Effect of feeding mulberry multinutrient blocks on feed intake of maize stover in calves

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Int. J. Agri. Agri. R.

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR) ISSN: 2223-7054 (Print) 2225-3610 (Online) http://www.innspub.net Vol. 8, No. 2, p. 75-81, 2016 OPEN ACCESS


Effect of feeding mulberry multinutrient blocks on feed intake of maize stover in calves Ishrat Roomi Integrated Mountain Areas Research Center, Karakoram International University, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan Article published on February 18, 2016 Key words: Mulberry multinutrient block, feed intake, maize stover, calves, rumen ammonia.

Abstract An experiment was conducted consisting of two cattle breeds and two diets. Eight Sahiwal and eight Achai calves (6-10months age) were housed in individual pens and were offered a basal diet of maize stover ad libitum. Each of the breed groups was randomly divided in to two equal subgroups, control and treatment (4 calves/group). The control group was not given any supplement and the treatment group was given free access to mulberry multinutrient block (MMB). The control and MMB calves daily consumed 1.65 and 1.63 Kg/100Kg body weight (BWT) maize stover dry matter (DM) and 1.65 and 2.29Kg/100Kg BWT total feed DM, respectively. Statistical analysis showed that the maize stover intake was not influenced by diet (P>0.05) while total feed intake was higher (P<0.001) with MMB diet. The intake of maize stover and MMB were same in Sahiwal and Achai and did not affect by the breed (P>0.05). Achai calves consumed more (P<0.05) MMB than Sahiwal calves (9.56 vs 7.00g/Kg BWT). Mean ammonia-N in the rumen fluid of calves varied due to diet (P<0.0001) and breed (P<0.05). Rumen ammonia concentration averaged 64.12 and 148.04mg N/l on control and MMB diets, respectively and 123.59 and 94.57mg N/l in Sahiwal and Achai calves, respectively. It was concluded that MMB was effective in increasing total feed intake of maize stover based diets in the calves and was palatable also. Due to low cost of MMB (as mulberries are abundantly available in the season), feeding of MMB to ruminant livestock in Gilgit Baltistan of Pakistan is recommended. * Corresponding

Author: Ishrat Roomi  ishrat.roomi@kiu.edu.pk

Roomi Page 75

Int. J. Agri. Agri. R. Introduction

intensive and compatible to existing small farm

Pakistan is an agricultural country and livestock


significantly contribute to the economy of the country. Livestock share in national GDP is 11.8% and in

Due to heavy snowfall, animals are mostly stall fed

agricultural GDP is 55.9% (Economic survey, 2013-14).

with crop residues and mature grasses during winter in Gilgit Baltistan. In rare situation home grown

Geographical and climatic conditions of Pakistan

grains, kitchen leftovers and some concentrates are

have large variability. It has the benefits of both


irrigated plains and range areas extended from the

expensive to justify their use as a supplement. The

coastal ranges in the south to the alpine pastures in

effect on ruminants of such feeding include anoestrus,

the north. Gilgit Baltistan is situated in the north of

low calving, low birth weight, high calf mortality,

Pakistan, span over an area of 72, 496 sq km. The

reduced growth rate and low milk production. Under

region is dominated by the most mountainous

nutrition reduces animal’s vitality and leads to

landscape on the earth that makes most of the area

various health problems (Preston and Leng, 1984).

uninhabitable. Our settings are characterized by a

Efficient utilization of available feed resources and

highly fragile mountain ecosystem of the Pamir,

improvement in nutritive value of available fodder,

Hindu-Kush, Karakorum and Himalayas, where

forages or crop residues through chemical and

pastoralism is a key source of livelihoods for majority

biological means offers a promising tool to minimize

of the people. Although the area is rich in natural

the gap between nutrient availability and demand

resources but there is a continuous and high

(Sarwar et al., 2002).






dependency of local communities on the natural resources. Because of the shortage of cultivable land

Molasses urea block is a convenient and inexpensive

for fodder, ruminants are mostly grazed on summer

method of providing a range of nutrients required by

pastures and winter rangelands. The majority of the

both the rumen microbes and the animals which may

rangelands in Gilgit-Baltistan are regularly grazed

be deficient in the diet. The main justification for

beyond their carrying capacity (FAO 1987; Alvi and

using blocks depends on their convenience for

Sharif 1995; Beg 2010). Ruminant diets in Gilgit

packaging, storage, transportation and easy feeding.

Baltistan are mostly based on fibrous feed including

Urea, known to farmers as a fertilizer for crop

mature pastures and crop residues i.e wheat straw,

production, has been traditionally used in making

stovers, stubbles etc. These feeds are imbalanced,

multinutrient blocks for livestock for improving feed

deficient in nutrients like protein, minerals and

digestibility and providing protein (Makkar 2007). At

vitamins and are highly lignified due to which their

least, 60 countries are now using the multinutrient

digestibility is low. Existing feed resources are limited

technology as a strategic supplement for ruminants,

due to high pressure on land for cereal grains, used

mainly cows, sheep and goats raised under harsh

for human consumption and it cannot be spared for

conditions (Ben Salem et al., 2007).







fluctuating supply of nutrients throughout the year


due to extreme weather conditions. This situation

preparation of multinutrient blocks but it is not

demands supplementation for deficient nutrients.

available in Gilgit Baltistan of Pakistan. Being a

Nontraditional feed supplements are usually very

liquid, it is difficult and expensive to be transported

expensive and most of our farmers cannot afford to

from other parts of the country. Gilgit Baltistan is rich



in mulberry trees. Mulberry fruit as fresh or in dried

Therefore, there is a need for using alternative feed

form is used for human consumption. However, large

supplements, which are economical, less labor

quantity of fresh and dried mulberry is wasted every












year. In one of my preliminary work, an attempt for

Roomi Page 76

Int. J. Agri. Agri. R. the first time was made to substitute molasses by

daily during the last week and stored at -10C in a

mulberry for making multinutrient blocks that proved

freezer for chemical analysis.

successful. Formulation of multinutrient blocks based on low cost and locally available feed resources that

Rumen ammonia concentration

do not compete with human food has been described

On the last day of the experiment, rumen fluid was

as very promising (Makkar, 2007). The study was

collected from each animal through a stomach tube,

planned to generate information for the first time on

immediately before and four hours after offering the

the nutritional aspects of MMB feeding in growing

morning feed and strained through a double layer of

calves, fed a basal diet of low quality roughages. The

muslin cloth. Aliquot 50ml was transferred to a bottle

overall aim of the study was to provide base line

and acidified with 1cc concentrated sulfuric acid. The

information on the use of mulberry multinutrient

samples were centrifuged at 4000rpm for 5 minutes

blocks as a strategic supplement.

in a laboratory centrifuge. 10ml of the supernatant was transferred through pipette in to a distillation

Materials and methods

tube (capacity 250ml), added with 10ml distilled

Experimental design and animals

water and connected to the Labcono Rapid Still-II for

The experiment was conducted in randomized

distillation. The resulting ammonia was collected in a

complete block design (RCBD), involving two diets i.e

conical flask containing 10ml boric acid reagent. The

control and mulberry multinutrient block (MMB) and

distillate was titrated with 0.01N sulfuric acid.

two species of animals (Sahiwal and Achai). Eight growing calves of about 6 to 10 months age were

Analytical methods

selected. They were further divided according to the

Dry matter and ash contents in feed samples and the

body weight in to two equal groups, four calves per

distillation were determined with the standard

group. Within each animal breed, the two groups

procedures of AOAC (1990). In all cases analyses were

were assigned to control diet and MMB supplemental

performed in triplicate. The data was analyzed with

diet. Maize stover was used as a basal diet for all the

the analysis of variance procedure described by Steel


and Torrie (1980). The main effects were diets, breed






(25cc/animal) a broad spectrum anthelmintic for

and their interaction.

treatment against gastrointestinal parasites, one week before commencement of the study. The animal

Results and discussion

experimentation part of the study lasted for four

Feed intake

weeks, including three weeks adaptation period and

Results on daily feed consumption are summarized in

one week data collection period.

Table 1. Daily feed consumption results (g/day) were corrected for body weight (BWT) of the calves and

Feed intake

expressed as Kg DM/100Kg BWT to get a reliable

All the animals were individually fed once a day each

comparison of the breeds. This was important

morning by offering known quantity of chopped

because calves of the two breeds Sahiwal and Achai

maize stover, 10% in access of the previous day

were markedly different in their skeleton size and

consumption to ensure ad lib intake throughout the

body weight. The dry matter intake (DMI) of maize

experiment. The refusals were weighed every morning

stover as percent of BWT did not significantly vary

before offering next feed. Feed blocks were also

due to diets (P>0.05) and breed (P>0.05). Mean DMI

weighed daily to estimate consumption by the calves.

of maize stover was 1.65 and 1.63Kg/100Kg BWT on

Clean drinking water was offered in buckets three

control and MMB diets, respectively. The daily intake

times daily. Representative samples of the offered and

of maize stover by the calves as percent of BWT did

refused maize stover and feed block were collected

not change with MMB supplementation. This finding does not agree with the Jalal-ud-din (1991), who

Roomi Page 77

Int. J. Agri. Agri. R. reported that wheat straw consumption in buffalo

feeding. On the other hand, in the present study and

steers significantly increased in response to molasses

that reported by Faiza (2000), the basal diet of maize

urea block supplementation. However, in line with

stover was relatively high in N (0.8% N in DM),

the study, Faiza (2000) reported that the daily intake

therefore, the intake of maize stover did not increase

of maize stover did not increase with molasses urea

with block supplementation. In the present study,

block in calves. It appears that the effect of block on

ammonia concentrations in the rumen fluid in control

roughage intake is related to the quality especially N

calves were above the optimum level of 50mg N/l

contents of basal diet. In studies such as conducted by

rumen fluid (Satler and Slyter1974). This suggested

Jalal-ud-din (1991) and Shahab-ud-din (1992), where

that fermentable N was not limiting in calves on

the basal diet of wheat straw was low in N (0.4% N in

control diet.

DM), the intake by animals increased with block Table 1. Mean feed consumption of Sahiwal and Achai calves given maize stover with or without mulberry multinutrient block (MMB). Observations

Control Diet


Sahiwal Achai Mean


Sahiwal Achai Mean

Diet (D) Breed (B) D x B

A. Maize Stover Intake Dry matter intake g/d


Dry matter intake kg/100kg BWT Organic matter intake g/d

1.65 903

Organic matter intake kg/100kg BWT

































B. Total Feed Intake Dry matter intake g/d








Organic matter intake g/d








Organic matter intake kg/100kg BWT








Dry matter intake kg/100kg BWT


1019 2.30

1205 2.29

P<0.01 P<0.001





P<0.05 NS


NS = Non significant (P>0.05)

The daily intake of total dry matter as percent of BWT

Sahiwal and Achai calves was recorded with regard to

was significantly affected by diet (P<0.001) but did

daily intake (Kg DM/100Kg BWT) of maize stover

not respond to difference in the breed (P>0.05). The

(P>0.05) and total feed (P>0.05). Mean feed

calves having access to mulberry multinutrient blocks

consumption (Kg DM/100Kg BWT) in Sahiwal and

consumed more (P<0.001) total feed DM than the

Achai calves across the two diets averaged 1.69 and

control group (2.29 vs 1.65Kg/100Kg BWT). No

1.59 for maize stover and 1.98 and 1.97 for total feed

interaction (P>0.05) of diet and breed was found for


any of the intake parameters. Results of organic matter intake of maize stover and total feed exhibited

Daily consumption of MMB during the adaptation

the same pattern in response to difference in diets

period gradually increased from 381g/day on day-1 to

and breed as reported above for DMI.

401g/day on day-7 in Sahiwal calves and from 309g/day on day-1 to 522g/day on day-7 in Achai

Total dry matter intake (DMI) by the calves remained

calves and then remained constant with little

higher (P<0.001) on block supplementation diet. This

variation in both the breeds. As shown in Table 2,

is in close agreement with the findings of Tiwari et al.

after the adaptation period, block consumption

(1990), Mehra et al. (1991), Badurdeen et al. (1994)

during the last seven days of the experiment,

and Faiza (2000) which consistently showed that

averaged 423 and 408g/day in Sahiwal and Achai

total DMI significantly increased when multinutrient

calves, respectively but the difference was statistically

blocks were offered to the animals. No difference in

non significant (P>0.05). However, when the block

Roomi Page 78

Int. J. Agri. Agri. R. consumption was calculated on BWT basis, Achai

the rumen fluid of Achai calves despite higher block

calves consumed (P<0.05) more block than Sahiwal

consumption than Sahiwal calves was interesting and

calves (9.56 vs 7.00g/Kg BWT). The reason for high

may be due to difference in the transaction of N in the

block intake in Achai than Sahiwal calves is not

rumen of two breeds. Van Soest (1982) discussed that

known and may explain difference in eating behavior

absorption of ammonia across the rumen wall and

of the two breeds. Sansoucy et al. (1987) reported that

utilization efficiency of ammonia by rumen microbes

block intake by animals was related to several

are the possible factors that affect net concentration

intrinsic factors of block and the animal.

of ammonia in the rumen.

Table 2. Mean daily consumption of mulberry multinutrient blocks (MMB) by Sahiwal and Achai calves on maize stover diets. Observations Block Intake g/day

Sahiwal Achai Mean Significance 423

408 416

7.00 9.56 8.25 Block Intake g/kg BWT NS = Non Significant (P>0.05)

NS P<0.05 Fig. 1. Mean rumen ammonia concentrations at different time in Sahiwal and Achai calves on control and mulberry multinutrient block diets.

Rumen ammonia concentration Mean ammonia concentration in the rumen fluid of calves before and after feeding is illustrated in Fig-1.


Ammonia concentration significantly varied due to

The overall conclusion drawn from the results of the

diet (P<0.0001), sampling time (P<0.05) and breed

present study is that as a supplementary strategy

(P<0.05). Comparison of the means with LSD

mulberry multinutrient blocks were effective in calves

procedure revealed that ammonia concentrations in

given a basal diet of maize stover. Sahiwal and Achai

the rumen fluid of calves given MMB were higher

calves had the same capacity to consume maize stover

(P<0.05) than those fed control diet (148.04 vs

diets under the conditions of the present study. On

64.12mg N/l). Ammonia concentration in the control

farm preparation of mulberry multinutrient blocks

calves remained above the optimum level of 50mg N/l

offer a great scope for promoting as an income

suggested by Satler and Slyter (1974). The present

generating activity especially by female farmers of

results agree with the findings of Jalal-ud-din (1991)

Gilgit Baltistan.

and Saeed (2000), who reported 2 to 3 times higher ammonia






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