CENTER 15119 Jun 1-Jun 29 T 6:15pm-7pm 15124 Jul 6-Jul 27 T 6:15pm-7pm 15120 Aug 3-Aug 31 T 6:15pm-7pm
Fun Caravan is all about highlighting the fun, games, and exciting offerings at your local parks. Fun Caravan is a mobile recreation program that brings recreation to communities throughout Durham by providing a variety of fun, active, and recreational experiences for families with children up to 12 years old. The program offers a variety of unstructured activities in the park. All children must be supervised by a caregiver at least 16 years old. Preregistration required to permit acceptable social distancing between family groups. Please register all family members who will be in attendance. Weather permitting, we will be at a park near you! No Cost WEST POINT ON THE ENO 14548 Jun 9 W 9:30am-11am COOK ROAD PARK 14553 Jun 23 W 9:30am-11am TWIN LAKES PARK 14554 Jul 7 W 9:30am-11am PINEY WOOD PARK 14556 Jul 14 W 9:30am-11am VALLEY SPRINGS PARK 14557 Jul 21 W 9:30am-11am SOLITE PARK 14559 Jul 28 W 9:30am-11am NORTHGATE PARK 14560 Aug 11 W 9:30am-11am
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Come out and participate in a variety of recreation activities. Age: 7-18 No Cost CFLRC AT LYON PARK 14619 Jun 1-Aug 31 M-Sa 6pm-8:30pm
Join us for a weekly story time program. Each week we’ll hear stories from a different author or theme, then create a craft project related to the stories. Supplies for the craft projects will need to be picked up from Campus Hills Recreation Center. Participants will receive an email with pick-up instructions. Age: 5-8 CR Fee: $6 NCR Fee: $11 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 15041 Jun 3-Jun 24 Th 10am-11am 15042 Jul 15-Aug 5 Th 10am-11am
VIRTUAL CANVAS AND CUPCAKES Love to create? Enjoy painting a masterpiece of your own, and a cupcake treat too. Just bring the artist in you and be ready for some fun. Supplies will need to be picked up from Edison Johnson Recreation Center. Participants will receive an email with instructions. CR Fee: $1.50 NCR Fee: $6.50 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM Age: 6-12 15151 Jul 14 W 11am-12pm
Crafted by Me allows teens the opportunity to learn how to make a number of DIY projects. This experiential program teaches participants how to use basic tools, create no-sew items, paint, and decorate their own hand-made products. This program will be held at the Durham Teen Center. Age: 13-17 CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5 DURHAM TEEN CENTER 14598 Jun 1-Jun 29 T,Th 5:30pm-7:30pm
Join us for competitive trivia online using Zoom. There will be four rounds ranging in different categories. The winner receives a prize! Age: 19 and up No Cost VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 14586 Jun 2 W 7:30pm-8:45pm 14587 Jun 9 W 7:30pm-8:45pm 14588 Jun 16 W 7:30pm-8:45pm 14589 Jun 23 W 7:30pm-8:45pm 14590 Jun 30 W 7:30pm-8:45pm 14591 Jul 7 W 7:30pm-8:45pm 14592 Jul 14 W 7:30pm-8:45pm 14593 Jul 21 W 7:30pm-8:45pm 14594 Jul 28 W 7:30pm-8:45pm
TEEN LOUNGE Come lounge out with your friends! Play video games, board games, watch sports or your favorite movies, or just chill out and relax with your friends. Age: 13-18 CR Fee: $0 NCR Fee: $5 WEAVER STREET RECREATION CENTER 14540 Jun 1-Jul 31 M-F 6:30pm-9pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Experience a fun card game in great atmosphere. Come out and learn how to play while meeting new friends. Age: 55 and up No Cost WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 14673 Jun 1-Aug 31 T 4:30pm-8:30pm
Want a great way to enjoy an afternoon with friends and showing your skills at this classic card game? Join us for a truly great time! Age: 55 and up No Cost WALLTOWN PARK RECREATION CENTER 14672 Jun 4-Aug 27 F 4:30pm-8:30pm
It’s all about the numbers! Get ready to have a great time playing bingo, laughing, socializing with familiar faces, and making new acquaintances. Registrants will be contacted with information to pick up bingo cards from Community Family Life and Recreation Center at Lyon Park at a later date. Bingo Blast will be offered using the Zoom online platform. The Zoom link will be emailed 24 hours prior to the start of the program. Age: 55 and up No Cost VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 14990 Jun 30 W 3pm-4pm 14991 Jul 7 W 3pm-4pm 14992 Jul 14 W 3pm-4pm 14993 Jul 21 W 3pm-4pm 14994 Jul 28 W 3pm-4pm 14995 Aug 4 W 3pm-4pm
It’s always a good time when we get together. Each meeting there is a different topic of discussion. Participant will receive the free call in number to be a part of the program. Age: 55 and up No Cost VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 14998 Jun 8 & Jun 22 T 11am-12pm 14999 Jul 13 & Jul 27 T 11am-12pm 15000 Aug 10 & Aug 24 T 11am-12pm
PHOTOS WANTED! Do you have photos you've taken in parks, trails, or during our activities or events? Submit them to us and see them in print in Play More! For details call 919-560-4355 or email We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
This will be a contactless drive-up event to provide free school supplies and resources to Durham students. Registration is required, per child. Supplies are limited, so sign up early! Registration can be done online or by calling 919.560.4444. A confirmation email will be sent by August 10 with pick-up instructions. Age: 5-18 No Cost CAMPUS HILLS PARK 14569 Aug 14 Sa 11am-1pm
Come on out for a movie on the big screen and enjoy it from the comfort of your vehicle or bring your own chairs and sit directly in front of your vehicle in the marked space provided. Gates open one hour before showtime. This is a free event but pre-registration is required. Reserve your parking spot today. Only one reservation is needed per car. We will be limiting each car to only 4 people so please plan accordingly. You must remain in your car or in the space provided in front of your car unless you are visiting a food truck or the restroom. While outdoor mask use is no longer required, it is still recommended — especially in situations where social distancing cannot be maintained. The event is rain or shine but if the wind is too high or weather is too severe we will cancel the event, unfortunately we will not be offering a rain date for this film. No Cost DURHAM COUNTY MEMORIAL STADIUM 15067 Jun 18 F 9pm-11pm Movie: Amistad, rated R 14979 Jul 16 F 9pm-11pm Movie: The Croods: A New Age, rated PG 14980 Aug 6 F 9pm-11pm Movie: Mrs. Doubtfire, rated PG-13
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
SPECIAL EVENTS JULY 4TH CELEBRATION Celebrate patriotism and civic pride with Durham Parks and Recreation and the Durham Bulls. Attend the baseball game and enjoy a dynamic fireworks show following the game. DURHAM BULLS ATHLETIC PARK 15335 Jul 4 Su 6:05pm-10:05pm
JULY 4TH WEEKEND LASER LIGHT SHOW Come on out for a patriotic holiday-themed laser light show. Enjoy it from the comfort of your vehicle or bring your own chairs and sit directly in front of your vehicle in the marked space provided. Gates open one hour before showtime. This is a free event but preregistration is required. Reserve your parking spot today. Only one reservation is needed per car. We will be limiting each car to only 4 people so please plan accordingly. You must remain in your car or in the space provided in front of your car unless you are visiting a the restroom. While outdoor mask use is no longer required, it is still recommended — especially in situations where social distancing cannot be maintained. The event is rain or shine but if the weather is too severe we will reschedule to Monday, July 5. No Cost DURHAM COUNTY MEMORIAL STADIUM 15225 Jul 3 Sa 9pm-9:30pm 15226 Jul 4 Su 9pm-9:30pm
ROCK THE LOT CONCERT Durham Parks and Recreation is bringing concerts to your car! Come on out for a concert and enjoy it from the comfort of your vehicle or bring your own chairs and sit directly in front of your vehicle in the marked space provided. Gates open one hour before showtime. This is a free event, but pre-registration is required. Reserve your parking spot today. Only one reservation is needed per car. We will be limiting each car to only 4 people so please plan accordingly. You must remain in your car or in the space provided in front of your car unless you are visiting a food truck or the restroom. While outdoor mask use is no longer required, it is still recommended — especially in situations where social distancing cannot be maintained. The event is rain or shine but if the weather is too severe, we will cancel the event. No Cost NORTHERN HIGH SCHOOL 14981 Jun 5 Sa 6pm-8pm Band: Rone’ Grant, an R&B band RIVERSIDE HIGH SCHOOL 14982 Jul 24 Sa 6pm-8pm Band: #Epitome, a band that is a mix of Neo Soul, R&B, Pop and Classic Soul. SOUTHERN HIGH SCHOOL 14983 Aug 14 Sa 6pm-8pm Band: Sajaso, a Salsa, Jazz and Soul band.
Durham Parks and Recreation has been recognized as a Playful City USA since 2009! Playful City USA is a recognition program honoring cities and towns that ensure that kids in their communities get the balanced and active play they need to thrive.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Volunteers are regularly needed for special events. Visit to check out upcoming volunteer opportunities.
Become a vendor or sponsor for an upcoming special event! Opportunities are available for non-profits, artists, businesses and food vendors!
If at any point it becomes unsafe to host or continue a program due to inclement weather, DPR will postpone or cancel the event. Please check one of the following online sites for up-to-date information on cancellations and closures: or call: 919-560-4636
Most outdoor special events will occur rain or shine. In the case of extreme cold weather, threat or warning of a tornado or hurricane, or thunder and lightning storms, the event will be cancelled. A decision to close athletic fields or cancel games and practices will be made at 4:30 p.m. during the week and 7:30 a.m. on weekends.
DPR strives to make our programs, services and facilities accessible for all individuals and families, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, martial status, sexual orientation or ability level. We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
Are you ready for some football? Get ready for this pre-season workout to prepare for the upcoming Challenger Flag Football season. Challenger Flag Football is sponsored by the Carolina Panthers. The camp is for individuals with disabilities interested in playing in the Challenger league. Age: 7-25 No Cost OLD CHAPEL HILL ROAD PARK 14597 Aug 11-Aug 27 W,F 6:30pm-7:30pm
Bring your funny stories, jokes and enjoy. This program is designed for individuals with disabilities, but all are welcome to participate! The program is being offered using the Zoom online platform. Participants will be emailed the Zoom link 24 hours prior to the start of the program. Age: 16 and up No Cost VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 14658 Jun 10-Jul 8 Th 7pm-7:30pm 14659 Jul 15-Aug 12 Th 7pm-7:30pm
VIRTUAL E30 This program will highlight prominent sports figures on and off the playing fields, who used their celebrity platforms to raise awareness on key societal and cultural issues impacting their communities. This program is designed for individuals with disabilities, but all are welcome to participate! The program is being offered using the Zoom online platform. Participants will be emailed the Zoom link 24 hours prior to the start of the program. Age: 12 and up No Cost VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 15300 Jun 7-Aug 30 M 3:15pm-4pm
VIRTUAL OH MY FACTUAL Learn and share interesting facts about people, places and things! This program is designed for individuals with disabilities, but all are welcome to participate! The program is being offered using the Zoom online platform. Participants will be emailed the Zoom link 24 hours prior to the start of the program. Age: 16 and up No Cost VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 14660 Jun 11-Jul 9 F 7pm-7:30pm 14661 Jul 16-Aug 13 F 7pm-7:30pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
SPECIAL PROGRAMS VIRTUAL S’MORES & STORIES Participants will make s’mores and share stories. This program is designed for individuals with disabilities, but all are welcome to participate! The program is being offered using the Zoom online platform. Participants will be emailed the Zoom link 24 hours prior to the start of the program. Age: 16 and up No Cost VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 14662 Jun 12-Jul 10 Sa 7pm-7:30pm 14663 Jul 17-Aug 14 Sa 7pm-7:30pm
VIRTUAL LET’S 1-2 STEP Join us as we put pep in our step on the journey to fitness. This program is designed for individuals with disabilities, but all are welcome to participate! The program is being offered using the Zoom online platform. Participants will be emailed the Zoom link 24 hours prior to the start of the program. Age: 16 and up CR Fee: $15 NCR Fee: $20 VIRTUAL ONLINE - ZOOM 14654 Jun 9-Jul 7 W 7pm-7:45pm 14655 Jul 14-Aug 11 W 7pm-7:45pm
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
STAY CONNECTED EMAIL & TEXT NOTIFICATIONS To receive emails and/or texts about all general DPR information and alerts:
WEATHER & ATHLETIC FIELD CANCELLATION PHONE LINE Please call 919-560-4636 for updated information on any athletic field and league cancellations or to hear a list of facility closures during severe weather.
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A decision to close athletic fields or cancel games and practices will be made at 4:30 p.m. during the week and 7:30 a.m. on weekends.
PHOTOS WANTED! Do you have photos you've taken in parks or on trails, or at our activities or events? Submit them to us and see them in print in Play More! For details call 919-560-4355 or email
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
EVENT FIELDS AND TRAILS Durham’s parks are great places to host your fun days, company picnics, family reunions and more. A park permit is required for event fields and trails. Contact the reservations office at 919-5604355, ext. 27202 or email Reservations@
ATHLETIC FIELD RENTALS DPR offers the following field and court rentals: • Baseball Fields • Futsal Courts • Softball Fields • Soccer Fields
• Multipurpose Fields • Tennis Courts • Basketball Courts • Disc Golf Course
To reserve a field or court, visit our website at and fill out the online Field Rental Request Form under Rentals and Athletic Field Rentals or call 919-560-4355. Additional rental information including fees and field dimensions can be found on our website under Rentals and Athletic Field Rentals.
DPR offers a variety of opportunities for outdoor recreation, including a camping area which has primitive campsites open year-round. Each site has an area for a tent, a grill, and picnic table. Campsites are operated by DPR and may be reserved by calling 919-560-4355, ext. 27202 to obtain a permit. Permits must be purchased by Tuesday at 5 pm for the remainder of the work week and weekend. All reservations are a made on a "first come, first served" basis.
Picnic Shelters available on First-Come, First-Serve Basis During the Off Season Picnic shelter season runs from April 1 through October 31. The 2021 calendar is now open for reservations. Anyone using the picnic shelters is required to comply with local and state restrictions including mass gathering size.
Lake Michie Recreation Area: Overlooking Lake Michie, this recreation area offers camping, boating (paved boat launch), fishing and trail hiking. The area has seven primitive campsites open year-round. Each site has a tent pad, grill and picnic table. No electrical hookups are available and campers should bring water and other necessities. Vehicular access to the campgrounds is limited. DIRECTIONS: Take Roxboro Road North (Rte 501); go approximately 12 miles; turn right onto Bahama Road; after 2.5 miles, take a left at the “Spruce Pine Lodge” sign. *Prior to use of the camping facility, a permit must be obtained from DPR.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
SPECIAL USE FACILITY RENTALS The 2021 calendar is currently open for the Special Use Facilities. Reservations are accepted on a "first come, first served" basis. For more information on these facilities, please contact the reservation office at 919-560-4355, ext. 27202 or email Please note: All operational hours and rental fees are subject to change. For fees and other information, please visit
DURHAM ARMORY 212 FOSTER ST., DURHAM The Durham Armory is downtown, on the corner of Foster and Morgan streets, and is available for rentals for your community or private event, whether it is a fundraiser, concert, wedding reception, seminar or family reunion. With a capacity of 585 in the auditorium/ ballroom and an additional 314 in the balcony, the Durham Armory offers a large indoor space with lots of flexibility. The amenities include a large kitchen, heating and air conditioning, coat room, snack bar, tables, chairs, A/V equipment, and ample parking surrounding the facility. Rental times: Sunday through Saturday 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. (minimum 6 hour rental) The annual lottery and scheduling meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, for those interested in booking the Durham Armory in 2022. Please visit our website for complete details.
TELL US HOW WE’RE DOING! Visit our website to complete an online evaluation.
Click on "About Us" in the top menu bar.
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
SPECIAL USE FACILITY RENTALS SPRUCE PINE LODGE 2235 BAHAMA RD., BAHAMA The lodge is a 1940s vintage log building located in the Lake Michie Recreation Area. The lodge has 2,500 square feet of floor space which is divided into four meeting rooms, all served by a kitchen facility and a sound system. Dependent on the type of activity, the building capacity is 120 persons. Log walls and massive stone fireplaces lend a unique quality to all types of functions. Hiking trails, a large lawn and play field, and a picnic shelter are also available for use, as well as Lake Michie’s camping, boating and fishing facilities nearby. The lodge is located 14 miles north of downtown Durham. The building, lawns, and picnic shelter are available to rent for weddings, large picnics, meetings, retreats, parties or other group activities. Rental times: Sunday through Saturday 6 a.m. to 12 a.m. (minimum 6 hour rental)
FOREST HILLS NEIGHBORHOOD CLUBHOUSE 1639 UNIVERSITY DR., DURHAM This historic building located in the heart of Forest Hills Park offers a large meeting room with audio/visual equipment, a spacious kitchen, restrooms, heat, air conditioning, and a large lawn. The Clubhouse, with a capacity of 60 people, is perfect for business meetings, team building retreats, parties, anniversaries, church functions, and family reunions. Rental times: Sunday-Saturday 6 a.m. to 12 a.m. (minimum 3 hour rental)
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
parks Foundation
Durham Parks Foundation members and supporters funded the design and construction of the Environmental Education Pavilion at West Point on the Eno Park and we are in our second year of habitat restoration of the 5-acre field surrounding the “EEP.” Join us in preserving, strengthening and expanding opportunities for play in all of Durham.
Tell us how you play, Durham! @durhamparksfoundation
ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION PAVILION 5253 North Roxboro Street, Durham, NC 27712 The Environmental Education Pavilion can be accessed from the north entrance in West Point on the Eno Park. It was constructed in 2018, and provides open, natural space for programming and self-guided nature immersion. The facility is located in a five acre field that is being restored to a native Piedmont Prairie. For more information on this project, visit
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident
UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS All events listed are free unless otherwise noted. All events require preregistration.
Saturday, June 5, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Northern High School Band: Rone’ Grant, an R&B band
Saturday, July 3, 9 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Sunday, July 4, 9 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Durham County Memorial Stadium
Saturday, July 24, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Riverside High School Band: #Epitome, a mix of Neo Soul, R&B, Pop and Classic Soul. Saturday, August 14, 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Southern High School Band: Sajaso, a Salsa, Jazz and Soul band.
BULL CITY REELS ON WHEELS Durham County Memorial Stadium Friday, June 18, 9 p.m.-11 p.m. Movie: Amistad, rated R Friday, July 16, 9 p.m.-11 p.m. Movie: The Croods: A New Age, rated PG Friday, August 6, 9 p.m.-11 p.m. Movie: Mrs. Doubtfire, rated PG-13
JULY 4 CELEBRATION Sunday, July 4, 6:05 p.m. Durham Bulls Athletic Park Prices vary if attending the ballgame. Visit our website for details on watching the fireworks show.
BACK TO SCHOOL BASH Saturday, August 14, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Campus Hills Park POOCH PLUNGE Saturday, September 11, 11 a.m.-12:45 p.m. 1:15 p.m.-3 p.m. City Resident: $6 Non-City Resident: $11 Hillside Pool
We support Inclusion - Persons of all ability levels are welcome at every facility and every program. CR: City Resident; NCR: Non-City Resident