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Play More is a guide to creative and challenging recreational choices in Durham and is produced by Durham Parks and Recreation (DPR). Within this guide, you will find the many opportunities DPR has created this season to help the community Play More! Through the programs, services, and events offered in this guide, we connect our whole community to wellness, the outdoors, and lifelong learning and strive to help residents discover, explore and enjoy life through creative and challenging recreational choices that contribute to their physical, emotional and social health. If you have comments about this publication, please call us at 919-560-4355 or email DPRInfo@DurhamNC.gov.

Please note: Advertising contained herein does not constitute an endorsement by the City of Durham Parks and Recreation or its staff. All information in this program guide is subject to change. Please refer to the COVID-19 page on our website for the most up-to-date information on our openings and closings.


Visit DPRPlayMore.org , Select Register Online, and search our ActiveNet Registration site for our most up-to-date program offerings.

City Holidays And Closures

The City of Durham will observe the following holidays and most classes will not be held on that day.

Labor Day Monday, September 4

Veteran's Day Friday, November 10

Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday, November 23-24

Christmas Monday and Tuesday, December 25-26


Customers and residents are encouraged to immediately report any injury or illness received as a result of participation in leisure services provided by or at City of Durham Parks and Recreation facilities, parks and trails. Residents are also encouraged to report safety concerns and maintenance needs in parks and on trails. Please call 919-560-4355, ext. 27212 to report safety concerns, maintenance needs, or accidents. If you see illegal activity in any park at any time, please contact the police by dialing 911. We have assigned off duty officers to monitor our parks, and we also ask that residents call the Police Non-emergency line at 919-560-4600 to report any violations of unsafe behavior.

Medication Policy

Participants who take medication while participating in DPR programs are required to complete a Medication Information and Waiver form and return it before the program begins.



Assistant Director, Business Services

Assistant Director, Community Recreation Services

Assistant Director, Planning and Project Development

Parks Superintendent

Budget and Finance

Accreditation, Operations, Reservations, Safety



Campus Hills, Edison Johnson

City Lakes, Heritage Parks, Outdoor Recreation

Culture and Community

Teen Center, Weaver Street, W.D. Hill

City-Wide Special Events

Holton, Lyon Park, Mature Adults, Special Programs/Inclusion

School-Age Care and Walltown

Senior Parks Planner, Trails

Wade Walcutt

Joy Guy

Jason Jones

Thomas Dawson

Robert Jennings

Rich Hahn

Gina M. Morais

Tammy Brown

DeAnn Brown

Andrea Hicks

Kim Oberle

Mary Unterreiner

Jeff Forde

Rukea Womack

Deirtra Spellman

Danielle Haynes

Lindsay Smart

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