DePauw Magazine Fall 2023

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Fall 2023

INSIDE: Health and Well-being at DePauw 30 The Spaces Faculty Love 34 Alumni Profile: Kevin Aikman ’82 40



FALL 2023




Contents OPENERS 2

President’s Message


Connected with DePauw


Editor’s Page


Speakers, New Faces


Published and Produced


Love Letters


Introducing the School of Business and Leadership


Well-being at the Core


Spaces Faculty Love


Time for DePauw: Alumni Spotlight


Alumni Connections


Class Notes


In Memoriam

Cover: School of Business and Leadership in

Harrison Hall. Inside cover: The Putnam County Mural

Project is a broad arts, education, tourism and public engagement initiative that has received state and national attention. Outside back cover: East College.

Photos: Brittney Way

FALL 2023


President’s Message

AT THE HEART OF DEPAUW UNIVERSITY’S MISSION is the belief that a liberal arts education should embrace the full spectrum of the human experience. Our founders envisioned an institution that would expose students to the world of ideas such that they would develop technical expertise in their chosen discipline; demonstrate critical thinking, creativity and adaptability; appreciate and value art, music and culture; and through their work, be committed to contributing to the public good. Today, 186 years since our founding, as we introduce new academic and cocurricular programs and schools, we hold steadfast to these timeless values. Our institutional commitment to the public good is through a variety of initiatives, including community engagement programs; faculty research; scholarship and pedagogy focused on raising awareness and addressing solutions for societal challenges; and fostering an inclusive and diverse learning environment that prepares graduates to be global citizens. DePauw’s reach beyond the arch is evidenced by our positive impact on the community, the advancement of knowledge and the development of leaders. The launch of the School of Business and Leadership (SBL) is a remarkable milestone in DePauw University’s history and further strengthens our commitment to the public good. Building on the success of our Management Fellows Program along with the other Fellows programs, the SBL is the continuation of a rich DePauw tradition of nurturing well-rounded, innovative and



community-engaged leaders the world needs. The establishment of the SBL, part of our DePauw BOLD & GOLD 2027 Strategic Plan, is an important step on our path toward demonstrating a new model for a 21st-century liberal arts university and will ensure we continue to equip our students with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in a rapidly evolving world. Unique in its emphasis on ethical decision-making, social responsibility and experiential learning, the SBL is grounded in the liberal arts and sciences and connects to the Prindle Institute for Ethics, the Hubbard Center for Student Engagement, the Hartman Center for Civic Engagement and various academic disciplines across the university. We firmly believe success in the business world must be accompanied by a commitment to serving the greater good, now more than ever. As future leaders, our graduates will be agents of positive change in their communities and beyond. Moreover, we are excited about the collaborative opportunities between existing programs in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, arts, business and leadership the new model represents.



Fall 2023 Vol. 86 / Issue 1

STAFF Vice President for Communications and Strategy and Chief of Staff Sarah Steinkamp Senior Director of Communications Bob Weaver ‘93 Creative Director Kelly Graves Alumni News Editor Donna Grooms EDITORIAL BOARD Emily Chew ‘99, associate director of strategic communications and donor relations; Scott Cooper, project manager; Anne Cunningham, vice president for development and alumni engagement; Sarah McAdams, internal communications manager; Gaelyn Sicher-Ford, director of enrollment marketing strategy; Brittney Way, university photographer. ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTORS Casey Patrick, George Spencer

The formation of the SBL would not have been possible without the unwavering support of our exceptional faculty, staff, alumni and broader DePauw community. Your dedication to excellence, innovation and the holistic development of our students has been the driving force behind this remarkable achievement. As we embark on this exciting journey, we invite you to be an integral part of the School of Business and Leadership’s growth and success. Your invaluable insights, mentorship and support will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of leaders. Thank you for your enduring support, and I look forward to celebrating many more accomplishments together in the years to come.

Professor Humberto Barreto, Board of Trustees Chair Doug Smith ’85, Student Body President Paige Burgess ’25, Jeffrey Ubben, Sharon Ubben ’58, President Lori S. White, Trustee Stephen Sanger ’68, Dean John Clarke, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dave Berque. Photo by Brittney Way.

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Lori S. White President, DePauw University

FALL 2023



YOUR RECOMMENDATION IS GOLD Since our founding, the university has enrolled some of its most outstanding students with the help of DePauw alumni and friends. If you know a student you think would excel on DePauw’s campus, please let us know by visiting or email

Roxy Cooper ’26 Indianapolis

How did you find out about DePauw? My dad first suggested I look into it. My mom agreed and she knew a friend, Joe Webster ’89, who had graduated from DePauw. Joe connected us to the university and we set up a visit. How was that visit? We visited and I liked it. The small campus and the outgoing people all came together. We came back for a cold-weather visit and I still loved it and knew I wanted to go here. When I got accepted, I was excited. Lots of anticipation that summer. Now you’re here. Yes, and it has been everything I’d hoped. It’s very inclusive, open and connected. The campus is navigable and you get to know people. The professors can be very helpful, especially by going to their office hours because they are always so flexible in meeting them to get help in a course. I am so very excited to join the off campus opportunities I will be a part of in the future. Other activities Alpha Phi sorority- which has been a great experience so far, especially moving into the house this year! It is a place to get involved and I love the social aspect as well.



“When I applied to colleges, it came down to that feeling. I was choosing between Stanford and DePauw. I loved and still love DePauw. I remember studying in secret rooms in East College, walking across a pretty campus to class, etc. I love to reminisce! Now when I meet high school students who are asking about colleges and universities, I look for someone who can bring a lot to the culture of DePauw as well as benefit from all it has to offer. When I heard Roxy was interested in DePauw, I thought this would be good … challenging … but good. Roxy is a strong person who has overcome obstacles many wouldn’t have. DePauw will challenge her and when it’s done, both will be better from it. Roxy will now be a sophomore and her major is undeclared. She’s also entering Greek life. I’m happy for her. I challenge all alumni to look for students to matriculate at DePauw so that they too can one day reminisce about their experiences. – DR. JOE WEBSTER ’89

FALL 2023





50 Years of DePauw women’s sports

The DePauw Nature Park turns 20



I WAS PLEASED to see the DePauw

INSIDE: Ubben Lectures 8 DePauw Around the Globe 22 Under the Microscope 26

Magazine in its latest publication commemorating the 50 years of DePauw women’s sports since the passage of Title IX. I remember those individuals on whose steady shoulders we all stand … Judy George, Barbara Federman, Mary A New Roy O. Bretscher, to name a mighty few. I also am reminded of my teammates, many of whom grew up in the era post-prohibition of genderbased discrimination in education that now extended to sports participation. All we wanted was a chance … a chance to play, to run, jump, throw, shoot, swim, dive … a chance to compete. And compete we did. In fact, the very first women’s national champion in the history of DePauw University and a member of the DePauw Athletics Hall of Fame was proudly my teammate, Midi Smyth Hansen ’88. But wait, no mention of Midi in the reported significant milestones of women’s sports at DePauw? How could that seminal event be overlooked? How could this foundational figure be forgotten? If you have any thoughts as to how best to correct the record, or make Midi aware of your support and recognition, please do not hesitate, and I will echo my celebration. Spring 2023

Story on page 14.



Respectfully, Nancy J. Gritter Class of 1988 Member of DePauw Swim team 1984-1988 The Walker Cup award winner 1988 Proud teammate and friend of Midi Smyth Hansen Ed.: We deeply regret the omission of Midi Smyth Hansen. In addition to being the first DePauw female athlete to win an individual NCAA championship, Midi was a four-year All-American. Smyth and Gritter formed the nucleus of perhaps the most storied women’s swim team in DePauw history. The two were inducted together into the DePauw Athletics Hall of Fame in 2000.

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IN SEPTEMBER 2003, DePauw announced its plans for

developing the new DePauw University Nature Park, which opened to the public a year later. Since then, this 520-acre nature preserve has been the go-to place for student and faculty research, recreation for members of the university and local communities, nature education for local schools and much more. Plans for a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Nature Park’s dedication, to be held in September 2024, are in their initial stages.

Class Notes DON’T FORGET – we rely on your submissions to populate our

Class Notes. Please submit a note about a new job, marriage, award or any other life event to


Panel Discussion ALUMNI REUNION WEEKEND in June included an Alumni College Media Panel in Moore Theatre

featuring a conversation on the need for original reporting in the age of artificial intelligence (AI).

Professor Jeff McCall ’76 moderated a panel discussion featuring Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, author and University Trustee Jim B. Stewart ’73; journalist, CNBC anchor and University Trustee Jon Fortt ’98; and DePauw University faculty member and adviser Renee Thomas-Woods.


“We’ve had this revolution in (news/ content) distribution over the past 35 years. Now, we’re about to get this revolution in generation through AI where content gets generated and the providence of it, the accuracy of it, the intent of it – is unknowable. We’re already kind of there, in fact, with TikTok.” – JON FORTT ’98

Pre-College Programs: The DePauw Summer Experience

The DePauw Summer Experience offered 10 sessions of two-day overnight experiences. We welcomed 187 ninth through 12th grade students from surrounding areas and Indianapolis. Classes ranged from the art of filmmaking to earth exploration workshops which included field trips to Shades State Park and the DePauw Nature Park. Courses were taught by DePauw professors.

FALL 2023




Environmental Fellows

Global Studies Fellows



2024 Indianapolis Prize recipient Pablo Borboroglu for a late September lunchtime presentation. Borboroglu is an internationally recognized expert on penguin ecology and landand-sea conservation. In 2009, he founded the Global Penguin Society, which has protected 32 million acres of penguin marine and terrestrial habitat. The Indianapolis Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in the field of animal conservation.

Scholar-in-Residence for the 2023-24 academic year. She comes to DePauw from Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt, where she is an assistant professor of English and comparative literature. As part of her appointment at DePauw, Shalaby will help launch the Global Studies Fellows program. In addition to teaching in support of the program, including the core course, introduction to world literature, Shalaby will offer studentfaculty research opportunities in the humanities and present lectures in Putnam County on world literature. In collaboration with DePauw’s first Global Studies Scholar, Amity Reading, associate professor and chair of the English department, she will help organize an interdisciplinary global reading group in the fall and an international symposium on global studies in the spring.

2024 Indianapolis Prize recipient, Pablo Borboroglu. Photo provided.

See more from Borboroglu’s September 28 visit.



From late May to mid-July, 22 students, including eight from DePauw, spent their summer excavating a Roman settlement in Umbria, Italy, with Professors of Classical Studies Rebecca Schindler and Pedar Foss. Since 2015, Foss and Schindler have directed the Trasimeno Regional Archaeological Project (TRAP) in the territory of Castiglione del Lago, located on the west side of Lake Trasimene in Central Italy.


BRIDGET GOURLEY, inaugural Dean of the College of Liberal

MARCUS HAYES, inaugural Dean of the new Creative School,

“The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences centers the liberal arts in all aspects of academic life at DePauw. It is who we are. We are creating the scaffold of tools and knowledge that develops students who think critically and creatively, and effectively communicate as global citizens and leaders in professions of their choosing.”

“I think students will be excited to find many interesting connections between the disciplines housed in the Creative School and to see how their studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, as well as the School of Business and Leadership, are related and interdependent.”

Arts and Sciences, has been a member of the faculty since 1988. In addition to extensive teaching and research as a physical chemist, Gourley has served in numerous leadership positions. She received bachelor’s degrees in chemistry and mathematics from the University of Puget Sound and a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from the University of Utah.

comes to DePauw from Austin Peay State University, where he founded a thriving dance program, served as professor and chair of the Department of Theatre and Dance and held associate and interim dean positions within the College of Arts and Letters. He received his undergraduate degree in dance and history from Beloit College and his Master of Fine Arts degree from Mills College.

FALL 2023



What I’m reading right now


Bob Weaver ’93, senior director of communications “A Fever in the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klan’s Plot to Take Over America, and the Woman Who Stopped Them” by Timothy Egan Several people within the DePauw community, including O. Ralph Raymond, professor emeritus of political science and Russian studies, pointed to this book as one of particular interest to DePauw alumni. The riveting nonfiction work tells the dark story of the Klan’s resurgence in middle America in the 1920s and a young woman named Madge Oberholtzer who, in her dying moments, helped take down the Klan. A key figure in the story – one with whom I was unfamiliar – is William Remy, a DePauw graduate. The 32-year-old Indianapolis prosecutor used Oberholtzer’s dying statements to build a case against her attacker – the brutish, predatory con man and Klan leader, D.C. Stephenson. To speak of Remy just a bit more as an unsung hero of DePauw, I’ll quote Raymond, who said, “it behooves all of us to take note of those who have stood up to the forces of reaction, prejudice and discrimination in the past.” I highly recommend the book.

Barbara Kingsolver ’77

Barbara Kingsolver ’77 won the Pulitzer Prize for her novel “Demon Copperhead.” She also won the 2023 Women’s Prize for Fiction. The novel is set in Appalachia and is a reimagining of “David Copperfield’’ by Charles Dickens. Kingsolver’s book follows a boy born to a teenage single mother as he braves the modern perils of foster care, child labor, derelict schools, athletic success, addiction, disastrous loves and crushing losses.

Meg Kissinger ’79

Jeff Muse ’91

“While You Were Out: An Intimate Family Portrait of Mental Illness” The Los Angeles Times calls Kissinger’s memoir a “startling and important book.”

“Dear Park Ranger: Essays on Manhood, Restlessness, and the Geography of Hope” An environmental educator searches for purpose, companionship, a lost father and home.


Derek Ford, associate professor of education studies

“Encountering Education: Elements for a Marxist Pedagogy” “Postdigital Ecopedagogies: Genealogies, Contradictions and Possible Futures,” Co-edited with Petar Jandrić



Smita Rahman, Johnson Family University Professor of Political Science

James Bradley Wells, Edwin L. Minar Professor of Classical Studies

“Globalizing Political Theory,” Edited by Rahman, Katherine A. Gordy and Shirin Deylami

“Eclogues and Georgics,” Translation of two early works by the Roman poet Vergil

Eliza Brown, associate professor of music

“of our transgressions,” original music composition performed by the Grossman Ensemble


Love Letters JENNIFER ADAMS, professor and chair of

communication and theatre and faculty development coordinator, recently published “An Autoethnography of Letter Writing and Relationships Through Time: Finding our Perfect Moon.” How the book came to be goes back to her doctoral dissertation. Adams studied 400 love letters she found in the attic of the Victorian home she was renting, which became the topic for the research project. The defended dissertation sat for a decade and a half – untouched – until she was inspired by DePauw students to take it a step further.

“In 2015, I taught a first-year seminar called private communication to 14 new students who signed up to learn about letters, journals and diaries. As a class, we became a close-knit academic community engaged in reflective and critical thinking, and we often reflected on the ethics of reading private communication never meant for public eyes. Near the end of the semester, I shared with them a personal story of finding and studying hundreds of old love letters between a 1930s Purdue University couple, now deceased. Fifteen years earlier, I discontinued my research because of unrelenting concerns about the writers’ privacy, but on a chilly morning in November, I showed these students the brittle, yellowed letters and we read their words together. I’m glad I did. These students encouraged me to renew my research. I discovered the couple had a daughter, to whom I gave the original letters, giving her a new window into their lives before her own death less than two years later. Never believe that college classes are removed from the ‘real world,’ because if not for my first-year seminar, this new book, which includes the letters and my experience discovering them, would have remained a dream.”

FALL 2023



DePauw’s new School of Business and Leadership models the future for a 21st-century, world-class liberal arts education


ofia Piazzisi is pretty sure she wants to be a lawyer, and possibly open a practice in South America, Canada or Europe someday. Like most 18-year-olds, she’s not sure. As a first-year student at DePauw University this fall, she is on a path toward a career while she explores her interests. A major factor in her decision to commit to DePauw was its business offerings, and she isn’t alone. Piazzisi is among a significantly large number of students currently seeking undergraduate business programs. TRADITIONALLY, LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES UNIVERSITIES don’t have business schools, but as a leader in liberal arts education, DePauw looks at things differently. As such, in the fall of 2023, DePauw opened its School of Business and Leadership (SBL).



Professor Amy Eremionkhale brings an interdisciplinary approach to the business classroom, marrying social sciences to business data analytics.

FALL 2023


With the new school, DePauw became one of only four Top 50 liberal arts institutions in the country with a school of business – and the only one in the Midwest. The opening of the SBL means more than the availability of new majors and minors. It is part of DePauw’s commitment to modeling a 21st-century, world-class liberal arts undergraduate education. Ranked No. 16 among the “Most Innovative Schools” in the country by U.S. News & World Report in 2022, DePauw is up for the challenge. Its focus on ethics and leadership is a truly unique value proposition. With a transformative renovation of Harrison Hall, the appointment of Dean John Clarke, three new faculty members, and DePauw’s first group of students taking classes associated with the School of Business and Leadership, the stage is set.

“This work propels DePauw into an exciting era where we can honor our roots while we forge transformation at the university. Strengthening and centering the liberal arts while launching new programs and schools ensure that our students continue to be the leaders the world needs in a rapidly changing environment.” – LORI S. WHITE, President of DePauw University

IN 2020, DEPAUW PRESIDENT LORI WHITE asked school leaders and stakeholders to think boldly as they developed the university’s five-year strategic plan. Among the four overarching goals that arose from the process was to renew DePauw’s academic programs while continuing to honor and build on its history as a liberal arts and sciences college. The SBL was, in part, a result of this commitment. As we thought about new academic areas that we could develop, we sought to build on current strengths such as our historically strong Economics major while also considering areas with emerging interests from current and future students,” says Dave Berque, vice president for



academic affairs and computer science professor. DePauw has a long history of producing leaders across different sectors – for-profit, nonprofit, government – so it made sense to build on this foundation. In addition, DePauw students had been participating in the highly regarded Management Fellows Program since 1982. They embraced its business-related coursework, career readiness activities, networking, internships and alumni involvement. “Every year we talk to a lot of prospective students who are interested in liberal arts but still want to declare a business-related major,” says Mary Beth Petrie, vice president for enrollment management. “In the past, it took more of an effort to make the connection for them. But now with the SBL in place, they can search and find things more easily.” This is critical since most college searches start online. “K-12 education today also puts more emphasis on career readiness, so students researching schools often consider academic program availability just as seriously as factors such as geographic location, cost or size of the student body,” Petrie adds. “With the launch of the SBL, it has become clearer to prospective students that DePauw offers innovative educational experiences in business and leadership.” BEYOND OFFERING ATTRACTIVE MAJORS, MINORS AND PATHWAYS, the strategic planning steering committee knew that DePauw’s liberal arts and sciences tradition – developing the whole person – could be a major differentiator for the SBL. “We saw an opportunity to launch a program that would marry together our strengths in delivering a liberal arts-style education with business competence,” Berque says. Students could learn to value diverse perspectives and cultures, and connect to other disciplines while they take classes in finance and entrepreneurship, for example. They would not only gain business and professional knowledge but also understand the philosophical implications in a global context. Reflecting its dedication to the liberal arts and sciences, DePauw’s new three-school model puts (Continued on page 19.)

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(Continued from page 14.) the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) at the center of every student’s experience. The School of Business and Leadership and the Creative School sit alongside the CLAS as separate yet intimately connected schools. This integration is different from large universities, where business schools often have distinct identities and communities. “There is no need to build barriers that don’t need to exist,” Clarke says. Every DePauw student, regardless of their major, can access classes and experiences offered by all three schools. And every student is admitted to DePauw University, not to a specific school. Exploration is part of the DePauw culture. Approximately 20 percent of students choose to double major, and about half have a minor area of study. When first-year student Jeremy Stutzman was looking for a college, he knew he was interested in business, but he was also passionate about environmental ethics. Business was a priority for Braden Murphey, too, but computer science and pre-health also piqued his interest. As new students are drawn to the SBL, they can explore multiple areas before making a decision about their areas of focus. DePauw leadership expects many students like Stutzman and Murphey to study across each of the three schools. An environmental geoscience major might minor in finance to better understand how climate change impacts governments. A student passionate about amplifying the voices of first-time voters might study political science and the ethics in society from the CLAS and entrepreneurship from the SBL. This kind of cross-pollination of ideas promotes creativity and broadens perspectives. Clarke says DePauw’s approach can also help students reach their potential. “This role is an opportunity to impact every student at DePauw in a positive way and impact the environment in which every faculty member and staff member works at DePauw. The motivation for me is the chance to have a bigger impact,” he says.

BUSINESS AND LEADERSHIP STUDENTS AT DEPAUW, as well as students interested in other areas, will also benefit from the influence of the Prindle Institute for Ethics, which equips students to deepen their understanding of different moral perspectives and think critically about the inescapable ethical issues of our time. “Developing these abilities is an important part of growing as a person, but they are also the kinds of abilities that are in high demand from employers,” says Jeffrey Dunn, the Phyllis W. Nicholas Director of the Prindle Institute for Ethics. “We help students cultivate understanding and critical thinking through a variety of interactive experiences and programs, and work with professors across the disciplines at DePauw to integrate ethics into their classroom curriculum.”

“DePauw is a remarkable institution that has always been an incubator for leadership.” – KEN COQUILLETTE ’82, partner, Goldman Sachs & Co., co-chair, DePauw University School of Business and Leadership Steering Committee

During the coming year, DePauw will hire an inaugural director for its Sanger Leadership Initiative, which will be available to all DePauw students through the SBL. The initiative will integrate and strengthen cocurricular and curricular leadership opportunities across the university, helping DePauw to further its mission to develop leaders the world needs. Already this fall, faculty are offering new courses including Religion and the Art of Leadership, Leadership in the Age of Disruption and Nonprofit Leadership. The intermingling of disciplines, and combination of the curricular and cocurricular opportunities, isn’t new to DePauw. Jon Phillips ’95 runs the venture capital and private equity arm of a privately held financial services firm, First Trust in Wheaton, Illinois. As a high-schooler from Massachusetts, he chose DePauw in part because he could combine the business-focused Management Fellows Program with a liberal arts degree. He majored in economics and minored in religion,

FALL 2023


served on student government, wrote stories for The DePauw, and participated in service-oriented winter term courses in Argentina and Bolivia. A semester interning at Deloitte Consulting in Detroit convinced him that his future would be in business. He fine-tuned his acumen at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management, where he earned his MBA, before returning to Deloitte full time. He calls his DePauw experience foundational, particularly in entrepreneurship, providing the basis for launching three different businesses over his career in consulting, investment banking and private equity.

“The School of Business and Leadership provides DePauw students with a framework to address the career-related outcomes of their curricular and cocurricular experiences regardless of their field of study or career aspirations. Students from nonbusiness disciplines are excited to understand how their interests, values, motivators, passions, talents, and skills can provide insight into future careers.” – JOHN CLARKE, dean, DePauw University School of Business and Leadership

“I’m a really big fan of liberal arts education. It teaches you how to think and expand the tools to frame problems and structure solutions. DePauw has the opportunity to create a business education and approach that is incredibly distinctive from traditional business schools. This is important not only to attract students but also to educate future leaders in business,” says Phillips. DePauw’s alumni community includes leaders who are big thinkers driving success. These alumni also tend to generously offer their time and expertise to fellow DePauw students and alums. Phillips’s entrée into investment banking came from a DePauw connection, not a Kellogg connection. The SBL will serve as yet another way for alumni to engage and plug in more closely to students and each other.



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“It will help DePauw continue to be a recognized national leader in applied liberal arts education. We continue to lead by pushing the envelope and looking at things a little differently because that’s what liberal arts grads do,” Phillips says. Originally from Winslow, Indiana, DePauw alum Justin Dye ’94 also serves on the DePauw Board of Trustees and is managing director of Dye Capital & Company in Boca Raton, Florida. He says DePauw laid the foundation for him to become a lifelong learner, undaunted by the challenge of exploring topics outside of his political science major and religion minor. The DePauw experience gave him opportunities to lead, follow, pursue new interests, learn new things and effectively work with people. “You had to show up and participate. You had to write well, speak well and defend a position, solve problems and be creative,” he says. Dye went on to spend a significant portion of his career as an executive in the food retail and supply chain sectors and led efforts to drive shareholder value with more than $40 billion in acquisitions, divestitures, refinancings and real estate transactions. He adds that DePauw is really good at cultivating outstanding, humble leaders. The SBL cements the university’s commitment to developing leaders to excel at every stage of their careers, from building trust and consensus to defining a vision for an organization. “I don’t know of another university that gives students that opportunity so well. That should resonate with prospective students and their parents when they are trying to make college decisions,” Dye says. THE NEW SBL IS LOCATED INSIDE HARRISON HALL, the three-story, red-brick building that opened as a science building in 1939. The building was last renovated in the 1980s, when natural light, ceiling height and open space weren’t necessarily fashionable. “This was an opportunity to allow the building to breathe,” says Christiana Moss, principal architect on the new renovation. She and her partners at Studio Ma, an awardwinning design firm based in Phoenix, Arizona, were inspired by the school’s multifaceted vision, one of openness and transparency. “The notion

that the School of Business and Leadership was for the entire university and that everyone can benefit from having experiences around leadership and understanding entrepreneurship grounded in ethics was really exciting,” she says. When someone walks into Harrison today, they enter a two-story atrium whose height physically connects the SBL to other disciplines being taught in the building. This communal entry is designed to make all students, staff and faculty members feel welcome. The commingling of audiences extends to alumni, who will have spaces to meet and work when they are on campus. “This will be a place where people can linger. Our hope is that we have to drag them out to get fresh air,” Clarke says. “We expect students and faculty will find ways to use the building that we didn’t even anticipate.” The new space is also adaptable, capable of shifting to accommodate how people use it in the future.

“Without a doubt, it is the deeply ingrained values of a liberal arts education that will set apart the DePauw School of Business and Leadership. This educational model develops critical thinkers and great communicators that can thrive and succeed in our rapidly changing world.” – PHYLLIS BARKMAN FERRELL ’94, Eli Lilly and Co., executive-on-loan to Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative, Healthcare System Preparedness Program Lead; member, DePauw University School of Business and Leadership Steering Committee

Like at the recently renovated Roy O. West Library, the SBL includes spaces for different interactions, from intimate to wholly public. One room is equipped with Bloomberg terminals to connect students with the data, news, analytics and networks necessary for deep business research and analysis. Other rooms are tailored for presentations, lectures and collaborative discussions. Translucent glass used throughout allows visitors to see almost all of the perimeter walls of the building. (Continued on page 26.)

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(Continued from page 23.) Moss and her team were careful to honor Harrison’s history. Interior millwork and casework directly relate in scale to the original exterior windows. Cast-in-place concrete columns have been exposed. Reflecting the school’s focus on ethics and input from students, construction includes locally sourced white oak and sustainably made furniture. A seal commemorating the building’s history has been relocated to new flooring in the atrium.


Born in Manchester, England, Clarke comes to DePauw from the Tulane University Freeman School of Business. For 10 years, he worked for Accenture, leading teams and working with senior executives in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. During a meeting with a former professor, he expressed how much he valued the people development component of his job. Soon after, he started his transition back to education in order to focus full-time on helping people reach their full potential. “Academia works in cycles or semesters. Every cycle, there is an opportunity to impact people in some fundamental way. To perhaps change the trajectory of their lives. It might sound arrogant or bold, but it’s real,” he says.



A DEPAUW SOPHOMORE LED CLARKE ON HIS FIRST TOUR OF CAMPUS. Just over a year into her career at DePauw, she was able to convey the life and culture of the campus succinctly and with enthusiasm. She understood the value of the institution and the experience it offered her, Clarke says. She had found an environment in which she could thrive. She said something like, “You wouldn’t recognize me if you had met me a year ago. I’m a different person now because of DePauw,” Clarke recalls. The School of Business and Leadership further extends DePauw’s longstanding tradition of transforming students’ lives. But it doesn’t stop there. “We have an opportunity for DePauw to be a national leader in higher education offering new programs that will attract students and demonstrating the value of liberal arts education. But we are also building on our historic strengths in liberal arts and bringing them to other curricular areas that are exciting for students,” Berque says. “We want to be known nationally for how to be a liberal arts college.”

View images of the School of Business and Leadership.

THINKING AND KNOWING: Game Theory in Society Math EXP/Phil 209C By Jeffrey S. Dunn and Andrea Young

GAME THEORY IS A MATHEMATICAL THEORY that models interactions between multiple rational agents who are trying to maximize their own rewards under the assumption that the other agents are doing the same. Game theory allows us to model simple, traditional games like tic-tac-toe, where each player is trying to beat the other. But it can do more than this. Two firms setting a price for a product are also playing a kind of game where the goal is to maximize profits. Game theory can help us think about these kinds of interactions, too. Given this, it is widely taught in economics departments and business schools. Neither of us are economists; one of us is a philosopher and one of us is a mathematician. We were drawn to the topic of game theory as relevant to the new School of Business and Leadership and one that is particularly ripe for team teaching. It’s a mathematical theory with accessible techniques that can be developed without advanced mathematics knowledge. Philosophers use game theory to explore questions about whether cooperation is in our self-interest, about the emergence of conventions, and about the origins of morality. By bringing our different disciplinary perspectives to the classroom, we are able to engage students in different ways of thinking and knowing, which is one of the goals of a liberal arts education. That we are able to do this within one of the SBL’s new active learning classrooms provides just one example of how DePauw’s approach to business and leadership education is unique.

Top left: Andrea Young, vice president for finance and administration, associate professor of mathematical sciences. Bottom left: Jeffrey S. Dunn, Phyllis W. Nicholas Director – The Prindle Institute for Ethics, associate professor of philosophy.

FALL 2023


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#8 20-YEAR ROI








“The academic programs listed in the School of Business and Leadership build on DePauw’s long history in offering a strong economics major. For many years economics has been one of DePauw’s most popular majors and it has produced many successful alumni. It is exciting to watch as we leverage these strengths.” – DAVE BERQUE, vice president for academic affairs, professor of computer science

The School of Business and Leadership

AT A GLANCE CRITICAL THINKERS. PROBLEM-SOLVERS. Grounded in a rigorous liberal arts foundation, DePauw graduates are steeped in leadership skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, breadth of knowledge, creativity, communication and teamwork. Through small interdisciplinary courses, meaningful discussion, collaborative projects and independent research, DePauw’s liberal arts foundation puts students on the path to a life of purpose, prepared for the evolving business and leadership roles that will address the most pressing issues of our times.

A LEGACY OF LEADERSHIP School of Business and Leadership students will follow in the tradition of DePauw alumni who have gone on to lead in public service, the corporate world and that of nonprofits, including Teach For America, the U.S. legislature, General Mills, the Boston Celtics, TOMS and General Motors.


A hallmark of a DePauw education is the opportunity for leadership and experiential learning. These centers and cocurricular programs serve all DePauw students in addition to those connected with the School of Business and Leadership.

• DePauw Consulting Group • DePauw Entrepreneurship Group • DePauw Innovations • DePauw Investment Group • DePauw Marketing Group • DePauw Sports Management and Administration Group • DePauw Pre-Law and Public Affairs Group • Hartman Center for Civic Engagement • Investment Banking Workshop • Management Fellows Program • Sanger Leadership Initiative • The Prindle Institute for Ethics • The Robert C. McDermond Center for Management & Entrepreneurship • The Ullem Center for Sustainability • Women in Economics and Business


A R E A S O F S T U DY • Actuarial Science • Business Analytics • Finance • Economics Plus minors in • Accounting and Finance for Decision-making • Business Administration • Entrepreneurship • International Business

DePauw has been a leader in global education for decades, offering high-quality, dynamic and accessible opportunities for students to study, intern and research at universities and organizations around the world. Recent international internship locations include: • Hanoi, Vietnam • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam • Kathmandu, Nepal • Milan, Italy • Tokyo, Japan • Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia • Victoria, Australia FALL 2023




Well-being at the core DePauw strives for an exemplary student experience by George Spencer


ow do you establish a culture of care and attention to well-being? Experience has shown DePauw that it must be intentional and draw from the talent and creativity of each and every member of the community. No wonder that strengthening the “culture of care” gets a major shout-out in the current five-year strategic plan. While “wellness” is today’s buzzword, it might soon be replaced by the more encompassing term “wellbeing,” according to Trevor Yuhas, DePauw’s counseling services director. “We’re turning our focus to include not just mental and physical well-being but also financial, intellectual and social well-being,” Yuhas says. “We’re asking ourselves, ‘What are the ways DePauw can support all those arenas of health?’ ” Wellness offerings range from basic things like mindfulness training for athletes to a first-in-the-nation wellness alliance with other colleges. “Our responsibility is to provide students full holistic support,” adds John Mark Day, vice president of student affairs. “We can give them a world-class education, but if they’re not physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually well when they leave, they’re not going to become the leaders the world needs.” “Absolutely unique” is how Curtis Wiseley, the executive director of the MINDful College Connections program, describes DePauw’s new wellness collaboration with nearby Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. Thanks to an $8.1 million grant, the three schools in 2021 created a stepped-care model to help them better meet the demand for mental health services. Under this care system, DePauw is giving students more access points to connect to when they’re struggling or in crisis. For example, a mildly homesick student might be directed to online peer support, a strategy that frees

up a counselor to do one-on-one therapy for a student with a more acute need. “By partnering together we can offer a wider variety of services and share their costs,” says Wiseley. The consortium allows the three schools to hire additional staff, which they could not do independently. Twenty-five percent of students in a typical year use DePauw’s mental health services, according to Yuhas. Thanks to the decreased stigma of mental health issues, many more students seek counseling than ever before. Some began doing so during high school, and others are continuing to master social skills that lagged during COVID. Mental health and wellness educator Malorie McGee spreads the word. Much of her role involves training students to aid in her outreach efforts. She works with residence hall advisors, first-year mentors, incoming international students and support groups for LGBTQ students, while also taking a lead role in planning and running the annual spring wellness fair. As many as 35 percent of DePauw students are athletes. And student-athletes can have unique needs related to well-being, whether that’s maintaining compliance with NCAA regulations for medical examinations or working with coaching staff to follow best practices for health and well-being. Coaches work hard to connect student-athletes to the university resources available to all students within the framework of the busy student-athlete schedule. This can include anything from nutritional support sessions to fostering alumni connections and career planning, to counseling staff attuned to the pressures athletes might face such as body-image or perfectionism. “We focus heavily on belonging,” says athletic director Stevie Baker-Watson. “We try to do right by all of our students.” Yuhas adds, “The idea is that everyone on campus – every office, every department, every division – are all invested in student wellness.”

FALL 2023


Well-being in action THANK WHITNEY WELLS ’24 for bringing pickleball to campus. Growing up in Evansville, Indiana, she played tennis, then got into the fast-growing paddle ball sport and wanted to bring it to campus. Today she heads the Pickleball Club. It’s one of 250 student groups that include the Caribbean Student Association, D3TV, actuarial science, rock climbing, robotics, a cappella singing, neurodivergence inclusion and machine embroidering. “Pickleball is so addictive and fun,” says the communication major. “Not only is it a great form of exercise, but it’s also one of the greatest ways to de-stress from school and hang out with friends while being outside. I’ve met so many new people playing pickleball.” After less than a year, the club has 77 members, and Wells predicts that number will soon double. DePauw makes it easy for students to form sports and other nonacademic clubs. Wells and two friends only had to fill out a form. Her budget for balls, paddles and indoor nets got approved a few weeks later. “It was smooth sailing,” she says.



CAMERON MACON ’24 has done something big to help others feel more welcome. As president of the Diverse Athletes Association (DAA), he recently led a reimagining of the group that expanded its membership. Formerly known as Student Athletes of Color, the DAA now welcomes LGBTQ student-athletes as well as those from various religions. “We talked about what we wanted to look like and how we could properly be more inclusive,” says the entrepreneurship major from St. Louis. Today, as many as 40 DAA members attend fun events like dodgeball tournaments and Family Feud and Jeopardy nights. DAA also holds “Thursday Thoughts” roundtable discussions. “We encourage people to talk about how they’re feeling. It could be something that pertains to their identity or something about school or sports,” says Macon, who plays second base and shortstop on the baseball team. “The biggest thing we do – and the biggest feedback we’ve heard – is that this group is impactful not only as a place where people can get things off their chest but also as a place where you can meet new people and make new friends. It’s a great opportunity.”


o much of our sense of well-being is bound up in meaning-making. Whatever it is we believe (or don’t believe) about any of the big questions around life, death and religion, we are all in a process of discerning how our individual stories might fit together into some kind of larger story. Not only do we need a physical space to belong, we need space where all of our stories can belong – a place where all of us are welcome. That is the work of the Center for Spiritual Life, to help students carve out space for the whole self – for their whole story. There is a way of being in the world that we glimpse now and then, where we come to hold our bodies and the bodies of people around us as sacred ... a way of being that is marked by blessing. At CSL, our goal is not to dictate anyone’s spiritual journey – but we do want to make room for it, because to make room for our spirituality is to make room for our own truest, deepest self – and to make room for the people and places that have shaped us. Surely no small part of our sense of well-being is finding a way that our smaller stories can be caught up in a larger story that gives us meaning.” – JONATHAN MARTIN, director of the Center for Spiritual Life (CSL) and associate chaplain

SOCCER FORWARD BEN WEIDNER ’24 has peace of mind. The reason? For the past three years, mindfulness training has been a routine part of his team’s practices. “As a freshman, it was weird and uncomfortable to buy into something like meditation or prayer, but after a while you notice their beneficial impact,” he says. “Our leadership team stresses the importance of taking care of your body and your mind,” he adds. The point of the mental exercises is to be “present” in the moment and not ruminate over past mistakes or worry about future challenges. That attitude came in handy during last year’s season when the team struggled to break even. “We very easily could have thrown in the towel. But when we were in the valleys, we continued to do mindfulness training,” says the Zionsville, Indiana, native. “We remembered that we are not defined by outcomes of past games. We had to move on and focus on our present performance.” An economics major, Weidner has used his mindfulness training during tough tests. “There’ve been times in the middle of exams where I’ve had to sit back, take a break and meditate. Then I come back to the present moment and refocus. That’s been incredibly beneficial. I’m excelling in the classroom and performing better than I ever have.” TEAM-ALLOTED PERSONAL DAYS give women’s swimming and diving team member Elise Umbach ’25 some much-needed time off. Her schedule is action-packed with morning and evening practices from September through mid-March. Last semester her class load included thermodynamics, equilibrium chemistry, kinetics and genetics. A biology major who plans to become a veterinarian, Umbach is devoted to her studies, and she has spent most of her seven personal days prepping for exams. Here’s how the days work: she sends her coach a text with her request. “It could be a mental health reason. It could be physical. It could be school work. The bottom line is you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t think you can come to practice. You don’t have to explain yourself – you just take your day off and take care of yourself and your well-being,” she says. At the start of Umbach’s sophomore season, coach Tracy Menzel sat the team down to explain how important it was for everyone to stay physically and mentally healthy. Students, the coach said, are their own best advocates for how they feel in both areas. Ultimately, the whole team benefits. “This way,” says Umbach, “when we’re at practice, everyone knows everyone else is ready to go, ready to work hard, and there to push each other and be in a positive headspace.”

FALL 2023


IN FOCUS by Sarah McAdams Photos by Brittney Way

Shedding light on the environments that shape the DePauw community.

ERICA HANRAHAN head softball coach, since 2012



“The most important points of emphasis in our program have nothing to do with the sport itself. They have to do with people and how to treat the people we interact with. Overall, we want to assume goodwill and give the benefit of the doubt. We also want to give to give instead of giving to receive something in return. We want to become so selfless that we experience Mudita – which is vicarious joy for someone else as though it is your own – for our teammates when they experience success. And we always want to lead with gratitude for whom and what we have in our lives. Ultimately, we are striving to become world-class human beings en route to our quest to become national champions. And if we never get the latter, it would be a greater accomplishment to achieve the former.”

DEEPA PRAKASH professor of political science, since 2011

“My office reflects my state of mind most weeks – it can be chaotic sometimes but

there is a method to the madness, I think! I have a lot of personal artifacts around me that remind me of people, travels, interests, memories, etc. and I tend to keep the things students have given me over the years as warm memories. I also have plants that are either thriving or struggling depending on how stressed I am. My approach to mentoring students involves a lot of conversation and getting to know their individual aspirations and personality. I also try to learn a lot from our alums, who are more plugged into the current work environment and can often offer better advice than I can. Getting to know students as individuals and having conversations at key points in their journey at DePauw has been my main approach.” FALL 2023



professor of English, since 2003



“I just moved offices, so my new space is pretty decluttered. Some people say I’m a neat freak, but I get my best thinking done in a clean and open space. I have a lot of gifts given to me by students on my shelves, paintings by DePauw artists on the walls and books pertinent to whatever classes I’m teaching in a given semester. Beyond that, the sunlight coming in my windows is my favorite thing in my office. In regard to my approach to interacting with my students, as a teacher, I try to place myself in their position as much as difference allows. What do they know and not know? What do they want to know and why? How do they approach a given text or idea? How can I adjust my own approach to accommodate theirs? What else might be happening in their lives that bears on our work in class? I think compassion is a teacher’s best attribute. Curiosity flourishes in an environment of mutual trust and humility.”


adjunct assistant professor of music and community engagement coordinator, since 2014.

I grew up in Taiwan and wasn’t exposed to liberal arts education until coming to DePauw. Our small class size and opportunity for personal interactions at DePauw remind me of the small performing arts high school I went to. Those years were my best music-educational experiences because they provided me with a solid foundation for being a musician. As for my workspaces at DePauw, I try to create an environment where students feel comfortable being around me. The area includes my office, the percussion studio and large ensemble room. If I’m not teaching, my door is always open. It feels like a home to me, and I hope the students feel the same way. After years of teaching, I enjoy each of my roles at DePauw – being a musician, a professor and a mentor. I feel very blessed to be able to do what I love here.” FALL 2023



professor of biology, since 1999



“Gaining access to the Nature Park in 2004 transformed the way we can teach about the natural world, especially plants. The site includes access to Putnam County’s main waterway, Big Walnut Creek, as well as forested areas, prairie restorations, successional fields and of course the large recovering quarry site. I try to bring students to the Nature Park and DePauw’s other natural areas in almost every class that I teach. It’s a great resource for learning about the species with whom we share our lives, and it’s a wonderful place for students to collect data on long-term projects and design their own studies. Honestly, the Nature Park is one of my top three favorite things about teaching and engaging in research with students at DePauw. The other two are the Olin Greenhouse and the students themselves.”


associate professor of art, painting and drawing and associate chair of art and art history, since 2013

“In my office, I have a collection of student work, some of which was left behind but many pieces I’ve traded my work for. It is a good reminder to me of how varied young artists’ interests can be, and students like to see that they’re part of a larger community of alumni who have wrestled with the same questions they have; ranging from immediate shortterm, ‘How can I make these colors work well together?’ all the way to the existential, ‘Do I want to be an artist? Do I have what it takes?’ There are so many different directions a young artist can take, and so many different jobs a creative person can succeed at and find fulfillment doing. I try to equip students to explore many options. Or, perhaps a more accurate way to put it is that I try to prepare students to take advantage of opportunities that don’t yet exist. It starts with taking the time to get to know my students.” FALL 2023



Time for DePauw Alumnus restores antique wall clock in East College KEVIN AIKMAN ’82 WAS UP FOR A CHALLENGE. It would require submitting a proposal to his alma mater, booking two round trips between Vienna and Greencastle and spending a little over six months on the restoration of an 8-foot-tall, alt-Deutsch wall clock hanging in East College. The clock was a gift to DePauw from the class of 1882, its restoration a gift from Aikman. WHAT PRECIPITATED THIS IDEA? Aikman wanted to do something special for DePauw in memory of his father, James Patrick Aikman ’57, longtime director of public relations for DePauw University. He was also editor of the Alumnus Magazine. “There was no bigger fan of DePauw than my father and he remained so till the end of his life,” says Aikman. East College drew Aikman back. “Meharry Hall is my favorite room in the world,” he says. “I attended concerts here conducted by Herman Berg. And as a 14-year-old, I was fascinated by its pipe organ.” University organist Arthur Carkeek and his wife Maureen, a pianist and teacher, nurtured Aikman’s interest in organ-building and music, answering daily phone calls about pipe organs. Their investment in Aikman made it possible for him to open a pipe organ repair business after college.

Kevin Aikman ’82 studied voice at DePauw under Thomas Fitzpatrick. “I wanted to be an opera singer. Still do.” 40


BUT WHAT ABOUT CLOCKS? How did the organ-repairing, operasinging Aikman become a clockmaker? After years of repairing pipe organs, an opera teacher teaching summer courses in the U.S. had prompted a move to Austria. There, Aikman continued to study voice and worked in facilities management for large companies. Nearing retirement, he pursued clockmaking with master clockmaker Frederick Reich, a neighbor and friend. The two would later work on the DePauw clock together. Having repaired dozens of clocks, Aikman is reminded of what this DePauw clock means to him. Gratitude for family, caring DePauw staff and faculty. The luck of having great friends and neighbors. And the Greencastle community. “A dream place.” He adds, “East College is DePauw to me. An inspired place with integrity, sophistication, longevity and an abundance of positive energy. The clock has all those things and is now a fitting complement.”

“East College is DePauw to me. An inspired place with integrity, sophistication, longevity and an abundance of positive energy.” – Kevin Aikman ’82

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Rankings are one way prospective students understand and gather information about your school. Here’s where DePauw ranks today.

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2023 Old Gold Weekend Alumni Recognition




Claire Cunningham Eblovi ’04

Shirley Zivich Mertz ’68



Dr. Saundra Lawson Taylor ’63

2023 DePauw Athletics Hall of Fame Inductees Meredith Rinaker Allen ’05 – women’s soccer Dave Chalmers ’86 – baseball Mike Howland ’02 – men’s basketball Nate Moch ’03 – diving Joe Nixon ’02 – men’s basketball The 2012-13 women’s basketball team Dan Hanna ’47 – director of bands (honorary inductee)

FALL 2023


CLASS NOTES Class Notes publishes submitted updates about DePauw alumni’s careers, milestones, activities and whereabouts. Send your news to DePauw Magazine, P.O. Box 37, Greencastle, IN 46135-0037. Prefer digital? Fill out a form at, scan the QR code or email Space considerations limit our ability to publish photos. Group photos will be considered if you include each person’s name (first, maiden, last), graduation year, and information about the gathering. Digital photos must be high-quality JPEGs of at least 300 DPI. Submitted hard copies cannot be returned. Questions? Contact

1949 Maureen Hubbard Cribbs is an artist, teacher and member of Union Street Gallery in Chicago Heights, Illinois. An exhibition of her work was held May 25 to June 17 at the Union Street Gallery, which displayed her creative exploration in printmaking and painting. Arlene “Penny” Reemer Hull celebrated her 95th birthday on July 2. She is a member of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. After living in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Marco Island, Florida, for many years, she has moved to Atlanta, Georgia, to be close to her daughter. She likes daily walks, exercise class and the game “Words with Friends.” She enjoys visits with her three children, seven grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.

75th edition of Who’s Who in America I thought, I’ll believe it when I see it. When the hardcover book arrived I found my biography on page 2157.”

1957 Gretchen Kiger Cryer and Nancy Ford Charles, whose collaboration began at DePauw 68 years ago, received Lifetime Achievement awards for their musical theater work from the Dramatists Guild of America on May 15 in a ceremony held at New York City’s Public Theatre.


Jim Hollensteiner presided at the dedication of the Art Gallery at Flathead Valley Community College in Kalispell, Montana, in honor and memory of his wife, Wanda Hollensteiner, who passed away in 2020. In addition to Montana artists such as Russell, Powell and Scriver, the museum houses works by Rembrandt, Toulouse-Lautrec and other masters. The first Wanda Hollensteiner Art Gallery was dedicated at her alma mater, Beloit College, in 2009.

Willis “Bing” Davis’s cultural contributions and activism will be the subject of a forthcoming documentary to premiere in 2024. He said, “I am excited about the opportunity to work with the creative team at ThinkTV to produce a documentary about growing up in Dayton, Ohio, as an AfricanAmerican male with interests and skills in sports, art and culture.” Bing has long been a creator in the Dayton art scene. As an art educator, he has taught at and worked with Dayton Public Schools, Miami University, Central State University, University of Dayton and Wright State University. He currently owns and curates art for the Willis “Bing” Davis Art Studio and EbonNia Gallery in the Wright Dunbar district, where he still creates his own work.



Sally Brown McKinney received a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2022 from Marquis Who’s Who publications and recently published her expanded biography in the 75th Diamond Edition of Who’s Who in America. She is the author of the “Hiking Indiana” guidebook. Sally says her attitude toward fame is: “Whenever friends talked about becoming rich and famous, I often said, ‘My name will be listed in a reference called Who’s That?’ When the editor called to say Marquis planned to publish my biography in the

Margaret Gladden Hermann retired from the Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs after 20 years of service.




William W. Graham ’62 and his wife Lori, and friends Jo Ankeny Lindamood, Tod Dawson and Bonnie Cole Dawson ’61.

1962 William W. Graham and his wife Lori, and friends Jo Ankeny Lindamood, Tod Dawson and Bonnie Cole Dawson ’61 reside at Sagewood, a retirement community in Phoenix, Arizona. Jo and Bonnie are members of Kappa Alpha Theta. Bill and Tod are members of Phi Gamma Delta. (See photo.)

Members of the Alpha Chi Omega Class of 1969 met in Tampa, Florida. Those attending included: (back row) Nancy Van Sickle Kent, Sarah Katterhenry Dutton, Teresa Kendall Owens, Victoria Erdmann Burgman, Martha Musk Robertson, Linda Spreen Budelsky, (front row) Rebecca Tatman Sipe, Betsy Clark Swank, Paula Drake Llardo, Karen Pratt Peiffer, Barbara White Parker, Deborah Roessing Cuerden, Barbara Heisel Manning, Betsy Roberts Sklenicka and Nancy Reynolds Fairchild.

1967 Sally Crowden Barrett attended groundbreaking ceremonies for the Denny Barrett Fieldhouse and Chambers Family Park in Indianapolis. Numerous friends and DePauw classmates were integral in fundraising efforts for the facility named in honor of Sally’s late husband, Denny Barrettt ’67. An article appears on

1968 William J. Schmalz retired from medical practice after 45 years of serving patients in Bloomington, Indiana, at Monroe Hospital.

J. Stuart Showalter lives in Williston, Vermont (near Burlington). The 10th edition of his textbook, “The Law of Healthcare Administration,” was released in March by the American College of Healthcare Executives.

1969 Members of the Alpha Chi Omega Class of 1969 have stayed connected through an annual newsletter created in 1970. In addition, the group has been drawn together for in-person events via DePauw campus reunions and regular Alpha Chi class gatherings such as one held this past spring at

Florida’s Saddlebrook Resort. There, 15 Alpha Chis met with unmatched ease and joy to once again celebrate their DePauw-generated friendship. (See photo.) John G. Meyer III had the opportunity to fly a Depression-era Fairchild 24 plane from Orlando, Florida, to Cincinnati, Ohio, for display at the 45th annual Cincinnati Concours at Ault Park. He looks forward to reconnecting with old friends at

1970 Dan S. Curd published “Standing Fork Salute: A Celebration of 20th-Century American Cuisine.” The book is part food history, part travelogue, and includes over 300 recipes.

1972 Leslie Baird McDonald’s latest juvenile book, “Horse on the Loose,” was published by Monday Creek Publishing. Beautifully illustrated, it is an entertaining read for young horse lovers. Allen W. Molineux had several of his compositions performed recently. In December 2022 his Christmas tone poem, “When the Angels Sang,” was premiered by the Lansdowne Symphony. Then in February 2023, the Jacksonville University Percussion Ensemble premiered his “HighStepping Thingamajig.” In March, his “Capricious Moments for Tenor Saxophone and Piano” received its first performance at Keene State University and in April the Atlanta Philharmonic Orchestra played his work “Trifles.”

1976 Five DePauw graduates from the Class of 1976 attended their 50th high school reunion in October. They are graduates of Southport High School on the south side of Indianapolis. (See photo.)

1977 Barbara Kingsolver won a Pulitzer Prize for her novel, “Demon Copperhead.” Her novel has been described as a “masterful recasting of ‘David Copperfield.’”

1979 Charles D. Brooks is a Georgetown University professor and a writer for Forbes. He was a featured speaker at an event, June 27, hosted by the United

States Embassy to the Holy See in Rome with their Vatican partners on the topic of Cybersecurity in the Era of Digital Disorder. Gwendolynn Fabert Maitzen’s exhibit of mixed media works will be at the Overture Center in Madison, Wisconsin, from June through August 2024. Her collages are made from a variety of materials and are a culmination of many years of work.

1980 Alumni from the classes of 1980, 1981 and 1982 met in the Finger Lakes of upstate New York for a week-long bike ride throughout the Finger Lakes region. Bike riding, hiking, wine tasting, fine dining and camaraderie were all part of the week’s activities. (See photo.) In June, three DePauw School of Music alumni performed as part of the grand orchestra at the Victoria Bach Festival in Victoria, Texas, for a performance of Mahler’s monumental first symphony, referred to as “The Titan.” Horn player Jill Smith Rodriguez ’89, cellist M. Shawn Sanders ’79, and oboist Ian B. Davidson ’80 are all tenured members of the Austin Opera Orchestra. For Shawn and Ian, it was a Mahler reunion. Though both have performed the work many times in their lengthy careers, the introduction to this work came at DePauw, with the November 1976 performance of “Mahler #1” with the DePauw Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Orcenith Smith. (See photo.) David H. Sharp recently published a book, “Cannabis Lullaby: A Painsomniac’s Quest for a Good Night’s Sleep,” available from Amazon. An award-winning journalist based in Portland, Oregon, he also co-hosts “Painopolis” (, a podcast for people with chronic pain.

Members of the 1976 DePauw class attended their 50th high school reunion. Those attending included Anne Hensley Ploshay, John R. Hammond III, Patricia Haynes Gainey, Evelyn A. Karozos and Margaret Kissling Greising. Also attending but not pictured was Howard L. Hartman.

Alumni from the classes of 1980, 1981 and 1982. Alumni attending included Mark E. Gentry ’82, Carol Harvey Gentry ’82, Kent A. Billingsley Jr. ’80, David S. Norris ’92, Anne Boyd Norris ’82, Hugh J. Wallace ’80, Donna Love Wallace ’80, Robert P. Janowski ’81 and his wife Beth Kozil Janowski.

1981 Mark R. Fields retired as executive director of the Grand Opera House in Wilmington, Delaware, closing out a 40-year career in nonprofit arts management. In the summer of 2023, he and his partner Wendy Ho Schnell moved to Denver, Colorado. Mark continues working as a film critic for Out and About magazine, and has a new retirement job as a bicycle tour leader for Discovery Bicycle Tours. He can be contacted at his new address: 1176 Pontiac St., Denver, CO 80220, and also at his email:

Ian B. Davidson ’80, Jill Smith Rodriguez ’89 and M. Shawn Sanders ’79

FALL 2023


CLASS NOTES ’85 and James Buck, not pictured) came too. A truly grand time was had by all. (See photo.)

1987 Robyn Ratcliffe Manzini has been elected to the Girl Scouts of the USA National Board of Directors. She served as president of Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada for five years. Alpha Gamma Delta members attending a reunion in Albuquerque, New Mexico, included: (front row) Lori McGowen VanMeter ’85, Pamla Ireland Harris ’86, Shari Strickler ’84, Lisa K. Crawley ’84, Julie A. Cason ’84, Paula John Bartel ’84, Laura Clingman Backus ’86, Amy J. Kinker ’84, (back row) Catherine Shoemaker Richey ’86, Catherine Ligon Durst ’84, Michelle Melin Niemeyer ’86, Donna Deans Binkowski ’86, Barbara Bradford Weingartner ’84, Nancy Carroll Kelly ’84, Kathleen Kirby Kibbe ’84, Claudia Cozzi Fischer ’84, Amy Ebner Buck ’84, Sandra Ratliff Rose ’84, Laura Brown Marcom ’84, Janet A. Burris ’84, Jean Kleinhelter Catron ’84, Jilann Wilkins Savery ’86, Marianne Sorge Ell ’85, Laura Kauble Cauthen ’85 and Sherry Gross Scircle ’85.

Kent A. Ono was awarded the Distinguished Professor Award and the Distinguished Mentor Award, both given by the University of Utah. He is a professor of communications at the University of Utah.

1988 Mark Hamilton has taken early retirement and is engaging in service projects. He traveled to South Africa with F3 (Fitness, Fellowship, Faith), a group founded by the military. He recently returned to campus with his wife Elisabeth Shorney ’88 for his 35th reunion.

1989 Scott B. Ullem, corporate vice president and chief financial officer of Edwards Lifesciences, has joined the board of directors of Illumina.

1990 Paul G. Sommer ’83

Brian Hersh ’99




Sarah Gormley is a gallery owner in Columbus, Ohio. In 2023, her Sarah Gormley Gallery was voted best gallery in the city by the readers of Columbus Monthly. Brad A. Voyles is the interim president at Covenant College in Lawrenceville, Georgia. He has served as vice president for student development and dean of students for the past 18 years.

1995 Kemp E. Jaycox has self-published a memoir entitled “A Race Against Time: A Memoir about MS, Love, Loss and Life Lessons.” It is available for purchase on a self-publishing site called Lulu. Mariah Raftree is the owner of Pau Hana Sailing, a private yacht charter business based in Honolulu. She launched the business with her husband after sailing their catamaran back to Hawaii from Raiatea, French Polynesia, during the COVID pandemic. You can follow her adventures on Facebook at Pau Hana Sailing or at

1997 Steven C. Showalter became the chief administrative officer of the Roundabout Company in New York City in June 2023.

1998 Ryan Hays is the author of “Strategists First: How to Defeat the Strategy Trap.” It is available on Amazon.

Brenda Hansen Pollalis was consecrated for Word and Service by the Lutheran Diaconal Association on December 10, 2022. She is a chaplain at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Hobart, Indiana.

Mark D. Kleehammer is general counsel and chief regulatory officer for Cleco Corporate Holdings LLC.


Wynesia Jackson published a six-week devotional on the fruit of the Spirit called “Refueling Your Faith: Daily Encouragement for a Spirit-filled Life.” It is available on Amazon.

Paul G. Sommer added to his Valparaiso, Indiana, podiatry practice with a new office in DeMotte, Indiana. He continues to enjoy open-water swimming and paddleboarding and to display his photography. He has continued to use endurance sports to create novel fundraisers for charitable organizations, the last of which was beginning Kyle’s Legacy for children and families with muscular dystrophy. (See photo.)

Isham Jay Bennett is the chief human resources officer for Smithfield Foods.


1984 Tamika Newson ’93, Eric and Ben ’27

Matthew Brookman was sworn in as United States District Judge for the Southern District of Indiana, on July 21st in Evansville.


Twenty-five Alpha Gamma Deltas gathered for a reunion in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in October 2022. Two intrepid husbands (Richard H. Rose

1992 Carlos Ortiz is a deputy chief of the New York Police Department. He was honored at the Annual Scholarship Awards Gala as 2023 Man of the Year.

1993 Catherine Callow-Wright is Princeton’s executive vice president, the university’s top non-academic post. Tamika Newson and her husband Eric helped their son, Ben ’27, move in this August. (See photo.)

Brian Hersh was appointed as chief executive officer of the Arts and Cultural Alliance of Sarasota County. His work in nonprofit administration has included posts at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts and Asolo Repertory Theatre. (See photo.) Kristen Whikehart Neal was inducted into the Marquis Who’s Who Biographical Registry. She was recognized for her expert leadership of Nealscape, LLC, Landscape Design.

2000 Rachel E. Forde received the

Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers President’s Award at their celebration of award winners on June 9 in Chelan, Washington. The award recognizes distinguished service to the highest traditions of the criminal defense bar.

2001 Margaret Stone Martin is a director and shareholder of Crowe & Dunlevy law firm. She is chair of the health care practice group.

2002 Chanda N. Berta is the clerk of court for the United States District Court for the Northern District of Indiana. Denton C. Jacobs earned a master’s in financial mathematics from the University of Chicago.

2003 David L. Emison is the chief commercial officer for SDS Rx.

2004 Katy Franklin is producing a staged reading of her new play, “Spring Creek,” in October. The first performance will take place in central Ohio. Emily Parsons is the director of the Oasis Program and an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

of principal cello for the Nashville Symphony. An active soloist and chamber musician, he has performed as a featured soloist with orchestras throughout Europe and North America. Ashley L. Baxstrom marked one year in April as corporate communications manager for the Cleveland Clinic, ranked as one of the nation’s top hospitals by U.S. News & World Report. After a 10year career with the United Nations and UN World Food Programme which took her to New York City, Rome, Zimbabwe, South Africa and Thailand, she is currently resettled in Medina, Ohio. Alexander A. Boucher is a pediatric and adult hematologist at the University of Minnesota. He was recently named a “Health Care Hero” by the Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal for his work to advance health equity for individuals with sickle cell disease. He and his wife, Jenna Monrad Boucher ’06, live with their children in Minneapolis. Chris Gines was named associate athletic director for compliance at the United States Air Force Academy. He will oversee NCAA compliance for 27 varsity sports at the academy. Cory W. Heck is a partner at CID Capital, a lower middle market private equity firm headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana.


Peter Lazaroff was named the No. 4 top advisor out of 100,000 advisors nationwide by Investopedia. His toprated podcast, “The Long Term Investor,” can be found on Apple and Spotify.

Brittany A. Bulleit was appointed to the 12th Circuit Court for Baraga, Houghton and Keweenaw counties in Michigan.

Amanda M. Stoermer and Bart Karnowski were married February 18 in St. Louis. (See photo.)



Chris Bannister was named senior vice president, head of commercial, at Bank of Blue Valley (HTLF). Chris lives in Kansas City with his wife, Kathryn Magill Bannister ’06, and two sons, Benjamin and William.

Delta Gamma Fraternity held a celebration of their 150th anniversary at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. There were a number of DePauw (Gamma Iota chapter) graduates in attendance. Those attending included Meaghan Delle Cave ’25, Abigail M. Tremml ’15, Kathryn G. Denton ’08, Katlyn C. Seuntjens ’09, Dorothea E. Brown ’06, Noel R. Zak ’21, Anna-Yu L. Tessman ’24, fraternity president Judith Van Scoyk Barnhart ’61, M. Danniel Weatherford ’97, chief executive officer of the national panhellenic conference, Lee C. Deadwyler ’13 and Royal Parsons Klauk ’68. (See photo.)

Sarah Myers Bryan was recognized as one of the most influential nurses in the state of Indiana by the Indiana State Nurses Association. Fewer than 50 nurses in the state were nominated. Sarah and her husband, Blake Bryan ’05, and their two daughters live in the Indianapolis area.

2007 Kevin S. Bate was awarded the position

Amanda M. Stoermer ’07 and Bart Karnowski wedding. DePauw alumni attending the wedding included: (front row) Megan Kaulakis Benedik ’07, Meredith Barnett Federle ’07, Emma Brown Horn ’07, Gregory A. Laposa ’07, Carolyn Euson Frawley ’07, (back row) Pamela Powers Wicker ’07, Andrea E. Jones-Peeples ’07, Kathryn P. Osterhage ’07, Amanda M. Stoermer ’07 (bride), Kiersten A. Kamman ’07, Jacob E. Federle ’07 and Brittany Graves Mann ’07.

Members of Delta Gamma attended a celebration of their 150th anniversary. (Back row) Meaghan Delle Cave ’25, Abigail M. Tremml ’15, Kathryn G. Denton ’08 and Katlyn C. Seuntjens ’09, (front row) Dorothea E. Brown ’06, Noel R. Zak ’21 and Anna-Yu L. Tessman ’24.

Ellen R. Riehle ’17 and Matthew H. Gullickson ’17 wedding. DePauw alumni attending included: Tiffany Renwick Riehle ’86, Timothy C. Riehle ’86, Emma Bobbitt Miheve ’86, Riley K. Riordan ’17, Claire F. Marquardt ’17, Jake F. Smith ’17, Blake Mitchell Edwards ’19, Emily G. Denhart ’18, Laura F. Scully ’18, Kurt A. Swieter ’18, Kristen E. Thiem ’19, Henry M. Erzinger ’17, Michael G. Tracy ’17, Alexander I. Alfonso ’15, Danielle L. Dattilio ’17, Morgan R. Graves ’16, Kirsten M. Olson ’17, Alec M. Kaczkowski ’16, Enrico Lumanlan ’15, Zachary S. Johns ’19, Mary C. Woods ’19, Michael J. Littau Jr. ’18, Samuel L. Lohmar ’17, David E. Rasmussen ’17, Ramon J. Lopez Jr. ’19 and Brandon T. Sholtis ’17. FALL 2023



2010 Andrea M. Stathopoulos recently joined the communications office at the federal agency ARPA-H as a contractor. She writes web content, advises on communications strategy and supports the media team.

2011 Sebastian N. Scott is the director of global supply management for Caron Products.

2014 Amber Ellinger is an ADRC supervisor with CICOA Aging & InHome Solutions. Suzanne Spencer is a news anchor in Milwaukee. She returned to work after months of health challenges including brain surgeries and the delivery of a new baby. Her journey can be found at Search “Suzanne’s journey.” Kenisha J. White has started his Ph.D. in sociology at the University of Virginia. His research will focus on the spatial patterns and residential settlements in traditional immigrantgateway cities (i.e. London, New York City and Toronto) as they relate to Black Caribbeans’ integration.

2015 Carlie Vaughn is the human resources director at Indiana Legal Services. She appeared on the “Joy Powered Workplace” podcast and was a presenter at the 2023 MIE National Conference. Julie A. Wittwer is the co-author of an article, “Extreme risk laws are popular with Tennesseans and save lives from violence,” which was published in The Tennessean. She is a doctorate candidate at Vanderbilt University.

2016 Emily Behrens graduated from the University of Alabama with a Ph.D in clinical psychology.

2017 Aidan Cain is a senior systems architect for the Florida Panthers of the National Hockey League. He was a computer science major at DePauw. Ryan Grippo lives and works in Toronto. He serves as a strategy and operations associate within 48


IN MEMORIAM the digital labs team for Maple Leafs Sports Entertainment. MLSE owns professional hockey, basketball and soccer teams. He was a communications and economics double major at DePauw. Ryan Hurston is a physical performance coach for Major League Baseball’s Colorado Rockies franchise. He was a kinesiology major at DePauw. Ellen R. Riehle and Matthew H. Gullickson were married May 20. The wedding party was made up of DePauw swimmers. (See photo, page 45.)

2018 Kerrigan J. Clark received his master’s in fine art from Indiana University’s painting department on May 5, 2023. While at Indiana University he started an art gallery in Indianapolis and has been showing artists from around the world. He decided to give himself a graduation gift and showed his own work at the gallery for the months of May and June.

2020 Natalie Gruzka and Luke Patty got married on October 7, 2023, in Chicago.

2022 Alexis J. Manor is the strategic account coordinator for the Pence Media Group. The Pence Media Group, founded by Nicole Pence Becker ’06, is a full-service public relations, media and marketing consultancy. PMG was awarded six MUSE Creative Awards for its outstanding work. Other DePauw alumni on the PMG team include Andrea Speller Kleymeyer ’06, Jennifer Jessen Bostrom ’07, Lisa Chambers Wallace ’06 and Melissa Walpole Mattingly ’07.

DePauw Magazine marks the death of alumni, faculty, staff and friends. Obituaries do not include memorial gifts. When reporting a death, please send as much information as you have about the person and his or her affiliation with DePauw to: Alumni Records DePauw University P.O. Box 37 Greencastle, IN 46135-0037, or

1937 Ruthana Osterling Stock, 105, Wheaton, Illinois, April 27, 2021. She was a member of Alpha Chi Omega. She enjoyed being a homemaker and loved gardening, playing bridge and socializing with family, friends and neighbors. She read two newspapers daily, worked on crossword puzzles and kept up with current events. Survivors include a son, Raymond W. Stock Jr. ’64; a daughter, Ellen Stock Carp ’69; a nephew, Dean C. Osterling ’67; and a niece-in-law, Barbara Perdue Osterling ’65. She was preceded in death by a brother, Wilbur A. Osterling ’33.

1940 Paula Eddy Leslie, 104, Livermore, California, March 11. She was a tutor in private homes. She enjoyed travel. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert C. Leslie ’39.

1944 Virginia Gibson Schussler Stieglitz, 100, Hanover, Pennsylvania, June 23. She was a member of Delta Delta Delta and a former member of the DePauw Alumni Board of Directors. She was a community volunteer and involved in many local nonprofit organizations. Survivors include a son, Robert G. Schussler ’72; a daughter, Jane H. Schussler ’74; and a grandson, Stuart E. Schussler ’06.

1945 Evelyn Anton Heisler, 99, Aurora, Ohio, January 3. She was the owner and director of the Solon Medical Lab. She was preceded in death by sisters Patricia Anton Farris ’47 and Helen Anton Valanos ’47.

Lois Bearss Boswell, 99, Tacoma, Washington, April 13. She was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta. She was an elementary school teacher. She enjoyed tennis, playing until she was 84. She was a community volunteer. Survivors include a son, Roger W. Boswell ’73. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles A. Boswell ’45.

1946 James MacLeod, 98, West Chester, Pennsylvania, July 21. James began his career in the family furniture business and went on to work in advertising and publishing. He was a proud veteran and recipient of a Purple Heart Medal during his service. He was preceded in death by his wife, Jean MacLeod.

1948 Robert R. Frederick, 97, Boca Grande, Florida. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi and the Washington C. DePauw Society. He was a member of DePauw’s Board of Trustees. He was the recipient of the Old Gold Goblet in 1983 and an honorary degree, Doctor of Letters, from DePauw in 2001. He had a 34-year career with General Electric in its advertising department. In 1982, he became president and chief operating officer of RCA. In 1984, he became the chief executive officer of RCA. After retirement, he was active in several national and international organizations. He and his wife endowed the Distinguished Visiting Professorship in Ethics at DePauw. He was preceded in death by his wife, Carolyn Smith Frederick ’49. J. Harvey Flanders, 99, Medina, Ohio, April 17. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon and the Washington C. DePauw Society and a Rector scholar. He was a businessman. In retirement, he accomplished his goal of visiting all 50 states. He was an avid reader of the news, lover of knowledge and fixer of all things mechanical. Survivors include a granddaughter, Emily A. Eckert ’13.

1949 Janet Westmen Taylor, 95, Toledo, Ohio, June 5. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She was a retired executive director and golf administrator for the Toledo Golf Association. Survivors include a sister, Joan Westmen Battey ’54. She was preceded in death by her father, Horace O. Westmen, Class of 1917; a brother, Robert T. Westmen ’49; and her husband, James A. Taylor ’49.

1950 David F. Hoy III, 95, Camden, Maine, June 6, 2022. He was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha.

1951 Marjory A. Allen, 93, North Devon, England, February 18. She taught in England where she enjoyed field biology, photography and academic writing. She was an internationally recognized expert on lichens and contributed lichen records from Sark, Lundy and China to the British Museum of Natural History. She enjoyed literature and music and authored a memoir about her childhood in Bedford, Indiana. Survivors include a sister, Janet Allen Parker ’56. She was preceded in death by her father, L. Howard Allen, Class of 1922; her mother, Helen Shafer Allen, Class of 1924; an aunt, Emily Marine Shafer, Class of 1926; a cousin, Sue Shafer Farmer ’48; an uncle, Joseph E. Shafer, Class of 1925; and a brother-in-law, Bruce W. Parker ’56. William D. Bugher, 93, Carmel, Indiana, May 31. He was a member of the Men’s Hall Association and Phi Beta Kappa and a Rector scholar. He was a high school Spanish teacher, student counselor, an assistant principal and director of student activities. He enjoyed travel, books, card games and bridge. He was a community volunteer. He was preceded in death by his wife, Beverly Baird Bugher ’52. Loren D. Daily, 94, South Bend, Indiana, August 15. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. He was a member of the Washington C. DePauw Society and a former member of the DePauw Board of Visitors. He spent most of his career at the Chicago Board of Trade, where he traded grain and soybeans. When he retired he returned to his farming roots growing corn and soybeans. He enjoyed gardening, walking, biking, birdwatching, reading and travel. Survivors include his wife, Gloria Lindquist Daily ’52. Barbara Groenke Manning, 95, Evanston, Illinois, July 19. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She was a small business owner and helped found Intuit: the Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art. She was a community volunteer. She enjoyed reading and going to the theater. She was preceded in death by brothers Theodore A. Groenke ’42 and John H. Groenke ’47. Ann Huesmann Thompson, 94, Carmel, Indiana, April 29. She was

a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. She was a teacher and an editorial assistant. She was an active member of community organizations. Katharine Keene Winton, 93, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 29. She was an active member in church organizations. Nancy Lowry Settle, 94, Evansville, Indiana, April 4. She retired as an administrative assistant from the Heart Group. She enjoyed traveling, hiking, gardening, cooking and entertaining. She was preceded in death by a brother, Charles H. Lowry ’43.

1952 John T. Anderson, 92, Naples, Florida, May 22. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Beta Kappa and the Washington C. DePauw Society, a Rector scholar and a lifetime member of DePauw’s Board of Trustees. He graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1955. He served in the United States Navy from 1955-58. From 196696, he was a partner at Lord, Bissell & Brook, a law firm in Chicago, and from 1996-98 he served as of counsel. He practiced in the areas of business law, specializing in securities, finance and banking and estate planning. He was a member of the Illinois, Chicago and American bar associations. He served on several environmental and conservation boards including the Joyce Foundation as chairman of the board and as director since 1975. He also served on the boards of directors for the Center for the Great Lakes and the Great Lakes Protection Fund. He served on the board of directors and acted as principal attorney for two New York Stock Exchange-listed companies for over 20 years. Survivors include a daughter, Kirsten Anderson Teevens ’80, and a brother-in-law, Regner W. Filkey Jr. ’56. He was preceded in death by his wife, Nancy Filkey Anderson ’52. Shirley Brooks Judy, 92, Urbana, Illinois, June 28. She was a community and church volunteer. She enjoyed travel, bridge and her cats.

in childhood language acquisition and disorders. Betty Hanlin Smith, 91, Syracuse, New York, June 4. She was a member of Delta Delta Delta. She was an adjunct faculty member and lecturer at Syracuse University. She enjoyed birding, reading murder mysteries and knitting. She was preceded in death by her husband, James E. Smith ’50. Alexander J. Kondonassis, 95, Norman, Oklahoma, May 12. He was a member of the Men’s Hall Association and a Rector scholar. He was a professor of economics at the University of Oklahoma for over 50 years. He authored over 80 books, monographs and articles. Survivors include a son, John I. Kondonassis ’80. Janet Lewis Willams, 92, Kokomo, Indiana, February 24. She was a member of Pi Beta Phi and a former member of DePauw’s Alumni Board of Directors. She was a community volunteer. Survivors include sons Steven A. Williams ’75 and Daniel G. Williams ’78. She was preceded in death by her husband, Garry Williams ’52.

teacher, an organist and a handbell choir director. She was a community volunteer and a member of several professional organizations. Susan Wittgen Fox, 92, Evansville, Indiana, May 26. She was a member of Alpha Phi. She worked for the University of Evansville as assistant director of financial aid and as assistant to the dean of the evening college. She was a community volunteer.

1954 Norman J. Hudak, 90, Salem, Oregon, March 10. He was a member of the Men’s Hall Association and Phi Beta Kappa and a Rector scholar. He taught organic chemistry for 37 years at Willamette University, retiring as an emeritus professor. He was a member of many community and professional organizations. Jay A. Kenzel, 90, Southern Pines, North Carolina, March 13. He was a member of Delta Upsilon. He was a business owner, a member of several professional organizations and a community volunteer.

Kenneth R. Simmons, 93, Springboro, Ohio, April 10. He was a member of Sigma Nu. He was a high school athletic director and coached wrestling. He was known for his wood carvings of various types of birds. He was an avid arrowhead collector.

Janice Weir Krull, 90, Franklin, Indiana, June 23. She was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. She was an elementary school teacher and later a caseworker for Indiana Department of Mental Health. She was an avid birdwatcher and loved dogs and cats.

Ronald F. Van Vactor, 92, Raleigh, North Carolina, April 30. He was a member of Phi Kappa Psi and Phi Beta Kappa and a Rector scholar. He had a career in sales and marketing. He enjoyed playing golf and tennis.


1953 Carolyn Clawson Grisez, 92, Kalispell, Montana, February 23. She was a registered nurse, retiring as a supervisor in nursing service administration. She was a community volunteer.

Harry W. Burdick, 93, Kalamazoo, Michigan, February 14. He was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha. He was founder of K-Valley Orthopedics and a senior partner for over three decades. He enjoyed fishing, woodworking, family, friends and working with his wife in Open Hearts Ministry.

Natalie Enyeart Hellenga, 92, Michigan City, Indiana, February 9. She was a member of Delta Delta Delta. She was a teacher, a community volunteer and a member of multiple service organizations. She enjoyed music, singing, fishing, golf and traveling in Europe and Asia. She was preceded in death by her father, Gareld Enyeart, Class of 1927.

Mary Cattran Stephens, 92, Lafayette, Indiana, May 8. She was a member of Delta Delta Delta. She was a specialist

Susan Stoll Herin, 91, Columbia, South Carolina, May 4. She was a member of Delta Zeta. She was a piano

Paul B. DuMontelle, 90, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 22. He was a member of the Men’s Hall Association and a Rector scholar. He was a geologist and a member of professional organizations. Survivors include a granddaughter, Caitlyn D. DuMontelle ’22. He was preceded in death by his wife, Dollie Bridgewater DuMontelle ’56. Robert N. Giles, 90, Traverse City, Michigan, August 7. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega. He was a past member of DePauw’s Board of Visitors, an Alumni Citation recipient in 1983, and he received an honorary degree from DePauw in 1996. He directed the coverage of the shootings at Kent State for the Akron Beacon Journal. The coverage won the Pulitzer Prize for local reporting. He was the editor and publisher of the Detroit News, retiring in 1971. He was the curator of the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University. He wrote and published two books. Survivors include a son, Robert H. Giles II ’90. FALL 2023


IN MEMORIAM Grace Hanson Wilson, 87, Bellevue, Nebraska, February 11, 2020. She was a member of Delta Zeta. She was an elementary school teacher. She enjoyed music, nature, history, chocolate and serious games of cards, bingo or board games with her family. In retirement, she was active in chorus and church activities. Thomas A. Sargent, 90, Muncie, Indiana, July 1. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta, the Washington C. DePauw Society and the DePauw Board of Trustees, a former member of the DePauw Alumni Board of Directors and a Rector scholar. After graduating from DePauw he trained to fly the B-47 bomber in the United States Air Force. He then completed master’s and doctorate degrees at Tufts University’s Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in 1959. Between 1959 and 1966, he worked at First National City of New York. In 1969 he returned to Muncie and became a member of the political science faculty at Ball State University. He retired as a professor emeritus after two decades of teaching. In retirement he continued as a community leader and served on numerous arts and nonprofit boards including the Muncie Symphony Orchestra, the Delaware County Historical Alliance, the Minnetrista Cultural Center, the Indiana Real Estate Commission and the Muncie Civic Theatre. He enjoyed reading the newspaper, walking his dogs and spending time with family and friends. Survivors include a daughter, Sarah Sargent Hetzel ’92, and son-inlaw, Charles W. Hetzel ’92.

1956 J. Richard Emens, 89, Galena, Ohio, June 28. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi and Phi Beta Kappa and a Rector scholar. He was a partner of Emens, Wolper, Jacobs & Jasin Law. He was a community volunteer. He enjoyed fishing and travel. Survivors include a niece, Kris Emens ’89, and sister-in-law, Carol Olson Emens ’62. He was preceded in death by a brother, David B. Emens ’61. Joseph T. Rush, 90, Barrington, Illinois, March 6. He was a music teacher and a professional photographer. He was active in the local Chamber of Commerce. He and his wife ran two award-winning photo studios.

1957 Raymond E. Baxter Jr., 88, Bloomington, Indiana, June 15. He was a member of Sigma Chi. He had a career as a business manager. He 50


enjoyed lap swimming, long-distance cycling, boating, Lionel model trains, singing and playing the ukulele. George C. Halfmann, 87, Aiken, South Carolina, May 26. He was a member of Sigma Chi and a Rector scholar. He was a software development manager with IBM for 35 years. Survivors include daughters Debra Halfmann Nelson ’83 and Mary L. Halfmann ’85 and a son, Charles M. Halfmann ’90. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Morgan Halfmann ’59. Frances Ott Allen, 88, Cincinnati, Ohio, February 23. She was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. She was an instructor in German at DePauw 1959-60. She was employed for many years at the University of Cincinnati as a German cataloger. She was an accomplished researcher, author and a talented artist. She was a member of many German-American cultural and historical organizations. Jeanne Petracek Kipp, 87, Western Springs, Illinois, April 21. She was a member of Alpha Chi Omega. She was a mathematics teacher and led the school’s math team to two national competitions. She was a community volunteer, an avid reader and news buff. She enjoyed musical performances and plays. Paul Plociennik, 85, Prosperity, South Carolina, November 29, 2020. He was a member of Sigma Chi. Martha Williamson Phillips, 88, Flossmoor, Illinois, May 1. She was a member of Alpha Phi. She was employed at the Glenwood Village Pet Hospital for over 20 years. Survivors include her husband, George W. Phillips Jr. ’56; a son, William S. Phillips ’85; a nephew, Timothy S. Darosett ’89; a niece, Kimberly Darosett ’92; a sister-in-law, Nancy Phillips Darosett ’63; and a brother-in-law, William J. Darosett ’61. She was preceded in death by a son, Thomas S. Phillips ’82.

1958 Marcia Volk Proctor, 87, Lone Tree, Colorado, July 15. She had a 30-year career as a physical therapist. After retirement she traveled the world, visiting Alaska, Russia, Australia, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. She enjoyed getting together with family and friends. Sandra Warner Weinthaler, 85, Granite Bay, California, December 4, 2021. She was a member of Pi Beta Phi. She taught

Ferid Murad ’58, 86, Menlo Park, California, September 4. Dr. Murad won the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his groundbreaking research on nitric oxide. Murad’s research contributed to a better understanding of how information is transmitted between cells, had a significant influence on cardiovascular medicine and continues to impact the treatment of cancer, arthritis and other human diseases. Murad was born in Whiting, Indiana, the son of an Albanian immigrant father and American mother. He and his brothers, John and Turhon ’67 developed a strong work ethic working in the family restaurant. Murad came to DePauw as a Rector Scholar, graduated with a degree in premedical science and chemistry. He went on to earn an M.D. and Ph.D. in pharmacology from Case Western University. He lent his name to DePauw’s prestigious Murad Medal and returned to campus numerous times including for a Timothy and Sharon Ubben lecture series presentation after receiving his Nobel award. DePauw biology professor Kevin Kinney notes, “I always make it a point to mention that our knowledge of nitric oxide is derived from the work of a DePauw alum, and a Nobel winner. I love having that specific connection to a concept, and I think our students like it too.” Murad is survived by his wife Carol Leopold Murad ’58; son Joe; four daughters: Christy Kuret, Carrie Rogers, Marianne Delmissier and Julie Birnbaum; and nine grandchildren.

high school mathematics and was a real estate agent. She enjoyed bridge, tennis, travel and music. Survivors include a sister, Bonnie Warner Mathisen ’62.

1959 Robert P. Little, 86, Hillsborough, North Carolina, March 23. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi. He had a career in sales and management with IBM. After retirement, he became “Bob the Navigator,” planning over 200 self-guided tours of Europe for independent travelers. He was active in his community. He enjoyed tennis, duplicate bridge and family activities. Survivors include his wife, Susan Stirling Little ’59; a sister, Mary Little Raczynski ’64; and a brother-in-law, Walter A. Raczynski ’65. Robert B. Wessling, 85, Los Angeles, California, January 31. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi and Phi Beta Kappa and a Rector Scholar. He was a member of DePauw’s Board of Trustees and the Washington C. DePauw Society. He and his wife established the Robert B. and Judith H. Wessling scholarship for DePauw students who demonstrated financial need. He was an attorney and partner in the law firm of Latham & Watkins, focusing his practice on finance. He was the longtime vice chair of the finance and real estate department, a member of various committees and served as chair of the collections

committee and the creditor’s rights committee. He was elected a fellow of the American College of Bankruptcy and served on the Board of Governors for the Financial Lawyers Conference for many years. He served in the National Guard and devoted time and resources to community organizations. Survivors include his wife, Judith Hanson Wessling ’61.

1960 Suzannah McCormack Savitri, 84, Bisbee, Arizona, February 20. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and Phi Beta Kappa. She was a massage therapist, a transformational counselor and a published author. She was preceded in death by her father, Buren H. McCormack ’30, and her mother, Kathryn Tofaute McCormack ’32. Edward W. Runden, 85, Bloomington, Indiana, April 13. He was a member of Delta Upsilon. He served in the United States Navy and in the United States Foreign Service. He had a second career as a school teacher. He and his wife reconstructed a historic log cabin. He was an avid reader, a local historian and a collector of vinyl jazz records. Kay Hansen Sutherlin, 84, Fishers, Indiana, March 3. She was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. She worked as a probation officer and later as a school counselor. Survivors include her husband, Stephen W. Sutherlin ’61.

1961 Virginia Hale Helfrich, 84, Columbus, Ohio, March 11. She was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. She had been an assistant buyer for the L. S. Ayres & Company department store and later a farmer and investor. She enjoyed reading and traveling. Survivors include her husband, Richard F. Helfrich ’60. Robert M. Lumpp, 91, Effingham, Illinois, April 30. He worked in radio television, commercial art and advertising. At the age of 40, he switched careers to passenger vessels. He had riverboats in several states. After retirement, he painted large landscapes and Old Glory. His paintings are in galleries in Illinois, Missouri and Florida. He was a member of professional and community organizations.

1961 Stephen W. Sutherlin, 85, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 29. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta. He was an attorney and a member of several professional organizations. Survivors include a sister, Rebecca Sutherlin Trott ’64. He was preceded in death by his father, Roy C. Sutherlin ’31; his mother, Lenore Ruark Sutherlin ’32; and his wife, Kay Hansen Sutherlin ’60.

1962 Suzanne Bauman Maine, 83, Austin, Texas, March 31. She was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. She was a former member of DePauw’s Alumni Board of Directors. She was an active member of her church and community. While living in Indianapolis, she was vice chair of the Indianapolis Symphony board, president of the board of Young Audiences of Indiana and served with the Violin Competition of Indianapolis. Survivors include her husband, Michael R. Maine ’61, and a daughter, Melinda Maine Garvey ’89. She was preceded in death by a son, Christopher M. Maine ’87. Bonnie Gardner Mitchell Molloy, 83, Avon, Indiana, March 20. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She taught third grade for 28 years. She was a state coordinator for Young Astronauts and received several notable teaching awards. She enjoyed writing, particularly children’s science and nature-themed literature. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Craig K. Mitchell ’62.

John B. Noll, 82, Wilmington, North Carolina, April 6. He was a member of Delta Tau Delta, Phi Beta Kappa and the Washington C. DePauw Society and a Rector scholar. He was a physician serving in the United States Navy where he held many offices. He retired as the Force Medical Officer for the Chief of Naval Education and Training. He was a master gardener and a community volunteer. He enjoyed reading, hiking and walking. Survivors include a daughter, Kathryn Noll Webster ’92, and a sister, Mary Noll Piller ’63. David L. Stevenson, 82, Wellington, Ohio, March 20. He was a member of Phi Gamma Delta. He was an attorney and had a 30-year career with Prudential. He enjoyed golf, bowling and reading.

1963 Dennis C. Drury, 81, Milford, Michigan, May 28. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta and the Washington C. DePauw Society. He was a retired Oakland County (Michigan) judge who served on the bench for more than two decades. He was a community volunteer, served on many professional boards, and was a law professor at Walsh College and Cooley Law School. Walter H. Heller, 82, Evansville, Indiana, March 19. He was a member of Lambda Chi Alpha. He worked for Progressive Grocer in New York City. He earned an amateur radio license. He was a certified MUFON field investigator and enjoyed investigating reports of unidentified flying objects. Martha Milbacher Hess, 82, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 1. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She was a registered nurse. She and her husband showed championship wirehaired dachshunds. Ann Hitz Chaille, 81, Fort Wayne, Indiana, July 20. She was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She was an elementary school teacher. Julia Nisbet Wilson, 82, Ames, Idaho, June 29. She was a member of Delta Gamma. She taught English after graduation in Washington, D.C. Later, in England, she worked in the manuscripts department at the Cambridge University library. She was an avid reader, and loved art history and museums. Catharine Pierson Reitz, 81, Midland, Michigan, February 10. She was an artist excelling in sewing, jewelry making and knitting. She managed

the family farm and was interested in genealogy. She tracked down the origin of the farm ownership and family connections. She enjoyed gardening, water sports and hiking. Survivors include her husband, Richard H. Reitz ’62, and a son, Douglas C. Reitz ’86. Lawrence A. Ratcliffe, 82, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 24. He was a member of Phi Gamma Delta. He was a business manager and active in many civic activities. Survivors include a brother, Allen W. Ratcliffe ’59, and daughters Robyn Ratcliffe Manzini ’87 and Amy A. Ratcliffe ’90. He was preceded in death by his father, Albert W. Ratcliffe ’32.

1964 Garnet I. Schafer, 81, Youngstown, Ohio, May 28. She was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. She was a broadcast consultant and president of Garnet Enterprises. She received special recognition as the first woman certified in radio marketing consultation. She was a community and church volunteer.

1965 Winifred Shilts MacDougall, 79, Charlottesville, Virginia, January 25. She was a teacher and stained-glass artist. She enjoyed art and travel.

1966 Dan Cox, 78, Frisco, Texas, July 27. Dan practiced as a psychologist and later directed the Plano Child Guidance Clinic. He went on to open a private practice. He shared his spirited life with wife Sandy, sons Andrew and Steven, and many others.

1971 Lora Arnold Wedgeworth, 74, Indianapolis, Indiana, July 8. She served in various volunteer positions. Survivors include a sister, Lochia Arnold Farrar ’69. She was preceded in death by her mother, Juanita Gahimer Arnold ’43.

1972 Mary Arnold Castellanos, 73, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, March 24. She was a member of Alpha Gamma Delta. She was a registered nurse. Survivors include a brother, Robert D. Arnold ’70.

1973 Elizabeth Diesch Holmes, 71, West Lafayette, Indiana, April 29. She was a member of Alpha Phi. She was a veterinarian at Paw Prints Animal Hospital. Survivors include a daughter, Jessica R. Holmes ’08. William L. Price, 90, Brazil, Indiana, May 5. He was a teacher, coach and school principal. He was a preacher for over 60 years. Survivors include a granddaughter, Jamie Price Webster ’86.

1975 Mark D. Behrendt, 69, New Philadelphia, Ohio, February 8. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega and a Rector scholar. He was an ordained Presbyterian minister and served churches in Illinois and Ohio. He loved teaching and sharing his knowledge with others.

Michael R. Wingard, 79, Beaufort, North Carolina, March 20. He was a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. He was a businessman and worked for several national companies. He was an avid scuba diver and enjoyed both wildlife and underwater photography. Survivors include his wife, Helen Miller Wingard ’66.

Nancy Smith Ellis, 69, Greenwood, Indiana, May 26. She was a member of Pi Beta Phi. She was employed at Indiana University, working in various diagnostic labs. She also worked as a seamstress for several interior designers. She enjoyed music, gardening and making pottery. She enjoyed travel and made trips to Europe, Mexico and throughout the United States. Survivors include her husband, Tracy J. Ellis ’75.



David A. Barnes, 74, Kokomo, Indiana, May 12. He was a school community liaison for Kokomo Center Township schools.

Anne Harter Appleby, 69, Wildwood, Missouri, June 30. She was a member of Pi Beta Phi. She was a newspaper reporter and editor. She enjoyed travel and visited six continents and 47 U.S. states. Survivors include a daughter, Nancy Tobik Workman ’11.

Susan Halvorsen Porter, 74, Randolph, Vermont, April 11. She was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. She was a teacher and a community volunteer.

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Peter G. Ruppert ’86, 59, Grand Rapids, Michigan, August 1. Pete’s brother-in-law, Stew Lumsden ’91, said, “We (my brother Rick and I) admired so much about him – successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, collector of friends and, most importantly, an amazing family man. Pete did what he loved every day – building a business and helping develop others.” Peter was a member of Phi Kappa Psi. He was a member of the DePauw Board of Trustees, the DePauw Alumni Board of Directors and the DePauw Board of Visitors. Pete was a frequent speaker for the McDermond Center Speaker Series and was one of the longest-running hosts for DePauw Management Fellow interns, having hosted more than 70 during his career. He was founder and chief executive officer of Fusion Education Group. Under his leadership, Fusion Education Group grew to nearly 100 schools across the country as well as a remote-learning center. He was the author of “Limitless: Nine Steps to Launch Your One Extraordinary Life.” Survivors include his wife, Jessica Lumsden Ruppert ’86, and their four children; five siblings; motherin-law Penny Lumsden; brother-in-law Stew Lumsden; sister-in-law Amy Hilgendorf Lumsden ’91; and nephew Andrew S. Lumsden ’19.

1979 Karen Chestnut Wildman, 65, Washington, Indiana, March 17. She was a member of Alpha Chi Omega. She was a school psychologist and, after retirement, a community volunteer.

1980 Debra Hulse Hays, 64, Wilmington, North Carolina, March 25. She was a member of Alpha Phi and the Washington C. DePauw Society. She was the Hanover County commissioner and previously had worked in real estate, as a bank officer, as a DePauw college financial officer and as an IBM corporate employee. She was a community volunteer and a member of several community organizations.

1982 Katherine Williams McEnroe, 62, Chicago, Illinois, March 13. She was a member of Alpha Chi Omega and the Washington C. DePauw Society. She worked in event planning at the Chicago Bar Association and DePaul University. She volunteered at the Lincoln Park Zoo and the City of Chicago. She enjoyed cooking, reading, live theater and traveling. Survivors include her mother, Mary Walbaum Williams ’59; a sister, Kristin Williams Harding ’84; and an aunt, Carol Williams Stelle ’60. She was preceded in death by her father, John P. Williams ’59. Mary Ann Hendrick Patterson, 62, Birmingham, Michigan, March 16. She 52


was a member of Delta Gamma. She enjoyed reading, movies, gardening, Michigan football and golden retrievers. Survivors include sons William Logan Patterson ’13 and Matthew Taylor Patterson ’16.

1984 James L. Fagg, 78, Crawfordsville, Indiana, June 1. He taught elementary and middle school for 33 years. Early in his teaching career he was a basketball and baseball coach.

1986 John M. Dempsey, 59, Kokomo, Indiana, July 20. He was a member of Sigma Nu and the DePauw Athletic Hall of Fame. He was a sports writer and worked at Chrysler. He enjoyed reading, traveling and exploring national parks.

1987 Stephen R. Battreall, 58, Chicago, Illinois, March 23. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the Washington C. DePauw Society. He had a 29-year career with General Electric. He was a community volunteer and served on the board of directors of the United Way. He enjoyed sports and playing golf. Michael E. Meyer, 60, Greencastle, Indiana, August 4. He had a career as a football coach. He coached at Hiram College and Case Western Reserve University and then returned to Greencastle to coach at Greencastle

High School. He previously taught at Avon High School. Survivors include a brother, Patrick E. Meyer ’89; a sister-in-law, Julie McKeag Meyer ’90; uncles Timothy E. Meyer ’82 and Vaughn E. Amer Jr. ’67; and an aunt, Melissa Phillips Meyer ’81. He was preceded in death by his father, Edward H. Meyer ’62; his mother, MaryAnn Armer Meyer ’61; and his grandfather, Vaughn E. Armer ’30.

1989 Timothy D. Cronin, 55, Littleton, Colorado, June 28. He was a member of Delta Chi. He had a career in business management. He enjoyed skiing, road and mountain biking and camping. Todd R. McQuiston, 56, Grand Rapids, Michigan, July 19. He was a member of Alpha Tau Omega. He was a lawyer. He enjoyed reading, walking, golf and spending time with his family.

1993 Henry P. Najdeski, 52, Fort Wayne, Indiana, April 22. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi. He was a real estate attorney and partner in the law offices of Barrett & McNagny LLP with 25 years of practice.

1995 Leon J. Curry, 50, Jackson, Michigan, March 21. He played baseball at DePauw and was a member of Sigma Chi.

Friends Beverley McDermond, 88, Auckland, New Zealand, February 7. Beverley was the wife of the late Robert “Bob” McDermond ’31. Mary G. Pierce, 87, Greencastle, Indiana, August 4. She had a 30-year career at DePauw in food service. Carolyn Lamb Crawford Schroder, 89, Mesa, Arizona, August 8. She was a housemother for Delta Zeta at DePauw.

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129th Game 11.11.23

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