Dr. Sue Health SoulFULLY : Issue 04 PREVIEW

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» Dr. Sue Health SoulFULLY is designed to help you: BALANCE YOUR BODY, QUIET YOUR MIND. OPEN YOUR HEART & CONNECT WITH SPIRIT. Tools to nourish your Health SoulFULLY.



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HERE WE GO... Wouldn’t it be great if you could eat whatever you want and still be healthy? Heck, yes it would! Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. We all need to be eating REAL food for health. The kind of REAL food that fits you best can be tricky to figure out. A diet that supports my health might not support yours. I’m excited to share with you the exact resources I use for myself and my patients so that you can fine tune a diet that fits YOU like a well tailored suit. REAL food grown today doesn’t pack the same nutritional punch it did many years ago, which is why supplementing your diet with essential nutrients is key. Let’s dive into the story behind the foods we eat, how we can support our shortcomings with supplements and along the way consider the good, the bad and the buggy (live bugs that is!). Hold onto your hat sista! There’s a lot of information packed into this issue. No overwhelm necessary. Instead, take it piece by piece and refer back to this issue often. Here we go…

Susan McCreadie, MD

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I S S U E NO . 04






Watch Out! The details can be a minefield.

Eat REAL food fit for you.




EAT BRIGHT, BRAVE AND BEAUTIFULLY BALANCED Not all carbs are created equal.

STIR YOUR SOUL Connect the Dots between your Dis-Ease and Diet




SOMETHING'S FISHY The health benefits of omega-3 fat.

SUNSHINE, BUGS & COLOR! More vitamin D3, probiotics & phytonutrients please!

NUTRIENT DECLINE REAL food is no longer enough to meet your nutritional needs.


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TAKE ACTION Try a 30-Day Challenge!

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Q&A An interview with Keith Dobracki, DDS

Not all supplements are created equal.




FOOD IS SPIRITUAL Your body is your temple.


EDITOR: Kim Soroka GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Livvy Zimmerman DR. SUE PHOTOGRAPHY: Melissa Hutchinson DR. SUE HAIR/MAKEUP: Gary Leming Subscribe at www.drsuemccreadie.com Questions contact us at www.drsuemccreadie.com/contact-us Copyright © 2016 Susan McCreadie, MD

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It’s not rocket science. REAL food grows, as nature intended. That’s it. Anything packaged or processed is less than REAL. Sure, there are exceptions: a mass-produced bar made from dates, almonds, coconut, cacao, coconut oil and sea salt




is packaged. You can’t pluck that bar from a tree, BUT every ingredient in it grew as nature intended. On the flip side, pesticide sprayed apples grow on trees and growth hormone fed cows grow on farms, but that’s NOT how nature intended them to grow. REAL food grows as nature intended. When my girls are confused, we go through examples: Can you pluck a fruit snack from a tree? No. Can you pluck an apple from a tree? Yes. Then we dive into the details. THE DETAILS CAN BE A MINEFIELD. You think you’re eating REAL food then BOOM! Someone informs you that the diced tomatoes you’re eating came from a can lined with BPA (Bisphenol A, a synthetic compound and far from REAL). These details make eating REAL food a process. It evolves and re-evolves, over time, as you do. For example, consider soy lecithin. What is it? Not exactly sure. Hmmm. Sounds isolated, extracted, alone – away from the whole soybean that grew. (Pause. Think some more.) But the rest of the ingredients in this

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chocolate bar are REAL! Down the hatch it goes and my taste buds do a happy dance! It can be difficult to know what to eat. REAL FOOD IS THE BEST OPTION, BUT IT CAN BE CHALLENGING TO DETERMINE WHICH REAL FOOD IS BEST FOR YOUR HEALTH. I’ve tried so many different ways of eating that what I eat has become a standing joke among friends and family. I’ve swung all over the map, from eating processed grains and artificial everything, to years later making fermented cabbage (sauerkraut)…and then never making it again! When a childhood friend saw me eat meat for the first time as an adult, she was speechless. She just stared at me, silent, jaw WIDE open, eyes blinking. Finally she spoke, “What... is...happening? SUE...eating a hamburger!?! NO way!” I can’t remember the exact age at which I stopped eating red meat. My first year medical school gross anatomy lab put an end to chicken for me (am I the only one who saw the resemblance between cadavers and chickens?). In my 20’s and 30’s I ate a lot of grains, legumes, veggies, eggs, dairy….and sugar. Along with friends and family,


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I viewed my eating as healthy. Turns out it wasn’t healthy and balanced for me at all. I carried extra weight. I was more tired than energized. My hormone cycles were out of sync and rocky. My imbalance didn’t stop me in my tracks until I wanted to have a baby and instead had miscarriages. I had to pause, step back, and see the big picture. I could live with extra weight, less energy and crazy cycles, but no baby? No way! My heart’s desire has always been children. I wanted a child of my own to love. Miscarriages were a horribly painful process...BUT I LEARNED. I learned I was imbalanced and that what I was seeking was BALANCE – health for me and my future child. But I didn’t have a HealthMap (see Issue03 p15) – a systematic way to re-establish my health (balance). I had no idea just how foundational diet is to one’s health and happiness. My high carb, low protein/fat diet continued and so did my miscarriages. Three losses before our first daughter and another loss before our second daughter.

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Within six months of conceiving our third child, two things changed: I realized just how vital protein and fat are in one’s diet, and I started to CRAVE protein. I was tired of plant-based protein and opened my heart to eating meat again. In the same day I ate bone broth chicken soup and a grass-fed burger. Yum! Why did I ever cut meat out of my diet?


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A diet adjustment and no more miscarriages. Check. Three children. Check. But I crossed the pregnancy finish line and fell flat on my face. Mama was a hot MESS: within 48 hours of delivery I had a raging UTI; within a month, pneumonia and multiple breast infections; and within two months, parasites followed food poisoning from bad restaurant

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food. Our baby wasn’t even two months old and I was living in hormonal digestive disasterville. Two years later I woke up from the blur of breastfeeding, diaper changes and sleepless nights. I realized I needed to shift my diet yet again to improve my health and happiness. I was already gluten and dairy-free; (breastfeeding my oldest with eczema taught me to avoid those two proteins), but I learned just how difficult double sugars (disaccharides) can be for an imbalanced gut to digest, and how they become food on which non-beneficial intestinal microorganisms can thrive. I was already off milk sugar (lactose), but took both grain and legume

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sugar (maltose) out of my diet completely. I didn’t entirely cut out cane sugar (sucrose), but all totaled my sugar load was drastically reduced. I was eating lots of healthy protein and fat (pastured meat, wild fish, eggs, nuts, seeds), combined with loads of colorful veggies and greens. Fruit was my sweet treat. I wish I could tell you PRESTO, I was healed. Hardly. Six-months later influenza arrived along with pneumonia. Crackers and toast were faithful friends for another six months. When I was finally able to return to eating healthy protein, fat, colorful veggies and greens, I added more support. My adrenals screamed for

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ate I felt like a busted garbage disposal. Instead of grinding down my food and absorbing its nutrition, it sloshed around and around inside of me. Forward flow was not happening. I’d joke with my family and friends that I was on Solution #536. This one will surely work! But it didn’t. So I moved on to Solution #537. For three years, I tried different combinations of pharmaceuticals, herbs, homeopathy, acupuncture, energy work, colon hydrotherapy and chiropractic care. My gut wouldn’t budge. Failure was not an option. attention. With the help of two colleagues we nursed my adrenals back to vitality with supplements, chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture. Hormonal balance. More energy. Better sleep. Some relief. Unfortunately, even though I was back to eating healthy and supporting my adrenals, my gut remained on strike. Every time I


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Moments of pure FRUSTRATION, anger, sadness, grief moved through me in waves. Faith kept me on track. I kept believing: health is possible. EVEN WHEN I COULDN’T SEE THE RESULTS I DESIRED, I COULD ANCHOR MYSELF IN MY DESIRE FOR BALANCE – HEALTH. Despite the outward appearance of failure, I felt I was on my path to health and balance.

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A FINE TAILORED SUIT It hit me! We are what we eat, absorb and release. My gut (the busted garbage disposal) couldn’t breakdown, absorb or release the awesome life giving food I was eating, even with key supplements and supportive therapies. Time again to tweak my diet so that I could easily digest and absorb nutrition. Shakes! I realized if I ate nutritional shakes my digestive system wouldn’t have to work so hard to break down the macronutrients and I would more easily soak up the micronutrients my cells craved for health.

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Two weeks later, in a seemingly “unrelated” conversation, my husband asked how a longtime friend of mine was doing. We’d been out of touch with her for over a dozen years. I pulled up her Instagram account and said to my husband, “Can you believe it?” Our friend, who also happens to be a three-time ironman triathlete and raw food chef, transformed her health with shakes! Shakes. Divine timing. I felt my resistance mount. How can I drink shakes? Shakes aren’t REAL food. Shakes don’t grow as nature intended. True. Anytime you put food in a package, it’s less than REAL. REAL FOOD TAILORED SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU IS THE IDEAL SOLUTION,


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BUT NOT IF YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM CAN’T DIGEST AND ABSORB IT. Despite all my efforts, my cells remained nutrient depleted. I could feel my heart open to Solution #538. I could feel my resistance soften. Shakes were less than REAL, but still high-quality, and an amazing solution. I’m in! Sign me up! I said YES without knowing exactly what I was in for. In addition to drinking shakes, and eating at least one REAL food meal a day, this nutritional cleansing program includes daily supplement packets and a weekly cleanse day. Supplements, no problem. Weekly cleansing? Yikes. Effective cleansing programs that heal (re-balance) the body require

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patience and effort. They’re not Eat this, not that. There. Done! quick, short fixes. They’re hard Nutrition is best when tailored work! It’s not my idea of a good specifically to your needs. Think of time, and I it as a suit. think most Take the w o u l d suit off the NUTRITION agree that rack and it’s hard put it on. IS BEST to gear It fits. It’s up to do good. But WHEN TAILORED a cleanse. when the SPECIFICALLY TO The rousuit is taitine of lored speYOUR NEEDS. cleansing cifically for is where you, it fits I’ve failed on a whole time and time again. But now I new level (mmm-hmmm). Same am ready. Game on. Failure is goes for food! not an option. I’ll cleanse weekly. BOY AM I GLAD I DID. Routine EATING REAL FOOD IS GREAT, cleansing gave me the surprise BUT EATING THE RIGHT REAL gift: RELEASE. For the first time FOOD FOR YOU IS AMAZin five years I could eat, absorb INGLY BETTER! To boost your and release! Hallelujah! health and happiness, eat REAL food – food that grows as nature I share my journey with you be- intended. cause diet is very important. From time to time, pause and There is no one right diet for ask yourself, “Can I tweak my everyone. I wish there was! That diet (yet again) so it fits me like a would make life so much easier. fine tailored suit?”

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Through TESTING in my practice, I find the top three foods stressing health and happiness are:


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Gluten and dairy can be REAL (grown as nature intended) and they can also be highly packaged and processed. Even the highest quality gluten and dairy can lead to problems in two ways: your digestive system poorly digests gluten/dairy; your immune system overreacts to gluten/dairy.

(when it raises the antibody IgG). Technical details, but there’s an important difference. Food allergies can be life threatening, whereas food intolerances are life disturbing. Both can severely impact your health and happiness. With food allergies, the immune system reaction is immediate. Symptoms can involve the skin (hives, eczema), digestive system (vomiting, diarrhea, NO . 03 stomach pain), and be life threatening (trouble swallowing or breathing, chest pain, passing out). Turns out 90% of all food allergic reactions are caused by eight foods (“the crazy 8”): gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.

For some, digesting gluten/ dairy can feel like digesting ISSUE glue. The word gluten stems from the Latin word “glue.” When the digestive system struggles to completely digest gluten/dairy proteins, the resulting peptides can react with opiate receptors in the brain (Reichelt et. al, 1990). This can affect how we think (cognition), feel (emotions), and act (behav- The immune system reaction is ior). not immediate with a food intolerance. It’s delayed from 4 When the immune system over- to 72 hours after exposure and reacts to gluten,dairy or any symptoms vary WIDELY. For exother food, we call it a food ample, if you have a gluten inallergy (when it raises the anti- tolerance, you can experience body IgE) or a food intolerance bloating, diarrhea, constipa-


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tion, mouth sores, itchy rashes, headaches, or tics – just to name a few! Without testing, it’s hard to put two and two together to realize gluten is a problem because your symptoms happen hours or days later.

Tests To Detect Food Stressing Your Health & Happiness are Just a Click Away! FOOD ALLERGY AND

Here’s the bottom line: INTOLERANCE TESTING BOTH FOOD ALLER- I S S U E NO . 03 GIES AND INTOLERGLIADORPHIN/CASOMORPHIN ANCES ARE STRESSPEPTIDE TESTING ORS BECAUSE THEY TRIGGER INFLAMNUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS TESTING MATION IN YOUR BODY. They tip you from balance to disease. Even though you might not be allergic to dairy, is inflammation of the lower airgluten or sugar, being intoler- ways; eczema is inflammation ant can still cause an inflamma- of the skin; and inflammatory tory response within the body. bowel disease is inflammation Inflammation is a root problem of the digestive tract. INFLAMin most chronic diseases, in- MATION IS A REAL STRESScluding diabetes, heart disease, OR WE NEED TO ADDRESS cancer and obesity. Inflamma- IF WE WANT TO BE HAPPY tion doesn’t stop there: asthma AND HEALTHY!

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wish I could snap my fingers and tell you the right REAL food diet for you, the one that fits you like a well-tailored suit. It’ll likely take some investigation (see Tests to Detect Food Problems p. 21). Trust in your process. It may take you some time to find a diet that allows you to break down macronutrients and easily soak up the micronutrients your cells crave for health. There’s no “one fits all” approach. In addition to water and sunshine, your body needs I S S Ufat E NO . 03carbohydrates (carbs), macronutrients (protein, and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements) and phytonutrients. Try these general guidelines on for size to decrease inflammatory foods in your diet, then tailor it to fit you. 1. BRIGHT Eat bright colors (veggies and fruit). 2. BRAVE Try new foods (liver pâté anyone?) and let others go (sugar, sugar, sugar!). 3. BALANCED Eat protein, fat and colorful carbs.

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I S S U E NO . 03SUGGESTIONS: A FEW MORE VALUABLE WATER: • Drink at least ½ oz. to 1 oz.

»» Organic vegetables, fruits

of water daily per pound of

• Do not eat processed food.

desired body weight • Substitute water with herb-

al tea, stevia lemonade, or Choffy (ground cocoa beans) FOOD: • Eat REAL food; food grown

as nature intended. »» Pastured meats, eggs/

dairy (if tolerated) from pastured animals, wild fish »» Organic nuts, seeds, le-


gumes/grains (if tolerated)

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»» No artificial colors, sweet-

eners, preservatives »» No partially hydrogenated fat, vegetable oils »» No refined cane sugar or grain sugar (enriched flour, white rice) • Fill your plate with veggies, add a fist-full of protein (includes fat), and less than a fist-full of whole-grain carbs or starchy vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes)*

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• Eat every 2-3 hours, 4-6I S S U E NO .of 03the fiber, vitamins, minerals,

times daily

*A NOTE ON CARBS. Not all carbs are created equal. In food, carbs come in the form of starch, sugar and fiber in fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Carbs are also in dairy in the form of a sugar called lactose. The amount and type of carbs you consume affect your health. In general choose: • more veggies than fruit because fruit is higher in a form of sugar called fructose. • whole-grains which contain the bran and germ of the seed and house the majority

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healthy fats, and antioxidants. • full-fat organic dairy low in lactose, such as yogurt, kefir, butter, and hard cheeses. • to reduce or remove grains and legumes from your diet for certain health conditions. A great resource to learn more about eating this way is Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo, BS, NC. BE OPEN TO CHANGE. The right balance for you today may change tomorrow. Adjust as you see fit and CELEBRATE your progress. Progress over perfection, always.

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STEP 1 Think of all the symptoms or dis-eases you’ve experienced from childhood and every year thereafter. What can you list? Wheezing, rashes, headaches? Ear, sinus or throat infections? What about seasonal allergies, asthma, eczema, ADD or ADHD, IBS, IBD, or some other acronym? Or maybe it’s excess weight, mood and sleep problems, or constipation and bloating. If it’s not one of the above, fill in the


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blank with the symptoms that tell your dis-ease. Then, find your symptom or disease on the Whole30 A-Z Real Life Testimonial page. Shown on this page are people who have experienced life-changing results from using the Whole30 program that involves removing gluten, dairy and sugars from their diet for 30 days.

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Could gluten, dair y or cane/grain sugars be disrupting your health?

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TAKE ACTION STEP 2 I S S U E NO . 03 Eating REAL food is great, but eating the right REAL food for YOU is amazingly better! Could you tweak your diet so it fits you like a fine tailored suit? How could you start (or start again) to eat in a way that supports your health? Try a 30-day challenge using one of the suggestions below, or create one of your own. I’m currently on a 30-day challenge to drink a gallon of water a day. Consistency matters. Commit, then repeat daily. Could you increase your water intake? Could you add more fat/protein from pastured meats, eggs/dairy (if tolerated), and wild fish? Could you eat vegetables at every meal and snack? Could you finally take out artificial colors, sweeteners, and preservatives? Could you do the Whole30Ž program? More than a hundred thousand people have successfully completed it with amazing results.


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efore having children I I became comfortable with I S S U E NO . 03 worked under the illusion imperfection and eventually that if I did everything per- embraced it! This is the life. fectly my life would be perfect. FREEDOM! I stopped sending Writing that makes me cringe! holiday cards altogether until my Ew. Seriously? Yuck. Perfection- daughter begged me for three ism makes for a pretty frustrat- years in row. Now I smile as she ing life because nothing is ever picks through a bowl of apples, perfect! Thankfully, having kids rejecting one after another bebroke me down in cause of a blemI a GRAND way; I ish or a bruise. It had to let perfectakes one to know HAD tionism go. It was one. “The goal in impossible for me life is not perfecTO LET to keep so many tion but health balls in the air, – BALANCE,” I PERFECTIONISM perfectly. Handtell her. “Nature made Christmas isn’t perfect and GO. cards? Gone! neither are you...

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that’s the BEAUTY!” Slightly irritated by my repetitive teachings, she smiles and continues to pick through the pile until she finds the “perfect” one. First age, then wisdom. When I started my private practice I was fresh out of my chief residency year. I had spent the last four years in a hospital with very sick children using pharmaceuticals and surgery to heal. I S S U IE NO . 03 didn’t know the first thing about nutrition. Aside from the common childhood iron deficiency and the rare copper metabolism disorder (Menkes Kinky Hair Disease), my training didn’t include how nutrition impacts dis-ease. I thought if I ate a healthy well-balanced diet, I’d get all the nutrition I need. “X” (Buzzer sound.) I was wrong. Yes, nature perfectly packages vitamins/minerals/phytonutrients into organic fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains and meat, eggs


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and dairy from pastured animals. But, studies that compared the mineral content of soil today with soil 100 years ago found that agricultural soils in the United States have been depleted of 85% of their minerals (The Earth Summit 1992). Wow! If I want to reap the same nutrition from one peach grown in 1892, I’d have to eat 85 peaches in 1992! Well maybe not entirely. I S S U E NO . 03 Donald Davis, and his research team from the University of Texas at Austin’s Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, studied the U.S. Department of Agriculture nutritional data, from both 1950 and 1999, for 43 different vegetables and fruits. They found a statistically reliable decline in the amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and vitamin C found in the fruit from 1999 when compared with the fruit from 1950. His research team attributed the nutritional content decline to agricultural practices that trade-off

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nutrient content for better yield

ity with methods such as soak-

(Davis et. al, 2004).

ing, sprouting, and fermenting. Soaking, sprouting and ferment-

We are what we eat and eating

ing start the digestive process

REAL food is no longer enough

by breaking down phytic acid in

to meet our nutritional needs.

plant-derived food (phytic acid

That’s hard for this recovering

and other antinutrients disrupt

perfectionist to swallow. I so want

the absorption of certain nutri-

nature to be the perfect solution,

ents). These 3 processes also

but due to soil depletion it can’t.

increase the amount of certain

What you sow you reap. Now I

vitamins (vitamin B6 riboflavin

supplement my REAL food diet and vitamin C) in the food and I S S U E NO . 03 with products that provide my the bioavailability of certain minbody nutrition in a balanced way:

erals (calcium, iron, zinc) so we

vitamins, minerals, phytonutri-

can easily absorb these nutrients

ents and other nutritionals that

from plant-derived food high

are no longer found in the foods

in phytic acid (grains, legumes,

we eat in the quantities the body

nuts and seeds) (Chavan et al.,

needs. (See My Supplement List)

1989)(Lorenz, 1980). But who wants to soak, sprout and fer-

The nutrient decline in REAL

ment? Not me. However, see-

food goes beyond nutrient de-

ing my husband make almond



milk from soaked nuts and seeds

plant-based food block our abil-

makes my heart go pitter-patter.

ity to reap the benefits of certain

Seriously! It’s sexy. And because

vitamins and minerals. Unlike our

it’s less work, we buy grains and

ancestors, we don’t prepare our

legumes that are already sprout-

food in ways that increase its nu-

ed. (See Dr. Sue Favorites)



tritional value and bioavailabil-


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fishy I S S U E NO . 03

Some REAL food comes packaged with things we can’t soak, sprout or ferment our way around. Due to contaminated water, wild fish (packed with omega-3 fat) contain varying amounts of methylmercury, “a neurotoxin that can be harmful to the brain and nervous system if a person is exposed to too much of it" (FDA.gov, 2014). The FDA and EPA have set guidelines on how much fish pregnant, breastfeeding mothers and young children should eat. You can eat plant derived omega-3 fat, found in flax seeds, pumpkin seeds and walnuts, but your body must first convert the omega-3 fat from these sources into the bioactive omega-3 fats your body uses. This conversion process slows down when vitamins and minerals are not readily available in your body to help out. That’s why the most direct source of omega-3 fat is a high quality fish oil supplement.


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Research supporting the health benefits of omega-3 fat continues to grow. THIS TYPE OF FAT HELPS: HE A R T D I S E A S E DIABETES CANCER REPRODUCTION C H I L DREN' S HE &. 03 DEVELOPMENT I S SAULT EH NO


Omega-3 fats are powerhouses for boosting one’s health and happiness and reducing inflammation and chronic disease.

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ost of us lack enough daily sunshine exposure to I S S U E NO . 03 make adequate levels of vitamin D. VITAMIN D levels are affected by skin color, distance from the equator, and amount of time spent outdoors. Up to half of children and adults have less than optimum levels of vitamin D (Looker et al., 2008). Reaping enough daily vitamin D from REAL food is a tall order. For example, you’d need to eat approximately 4-ounces of wild salmon daily to get 600-1000 I.U. of vitamin D, or a quart of milk a day for 400 I.U. of vitamin D (NYT, 2010). The recommended daily allowance of vitamin D is currently 600 I.U. daily for those 1-70 years old, which many vitamin D researchers believe is too low. Like omega-3 fat, the research supporting the health benefits of vitamin D continues to grow and includes building stronger bones, strengthening the immune system, and lowering the risk of developing of diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure and cancer. The easiest way to support adequate vitamin D levels is with a high quality vitamin D3 supplement.


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e also need to supplement LIVE BUGS. Yes! Live bugs. Probiotics are LIVE bugs - beneficial bacteria and yeast - that keep us alive. The word probiotic comes from pro and biota, meaning "for life." I love probiotics! Supplementing with probiotics is an easy way to consume the beneficial bacteria and yeast found in dairy-based/vegetable-based fermented foods like whey, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha. Probiotics regulate the immune system, reducing inflammation throughout the body. Their presence in the body decreases intestinal permeability, making the gut a more effective barrier. Probiotics provide a protective layer along the surface of our intestinal tracts, preI S S U E and NO .genitourinary 03 venting disease-causing organisms from binding, and stimulate gastrointestinal motility. The result? Probiotics can help reduce allergy symptoms (eczema, asthma, seasonal hay fever, and food allergies) and digestive symptoms (diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and lactose intolerance). And that’s just some of the health benefits of probiotics (Martinez et al., 2015).


et’s not forget about color! PHYTONUTRIENTS are plant nutrients found mostly in colorful fruits and veggies. It’s hard to eat enough of these in a day and in such a wide variety as to include mangosteen, acai berry, pomegranate, bilberry, cilantro, chlorella, spirulina, and wheatgrass. Some of these phytonutrients are also antioxidants, such as ginkgo biloba and green tea extract, which clear damaging free radicals from the body. See My Supplement List for a product that packs a wide-range of phytonutrients and antioxidants together in 2 scoops that can be blended into a morning smoothie.

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imperfection I

was in denial about how nuI S SpaUE tritionally depleted my tients and I could be. I really wanted REAL food to be the entire answer. It clearly wasn’t, as demonstrated through testing myself and my patients. It became shockingly clear that even those of us devoted to eating REAL food fall short on nutrition. REAL food is not perfect. REAL food is no longer able to meet our nutritional needs due to nutrient-depleted soil, antinutrients such as phytic acid, contaminated fish, and a lack of fermented foods in our diet. We can’t soak in enough vitamin D from sunshine due to our distance from

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the equator and amount of time NO . 03of us spend outdoors. most Supplements become key. But, NOT ALL SUPPLEMENTS ARE CREATED EQUAL. There are some ways top manufacturers distinguish themselves above the rest. One way is with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification which ensures a company has used the highest quality standards during manufacturing and that the product is safe for human consumption. Some manufacturers go above and beyond GMP standards and hire independent third-party testers to ensure their products

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research/development and to help answer questions and concerns consumers have about the products. High-quality ingredients, thirdparty testing, human clinical trials, and qualified staff are expensive. This cost is usually passed down to the consumer. Be prepared to pay for quality supplements from manufacturers who distinguish themselves above I S S U E NO . 03 the rest. SAFETY AND EFFEChave the identity, strength, com- TIVENESS ARE WORTH EVERY position, quality and purity rep- PENNY. resented on the label with undetectable levels of pesticides, Taking key supplements with esherbicides, chemicals, preserva- sential nutritionals narrows the nutritional gap for me and my tives or additives. patients. For that, this recoverThe effectiveness and safety ing perfectionist is MOST grateof a product for the consumer ful. As I have said to my daughcan also be determined by per- ter many times, “The goal in forming human clinical trials. life is not perfection but health High-quality supplement compa- - BALANCE. Nature isn’t perfect nies hire qualified professionals and neither are you...that’s the (PhD, MD, DO, etc.) in the fields BEAUTY!” Hallelujah. Suppleof nutrition, medicine, health ment your nutritional shortcomand wellness to conduct product ings with essential nutrients.


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REFERENCES Chavan, J. K. & Kadam, S. S.. (1989). Nutritional improvement of cereals by fermentation.CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr., 28(5), 349. Davis D.R., Epp M.D. & Riordan H.D. (2004). Changes in USDA food composition data for 43 garden crops, 1950 to 1999. J Am Coll Nutr. 23(6), 669-82. FDA. (June 2014). Fish: What Pregnant Women and Parents Should Know, retrieved from http://www.fda.gov/food/ foodborneillnesscontaminants/metals/ ucm393070.htm. Looker A.C. et al. (2008). Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D status of the US population: 1988-1994 compared with 2000–2004. Am ISSUE J Clin Nutr. 88(6), 1519-27. Lorenz, K. (1980).Cereal sprouts: composition, nutritive value, food applications. CRC Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. 13, 353. Martinez, R.C., Bedani, R., & Saad, S.M. (2015). Scientific evidence for health effects attributed to the consumption of probiotics and prebiotics: an update for current perspectives and future challenges. Br J Nutr. 114(12), 1993-2015. Parker-Pope, T. (2010, February 1). The Miracle of Vitamin D: Sound Science, or Hype? retrieved from http://well.blogs. nytimes.com/2010/02/01/the-miracle-ofvitamin-d-sound-science-or-hype/comment-page-18/?_r=0. Reichelt K.L., Ekrem J. & Scott H. (1990). Gluten, milk protein, and autism: dietary intervention effects on behavior and peptide secretion. J Appl Nutr. 42,1-11. The Earth Summit, United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992.

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WITH PRODUCT B® ISAGENESIS® BY ISAGENIX • Vitamins, minerals, omega-3s and antioxidants • Includes vitamins C, D3, K2 and B vitamins ISAGENIX GREENS™ NO . 03 AND ISAGENIX FRUITS™ BY ISAGENIX • Phytonutrients and antioxidants THER-BIOTIC COMPLETE

POWDER BY KLAIRE LABS • Twelve certified different probiotic species, 100+ billion CFU’s per ¼ tsp ADRENAL LIFE FORCE BY

PHYSICA ENERGETICS • Organic New Zealand bovine adrenal glandular with essential nutrients and organic botanicals to support adrenal function

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KEITH DOBRACKI, DDS Keith Dobracki, DDS, is a University of Michigan Dental School Clinical Professor and former honors graduate who has been featured on NBC, CBS, and American Health Front. His focus is holistic and biological dentistry and by the end of the year will have both a biological dentist degree and a doctorate in naturopathy. In his free time Dr. Dobracki enjoys traveling, spending time with family and friends, organic cooking, sailing, Michigan outdoor summers, and of course Michigan athletic events. He has not missed a Michigan football game in over 20 years! Dr. Dobracki spends at least two weeks each year volunteering his professional time to travel abroad in order to perform outreach aid to poverty-stricken areas, which do not have access to proper dental care or may be recovering from natural disasters. He has recently started a charitable foundation, MyDentalWish, and participates in other community outreach programs.


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I ALWAYS LIKE TO START WITH YOUR STORY. HOW DID YOU KNOW YOU WANTED TO BECOME A HOLISTIC DENTIST? Everybody in my family is a physician: parents, uncles, cousins, aunts, second cousins. I grew up hanging out in the hospital because my parents were always doing a residency, fellowship, training or were on call. They would take me with them.

WOW! I excelled in science and math and because I spent so much time in the hospital I always thought I

wanted to be a doctor. Over time I saw my parents’ lifestyles become much more stressful, and how the changes in health insurance changed the way they practiced medicine.

WHAT KIND OF PHYSICIANS ARE YOUR PARENTS? My mom is a board certified Pediatrician and Allergist. My biological dad is in Infectious Disease. My other dad’s an Orthopedic Surgeon.

AND HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU NOTICED THOSE CHANGES IN THEIR LIFESTYLE? I think I was in middle school/ high school. When I got to college I still thought I wanted to go into medicine and I took a class that was crazy cool. Twelve students would meet at the professor’s house and have a potluck dinner. When we were studying dentistry she had dentists, students, hygienists, professors come to her house and we would just sit and talk with them until they went home.

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gams. On the train there was an older man sitting across from me. That man was the Godfather Pioneer of Holistic Dentistry, Hal Huggins, DDS!

Yes. I really enjoyed it. It allowed me to meet a couple dentists who I ended up shadowing. I went on to become the president of the pre-dental association and then on to dentistry.


AWESOME! DID YOU JUST FALL INTO THE DENTISTRY OR DID YOU FEEL YOUR HEART PULLED YOU TOWARDS IT? The lifestyle dentists have (compared to what I witnessed first hand with my parents), the science of dentistry and the hands on approach, all appealed to me.

Oh yeah, it was crazy.

YOU WERE MEANT TO BE ON THAT TRAIN! AND NOT JUST TO GET HOME! It was amazing. This guy, he’s done some things that may be a little extreme, but for the most part he set the precedent when it comes

HOW DID YOU FALL INTO HOLISTIC DENTISTRY? Crazy story. While I was in dental school I was also a competitive snowboarder. I was studying my notes on amalgams on the train ride home from a snowboarding event. From a health perspective I was unsure how I felt about amal-


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Hal Huggins, DDS

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to recognizing that amalgams are bad for our health. There I was, sitting across from him studying amalgams! It was just the funniest thing. So he gave me his spiel, not in an offensive way, but he’s pretty strong in his stance.

I BET. The things he said were the exact opposite of what I had been taught in dental school. My first thought was that this guy was out of his mind! The more he spoke about the science behind things, the more I understood that he is actually very well versed in this. During dental school I put in my last amalgam and decided I would never do another one again. And I haven’t since.

WHAT EXACTLY DOES IT MEAN TO BE A HOLISTIC DENTIST? IT ISN’T JUST ABOUT THE FILLINGS. Correct. In terms of truly being a holistic or biological dentist, we don’t just see a hole in a tooth and fill it. We take the time to understand a patient’s general health, speak with their physicians, consid-

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er things from a genetics/dietary perspective and use urine samples to help understand what’s going on in the oral environment. We also look at an individual’s biocompatibility, meaning we look at different materials and metals used: fillings, bonding agents, desensitizers, tooth cleaners, tooth detoxers, pastes, and different instruments the hygienists use. We look at the effect that all of that has on an individual and create a plan for every time that patient comes in. A patient is able to get a custom setup of only the materials that his or her body said were least reactive. We have also found a strong link between oral health and gut health and consider this when working with a client.

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MAKES SENSE. I ALWAYS THINK ABOUT GETTING MY MERCURY AMALGAMS REMOVED BUT MY GUT IS NOT AT THE POINT WHERE IT’S BALANCED ENOUGH TO HANDLE THE TOXICITY. We see a lot of people who come in because they read on the internet that their fillings are bad and they want them all out. I’ll ask simple questions such as, “When’s the last time you had a bowel movement?” The answer is often that they have been constipated. This is a sign that it’s the worst time to take out mercury fillings. A lot of education is provided about optimal timing and the dietary changes they can make so that they can handle a mercury removal.

IS THERE A HOLISTIC APPROACH TO TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DYSFUNCTION (TMJ) IN YOUR OFFICE? For TMJ we work with a lot of craniosacral specialists who can get the jaw to rebalance and the muscles to relax. We also use myofunctional orthodontics, a way of practicing orthodontics without using bands and metals. Kids can wear little appliances that create proper tongue position. A lot of jaw development and tooth position is related to tongue position. Proper nutrition, oils and omegas are also important with jaw and muscle development.

I SEE. THAT TOTALLY MAKES SENSE. LET’S TALK ABOUT FLUORIDE. Fluoride and mercury are both on a downfall. I believe mercury fillings are now illegal, or outlawed, in 14 different countries. People are taking fluoride in so many different ways they are overdosing on it. That’s what the Nazi’s used in concentration camps to desensitize people.


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WHAT DO YOU MEAN DESENSITIZE? Fluoride substantially decreases your mental capacity to rebel or question things.

WOW. It’s just not good to have fluoride in your body when there are better alternatives.

WHAT CAN SOMEONE DO, INSTEAD OF FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE, TO MAKE SURE THEY HAVE GOOD MINERALIZATION? Good mineralization has a lot to do with diet. I see patients who are very acidic and have demineralization throughout the teeth. They tend to eat a lot of strong probiotics and things that are fermented. These patients benefit from a natural paste without fructooligosaccharides (FOS), glycerin, carrageenan, or fluoride, but still loaded with minerals. We have a paste that comes from sea coral; some people make their own at home using very

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fine ground egg shells. Other patients I see are very alkaline. Their teeth are strong but they get a ton of tartar buildup which leads to gum disease and periodontal disease. They need a detoxifying paste with tea tree oil and things that prevent tartar buildup and act as an antibacterial for the gum tissue.


back for pushups and things where we are playing and bonding. This allows me to stay in shape while doing other things.

AWESOME. I try to get outside in the morning, before work. A lot of times I wake up early and go out and paddleboard. It’s just nice to start my day out on flat water.

NATURE IS A BIG RELAXER FOR YOU? Huge! That’s probably my number one. If I have free time I’m


THAT'S A LOT OF RUNNING AROUND! Yes, but at the same time we do a lot of exercising together. We do a lot of daddy and daughter workouts where she will get on my


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outside. I love winter sports. I also meditate.

DO YOU NOTICE ANY BENEFITS IN YOUR DAILY LIFE FROM PRACTICING MEDITATION? Yes, stress has gone way down. If I’m at work and something goes wrong I take the time to do a mini meditation. This allows me to get past the problem as opposed to dwelling on it.

INTERESTING. I FIND THAT EXACT SAME THING. IT’S AN AWARENESS. I’M AWARE OF WHEN MY BODY IS NOT IN MY ZEN ZONE AND WITH MORE PRACTICE I’M ABLE TO BRING MYSELF BACK TO THE ZEN ZONE, AS I CALL IT. Yep, it’s such an amazing thing. You get your pulse back down, and you can feel everything stop for a second. It’s so nice.


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YOU. HOW HAS HAVING YOUR TWO YEAR OLD DAUGHTER IN YOUR LIFE MADE YOU A WISER PERSON? She has taught me patience, to just slow down and focus more on family. I had a couple investors talk with me about business opportunities and if I did not have my daughter I probably would have pursued them. Right now she’s at such a fun age. I really don’t want to miss it. She will probably always be at such a fun age!


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s i of od spiritual Y

our body is your temple. Do you nourish your temple with food or junk? Maybe a little of both? Depends on your mood, right? When you are filling your temple with unhealthy food it’s time to, “check yourself, before you wreck yourself,” as my coach Rha Goddess says. Health is balance. If I focused solely on immediate gratification, I’d be downing chocolate all day long. Chocolate feels good...until it doesn’t feel so good anymore. Too much sugar, gluten, dairy (or any food that disrupts YOUR body’s balance) is a recipe for long term disaster. Get curious about your WHY. What’s driving your behavior to fill your body with junk (low self-esteem, shame, emptiness, grief)?


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Dietary changes are hard work. Both the initial push to make the change, and the long term momentum to endure the change, are tough. Some changes become no big deal (gluten and dairy for me). Other changes are more difficult (for me, less sugar). Persistence pays off, but you’ll likely give up if you don’t uncover WHY you want to change the way you eat. WHY DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE THE WAY YOU EAT SO IT SUPPORTS YOUR HEALTH? For me it’s spiritual. I see my body as my Spirit’s vessel to carry out my soulFULL purpose – as a mama, a future grammie, and a physician devoted to delivering the message of spiritual health. I focus on how I want to feel – fit, feminine, FREE – and all the activities my husband and I can do together if I stay committed to this way of life. Dig deep

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and uncover your WHY. Even once a positive change has been made, and you are eating well, you can get derailed. That’s life. Sitting on the park bench taking time out for reflection is part of the health journey. But standing back up, even if you’ve fallen off the wagon a zillion times, is grace. Believe in your journey. STAND BACK UP AND REMEMBER YOUR WHY. Dig deep and discover why you want to eat in a way that supports your health. When moments of pure FRUSTRATION, anger, sadness, grief move through you, keep your WHY front and center. Even when you can’t see the results you desire (yet), anchor yourself in your desire for health and surrender to how the journey unfolds for you. Faith will keep you on track. Health is possible and I believe in your journey.

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Most of our family’s favorite recipes are found in this book. Danielle mastered grain-free, dairy-free, gluten-free, refined sugar free cooking as a way to help herself heal from autoimmune disease. In the process this New York Times Best Selling author has helped so many others through her tasty recipes, beautiful photography, and h e a r t - c e n t e re d Spirit. Follow her on social media and you’ll fall in love with her and her family. www. againstallgrain. com


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Most mayo (unless you make it yourself) contains processed oils such as soy or canola. Primal Kitchen’s mayo tastes AMAZING with only six ingredients: Avocado Oil, Organic Cage-Free Eggs, Organic Egg Yolks, Organic Vinegar (From Non-GMO Beets), Sea Salt, Rosemary Extract. www.primalkitchen. com

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Not up for sprouting your own grains? Stock your pantry with a wide variety of Certified USDA Organic, Non-GMO Project® Verified and gluten-free products from Tru Roots. Their Whole-Grain Germinated Brown Rice is a staple in our household. www.truroots.com

WHOLE 30 PROGRAM Strip certain food groups (dairy, grains, legumes, sugar) from your diet for 30 days and see how you feel. If you want extra-support beyond the rules and community, you can sign-up for a daily email during your 30 day program for positive messages, helpful instructions, and more resources. Once you finish, there’s a reintroduction protocol with tips for “life after your Whole30." Plus, you can come back and repeat the program anytime. www.whole30.com

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THRIVE MARKET Thrive Market offers the best-selling natural and organic products at wholesale prices through a $60/ year membership. Think Costco meets Whole Foods online, plus for every paid membership Thrive donates one membership to a low-income American family. From Paleo and gluten-free, to vegan and raw, to non-GMO and certified organic, Thrive Market has got you covered and offers free shipping on all orders over $49. Thrive Market is 100% carbon neutral certified through carbonfund.org for national shipping, packaging materials, warehouse utilities and the commutes of Thrive employees. Pretty sweet! www.thrivemarket.com* *Affiliate Disclosure: This is an affiliate link, which means Dr. Sue may receive a percentage of any product or service you purchase using the link. You pay the same price for all products and services, and your purchase helps support Dr. Sue Health SoulFULLY. Thank you.

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YO U R H E A R T &

CO N N E C T W I T H S P I R I T. Health is balance. Live it SoulFULLY.

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