Effect of Brassinolide on the yield and yield related traits of wheat

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Int. J. Agr. Agri. R.

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR) ISSN: 2223-7054 (Print) 2225-3610 (Online) http://www.innspub.net Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 162-170, 2016 OPEN ACCESS


Effect of Brassinolide on the yield and yield related traits of wheat Alam Zeb*1, Amir Zaman Khan1, Shad Khan1, Sohail Kamaran2, Habib Ullah3, Waqar Ali1, Wajid Ali Khattak1, Sajjad Zaheer1 1

Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan


Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan


Department of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan Article published on August 25, 2016

Key words: Triticum aestivum, Sowing date, Brassinolide, Grain yield. Abstract Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is the most widely used cereal in the world. Wheat contributes 14.4 % to the value addition and 3 % to GDP in Pakistan. The objective of the present study was to evaluate two wheat varieties (Janbaz and AUP-4008) for sowing date and Brassinolide. Results showed that sowing dates significantly affected days to emergence, emergence m-2, days to 50 % heading, days to 50 % anthesis, plant height, number of grains per spike, grain weight per spike, thousand grain weight and grain yield in both varieties. The influence of Brassinolide was not significant for most of the parameters. Interaction of sowing dates and varieties was significant for almost all parameters except days to emergence, 50% heading and grain yield. Plants sown on 20th November resulted in lower days to emergence, higher 50% heading and 50% anthsis. Likewise, higher number of grains spike-1, plant height, grain weight spike-1, thousand grain weight and grain yield were recorded for 20th November sowing. Results about days to 50% heading and 50% anthsis were higher for Jehanbaz. Similarly higher number of grains spike-1, grain weight spike-1 and grain yield were recorded for wheat variety Janbaz. Whereas, higher plant height and 1000 grain weight were recorded for wheat variety AUP-4008. It is concluded that cultivation of wheat variety Jehanbaz on 20th November will produce higher yield in KPK province of Pakistan. * Corresponding

Zeb et al.

Author: Alam Zeb  alam@aup.edu.pk



Int. J. Agr. Agri. R. Introduction

Pullman et al. (2003) concluded that brassinolide is

Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is the most widely used

an important plant stimulant for the initiation and

cereal in the world. Wheat contributes 14.4 % to the

development of embryonic tissues. Nemhauser et al.

value addition and 3 % to GDP. In Pakistan during

(2004) studied that brassinolide works with auxin to

2008-09 wheat was grown on an area of 9046

promote cell expansion and cell elongation that

thousand hectares with an annual production of

accelerates the growth of new meristamatic tissues of

24032.9 thousand tons with national average yield

the plant. Shafiq (2004) reported that early sowing of

2657 kg ha-1 while the average yield of Khyber

wheat improves germination, plant height, spikelets

Pakhtunkhwa was 769.5 thousand tons (MINFA,

per spike, 1000 grain weight, grain per spike and

2009). Sowing dates is one of the most important

overall yield.

factors that affect the growth and yield of wheat. Date of sowing influence maturity, seed filling duration

Dokuyucu et al. (2004) observed the influence of

and seed weight. Late sowning wheat is generally

sowing dates on yield and growth of wheat in the East

affected by winter injury, produces fewer tillers and

Mediterranean region of Turkey and concluded that

ripens later (Ouda et al. 2005). Normally wheat is

days to anthesis, days to physiological maturity,

grown in winter that requires optimal temperature

number of plant/m-2, 1000 grain weight and yield are

and light for emergence, growth and flowering (Dabre

significantly affected by sowing dates. The grain yield

et al., 1993).

obtained from the first five sowing date were significantly enhanced. Ferrie et al. (2005) reported





leads stand,




germination, death

that BRs- 24 and BL increased the yield of MDES.


Brassinolide produces signaling which protect the

endosperm becomes inactive because of the activities

plant cells from further damage under temperature

of bacteria and fungi. Late sowing generally produces

stress. Brassinolide produce absesic acid which close

fewer tillers and dwarf plants because of the low

stomata of leaves and reduce transpirational loss and

temperature at the time of sowing. So wheat variety

enhance tolerance.

should match the temperature requirement to produce high yield that is attained by proper grain

Ozturk et al. (2006) reported that wheat grown at

filling at late maturity stage (Phadnawis and Sani,

optimum time significantly affected leaf area index,

1992). Brasssinolide is a brassinosteroid hormone

leaf area duration, spikes per square meter, kernel

which plays an important role in cell division and

weight and grain yield as compare to spring wheat.



Facultive cv. Kirik was sown in winter. While grains

metabolic activities which enhance the translocation




yield was recorded low in spring and freezing sown

of water and minerals to produce optimal yield (Shen

wheat because the conditions for the vegetative and

et al. 1990).

reproductive growth were not favorable. Sowing times influence spikes meter-2 which is the major factor of

Brasssinolide increases source to sink translocation

the grain yield, lower the number of spike will be

by increasing number of tillers, grains per spike and

lower the grain yield. Bajguz (2009) examined that

1000 grain weight (Fujii et al., 1991). The application

brassinolide (BL) accelerates metabolic activities of

of brassinolide at sowing time, tillering stage and

plant cells. Xiao Jian Xia et al. (2009) observed that

anthesis stage promotes cell expansion and cell

the effects of brassinosteroids in metabolism of

elongation (Nemhauser, 2004).Hossain et al. (2003)

pesticides. McRae et al. (2010) conducted an

evaluated wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for planting

experiment to different sowing dates in New South

dates, grain yield and 1000 grain weight and

Wales. Tillers m-2, spikes m-2, 1000 grain weight and

concluded that delaying the sowing time from 10 to

grain yield drastically decreased when crop sown

30 days results in an increase of grain yield up to 18%.


Zeb et al.



Int. J. Agr. Agri. R. The yield decreased 4-7 % for each week that wheat

Wheat varieties Janbaz and AUP-4008 were sown

sown delayed after the optimum time. So keeping in

following randomized complete design (RCBD) with

view, the role of sowing dates and brassinolide (PGR),

split plot arrangement with triplicate arrangement

the present study was designed to evaluate the effect of sowing dates and brassinolide on growth, yield and yield components of advanced wheat varieties.






maintained 30 cm. Four sowing dates (Nov 20th, Nov 30th, Dec 10th and Dec 20th) were allotted to main plot

Material and methods The

having plot size of 14m2. Row to row distance was

while Brassinolide concentrations were assigned to conducted Khyber




Agricultural University Peshawar, Pakistan during normal wheat season. Field is located at latitude 30ยบ

sup plots. All the plant production measure were followed normally. Brassionolide was applied at tillering stage in each sub plot.

and 47ยบ North and longitude 69ยบand 74ยบEast. Material layout

20 Nov



Sowing dates

Sowing dates

30 Nov

10 Dec

20 Dec

20 Nov

30 Nov

10 Dec

20 Dec

B0 B1 B2 B3 BO B1 B2 B3 BO B1 B2 B3 BO B1 B2 B3 BO B1 B2 B3 BO B1 B2 B3 BO B1 B2 B3 BO B1 B2 B3 Statistical analysis The data were analyzed statistically using analysis of

Lower numbers of plants were noted (143) for sowing

variance technique appropriate for RCB design with

of the 20th December. The results partially concide with

split plot arrangement. Means were compared using

those of Razzaq et al. (1986) who explained that late

LSD test at 0.05 levels of probability, when the F value were significant (Steel and Torri, 1980).

sowing of wheat caused less number of plants m-2.

Results and discussion

Days to 50 % heading

Days to emergence

Data pertaining days to 50 % heading are given in

Data regarding emergence are presented in Table 1.

Table 3. Mean data exhibited that sowing dates and

Statistical analysis of the data showed that sowing

varieties had significantly influenced days to 50%

date significantly affected days to emergence whereas the effect of varieties was not significant. Interaction between sowing date and varieties was non-

heading whereas brassinolide showed not significant effect on days to 50% heading. The interactive

significant. Higher number of days (16) to emergence

response of sowing dates, varieties and brassinolide

was recorded for 20th December sowing, while the

was not significant for days to 50% heading.

lower days to emergence (09) was recorded for

Maximum days to 50 % heading (119) were recorded

sowing on 20th November. Both the varieties took

when sowing was done on 20th December, while

same number of days for emergence.

minimum numbers of days (88) to 50 % heading were

Emergence m-2

noted for sowing on 20th November. Higher numbers

Data on emergence m-2 are reported in Table 2. Mean

of days (104) to 50 % heading were taken by Janbaz

data revealed that sowing dates had significant effect

variety whereas the lower numbers of days (103) to 50

on emergence


while the varieties effect was not

significant on emergence m-2. The interaction of sowing date and varieties was significant for emergence m-2. Higher numbers of plants (206) were emerged from the sowing date of 20th November.

Zeb et al.

% heading were counted for AUP-4008 variety. These results are an agreement with those of Augilar and Hunt (1991) who explained that delay in sowing decreased number of days to heading.



Int. J. Agr. Agri. R. Table 1. Days to emergence of wheat varieties as affected by sowing dates and brassinolide concentrations. Sowing dates (SD)

Varieties (V)

20th Nov, 2009

Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008

30th Nov, 2009 10th Dec, 2009 20th Dec, 2009

Nov 20th Nov 30th Dec 10th Dec 20th

Brassinolide (B) (mg L-1) 0.5 1.0 8 8 7 10 12 12 12 12 14 13 14 14 16 16 17 17 SD x B 8 9 12 12 14 13 16 16 VxB 13 12 13 13 13 13

00 9 8 11 12 13 14 16 16 9 12 14 16

Janbaz AUP-2008 Mean

12 13 12

1.5 9 8 12 12 14 15 16 16

SD x V 9 8 12 12 13 14 16 16

8 12 14 16

8a 12 b 14 c 16 d

13 13 13

12 13

LSD value (P≤0.05) for sowing dates= 1.007. Table 2. Emergence m-2 of wheat varieties as affected by sowing dates and brassinolide concentrations. Sowing dates (SD)

Varieties (V)


Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008

Nov, 2009

30th Nov, 2009 10th Dec, 2009 20th Dec, 2009

Nov 20th Nov 30th Dec 10th Dec 20th

00 200 214 153 157 155 141 139 136 207 155 148 138

Janbaz AUP-4008 Mean

187 187 187

Brassinolide (B) (mg L-1) 0.5 1.0 213 193 218 193 156 167 170 164 148 140 142 142 142 143 140 137 SD x B 216 193 163 165 145 141 141 140 VxB 190 186 193 184 187 191

1.5 188 196 162 171 144 139 150 142

SD x V 199 206 160 165 147 141 144 139

192 167 142 146

202 a 162 b 144 c 141 c

186 187 185

187 188

LSD value (P≤0.05) for sowing date = 17.41. Table 3. Days to heading of wheat varieties as affected by sowing dates and brassinolide concentrations. Sowing dates (SD)

Varieties (V)

20th Nov, 2009

Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008

30th Nov, 2009 10th Dec, 2009 20th Dec, 2009

Nov 20th Nov 30th Dec 10th Dec 20th

00 119 119 108 107 101 100 88 88 119 108 101 88

Janbaz AUP-4008 Mean

104 104 104

Brassinolide (B) (mg L-1) 0.5 1.0 118 120 118 119 107 110 106 109 102 99 96 98 87 90 87 89 SD x B 118 120 107 110 99 98 87 89 VxB 104 105 102 104 103 104

1.5 120 119 110 108 99 99 89 88

SD x V 119 119 109 108 100 98 88 88

119 109 99 88

119 a 108 b 99 c 88 d

104 103 104

104 a 103 b

LSD value (P≤0.05) for sowing dates = 1.514.

Zeb et al.



Int. J. Agr. Agri. R. Days to 50 % anthesis

Plant height (cm)

Data on days to 50% anthesis are shown in Table 4.

Data relating to plant height are reported in Table 5.

Analysis of the data revealed that sowing dates and

Perusal of the data explained that sowing date and

varieties had significantly affected days to 50 %

varieties was significantly influenced plant height.

anthesis. Brassinolide was not significant affected

The effect of brassionolide was not significant on

days to 50% anthesis. The interaction of sowing dates

plant height. The interaction of sowing date and

and varieties was significant for days to 50 % anthesis

varieties was significant for plant height, whereas all



the remaining interactions were not significant.

significant. Higher numbers of days to 50 % anthesis

Higher plants (90 cm) were measured for sowing on





(134) was counted for sowing on




20th November, while lower height (78 cm) of the

while lower numbers of days (103) to 50 % anthesis

plant was measured for sowing on 20th December.

was recorded for the sowing date of 20th November.

AUP-4008 variety produced the taller plants (83 cm)

Janbaz variety took higher days to 50 % anthesis (119)

while smaller plants (80 cm) were measured for

while AUP-4008 variety took minimum days to 50 %

Janbaz. These results supported by those of Shahzad

anthesis (118). These results are similar to those of

et al. (2002) who reported that plant height

Aslam et al. (2003) who concluded that days to

decreased with delaying in sowing because the plants

heading decreased with delaying sowing of crops.

gets minimum period for the growth and remained

Differences in both of varieties were found significant

dwarf. The significant differences among the wheat

because it might be attributed to their genetic

varieties were found might be attributed to the

variability. These results supported by Shahzad et al.

genetic makeup of the varieties. These results are


supported by those of Ahmad et al. (1997).

Table 4. Days to anthesis of wheat varieties as affected by sowing dates and brassinolide concentrations. Sowing dates (SD)

Varieties (V)

20th Nov, 2009 30th

Nov, 2009

10th Dec, 2009 20th Dec, 2009

Brassinolide (B) (mg L-1)

SD x V










134 a






134 a






124 b






122 b






116 c






113 d






103 e






103 e

SD x B Nov 20th





134 a







123 b







114 c







103 d

VxB Janbaz





119 a






118 b





Mean LSD value (P≤0.05) for interaction of (SXV) = 2.462.

Zeb et al.



Int. J. Agr. Agri. R. Table 5. Plant height (cm) of wheat varieties as affected by sowing dates and brassinolide concentrations. Sowing dates (SD)

Varieties (V)

20th Nov, 2009

Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008

30th Nov, 2009 10th Dec, 2009 20th Dec, 2009 Nov 20th Nov 30th Dec 10th Dec 20th

00 88 91 83 84 78 78 75 76 89 84 78 76

Janbaz AUP-4008 Mean LSD value (P≤0.05) for sowing dates = 0.67.

81 82 82

Brassinolide (B) (mg L-1) 0.5 1.0 89 87 94 90 82 84 83 84 77 81 78 78 78 79 78 79 SD x B 92 89 82 84 77 80 78 79 VxB 81 83 83 83 82 83

1.5 88 88 81 82 83 79 81 77

SD x V 88 a 91 a 82bc 83 b 79cd 78 d 78 d 78 d

88 82 81 79

90 a 83 b 79 c 78 c

83 82 82

82 a 83 b

Number of grains per spike

exhibited that sowing dates and varieties had

Data concerning number of grains per spike are given in

significantly (P≤0.05) influenced grain weight per

Table 8. Data showed that the effect of sowing dates

spike while the effect of brassinolide was found not

and varieties was significant on number of grains per

significant. Interaction between sowing date and

spike. Brassinolide effect was not significant on number

varieties was significant for grains weight per spike

of grains per spike. All the interactions were found not significant except the interaction of sowing dates and varieties. Higher number of grains (43) was counted for sowing date of 20th November, whereas lower number of grains (39) was counted for sowing on 20th December. Higher number of grains (43) was produced by Janbaz variety, whereas lower numbers of grains (40) were

while the other interactions were not significant. Heavier grain (1.78 g) per spike was recorded for sowing date of 20th November, whereas lighter grain (1.28 g) was produced when sowing was done on 20th December. Janbaz variety produced heaver grains (1.51 g), while lower grains weight (1.47 g) was

recorded for AUP-4008. These results are agreements to

recorded for AUP-4008. These statements are an

those of Hossain et al. (1993). Difference among the

agreement to those of Spink et al. (2000) who

varieties might be attributed to their genetic diversity.

reported that late sown crops produced lighter grains

These results are similar with those of Haider (2004).

per spike. Differences in grain weight per spike might be attributed among the varieties due to their genetic

Grain weight per spike (g)

variability. These results are in line with those of

Data pertaining grains per spike are presented in

Shahzad et al. (2002).

Table 9. Perusal of the data of grain weight per spike Table 6. Number of grains per spike of wheat varieties as affected by sowing dates and brassinolide concentrations. Sowing dates (SD)

Varieties (V)


Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz

Nov, 2009

30th Nov, 2009 10th Dec, 2009 20th Dec, 2009

Zeb et al.

00 41 42 46 47 43 41 43

Brassinolide (B) (mg L-1) 0.5 1.0 47 48 40 39 40 43 41 37 37 40 41 41 38 40

1.5 47 41 48 42 42 41 40

SD x V 46 a 41bc 44ab 42abc 40 bc 41 bc 40 bc



Int. J. Agr. Agri. R.

Sowing dates (SD)

Varieties (V) AUP-4008

Nov 20th Nov 30th Dec 10th Dec 20th

00 38

Brassinolide (B) (mg L-1) 0.5 1.0 1.5 38 39 36 SD x B

42 47 42 41

44 41 39 38

43 42 43

SD x V 38 c

44 40 40 39

44 45 42 38

43 a 43 a 41ab 39 b

41 40

43 39

45 40

43 a 40 b




VxB Janbaz AUP-4008 Mean LSD value (P≤0.05) for sowing dates =2.831. 1000 grain weight (g)

Grain yield (kg ha-1)

Data on thousand grain weight as influenced by

Data regarding grain yield are reported in Table 12.

sowing dates, varieties and brassinolide is given in

Mean data exhibited that sowing dates and varieties

Table 10. Analysis of the data revealed that the influence of sowing dates and varieties was significant on thousand grains weight. The effect of brassinolide

significantly influenced grain yield. The effect of brassinolide concentrations was not significant on

concentrations was not significant on 1000 grain

grain yield. All the interactions were not significant

weight. The interaction of sowing dates and varieties

for grain yield. Higher grain yield (3510 kg ha-1) was

for 1000 grain weight was significant, while the rest of

recorded for the sowing date of 20th November

interactions were not significant. Heavier 1000 grains

whereas lower grain yield (2840 kg ha-1) was recorded

(39 g) were recorded when sowing was done on 20th

for sowing date of 20th December. Janbaz variety

November, while lighter 1000 grain weight (35 g) was noted for the sowing date of 20th December. Higher 1000 grain weight (38 g) was recorded for Janbaz,

produced higher grain yield (3226 kg ha-1), while lower grain yield (3173 kg ha-1) was produced by the

whereas lower 1000 grain weight (35 g) was noted for

AUP-4008 variety. Findings are in link with those of

AUP-4008. These results are similar to those of

(Fisher and Maurer, 1976).

Shahzad et al. (2002). Table 7. Thousand grain weight (g) of wheat varieties as affected by sowing dates and brassinolide concentrations. Sowing dates (SD)

Varieties (V)


Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008 Janbaz AUP-4008

Nov, 2009

30th Nov, 2009 10th Dec, 2009 20th Dec, 2009 Nov 20th Nov 30th Dec 10th Dec 20th

00 44 38 37 36 34 34 34 33 41 36 34 34

Janbaz AUP-4008 Mean

37 35 36

Brassinolide (B) (mg L-1) 0.5 1.0 43 41 35 36 38 38 37 37 36 37 34 35 36 37 32 33 SD x B 39 38 37 38 35 36 34 35 VxB 38 38 34 35 36 37

1.5 42 36 36 36 36 36 39 34

SD x V 43 a 36 b 37b 37b 36 b 35bc 36b 33 c

39 36 36 36

39 a 37 b 35 c 35 c

38 36 37

38 a 35 b

LSD value (P≤0.05) for sowing dates = 1.567.

Zeb et al.



Int. J. Agr. Agri. R. Conclusion

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