Carbon Sequestration Potential of Fruit Tree Plantations in Southern Philippines

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J. Bio. Env. Sci. 2016 Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) ISSN: 2220-6663 (Print) 2222-3045 (Online) Vol. 8, No. 5, p. 164-174, 2016 RESEARCH PAPER


Carbon Sequestration Potential of Fruit Tree Plantations in Southern Philippines Mark Daryl C. Janiola, Rico A. Marin Department of Forest Resources Management-College of Forestry and Environmental Science, Central Mindanao University, Musuan, Bukidnon, Philippines Article published on May 27, 2016 Key words: Carbon sequestration, Fruit plantation, Mangifera indica, Nephelium lappaceum, Sandoricum koetjape Abstract Global warming is recently considered a major concern worldwide due to massive emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Trees are seen as one of the mitigating measures of this problem due to its role in carbon sequestration. This study is aimed to assess the carbon sequestration potentials of 15-year-old Mango (Mangifera indica Linn.), 12-year-old Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) and the 32-year-old Santol (Sandoricum koetjape Merr.) in Bukidnon. Potential carbon sequestered was determined in various carbon pools (trees, understorey, litters and soil) of the three different fruit crop plantations. Field measurements and laboratory analysis were used to measure biomass density and carbon stocks of the samples. Results revealed that among the three plantations, the 32-year-old santol plantation had the highest value of total carbon stored with 203.62 ton/ha. This was followed by the 15-year-old mango plantation with 122.34 ton/ha. The 12-year-old rambutan plantation had only 112.18 ton/ha carbon storage. In terms of carbon pools, the soil had the highest carbon stocks in all plantation at 113.21 ton/ha, 96.76 ton/ha, 67.56 ton/ha for santol, rambutan and mango, respectively. The carbon stocks for the trees were next highest with 86.02 ton/ha (Santol), 52.46 ton/ha (mango) and 13.13 ton/ha (rambutan). The least among the carbon pools is the understory with 0.5 ton/ha, 0.7 ton/ha and 0.36 ton/ha for rambutan, mango and santol plantations, respectively. Findings of this study suggest that fruit tree crops are potential carbon sink and must be promoted as a land-use practice to help mitigate climate change. *Corresponding

Author: Rico A. Marin 

164 | Janiola and Marin

J. Bio. Env. Sci. 2016 Introduction

positive note, however, tropical forest had the largest

Forests are crucial to the well-being of humanity.

potential to mitigate climate change and global

Furthermore, it provides foundation for life on earth,

warming through conservation of existing carbon

through ecological function and furnished a wide

pools (Lasco and Pulhin, 2009).

range of essential goods and services (Carandang, 2005). Today, world’s forests are under pressure due

Today, a lot of researches have been conducted

to the modernization of life and increasing human

regarding carbon stock assessment. Most of these



researches were conducted within natural forest and

conversion and degradation of forests are forms of




agroforestry farms. According to van Noordwijk

forest destruction.

(2002), a more refined Carbon accounting system is clearly needed to clarify changes in the terrestrial








carbon storage and to understand the present carbon

associated effect due to the destruction of world’s

situation in various land cover types to include

forest. Another form of forest destruction, which is

grassland, agricultural land and fruit tree crop

also a contributor to the increase of atmospheric

plantation. The interest of this study is to determine

carbon is land use change of forest. Increasing

the carbon stock of fruit crop plantation, which is

agricultural productivity is a primodial concern in

believed to have very limited information on carbon

many developing countries like the Philippines and it

stock at present.

is a driver of change for land use purposes in the forest (Sace, 2002).

Materials and methods Location of the study

The deteriorating global environment and destruction

A study was conducted in the fruit tree plantation

of forest around the world had generated concern

project of Bukidnon, Philippines. The three fruit

among nations, governments, and international

plantations were the 15-year-old Mango (Mangifera

organization (AFPSOS, 2009).

Carbon has been

indica Linn.) Plantation, 12-year-old Rambutan

associated with evolving discussion of climate change

(Nephelium lappaceum L.) Plantation and 32-year-

and global warming (Bowyer et al., 2012). On the

old Santol (Sandoricum koetjape Merr.) Plantation.

Fig. 1. Location map of fruit crop plantation production.

165 | Janiola and Marin

J. Bio. Env. Sci. 2016 The area was located at the center of the province of

Unruh et al. (1993) as cited by (Abucejo, 2012) was

Bukidnon which belonged to the third climatic type of

used was used.

the Philippines, having no very pronounced season usually from November to April and the rest of the

Cft (kg) = (Yftb) (0.45)

year was wet. The elevation of the area ranged from 200-260 meters above sea level (Fig. 1).

Where:Cft = Carbon yield of fruit trees Yftb = Fruit tree biomass = ( exp[-2.4090 +

Sampling design

0.9522*In(D2HS)] )

The study made use of the Randomized Complete

D = DBH (cm)

Block Design (RCBD) replicated two times. The

H = Tree Height (m)

treatments of the study includes:

S = Wood density equivalent to 0.57

A= 12-year-old Rambutan Plantation

0.45 = Carbon Content of fruit trees

B= 15-year-old Mango Plantation C= 32-year-old Santol Plantation

Understorey Biomass Destructive sampling technique was employed within

Establishment of sampling plot

the 5 m × 40 m quadrants. Four 1 m × 1 m sampling

The established nested sampling plots were based

plots were nested randomly for understorey sample

from the method used by Hairiah, (2010). Two 5

collection. For litters, a 0.5 m × 0.5 m was nested

m × 40 m plots were being established in each fruit

uniformly in the lower left of 1 m × 1 m sampling plot.

plantation. Nested plots of 1 m × 1 m and 0.5 m × 0.5

For understorey, all vegetation less than 5 cm dbh

m were established within the 5 m x 40 m for soil, for

were harvested within the 1 m × 1 m quadrants. Total

litter and understory sampling, respectively. With the

fresh sample was weighed in the field and after which

used of GPS receiver, geoposition of each plot was

a sub-sample of about 300 g was taken for oven


drying and carbon content analysis.

Carbon stock calculation

For litters, all undecomposed plant materials and


crop residues within 0.5 m × 0.5 m were collected.

Live tree biomass

Total fresh weight was then recorded in the field. A

Data collection to estimate carbon density was

sub-sample of about 300 g was taken for oven-drying

conducted using the methods described by Hairiah et

and carbon content analysis (Hairiah et al., 2010).

al. (2010). This method had been applied in many carbon related studies in the Philippines.

The carbon content analysis was done at the Soil and Plant Analysis Laboratory

(SPAL). Combustion

Two 200 m2 (5 m × 40 m) quadrats were established

method or dry ashing was done in order to determine

in each fruit plantation. The two quadrats represent

the carbon content of plant and litter samples. The

replication per site. The plot was established by

method used volatile solids (largely carbon and

running a 40 m centerline through the area. The trees

nitrogen), then burned at laboratory furnace at 500-

with Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of 5 cm to 30

600 °C leaves off and leaving only the ash. By

cm were measured as samples within 2.5 m of each

weighing the ash and applying percentage conversion

side of the 40 m centerline. A sample plot of 20 m ×

of ash and volatile solids that burned off, the carbon

100 m was established per site to measure the

content was determined.

diameter and height of tree greater than 30 cm DBH. Understorey and litter samples were calculated using For carbon computation of fruit trees, the equation by

the equation by Hairiah et al. (2010).

166 | Janiola and Marin

J. Bio. Env. Sci. 2016 WT= (TFW (kg)×SDW (g))/(SFW ×A)

(Hairiah et al., 2010) at the SPAL in Central


Mindanao University. The soil samples for bulk

WT = Total Dry Weight (kg)

density determination was collected in undisturbed

TFW = Total Fresh Weight (kg m2)

spot of 1 m ×1 m sampling plot and a 5.4 cm × 10 cm

SDW = Subsample Dry Weight

soil core cylinder was used in collecting the samples

SFW = Subsample Fresh Weight

by driving the soil core cylinder into 0-10 cm depth

A = Sample Area

soil layer (Hairiah et al., 2010).

C Stored=Total dry Weight × C Content

Soil Carbon was calculated through an equation: Carbon density ( Mg ha-1) = weight of soil × %SOC

Below ground

Where: Weight of soil (Mg) = bulk density × volume


of 1 hectare

Since the method for root biomass determination was

Bulk density (g/cc) = Oven-dried weight of soil /

not yet standardized, an allometric equation was used

Volume of canister

to determine root biomass and carbon (Lunsayan,

Volume of canister = π r2 h


Volume of one ha = 100m ×100m × 0.30m Total C stored = C stored (t/ha) × area (ha).

Root biomass was calculated through the use of allometric equation from (Cairns et al., 1997).

Data analysis The test of significant difference among treatments

Root Biomass = exp [ - 1.0587 + 0.8836 * In (AGB) ]

was determined using the Analysis of Variance

Where: exp = raise to the power of

(ANOVA). Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT), on

In = natural logarithm of

the other hand, was used in comparing treatment

AGB = Aboveground biomass

means. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences

C Stored = Root biomass density x C content.

(SPSS) version 16 was used in the data analyses.

Where: A default value of 45% was used to determine

Results and discussion

the carbon stored in root biomass, which was an

The inventory of fruit trees in sampling plots were

average carbon content of wood samples collected

summarized in Table 1. The 12 year old rambutan

from secondary forests from several locations in the

plantation had 27.5 mean sampled trees with mean

Philippines (Lasco & Pulhin, 2000) as cited in Labata

height and diameter of 7.33 m and 23.44 cm,

et al., (2012).

respectively. For the 15-year-old mango plantation, it had 34.5 mean sampled trees with 12.96 m mean


height and 32.41 cm mean diameter. On the other

For soil sampling, two methods were applied, the

hand, the 32-year-old santol plantation has 39 mean

destructive soil sampling and undisturbed soil

sampled trees with average height and diameter of

sampling. By using the same nested sampling plot,

16.91 m and 37.03 cm, respectively. Data showed that

the soil samples were collected. For the undisturbed

among the three plantations, santol being the oldest

soil sampling, samples were gathered in the 1 m × 1 m

(32 years) had the greatest diameter and height while

sampling plot and destructive soil samples were

the rambutan plantation (12 years) had the least

gathered at 0.5 m x 0.5 m, of which samples were

being the youngest of the three plantations.

derived from 0-30 cm depth soil layer and about a kilogram of soil sediments were taken for organic

Soil condition

analysis using Corg (Walkey and Black) Method

Table 2 shows the soil properties of the three

167 | Janiola and Marin

J. Bio. Env. Sci. 2016 plantations. The result for the soil condition among

plant nutrient availability and microbial reaction in


the soil, especially the soil organic matter. Further, he







plantations were at good condition.

said that organic matter content is often related to soil fertility. Accordingly, organic matter act as

As observed, the santol had the highest value among

reservoir of plant nutrients especially the three

the three plantations for soil pH, OM, OC, N and K.

important macronutrients (NPK) and micronutrients

Findings revealed that the soil condition of the 32-

(Okunwo et al., 2012). Furthermore, the presence of

year-old santol plantation is better compared to the

this nutrients influence plant growth and affect

sites for mango and rambutan plantations. According

vegetation structure.

to Imoro et al. (2012), the soil pH largely controls Table 1. Inventory of fruit trees for the three sites. Measurements

Plantation Rambutan



Mean No. of Trees




Mean Average Height (m)




Mean Average Diameter (cm)




Biomass and carbon production

the fact that both plantations had average diameter

Table 3 shows significant difference in biomass

greater than 30 cm and average height greater than

production among the three fruit plantations. Results

10 m. On the other hand, rambutan plantation had

show that Santol plantation (32-yr old) had the

the lowest amount of biomass produced with 24.70

highest amount of biomass production for trees

ton/ha. This is due to its size having a diameter range

amounting to 166.71 ton/ha. For mango plantation

of 21.67 cm to 25.20 cm and average height of below

(15-yr old), tree biomass is 100.71 ton/ha. However,

10 m. However, based on the size of trees, rambutan

biomass production of mango and santol plantations

can be classified under the medium size fruit tree

does not differ significantly. This can be attributed to

(Morton, 1987).

Table 2. Soil analysis of the three fruit tree plantation. Plantation




Total N (%)

Extr. P ppm

Exch. K ppm


















1.25 1.97

40.50 255.00

Tree biomass is directly proportional to its diameter

Significant difference was shown among the three

at breast height (DBH) and total height.

fruit plantations for aboveground carbon stock. Santol fruit trees had mean carbon density of 75.02

In fact, Brown (2002) as cited by Gibbs (2007)

ton/ha which was observed to be the highest among

reported that DBH is 95% of the total biomass. In this

the three plantations. This was followed by mango

study, santol plantation presents the greatest biomass

plantation with a total carbon stock of 45.29.

production, which can be due to its huge average

Rambutan plantation, on the other hand, had carbon

diameter and height. On the other hand, Mango and

stock of only 11.12 ton/ha and is the least among the

rambutan plantations had lesser biomass due to its

three plantations. Cubillas (2009) stated that carbon

smaller diameter and height.

storage was directly proportional to biomass density.

168 | Janiola and Marin

J. Bio. Env. Sci. 2016 Thus, like biomass, the same ranking of carbon



storage per site had resulted. Rambutan plantation

photosynthetic activity with much longer time

having smaller sizes and volume also resulted to have

compared to young trees and consequently are

the least biomass and carbon content. Pedregosa

absorbing and storing more carbon (Lunsayan,

(2009) had also parallel findings on the 40-year-old

2008). This may explain why the 32-year-old santol

rubber plantation being the greatest in biomass

plantation had the greatest carbon stock among the

compared to the 25-year-old and 5-year-old rubber











Table 3. Biomass and carbon production of different pool area. Fruit

Fruit Trees (ton/ha)

Understory (ton/ha)

Litter (ton/ha)

Roots (ton/ha)






Carbon Biomass Carbon



11.12 b






100.71 a

45.29 a

1.51 a

0.70 a

3.25 a

1.62 b


166.71 a






CV (%)



SOIL (ton/ha)


















2.01 b

96.76 a

15.95 a

7.17 a

67.56 a

25.74 a

11.60 a






Mean of the same letters are not significantly different at 5% level of significance using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The understorey biomass shows no significant

growth and vigor. Further, he stated that crown with

difference among the three plantations. Mango

densely packed leaves may transmit less light than

plantation had the highest biomass density of 1.51

one that consist elongated leaves with sparse crowns.

ton/ha, while santol plantation had the least with 0.78 ton/ha.

The mango and rambutan, on the other hand, had more open canopy, thus, more understory are

The difference of the understory biomass for each

observed in these plantations due to more light

plantation site was observed to be influenced by the

reaching the ground. In an open canopy, the

understory vegetation present in this study. Both 15-

understory is able to photosynthesize adequately

year-old mango plantation and 12-year-old rambutan

using such light from the sun.







(Paspalum conjugatum).

The age of stand, the spacing and sizes of canopy gaps, species and the multi-layering of foliage within

The only difference among the two plantations was

the stand all influence understory (Pett and Franklin,



2000). Furthermore, they stated that the amount of

vegetation than to the rambutan plantation. For

light reaching the understory varied greatly and

santol plantation, the understory vegetation was

overall understory conditions were influenced by

prone to weeding and disturbance due to the presence


of road network. Pedregosa (2009) stated that factors

correlation between the herb-shrub layer and the

like openness of canopy and presence of road network

canopy-light environment.











may affect the growth of the understory vegetation. Santol plantation had also a closer canopy due to its

For understorey carbon, the mean carbon density

large tree sizes. Close canopy makes understory

among the fruit plantations was found to be

receive less intense light than in plants with open

insignificant. The 15-year-old mango plantation had a

canopy. Ostrom (2005) mentioned that attribute of

mean carbon of 0.70 ton/ha, while the 32-year- old

light environment had significant impact on plant

plantation had the least with 0.36 ton/ha.

169 | Janiola and Marin

J. Bio. Env. Sci. 2016 Table 4. Percentage of different aboveground carbon pool. Plantation

Fruit Tree



Total AGC


11.12 (83%)

0.50 (4%)

1.79 (13%)



45.29 (95%)

0.70 (1%)

1.62 (4%)



75.02 (95%)

0.36 (1%)

3.43 (4%)


The findings for understory carbon among the three

composition had direct positive effect on shrub layer

plantations show that the age of plantation does not

and herb layer. According to Cubillas (2009), the

affect the amount of carbon being stored. Despite

growth of understory vegetation in natural forest is

being the oldest among the 3 plantations, santol

dependent to sunlight, thus, the thicker the forest

turned out to have the lowest amount of understory

canopy, the lesser the light penetration for the

carbon. This is due to the closeness of the canopy of

understory vegetation especially herbaceous plants,

the santol plantation. Light cannot easily penetrate

making them out-numbered. In rambutan and mango

the understory layer, thus, the growth of the

plantations, the canopy is quite open where light

understory in santol plantation is low. Bartels and

easily penetrates the understorey layer, thus, plants

Chen (2013) supported that overstory broad leaf

grow and thrive vigorously.

Table 5. Percentage of different belowground carbon pool. Plantation



Total BGC


2.01 (2%)

96.76 (98%)



7.17 (10%)

67.56 (90%)



11.60 (9%)

113.21 (91%)


For litters, no significant difference in biomass

three plantations, santol is older and had wider









plantations. The litter biomass density of santol

In terms of carbon from litters, santol plantation had

plantation had the highest value among the three

the highest value with 3.43 ton/ha followed by

plantations amounting to 6.93 ton/ha. Rambutan

rambutan plantation with 1.79 ton/ha. The mango

plantation had 3.93 ton/ha while mango plantation

plantation had the lowest carbon stock at 1.62 ton/ha.

had the least with 3.25 ton/ha.

This result is supported by the fact that the older santol fruit trees had denser canopy and greater

Branches, leaves and fruit crop residues that fell on


the forest ground (litter) had a corresponding

plantation. Thus, the santol plantation will most likely






biomass density, thus, the more litter harvested, the

shed greater amount of dry leaves than rambutan and

greater biomass density it produced (Lunsayan,

mango. This can be due also to the dry leaves and

2008). As observed, santol leaf litters were broader in

petioles of the 32-year-old santol trees which are

size and had longer petiole (18 cm long) compared to

bigger in size and would thereby give greater volume

rambutan and mango plantation. Rambutan leaves

of litters.

are alternately pinnate compound 7-30 cm long which is attached to a 1-2 cm petiole while mango had

On the root biomass of fruit trees, the three

evergreen alternate leaves with petioles 2.5-3.0 cm

plantations showed significant difference. Santol

long. Full grown leaves may be 10-32 cm long and 2-

plantation showed the greatest value with 25.74

5.4 cm wide (Morton,1987). Furthermore, santol

ton/ha. This was followed by mango plantation with

plantation also produces more litters since among the

15.95 to/ha and rambutan plantation had the least

170 | Janiola and Marin

J. Bio. Env. Sci. 2016 with only 4.46 ton/ha. The result may explain that the

the largest diameter, while rambutan had the least

root biomass is positively related to aboveground

diameter making it to have least root biomass density.

biomass. The equation by Cairns et al. (1997) uses the

Findings revealed that below ground root carbon

aboveground biomass of fruit trees to determine its

among the three plantations shows significant

root biomass. According to Law (2002) as cited by

difference. The 32-year-old santol plantation had the

Patricio and Tulod (2010), the mass of leaves and

highest value for root carbon with 11.60 ton/ha. The

stem is proportionally scaled to that of its roots in a

15-year-old mango plantation was second with 7.17

mathematically predictable way. This can be the

ton/ha, while the rambutan plantation had the least

reason why santol plantation had highest mean in

at 2.01 ton/ha.

terms of root biomass because among the three it has Table 6. Percentage table of different carbon pool compartment. Plantation Rambutan

Fruit Tree 11.12 (10%)


45.29 (37%)


75.02 (37%)

Understorey 0.50 (1%) 0.70 (1%) 0.36 (1%)

Litter 1.79 (1%)

Root 2.01 (2%)

1.62 (1%)

7.17 (6%)

3.43 (2%)

11.60 (5%)

Soil 96.76 (86%) 67.56 (55%) 113.21 (55%)

Total C 112.18 122.34 203.62

The result in root carbon density reflects only the

plantations showed significant difference at 0.05 level

trend result for aboveground biomass and carbon

(Table 4). Santol plantation had a total mean carbon

density of which the 32-year-old santol plantation

of 78.81 ton/ha while mango plantation had 47.61

had the highest followed by the 15-year-old mango

ton/ha. The least was the rambutan plantation with

and 12-year-old rambutan plantations.

13.4 ton/ha.

This is because of the fact that aboveground biomass

Findings showed that the santol plantation dominates

was used in the equation by Cairns et al. (1997) to

the aboveground carbon. This can be due to its

determine the root biomass and root carbon. As

diameter and height which is greater compared to the

discussed by Cubillas (2009), carbon storage was

other two fruit plantations. Expectedly, the result of

directly proportional to biomass density, thus the

the carbon storage is dependent on the biomass

same ranking of carbon storage per site had resulted.

production because carbon sequestration is a function

The soil mean carbon density among the three

of biomass production (Lunsayan, 2008). Further,

plantations shows no significant difference. Santol

since trees had

plantation had a total soil mean carbon of 113.21

consequently, it stores the highest amount of carbon

ton/ha, rambutan plantation had 96.76 ton/ha and

among other aboveground biomass compartment

mango plantation had 67.56 ton/ha. The insignificant

(understorey and litter). Labata (2012) reported that

difference of the three plantations can be due to the

85-94% of the aboveground biomass can be stored in

uniformity of soil OM of the said sites. According to

trees. Further, litter was only 2-6% and herbaceous

Henry (2010), most of the soil carbon is found in the

vegetation accounts only to 1-13%. In this study trees

0-30 cm depth soil layer. Moutinho (2005) also


described that 30% of soil carbon stock can be found

understorey with 1-4% and litter with 4-13%.


the highest biomass density,




in the 0-5 cm soil layer. Below ground total carbon Aboveground total carbon

No significant difference was noted for belowground

The total aboveground carbon of the three fruit

carbon among the three plantations. However, santol

171 | Janiola and Marin

J. Bio. Env. Sci. 2016 plantation had the highest belowground mean carbon

Total carbon

of 124.54 ton/ha. Rambutan plantation had 98.77


ton/ha, while mango plantation had 74.74 ton/ha.

difference among the three plantations (Fig 2). The






32-year-old santol had the greatest amount of carbon The no significant difference of belowground can be

stored among the three plantations with 203.62

due to the very high soil carbon content in the three

ton/ha. Its difference from mango and rambutan is

sites. This is because most of the belowground total


carbon is found in soil and constitute about 90-98%.

plantation had a total carbon stock of 122.34 ton/ha,


while rambutan plantation had the least value with







belowground (Table 5).






112.17 ton/ha. However, its difference with mango plantation is not significant.

Mean of the same letters are not significantly different at 5% level of significanceusing Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Fig. 2. Graphical presentation of total carbon stock. The result for the total carbon stored among the three

and 5 year old rubber plantation with 238.39 Mgha-1

fruit plantations only shows that the santol plantation

and 2.56 Mgha-1 carbon stocks, respectively. In the

dominates in terms of total carbon storage. This can

study of Lasco et al. (2000), forest had carbon stocks

be due to its age and size of santol trees. The greater

of 392.96 ton/ha being the highest, followed by

the size of the vegetation, the most likely to contain

yemane, mangium and mahogany plantation with

more C stocks. According to Sabukti et al. (2010), the

294.16 ton/ha, 275.42 ton/ha and 192.02 ton/ha

existence of trees with diameter more than 30 cm in a

carbon density, respectively. While in the study of

certain land use system makes a large contribution to

Lunsayan (2008) the 16-year-old carribean pine

the total carbon stocks. As observed in all the carbon

plantation had 258.19 ton/ha carbon stocks then

pool, the aboveground components especially the

followed by 14-year-old and 5 year old carribean pine

fruit trees shows the greatest amount of biomass

plantation with 212.15 ton/ha and 155.52 ton/ha,

present as well as the carbon.


Age, size, species and type of forest may influence

The aboveground carbon pool shows high amount of

amount of carbon storage. In the study of Pedregosa

carbon amounting to 10-36% of the total carbon

(2009) the 40 year old rubber plantation had 292.36

stored, tree gives off significant part to the

Mgha-1 carbon stocks then followed by 25 year old

aboveground carbon. Litter amounts only to 1-3% and

172 | Janiola and Marin

J. Bio. Env. Sci. 2016 understorey only amounts to 1-2% of the total carbon

Vegetation Science 24(3), 546-548.

stored. However, among the carbon pool, soil had the highest component amounting to 55-86% of the total

Bowyer J, Bratkovich S, Frank M, Howe J,

carbon. Soil can sequester more carbon because it is


where decomposition takes place from all the litter

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debris and leaves of the tree, dead herbaceous plants

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sink and are helpful in mitigating climate change. The

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potentials of fruit trees to sequester carbon can be

Pollution 116(3), 363-372.

comparable to that of forest trees and the fact that these crops are also providing food and income to the

Cairns M, Brown S, Helmer E, Baumgardner

farmers. The promising contribution of fruit tree

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plantations in solving food shortages and climate

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