Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.
International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR) ISSN: 2223-7054 (Print) 2225-3610 (Online) Vol. 11, No. 6, p. 92-101, 2017 OPEN ACCESS
Growth and yield response of upland rice to nitrogen levels and weed control methods J. A. Adigun1, E. Kolo1, O. R. Adeyemi1, O. S. Daramola1, A. A. Badmus1, O. A. Osipitan*2 1
Department of Plant Physiology and Crop Production, Federal University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta, Nigeria 2
Northeast Research and Extension Center, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA Article published on December 30, 2017
Key words: Rice, Nitrogen, Pre-emergence herbicide, Weeds, Butachlor, Propanil
Abstract Field trials were conducted to evaluate the effect of nitrogen levels and weed control methods on growth and yield of rice at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (07 o15’N, 03o25’E) in the forest-savannah transition zone of South west Nigeria during the rainy seasons of 2014 and 2015. Three nitrogen levels (0, 60 and 90)kg ha-1 constituted the main plot treatments. The sub-plot treatments were seven weed control methods: Propanil +2, 4-D (Orizoplus) at 2.0kg a.i. ha-1; Orizoplus at 2.0kg a.i. ha -1 followed by supplementary hoe-weeding (fb SHW) at 6 weeks after sowing (WAS); Butachlor (Buster) at 1.0kg a.i. ha -1; Buster at 1.0kg a.i. ha-1 fb SHW at 6 WAS; two hoe-weedings at 3 and 6 WAS; three hoe-weedings at 3, 6 and 9 WAS (season-long weed control); and weedy check. Nitrogen level had no significant effect on weed growth. Rice growth and grain yield increased with increase in nitrogen level from 0 to 90kg ha -1. All weed control methods significantly reduced weeds with subsequent improved rice growth and yield compared with weedy-check. Pre-emergence application of Orizoplus at 2.0 or Buster at 1.0kg a.i. ha -1 fb SHW at 6 WAS provided weed control, and rice growth and yield similar to season-long weed control. Practical applications of this study are that increased nitrogen level and early weed control with a pre-emergence herbicide followed by supplementary weed removal at 6 WAS could help to improve growth and yield of upland rice. * Corresponding
Adigun et al.
Author: O.A. Osipitan
Page 92
Int. J. Agron. Agri. R. Introduction
for two third of the gap between actual and potential
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is considered the most
rice yields. Nitrogen is the main nutrient associated
important staple food in the world as it supplies the
with crop yield (Bouman et al., 2007) and the most
major food requirement for more than half of the
limiting nutrient in tropical crop. Nitrogen, often
world’s population. It is the predominant staple food
taken up in large amount by plants, plays an
in at least 33 developing countries including Guinea,
important role in chlorophyll, protein, nucleic acid,
Guinea- Bissau, Gambia, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal
hormone and vitamin synthesis as well as helps in cell
and Cote d’voire where it provides about 27% of
division and cell elongation. It affects overall weed
dietary energy supply, 20% dietary protein and 3% of
abundance and influences the competitive balance
dietary fat. Rice contributes nutritionally significant
between crops and weeds (Good et al., 2004).
amount of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and zinc to the diet (Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO], 2001).
Weed infestation on the other hand also poses a
The total world production of paddy rice (paddy) is
recurrent and ubiquitous threat to rice production
around 592 million tonnes. Ninety percent of this total is
causing between 48 and 100% yield losses in direct
grown in developing countries, mostly in Asia, while
seeded upland rice (Rodenburg and Johnson, 2009).
Latin America and Africa produce 3.8 and 2.8 percent,
In Sub-Sahara Africa, weed may account for annual
respectively (FAO, 2001). In Nigeria, rice has become an
rice yield loses of at least 2.2 million tonnes equating
increasingly important staple in the diet of about 170
to 1.45 billion US dollars (Rodenburg and Johnson,
million people as a result of increasing urbanization
2009). This is because rice is a weak competitor
(FAO, 2004). Rice is widely cultivated in most agro-
against weeds, with direct seeding; the germination of
ecological zones of Nigeria. The country is the largest
rice seeds and the emergence of weeds take place
producer of the crop in West Africa, where it occupies 1.7
almost at the same time. Therefore, weed control at
million hectares with a production of 3.2 million tonnes
the early stages of the crop growth is important.
of paddy (FAO, 1996).
Improved weed control has been estimated to raise rice yield by 15-23% (Rodenburg and Johnson, 2009).
Inspite of its great popularity, acceptability and high
However, majority of Nigeria farmers have few
economic importance as the most important staple
options and resources available for effective weed
food crop in the world, the productivity of rice is
control. Traditional manual weeding which is the
constrained by a number of factors. These include low
most popular method of weed control is time
soil nitrogen status (Padhan et al., 2016), the use of
consuming, labor-intensive and generally expensive.
low yielding local varieties (Kumar et al., 2014) pest
Rice being a closely sown crop also makes mechanical
and diseases (Gupta et al., 2014), poor knowledge of
weeding difficult and some degree of crop damage is
agronomic practices and weed management problems
unavoidably involved in frequent manual weeding.
(Adigun et al., 2005). Of all the factors limiting the production of rice in Nigeria, low soil nitrogen status
In addition, hand weeding allows weeds with similar
and weed management problems appear to be the
morphological characteristics to rice to escape
most deleterious causing between 75 and 100%
detection and hence removal in direct-seeded rice
reduction in potential paddy rice yield (Akobundu,
fields. Besides, labour availability is uncertain during
1987; Imeokparia and Okunsanya, 1997) reports
peak and critical periods of crop-weed competition
indicated that only an average of 1.5 tons per hectare
and sometimes unfavorable weather condition at
is realized in the country. This is far below the
weeding times make timeliness of weeding difficult to
potential yield compared with 6.5 tons/ha in Egypt
attain, leading to greater yield losses (Adigun et al.,
and 7.0 tons
in Japan (FAO, 1996). According to
2014). Herbicide use, on the other has been
(Alagesan and Raja Babu, 2011), insufficient and
consistently reported not to give a season long weed
inappropriate nitrogen fertilizer application accounts
control (Adigun et al., 2005; Adigun et al. 2016)
Adigun et al.
Page 93
Int. J. Agron. Agri. R. although
Herbicides treatments were applied pre-emergence,
requirement and its attendant costs.Consequently, an
one day after sowing of rice with knapsack sprayer
improved weed management system that integrates
(CP 15) in a spraying volume of about 250 l ha-1 using
two or more control methods within the context of
a green deflector nozzle at a pressure of 2.1kg cm-2.
integrated weed management is needed for adequate weed control and sustainable upland rice production
Data collection and analysis
in Nigeria. Appropriate nitrogen fertilizer level that
Weed cover score, weed density, weed dry matter
will increase the competitive ability of the crop
production, crop vigour score, plant height, number
against weeds combined with reduced dosage of
of tillers, leaf area, panicle length, panicle weight,
herbicide spray and hoe-weeding may be a viable
number of grain per panicle, 1000 grain weight and
option to control weed and attain optimum upland
grain yield were used to evaluate the performance of
rice yield. Such information is required to boost local
various treatments. A periodic observation of various
production of rice and reduce foreign exchange spent
parameters were taken from five tagged plants at net
on importation of the product. Hence, the objective of
plot at various stages of crop growth and were
this study was to investigate the effect of nitrogen
subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using
levels and weed control methods on the growth and
GENSTAT (VSN International, Hemel Hempstead,
yield as productivity of upland, rain-fed rice.
UK) discovery package to determine the level of significance of the treatments. Treatment means were separated using the least significant difference (LSD
Materials and methods
at P ≤ 0.05) where F-value was significant.
Experimental site and treatments Field trials were conducted at the Teaching and Research
Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria (07o15’N, 03o25’E) in the Forest-Savanna transition zone of South west Nigeria during 2014 and 2015 rainy seasons. The experimental field was disc-ploughed and harrowed at two weeks interval, and later pulverized and leveled manually before marking into various plots. Gross and net plot sizes were (4.5 x 3.0)m2 and (3.0 x 3.0)m2, respectively. Three nitrogen levels (0, 60 and 90)kg ha-1 constituted the main plot treatments. The sub-plot
methods: Propanil +2, 4-D (Orizoplus) at 2.0kg a.i. ha-1; Orizoplus at 2.0kg a.i. ha-1 followed by supplementary hoe-weeding (fb SHW) at 6 weeks after sowing (WAS); Butachlor (Buster) at 1.0kg a.i. ha-1; Buster at 1.0kg a.i. ha-1 fb SHW at 6 WAS; two hoe-weedings at 3 and 6 WAS; three hoe-weedings at 3, 6 and 9 WAS (season-long weed control); and weedy check. All treatments in different combinations were arranged in a split-plot design with three replications. Rice seed (variety - NERICA 8) was sown manually by drilling method at inter-row spacing of 75cm in both years. Nitrogen fertilizer treatments were applied by basal method at sowing of rice.
Adigun et al.
Results and discussion The soil types at the experimental sites in 2014 and 2015 were sandy loam with high proportion of sand (88.0 and 84.0% respectively), 6.6 and 6.8% silt, 5.4 and 8.8% clay in 2014 and 2015 respectively (Table 1). Soil pH of the experimental site in 2014 was near neutral (6.7) whereas that of 2015 was slightly alkaline with pH of 7.9. The soil in the experimental site in 2015 was richer in percentage nitrogen (0.5%) than that of 2014 (0.1%). Table 1. Physicochemical properties of the soil of experimental sites at Abeokuta in 2014 and 2015. Soil Properties pH Sand (%) Clay (%) Silt (%) Organic carbon Total N Available P Total K Exchangeable bases Ca Mg Na K
2014 6.7 88.0 5.4 6.6 1.2 0.1 11.5 0.49 g kg-1 89.0 10.8 6.1 2.1
2015 7.9 84.0 8.8 6.8 4.8 0.5 9.9 0.48 g kg-1 20.4 5.0 3.5 1.4
Page 94
Int. J. Agron. Agri. R. Total amounts of rainfall during the period of crop
2014 than in 2015. More than half (324.2mm) of the
growth were 521.9 and 584.1mm in 2014 and 2015,
total amount of rainfall occurred after the critical period
respectively (Table 2). There was higher total amount of
(September-October) in 2015.
rainfall during the period of crop growth in 2015 than in 2014. However, the total amount of rainfall was higher
Whereas the rainfall was more evenly distributed
during the critical period of crop growth (July-August) in
throughout the period of crop growth in 2014 (Table 2).
Table 2. Rainfall, temperature and relative humidity during the experimental period in 2014 and 2015 at Abeokuta, Nigeria. Month
Total Rainfall (mm) Relative Humidity (%) Temperature (0C) 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 June 53.7 164.9 71.0 70.8 27.2 26.8 July 202.6 65.6 76.2 73.0 25.6 27.2 August 35.2 29.4 71.7 70.3 24.3 26.2 September 136.0 165.1 69.7 71.9 25.6 26.3 October 94.4 159.1 67.2 69.2 27.0 26.3 Total 521.9 584.1 Source: Department of Agro-Meteorology and Water Resources Management, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Nigeria. Effect of nitrogen level and weed control methods on
grasses, broad-leaved and sedges weeds in direct
weed growth in rice in 2014 and 2015
seeded rice under conditions of sandy loam soils at
Table 3 shows the different categories of weed
Kumarganj. Similarly, Satorre and Snaydon (1992)
infestation and their levels of occurrence at the
corroborated this finding by stating that no special
experimental sites which include broad leaf weeds,
effects of varying nitrogen levels were observed on
grasses and sedges. The fields on which the trials were
weed population under observation. The trend also
sited were heavily infested with weeds as indicated by
indicated that interaction between nitrogen levels and
cumulative weed dry matter production of 3734 and
weed control methods on all the weed growth
obtained from the weedy check in 2014 and
parameters were not significant throughout the period
2015 wet seasons, respectively (Table 4). The higher
of observation in both years. Gonzalez (1998) earlier
weed infestation observed in 2015 than in 2014 could be
observed that interaction between applied nitrogen and
attributed to the higher rainfall in the former than in the
weed control methods were not significant.
later (Table 2). These results are in agreement with the findings of (Shahidul et al., 2011) that higher rainfall
favours weed species abundance, prevalence, spread and
reduction in weed growth compared to the weedy
check throughout the period of observation (Table 4).
communities. Baskin and Baskin (2001) also observed
These results corroborates those of Adigun et al.
that weed seed germination and growth were influenced
(2005) and Ahmed et al. (2005) who reported that
directly or indirectly by environmental factors such as temperature, moisture and light.
the maximum weed dry matter production was produced in weedy check which was significantly higher than all weed control methods. Among the
Application of nitrogen did not have significant effect on weed cover score, weed density and cumulative weed dry matter production throughout the period of
various weed control treatments, the use of Orizoplus caused significant reduction in weed growth similar to that of hoe-weeding both of which resulted in significantly lower weed growth compared to the use
observation in both years of the study (Table 4).
of Buster in both years of experimentation. At 9 WAS
Sharma et al. (2007) also observed that nitrogen
in both years, Orizoplus at 2.0kg a.i. ha-1 and Buster
levels of 40, 80 and 120kg
had no significant
at 1.0kg a.i. ha-1 each supplemented by hoe-weeding
effect on weed density and percentage composition of
at 6 WAS resulted in significantly lower weed cover
Adigun et al.
Page 95
Int. J. Agron. Agri. R. score and weed density compared to either herbicide
This confirms the earlier report by (Akobundu, 1987)
applied alone. Similarly, pre-emergence application of
that most pre-emergence herbicide treatments gave
Orizoplus at 2.0kg a.i.
early weed control of emerging weed seedlings but
each supplemented by hoe-weeding at 6 WAS caused
and Buster at 1.0kg a.i.
lost efficacy early thereby allowing late emerging
significant reduction in cumulative weed dry matter
weeds to re-infest plots.
production similar to 2 and 3 hoe-weedings in both
The need for supplementary hoe-weeding of pre-
years. This implies that pre-emergence herbicides require
emergence herbicide application for season long weed
control in various crop production systems have
season long weed control in rice particularly
earlier been emphasized (Adigun et al., 2016; Ismaila
considering the fact that rice is a long duration crop.
et al., 2011; Osipitan et al., 2013).
Table 3. Common weed species found on the experimental sites at Abeokuta in 2014 and 2015. Weed species Broad Leaves Abutilion maritamim (Jacq.) Chochorus olitorus (L.) Euphobia heterophylla (Linn.) Gomphrena celozoides (mart.) Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Wild. Tridax procumbens (Linn.) Amaranthus spinosus (L.) Boerhavia coccinea Mill Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray Senna hirsuta (Linn) Irwin Acanthospermum hispidium DC Grasses Andopogon gayanus (Kunth var.) Commelina bengalensis (L.) Cynodon dactylion (Linn.) Imperata cylindrica (Linn.) Panicum maximum (Jacq.) Sedges Cyperus rotundus (Linn) Kylinga squaminata (Thonn) Mariscus alternifolius (Vahl)
+ ++ +++ ++ ++ +++ ++ ++ + ++ ++
++ ++ ++ +++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + ++ ++
+++ ++ + ++ ++
+ ++ +
+ +++ +
+ +
+++ = High infestation (60-90% occurrence) ++ = Moderate infestation (30-59% occurrence) + = Low infestation (1-29% occurrence) - = No infestation Table 4. Effect of nitrogen levels and weed control methods on weed cover, weed density and weed dry matter in upland rice in 2014 and 2015. Treatments Nitrogen level (kg ha-1) 0 60 90 LSD (5%) Weed control Orizoplus at 2 kg a.i. ha-1 Orizoplus at 2 kg a.i. ha-1 fb1 SHW2 at 6 WAS3 Buster at 1.0 kg a.i. ha-1 Buster at 1.0 kg a.i. ha-1 fb SHW 2 Hoe-weeding at 6 and 9 WAS 3 Hoe-weeding at 3, 6 and 9WAS Weedy check LSD (5%) Nitrogen level Ă— Weed control 1
Weed cover score 9 WAS 2014 2015
Weed density (no m-2) 9 WAS 2014 2015
Weed dry matter (kg ha-1) 12 WAS 2014 2014
3.3 3.3 3.5 ns
5.8 5.2 5.3 ns
20 19 20 ns
31 44 38 ns
1526 1568 1568 ns
2648 3188 3104 ns
4.0 1.2
5.9 4.2
15 6
16 7
1120 1046
2360 2280
7.0 2.3 1.3 1.1 6.7 0.6 ns
5.8 5.0 4.6 4.7 8.1 1.4 ns
21 8 10 14 62 1.7 ns
25 10 12 27 168 6.8 ns
1582 1260 1068 1082 3734 310 ns
2788 2444 2148 2508 3948 336 ns
fb = Followed by; 2 SHW = Supplementary hoe-weeding; 3 WAS = Weeks after sowing; ns = Not significant at 5%
probability level.
Adigun et al.
Page 96
Int. J. Agron. Agri. R. Effect of nitrogen level and weed control methods on
by Saeed et al. (2010). Except at 9 WAS in 2015,
growth and yield of rice in 2014 and 2015
where 90kg N ha-1 resulted in significantly taller plants,
Nitrogen levels had significant effect on crop vigour
there was no significant difference in plant height of
score and plant height at 6 and 9 WAS in both years,
rice that received either 60 or 90kg N ha-1 throughout
number of tillers and leaf area at 6 and 9 WAS in 2014
the period of observation in both years. However,
and 9 WAS in 2015, length and weight of panicle in
number of tillers was significantly increased with
2015 as well as grain yield in both years (Table 5 and
application of 90kg N ha-1 than 60 and 0kg N ha-1. This
6). In all the cases, 60 and 90kg N ha-1 produced
confirms the effectiveness of higher nitrogen level in
significantly improved crop growth than those
promoting rice growth and tillering as earlier reported
without nitrogen application. This suggests that some
by (Lampayan et al., 2010). Alagesan and Raja Babu
external fertilizer application is needed to enhance a
more competitive crop growth and to sustain rice
significantly increased with application of 120kg N ha-1
yield. A similar suggestion has been earlier reported
compared with 80 and 40kg N ha-1.
Table 5. Effect of nitrogen levels and weed control methods on crop vigour, plant height and number of tiller of upland rice in 2014 and 2015 Treatments
Crop vigour score 6 WAS 9 WAS 2014 2015 2014 2015
Nitrogen level (kg ha-1) 0 60 90 LSD (5%) Weed control Orizoplus at 2 kg a.i. ha-1 Orizoplus at 2 kg a.i. ha-1 fb1 SHW2 at 6 WAS3 Buster at 1.0 kg a.i. ha-1 Buster at 1.0 kg a.i. ha-1 fb SHW 2 Hoe-weeding at 6 and 9 WAS 3 Hoe-weeding at 3, 6 and 9WAS Weedy check LSD (5%) Nitrogen level Ă— Weed control 1
Plant height (cm) 6 WAS 9 WAS 2014 2015 2014 2015
Number of tillers 6 WAS 9 WAS 2014 2015 2014 2015
4.0 9.0 8.2 0.3
5.3 6.7 6.9 0.2
6.0 8.5 7.9 0.4
6.2 6.6 6.8 0.1
44.6 53.1 53.6 1.2
42.2 47.2 45.6 0.6
83.8 93.5 94.4 2.7
48.2 55.3 54.7 0.9
13 30 33 1.1
10 10 11 0.03
33 46 51 2.8
33 35 38 ns
6.5 7.6
6.2 6.3
7.3 9.2
7.1 6.3
51.9 50.7
44.6 46.2
90.4 96.3
54.4 53.1
26 25
20 10
42 56
34 32
6.5 7.6 8.2 7.7 5.8 0.5 ns
6.7 6.7 7.0 6.8 4.1 0.4 ns
5.3 8.6 8.8 8.8 4.4 0.6 ns
6.6 7.3 6.8 6.8 4.7 0.4 ns
52.1 52.1 52.1 51.3 42.6 1.8 ns
41.8 46.0 47.0 47.4 42.6 0.9 ns
88.8 91.6 94.2 95.5 77.2 4.1 ns
50.7 53.3 55.0 54.4 48.2 1.4 ns
25 26 26 28 23 1.8 ns
10 20 20 20 10 3.5 ns
31 46 49 53 29 4.4 ns
35 38 35 35 30 ns ns
fb = Followed by; 2 SHW = Supplementary hoe-weeding; 3 WAS = Weeks after sowing; ns = Not significant at 5%
probability level. Table 6. Effect of nitrogen levels and weed control methods on leaf area, panicle length, number of grain per panicle, 1000 grain weight, panicle weight and grain yield of upland rice in 2014 and 2015. Treatments
Nitrogen level (kg ha-1) 0 60 90 LSD (5%) Weed control Orizoplus at 2 kg a.i. ha-1 Orizoplus at 2 kg a.i. ha-1 fb1 SHW2 at 6 WAS3 Buster at 1.0 kg a.i. ha-1 Buster at 1.0 kg a.i. ha-1 fb SHW at 6 WAS
Adigun et al.
Leaf area (cm2 plant-1)
Panicle length (cm)
No of grain/pani cle
1000 grain weight (g)
Panicle weight (kg ha-1)
Grain yield (t ha1)
6 WAS 20 201 14 5
9 WAS 201 201 4 5
201 4
201 5
201 4
201 5
201 4
201 5
201 4
201 5
201 4
201 5
76 93 94 5.7
40 44 40 1.5
97 117 120 4.6
52 53 53 ns
24 24 26 ns
18 20 20. 1.6
173 185 178 ns
116 140 120 ns
35 35 37 ns
25 23 26 ns
53 57 54 ns
23 33 46 6.3
1.2 3.2 4.8 0.1
1.6 2.2 3.1 0.1
95 99
43 42
121 128
55 51
25 25
18 19
194 205
139 158
36 36
26 26
61 62
33 36
3.6 5.0
2.3 2.4
88 92
45 40
109 119
57 53
25 30
19 20
174 190
134 124
37 37
26 26
52 57
35 35
2.8 4.0
2.4 2.4
Page 97
Int. J. Agron. Agri. R. 2 Hoe-weeding at 6 and 9 WAS 3 Hoe-weeding at 3, 6 and 9 WAS Weedy check LSD (5%) Nitrogen level Ă— Weed Control 1
49 5.7 ns
35 2.1 ns
61 7.0 ns
43 3.2 ns
18 2.9 ns
18 ns ns
11 13.5 ns
11 11.2 ns
33 ns ns
18 4.4 ns
37 5.0 ns
21 9.9 ns
0.9 0.2 ns
1.4 0.2 ns
fb = Followed by; 2 SHW = Supplementary hoe-weeding; 3 WAS = Weeks after sowing; ns = Not significant at 5%
probability level Application of 60kg N ha-1 resulted in significantly
and Buster at 1.0kg a.i. ha-1 each supplemented by
hoe-weeding at 6 WAS caused significant increase in
at 6 WAS in 2015. There was significant increase in
plant height and number of tillers similar to two and
length and weight of panicle as well as grain yield of
three hoe-weedings but significantly higher than
rice as nitrogen level was raised from 0 to 60 and 60
those obtained when either herbicide were applied
higher leaf area of rice than application of 90kg N
to 90 N
in both years. In 2014, application of
alone (Table 5). Furthermore, at 9 WAS in both years,
nitrogen at 90kg ha-1 resulted in 33 and 75% increase
herbicidal treatments followed by supplementary
hoe-weeding at 6 WAS caused significant increase in
respectively. The corresponding values in 2015 were
leaf area similar to two and three hoe-weedings but
significantly higher than either herbicides applied
in rice grain yield compared to 0 and 60kg 48 and 29% increase with application of 90kg N
compared to 0 and 60kg N ha-1 respectively, and 27% increase with application of 60kg N 0kg N
compared to
The significant responses of the nitrogen
alone (Table 6).
In 2014, pre-emergence application of Buster at 1.0kg
a.i. ha-1 followed by supplementary hoe-weeding at 6
attributed to the fact that among various nutrients,
WAS gave the maximum panicle length which was
nitrogen has the strongest influence on growth of Rice
significantly higher than those of other weed control
(Ahmed et al., 2005). In addition, nitrogen is an
methods. In the same year, all herbicidal treatments
important component of chlorophyll which enhances
supplemented with hoe-weeding at 6 WAS and two or
photosynthesis thus promoting vegetative growth which
three hoe-weedings gave comparable number of
leads to increased production of assimilates and
grains per panicle which was significantly higher than
consequently better yield of rice. These results are in
when the herbicides were applied alone (Table 6). In
harmony with that of Mandana et al. (2014) who
2014, pre emergence application of Orizoplus at 2.0kg
reported 39 and 33% increase in rice grain yield with 90
a.i. ha-1 applied alone or supplemented with hoe-
and 60kg N ha-1 respectively compared with no nitrogen
weeding at 6 WAS gave significantly higher panicle
application. The results from soil samples analyzed
weight compared to other weed control methods
(Table 1) showed that the soil is poor in nitrogen thus the
(Table 6). However, in 2015, all herbicidal treatments
positive responses to nitrogen observed.
and two or three hoe-weedings gave comparable panicle and 1000 grain weights in 2015 (Table 6).
All weed control methods produced significantly higher crop growth compared to the weedy check
In 2014, maximum yield (5t ha-1) was obtained with
(Table 5 and 6). At 6 and 9 WAS in 2014, pre-
pre- emergence application of Orizoplus at 2.0 kg a.i.
ha-1 while in 2015, two hoe-weedings gave the
and Buster at 1.0kg a.i. ha-1 each supplemented by
maximum (2.8t ha-1) yield significantly higher than ot
hoe-weeding at 6 WAS resulted in significantly higher
her weed control methods (Table 6).
crop vigour score than either herbicides applied alone
In 2014, pre-emergence application of Orizoplus at
(Table 5).
2.0kg a.i. ha-1 and Buster at 1.0kg a.i. ha-1 each
emergence application of Orizoplus at 2.0kg a.i.
supplemented by hoe-weeding at 6 WAS gave Similarly, at 9 WAS in 2014 and 6 WAS in 2015, pre-
comparable rice grain yield significantly higher than
emergence application of Orizoplus at 2.0kg a.i. ha-1
those obtained with either herbicides applied alone.
Adigun et al.
Page 98
Int. J. Agron. Agri. R. Furthermore, the use of Orizoplus at 2.0kg a.i ha-1
Unchecked weed growth resulted in 82 and 50%
and Buster at 1.0kg a.i. ha-1 each supplemented by
reduction in rice grain yield compared to the
hoe-weeding at 6 WAS gave comparable grain yield
maximum obtained in 2014 and 2015, respectively.
with that of three hoe-weedings. Similarly, in 2015, all herbicidal treatments gave comparable grain yield
with that of three hoe-weedings. Improved growth
From this study, it can be concluded that application
and yield obtained with pre-emergence application of
of 90kg N ha-1 was found to give higher growth and
Orizoplus at 2.0kg a.i. ha-1 and Buster at 1.0kg a.i. ha-1
yield of upland rice compared to 0 and 60kg N ha-1 in
each supplemented by hoe-weeding at 6 WAS can be
sandy loam soils of Abeokuta region of South Western
attributed to the initial weed control of either herbicides
Nigeria. The results of this study also suggest that
farmers can cut down on labour input with the use of
supplementary hoe-weeding in controlling subsequent
pre-emergence herbicides for weed control in upland
weeds that emerged, thereby sustaining effectiveness in
rice production. Herbicides showing promise for
weed control till harvest. This clearly underscores the
effective weed control are Orizoplus at 2.0kg a.i. ha-1
and Buster at 1.0kg a.i. ha-1 each followed by
enhancing better weed control compared with the use of
supplementary hoe-weeding at 6 WAS. In principle,
single weed control. Other authors (Ismaila et al., 2011;
this study suggest that increased nitrogen level and
Parthipan et al., 2003) also reported the effectiveness of
early weed control with a pre-emergence herbicide
followed by supplementary weed removal at 6 WAS
weeding for increased growth and yield of rice.
would help to improve growth and yield of upland rice. It is therefore recommended that farmers could
In this study, higher growth and yield of rice was
apply 90kg N ha-1 in combination with Orizoplus at
obtained in 2014 than in 2015 as reflected in all the
2.0kg a.i. ha-1 or Buster at 1.0kg a.i. ha-1 followed by
growth and yield parameters (Table 5 and 6).
supplementary hoe-weeding at 6 WAS for effective
Maximum grain yield of 5.0t ha-1 was obtained in
weed control and consequently optimum growth and
2014 compared with 3.1t ha-1 in 2015. Although, there
yield of upland rice in the forest savannah transition
was higher total amount of rainfall during the period
zone and other similar agro-ecological zones.
of crop growth in 2015 (584.1 mm) than in 2014 (521.9mm), however, the improved growth and yield
of rice in 2014 than in 2015 can be attributed to the
Adigun J, Osipitan AO, Lagoke ST, Adeyemi
better rainfall distribution especially at the critical
rice growth period (July - August) in the former than
performance of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.)
in the later (Table 2). This is in consonance with the
Walp) as influenced by row-spacing and period of
report of (Jana and De Dattta, 1975) which showed
weed interference in South-West Nigeria. Journal of
that rainfall distribution is more important than
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seasonal total amount of rainfall because rice is very sensitive to water stress. This result was also
corroborated by Basak et al. (2009), which indicated
Olorunmaiye PM, Daramola OS, Babatunde
that better rainfall distribution have positive effect on
AO. 2016. Influence of Inter-Row Spacing and Weed
cereals yield. Furthermore, the observed higher weed
Control Methods in Groundnut (Arachis hypogeal
infestation in 2015 occasioned by higher total amount
(L.) ASSET Journal in press.
of rainfall compared to that of 2014 (Table 3) must have further contributed to the lower yield of rice in the former than in the later. Rice being a C3 plant had lower extraction capacity than most weeds hence lower growth with reduced productivity.
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