Can Dr. Hanna Rhee Add The Right Treatment And Assistance To Her Patients Different categories of patients visit the clinics especially belonging to the single-family because of the presence of a family physician. Dr. Hanna Rhee is one such family doctor, who can look into the issues pertaining to kids, adults as well as the elderly. It would be in the benefit of the people if such a doctor is available nearby and therefore people in the neighbourhood of Carlsbad in California regularly visit whenever any family member is having an illness. Dr Rhee has been working in the health sector as a doctor or more rightly family physician. So, most of the patients that she has as clients are usually belonging to the family. This gives more opportunities to her to assess her patients and build a good rapport with them. Working with families in the region and neighbourhood will adding family doctor credentials to the fullest Patients coming to the clinic of Dr. Hanna Rhee are mostly from the nearby areas and belong to families. Since she is able to handle all the patients from different age groups, she has a good rapport with the family members. This allows the people to get good service, also because she maintains the data about the patients. In this way, she has the information about prior history and treatment, so that further planning is done in the appropriate manner. Lots of patients have started believing in Dr Rhee and her treatment because it provides them relief along with comfort with the doctor. This is an important aspect of the treatment and the relationship of the patients with the doctors. So, people arrive at the clinic and go back happy with all the necessary treatments and counselling from the family doctor in the region. Source: