Karl F. Heiser APA Presidential Award for Advocacy
The Karl F. Heiser Award honors those psychologists who have given voluntarily of their time to define the discipline of psychology statutorily by state and federal laws and regulations through advocacy.
Advocacy on behalf of psychology is a critical element in the growth and development of our discipline. To honor individuals who have been in the forefront of advocacy, Presidential Awards are given each year at the APA Convention to some of those who have worked so hard and to whom we owe so much. The award is named for Karl F. Heiser, the person who succeeded in having the first state statute defining psychology adopted. Nominations are sought that identify people in the states/provinces or APA Practice Divisions who should receive recognition for their work in advocacy.
The Karl F. Heiser Award honors those psychologists who have given voluntarily of their time to define the discipline of psychology statutorily by state and federal laws and regulations through advocacy. Such laws and regulations include, but are not limited to, licensure, freedom of choice, Medicare, Medicaid, workers compensation, disability determination, mandatory mental health/substance abuse coverage, civil commitment, hospital practice, prescriptive authority, child protection, and elder protection, etc. Advocacy efforts that have stopped the passage of laws inimical to psychology may also be recognized.
Since the award was established in 1992, many deserving psychologists have been recognized. The 1992 recipients of the award were honored primarily because of work they did before 1975. The 1993 recipients were those who worked to ensure passage of legislation in the later 1970s through the early 1980s. The recipients from 1994 on have been recognized for legislative advocacy benefiting the profession and the public in more recent years.
A commemorative pin and certificate are presented to each winner by the APA president at a special convention event at the APA convention. Please nominate individuals who have a significant history of advocacy efforts as defined above and provide a statement that clearly documents the specific pieces of legislation passed and signed into law which their advocacy made possible.
The Karl F. Heiser Award honors those psychologists who have given voluntarily of their time to define the discipline of psychology statutorily by state and federal laws and regulations through advocacy.
Advocacy is the lifeblood of the profession of psychology. It has helped to define, develop, protect, and advance the profession of psychology and to ensure that the needs and interests of those we serve are met.
Please find below for each year those who have received the Karl F. Heiser APA Presidential Award for Advocacy. They were recognized for successful volunteer advocacy efforts that have resulted in the successful passage of legislation or implementation of regulations that achieve these goals. Less than 0.5 percent of all licensed psychologists receive this important recognition. These psychologists truly are one of our profession's most valued assets.
John D. Alcorn, PhD, Missouri
Kathryn P. Allen, PhD, Alabama
Philip Ash, PhD
Ann G. Barnard, EdD, Virgin Islands
Paul C. Berman, PhD, Maryland
James L. Bibb, PhD, Hawaii
Richard H. Cox, PhD
Eugene J. D'Angelo, PhD, Massachusetts
Jessica Henderson Daniel, PhD, Massachusetts
Paul E. Delfin, PhD, Pennsylvania
G. Rita Dudley-Grant, PhD, MPH, Virgin Islands
Jerry R. Grammer, PhD, Texas
David N. Greenfield, PhD, Connecticut
Patricia I. Johnson, PhD, Arizona
Nancy A. McGarrah, PhD, Georgia
Robert H. McPherson, PhD, Texas
Richard W. Millard, PhD, New York
Honorable Timothy F. Murphy, PhD, Pennsylvania
Connie S. Paul, PhD, Tennessee
Lawrence Peterson, PhD
Randy E. Phelps, PhD, Texas
Elaine Rodino, PhD, California
Thomas W. Stacy, PhD, Maryland
Chris E. Stout, PsyD, MBA, Illinois
Lenore E. Walker, EdD, Florida
Division 31 Awards
Our awards program, and the additional national SPTA awards and initiatives that we support, recognize psychologists, executive directors as well as psychological associations for their many important professional contributions. Be sure to nominate deserving colleagues so that we may honor them. Our commitment to diversity issues is evidenced by our recognition of psychological associations who have outstanding diversity programs as well as our contribution to sending a diversity delegate to Practice Leadership Conference.
Our commitment to students/early career psychologists is also evidenced by our contribution to the APAGS student award for those students who have significantly contributed to state,
provincial or territorial issues. Division 31 also coordinates and administers the APA Karl F. Heiser Presidential Award for Advocacy. Presented each year at the APA Convention by the APA president, this important award recognizes those who have made significant contributions to the profession or to society through their advocacy efforts. https://www.apadivisions.org/division-31/awards