Namrata Amit Sawant Student of SYB.Ed (2015-17), Mumbai University Abstract The definition of peace for every human is different. Everyone looks or tries to find out peace from varied zones. In today’s world we can see lot of things happening around us which bring negative energy. Due to which person’s inner peace shatters and a person may inculcate some unfruitful desires to attain the lost peace. But among all this the most effected zone is observed as youngsters. They are the immediate responders to any negative change around them. It is the responsibility of the society to help the coming generation develop their positive outlook. The youngsters can be from any strata of the society facing different problems but it is the responsibility of the society to help them identify some positive suitable ways which would take them to the path of progress and they can easily live a strong, healthy and happy life. But for that the youngsters must share their thoughts openly with their family and also understand the other moral values taught by their parents. Keywords: Generation Next, Inner Peace, Children and Youngsters, Unfruitful Desires. Scholarly Research Journal's is licensed Based on a work at
Introduction Peace is being annihilated these days. And the reason for that are, we as a world are not respecting each other, though everyone is supporting democracy but still we are trying to creep into other’s territories of which ; we as a community is setting an incorrect example for our Gen Next. We must concentrate first on our inner peace because inner peace is said to be a key for world peace. We must set healthy examples for our next generation about maintaining and living in peace. A person may try to achieve peace for its own wellbeing and safety. But the current events are the examples of threat and conflicts which are shattering and creating confusions in the minds of youth and due to which the youth may respond negatively. And the country’s future is in the hands of youth then it is acting as hindrance in path of progress.
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There are many countries across the world which are living in a threat of democratic dictatorship. Where in, the people do not have right to express. As we are saying peace can bring happiness, calmness but we as one roof must try to educate ourselves and establish democracy in all sense regardless of gender, ethnicity or any other aspect of identity. Background: The meaning of safety and peace for our next generation has completely changed. It has been observed that the young generation gets affected due to petty issues and feel depressed and try to find peace through drugs. For them being under a dosage of drugs make them calm and that’s their method of pursuing peace. But they do not then realise the power of such evil addiction takes control of their life and then destroys it. Similarly, the research shows that the youngsters are in majority among terrorist. The youngsters are trained and taught in such a way that they start feeling that way to achieve peace is through threat. So, for them the definition of peace is completely different for them peace can be obtained through terrorism. And this is the only way to obtain world peace. When we say youngsters or generation next then these all hyper active people like drug addicts and terrorist are a part of it. They feel that these are the modes of obtaining inner peace but their modes of inner peace are acting as a lethal weapon for ruining world’s peace. Like when the youngsters are under a dosage of drug they are hyper active and they develop a feeling of doing something beyond their limits. Whereas the terrorist are trained at an early age and in their training it is inculcated in them that this is the way of peace. So, not only the children, adolescents are our next generation but also these drug addicts, terrorists are also a part of our next generation. Because as it said that every action has equal and opposite reaction so if these people are damaging our civic amenities and social values then they are repented for that and then the world peace is destroyed. Methods to be adopted: The young generation is the pillar of strength of any country and if these pillars are rotten then we shall never make progress. As it is said that youth is the driving force of country’s progress so all the country’s must put their best efforts to take this force in the correct direction. Young people are vital stakeholders in conflict and in peace building – they have the potential to act as community leaders in peace building, reconciliation, and post conflict reconstruction. Young people are not just the future, they are the present. Today almost half of the world’s population under the age 24. By offering young people a possibility to take part in shaping their own futures, young people can be at the front line of peace building. OCT-NOV, 2016, VOL. 3/18
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This will further enable them to become more effective in mobilizing youth to become constructive, pro-active and non-violent agents of change addressing root causes and the impact of violence in their communities. Young people offers to be an opportunity for innovation, development and economic growth. Limited political, social and economic opportunities are strong contributing factors driving youth to participate in building world peace. The positive role that youth play in peace building needs recognition between social justice, sustainable development and human rights. The various path ways can be adopted to inculcate peace in the minds of next generation:
Sharing Emotions
Use the excess energy of youth in other extra rigorous activity like sports, exercise etc...
Being Democratic
Career in Peace Building
Peace Clubs and Community Services
Conclusion: “The dream of peace on the earth can be fulfilled like the tiny drops fill the ocean and the young ones will pursue this dream by burning a light of peace in within them.” There are many things that could be done to make peace throughout the world and the communities in the world. I think that we all should start on making a difference and making our communities better for this world. The little changes that could be made would make a difference in today’s world. If we try and make a difference now, then we can change communities for the better in the future. This will lead to a better future for our younger generations, and world peace. Youngsters must be directed to achieve their desired objectives. So, resolutely train yourself or get trained to achieve peace which in turn can make you happy.
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