July 2015

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Vol 1. Issue 7. July 2015 • `100

Dr MUKESH BATRA The homeopathic Lilium personality Dr Anne Vervarcke Relationships & their homeopathic perspective PLUS

Healthy aging Knight in soy armour Milk dangers Kajol’s wellness mantra


A good doze of sleep 2 50580 2 40 2000


Vol 1. Issue 7. JULY 2015



Vol 1. Issue 7. JULY 2015

Editorial Advisory Board Chairman| Dr Mukesh Batra Vice-Chairman| Dr Akshay Batra Editor & Publisher Dr Rajgopal Nidamboor rajgopal.nidamboor@homeopathyandyou.com Assistant Editor Kavita Nadkarni Head-Sales & Marketing Kiran Joshi Manager-Marketing J Chaitanya Kumar chaitanya.kumar@homeopathyandyou.com Contributing Writers Maneka Gandhi, New Delhi, India Dr Richard Firshein, New York, US Kerry Dulin, Michigan, US Ambika Shukla, New Delhi, India Radhanath Swami, US/India Badrinath Durvasula, Mumbai, India Ruby Lilaowala, Mumbai, India Dr Preeti Mandawewala, Mumbai, India Amita Quenim, Goa, India Ryan Harrison, Los Angeles, US Dr Clara Lopez - Amaya, Mississauga, Canada Dr Joseph Kellerstein, Canada Dr Misha Norland, Cotswolds, UK Dr Renita Herrmann, San Francisco, US Dr Anthony Salzarulo, New York, US Dr Anne Vervarcke, Leuven, Belgium Dr Miranda Castro, Florida, US Design HB Design Pvt Ltd

6 5 Letters 6 Focus: Homeopathy and insomnia: A good doze of sleep


Homeopathic ‘Sunsigns’: Know your personality; know your remedy. Dr Mukesh Batra distils the homeopathic Lilium, this month

Subscriptions subscriptions@homeopathyandyou.com

17 Medical Marvels: Case reviews

Website: www.homeopathyandyou.com E: editorial@homeopathyandyou.com Tel: 022-3367 1200 Fax: 022-3027 1415

20 How Homeopathy Helped Me 21 Q&A: Doctor’s Orders 24 Quintessence:

Printed and published by Rajgopal Nidamboor for and on behalf of Dr Mukesh Batra, 33, Maker Towers-H, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400 005 and printed by him at Parksons Graphics Private Limited, 12 Todi Estate, Behind Post Office, Sun Mill Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013. Editor & Publisher: Rajgopal Nidamboor © All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, in any manner, without prior written permission prohibited. Disclaimer: Homeopathy & You is committed to providing useful information on homeopathy, health and wellness. However, its content is not intended to provide medical advice or diagnosis for individual problems, or inferred to be a substitute for professional medical guidance. It is imperative for readers to consult their doctor/healthcare professional or therapist, prior to starting any treatment, or practice, or attending to any questions thereto. The opinions expressed by writers and columnists are their own. They do not, in any way, or manner, reflect the views of the publisher, editor, or company.

from Dr Joseph Kellerstein

Relationships and homeopathy

30 What Lies Beneath: Homeopathy: Avant-garde medicine

32 Home[e]o Truths: Obesity, diabetes and homeopathy

36 Living Well: Healthy aging 42 Take charge of your health now 57 Pot-Pourri 58 Health Happenings 60 Goodness of cinnamon 61 Read. Watch. Listen. Explore 62 Celeb Fitness: Kajol


40 Live & Help Live: Maneka Gandhi 45 Good For You: Dr Richard Firshein 48 Fightning Fit: Kerry Dulin 49 Whole & Soul: Radhanath Swami 50 Corporate Wellness: Badrinath Durvasula

53 P oise & Balance: Preeti Mandawewala HOMEOPATHY & YOU | JULY 2015


MAILBOX: READERS’ FEEDBACK Vol 1. Issue 5. May 2015 • `100

Vol 1. Issue

Vol 1. Issue

7. July 2015

• `100


4. April 2015

• `100

Vol 1. Issue 5. May 2015 • `100






Dr MUKESH BATRA The homeopathic Agaricus personality

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Our June issue evoked a gratifying response.


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FDA PUBLIC HEARINGS ON HOMEOPATHY I have just returned from the North West Naturopathic Practitioners Conference at Seattle, US. While I did have several intense conversations with attending delegates about the Homeopathic Drug Review by Food & Drug Administration [FDA], the subject did not seem to be mentioned at the event podium. I was surprised such an urgent issue for natural and alternative medicine didn’t get to the spotlight there during this window for written opinions. To me, the FDA public hearing itself seemed like a Homeopathy Symposium. Of course, if you listen to the usual pharma writers in media, two of the 39 speakers seem to get the corporate press. That is why we need to invite the public and our patients to participate in lending their opinions to this process. The Materia Medica Company presented their nuclear magnetic resonance [NMR] molecular studies comparing signatures of original substance to their new homeopathicallyprepared product. They found activity in both the original substance and the homeopathic dilution. They also demonstrated the final product efficacy with clinical trials — a tremendous review of the effectiveness of innovative homeopathic preparation strategy. That strategy is intended to deliver the efficacy benefit of the original substance without delivering the toxicity that comes from introducing the full strength drug to the physiological system. Yes, innovations. But, I didn’t sense any of the importance of that presentation was understood by the panel. My short presentation was dedicated to the importance of consultation with the right people and balancing this with the opportunity for continued industry innovation. Dr Peter Fisher, MA, MB, BChir, FRCP, FFHom, Director of Research at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, and physician to the Queen, provided an excellent presentation. My colleagues: please take the time to reach out to your peers and the public to get submissions sent to the review process. Many professionals feel a troubling uncertainty about the future of your Freedom to Choose CAM methodologies and new generalised negative PR attentions steered towards Natural Medicine generally. I urge you to take some time to inform your community. Also, invite the public to state their opinions. Please submit your opinion using the easy link and several resources on our web page [http://terra-medica.com/healthy-future], or create your own and get them out there. — Terry Cotter, President, Terra-Medica Inc., Canada


Homeopathy & You is looking for quality articles [600-800 words] on homeopathy, health, wellness, and lifestyle, that reflect the spirit of our publication. Professional homeopathic doctors may E-mail their ‘best’ cases [and, ‘best’ letters from their patients] too!

Send in yours, TODAY!

Please submit your material/articles etc., by pasting it in the body of your E-mail [not as attachment], along with a brief description of the piece, your credentials to write it, your short bio, your photo [in high-res .jpeg format {300 dpi}; as attachment], contact information and anything you feel we should know.

E-mail your submission to: editorial@homeopathyandyou.com

HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015





A GOOD DOZE OF SLEEP There is nothing worse than not being able to sleep at night and depleting our batteries when we wake up in the morning. Homeopathy induces natural sleep by treating the individual presenting with insomnia as a whole — not just sleeplessness in isolation — without side-effects.


from the grain, sleep physicians have catalogued leep is a natural state that promotes rest. sleep problems into three key areas, viz., — It acts like a shock-absorber — a natural Dysomnia. The individual finds it hard to cushion against stress. It augments fall asleep, or stay asleep. Examples include optimal health and well-being. This is achieved insomnia, sleepiness during daytime, by way of chemical stimulation in the brain, sleep apnoea, or sudden, temporary loss of the nerve centres and the muscular system. By Dr MIRANDA breath during sleep, and restless leg syndrome Sleep is partly biological in nature. CASTRO Parasomnia. This includes REM [Rapid It also corresponds to behavioural Eye Movement] sleep behaviour disorder, fear of and cultural factors. Put simply, any general going to sleep, sleepwalking, grinding of teeth relaxation of the body facilitates sleep. during sleep time, bed-wetting and so on It is suggested that what people do in the course Medical, or psychiatric, sleep disorders. of the day has a certain effect on the time they spend This corresponds to disturbed normal sleep, sleeping. For some, sleep is a blessing. For others, including psychoses or schizophrenia, mood sleep is a waste of time. However, the fact is the latter disorders, stress, anxiety, depression, panic tend to spend a substantial part of their vacations, attack and addictions, such as alcoholism. weekends, or holidays, sleeping — a paradox. In simple terms, sleeplessness is also There is no precise rationalisation of sleep disorders. represented by the following pointers: In general, though, a sleep disorder represents a dilemma that upsets one’s ‘normal’ sleep patterns. • Insomnia, where you can’t just fall asleep, when Research suggests that we are a sleep-deprived you want to, or at ‘regular’ sleep times society. It also reports that there are over 75 • Jet-lag, where your sleep patterns are out of different types of sleep disorders. One universal sync with the time zone of your destination. This agreement is most sleep disorders ‘obstruct’ our regular happens with most international air travellers sleep patterns. However, in order to separate the chaff • When you suddenly fall asleep without a word


HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015

of warning, especially during daytime • Anxiety about sleep itself, or ‘sleep terror disorder,’ where you are hurriedly woken up from sleep by fright • Inadvertent grinding of teeth • Advanced and delayed sleep phase syndrome, where your bio-clock, or circadian rhythms, are disturbed. SYMPTOMS • Frequent awakening at night • Trouble falling asleep • Extreme daytime drowsiness • Extreme snoring • Sudden, momentary loss of breath [apnoea] • Low energy during the wakeful hours of the day • Depression. Other equally common symptoms include — • Anxiety • Moody blues • Inability to focus or concentrate • Apathy • Irritability • Memory loss, or decline • Forceful movements of the lower limbs during sleep. It is evidenced that millions of people suffer from sleeplessness worldwide. Millions more, it is reported, suffer from occasional sleeping problems. In general, however, research suggests that over half of elderly adults [age 65+], and many among the youthful, ‘techie’ brigade, for instance, experience some form of sleep disorder — with marked effects. A friend called me the other day and said she couldn’t sleep. She was recovering from surgery and was worried that if she couldn’t sleep she would take longer to heal because her body wasn’t getting the rest it needed. Actually there is some truth in this credo. A host of healing processes occurs when we sleep. The activity of the lungs and heart is reduced to a minimum, our body’s temperature, blood pressure and pulse rate fall, and our muscles relax. This allows the cells of our bodies to carry out essential repair work, grow and regenerate. Skin cells, for example, divide and grow twice as quickly when we are asleep.

A survey sponsored by the National Sleep Foundation [NSF] found that 60 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders; two out of three people are not getting eight hours of sleep at night and a third are getting less than six hours. SLEEP LOSS... COSTS It is unfortunate that individuals who are consistently getting less than they need are courting chronic exhaustion. The inference is simple — fatigue can impact all aspects of our lives, from our work and our personal relationships to our ability to concentrate and perform daily tasks. Sleep loss can even be deadly. The NSF found that more than half of the respondents — in the survey — had driven drowsy in the previous year. One-third of such adults admitted to having fallen asleep while driving. Also, one in ten had had an automobile accident because of fatigue, or dozing off. The number rose to 80 per cent in those who work shifts. Tragically, drowsy driving is the cause of at least 100,000 car crashes and 1,500 fatalities each year, according to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Unfortunately, 22 per cent would rather continue driving when feeling sleepy rather than taking a break at a rest-stop, because they fear for their safety. The NSF is a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving the quality of life [QoL] for millions of Americans who suffer from sleep disorders and to supporting sleep-related education and research to improve public health and safety. The NSF provides free brochures on sleep, drowsy driving and sleep disorders, such as sleep apnoea and regional listings of accredited sleep centres and other public education materials and programmes. STRESS SPIKE There is nothing worse than not being able to sleep at night. We need to be able to recharge our batteries so that when we wake up in the morning, even if life looks bleak, we have some energy to deal with the

SLEEP MATTERS Our individual sleep requirements vary, although most adults need eight hours per night. Restful sleep is as important as exercise, or a healthy diet, in maintaining overall health, but in spite of evidence showing the value of good sleep, few Americans, and people elsewhere, are getting the rest they need. It has become fashionable to sleep less, to get up early to exercise, to work more and to eat and sleep less. The pressure to work often supersedes sleep as a priority. One in four Americans, for instance, actually believes that you cannot be successful and get enough sleep. Needing more sleep has come to be perceived by most as a weakness to be ignored or even overcome. HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015


day ahead. I know that when I have slept badly, or not slept enough for days on end [e. g., after a transatlantic journey, or after attending a birth] I can feel mentally foggy, emotionally touchy and generally exhausted. I may then develop a physical symptom — typically a headache — if I am unable to rest at this point. This is an ordinary sort of tiredness which can be dealt with fairly easily, by taking a nap or going to bed early, although it takes 2-3 weeks for your internal body clock to fully catch up on a sleep deficit, or adapt to a new schedule. Meanwhile, it is possible to carry on working, in spite of feeling like everything is a bit of an effort. The common tendency is to increase one’s caffeine intake at this point. Unfortunately, caffeine simply masks tiredness — just as aspirin masks pain. It is useful as a stopgap, but you should not rely on it, especially if other people’s lives are dependent on your staying awake. Using tea or coffee, or colas, to stay awake can mess with our appetites — we miss meals, especially the hallowed breakfast, or cram in junk-foods at erratic times, especially sugar, fat and salt, or eat just too much too late in the day. This puts our adrenal glands under supplementary stress which, in turn, can create a state of exhaustion where rest and sleep are no longer refreshing, or easy. Those who keep on going may only stop when an acute illness like flu knocks at their door. It is a shame to have to take a break because of illness — it is so much nicer to enjoy time-off when you aren’t sick. People with chronic exhaustion develop disturbed sleeping patterns which add to their fatigue and can be hard to change. They can find it awfully difficult to sleep once their nervous systems become exhausted, because relaxing is so hard. They can’t switch off at night and/or they wake in the night and can’t get back to sleep, or they sleep lightly and restlessly, or suffer from sleep apnoea or restless legs. Whatever their pattern, sleep is no longer refreshing and they wake up tired in the morning. People who work in shifts are more vulnerable to sleep disturbances as individuals who are waking up several times a night to feed infants, or care for sick children, or relatives. These people can


HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015

end up feeling like they are in a constant state of jet-lag, a sort of biological vacuum of fatigue. This kind of build-up of tiredness can lead to increased susceptibility to both acute and chronic illness, or disease. CATCHING CAT NAPS The only real cure for sleepiness is sleep and if you can’t sleep at night then you might benefit from an afternoon siesta — predictably re-labelled ‘the power nap’ in the 1990s. This has become something you ‘do’ and as quickly as possible, so guess what? You can get back to work as quickly as possible. And, indeed, some people are proficient nappers — falling asleep easily and feeling refreshed after even a couple of minutes of shut-eye. Others need something substantial to recharge their batteries. A short daytime sleep, or nap, can be enormously energising: alertness, productivity and even creativity are all increased in the short-term. The ideal length of time for a nap is 15-30 minutes — a longer daytime sleep can cause grogginess. The best time to nap is eight hours after waking and eight hours before going to bed to fit in with our natural energy cycles: our body temperature dips around this time and people often feel tired when this happens. I asked my friend why she wasn’t sleeping. She said she thought a surgical procedure had affected her badly, her body ached all over. She was lying awake for hours and felt desperately sleepy, but just couldn’t get to sleep. I asked how she was feeling generally and she said fine, or rather she did feel tired, of course, and would be fine if only she could get some sleep. Wasn’t there a remedy that could help? ONE REMEDY It was at this point that I took a deep breath and wished that we had specific remedies for specific symptoms. Wouldn’t it be great if we had one insomnia remedy, one headache remedy, one allergy remedy? And, then again, I guess that would put me out of my job. For over 200 years that homeopathy has been around, homeopaths have repeatedly attempted to simplify the art of selecting a remedy, especially for acute illnesses. Combining remedies is the favourite way to do this. I guess I could have guided my friend to one of the combination remedies and made my life — and, hers — easier. But, something about the tone in her voice made me want to ask more about what had actually happened at the time of the surgery. That question led to a couple of additional queries, which showed me clearly and beautifully what she needed in order to heal her whole person. She had had an investigative procedure which had been unexpectedly painful. I asked her how it had affected her and she said that the surgeon had been rather insensitive and indifferent. She admitted to feeling angry that he hadn’t warned her

What effect Insomnia can have on the Body? Sleep Disorders May Precede or Exacerbate Psychiatric Conditions - Psychiatric Times Sleep-disordered breathing causes significant nocturnal perturbations, such as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), that can lead to cerebrovascular disorders. - Science Daily (Apr. 2012)


Sleep well Indications: • Fatigue • Drowsiness • Associated headache • Insomnia (sleeplessness)

THE SLEEP CYCLE Your brain is active and you dream. Your eyes move under your eyelids in RAPID EYE MOVEMENT (R.E.M.)



You are in a deep, restful sleep. Your breathing & heart rate slow down, and your body is still.


You first fall asleep, but are not yet in a deep sleep.

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how unpleasant it might be. She said the scar was still painful and especially sensitive to touch. I asked her what was going through her mind as she lay in bed at night unable to sleep and she laughed. She said rather sheepishly that she couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened and having angry conversations in her head with the surgeon and every other medical professional who had ever treated her badly, or hurt her. THREE-LEGGED STOOL I want to share with you one of my favourite ways of selecting a remedy in an acute complaint: that of the three-legged stool. For a [real] stool to be well-balanced and useful as a piece of furniture — one you can sit on reliably — it must have at least three sturdy, separate legs. For an acute remedy to be useful and effective, it should have at least three sturdy, separate legs — with each leg representing one or more strong symptoms from a different ‘part’ of the body. One leg should describe the strong symptoms, or characteristic features of the insomnia itself — for example, whether you are unable to get to sleep, or you wake frequently in the night or can’t wake up in the morning, etc. This leg can also include any accompanying — or, concomitant — symptoms, such as restless legs, headache, exhaustion, etc. One leg should describe the cause of the insomnia, in other words, any stress factors. What was happening in your life around the time it started? Are you sleeping poorly because of mental strain: too much studying leading up to an exam, or too much desk work in order to meet a writing deadline? Is it because of emotional stress: the loss of someone, or something dear to you, or a huge disappointment, or too much excitement? Is it because of physical stress: convalescing from an acute illness, or several weeks of broken nights because of a sick child? One leg needs to describe your feelings, or emotional state. Since the advent of stress, or stresses, and accompanying insomnia, how have you been feeling about yourself? Have you been more irritable than usual, or mildly depressed, or spaced out, or anything else? We can add a fourth leg and include any strong general symptoms — responses to weather/temperature, appetite, thirst, etc., — to make this stool one that will not tip over no matter how hard you rock it. ONE- OR TWO-LEGGED STOOLS Some home prescribers, or lay homeopaths, often make the mistake of selecting a remedy based on only a couple of symptoms. If the symptoms belong to one area alone — i. e., there are two strong symptoms relating to insomnia and no symptoms relating to the mental state, the cause or the general state — then there may be only one leg to the poor stool. One or two legs are usually not enough to be confident that an acute homeopathic remedy is going to help — to hold up as it were.


HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015

It can be hard to see your own ‘legs’ — even the most observant of folks can be understandably dim-witted about their own symptoms. The best thing to do is to get someone else to help you sort out what is sturdy and what is rickety, in terms of your own legs, if you are having difficulty choosing a remedy because you just can’t sleep. A STURDY THREE-LEGGED STOOL So, what did my friend’s three-legged stool look like? One leg was insomnia with sleepiness and aching in the body. One leg was plainly the injury from surgery with the painful scar that was sensitive to touch. The third leg was the internalised hurt and feelings of resentment [or, unexpressed anger] that were churning around in her mind at night preventing her from sleeping. Together the three legs made a strong three-legged stool of the homeopathic remedy, Staphysagria. I suggested she take a single dose of Staphysagria 200C. She felt better in herself almost immediately although very tired — a sensible and necessary response. And, her sleep improved over the following week. She wrote a letter to the surgeon that was true to her experience without alienating him with her anger. She made a reasonable request for an apology, which she duly received and was able to heal further. Had she taken an over-the-counter [OTC] insomnia homeopathic combination remedy, she might have slept better for a while, but her overall state would probably have remained the same and insomnia would probably have kept returning until she got the healing she really needed. Staphysagria healed her emotional as well as her physical wound and allowed her ‘vital force,’ or prana, to recover its former sturdiness. There really is nothing quite like healing that takes the whole person into account — and, includes all their legs in toto, not in isolation. HEALING WITH HOMEOPATHY You can treat yourself for simple, acute insomnia, as long as it is truly acute and hasn’t been lingering on as a chronic complaint over months or years. In the latter, you’d need a professional homeopath to work out a constitutional remedy that takes all of you into account. If you are caught up in a vicious cycle of not being able to rest, or sleep deeply, because your sleep has been broken, or disturbed recently, then one of the remedies might ease you back into a healthy sleep pattern. The following are brief highlights to act as reminders. Each remedy has a much bigger symptom profile than summarised and you will find it helpful to check them out in one of the home prescribing books, or the homeopathic Materia Medica, before choosing one for yourself, or someone close to you who can’t sleep. Calcarea Phosphoricum. The cause is convalescence [insomnia after an illness], growth spurts in children [who become tired and have difficulty sleeping]. Symptoms are difficulty getting to sleep before midnight, feels tired on waking even after sleeping longer than

usual, tension in neck and shoulders makes relaxing difficult. Individuals who are restless and sluggish; discontented and complain constantly. China. The cause is loss of fluids [sweating, vomiting, diarrhoea, or even breastfeeding]; tea. Symptoms are insomnia with restless sleep. There is often a tired and irritable feeling with heightened sensitivity to noise. Cocculus. The cause is loss of sleep from nursing the sick, or breastfeeding, long-distance travel, etc. Symptoms are insomnia with dizziness and headache; sleep is restless and unrefreshing, with anxious dreams, or even nightmares. Or, the individual feels generally anxious, especially anxious about others if caring for the sick, or feels spaced out, dazed and confused. Coffea. The cause is over-excitement, or too much caffeine. Symptoms are difficulty getting to sleep because of an overactive mind; can’t switch off, the sleep is light and full of vivid dreams. The individual is excessively cheerful and even euphoric; their mind races with ideas and thoughts that whir around uncontrollably. Gelsemium. The cause is bad news, or anticipatory anxiety [exam or interview nerves, fear of public speaking, etc.]. Symptoms are ‘dull and sleepy’ feeling, but cannot sleep. Individuals who are extremely anxious, wobbly and cannot gather thoughts, or feel dull and confused. Ignatia. The cause is loss, grief, emotional shock, disappointment, homesickness. Symptoms are insomnia with busy dreams. Individuals who suffer alone; they don’t want comforting after a loss, but holding their feelings inside ‘causes’ a lump in the throat, or constriction in the chest. Kali Phosphoricum. The cause is nervous strain, over-excitement, or too much mental work and/or study. Symptoms are empty feeling in the pit of the stomach. Individuals who are mildly depressed and have difficulty concentrating. Nitric Acid. The cause is broken sleep from shift work, including nursing infants/the sick. Symptoms are sleepless until the early hours [typically around 2:00am] and then wakes feeling tired; many anxious dreams. Individuals who are extremely irritable, anxious about their health, and sensitive to noise. Nux Vomica. The cause is overwork, mental strain [from overwork/study/exams, etc.]; caffeine, and sedentary lifestyle. Symptoms are ‘can’t get to sleep easily’ in spite of feeling tired, wakes around 3:00am and can’t get back to sleep, drifts off into a deep sleep just before the alarm goes off and wakes feeling tense and exhausted. Individuals who are tense and highly strung, impatient and easily offended, or angry over trifles.

Phosphoric Acid. The cause is mental strain [from overwork/study/exams etc.]; disappointment, convalescence, or loss of fluids. Symptoms are ‘wakes frequently’ and can’t fall asleep after midnight; sleep is unrefreshing. Individuals who are deeply apathetic, indifferent to everything; sluggish and uncommunicative [doesn’t want to talk]. Staphysagria. The cause is resentment [with suppressed hurt and anger]; injury/surgery. Symptoms are sleepy all day and sleepless at night; body aches all over. Individuals who are touchy and easily offended; they say nothing but ‘boil inside’ with hurt feelings and angry thoughts that keep them awake at night. Zincum Metallicum. The cause is mental strain [from overwork/study/exams, etc.]. Symptoms are sleep is light and unrefreshing; restless legs jerk as they fall asleep and also wake them up each time. Individuals who are tense and depressed and sensitive to noise. SELF-HELP • Plan on a minimum of eight hours sleep • Decide on a reasonable time to go to sleep and stick to it, even during weekends • Go to bed when you begin to feel tired rather than missing that moment and getting a second wind • Make sure your bedroom isn’t too hot, or too cold, has a good supply of fresh air and isn’t too noisy [wear ear plugs if it is] • Make sure your mattress is firm enough to support you without being too hard and making you sore [this will cause you to wake more frequently and make deep sleep difficult] • Make sure your bedding isn’t too heavy [or, too light] • Take some evening exercise, especially if you are sedentary during the day, but exercise three hours before going to bed, or earlier, as it can be too energising if done late in the evening HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015


• Avoid caffeine in any form [coffee, tea, cola] after midday — or, altogether if you know you are sensitive to it • Eat your evening meal at least 2-3 hours before going to bed • Have a bath or shower only if you know that it is relaxing for you [some people find it wakes them up] • Don’t watch TV in bed • Don’t take work to bed with you; make your bedroom a haven where you go to relax and rest, and sleep • Take a hot drink [no caffeine, or alcohol] to bed with you, or a glass of milk • Take a book [not too exciting and not workrelated] to bed, or listen to music for a halfhour or so, or until you feel sleepy • Don’t try to sleep — allow yourself to relax, imagine your body is heavy and warm and breathe evenly • Pick a simple prayer, a favourite or meaningful and relaxing saying and let the words run through your mind over and over without paying any special attention to them • Run through your day backwards starting with the present — many people find they fall asleep before they ‘reach’ the morning

• Write down any worries or persistent thoughts, especially if they are stopping you from sleeping — getting them off your mind can be really helpful • Writing in a journal last thing at night can help you unwind and relax • If you still can’t sleep and you haven’t eaten for more than three hours, get a light snack and a drink and go through your bedtime routine again • If you wake at night and can’t get back to sleep then get up and putter about: make a hot drink and take it back to bed with a boring book until your next natural sleep cycle comes along [up to two hours later] • Try an herbal tincture [one that contains Passiflora, Valeriana, hops, or humulus] as a stopgap — they can be helpful for people who find it difficult to fall asleep • Try one of the homeopathic remedies in this article if your insomnia is fairly recent. If you have a history of insomnia, it is imperative to consult a professional homeopath who can treat the whole person, and not just your sleeping problems in isolation • Ask your doctor to refer you to a specialised sleep clinic, if nothing works.

Dr Miranda Castro, a homeopath of international repute, has been practicing and researching classical homeopathy since 1982. A Fellow of the Society of Homeopaths [UK] and past president of the North American Society of Homeopaths [NASH], she has been speaking, researching and teaching on both sides of the Atlantic for over 30 years+. A prolific writer, Dr Castro has written numerous books and papers for the professional homeopath, besides hundreds of articles for the homeopathic home prescriber. She lives in Gainesville, Florida, US.


HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015


LILIUM: OF HURRY, BLURRY & WORRY The homeopathic Lilium Tigrinum personality represents a sense of hassle, also authority, right from the word go — primarily through relaxed indignation, or plain anger. They also tend to absorb offence at the drop of a thought — like the proverbial sponge.


Author J M Barrie introduced Tiger he homeopathic remedy, Lilium Tigrinum, Lily, the Indian princess in his immortal or Tiger lily, is primarily a woman’s book, Peter Pan — the epitome of a remedy. Not that it isn’t appropriate gorgeous, arrogant, authoritarian young for men — it is, especially when symptoms woman, with a strong, puffed-up attitude. correspond, or match, with the individual By Dr MUKESH BATRA Picture this too, by courtesy of Lewis having the illness, or health concern. Lilium Carroll in Through the Looking Glass. presents a portrait of contrasts — a frenzied, Alice finds herself in ‘The Garden of Live Flowers’ passionate intent, exemplified by anger. The and comes upon a flower-bed with a border of personality also exudes a reflective divergence — of daisies and a willow-tree growing in the middle. endless sensuality, yet upholding good moral values. “O, Tiger lily” says Alice, to herself, to what is Lilium individuals often emote a sense of hassle, or oscillating elegantly in the wind, “I wish you could talk.” disappointment, right from the word go, essentially “We can talk,” says the Tiger lily, “when through plain anger. They seem to absorb annoyance, there’s anybody worth talking to.” or offence, at the drop of a thought. It is obvious that Alice is so dumbfounded that she doesn’t speak Liliums present with a quintessence of purpose — of for a minute… After much contemplation, she says, ‘twin behaviour’ that is also apparently, not covertly, almost with a mutter. “And... can all the flowers talk?” paradoxical to one another. That they are kind, “As well as you can,” says the Tiger compassionate, and sincere, and, at the same time, lily. “And, a great deal louder.” flushed with anger and spite is part of the remedy’s Meanwhile, as the dialogue between Alice, the homeopathic picture — of individuals who are hasty daisies and the willow, reaches the crescendo, Tiger lily and edgy. Or, folks who are in a major rush, to do things becomes livid, “Silence, every one of you!” cries she, as too many, and also just too much, at the same time. she waves herself overpoweringly from one side to the Tiger lily has its pride of place in English literature. HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015


other, wobbling with exhilaration. “They know I can’t get at them!” she sighs, yielding her pulsating head towards Alice. Thus, emerges the monologue in all its resplendent glory: “Or, they wouldn’t dare to do it.” The two literary embellishments celebrate the Lilium personality — proud, dominant, touchy, and intolerant, yet having the guts to make others cringe. Add to it passion, charm, and also absolute allure, and you have the Lilium personality depicting the travails of a woman’s existence — from the divergence of being truly sexual, and yet feeling extreme indignity about the whole essence of one’s basic instinct — notwithstanding modernity, or coming-of-age liberation, not innocence. The Lilium genus encompasses about a hundred species of bulbous plants, including the Tiger lily, which was native to ancient China, Korea, and Japan, where it was also first cultivated as a food plant and medicine. This, perforce, was the foundation for its ‘herbal potency’ in treating uterine and emotional disorders — something that bid fair to its homeopathic allegory. The homeopathic Lilium was first proved by Dr E W Payne. To paraphrase the monograph of Dr Payne’s ‘proving’ of some of Lilium’s mental symptoms: “Wild feeling in the head with confusion of ideas; pressure, and a crazy feeling on the top of the head rendering her incapable of recording her own symptoms; fear of insanity and that should she become insane, there would be no one to take care of her; worse at night; but better in the morning. Opposite mental states; she feels nervous and irritable and yet says she feels jolly. Desires to do something but feels no ambition. Wants somebody to talk to her and entertain her. Feels hurried and yet incapable, as if she had something to do and could not do it. Don’t want to complain and yet doesn’t avoid people. Aversion to being alone and yet she does not dread it; tranquil; likes to see others and hear them talk. Disposed to muse and dream; is awake, but seems to be asleep and afar off; seems to be two distinct personalities. Great mental and bodily indolence; perceptive and reflective faculties seem to be benumbed, whereas, at first they were overactive. Can’t think; acts without thought; keeps walking fast, as if by instinct; feels hurried, don’t know why; is forgetful; can’t decide for herself; must depend upon others. Hurried feeling, as though the breathing would be increased, yet it is not. [There is] conviction that the whole system is profoundly affected; that she is not the same person she was.” It is quite a breeze to spot the Lilium individual at a party — someone who is riotous and unrestrained, and yet may feel like going ‘under the weather’ with madness. CYNOSURE & PENITENCE Though Liliums exemplify an undulating tendency to be the cynosure of all eyes, they may also feel hugely


HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015

insulted when they don’t receive the attention they feel they deserve. This may transform into anger, angst, and disgust in quick time. This is not all. Sometimes, the opposite effect may be ‘the song of their burden’ — of penitence getting the better of them with a devout touch, provoking them incessantly about their misdemeanour. While the saga and variance of moral values with intense sensuality is characteristic of most Liliums, the thought of a shaky repression of their inner desires ‘ups’ their ante of frustration and anger. What also adds grist to their frustration mill is extreme sensitivity to criticism. This may trouble them no end, leading them to get effortlessly affronted, snappy, or contemptuous beyond rationale. What marks Lilium is a definitive burning sensation in one’s hands — something that prompts them to opt for everything cool, or cold, including the weather. Yet another feature of Lilium is its left-sidedness. It is primarily suited to problems of the left side of the body, left-sided organs, such as the stomach, pancreas, heart and rectum. They all benefit from it, when included as part of the patient’s overall symptom-picture. This includes haemorrhoids, or piles, too. Most of us would think of piles as being a ‘mid’ problem — well, it is certainly not, because it is caused by the turmoil in the rectum, a left-sided problem. Liliums have rapid mood swings; they are far too easily provoked. They are happy-go-lucky, or easygoing, big-hearted and earnest, yet they can flip into spite, annoyance and absolute rage. This can lead to punching blows into the other person. Well, not always, because they can be just as sensitive, while taking offence at the least apparent slur. Liliums are also always in a hurry, sometimes going out of control in their pursuit, or while getting the given job done quickly. It is apparent that they often try to do too many things all at once and meet with failure — this would offend them more than a direct, well-cast insult. In so doing, they may feel that they have committed some wrong, or sin, and there is, therefore, no hope of deliverance for them. When they get depressed, they find themselves crying all the time. KEY SYMPTOMS • Ill-tempered; uses tainted language • Inclined to blight and smack • Fears that she may have a terminal disease • Ferrets for something to mourn about; self-hurting • Bearing down sensation ‘as if the uterus would fall out’ • Must support vulva with hand, or sit criss-cross • Loathes sympathy • Pines for meat • Thirst may be extreme; desires repeated fluid intake of large quantities • Hasty, must be active all the time • Hopelessness of religious salvation

• Intense sexual desire, buried by activity • Inclination to weep • ‘Weight’ in rectum with constant urge to stool • Incessant longing to urinate with constant pressure; if yearning is not attended to, constriction in chest • Sensation ‘as if heart were being squeezed in a vice;’ feels she must bend-double • Sharp pains in the ovary extending down to the thighs • Brownish, acrid leucorrhoea [white discharge]. THE LILIUM INDEX Lilium is useful for the following health issues, or complaints, of the female reproductive organs — • Itching of the vulva, cystic ovaries and uterine prolapse [a condition in which a woman’s uterus, or the womb, sags or slips out of its normal position] • Painful menstruation or benign uterine tumours [fibroids], accompanied by a pressing down pain in the pelvis as well as an unremitting urge to pass urine. Writes Dr James Tyler Kent, MD, the legendary homeopath, “The ‘dragging down’ that is associated with prolapsus seems to be a dragging down from the region of the stomach, and even sometimes from the throat. A bearing down, as if all the interior organs were dragging down. With this state of

extreme relaxation there is great fidgetiness and most marked of all, palpitation. She can lie only on the back, and is aggravated from lying on either side. From every emotion the heart flutters, and is irregular and excitable. These mental symptoms, heart symptoms and uterine symptoms often rotate, or alternate, and constitute the principal features.” He adds, “She can hardly speak a decent word to anybody. She will snap even when spoken to kindly. She is so irritable that her friends cannot pacify her. Even consolation aggravates. When spoken to she is irritable. She lies awake at night, and is tormented either by fanatical religious ideas, or a religious melancholy, and seems inclined to dwell upon insane ideas concerning religion and modes of life: unreasonable, illogical and fanciful. Has wrong ideas, concerning everything. Receives wrong impressions and everything is inverted. It is impossible to please her. [Now] these states are present with a state of irritability of the sexual organs, nymphomania, or violent sexual excitement associated with spasms, with palpitation, with sweats, with periods of exhaustion. She sits alone and broods over imaginary troubles, and when spoken to is crabbed.” Lilium is useful for angina [chest pain]. Pioneering homeopaths often extolled the medicinal virtues of Lilium as a healing tonic for circulatory and nervous disorders. Modern clinicians suggest that Lilium is useful for correcting hormone imbalance in women, including the inequality between oestrogen and progesterone. This has prompted Lilium to be used as the homeopathic alternative for hormone replacement therapy [HRT], provided the ‘homeopathicity’ of the individual and the remedy-picture correspond well with each other. Lilium is also helpful in treating endometriosis [a disorder in which the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus] accompanied by classical symptoms of lament and nervous apprehension. Lilium is useful for people suffering from depression. It is especially effective for treating gloom where the individual might be requiring some kind of salvation — especially with a religious or spiritual connect. Most homeopaths prescribe Lilium for numbness or lack of sensation in the right arm, accompanied by a stabbing, aching heart [cardiodynia] too. The classical symptom is ‘the heart is just about to explode.’ The feeling is accompanied by irregular pulse with palpitations. Lilium is also useful for urinary disorders. Typical symptoms include burning, or a stinging feeling while voiding urine. The urge to empty the bladder is constant, although little or no urine may pass, at times, despite heroic effort — especially in women.

Dr Mukesh Batra, a homeopath of international repute, is Founder-Chairman, Dr Batra’s. In a career spanning four decades, Dr Batra has treated thousands of patients, including presidents and prime ministers, and revolutionised the way homeopathy is practiced today. A writer, photographer, singer and philanthropist, Dr Batra has been honoured with several fellowships and over 50 national and international awards, including the Padma Shri by the President of India. He has authored several books, including the critically-acclaimed cyclopedic work, Healing with Homeopathy. He lives in Mumbai.


HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015


Burning Extinguished Hannah is a lovely, intelligent lady in her Our emerald green, leaf sitting ‘friend’ is known mid-thirties, and not at all green. Despite for homeopathic purposes as Cantharis Vesicatoria this, she did, in the course of treatment [Spanish fly]. It has a rather interesting past. It develop an abscessed tooth and became the has been used from the time of Hippocrates, proud owner of a brand new root canal. the father of medicine, for blisters and ‘stink As occasionally happens, she developed a bombs’ in ancient China, to the present, not to By Dr JOSEPH speak of ‘encouraging mating’ in livestock. KELLERSTEIN post-surgical infection and was soon blessed with antibiotics. Dr William Boericke, MD, the legendary Her tradition in dealing with these meds was to homeopath, says, “This powerful drug produces a develop a resounding vaginal discharge. This gets to be furious disturbance in the animal economy, attacking persistent and very uncomfortable — lots of past history. the urinary and sexual organs especially, perverting “There is a burning inside and an itch on the outside. their function, and setting up violent inflammations, and The discharge is pasty white/cloudy.” I repeated her causing a frenzied delirium resembling hydrophobia.” words back to her using a mirroring intonation and The remedy also sets up a violent inflammatory state tagging the statement with “... and, is there anything with a crazy itch in the genitals that just begs for a else about that experience when it’s just like that?” scratch. At the same time, it excites sexual desire Questioning in a skilful way is vital in drawing and voila the encouragement to animal husbandry. out the full experience of any illness. Dr Constantine Hering, MD, the father of Homeopathy is the medicine of experience — homeopathy in America, put it this way, “Pruritis the altered experience of life that illness actually [itching]: with a strong sexual desire.” is. Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD, the founder of A wide understanding of this symptom, perhaps, homeopathy, explained that vitality confers “feeling lead the Marquis de Sade to perform a kind [sensation/emotion] and function” to the organism. of involuntary proving [?] at an orgy. He freely Disease symptoms ultimately express themselves distributed pastilles containing a rather unhealthy as altered [experience] feeling and function. dose of Cantharis. Underestimating the toxicity The goal of a well-taken case is to characterise that of our green bug, one of the ladies died violently, altered experience to a depth of expression which and the Marquis was charged with murder. clearly identifies the proving of the much-needed Now, to our patient. HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015


Reversing Diabetes Salina walked into my office that afternoon with a bright smile. Her dark hair was stylishly done. My attention was drawn to her large dark eyes and that magnetic smile. It was a few seconds before I realised this lovely lady was too heavy for someone of her height and youth. I examined her intake form. It was not surprising that her chief complaint was type-2 diabetes. It was shocking that her lab profiles indicated to her physicians that there was a significant renal distress and, in fact, very low kidney function. She had been counselled that dialysis was probable and a rapidly approaching need. Coming from a Mediterranean background, her parents always emphasised food. Obesity was a problem even as a child. Having such a zest for food had made her dietary control of blood sugar difficult. The lack of symptomatology allowed a kind of denial to go on. This was all changing. It was disheartening that the usual courses of meds and insulin were not


HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015

Dr BATRA’S FOUNDATION Spreading the Joy of Good Health… through Homeopathy!

Dr Mukesh Batra, Founder-Chairman of Dr Batra’s Group of Companies entered the medical profession in 1974. He turned down lucrative opportunities and chose to intern at a charitable clinic at `150 a month. He rented a one-room apartment for his family and changed three buses to get to his workplace to serve people. Through his great perseverance, he attained great corporate success by his 50th birthday. Being well acquainted with the trauma that individuals and families undergo due to illness, he decided to provide free homeopathy treatment to the less fortunate. This desire bid fair to Dr Batra’s Foundation [inaugurated July 3, 2001]. 1 per cent of the Group’s net profit and employee contributions are given to the Foundation, which follows Zero-Administrative cost policy and uses every rupee fruitfully for the needy. Today, the Foundation stands tall, providing free of charge treatment and medicines through its 114 free clinics in 64 cities across India. Our doctors provide free treatment and medicines to 9 NGOs and conduct health camps for slum children. The Dr Batras Homeopathy Scholarship is a student bourse to motivate both needy and deserving students to pursue homeopathy. Dr Batra’s Positive Health Awards are a source of inspiration to millions. The proceeds from Dr Batras’ events such as the ‘Magic Moments Photography Exhibition’ and the Musical Concert ‘Yaadon Ki Bahaar’ are earmarked for charity. Opening free clinics in many more cities, encouraging the youth to pursue homeopathy, and conducting health camps in remote areas, are just a few of the exciting things that we have lined up — to reaching out to more and more people all over the country through homeopathy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Dr MUKESH BATRA! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO! ‘TOGETHER WE CAN CREATE THE CHANGE WE WANT TO SEE!’ Join the joy-of-giving crusade to make someone smile, TODAY! For further details, please call: 0-93208 16431. E: larissa.dmello@drbatras.com pearl.vadukoot@drbatras.com — to be a part, or donate. Do ‘like us’ on our Facebook page


homeopathic remedy — the language of nature. Okay, enough of philosophy. Hannah spontaneously looked down and then back up at me after a slight hesitation and said, “I would love to make love, just because of that itch inside.” This was a recurrent problem I had unsuccessfully prescribed for in the past, but somehow this statement ‘hit’ my thick head, creating a thud that managed to jar a memory of Cantharis. My critical mind also woke from a long stupor saying ‘no.’ Cantharis is for urinary tract infections [UTIs] and not Hannah’s problem. However, Dr Carl von Boenninghausen, a legendary homeopath, tells us that a ‘genius’ symptom of a remedy can recur across tissues and complaints. This needed a bit of looking into. Symptoms, such as “burning in the vagina, with a thick, white discharge.” All this was based on the declaration of the patient in terms of the most emphatic changes in her life experience, more so regarding her distress. I prescribed her Cantharis 200C. I thought I’d repeat the remedy after two days, if there was no marked improvement. Well, the trouble vanished within a few days. To quote the patient, “It worked like a charm.” I could have added with a little ‘green’ charm. Most homeopaths today are seeking out ‘protocols’ and ‘evidence-based medicine’ [for more protocols]. We want substantiation of our prescription in ‘science.’ What could be more scientific than this? What could point more precisely to the appropriate remedy in view of the ‘law of similars?’ The symptom, in question, has been known as peculiar to this remedy since antiquity. After all, it worked for the Marquis too.

helping the new symptoms, or her renal function. Exertion was becoming difficult. Salina knew herself as a vigorous young lady. Of late, there was shortness of breath even with mild exertion. When sleeping she needed several pillows to ease her breathing. Many nights there was significant perspiration of the chest, mostly between the breasts. Sleep itself was not satisfying. It had become light. She would wake from a slight noise in the house. Waking at 3:00am was characteristic. It was noteworthy that Salina, until recently, was generally a warm-blooded person. That is she was less comfortable in the heat or in, say, a warm room. This had changed in an interesting way. She now enjoyed the warmth more and the sun, but if she was still for too long [sitting] she would become decidedly cold. This improved by getting up and moving around. There was a past history of headache. They could become so severe to cause a fainting spell. More recently, several skin issues had become prominent. Small round ulcers had appeared around the ankles and were slow to heal. The foot was developing more callous. Thick, horny kinds of callous formation. There were skin eruptions, eczematous in appearance. They would get irritated and aggravated by contact with perspiration. It was alarming for her that recently her ankles and feet became numb. Low back pain has been a steady companion that limits her. The lumbar pain is worse after standing, even for a short time, and lifting aggravates as well. In the upper limbs, there is cramping [occasional] of the fingers. She has a lingering chronic cough which is definitely worse while eating. All this is a far cry from being asymptomatic. The timeline of onset of the complaints turned out to be coincident with a family dispute recently. The patient is close with her family; however, the quarrel has put her on the outside of things. There is a strong feeling of separation from her previously close-knit family. There is constant dwelling of the events which [re]enlivens the feelings of anger, indignation and a desire for reunion. For me what was most clear was the constancy of the mind dwelling on the issues and the ‘sense of now’ being ‘separated’ from the family. In case analysis, we are told by Dr Hahnemann to select those symptoms from the list which are most characterising in order to obtain several remedies to consider as a prescription. Also, further examination of the symptoms and ‘provings’ will lead to a unique selection. Normally, I collect symptoms [computer clipboard] in the order of their being rendered in the case. I then analyse [in different clipboards] selecting a small characterising

‘genius’ until I am satisfied. Various combinations of symptoms are given a trial until something strikes me as being truly resonant with this individual case. In this case, there were 26 symptoms collected initially. My final group of ‘genius’ symptoms were: 1. lower back pain [lumbar]’ worse on standing; 2. cough, worse during eating; 3. skin eruptions on parts perspiring; 4. general symptoms, worse 3:00am; and, 5. dwells on past disagreeable experiences. Four homeopathic remedies emerged strongly. Rhus Toxicodendron, Sepia Officinalis, Sulphur, and Thuja Occidentalis. It struck me that this was not satisfying. How do I account for the feeling of cold at rest? I found the symptom ‘chill, motion ameliorates’ and ‘chill, sitting aggravates.’ That’s more like it. One remedy emerges. Interestingly enough, it is also has the symptom ‘estranged from her family.’ I gave Salina, Sepia Officinalis 6C, three times daily. It was about one month later on her return that she was not only asymptomatic, but her kidneys were much happier and there was really no one who was talking about dialysis. Thank you, Dr Hahnemann.

Holistic Healing

Sheila, a fifty-year-old lady, had a history of severe pancreatitis with hospitalisation, five years ago. As of two years ago, gastric reflux disease. “Every time I lie down acid comes up and really burns the throat. Sleeping is very difficult. The abdomen becomes very bloated, especially just under the ribs.” Bread and yogurt aggravate. It has all intensified recently and with it a mild latex allergy has escalated, showing skin redness quickly on contact. This is worrisome. Stools have changed in colour recently with intensification of the reflux. They seem too pale, even white at times. Physical examination was striking for distension in the abdomen. The most striking and consistent symptoms were: 1. burning in the stomach extending to the throat; 2. acrid eructations [burps]; and, 3. light stools. This patient was suffering constantly. I prescribed her the homeopathic remedy Carbo Vegetabilis 30C, twice daily. I referred Sheila to her conventional physician feeling the need to assess for pancreatitis and biliary obstruction. She returned ten days later reporting an absence of symptoms for over a week. Stools, normal colour. She’s still awaiting appointment for her medical tests. Thank you, Dr Hahnemann, once again for having left us with a holistic approach that is simple, direct and swiftly effective.

Dr Joseph Kellerstein, DC, ND, FCAH, CCH, is a naturopath-chiropractor-homeopath whose practice is predominantly devoted to Hahnemannian studies. A regular teacher at the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine, Dr Kellerstein conducts the much-acclaimed post-graduate seminar series, “Hahnemannian Perspectives” and also lectures internationally. He lives in Canada.

HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015



Psoriasis Conquered


was having psoriasis [sebo-psoriasis], the scaly skin disorder, for the past four years. It started in early 2011 and became aggressive by the end of 2011. I tried various treatments to begin with, before visiting Dr Harsha Joshi’s homeopathic clinic. Dr Joshi handled my case promptly. I had a truly comfortable and assured feeling, right from the beginning, that I’d get relief from my auto-immune skin problem through homeopathy. Dr Joshi’s comprehensive and holistic treatment helped me come out of the difficult phase. I now feel as if I’d conquered a peak — the psoriasis ‘ghost.’ I am grateful to Dr Joshi for having changed my life — for the better. — S Jagdale, a patient of Dr Harsha Joshi, MD [Hom], Pune

Dual Benefit


visited Dr Santosh Pandey’s homeopathic clinic for hair treatment, but ended up getting treated for asthma and allergies as well. My treatment has been going on for two years now; there has been a lot of tangible improvement. My allergies and asthma, which would trouble me all year round earlier, are almost gone. The care and concern that a homeopath shows, as I’ve always seen since my childhood days when our family doctor was a homeopath, is genuine, and Dr Pandey is no exception. Thanks a lot, Dr Pandey, for the excellent treatment. Please keep up the good work — for more and more people to benefit from ‘sweet and gentle’ homeopathy. — Renu Kumar, a patient of Dr Santosh Pandey, BHMS, Mumbai

Editor’s Note: Readers/patients are advised to be regular while taking homeopathic treatment as it helps for proper analysis of the efficacy, or otherwise, of the remedy administered.


HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015




am aged 38. I have been diagnosed with sleep apnoea since the last five years. Please help. leep apnoea is a disorder where there are episodes of ‘arrested’ breathing during sleep. It is known to increase the chances of heart disease by three times and stroke by four times. I’d advise you to shed some flab, if you are on the higher end of the weighing scale and minimise the use of alcohol, tranquilisers and antihistaminics. Sleep on your side, rather than your back, with the head-end of the bed raised. Certain devices designed to keep the airway open and masks that deliver air at a specific pressure are available; they can be used in moderate to severe cases. It is, in my opinion, imperative that a detailed case history at a local professional homeopath’s clinic is essential to prescribe a suitable homeopathic remedy, given the nature and subtlety of your health concern.



causes of piles [haemorrhoids]. Hard stools make the condition worse. Include green leafy vegetables, fruits and high-fibre cereals, like oats, in your diet. They help to prevent constipation. Exercise regularly. Cut down on smoking, if you smoke. Minimise your intake of caffeine and spicy food. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. I’d recommend that you take the homeopathic remedy, Paeonia 6C, 4-5 pills, twice daily. Consult a local professional homeopath, if your symptoms persist.


am 16 years old. I suffer from severe dandruff and hair fall. Please help. ’d suggest that you should keep your hair and scalp clean. Wash your hair every alternate day, instead of weekends, using a mild, natural anti-dandruff shampoo. Take iron and protein rich foods, such as green leafy vegetables, fruits, almonds, dates, chickpeas, bananas, figs and soy — a natural inhibitor of dihydrotestosterone [DHT], the hormone responsible for hair loss. Remember that, what appears at times as dandruff could be a scalp infection. I’d suggest that you take the homeopathic remedy, Kali Sulphuricum 6X, 2-4 tablets, twice daily. Please let me know your progress.

’m fifty-five-years-old. I’ve had painful varicose veins in my left leg for over three years. Can homeopathy help? aricose veins develop due to ‘damage’ to the valves in the veins, making it difficult for blood to travel up easily. This leads to swelling and pain. There’s no way to completely prevent varicose veins. But, improving your circulation and y five-year-old son wets his bed every night. Can muscle tone can help reduce the risk of developing varicose homeopathy help him? veins, or going worse. Homeopathy reduces ed-wetting is the most common the tendency for varicose veins and also paediatric health issue, with as many o you have a health averts complications. Exercise regularly, as 15 per cent of all five-year-olds being question? Need an bed-wetters. By age 7-8, 95 per cent of control your weight, avoid clothes that are answer? children are dry at night. Be patient and tight around your waist, legs, or groin. Avoid E-mail your health understanding — most kids recover without long periods of sitting, or standing. Keep questions to: expertadvice@ treatment. Respect your child’s feelings, your legs elevated while sitting. Don’t sit homeopathyandyou.com and do not talk about the bed-wetting in with your legs crossed, as the position can Renowned homeopath front of others. Use a reward system, such aggravate circulation problems. I’d suggest Dr Mukesh Batra will as a sticker chart in the bedroom which that you take the homeopathic remedy, answer your questions. records dry nights. Make sure your child Vipera 6C, 4-5 pills, twice daily. Please let me drinks plenty of water earlier in the day, know your progress. rather than before bed-time. Ensure he goes to the bathroom before getting to am 28. I’m suffering from piles. Please bed. Meanwhile, you’d give your son, the suggest a homeopathic remedy for me. homeopathic remedy, Kali Phosphoricum edentary lifestyle, junk-food, stress 6X, 2-4 tablets, twice daily. and smoking are some of the common





HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015


For women

BEAT THE YEAST BEAST WITH HOMEOPATHY Candida is an opportunistic form of yeast. It is a common cause of undesirable symptoms or illness in women. The best way to treat the ‘yeast beast’ is by way of a holistic approach, supplanted by well-chosen, or appropriate, homeopathic remedies. By Dr ANTHONY SALZARULO


he expressions are apparent; also more than what meets the eye. “I’m so tired all the time.” “I crave for sweets.” “I have trouble concentrating.” “I feel like I’m in a fog.” “I’m bloated.” “I have so much gas.” “My muscles ache.” “My allergies are acting up.” “I can’t seem to shed my extra pounds.” “My skin itches.” “I have vaginal discharge.” “I have headaches.” Is this you? I often hear such complaints, day-in and day-out, from my patients. I also hear them from friends, colleagues and family members. It seems like the whole world has the same complaints. Why are such complaints so widespread? I hear too, “Will I ever feel better?” “Is there really a cure?” “I’ve tried so many things and nothing seems to work.” These are all great questions. My observation is that most people are looking for cures in the wrong places. They are investing time and money in quick-fixes that often just prolong their distress, not treat them. For example, many of my clients come to me after they have completed several rounds of antibiotics or medications such as diflucan, nystatin and monistat, with little or no relief. They usually report strong feelings of discouragement, wondering if this problem will ever go away. This condition can be cured, but only if we address the underlying problem — holistically. The problem lies in your intestinal ecology. Without a healthy ‘inner garden’ it is impossible to feel vibrantly healthy. In my experience, the inner garden’s most common problem is the overgrowth of yeast. The healthy gut is populated by both bacteria and yeast — the most common yeast is Candida Albicans. Most of the bacteria [approximately 80 per cent] are the ‘good’ bacteria that are vital for proper digestion and assimilation of nutrients from our food. These ‘good’ bacteria are called probiotics. The ideal ratio of yeast to bacteria in our gut is 1:1 million: 1 yeast to 1 million bacteria. When present in such small amounts, the yeast does no harm; it is an integral part of the intestinal ecology and a source of food for the healthy bacteria. But, our modern culture and living habits have led to a shift in our intestinal ecology. In my observation, most of the population is suffering — in one degree, or another — from an overgrowth of yeast in their bodies. This condition is called candidiasis. Why is there this overgrowth of yeast? Antibiotics. Bacteria [both the bad and the good]


HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015

are killed by antibiotics. Well, antibiotics do not kill the candida. Using antibiotics even once creates a very favourable situation for yeast to get the upper hand in your intestinal ecology. Over the years, most of us have taken antibiotics many, many times. After each round, the good bacteria are usually not fully replaced; meanwhile, the yeast, without the good bacteria to keep guard, proliferates and ‘grows’ out of control. The more we use antibiotics, the more our inner ecology is altered. Sugar, white flour, soft drinks and alcohol are staples in the Western diet. These foods feed the candida and help it to proliferate. Once the candida begins to get the upper hand, your craving for these foods reach the crescendo — a cycle that gets heightened by hungry yeast. I know, but we just love our chocolates and our croissants — and, don’t forget the morning muffins, or red wine and ice-cream with dinner. And, wait, a few cookies here and there, but who’s counting? Well, the candida is counting and growing strong, thanks to this ‘smorgasbord’ of a feast. Add to the mix the stresses of daily life and environmental pollution [both of which lower our immune system], and we have a full-blown problem. When candida proliferates in the gut, it will eventually take a fungal form. One result is fungal patches that attach themselves throughout the digestive tract. In this fungal state, candida grows with large roots, called rhizoids, which actually puncture the delicate intestinal lining and lead to a condition called leaky gut syndrome. This means that the intestinal lining has holes in it, and these holes allow yeast, toxins and undigested food particles to pass into the bloodstream. As the yeast leaks out, it wreaks havoc throughout the body. It can spread to the liver, urinary tract, vagina, skin, nails, mouth, brain, joints and other organs. As a result of this leakage, many chronic conditions often develop — it is quite a list. They include: chronic fatigue, sugar cravings, brain fog, depression, allergies, sinus problems, joint and muscle pain, arthritis, persistent bloating and gas, constipation, severe itching, vaginitis, acne [pimples], food sensitivities, headaches, insomnia, recurrent kidney and bladder infections, attention-deficit hyperactivity syndrome [ADHD], fibromyalgia, chemical sensitivities, athlete’s foot, bad morning breath, rectal itching, diarrhoea, colitis, white spots on tongue, nagging cough and adrenal problems. Candida also secretes waste products known as mycotoxins, one of which is acetylaldehyde. In the

liver, acetaldehyde is converted to alcohol. As the alcohol builds up in the system, one may present with symptoms, such as ‘feeling drunk’ with dizziness, mental confusion and trouble concentrating. CAUSES • Use of antibiotics • A diet high in refined carbohydrates, such as sugar, muffins, breads, cookies, ice-cream, cakes, bagels, soft drinks, most pastas, etc • Alcohol and caffeine [both are strong gut irritants; alcohol ‘feeds’ yeast] • Hygiene issues • Stress and environmental pollution [both suppress the immune system] • Chemotherapy [suppresses the immune system and kills the good bacteria] • Oral contraceptives [progesterone in birth control pills changes the vaginal lining, making it more hospitable to yeast] • NSAIDs [non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs — ibuprofen, naprosyn, celebrex, indomethacin, etc.] suppress the immune system and encourage the overgrowth of yeast • Constipation. Candida is a persistent organism. Treating it successfully needs more than just taking powerful drugs. It involves a holistic approach, consisting of carefully chosen homeopathic remedies, and other natural healing approaches, or modalities. HEALING WITH HOMEOPATHY Calcarea Carbonicum. Women who need this remedy are susceptible to cold and get sick during winter months. There is often a coldness of the legs, buttocks and the top of the head. There may be easy perspiration even from insignificant exertion, or coughing, anxiety and while sleeping, especially on the back of the head. Most typically, yeast infections are thick and yellow, or creamy like milk, accompanied by burning and itching. There may also be a tendency for constipation. Candida Albicans. This remedy is often used for symptoms from excess of candida yeast. Symptoms include an overpowering sense of weariness throughout the day, general melancholy, toxicity, congestion, headaches, indigestion, poor bowel function, achy joints, poor memory, mood swings, mould allergies, itching, and burning. The remedy is often useful after overuse of antibiotics; from poor nutrition; from overconsumption of sugar; use of birth control pills; hormonal imbalance; or, compromised immunity. Candida Albicans can also help prevent future recurrences of yeast infection. Pulsatilla. This remedy is known for its changeable symptoms — both emotional and physical. Yeast infections that are often painless and have discharges

that are thick, bland and yellowish-green with swelling of the vulva, worse while lying down. Individuals who need this remedy feel considerably worse from heat, or warm room, and feel much better walking in the open air. There may be itching of the skin, or a red rash, especially on the chest and abdomen. Sepia Officinalis. This remedy has a definitive connect with a wide range of reproductive issues. It is useful for yeast infections, chronic constipation, itching of the skin with soreness or burning; and, a lumpy or yellowish discharge. It is best indicated when the individual appears sluggish and tired — they feel better from forceful exercise and after exposure to the sun. They are chilly. They do not do well with extremes of temperature and may faint easily. There may also be irritability and mood swings, accompanied by fatigue and gross, insensitive apathy to family, or loved ones. Sulphur. This is one of the most commonly prescribed homeopathic remedies for the problem. In most cases, there will be burning of the soles of feet at night that compels the individual to stick them out from under the covers. There may also be burning in the vagina [as is the case in yeast infection] in which one can hardly sit still. Itching is better from scratching, but this will cause a burning sensation. There is redness of many parts, including the face, ears, nose and rectum. Women who need this remedy are often warm, especially at night, and feel worse from heat, including warm baths. There may also be a tendency for diarrhoea, driving the patient out of bed at 5:00am. DETOX NATURALLY Biotherapeutic drainage is one healing framework that I practice — it incorporates diet and lifestyle modifications as well as other holistic modalities that include, but are not limited to, clinical nutrition, herbal medicine, UNDAnumbered compounds, or unique complex homeopathic remedies, and single homeopathic remedies aimed at eliminating the body’s accumulated toxicity. This is also based on the natural law and knowledge that an excessive toxic load is one of the main underlying causes of most chronic illness. It works on the extracellular and intra-cellular levels to remove blockages. The toxins originate from physical, mental/emotional, infectious, and/or environmental causes. Cells release wastes and toxins into the surrounding tissues. Drainage is the process of ensuring that the wastes and toxins are carried by the blood and lymph out of cells and tissues towards the excretory organs, called emunctories, for their elimination. Once these toxins are drained from the cells, the organs are free to repair themselves and move your body towards vibrant health. The main emunctories for biotherapeutic drainage, ‘detox,’ are the kidneys, colon, liver and lungs.

Dr Anthony Salzarulo has a rare gift for gentle, compassionate care and a remarkable track record for helping patients return to the joy of vibrant, healthy living. He holds professional degrees and licences in chiropractic and physical therapy and is a certified iridologist. He has also completed advanced studies in homeopathy, nutrition, detoxification, flower essences and herbs. He lives in the US.

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RELATIONSHIPS & THEIR HOMEOPATHIC PERSPECTIVE Relationships mirror our psyche. More so, in a homeopathic consultation — whatever the patient tells about ‘the other person’ applies to oneself, no less. I am he as you are he as you are me/And we are all together — I Am The Walrus. The Beatles

our ultimate tests: no matter how kind, patient and loving we think we are, if we have disharmonious relationships, we know what to work on. We have the tendency to analyse a relationship problem in psychological terms too, with the ust about every patient who comes into our offices will talk about relationships By Dr ANNE underlying convictions and beliefs not recognised because relationships are inevitable: VERVARCKE or questioned. We think there are rights and obligations; we talk about respect, needs and even if we are the only child and live like a desires. We often think it’s normal to measure how hermit, we have a father and mother and, thus, a much we give and how much we receive and calculate primordial relationship. It is by living among humans the balance. We want our share of love; we are in debt, that we are taught how to be a human; had we been or pay back. We think that love is a game of give and left with the wolves, we’d grow up to be wolves. take. It often sounds like the logic of economics. We Relationships are our mirror, our challenge and the don’t realise that there is a greater truth; that love gives stage on which we play out our drama. They show us who freely, unconditionally and without expecting rewards. we are, and reflect how we act and how we feel. They are

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THE CHARM OF HOMEOPATHY In daily reality, we mortals often feel the ‘other’ is disappointing us, playing power games, behaves egotistically, or is hurting us. But, since there is ‘nobody out there’ [as I wrote in my book, The Charm of Homeopathy, and on my blog, about this phenomenological approach], nobody can do all those things to us unless we have such sensitivities within us. Earlier I used to say we perceive reality through coloured glasses; this is our delusion. If we are afraid of thieves, we see thieves everywhere. Now, I tend to think we actually have mirror glasses on and see in the outside world the same things that we experience in ourselves. Practically speaking, this is a help in a homeopathic consultation: whatever the patient tells about ‘the other’ applies to himself/herself. Since most people have no problem complaining about others, we get a lot of information in this indirect way. Also, taciturn children or adolescents who are dragged in by their parents, but determined not to share their inner world, might be willing to tell about their siblings, classmates, friends, or idols. When we approach the patient’s suffering in a psychological way — let’s say they feel unloved, taken for granted, betrayed, not appreciated, or understood — we can judge how ‘healthy’ the relationship is. We might calculate how much the patient gets out of the relationship and then give advice. Look somewhere else for the fulfilment of his/her needs and tell him/ her they ‘deserve’ a warm and supporting relationship. If we think a good relationship is proof of success and a lovely personality, this will colour our judgment. In homeopathy, we try to avoid this. One reason is because we don’t know what life lesson the patient has chosen to experience regarding relationships; we shouldn’t project our ideals on them. Yet another reason is that judgment contains the danger of putting ourselves in the place of power, because we know how healthy relationships are and ours go unquestioned in the consultation room. I’d rather listen to the patient if s/he has a seemingly unusual relationship with the outside world; it’s only the

patient who can convey the experience. We can’t judge what is meaningful for the patient and what is not; we can witness what it does and how it feels. May be, the patient ‘needs’ this to learn how to assert oneself, to gain self-esteem, to look at his/her shadow, or sides, to evolve to a level of profound compassion. May be, we’ll stimulate him/her to assert himself/herself. Unconditional love is the goal and we are all on the way. A homeopathic remedy can be a great help for this: it makes a person feel okay with himself/ herself and miraculously everybody around, all of a sudden, seems to be less annoying, egotistical, and unreasonable — yes, even easier to get along with. I always consider it a proof that the remedy is doing its work when, may be, for the first time in his/her life the patient sees things from the other person’s point-of-view. Or, for the first time she/he allows the thought that s/he wasn’t always as easy for other people to deal with either. UNDERSTANDING THE CONNECT It is clear by now that I don’t grab the Periodic Table and look for a suitable remedy in the third row, as soon as the patient starts talking about difficulties, or worries, in relationships. The third row is known as the Relationship Row and, time and again, we end up with the Natrums, Magnesiums, Silicea, Phosphorus, or Sulphur. Since virtually everybody talks about relationships, there is no surprise. Is it not true, then? Isn’t the third row of the Periodic Table about relationships? Sure, it is. As is the second row. The second row is about symbiotic relationships. The third row is about dependent relationships. The fourth row is about family relationships. The fifth is about relationship to an audience. The sixth row is about power relationships. Do only mineral kingdom remedies have problems with relationships? Surely, not. Animal remedies — such as Lachesis Muta and Sepia Officinalis — are bound to have a lot of difficulties, because their relationships are always unequal. They always feel superior, or inferior, towards the other and they have that effect on others too. A recipe for conflict and trouble. Plants — such as Pulsatilla, or wind flower — are easily affected by everything and they react before thinking. Hence, it is to be expected that they will be strongly affected by something so emotionally charged as their relationships. This means that relationships are at the centre of our patients’ stories; together with their work, it is the most important theatre to express vital sensation. This is not the conclusion of the case though; it is the opening scene.

Dr Anne Vervarcke graduated in oriental philology and anthropology and took courses in classical homeopathy in Belgium and The Netherlands. She established The Centre for Classical Homeopathy’ [CKH] in Leuven, Belgium, and was teacher and director for 15 years. She has also had a private clinic since 1989. Currently, she presents international training and seminars in different countries. She also does Master Classes with live cases. After attending countless seminars, investigating, practicing and teaching for about 25 years, Dr Vervarcke has developed her own style and method in the art and practice of homeopathy. She lives in Belgium.


HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015

YOUR LITTLE BOX: Homeopathic KIT FOR every home

ALUMINA: MORE THAN A NERVOUS REMEDY The homeopathic Alumina is ideally suited for individuals who are usually slow and listless. Or, complain of constipation, or memory problems, with atypical food cravings.


t is fact that there are considerable amounts of aluminium absorbed into the body. They are thought to reportedly cause our mental processes to slow down. Some clinicians suggest that aluminium may trigger the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Sources of ingested aluminium include drinking water, baking powder, food additives and antacid allopathic remedies. The homeopathic Alumina was proved by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD, the founder of homeopathy. He gave it primarily for lethargy and dementia, or loss of memory. The homeopathic Alumina is ideally suited to treat individuals who are usually slow and listless. They may complain of a deep sense of loss, or despair, and dread that something terrible is about to happen. A flight of insanity is not infrequent, especially on finding spiky objects, razor, blades, and knives, which may even prompt suicidal thoughts. The best part is, despite being sluggish, Alumina individuals are often hasty, hurried, and confused. Classical symptoms also include a dry, dull skin and sore mucous membranes. There may also be a lack of co-ordination, weakness, and exhaustion, probably associated with chronic illness, or disease. The remedy is given to treat nervous complaints, constipation, and atypical food cravings too. Homeopaths often use the remedy for the elderly who are senile and baffled, or present with a poor recollection, or recall of events. It is also suitable for tender, sensitive babies. FACT-FILE The homeopathic remedy is obtained from bauxite, a dense mineral that is principally found in Africa, the West Indies, the US, France, Italy, Hungary, Indonesia, and Russia Alumina is used an antacid in allopathic medicine and in cooking utensils. It is blamed for the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, albeit the contention is debatable Aluminum oxide crystals are extracted from bauxite, using an industrial process. They are triturated [ground] with lactose sugar, filtered, diluted, and succussed [shaken] to make the homeopathic preparation. APPETITE DISORDERS Symptoms include a dry mouth and throat, with a strong yearning for dry foods, or inedible substances [pica] such

as pencil, chalk, clay, tea leaves, and coffee beans. The cravings may also be strong for substances that contain aluminium. Symptoms are better in fresh air, evening, warm foods and drinks. Symptoms are worse with starchy, salty, or processed foods. CONSTIPATION Weak bowel movements, or relentless constipation. The rectum typically feels paralysed, while great effort is required to ‘push out’ even small, soft stools. Pregnant women, newborn babies, and children are most commonly affected. The remedy may also be useful in the elderly or sedentary individuals who have ruthless constipation with no urge to pass stools. Symptoms are better in fresh air, evening, warm foods and drinks. Symptoms are worse in cold air, heat, morning, and salty and starchy foods. DEMENTIA A decline of mental processes with absent-minded behaviour. Individuals may forget who they are and feel as if they are talking, hearing, or smelling through someone else’s senses. They may also feel ‘floating’ from the body. Elderly people, with Alzheimer’s disease, are most commonly affected. Symptoms are better in damp weather, evening, or moderate exertion. Symptoms are worse in warm rooms, or after getting up from sleep. FATIGUE Great weakness, indolence, and exhaustion. The skin is pale, and the legs are weighty and weary, even when sitting. This difficulty may be the result of chronic illness. Symptoms are better in damp weather, moderate exertion, and while eating. Symptoms are worse in warm room, waking, lying or sitting down. NERVOUS DISORDERS Numbness. There may be a feeling of ‘pins and needles,’ related to muscle paralysis and fatigue, along with slow, weak movements. The limbs may lack co-ordination [locomotor ataxia] and the eye muscles may be affected, causing droopy eyelids and squinting. Symptoms are better in fresh air, and evening. Symptoms are worse in cold air, morning, and salty and starchy foods. Dosage: Alumina 30C, 4-5 pills, 2-3 times daily, or as prescribed, or advised, by your homeopathic physician. HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015





ccording to Pharmacy Times, homeopathy continues to grow, as shoppers in the US progressively believe in its efficacy. The market-research firm, Mintel, also reports that homeopathic remedies are safe to use, without known contraindications, and are relatively inexpensive compared with prescription drugs. Besides, public awareness of homeopathic medicines has grown not only through advertising of homeopathic products, but also “because homeopathy may be a preferred treatment option for individuals seeking ongoing relief from symptoms of chronic conditions.” The aging population and a struggling US economy have fostered mounting interest in homeopathic healing methods. The World Health Organisation [WHO] reports that 500 million people use homeopathy worldwide, making it the second-most widely used system of medicine. Homeopathy is growing rapidly as US consumers make healthier choices in their diets and lifestyles. For a number of conditions, after diagnosis by a physician, homeopathic products can provide consumers with much-needed relief that they may be unable to obtain via conventional over-thecounter [OTC] products and/or prescription drugs alone. Further, homeopathic remedies offer relief without harmful


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side-effects. As consumers become more educated on the benefits of homeopathy, one can expect to see a ‘hike’ in their search for and use of homeopathic products. As the primary consultant to consumers, as The Pharmacy Times reports, professional pharmacists will be much-sought-after to help consumers understand homeopathy and how it works and to provide a balanced view of the use of homeopathic and allopathic remedies. HOMEOPATHY IS EFFECTIVE FOR NASAL ALLERGIES Allergic rhinitis is a reaction to airborne particles [allergens] that primarily affect the nose and eyes. There are two types of allergic rhinitis: seasonal allergic rhinitis [hay fever] and perennial allergic rhinitis, which occurs allyear-round. Outdoor allergens, such as pollen, cause hay fever and indoor allergens, such as dust, or animal dander, cause perennial allergic rhinitis. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis include stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, irritation of the eyes, sore throat, post-nasal drip, cough, headache, fatigue and dark circles under the eyes. At least 35.9 million people in the United States alone have seasonal allergic rhinitis [hay fever], accounting

for approximately 14.1 million visits to physician offices each year. The overall cost of allergic rhinitis in the United States totals approximately US$8 billion. Homeopathic treatment of allergic rhinitis has been well documented in scientific research. A study published in The British Medical Journal showed a statistically significant improvement in objectively measured nasal air flow for patients treated with homeopathy compared to placebo. Researchers also completed a total of four studies looking at the effectiveness of homeopathy for allergic rhinitis treatment. A meta-analysis review and other studies published in The Annals of Internal Medicine reported that the studies were high-quality, double-blind, placebo controlled trials, significantly better than placebo on both subjective [reported] and objective [measurable] outcomes. Studies testing individual homeopathic remedies for allergic rhinitis include randomised controlled trials of Galphimia for pollinosis which were reported to show significantly better effectiveness of Galphimia than placebo when reviewed in a meta-analysis. Similarly, a placebocontrolled randomised trial of Zicam showed a statistically significant better result for homeopathic treatment when compared with placebo. The effect of homeopathic treatment has been demonstrated through repeated controlled trials. While homeopathic remedies were used in all of these trials, in some cases ‘isopathic’ types of homeopathy [medicines made from the allergens] were used.

Allergic rhinitis involves over-responsiveness of the immune system, and is, therefore, not limited to a local problem with the nose, but a system issue. Homeopathic treatment of allergies is best carried out by an experienced clinician. As with any other medical condition, homeopathic remedies are not used to treat diseases, but to treat patients; any successful, longterm, treatment will most likely require a complete medical history, evaluation and determination of the particular ‘constitutional’ remedy, suited for the patient, and provided by a clinician specialised in homeopathic treatment. FIRST MP UNIVERSITY TO HONOUR HOMEOPATHIC STUDENTS Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya [DAVV], Indore, has a new feather in its academic cap. It is the only university in Madhya Pradesh to award its meritorious students in homeopathy with gold medals. The university’s executive council gave its consent to award meritorious bachelor’s degree students in homeopathy and surgery [BHMS] with Surajkali Dwivedi Memorial Advanced Homeopathy Gold Medal — in memory of homeopathic physician Dr A K Dwivedi’s mother. The medal will be conferred on exceptional students in 2015-16. Says Dr Dwivedi, “The award will not only recognise talented undergraduate homeopathic students, but also motivate them to take to homeopathic practice earnestly.”


Dr Batra’s Academy organised its first-ever international students’ training programme in May 2015. Six homeopaths from Brazil arrived at the Academy in Mumbai to pursue an advanced course in homeopathy. The programme consisted of lectures by eminent homeopaths from teaching colleges and institutes — viz., Dr Kishore Mehta, Dr Prabhakar Devadiga, Dr Nimish Mehta, Dr Neeraj Goel and others, who inspired and motivated the delegate-students in homeopathy with their long clinical and teaching experience. The homeopaths from Brazil also visited CMP Homeopathic Medical College, Spandan Institute for Autistic Children, a free homeopathic treatment centre

and Dr Batra’s clinic in Borivli, a Mumbai suburb. They were happy to see several patients taking homeopathic treatment and, thereafter, interacting with local homeopathic doctors. The delegate-students were later felicitated by Dr Mukesh Batra, Founder-Chairman, Dr Batra’s, at a glittering function, which was attended by over 150 homeopaths. PS: Following its successful academic forays through its post-graduate fellowship programme in homeopathic dermatology, the Academy is now poised to launch a new six-month certificate course in advanced homeopathy and other online courses. It has applied for accreditation and recognition under the aegis of Maharashta University of Health Sciences [MUHS], Nashik. Dr Samir Chaukkar, Dean, Dr Batra’s Academy, is hopeful and positive that professional doctors from Dr Batra’s, not to speak of qualified homeopaths in India and abroad, would enroll for the informative and knowledgeable courses, to take their homeopathic clinical skills to the next level. For enrolment and other details, contact Dr Choukkar [M: +91-93239 05254. E: drsamir.choukkar@drbatras.com].

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HOMEOPATHY: AVANT-GARDE MEDICINE Homeopathy works on the principle that the mind and body are so powerfully connected that physical conditions cannot be effectively treated without a basic understanding of the individual’s personality, temperament, disposition, idiosyncrasy and constitution.


Homeopathy rectifies the imbalance by using omeopathy is natural, holistic, the given individual’s unique set of symptoms mind-body medicine. It is, by far, as a ‘channel,’ while choosing the natural the most gentle, safe, and humane substance — the appropriate homeopathic form of medical science. It aims to treat remedy — which activates a stimulated, the whole person rather than just the energetic healing response in the individual. physical, or superficial, symptoms. Or, only By Dr AKSHAY Let me illustrate. There may be two persons symptoms that show up on the surface. BATRA affected by a common illness, for example, Homeopathy prescribes a different remedy migraine. One individual with the disorder for a given, or not given, illness depending prefers, or likes, a tight hankie tied firmly around the on a multitude of factors, such as the personality of head [feels better with it], while another, with the same the individual, their state of mind and lifestyle. Put disorder and diagnosis, does not like the handkerchief simply, the illness may be the same by name, but being tied around the head [feels worse]. This is the presentation, as we all know in a given illness, homeopathic ‘individuality.’ It calls for the use of two in no two individuals is the same. In other words, no different homeopathic remedies to treat the problem. two individuals present with the same, identical, or Homeopathic medicines, or remedies, represent a unique set of symptoms of the said, or given, illness. special system of energy medicine, or nanopharmacology Illness, according to homeopathic tenets, ‘mirrors’ — a process that minimises the ‘deadly’ effects of our internal imbalance. Homeopathy also suggests that crude medicinal, and also toxic, substances. Put illnesses first begin at the most fundamental levels of simply, most homeopathic remedies are derived from our being. This underlying imbalance is the cause of natural substances — plants, minerals, or animals. all illness. This shows up in due course as symptoms. It may be emphasised too that homeopathy stimulates These symptoms are manifest, or created, by the body the body’s own innate healing mechanisms, although in the process of trying to ‘correct’ the imbalance.


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explanations as to how exactly it excites the organism have expectedly evoked scepticism in conventional quarters. In the recent past, homeopathy is being increasingly elucidated on the basis of quantum physics, bioenergetics, molecular memory and nanopharmacology. Besides, the use of advanced spectroscopy and thin layer chromatography [TLC], among others, has made it possible to actually ‘decipher’ the minute amounts of the medicinal substance present in homeopathic remedies, while differentiating them in their various dilutions, or potencies. Dr Samuel Hahnemann, MD, the founder of homeopathy, was a man of many parts — a highly qualified and trained conventional medical doctor, a classical chemist and botanist, among other things. He was an irrepressible critic of the established practice of conventional medicine of his time — a form of treatment, or dogma, based more on a ‘code of belief’ rather than fact, including certain maddening procedures, such as bloodletting, purging, blistering, and callous or insensitive treatment of the mentally ill, besides the ‘excess’ use of high doses of sulphur and mercury. He envisaged a revolution — to make medicine gentle, safe, humane, and effective, in the treatment of the sick that were ill in both mind and body. Dr Hahnemann was a polyglot. He was fluent in over a dozen languages, other than German, his mother tongue. He was a painstaking translator of scientific works. When he was once engaged in the translation of William Cullen’s classical work, Lectures on the Materia Medica, he could not resist or contain his analytical enthusiasm. Cullen’s statement that cinchona [quinine] bark possessed specific febrifugal [fever-relieving] action, because it was both the most aromatic and bitter substance known, aroused his scientific mind; also curiosity. Not the one to accept a word for a word, Hahnemann felt that this was simply an overstatement — because, there were several substances, not just barks, having extremely bitter and fragrant properties. None of them, perhaps, had the medicinal strength to cure fevers, no less malaria-like fevers. He was eager to test the idea. He made a decoction of cinchona bark. He now did what no one had ever dared, or done, before him in medical history. He drank the decoction. He soon developed ‘malaria-like’ symptoms on himself. This laid the foundation of homeopathy. Hahnemann now expounded his ‘like cures like’ principle — cinchona can ‘cause’ malarialike fever, so can ‘cure’ the same, or similar, illness. He soon embarked on a number of similar experiments and concluded that a substance or ‘drug’ capable of producing a set of its own peculiar and characteristic

symptoms, when given in small, minute doses to healthy individuals, can also cure, effectively and safely, an individual or patient exhibiting a similar set of symptoms. He called this homeopathy [homoios = similar; pathos = sickness]. Let us cull two examples to bring out the homeopathic perspective cited. Apis Mellifica, made from honeybee, can ‘cause’ hives or allergic reactions with violent itching, juxtaposed by burning and stinging sensation, with relief emerging from cold applications, in homeopathic ‘provings’ on healthy individuals. The individual’s skin is sensitive to touch with swelling accompanying the rash too. Open air brings relief, or improvement in the condition. A similar allergy attack, in which one may have similar or identical symptoms, can be, likewise, treated homeopathically with Apis. The reason is simple: the symptoms [signature] caused in the ‘proving’ and the symptoms exhibited in the allergic-hit individual are identical. When one suffers, likewise, from sleeplessness, ironically as a result of disappointment or grief, the ‘sleepless dilemma’ can be treated homeopathically, with Ignatia Amara, which can cause the ‘like’ sleeplessness in healthy individuals. Put in simple terms, homeopathy aims to ‘match’ the symptom-picture of the individual, or patient, with the remedy-picture — the closer the ‘match,’ the more effective the healing outcome. In other words, for a homeopathic remedy to work effectively, its symptom-pattern should suitably correspond, or ‘match,’ with the symptoms of the illness and vice versa. The right homeopathic remedy strengthens the body’s own ability to ward off, or fight, infection or illness. It also restores balance and harmony. Homeopathy also focuses not on the endpoint or pathological state, but on the vibrant, dynamic processes which underlie and precede it. While acknowledging the existence of pathology as well as the need to understand it, homeopathic treatment focuses on the underlying processes; it seeks a natural avenue of therapy which engages such fundamental, or causal, events. Homeopathy looks at how you are ‘doing’ and ‘feeling’ too — your life, your well-being, what you eat, your work environment, your relationships and communication with others, how you relax and play, your hobbies, what medications you’ve taken, or are taking, how well your digestive system functions, and what chemicals, pollutants and allergens, you’ve been exposed to. Your homeopathic treatment programme is engaged to ‘reflect’ your individualistic needs, not just your illness needs alone. Put simply, optimal health and well-being are the ultimate goals, or purpose, of homeopathic treatment.

Dr Akshay Batra, a renowned homeopath, is Managing Director, Dr Batra’s. He is the first-ever homeopath-trichologist from Asia to be elected President of the Trichological Society of London, his alma mater. He is the youngest and the first-ever non-UK-based trichologist to receive the prestigious Robert Olding Award for outstanding achievement in the field of trichology. Dr Akshay is also India’s first hair specialist to be associated with the European Hair Research Society [EHRS]. His published work includes the first-of-its-kind, bestselling book, Hair: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know, which is available at all good bookstores and on www.flipkart.com. He lives in Mumbai.

HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015



OBESITY, DIABETES & HOMEOPATHY Homeopathy believes that the best approach is to lose weight — not one’s health — naturally, safely, and gradually, while keeping a close watch on the body mass composition, including optimal nutrition. By Dr RAJGOPAL NIDAMBOOR


here is a strong association between obesity [excess body weight], especially in the abdominal region, and type-2 diabetes. Insulin resistance, which develops as a result of genetic and environmental factors, is strongly associated with childhood obesity. Insulin resistance, as most people know, is the reduced ability of insulin-sensitive tissues to respond normally to insulin at the cellular level — primarily because of genetic, metabolic and nutritional variations. Puberty is associated with a decrease in insulin sensitivity and increased secretion of the growth hormone. This leads to a momentary state of physiological insulin resistance — a susceptible time during which hormonal changes, in concert with genetic propensity and environmental factors, ‘tip’ the scale, or balance, from insulin resistance to apparent diabetes. It’d be alarming to know that the incidence of type-2 diabetes has increased by an astonishing 600 per cent, during the last 3-4 decades. Genetics plays a major role in the development of


HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015

diabetes, yet the ‘tipping point’ is our genetic makeup does not alter so radically and in quick time — we will all do well to look pragmatically and treat certain contributing factors, such as obesity, that lead to diabetes. Research suggests that individuals who watched 20-40 hours of TV a week had more than twice the risk of developing diabetes than people who watched little or no TV. Diet also plays a crucial role. Studies suggest that even normal individuals may be affected, especially when weight gain may result in carbohydrate intolerance and high insulin levels. Besides, the progressive development of insulin insensitivity is suggested to be the primary underlying factor in the development of type-2 diabetes. It is, therefore, suggested that weight loss — even if it is modest — can ease most problems, significantly improve, and even resolve diabetes. A healthy diet, followed by good stress management, regular exercise and relaxation, or

‘me-time,’ are important factors, besides regular medication, in the management of diabetes Diet plays a major role in controlling diabetes. • A diabetic diet is aimed to maintain ideal body weight, while formulating the intake of adequate nutrition • Consume about the same amount of food daily. Have meals and snacks at about the same time every day • Do not skip meals or snacks. Instead of three large meals, go for 3-4 small meals at regular intervals • Consume at least 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day • Have more foods that are high in fibre [oatmeal, oat bran, flaxseed, dried beans, peas, and kidney beans] • Cut down on the intake of fats; switch over to low-fat or fat-free dairy products • Replace bakery products and fast-food by simple, whole cooked cereals • Avoid junk-food, potato chips, wafers, candies, cookies, cakes, crackers and fried foods; keep the servings of such items small. Better, ‘save’ them for an occasional special treat • Stress is one of the primary causes of diabetes. Peer and parental pressures and stress can lead to the faulty functioning of the pancreas, while impairing the secretion of insulin • Studies suggest that cost-effective, group stress management programmes, like yoga and meditation, can result in clinically significant benefits in type-2 diabetes. Exercise is indispensable. The importance of promoting exercise as a vital component in the prevention and also management of type-2 diabetes should be a priority [It has been observed that people who follow a flawed diet regimen and lead sedentary lifestyles are extremely vulnerable to diabetes]. Exercise helps in controlling weight, improving insulin sensitivity, while reducing cardiovascular risk factors and lowering blood sugar levels. Exercise can also help diabetic individuals to feel better, while improving their overall health and wellness. Obesity has a direct correlation with blood pressure too. A higher body mass index [BMI] is blamed for about 35 per cent of high blood pressure cases. Obese children are 2.5 times more likely to have a high diastolic blood pressure compared with children having ‘normal’ weight. Research has shown that abdominal obesity is associated with a high risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. Obesity is evidenced to increase total cholesterol and LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol; it also reduces HDL ‘good’ cholesterol. High blood cholesterol directly elevates the risk of atherosclerosis [hardening of the arteries], heart disease and stroke. You may call the ‘connect’ the ‘weight of obesity.’ Osteoarthritis, for instance, has a perceptible relationship with obesity just as well. The more weight on the joint, the more stressed the joint

is, and the more likely the ‘wear and tear.’ Weight plays a significant role in joint stress, especially on weight-bearing joints, like the knees and the hips. Every kg of excess weight exerts about 6kg of extra pressure on the knees. An individual who is 10kg overweight has about 50kg of extra pressure on the knees; if the individual is 100kg overweight, think of it as 500kg of extra pressure on the knees. More importantly, the fat itself is active tissue — it creates and releases chemicals, some of which promptly trigger inflammation. HEALING WITH HOMEOPATHY Homeopathy is keyed to offer customised solutions to the individual, in question, including a personalised diet plan — because each of us is unique. Put simply, every individual’s stomach is as distinctive as his or her fingerprint. When the individual, for instance, shows a tendency to eat far beyond their capacity with resulting bloated abdomen and weight gain, the homeopathic remedy, Lycopodium is often useful. An overweight individual who, likewise, shows a penchant, or an inexorable desire, for extra salt in the diet, along with weeping tendencies, especially when alone, will respond favourably to the homeopathic remedy, Natrum Muriaticum. Homeopathy believes that the best approach is to lose weight — not one’s health — naturally, safely, and gradually, while keeping a close watch on the body mass composition, including optimal nutrition, at regular intervals. Homeopathic remedies also correct the underlying problem — the cause of excess weight. From the ‘root.’ Not just its mere manifestation. It also takes into account the fact that no two overweight individuals present with identical symptoms. Each of us is distinct. Homeopathy looks at the person, the individual, in toto, including the origin, or the ‘cause’ of illness, your weight problem. Homeopathy prescribes remedies in micro-doses — you’d call it ‘energy medicine.’ Homeopathy is based on a natural tenet: ‘what can cause excess weight can also treat.’ International clinical studies have shown that homeopathic remedies act as ‘fat burners;’ they also stimulate and hasten the body’s metabolic rate, without side-effects. Put simply, homeopathy provides a mild stimulus, not side-effects, for the body to bring in a sense of balance. It also incorporates lifestyle changes; it distils the individual’s physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects, including sensitivities and sensibilities — to usher in a healthy, long-lasting change. This results, not in suppression or recurrence of the ‘weighty’ problem — after the termination of a diet plan, or medical treatment — but natural, holistic restoration of health to its optimal level.

Dr Rajgopal Nidamboor is a board certified wellness physician, independent researcher and editor-publisher, H&Y

HOMEOPATHY & YOU | july 2015




The best medicine KEEP THE SPOON OUT Ronan kept going to the doctor because his eyes hurt. The doctor finally discovered his problem. The doc said, ‘Your eyes hurt when you drink tea, so you can’t drink tea.’ Ronan stuttered, ‘But, I love tea.’ The doctor replies, ‘Okay, as long as you take the spoon out.’

Tim asked an elderly woman if she had any allergies. The old lady responded by saying that she was unable to eat bananas. Tim received a considerable surprise later in the day when her very irate son came out of the ward demanding, “‘Who’s responsible for labelling my mother ‘bananas’?”

TIME CURES ‘Doctor Mayo,’ John says, ‘Whenever I get up after a sleep, I feel dizzy for half-an-hour, then I’m all right.’ ‘Then wait for half-an-hour before getting up,’ replies doctor Mayo.

FRAMED An old gentleman, Sidney, thought his eyesight was deteriorating, so he decided to go to see an optometrist and have them tested. Nelly, the optometrist, speaks to Sidney, saying, ‘All right, let’s check you out. You sit down here on this stool. You put your right hand over your right eye and read that chart on the wall over there.’ Sidney puts his left hand over his left eye. The optometrist says, ‘No, no, no. Put your right hand over your right eye.’ Poor old Sidney puts both hands over both eyes. Nelly is, by now, getting annoyed. Sidney continues to do things badly and Nelly becomes angry and says, ‘All right, I’ll fix you,’ she mutters. She takes a paper bag out of the cupboard, cuts one hole in it, puts it over Sidney’s head, and demands, ‘Now, read that chart!’ Sidney reads it perfectly. The optometrist takes the bag off, and Sidney begins to cry like a baby. Nelly retorts, ‘Now, what’s the matter with you?’ ‘Well,’ sobs Sidney, ‘when I first came in here, I had my heart set on wire frames.’

FATHER, OR SON? Wilson speaks frantically into the phone, ‘My wife is pregnant, and her contractions are only two minutes apart.’ ‘Is this her first child?’ the doctor queries. ‘No, you idiot,’ Wilson shouts, ‘This is her husband.’ QUICK DIAGNOSIS Nurse: ‘Doctor, the man you’ve just treated collapsed on the front step. What should I do?’ Doctor: ‘Turn him around so it looks like he was just arriving.’ EATING DISORDER A mother complained to her consultant about her daughter’s strange eating habits. ‘All day long she lies in bed and eats yeast and car wax. What will happen to her?’ ‘Eventually,’ says the consultant, ‘she will rise and shine.’ EMERGENCY REFERRAL Kerry is medical student. When she was studying the toxicology module she attended the ‘poison control centre’ in the city. Kerry told a tale that a woman had ‘phoned who was very upset because she had caught her little daughter eating ants. Kerry quickly reassured her that the ants were not harmful, and there would be no need to take her daughter to the hospital. She calmed the caller down. At the end of the conversation the woman happened to mention that she had given her daughter some ant poison to eat in order to kill the ants. Kerry is stunned. She hastily tells that she better take her daughter to accident and emergency care straightaway. PATIENT LABEL An element of the admission procedure in the hospital where consultant Tim Westwood worked was to ask new patients if they suffered from any allergies. If they did, Tim got it printed on a special ‘allergy band’ which was then placed on the patient’s wrist as a reference for all other hospital employees. On one particular occasion,


HOMEOPATHY & YOU | July 2015

“The good news is, you have the heart of a teenager. The bad news is, most teenagers these days have the heart of an old man.” Courtesy: www.glasbergen.com


HEALTHY AGING Aging is a normal and natural part of life. Yet, it is possible to appreciate the process of growing older and wiser, notwithstanding a myriad of stay-young-forever supplements and skin regimens available today.


nutritionist worth his weight in grey matter will ose-coloured bifocals aside, however, tell you that not all fats are equally nutritive there certainly are some problems that to the brain. Processed and fast-foods high are common in the elderly — dementia in saturated and transfats are not what your disorders, high blood pressure and high brain needs; they may actually lead to its cholesterol, incontinence, and arthritis, inflammation, causing any number of health can severely affect a person’s enjoyment of issues. what are supposed to be the ‘golden years.’ By RYAN N On the other hand, essential fatty acids [EFAs] Though, for the most part, prevention is the HARRISON — called ‘essential’ because you cannot live best medicine where each of the problems is without them and your body does not produce concerned, thankfully, they can also be treated them on its own — have recently gained prominence. naturally. Omega-3 EFAs are highly important in nourishing the Every part of the human body ages, including the brain. brain and providing it with the materials it needs to build An estimated 18 million people around the globe suffer brain cells. Supplementing with omega-3s is a great way with some form of dementia, such as Parkinson’s and to slow down the aging of the brain and promote better Alzheimer’s disease. Research suggests this number mental acuity. could jump to 34 million in less than 20 years. In large Research suggests that certain activities, such as part, the standard ‘western’ diet may be to blame. learning a language or musical instrument, or working About two-thirds of the human brain is composed of at crossword puzzles, can help keep the mind in top fatty tissues and the kinds of dietary fats that you eat condition. You can also boost your results with some directly affect the cells that make up your brain. Any



well-aimed supplements including Ginkgo Biloba. Taken in liquid or capsule form, Ginkgo extracts act as antioxidants and increase blood flow to the brain, helping to stabilise and, in some cases, improve mental functioning and social behaviour. HEALTHY HEART Each time the heart pumps blood through the arteries, the blood presses up against the walls of the blood vessels. If this pressure is abnormally high, you’ve got high blood pressure; also called hypertension. When blood pressure is up, the heart has to work harder to pump an adequate amount of blood throughout the body. As a result, circulation is compromised. This produces a negative effect in the brain, heart and kidneys. It’s not uncommon for the elderly to suffer from hypertension, because blood pressure increases with age as the arteries become stiffer. The stiffer the arteries become, the higher the blood pressure. Conventional treatments thin the blood with medications that can produce a range of side-effects. Fortunately, there are quite a few steps that can be taken to help bring down blood pressure naturally. Of course, there’s the standard answer: eating a healthy diet low in salt and high in fibre, whole foods and fruits and vegetables. Beyond this, there are some supplemental considerations. For example, deficiencies in calcium, magnesium and potassium have been linked to high blood pressure. Garlic, taken raw or in pill form, has a blood-thinning effect and is effective in lowering blood pressure. Also, herbal preparations of bilberry and bitter orange help keep the arteries flexible and lower blood pressure while strengthening your heartbeat. CONQUERING CHOLESTEROL Cholesterol is a fatty, waxy substance that occurs naturally in the body. In fact, some cholesterol is actually necessary for good health. When elevated blood levels of low-density lipoproteins [LDLs — the ‘bad’ cholesterol] are detected, however, doctors start to worry. Elevated LDLs are considered a contributor to plaque build-up in arteries, narrowing them so that blood flow to the brain, kidneys, genitals, heart and extremities is impeded. Their counterpart, high-density lipoproteins [HDLs — the ‘good’ cholesterol], can actually take cholesterol out of arteries and back to the liver. In short, the higher your HDL compared to your LDL levels, the lower your risk of heart disease. Natural approaches to lowering cholesterol levels include following a healthy diet. Avoiding fried foods and limiting your intake of salt, meat, and foods high in saturated fats is a must. Eating plenty of vitamin- and mineral-rich fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, and especially green leafy vegetables, will also make a difference. In terms of supplements, if you’re currently suffering from high cholesterol, there are several things that can help. The star supplement — omega-3s — helps

remove excess cholesterol from the blood. Probably, the best known vitamin in the world, vitamin C, can have surprising effects, as well. Not only does it keep artery walls intact, it also encourages higher HDL levels and can restore integrity to damaged blood vessels. Other supplements to consider include garlic, which can lower total cholesterol by 9-12 per cent, and ginseng, which lowers total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides. WHEN IT’S HARD TO HOLD IT One of the most embarrassing issues that plague older adults is incontinence, the inability to control the body’s urinary function. Sometimes, the problem is serious enough that adults have to wear diaper-like undergarments specifically designed to absorb wetness and prevent any leakage, or spotting on clothes. Most people ignore incontinence and consider it an inevitable result of aging, but it isn’t. In fact, most incontinence can be managed or treated. There are different causes of incontinence, which can be determined by checking with your physician. Among several others, possible causes range from urinary tract infections [UTIs] and constipation to congestive heart failure, or prostate problems in men. In seniors, with dementia disorders, it may simply be a problem of communication; recognising the need to urinate is one of the last neurological sensations to be lost in mentally confused people, who may also not realise how to communicate what they are feeling. There are some general rules to follow which can help incontinence, such as avoiding diuretics and losing weight. Less known are the effects of the herb cardamom, which is used in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine to stop urinary incontinence in both men and women. However, the best results come from doing pelvic floor muscle exercises called ‘Kegel’ [named after the doctor who invented them]. These exercises, which can be done undetected anywhere, and just about any time, can strengthen the muscles involved in urination and help prevent leakage. If doing Kegel is not an option, mild vaginal or anal electrical stimulation is a therapy that can induce contraction of the bladder



and supportive muscles to improve tone and function. Speak to your doctor if this is something that you’d like to investigate further. JUST FOR THE JOINTS There are several types of arthritis, but all of them involve the painful inflammation of the joints, leading to stiffness, swelling, and restricted mobility. The most common types affecting the elderly are osteoarthritis [caused by cartilage between bones wearing down], and rheumatoid arthritis [an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks the membranes that secrete the fluid necessary for smooth joint operation]. Natural treatments can help reduce inflammation and boost the body’s ability to heal. If you’re overweight, one of the best ways to reduce pain is to shed unnecessary weight. Activities such as swimming and water aerobics pack a double-punch by helping you to lose weight and restoring joint mobility. You can also fight arthritic inflammation with stinging nettle tea. Rich in vitamins A and C as well as the minerals potassium, calcium, sulphur and magnesium, this tea can be used daily. Horsetail, high in tissue-strengthening silica, can also be made into a tea that will provide minerals to rebuild bones and tissue. And, don’t forget your omega-3s. Vital to the body’s cells, they are also used to make prostaglandins, hormone-like chemicals that contribute to the regulation of inflammatory responses in the body. To gain the benefits of omega-3s, find a good supplement, or eat fish such as mackerel, salmon, sardines and herring regularly. THE JOY OF AGING One of the best parts of growing older is the collection of stories that you have to tell — stories about yourself, about friends, about life in general. Never underestimate the power of a story well-told. As a young child, sitting in my grandfather’s humble home, listening to him tell stories from his life was not only fascinating, but fun. His stories were from a world I could and will never know: the past. They featured log cabins and one-room schoolhouses. They told of growing up in a world without television, cars, and computers. Such stories educate, inform, and pass along cultural traditions and family history. In our technologically advanced societies, the practice of storytelling is nearly a long-lost art. Television and cinema have replaced fireside conversations and the weavings of story and song. In truth, I think that today’s ‘Old and Wise’ ones may be the last torchbearers of this dwindling flame of tradition. We should glean what light and genuine enjoyment we can derive from it before the culture fades out completely. Perhaps, one of the most over-looked joys of aging is the opportunity to slow down and relax. There’s a general understanding that the senior members of our societies have put in their time, worked their fair share,



and should now be resting, enjoying their ‘golden years’ and the slower pace that they afford. In stark contrast to the neon-laced, hyper-speed, digital world that the rest of our culture supports, retirement can be unhurried, without deadlines and due dates. It can be a time for introspection, devotion to a fulfilling hobby, or art form, a time of rest and relaxation. People who have prepared well for their later years may even find themselves travelling abroad, fulfilling their list of dreams, or spending time deepening relationships with folks who matter most to them. While some may have no choice but to slow down — aging does, after all, take its toll on the body — many find the slower pace enjoyable, or even preferable to the lifestyle of the young and the restless. Instead of a list of twenty things to accomplish in a day, our elders may only have a few. The rest of the time, then, can be spent reading, napping, engaging with others, cooking, playing light sports and exercise, or in other different ways. Finally, some thought should be given to a spiritual aspect of aging that may often be overlooked. Typically, the closer one gets to the end of this life, the harder it becomes to care for oneself. Reaching the point of dependence on family, friends and health professionals grants another soul-deepening — though often undesired — experience, the opportunity to receive care from others. There is much to be said for being on the receiving end of such a situation. It can be humbling, touching, and can draw relationships together even closer. If, for no other reason at all, receiving others’ care is important, because it gives them the opportunity to give it. I firmly believe that some things in life take longer to truly enjoy. From what I can tell, life itself is one of them. How wonderful then, that we get to move through it with increasing awareness, care and concern for others, and then slow down near the end to savour the last stretch of those golden, twilight years.

SELF-HELP Aging doesn’t have to be synonymous with ailing health or a cabinet full of prescription medications. Following these simple guidelines may help to improve your wellbeing and comfort as you stretch into your ‘golden years.’ Bilberry. Keeps blood vessels flexible and strengthens connective tissue. Useful for inflammation and has antiaging and anti-cancer effects. Take two 500mg capsules, twice a day. Bitter orange. Helps with weight loss and may be helpful in treating high blood pressure by strengthening the heart beat. Take 20 drops of the tincture, three times daily Cardamom. Treats urinary incontinence, as well as indigestion, gas, and other digestive system upsets. Make a tea by using 30 crushed seeds per cup water; drink a cup of this tea five times daily. Garlic. Detoxifies the body, lowers blood pressure and increases circulation. Also aids in cases of arthritis and circulatory problems. If fresh, eat 1-5 cloves daily. Otherwise, find a good garlic oil capsule and take 1020gm daily

Ginkgo Biloba. Improves brain functioning, and is beneficial for improving circulation. Take up to 40mg of the extract three times a day with meals Ginseng. Increases cognitive ability, fights high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and helps treat impotence. Take 1-9gm daily as a stimulant. For tonic effects, 250500mg is sufficient [To be avoided if you’ve uncontrolled hypertension] Horsetail. Useful for treating urinary incontinence and arthritic inflammation. Make a tea using 2-4gm of dried herb per cup of water. Otherwise, take three 350-500mg capsules, three times a day Omega-3 fatty acids. Useful for fighting deteriorating mental processes, heart disease, cholesterol and arthritis. Eat ‘oily’ fish such as herring, salmon and sardines, or find a good omega-3 supplement and take 1,000-9,000mg daily Stinging nettle tea. Eases arthritic pain, relieves asthma symptoms and can be used as a general tonic. Make the tea by pouring one cup of boiling water over one tbsp of nettles; steep for ten minutes and drink 3-4 cups daily.

Ryan N Harrison is a US-based holistic health educator and consultant in private practice. He has taught holistic nutrition, therapeutic herbalism and natural health for several years — in traditional and online settings.



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THE OVERT & COVERT DANGERS OF MILK Heart disease is the single largest killer in the world, followed by diabetes and cancer. Is homogenised milk a contributor?


whereby milk is heated to 280 degree Fahrenheit here are some words that we have grown for a minimum of two seconds. This processing up with. We accept them without even results in a shelf-life that can extend up to asking what they mean. Do you know nine months. Milk treated with pasteurisation what ‘pasteurised’ and ‘homogenised’ mean or HTST is labelled as ‘pasteurised,’ while when it comes to milk? You need to know the milk treated with UHT is labelled as ‘ultraprocesses that take place before food reaches By MANEKA pasteurised.’ your mouth, especially milk which you will GANDHI consume in thousands of litres during your PASTEURISATION: THE DOWNSIDE lifetime. Pasteurisation does not kill all micro-organisms in milk, One of the first things you should do is ask for the but is intended to kill some bacteria and make some labelling on milk. That way you can make a choice of enzymes inactive. In the process, the Lee Foundation what you are drinking. We know the brand names of the for Nutritional Research has shown that pasteurisation milk — Amul, Parag etc., but without understanding destroys vitamin A, around 38 per cent of vitamin B what goes into them. complex, and about 50 per cent of vitamin C in milk. Pasteurisation is intended to make milk safer and Homogenisation is a process that gives milk its rich, government agencies claim it doesn’t reduce the white colour and smooth texture. Milk that has not been nutritional value. Homogenisation isn’t meant for safety, homogenised contains a layer of cream that rises to but for consistency and taste. the top of a glass. Invented in 1932, homogenisation is Pasteurisation is the process of heating milk up a mechanical process in which milk is passed through and then quickly cooling it down to eliminate certain pipes and fine filters at a pressure of 2,500psi and a bacteria. Milk is heated to at least 161.6 degree speed of 600 feet per second. The fat portion of the milk Fahrenheit for 15 seconds, which is known as high is broken up into very small globules. Like mist in a fog, temperature short time pasteurisation [HTST], or flash small fat particles remain suspended evenly throughout pasteurisation. This method will keep milk fresh for the milk and do not rise to the top of the milk. Without 2-3 weeks. Then, there’s ultra-heat treatment [UHT],



homogenisation, fat molecules in milk will rise to the top and form a layer of cream. It’s advantageous for large-scale dairy farms to homogenise milk because the process allows them to mix milk from different herds. By preventing cream from rising to the top, homogenisation also leads to a longer shelf-life of milk allowing large companies to ship greater distances. The basic aim of homogenisation is to make the milk last longer — up to 11 days — on shop shelves. While this benefits companies, does it help the consumer? Heart disease is the single largest killer in the world, followed by diabetes and cancer. Is homogenised milk a contributor? AS ‘KURT’ AS ‘OSTER’ Dr Kurt Oster who died in 1988 was the Chairman of the Department of Medicine and Chief, Section of Cardiology at Park City Hospital, Bridgeport, Connecticut, US, for 39 years. He was a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, American College of Physicians, American College of Nutrition, and of the American College of Clinical Pharmacology, among others. Author of more than 40 articles in reputable scientific journals, he is credited for the discovery of the role of the enzyme xanthine oxidase, in bovine milk, in inflammation and its effect on creating lesions in arteries, nerves and heart muscle. Dr Oster is also credited for first making the link between cardiovascular disease and other chronic degenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, gout and psoriasis, while suggesting that the disease pathway is the same in different locations. He demonstrated that folic acid therapy allows the healing of non-healing ulcers. After suffering a heart attack at the age of 46, Dr Oster researched for over 20 years into clogged arteries. According to him and his associates Dr Donald Ross of Fairfield University and Dr John Zikakis of the University of Delaware, the principal culprit appears to be the homogenisation of milk. Their work suggests that xanthine oxidase, or XO, ingested with homogenised milk and milk products, penetrates and damages arterial walls, triggering the classic symptoms leading to heart disease. Xanthine oxidase is an enzyme naturally found in our liver where it is involved in the breakdown of compounds into uric acid, a waste product. The fat in milk also contains xanthine oxidase. When milk is not homogenised, both the fat and the xanthine oxidase are digested into smaller molecules, which are either used or excreted from the body. However, when milk is homogenised some of the foreign xanthine oxidase passes intact through the walls of the intestine and into the blood circulation. There it

creates havoc by attacking the plasmologen tissue, a vital component of the cells of the heart and artery wall tissue and parts of the heart muscle. This causes lesions in the artery walls. The body, in its effort to protect and repair them, responds by ‘patching’ the damage with calcified plaque. The result is scar tissue with a buildup of cholesterol and other fatty deposits. Arteries lose their elasticity as additional calcium is deposited. We call them arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis. High blood pressure is one symptom of the loss in arterial elasticity. Angina [chest pain] results from diminished blood flow through the branches of the coronary artery and a combination of the hormone adrenaline, released during stress, caffeine and nicotine may constrict a diseased coronary artery, depriving the heart of oxygen, triggering a heart attack. Some of Dr Oster’s evidence is summarised as follows: • The heart disease death rate skyrocketed after homogenised milk became commonplace in the United States • Active xanthine oxidase has been found in the plaques and lesions lining artery walls • The presence of human antibodies to cow’s milk, xanthine oxidase, have been identified in the human circulation • The female sex hormones inhibit xanthine oxidase. Therefore, atherosclerosis is rare in women prior to menopause • Male sex hormones chemically enhance xanthine oxidase activity. Atherosclerosis and heart attacks are more common in men • Heart disease death rates are proportional to the volume of homogenised milk consumed in each country. CONCLUSION Remember, it is not just milk, but everything else made from homogenised milk like yogurt, ice-cream and cheeses that may sound the alarm bell. To cull a classical example: the Finns consume about 272kg of milk each per year; 90 per cent is homogenised, meaning 245kg of homogenised milk per Finn per year. The Swedes drink as much milk, but only 2 per cent of it is homogenised [only 4.9kg per year]. The death rate from heart attack in Finland is more than three times the Swedish level [about 245/100,000 compared with only 75/100,000]. Homogenisation is only one of several processes food now subjected entirely for commercial purposes. Consumers have to contend with foods being irradiated, genetically-engineered, homogenised and processed using any method that will benefit the company producing it. Well, if you still opt to drink packaged milk, find out whether it is homogenised.

Maneka Gandhi is the union cabinet minister for women & child development, animal rights activist, writer and environmentalist. She is well-known for her books in the areas of etymology, law and animal welfare. She lives in New Delhi.




TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH NOW Prevention is better than cure. It more than applies to regular health check-ups. By KAVITA NADKARNI


take my six-month-old son to the paediatrician for regular health check-ups and vaccination. During one such visit, I remembered that when we were kids, our parents made sure we had regular check-ups with our doctor so that we stayed healthy. But, as we grew up, our doctor visits reduced and eventually perished from our life. Today, most of us visit a doctor only when some health issue gets really serious, or painful. Health professionals often stress that regular health check-ups are not just important for children, but are also extremely vital for adults as well. Regular check-ups help identify health risk factors and problems before they become serious. If diseases are caught early, treatments are usually much more effective than when delayed. Regular health check-ups, screenings, and early treatment means you are taking steps that enhance your chances for living a longer and healthier life. Your age, health and family history, lifestyle choices [what you eat, how active you are, whether you smoke or drink, etc.,],



and other important factors impact how often you need health check-ups. WHAT TESTS SHOULD YOU DO? Depending on your age, gender, and family medical history, a check-up with your doctor may include the following tests: • Blood, urine, vision, and hearing tests • Immunisations and booster shots • Checking your blood pressure, cholesterol level, and weight • Screenings to assess your risk of developing certain diseases, such as diabetes and cancer • Tests for sexually-transmitted disease [STDs] and possibly HIV [depending on your age and sexual lifestyle] • Starting at age 50, or younger, a screening test for colorectal cancer, especially if you have a family history • A discussion about depression and stress to evaluate your mental health.

For men, in addition to the above, your doctor’s visit may specifically include [especially if you are aged 50, or younger if you have a family history], a rectal examination to check for abnormal bumps in the prostate and a prostate specific antigen [PSA] blood test to screen for prostate cancer. Also, if you have ever smoked cigarettes, an abdominal examination is done to check for enlargement in your aorta; an abdominal aortic aneurysm, or weakness in the lining of the aorta [a large blood vessel in your chest and abdomen]. For women, in addition to checking weight, high blood pressure, and other basics, your doctor’s visit may specifically include: • A clinical breast exam to check for any unusual lumps, or bumps in your breasts • A test for cervical cancer, called a ‘Pap’ smear, every 1-3 years • Starting at age 40 [or, younger if you have a strong family history for breast cancer], a breast cancer screening with a mammogram every 1-2 years • Starting at age 60-65, a referral for a bone density test to screen for osteoporosis, the disease that causes brittle, fragile bones and typically affects older women. PREPARATION FOR the DOCTOR’S VISIT Before visiting a doctor for a health check-up, review your family health history. Ask yourself are there any new

conditions, or diseases, that have occurred with your close relatives since your last visit to the doctor. If so, let your doctor know about it. Your family history might influence your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, or cancer. Your doctor will assess your health risks based on your family history and other factors. S/he may also recommend things you can do to help prevent illnesses, such as exercise, diet, or screening tests to help detect the disease early. Also, find out if you are due for any general screenings or vaccinations. For example, based on your age and general health, it might be time for you to get a ‘Pap’ test, mammogram, prostate cancer and colon cancer screening, blood pressure check, etc. Write down a list of issues and questions to take with you. Review any existing health problems and note any changes. For example, changes in the body, including lumps or skin changes or any pain, dizziness, fatigue, problems with urine, or stool, or menstrual cycle changes, etc. Have your eating habits changed? Are you experiencing depression, anxiety, trauma, distress, or sleeping problems? If so, note as to when the change began, how it’s different from before, or any other observation that you think would be helpful. Be honest with your doctor. Schedule an appointment with your healthcare practitioner today — because, it’s time to take charge of your health, right now.

Kavita Nadkarni holds a degree in microbiology with a master’s in bio-informatics. She has worked in media groups, specialising in healthcare and pharmaceutical publications. Her areas of interest include complementary medicine and alternative healthcare. She is Assistant Editor, H&Y.





WHOLESOME KHAKHRAS Khakhra is a terrific tea-time snack — bajra methi khakhras are all the more better...

Wholesome khakhras of bajra [black millet] and whole wheat flour perked up with fenugreek [methi] leaves, green chilli paste, is a perfect accompaniment for tea. The bitterness of methi is surprisingly pleasant in this creation. It makes you smack your lips and reach for another khakhra. All you need to do is make these delicious bajra methi khakhras in bulk and store them in an air-tight container to relish at home, or carry along on a long journey, or vacation. Preparation Time: 10mins Cooking Time: 20mins Makes 5 khakhras INGREDIENTS • 1/2 cup bajra [black millet] flour • 2 tbsp whole wheat flour [gehun ka atta] • 1/2 tsp ginger-garlic [adrak-lehsun] paste • 1/2 tsp green chilli paste • 1/4 cup finely chopped fenugreek [methi] leaves • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder [haldi]

• 1 tsp oil • Salt to taste. OTHER INGREDIENTS • Whole wheat flour [gehun ka atta] for rolling • Ghee for cooking. METHOD • Combine all the ingredients in a deep bowl and knead into soft dough using enough warm water • Divide the dough into 5 equal portions and roll out each portion into a 125mm [5”] diametre thin circle using a little whole wheat flour for rolling • Heat a non-stick tava [griddle] and cook each khakhra on a slow flame till pink spots appear on both the sides • Apply a little ghee on both the sides and continue cooking the khakhra on a slow flame, while pressing with a folded muslin cloth, till it turns crisp and brown from both the sides • Cool and store in an air-tight container. [Courtesy: www.tarladalal.com]

Tarla Dalal was a noted Indian food writer, chef, best-selling cookbook author and host of cooking shows like Tarla Dalal Show and Cook It Up With Tarla Dalal.




THE KNIGHT IN SOY ARMOUR Women today are caught in a bewildering whirlwind of statistics and health risks of hormone replacement therapy [HRT]. Here’s where soy, nature’s plant version of oestrogen, can come to their rescue.


five, when she is most vulnerable to fractures, estrogen was at one time the most it may not matter whether she has taken popularly prescribed drug. Fifty conjugated, or synthetic oestrogen treatments. per cent of American menopausal Similarly, oestrogen’s cardiovascular effects women were, for instance, on hormonedisappeared as soon as you stopped taking replacement therapy [HRT], whether them. Up to 90 per cent of women are expected conjugated oestrogens, or synthetic hormones By Dr RICHARD to experience some form of fibrocystic breast in the form of pills, patches, or creams. FIRSHEIN disease, and they may find that oestrogen Conjugated oestrogen, made from the urine worsens these conditions as well. And, then of pregnant horses, was the most common there’s cancer. Studies showed that women taking oestrogen treatment and the best-selling drug in conjugated oestrogen for at least six years have up America. I understood all the excitement. Oestrogen to a 40 per cent increased risk of ovarian cancer; that strengthenes bones, dilates and strengthens blood increase soars to 70 per cent when they’ve been taking vessels, and even reduces heart disease, according the hormone for more than eleven years. An article to the New England Journal of Medicine. In a study of in The New England Journal of Medicine reported that Swedish women, hormone replacement decreased oestrogen-replacement therapy significantly increased the incidence of strokes and reduced blood pressure. the risk of breast cancer; according to Oncology News, In fact, a ten-year study of 120,000 nurses found the treatment doubles your likelihood of breast cancer. that post-menopausal women taking oestrogen reduced their risk of heart disease by half. Hormone LONG-TERM EFFECTS replacement begun at menopause had been shown You don’t want to risk heart attacks, hot flashes, and to cut the risk of hip fractures by up to 50 per cent. hips that shatter like glass. On the other hand, you don’t Women taking oestrogen for more than ten years want to risk losing a breast or, worse, dying of cancer. had a 50 per cent decreased risk of colon cancer. Newer anticancer drugs, among them tamoxifen, can be life-saving and, in recent, widely publicised studies BUYER, BEWARE have been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer With so many health benefits to gain from oestrogen, recurrence by 35 per cent. Yet, tamoxifen has also it almost seemed like a crime to ignore its powers. been reported by The Journal of the National Cancer You might have been tempted, after reading about its Institute to increase the incidence of colon cancer. widespread effects, to run out and ask your doctor A crop of new so-called designer oestrogens, which to prescribe it. But, buyer beware. Beneath the target specific oestrogen receptors in the body while attractive data on oestrogen-replacement therapy leaving others untouched, are now being studied and lies more data that was not so pretty. And, knowing may offer even greater protection than tamoxifen, with that data might just have saved your life. Oestrogen less risk. Even so, we still don’t know the long-term replacement is a tale of modern medicine gone wrong. impact of such drugs, and they do have side-effects. Conjugated oestrogen’s status as the best-selling More recently, oestrogen has been thrust even drug in America implied that oestrogen replacement further under the spotlight with a new discovery about therapy must be a safe, accepted treatment for the many its effects. It has long been known that oestrogen ailments that women must face in their lifetimes. That could be taken up by a certain kind of receptor in was not so. Oestrogen treatment truly had a dark side. our bodies called the alpha receptor. Although these First, oestrogen was a long-term prescription. In receptors are located on cells all over the body, they order to gain some of its benefits, you needed to be on tend to be focused in the breasts and ovaries. the hormone for years. To help prevent osteoporosis, a Now, however, scientists have determined that there woman must take the hormone continuously for years is a second type of oestrogen receptor — the beta after menopause. But, experts agree that hormone receptor. Not only are beta receptors found all over replacement may not be enough to avoid the disease. the body, they’re specifically found in places where And, this preventative action will not necessarily stop a alphas are not. This means that oestrogen could have hip fracture from taking place in later years. Oestrogen effects more far-reaching than we’ve ever dreamed of. does not replace bone, it simply slows its loss, and once This revelation could give us more insight into oestrogen is stopped, bone loss proceeds at its usual oestrogen’s role in men. Oestrogen, for example, pace. So, by the time a woman reaches age seventyHOMEOPATHY & YOU | JULY 2015


has been found to help stem prostate cancer; could the hormone be working undetected at beta receptors, where we hardly expected to look? Could there be a whole new class of drugs that improve men’s health by working at these newfound beta receptors? This new discovery has staggering ramifications for the medical community. Common pesticides like pentachlorophenol [PCP] and dioxins contain halogenated hydrocarbons that mimic oestrogen’s effects on the body. At least 40 per cent of the pesticides currently used are suspected to be endocrine disruptors. Fruits like grapes and strawberries are more likely to bear multiple pesticides as well as outlawed pesticides like DDT. Most cattle and poultry are fed hormones to make them fatter and ‘healthier.’ Even thalides, which are used to make plastics, can be oestrogenic. Women today are caught in a bewildering whirlwind of statistics and health risks. Here’s where soy can come to the rescue. Remember, soy contains nature’s plant version of oestrogen. It’s gentle but also effective. And, it has helped many of my patients. A CASE IN POINT Janet Sterling came to me in a state of panic. A fifty-fouryear-old freelance writer and mother of three, she was distressed by the literature on hormone-replacement therapy. She already ate a balanced vegetarian diet and enjoyed speed-walking and karate in her spare time. Because her mother had had osteoporosis, Janet was worried about her own future health. She asked for a bone density test, and results showed that

her density already fell one standard deviation below normal, placing her at risk for bone fracture. Her doctor had been a big proponent of oestrogen-replacement therapy and practically insisted that she take a prescription for premarin, the most popular oestrogen treatment. However, breast cancer ran in her family. “Tell me there’s something else I can do,” she pleaded. “I’ve read so many studies on oestrogen, and there’s no way I can take a pill that may cause me to get cancer. I’ve had friends with cancer, and they’ve gone through hell.” She was right to worry about breast cancer. Women on hormone-replacement therapy for 5-9 years had a 59 per cent increased risk of breast cancer. Soy isoflavones were the perfect solution for her concerns while protecting her from breast cancer. I recommended 500mg per day. That’s the minimum amount needed to make a difference in your physiology. A cupful of tofu is said to contain the same amount of isoflavones, and I recommend generous portions of soymilk and tofu as well, if patients enjoy eating it. Some of my patients love soy products, and make everything from stir-fried tofu to tofu ‘scrambled eggs’ and tofu ‘whipped cream,’ while others can’t stand the taste of soy and prefer to take the powder alone. I put Janet on a number of other natural nutrients as well, like boron, calcium, and magnesium, all of which enhance bone health. A high soy diet and phytoestrogen supplements, however, are the stars of my hormone programme. A follow-up test one year later showed a definitive improvement in her bone density. Now, Janet totes a soy drink with her as she goes off to karate class. Her progress has been excellent.

Dr Richard Firshein, Founder-Director of The Firshein Center for Comprehensive Medicine in New York City, is a leading innovator and authority in the field of preventative and nutritional medicine, integrating both Eastern and Western medical practices. He is Board Certified in Family Medicine and has served as professor of family medicine. An internationally recognised leader in the field of integrative medicine and healthy aging, a cancer researcher, prolific author and writer, Dr Firshein has written several groundbreaking books, including the bestselling Reversing Asthma, Your Asthma-Free Child, The Nutraceutical Revolution and, most recently, The Vitamin Prescription [For Life].




STICK TO BASICS Water is the most essential element that you put into your body, including your fitness programme. Every cellular transaction in your body occurs in the presence of water.


hand, in the car, your place of work and in the odybuilders who are dieting to gain muscle home. It’s cheap and it is effective. Supplement will consume 1.5gm of protein per pound companies don’t want you to know of how of bodyweight or more. This equals 300gm effective water is as a diet aid because they have of protein for a 200lb bodybuilder. I know some nothing to gain from it. You can get this highly bodybuilders who take in much more protein than effective diet aid from your own kitchen faucet. that. Unless you hit the weights hard, however, By KERRY Sure, you’ll piss a lot. Big deal. Your best bet your requirements will be less. Aim for 1gm of DULIN is keeping your body and kidneys well flushed protein per pound of bodyweight. This should and clean utilising water on contest day. be considered a minimum. Watch the kidneys, Reduced calorie dieting causes your body’s metabolic however. If you ever experience difficulty urinating, see your rate to slow down which, in turn, causes you to store more doctor. This brings us to the next important supplement. of the food you consume as fat. It’s the old ‘save it for a Most people are totally unaware of the importance rainy day’ principle. If your body thinks that it’s starving it of water to a healthy diet and lifestyle. I have actually will store all that it can for future use. That’s great if you’re overheard people say that they don’t drink water at all. How a camel. utterly ridiculous... Water is the most essential element that When you diet, your body’s metabolic rate slows down you put into your body bar none. Every cellular transaction in order to conserve body fat. When you go off our diet, in your body occurs in the presence of water. Water is you quickly accumulate more fat, because your body is essential for maintaining optimal health and flushing waste evolutionarily programmed to think another ‘famine’ [diet] and toxins from your body. could strike at any time. By using thermogenic enhancing So, how much water should you drink? Forget the agents, your body maintains a high metabolic rate that recommended 8-10 glasses a day. That’s not a bad start; causes us to burn the food we eat as energy, rather than but, let’s double it. Do you want to get lean? Then drink at store it as fat. least a gallon of water a day. While dieting for competition, Fat burners are substances that increase thermogenesis. bodybuilders will drink up to 3gallon of water per day. Why In other words, they slightly elevate body temperature and do you think that is? increase the rate in which you burn calories. There are Water not only helps to curb the appetite, but it also hundreds of combinations of fat burners on the market; actually helps to flush out excess fat. Every now and then however, most are variations of the same ingredients. if I eat something that I’m feeling a little guilty for I will Do I use them? Oh, yeah. When dieting for competition I guzzle a quart of water, immediately afterwards. It dilutes keep the protein very high, carbs very low, take in 2gallon the digestive fluids and accelerates the passage of the of water and use thermogenics twice per day. A word of junk-food from your body. A gallon of water may seem caution. Read the warning label and follow the directions like a lot, but believe me, you get used to it. Instead of a on whatever supplement you use. soft drink, coffee or beer, keep plenty of bottled water on Kerry Dulin, a world-renowned fitness guru, first got into professional bodybuilding at age 40. He won his first bodybuilding competition at 41. Now 55, with a physique that would put someone half his age to shame, Dulin has what he calls “a manageable programme,” 12 top trophies to show for his fitness endeavours and three health and fitness websites. He lives in the US.




THE [W]HOLE IN THE HEART The process of healing the big ‘gap’ and flushing toxic wastes out of the heart is best achieved by filling our heart with the nectar of love of god.


where the great African saint said to god, “You n the Gulf of Mexico, there is oil emerging have made us for yourself, and our hearts are out of the ground. This was breaking news in restless till they find their rest in you.” And, America. Tens of thousands of gallons of oil Augustine goes on to say that he wanted to are going into the ocean every day. People are ask god to come and dwell in him, but that he trying to stop it, but are failing. It is considered was not sure what it was that he was actually to be one of the worst man-made disasters asking for when he prayed to god in that in the history of America. And, it may take fashion. hundreds of years for that area to recover By The problem of too much oil is much deeper ecologically. And, the oil company says the RADHANATH than the ‘deep’ mile. The problem is, that hole is difficult to fix, because it’s too deep, SWAMi deep in the people’s hearts, there is a hole in more than a mile into the bottom of the ocean. their values — the hole of ahankara, or ego. The idea of a ‘god-shaped hole’ in the And, from that hole the toxic oil of greed and lust human heart, as Glenn F Chesnut, a scholar, writes, and anger and pride is pouring out and polluting our is a terrifying bottomless abyss opening up inside consciousness. And, because our consciousness is us which we would do anything to fill. It is a famous polluted, we are polluting the world. This is primarily modern metaphor for the yearning in the human soul due to our ego and greed. And, even if they patch up which drives us on our spiritual quest. This is a modern the hole in the ocean, if they don’t patch up the hole in paraphrase of something the famous philosopher and the heart, they are just going to make another hole and mathematician Blaise Pascal wrote in his Pensees from there will emerge bigger problems. [10.148]:1. Chestnut adds, “What else does this craving, Bhakti, or devotion, exemplifies the process of healing and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once the big ‘hole’ in our heart. It also helps to flush the in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains toxic wastes out of the heart. This dual-purpose is best is the empty print and trace? This he tries in vain to achieved by filling our heart with the nectar of love of fill with everything around him, seeking in things that god. When that nectar fills our hearts, we can also fill are not there, the help he cannot find in those that are, the whole ocean of the material world with that nectar. though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be This is the greatest need in our human society — to filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in clean the heart of toxic lust, greed, envy, pride and other words by god himself.” anger, while accessing divine love, the instrument of When Pascal wrote this, as Chestnut observes, he that love too. This is the greatest deed anyone can do in was probably thinking, in part, of a famous passage the world for oneself and also for others around. at the beginning of Augustine’s Confessions [1.1.1], Radhanath Swami a spiritual guide, is the author of the bestselling book, The Journey Home. To know more about his work on leadership and spirituality, visit www.tulsibooks.com. Website: www.radhanathswami.com



Photo: Courtesy, www.jackuldrich.com


LEARN TO UNLEARN The best thing to do to survive in a competitive world is to continuously engage in intellectual exercises for process ‘updation’ — this is a human virtue and realistic necessity to survive.


a ‘secret.’ We will see how it unfolds. ake a look at Rahul Gandhi, even if Alvin Toffler wrote, “The illiterate of the 21st you don’t want to, who reportedly took century will not be those who cannot read and a sabbatical for two months, went to write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and Thailand, came afresh, and started debating in relearn.” It is here when we take a break that a parliament. The public ratings on his debating great self-discovery, in the form of learning to skills have gone up. It’s became a topic of the unlearn — or, unlearning to re-learn — happens town, so much so it may compel the ‘oldies’ in By BADRINATH unconsciously. the party to also take a break — for the benefit DURVASULA of our nation. INTENSITY HOLDS THE KEY We have seen American Presidents taking vacations While we’re all born with the intense desire to learn, in exotic islands and come back refreshed. The first somewhere along the line many of us lose our passion thing they do on return to the White House is make for learning. The pressure to excel at the workplace robs some positive statements, including their vision to take us the joy of learning. We tend to repeatedly play on our their state forward. Politicians, actors, artists, students, success parameters and avoid negative experiences. Most or families keep taking breaks every year, perhaps, as of us tend to stick to what we know and avoid challenges a holiday. What they do not realise is a process that where they mess up or learn something new, creating a happens latently makes them refreshed, reenergised and comfortable domain. reoriented. Walking on the beach or climbing peaks, or This sets a limitation on our own capability to solve merely spending quality time with the family makes them puzzles in life. converge and expand their mental energy. The process is



Our learning happens all the day on Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, and the like. This may not be enough in this complex world. We must be in a constant state of adaptation, continually ‘unlearning’ old rules and relearning new ones. This requires continually questioning assumptions about how things work, challenging old paradigms, and ‘relearning’ what is relevant now. Learning agility is the name of the game — it lets go the old rules, while helping us learn new ideas. Learning agility is also the key to unlocking our change potential and succeeding in our uncertain, unpredictable and constantly evolving environment, personally and professionally. Let us look at a handful of such doctrines to unlearn in our job, business and career: • The fundamental assumptions we have for our business, or work, or study • The methodology we use to promote our business, or work • The technology we use to be in sync with what we think now • The way we communicate our comprehension • The skills and knowledge needed to reach the next level in our current situation • How to get the most from your employees. YOU ARE YOUR PERSONALITY Our behaviour, when analysed, falls into certain personality types, or attitudes, or patterns. In our own interest, we should never be stereotypes, for it stifles our personality, its growth and progress in creativity and perception. Examples of this would be — your sofa set placed in a particular way, drive only along a particular way, read only a few authors, pick only few dress colours and expect children to behave the way we behave. This is precisely what may be called as caging your own personality. You will do well to keep such dogmas at bay. Unlearning is not about shedding unwanted baggage,

or what we learnt with our rich treasure of knowledge. It is about moving away from something, letting it go, rather than constantly holding onto. It’s like stripping old paint to make your home shine, once again. The colour and smell of fresh paint is always refreshing. Isn’t it? It lays the foundation for the new layer of fresh learning to be acquired. But, like the painter who needs to prepare a surface, stripping the paint is 70 per cent of the work, while repainting is just 30 per cent. Inference: practice unlearning when you need it the most, not as a rote. As the global economy evolves and market forces drive competition for jobs to new levels, the great place to be is for individuals who proactively work to expand and diversify their skill sets. They are the ones who will be well-placed. When we synthesise our knowledge and skills, we evolve from being a knowledge expert into a knowledge entrepreneur. In today’s corporates, engineers become HR specialists, planners become commercial negotiators, and architects become economists. It’s not about the degrees they hold, or the number of years they worked in a domain, but it is all about how they bring value proposition. I’m in the context inspired by The New York Times columnist Tom Friedman’s words, ‘Everyone has to bring something extra; being average is no longer enough. Everyone is looking for employees who can do critical thinking and problem solving.” BE YOUR OWN COMPASS & RADAR With the onset of technology, the traditional jobs of air ticketing offices, railway bookings, lift operators, peons, secretaries, stenographers and other small trades have become obsolete. The reality is that jobs and careers evolved over time, requiring each of us to adapt our ideas for a career. The days of companies recognising individuals, showing them a road map of their career, handholding them for long and making them the boss, have long gone. Each of us should take ownership for mapping out the ‘best’ path on our own — something that goes beyond the traditional career path. People who find opportunities in a changing environment are constantly unlearning to learn. The choice is simple: act, or be acted upon. Since change is inevitable, learning to navigate and adapt is not only important for our survival, but also essential to thrive in the larger game of life. As the late US President John F Kennedy put it succinctly, “The greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds.” The inference is obvious. The best mantra, to stay on course, is to turn away from ignorance and embrace the endless portal of knowledge, because unlearning to learn is the name of the game.

Badrinath Durvasula is Vice-President and Head, Legal and Strategy, Larsen & Toubro Ltd, Mumbai. A much-sought after speaker and motivational ’guru,’ Durvasula holds masters’ degrees in nuclear physics, law and management.



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THE NADI, PRANA & CHAKRA CONNECTION Knowledge about nadis, prana, and chakras can be valuable for self-analysis and conscious awareness.


small fears decrease and some joy and irst things, first. Chakra means wheel in objectivity begins to take shape, the blocked Sanskrit. This is because energies spin chakras begin to rotate properly again. at the points rotating clockwise or antiKnowledge about the chakras can be valuable clockwise at a certain speed. This activity for self-analysis. When this happens, it is looks like a galaxy of planets, each spinning possible to observe oneself and see energy on its axis at points along the spinal cord. moving through various spiritual centres. Each chakra is designed to manage and By Dr PREETI Put simply, it is through the practice of yoga, maintain the perfect operation of our bodily MANDAWEWALA meditation and pranayama, one can train and systems. gain control over one’s body and mind. The cleansing, or detox, is done by spinning in pure or positive vibrations, while spinning out impure PRANA or negative elements. Each thought and action controls Prana is the universal principle of energy, or force. It the sensitiveness and performance of these centres. is the entire energy present in the universe — the sum Following Self-Realisation, these chakras are activated total of all the forces in nature and powers which are immediately; they initially begin the slow process of unseen in people, but are omnipresent. A Sanskrit word, clearing negativity gathered over the years of neglect, or prana means vital energy, or life force. Prana is called self-destructive activities like drugs, drinking, violence, chi in Chinese, ruah, or breath of life in Hebrew, and ki in anger, hatred and sexual abnormality. Japanese. The benefits are almost immediate — the moment HOMEOPATHY & YOU | JULY 2015


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Anything that has life is a manifestation of prana. It is through the power of prana that the eyes can see, the ears can hear, the tongue can experience taste, the skin has sensation, the nose can smell and brain and intelligence can accomplish their roles. Whatever we observe and regard in this world, whatever moves, or works, or has life, is the expression of prana. Even the mellow harmony of music, the command in the echoing words of a speaker, or the appeal in the dialogue of one’s loved one, is due to prana. Prana is force, magnetism and electricity; even the radio waves travel through prana. Prana sends the blood from the heart into the arteries, or blood vessels. Through prana, the biological processes of digestion, excretion and secretion take place. It is prana that digests food, turns it into blood, and transports it to the brain and mind. It is then that the mind is able to think. There are two basic principles of the universe: prana shakti and chitta shakti They are independent entities existing in opposition, yet they are differing poles of the same principle. Thus, a difference in the state of consciousness can be brought about by changes at the level of prana and vice-versa. Tantra works on the belief that the development of consciousness is brought about by the release of energy. Therefore, even if one ‘meditates’ for centuries, but there is no release of energy, the progression of consciousness is not possible. The science of tantra states that the awakening of prana, or the release of energy, is the gateway to super-conscious states. How is this hidden energy liberated from within the fold of matter? There is a powerful force that lies within the body, Shakti. But, how can it manifest? Just as scientists have successfully created nuclear energy from gross matter, it is the objective of tantra and prana vidya to release Shakti from the body [We have already discussed about different types of prana rotating in human body and their mudras in my earlier articles. We will be discussing more about prana in the forthcoming issues of H&Y]. NADI The Sanskrit word nadi comes from the root, nad, which means ‘movement’ or ‘flow.’ In this context, the flow can be physical, nervous, psychic, mental and/ or that of awareness. The concept of nadis is based on the understanding of nadis as channels, which enable smooth movement. There are two types of nadis:
 • Subtle, invisible channels of subtle energy 
 • Gross, channels of subtle energy visible as cords, vessels, or tubes.

This explanation gives a clear indication that nadis are not only nerves, but also all kinds of channels, and this is the reason that the term ‘nerve’ is not used for nadis in the yogic sciences. Prana, the life force, flows through these subtle nadis in the body and controls all the aspects of the human being — the physical, mental, emotional and psychic. The ancient texts tell us that there are 72,000 subtle nadis in the psychic body, out of which ten are believed to be important, not to speak of ten gates, or openings of the body. They are: • Sushumna or Bramha Randha • Ida [left nostril]
 • Pingla [right nostril]
 • Gandhari [left eye] • Hastajihva[right eye] • Yashasvini [left ear] • Pusha [right ear] • Alambusha [mouth] • Shankhini [anus] • Kuhu [genitals]. Ida, Pingala and Sushumna are the most important of the ten nadis; Sushumna is also the most significant. Other nadis are inferior to Sushumna, even Ida and Pingla, because the Kundalini [primal energy], when awakened, travels upwards to the Crown Chakra [Sahasrara] through Sushumna nadi. The inference is apparent — nadis can be explained as channels through which the primordial energy or life force [prana] flows and governs the functioning of the mental and physical planes of our existence [PS: Important nadis will be featured in H&Y, August 2015].

Dr Preeti Mandawewala, PhD, comes from a traditional Marwadi business family. She first discovered, as housewife, her love for yoga and completed Yogacharya certification followed by Yogavachaspati. A few years later, she learned all she could about chakra meditation and pursued her doctorate in the subject. She conducts regular workshops and has found chakra meditation to be therapeutically effective for acidity, spondylitis, diabetes, high blood pressure, migraine, thyroid disorders and tennis elbow, among other health issues. She lives in Mumbai.




THE POWER OF HELPful BOOKS Who has not read a self-help book, or at least carried one around? The best part is best-selling ‘self-help’ authors are happening wordsmiths — who offer the best help in word and deed.


o, what’s so great about self-help books, you may well ask. The fact is — the publishing world is abuzz as and when a self-help author launches a new book, because our age of instant nirvana is keyed to such type of books. Here’s why. The self-help collection covers a broad spectrum of publishing, or a dizzying range of topics, that gets marooned under its own weight, yes: business, management, self-improvement, psychology, health and fitness, including fiction. Interestingly, the self-help mix is also used to link philosophy, religion, and other disciplines that mirror a specific process of thought and interpretation. They are all part of a counterculture — a step within, or outside, mainline publishing. The self-help mix is also thought to be a holistic mesh of knowledge, with a fundamental principle of conscious evolution or spirituality running through it — of ideas integrating people and disciplines. It includes several diverse subjects, traditions, and practices — Eastern and Western — that appeal to a host of cultures. Ultimately, it all filters down to a question of liking — of making a choice from the surplus based on personal beliefs. This also explains for its subjective frame: what strikes one as ‘rubbish,’ may be prophesy to another. The self-help boom has been the biggest publishing phenomena for several years in the West. It’s now catching up elsewhere — even in India. There’s not a single educated individual who hasn’t heard of the likes of Dale Carnegie, N V Peale, and Napoleon Hill, of yore, or Stephen Covey, James Redfield, Kenneth Blanchard, Deepak Chopra, Shiv Khera et al, even if one hasn’t read a word about them. By the same token, the widening acceptance of complementary health practices is manna for publishers: acupuncture, ayurveda, biofeedback, herbal medicine, homeopathy, I-Ching, qi-gong, mindbody medicine, reflexology, Reiki energy medicine etc. You name it, and you’ve a book on the subject. It’s true that identities, in the category, are changing all the time, thanks to a select group of authors who do not want to carry the self-help label on the blurb.



Therefore, you now have more standard categories on the back cover: psychology, yoga, spirituality etc., Because, some people are driven to self-help books for the sake of guidance, even curiosity, or counselling and improvement? Yes. Also, a few are just overexcited. They may go to any extent to follow every detail explained in a book, no matter the given situation, or context. One may admit that there are several self-help books that could be more than useful for both the novice and professional. But, the only thing is one has to choose, and not get carried away with endorsements, or tall claims. For example, new books on spirituality are dime a dozen — and, not without reason. Don’t we all know of people, especially the rich, who find comfort in them, because they often lead ‘difficult’ lives? As one self-help-enthusiast put it, “There’s nothing wrong with it. If a book can provide a ray of hope to anyone in distress, why not?” He adds, “Isn’t it a wonderful way of doing social service, in print, audio, electronic, and Web mediums?” The self-help/New-Age book concept is as old as the hills. Today, the idea is nothing short of a renewal of everything that is old and new, a back-to-the-future sort of integrated vision. It has a meaning of its own too, because people would like to know about what you know put differently. It has evolved, and now you also see people moving beyond popular perceptions to a far deeper plane — a passion for old texts, or inputs, with a new thought, or twist. To cull a typical example, Amish Tripathi’s The Immortals of Meluha. The search for deeper meaning is sure a rage of our times. Most people, thanks to a hectic pace of life and enormously stressful existence, are only too eager to jump on to the self-help bandwagon. Take for instance, the Chicken Soup series — bestsellers all. They are decent books, all right. A great brand equity, in the West. Not so much for an Indian audience, or so you thought. But, the fact is — they’re selling like hot cakes, even in our own major and/or regional languages. The reason is simple: people want to be associated with the badge of such inspiring stories, sticking on their face.



MASSAGE TO RELIEVE STRESS A body massage at a spa by professionally trained therapists can induce the release of ‘feel-good’ serotonin and dopamine — this makes you feel calm and relaxed. Once you’re in this state of mind, tackling stress is pretty simple.


f you’ve been long wondering how to handle stress, a massage therapy can do the job. In fact, you’ll be surprised to see know how a relaxing body massage can have a calming effect on the body and mind and keep stresses at bay. These days stress is considered a risk factor for chronic diseases and can make symptoms worse. Take some time to figure out which massage technique benefits you the most and, subsequently, reduces your stress levels. Stress, anxiety and depression are primarily a result of either psychological or physiological causes. An unsolved emotional issue can affect an individual’s physical health just as much as emotional well-being. As a matter of fact, even mild-to-moderate mental or emotional illness can have unfavourable effects on our body. Research also suggests that mild forms of depression can hasten death in patients with heart disease. Likewise, stress is suggested to elevate cholesterol levels, potentially increasing the risk of heart disease and diabetes. When your body goes through any of the above symptoms/feelings, it’s vital for you to stop and answer the call for help. Massage therapy can lower your heart rate, stabilise your blood pressure, calm your muscles and enhance the production of endorphins, your body’s natural ‘feel-good’ chemical. A body massage at a spa by professionally trained therapists can induce the release of serotonin and dopamine — this makes you feel calm and relaxed. Once you’re in this state of mind, tackling stress and/or stress-related symptoms is pretty simple. A stressful week can be easily overcome with a massage therapy session at a reputed beauty spa. It is

best to help the therapists identify your weak spots and work on them effectively. Even a single body massage session is often enough to do away with feelings of stress and strain. In fact, a massage is crucial in helping you achieve a healthier lifestyle. A massage therapy loosens your thoughts from the monotony of everyday worries and allows your mind and body to relax. Often, a thoroughly relaxing body massage helps you feel in control over your health. Hence, the idea behind dimlylit massage rooms and lilting background music with aromatic candles or incense to calm you down to such an extent that your mind chooses to ignore all the possible reasons for stress. A stressed state of mind can cause muscular tension. When stress bothers you for over a period of time, it can lead to joint aches and muscular pains, chronic backaches, neck pain, headaches and more. When a massage therapist uses techniques to rub, stroke, stretch or apply pressure to the muscles to help them return to their previous relaxed state, your stress-related aches and pains often disappear in no time. It’s incredible as to what stress can do to a healthy body. Chronic stress can lead to a decreased immune system activity, which means an increased risk of colds, flu and such illnesses. Your healthy digestive system also weakens with stress. A massage therapy often helps restore normal circulation, improves immune system activity and plays a vital role in restoring your normal digestive system function. So, what are you waiting for? Ready yourself for a stress-free life, with a therapeutic body massage, today. For details, visit: http://www.o2spa.org/ HOMEOPATHY & YOU | JULY 2015


HEALTH HAPPENINGS its recommendations comes from observational and retrospective studies, they state that “the level of consistent evidence accumulated to date, and the public health context of rising chronic diseases, suggest initial guidelines are justified.” The key recommendations of the guidelines for office workers during working hours are: • Two hours daily, eventually progressing to four hours, of standing and light activity [such as light walking] • Breaking up periods of seated work with standing work using adjustable sit-stand desks and workstations • Avoiding prolonged static standing, which may also be harmful • Altering posture and light walking to reduce fatigue and musculoskeletal pain while adapting to new work practices • Employers should inform staff of the dangers of spending too much time sitting down, both at work and at home • Employers should also promote the benefits of other healthful behaviours such as eating a balanced diet and not smoking.

OFFICE WORKERS ‘SHOULD STAND FOR AT LEAST TWO HOURS OF WORKING DAY’ A group of experts has advised that people working in office environments stand for at least two hours a day during working hours, as part of a number of recommendations to protect those engaged with typically sedentary forms of work. Breaking up long periods of sitting with activity is considered by most experts to be advantageous to the health of workers. Workers whose jobs are predominantly desk-based should eventually progress to a total of four hours standing, advises the panel. The recommendation comes as part of a set of guidelines, published in The British Journal of Sports Medicine, with the aim to provide guidance to employers and office workers to counteract the health risks that come with long periods of seated office work. “For those working in offices, 65-75 per cent of their working hours are spent sitting, of which more than 50 per cent of this is accumulated in prolonged periods of sustained sitting,” write the authors. “The evidence is clearly emerging that a first ‘behavioural’ step could be simply to get people standing and moving more frequently as part of their working day.” An increasing number of studies associate sedentary living — including time spent at work — with an increased risk of several serious illnesses and causes of death, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer. Although much of the evidence the panel used to inform



BREASTFEEDING LINKED WITH LOWER RISK OF CHILDHOOD LEUKAEMIA The benefits of breastfeeding are reiterated in a new systematic review and meta-analysis published in JAMA Pediatrics that reports an association between breastfeeding and lower risk of childhood leukaemia. Breast milk is a “total food,” the researchers explain, and is able to exclusively supply all of infants’ nutritional needs. Leukaemia is cancer of the bone morrow that impedes the natural formation of blood cells. Despite being the most common childhood cancer, accounting for about 30 per cent of all cancers in childhood, little is known about the cause of leukaemia. About 175,000 leukaemia cases are diagnosed in children under the age of 15 each year. Advancements in treatment technologies have improved survival rates, yet leukaemia is still the second highest cause of death among under-15s in the US, for instance, where it is surpassed only by accidents. Known risk factors for leukaemia include Down syndrome and exposure to EpsteinBarr virus or ionising radiation. The majority of children diagnosed with leukaemia do not present with these risk factors, however. For the new systematic review and meta-analysis, researchers from the University of Haifa, Israel, reviewed evidence from 18 studies examining the impacts of breastfeeding on risk of childhood leukaemia. The authors report that, based on the evidence in these studies, breastfeeding for six months or longer was linked to a 19 per cent decreased risk of leukaemia compared with no breastfeeding or breastfeeding for a shorter period.

DIABETES & ALS A reduced risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, the most common motor neuron disorder, fatal for its sufferers, has been found among people with type-2 diabetes. The study “observed a significantly protective association with diabetes, but not obesity, on risk of ALS.” The study, published in JAMA Neurology, set out to examine the association between diabetes and obesity-related hospital admissions and the risk of a diagnosis with ALS. Marianthi-Anna Kioumourtzoglou, ScD, of the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health in Boston, US, conducted the study with co-authors, using data from Danish national registers for 3,650 patients diagnosed with ALS between 1982 and 2009. The average age at diagnosis was 65.4 years and the patients were compared with 365,000 healthy controls. Some 9,294 patients were identified as having diabetes, 55 of whom were subsequently diagnosed with ALS. The authors say the findings are in agreement with previous reports of a protective association between vascular risk factors and ALS. They conclude: “We conducted a nationwide, population-based study and observed an overall protective association between diabetes and ALS diagnosis, with the suggestion that type2 diabetes is protective and type-1 diabetes is a risk factor.” USE OF CERTAIN PAINKILLERS LINKED WITH INCREASED RISK OF HOMICIDE Certain drugs affecting the central nervous system — such as painkillers and tranquillising benzodiazepines — are associated with increased risk of committing a murder, finds a new study published in World Psychiatry. The Swedish and Finnish researchers were interested in investigating whether there was any scientific basis for the claim that psychotropic drugs can cause violent behaviour. This claim has been debated following massacres committed by young people in schools and other public places in the US and Finland. “It has been repeatedly claimed that it was the antidepressants used by the persons who committed these massacres that triggered their violent behaviour,” explains study author Prof Jari Tiihonen. “It is possible that the massive publicity around the subject has already affected drug prescription practices.” Prof Tiihonen states that the following criteria must be fulfilled to properly investigate a proposed link between drug use and risk committing a crime: • The sample needs to be representative • The reason for using the drug needs to be taken into consideration • The effect needs to be controlled for • The effects of any other drugs and intoxicants used simultaneously need to be also considered. The team analysed data — from the Finnish Homicide Database of the Institute of Criminology and Legal Policy and the Finnish Prescription Register of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland — on the use

of prescription drugs among 959 convicted murderers, prior to committing their crime, in Finland during the period 2003-2011. The researchers found no significant association between use of antipsychotics and increased risk of committing a homicide. However, a slightly increased risk of committing a homicide [31 per cent increased risk] was associated with antidepressant use. ‘SLIMMING CHOCOLATE’ STUDY FOOLS WORLD MEDIA A ‘miracle study’ received significant worldwide media coverage after finding that people following a low-carbohydrate diet lost weight 10 per cent faster if they ate one chocolate bar every day. The problem? The real aim of the study was to see how easy it would be to get ‘bad science’ into the news. Although many news sources have reported about a study finding chocolate could help people lose weight, the study is significantly and purposefully flawed. The mastermind behind the study can be identified as either journalist John Bohannon or Johannes Bohannon, PhD, research director of the Institute of Diet and Health. Both are one and the same person. Bohannon was approached by a German television reporter named Peter Onneken, who was working at the time on producing a documentary film examining the junk-science diet industry. Bohannon had previously investigated how rigorously feecharging open access journals checked the submissions of flawed papers, making him an ideal candidate for such an investigative project. It appears as though the project was a resounding success. The findings of the study were reported by newspapers such as Bild in Germany — Europe’s largest daily newspaper — The Daily Mail and The Daily Express in the UK, The Times of India and The Huffington Post, aside from TV shows in the US and Australia. The study was submitted to 20 journals and was ultimately published by The International Archives of Medicine. Backed with a helpful news release, the team sent word out about the study and swiftly news outlets began to cover the research. A clinical trial had been conducted, providing actual data that indicate eating a bar of chocolate every day while following a low-carbohydrate diet can speed up weight loss. Volunteers aged 19-67 were split into three groups. One group followed a low-carbohydrate diet, one followed a low-carbohydrate diet augmented with 42gm of dark chocolate each day and one control group followed their normal diets. The researchers tracked the participants’ body weights as well as measuring their blood and assessing sleep quality and well-being. Participants eating chocolate were found to lose weight 10 per cent quickly than those following the diet without chocolate. Additionally, this weight loss remained after three weeks, unlike the weight loss of those who followed the low-carbohydrate diet without the chocolate. [Culled & Collated from the ‘Net and media reports] HOMEOPATHY & YOU | JULY 2015



GOODNESS OF CINNAMON Cinnamon, a popular and delicious spice, is well-known for its medicinal properties since primaeval times.


innamon is widely used in food preparations in Asian countries. Known for its anti-bacterial properties, Cinnamon is also used as a food preservative. In Sri Lanka, virtually every dish has a pinch of cinnamon in it. Cinnamon is found in all grocery stores today, yet it used to be a rare and valuable spice in ancient times. It was regarded as a gift fit for kings, thanks primarily to its delicious taste and medicinal value. Anti-bacterial & anti-microbial. Ceylon cinnamon leaf oil is a powerful anti-bacterial and a great natural disinfectant. Dilute it with water to disinfect kitchen counter tops, sinks, refrigerator, door knobs, toys and other things. If you have children and don’t want to use harsh cancer-causing chemicals, use cinnamon oil. Arthritis & osteoporosis. Some people claim that drinking cinnamon tea helps relieve pain from arthritis, while others claim that cinnamon based massage oil helps ease the pain. Cinnamon has high levels of manganese which is used to build bones, blood and other connective tissues. The body needs manganese for optimal bone health, so people who are deficient in the mineral are more likely to develop osteoporosis. Blood sugar. Studies have found that cinnamon is useful for insulin resistance. It is, therefore, popular with type-2 diabetics who take it to control their blood sugar variations. It is estimated that cinnamon has a 3-5 per cent effect on blood sugar levels. However, before deciding to make cinnamon a part of your diet and diabetes control programme it is advisable to consult your doctor, for deciding which variety best suits you and its appropriate dosage. Regular cinnamon intake also helps stabilise triglyceride levels. Cancer. Some research studies suggest that cinnamon oil is a promising solution in the treatment of tumours, gastric cancer and melanomas. It is estimated that sugar may be causing or sustaining cancer cells; cinnamon may have a mitigating effect in controlling blood sugar levels in the body. Another study found good results for leukaemia [blood cancer],



lymphoma and colon cancer cells. Cold, sore throat & cough. At the first sign [5-10 minutes] of sniffles, or an itch in your throat, take some cinnamon tea, or cinnamon stick tea. It is said to stop an impending illness in its tracks. Chinese traditional medicine recommends cinnamon for phlegm coughs. Infections. Cinnamon has proved to be effective in controlling infections caused by Escherichia Coli bacteria and Candida Albicans fungus. Ceylon cinnamon tea infused with cinnamon bark oil could be an excellent way to fight candida infections and boost your immune system. For topical applications [except genital areas and mucous membranes] 1 per cent ceylon cinnamon leaf oil mixed with a carrier oil is an extremely effective treatment option. Irritable bowel syndrome [IBS]. Cinnamon reduces the uncomfortable feeling associated with IBS, especially bloating. It kills bacteria and heals infections in the gastrointestinal [GI tract], thereby enabling the gastric juices to work normally. Odour. Pure cinnamon leaf oil not only smells great but it is also an effective odour neutraliser as it kills bacteria that create bad odour. All you need is 2-5 drops of cinnamon leaf oil mixed with water on a diffuser; in a few minutes the odour is neutralised. Pre-menstrual syndrome [PMS]. Because of the high levels of manganese in it, cinnamon is useful to mitigate the effects of PMS. According to the University of Maryland, US, women who ate 5.6mg of manganese in their diet every day had fewer mood swings and cramps compared with women who ate only 1mg of manganese. The results suggest that a manganese-rich diet may help reduce, or prevent, the common niggling symptoms of PMS. Tooth decay & gum disease. The anti-bacterial properties of cinnamon play a crucial role in getting rid of harmful bacteria without damaging your teeth, or gums. This is one of the reasons why cinnamon oil is often used in chewing gum, mouthwash, toothpaste, and breath mint.

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ajol is one of the few legendary actresses who loves to remain fit, rather than being obsessed with losing weight alone. From being a top actress to becoming a mother and getting back into shape, the hugely talented Kajol has managed to look pretty with every passing milestone. Here is a peek into her beauty and fitness idiom, by courtesy of www.celebfitness.blogspot.in Believe in yourself. Kajol says, “I started believing that I am beautiful. I also started accepting compliments and taking care of myself. I think this has worked.” Exercise. Like every person striving hard to look pretty, Kajol too does it all. She says, “I do my workouts on time. Gym, weights, eating healthy, drinking eight glasses of water and washing my face three times a day. I do it all.” Don’t push too hard. What amazes us is the fact that she does it all given her hectic schedule and two young kids. “I don’t do it every day. I try to follow a daily regime, but if I can’t do it, I don’t. I forgive myself for it. There are good days and there are bad days which are horrible.” Accept the bad days. Kajol advises everyone to accept a bad day and move on. “We will have better days. You can’t let anything affect you. Take everything with a pinch of salt.”



What she likes doing. Kajol spends a lot of time alone. Even after she puts her kids to sleep, she prefers to just sit and read a book, or watch some TV, and do her knitting and spending time alone. Even a long relaxing bath does the trick. She says, “I like my solitude and enjoy my own company with nobody to talk to, or interact with. I think this is necessary. The ‘me-time’ helps me to be a better person, because that’s food for thought for my soul.” Indulge occasionally. Even though Kajol follows a strict diet routine and aims to eat healthy at all times, she is a foodie by heart and cannot give up on her love for aloo ke parathe, raan [mutton dish] and biryani. But, the one thing that cheers her up is her ghee, roti and gudd [jaggery]. “It is my absolute favourite. For days when I can’t handle dieting and work and feel like it’s the end of the world, this is what keeps me alive.” Be motivated. A self-motivated person who has worked hard, Kajol has days when she is up by 5:00am doing her workouts, getting her kids ready for school, going out for work and getting back late in the evening, yet she has no complaints. She says, “I like the fact that I can micromanage my life and spend time with my family, so that they don’t feel left out.”

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