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About Digital Fusion Group .................................... 3 Marke ng Communica ons Plans .......................... 5 Marke ng Campaigns ............................................ 7 Copywri ng and Edi ng ......................................... 9 Corporate Iden ty ............................................... 11 Web Development and Design ............................. 13 eCommerce Development ................................... 15 Content Management Systems ............................ 17 Social Media ........................................................ 18 Custom Web Solu ons ......................................... 20 Mul media .......................................................... 21 Online Marke ng ................................................. 23 Collateral Development ....................................... 25 Adver sing Design ............................................... 27 Book Publishing ................................................... 29 Prin ng Services .................................................. 30 Full-Color Prin ng ................................................ 31 Apparel and Specialty Prin ng ............................. 33 Clients ................................................................. 35 Giving Back .......................................................... 37
Our mission is to exceed your expecta ons. About Digital Fusion Group We strive to provide our clients with the kind of service we expect when we’re the client. We don’t settle for anything less than excellence, whether we’re buying services or providing them. Every project is an opportunity to show our clients what a true commitment to customer service means to us.
Our Focus
is on maximizing the effectiveness of your marketing dollars. Whether you require a flyer for your organization or a full-scale e-commerce application, we make sure you get the most out of your investment.
Our Approach is to unite a group of experts uniquely qualified to execute your project. Our method ensures an efficient, accurate needs assessment, seamless project coordina on and on- me/on-budget execu on.
Our Process
is streamlined in order to create the best possible product in a minimum of me. To accomplish this goal, we will: • • • • • •
Clarify and define your organization’s objectives Create a project strategy based on your needs Identify schedule and budget Create a formalized project plan Execute the project plan Deliver on time, every time
Our Team
is comprised of professionals from all over the United States. Whether it’s a designer with experience in your industry, or a programmer with a personal passion for your organization’s objectives, we will provide you with the ideal resources for your project. We believe that really listening to our customers is the key to transforming their ideas into reality. Digital Fusion Group’s team members are experts in their areas of specialization and expert listeners. Unlike advertising and design firms of the past, Digital Fusion Group places emphasis on delivering great products in a minimum of time. Our approach is built to expedite your speed to market.
View our por olio online at
A great plan is the key to every success. Marke ng Communica ons Plans Digital Fusion Group will help you create a Marketing Communications Plan that will define your goals and create a solid roadmap for achieving them. The plan starts with clearly describing the vision and unique value proposition of your organization. This identification of your goals and values, combined with your most important selling point, creates a clear focus with which to create your marketing communications plan. Using demographic, geographic, and psychographic research, we identify your target markets to ensure you’re reaching the audience best aligned with your product or service. Once those target markets are identified, we create custom messaging solutions for each unique segment. Next, your competition is carefully evaluated, and countermeasures to their marketing efforts are integrated into your marketing plan. We make sure you’re not only differentiated, but that you’re the clear choice. A mul -layered, tac cal marke ng plan to deliver your message to your target market is created. In addition to your selected marketing tactics, we take a look at how every person in your organization can help fortify and expand your marketing efforts. Finally, we implement tools with which your plan’s progress can be tracked. Detailed reports will trace the success of each marketing strategy you employ to ensure a maximum return on your investment.
What is this thing? A QR code, which is short for Quick Response, is a type of bar code readable by QR code readers and smart phones. Free QR code reading applica ons are available for all smart phones. A few examples of informa on that can be encoded in a QR code are text, a link to a website, and contact, event, or geographical informa on.
QR codes were developed by Toyota subsidiary Denso-Wave in 1994 as a way to track parts for vehicle manufacturing. QR codes are now used in a wide range of applica ons including print adver sing, billboard ads, in-store displays, tradeshow management, contests, direct mail campaigns, coupons, and business cards. QR codes are valuable in marke ng, because response rates can be measured very accurately by crea ng custom website landing pages for those who scan the code.
Marke ng campaigns that produce measurable results. Marke ng Campaigns Digital Fusion Group looks at every aspect of your marke ng efforts to fine-tune them in order to create maximum results for your organiza on. Not only do we keep your budget in mind, we tailor our work to your budget and show you how to track the effec veness of every marke ng dollar your organiza on spends. We put your company in front of the right people at the right me, and then make sure you deliver the right message to convert poten al consumers into loyal customers. We’re well-versed in everything from tradi onal to online marke ng, and study the latest trends to make sure you stay ahead of the pack. We pride ourselves in thinking outside of the box. If you believe, as we do, that standing out from the crowd is the key to success in a compe ve marketplace, you’ve found the right marke ng partner in Digital Fusion Group.
Here. There. Everywhere. Opportunities for companies to reach out to consumers are growing daily. The internet, social media, smart phones, digital point-of-sale advertising, and dynamically-generated advertising customized to individual consumers have all broken new ground in ways you can connect with your customers. We closely monitor emerging and trending marketing methods, share what we learn with our clients, and implement plans that take advantage of new opportunities to place highly targeted, affordable, and effective advertising.
More Than Just Words — Messages Build awareness of your organization and brand Expand consumer knowledge of your products and services Create a likability that draws consumers in Foster a preference for your organization and its products and services Drive home your key value propositions and differentiators Compel the consumer to action
Deliver your message with focused precision. Copywri ng and Edi ng Whether we’re creating a tagline, company collateral, a magazine ad, annual report, technical document, or book to be published, Digital Fusion Group has the best writers and copy editors in the business. Powerful and persuasive messaging communicates your organization’s unique value proposition and compels your audience to take action. Our messaging and copywriting services help you impact and penetrate your target market. We see messaging as more than just words on paper. We help everyone in your organiza on make your message their ethos. By fortifying your company’s message from the back office to front line representatives, you ensure that every customer experience lives up to your promises and your customer’s expectations. Our copywri ng staff consists of wordsmiths with years of experience crea ng copy for organiza ons of all kinds. They not only have degrees in communica ons; they have real-world experience with everything from advertising copy to published books and manuals. Whether crafting a collateral piece or technical documentation, their goal is to create clear and compelling communications for your organization. Whether Digital Fusion Group works with you to develop copy for your project, or you submit the copy to us, our editorial department ensures your message is clearly understood by all who read it.
Cra your image to make posi ve first impressions. Corporate Iden ty and Branding Your brand evokes an image that consumers identify with your organization. Digital Fusion Group focuses on making sure your brand is current, evolving, and saying all the right things about your organization. We start with an assessment of your brand in the marketplace, including current customer perception, and analysis of your competitors. We evaluate your organization’s objectives and branding and identity practices. Our design team and identity consultants work with you to either renew or revamp your current branding and identity strategy.
Logo Design and Integra on Digital Fusion Group provides logo design for all types of organizations. Our unique process helps us understand your needs in order to create a logo that is perfectly suited to represent your organization. We then assist you with applying your new logo throughout your organization.
Corporate Iden ty Standards Guides We do more than create your organiza on’s logo and collateral — we also create a roadmap for making sure your brand is for fied in all aspects of your business via a Corporate Iden ty Standards Guide. This essen al tool manages your brand, and serves as a guide for the employees who represent your organiza on. A Corporate Identity Standards Guide defines every element of your brand: • • • • • • • • • •
Mission and vision statements Brand strategy Proper use of logos Logo in multiple digital formats for print and web use Corporate colors Correspondence Collateral materials Workspaces Packaging Digital, web, and multimedia
Customized project teams create superior results. Web Development and Design Because no two web development and design projects are exactly the same, we assemble a team uniquely qualified to execute your project. Your custom team includes a seasoned project manager, expert strategy consultants, programmers, media designers, IT security experts, and other specialists to ensure an efficient, accurate needs assessment and seamless project coordina on. We focus on maximizing the effec veness of your online presence. Whether you require a simple website for your organiza on or a full-scale e-commerce applica on, we make sure you get the most from it. By crea ng a user-friendly online environment that compliments and leverages the rest of your marke ng efforts, we ensure that you’ve made a worthwhile investment.
Our Web Development Process Create a Plan • Clarify and define your organization’s objectives • Create a project strategy based on your needs • Identify schedule and budget • Create site architecture • Develop a listing of all pages, graphics, content, and desired functionality • Describe functionality and embedded applications • Determine hosting, access, and security requirements Implement Plan • Website design • Multimedia content development • Application development • Content management integration Marketing Services • Site launch • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and placement • Integrated marketing efforts, including social media • Email announcements, opt-ins, and list management
Modular solu ons that grow as your business grows. eCommerce Development If you’ve got something you’d like to sell online, Digital Fusion Group can make it happen. Our eCommerce solutions are customized to meet your needs, so you get everything you want without paying for things you don’t need. We believe that eCommerce websites should be modular and appropriately scaled to your business. This gives you an opportunity to start selling online without spending a fortune, and to grow and improve your eCommerce site as your business grows. We produce a remarkably fast return on your investment and appropriate planning for returns on future investments.
Customized eCommerce Applica on Features User-Friendly Content Management • You have complete control over your eCommerce site content Product and Service Management • Add, edit, and delete products • Include special product viewing features like photo zoom and videos • Manage product sorting and presentation • Assign tags to products to increase search engine optimization Customer Management • Maintain accounts • Track order activity • Manage customer database and import/export for other applications Commerce Management • Use and manage the payment gateway of your choice • Assign tasks when orders are placed • Track inventory, sales, sales tax collected • Manage shipping and handling expertly with USPS, FedEx, and UPS • Create coupons and special offers Customer-Friendly Features • Reviews and ratings • Personalized product recommendations • Robust search capabilities • Cart content retention • Customer experience customization
You’re in the driver’s seat. Pu ng you in the driver’s seat. Digital Fusion Group’s Content Management System (CMS) gives you complete control over your website. Our web-based, easy-to-use interface allows you to edit and control your own website. Update copy, reposition items, add pages, delete pages, upload photos and video, and much more. Via a secure login, you can edit your website, preview changes, and then post them immediately. We also offer multi-level administration, so others can contribute, but only top-level administrators can approve and release materials to the public on the live site. You have complete control.
Digital Fuson Group’s Content Management System Op ons Management Control • Master administration login allows for multi-tiered permissions • Create users and groups who can contribute to your website • Have control over each user and group’s permissions Site Content Modification • Create, edit, and delete pages in an easy-to-use interface • Modify site settings Media Management • Upload and manage photos, videos, and other media Security • Ban countries or individuals from accessing your website • Repel hackers with top-of-the-line security features Advertising Management • Offer ad space on your website to create an additional revenue stream • Create your own advertising for your website and track its effectiveness Database Management • Easily manage website customer accounts • Import and export data for use in other applications
Social Media No other buzzword in consumer marke ng today is as big as “social media.” A er decades of dominance of well-worn, tradi onal marke ng channels, a new way to discover, win and retain customers both quickly and affordably is certainly worth your a en on. Digital Fusion Group will establish your presence on the biggest social media sites, pu ng your organiza on in front of millions of poten al new customers.
Facebook With over half of a billion users, Facebook is the 1,000 pound gorilla of social media. Approached smartly with great branding and continual (but measured) engagement, it can be a powerful tool to both increase activity among existing customers, and to spread word of your company to people connected to those customers. Digital Fusion Group will create a Facebook page for your organization, or upgrade your Facebook presence if you’re already signed up. We’ll include graphics to make your page stand out, teach you how to acquire “likes,” and guide you regarding best practices for using Facebook to your advantage.
Twi er Because of widespread use in the celebrity world and lots of key strategic placements on the part of media and entertainment companies, Twitter is certainly the most buzz-y and famous of all social media tools. Twitter can be best understood as a fire hose of 160-character real-time Tweets from millions of Americans. Relevant information is found in one of two ways: Either via search, or by following individual Tweeters. Digital Fusion Group will set up a Twitter account for your organization, or work with you to upgrade your existing account if you already have one. We’ll create graphics to make your Twitter page stand out, show you how to acquire followers, guide you regarding the best ways to use Twitter to your advantage, and place a Twitter feed on your website.
Connect with millions of poten al customers.
LinkedIn LinkedIn is unique among social media tools in that it is en rely B2B focused. It connects professionals, and allows them to maintain a profile that features their resume and creden als. In short, LinkedIn is a job-hun ng and recrui ng tool, a Yellow Pages for B2B exchange, and a way to replace the old need to call everyone in your contact list and ask, “Hey, do you know anyone over at Company Y?” Digital Fusion Group will help you create a personal profile on LinkedIn as well as a business page for your organization. We can also show you ways to make your profile shine, inform current and potential business partners about your products and services, and get the most out of networking through LinkedIn.
YouTube Video is now a central part of the online experience. YouTube is a powerful way to present video content. Digital Fusion Group can help you both develop your video content and place it on YouTube for the world to see. Content on YouTube is far more likely to appear in general Google searches than content that resides solely on your website. YouTube is owned by Google, and items from it appear within the first page of any search results, making it a powerful piece of automated search engine optimization. YouTube provides the ability to create your own “channel,” a structured page within YouTube that contains all of your videos, and is customizable. Content on YouTube can also be integrated and cross-posted to other sites including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and your own company’s site.
Custom Web Solu ons When you’re ready for your company website to do more than just be an online presence for your organization, Digital Fusion Group can show you how get more out of it — whether you choose from our suite of solutions, or bring us a task unique to your needs. We help you define and clarify what you need to do, and then bring together a team of specialists to transform your concept into a fully-functional web application. We create custom solu ons that meet your specifica ons. Whether you need to coordinate your in-store inventory with your online inventory, create special func onality for your website like live customer service chat or complex forms that populate databases, or create an applica on for distribu on to a network of resellers, we have the right programmers to meet your needs.
Get access to every bell and whistle. Mul media Are you ready to communicate with your audience in the newest, most engaging and exci ng interac ve ways? Digital Fusion Group creates mul media products guaranteed to get a en on. Mul media solu ons from Digital Fusion Group give you the opportunity to engage customers and immerse them in your message. • • • • • • •
Website multimedia Smartphone multimedia Digital video Corporate presentations Trade show exhibits Seminars and workshops Online learning applications
| The Future of Adver sing. | Today. On-Demand Adver sing Solu ons for Retail Environments Digital Fusion Television combines the best cu ng-edge technologies to provide businesses with on-demand digital adver sing solu ons for retail environments. Engaging and compelling adver sing is delivered to consumers at the perfect point in me — when the consumer can act immediately upon the call to ac on. Imagine creating an ad that can be placed in stores across the world the very same day. Content is created and then distributed effortlessly through our supported network to your stores nationwide. You control the on-demand advertising content shown in your retail locations to create maximum impact for your organization.
What you need to know about SEO. Understanding Search Engine Op mizaion (SEO) is the first step in leveraging its power to help your company grow via its online presence. What do search engines really do? Search engines have large databases that store informa on about web pages and the data, images, and other content that appear on those pages. Complex algorhythms help search engines deliver content relevant to a user’s search query. What is Search Engine Op miza on (SEO)? SEO maximizes web page visibility in search engines for user queries. Many tac cs are used to ensure that search engines properly index your site in their databases so when users search for your products or services, your website appears in their search results. Crea ng high-quality content indicators is the primary goal of all SEO ac vi es. Why your company should take advantage of SEO: The goal of SEO is to make consumers aware of your company via your website, and to drive more traffic to your website. Having a web presence allows you to communciate with poten al customers from all over the world 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. SEO significantly improves your chances of being found by customers looking for your specific products and services, and allows them to fully explore your company’s offerings at their leisure and convenience.
Greet, meet and keep in touch with your customers. Online Marke ng Online marketing provides your company with opportunities to attract new customers and keep in touch with your valuable existing customer base.
Search Engine Optimization Today, when consumers need to find a service or product, search engines are their primary choice for finding the information they need. You’ve invested the time and money to build your website. Now you can drive traffic to your site with Search Engine Op miza on (SEO), an internet marke ng tac c that improves your site’s visibility in search results. Using dozens of strategies and tactics, a Digital Fusion Group can push your website towards the top of search engine results where consumers will find you. SEO takes time and effort to accomplish — but with enough work, time, and patience your website will place considerably higher in search results.
Email Newsletters Newsletters and announcements via email enable you to stay in touch with your customers, and are a cost-effective extension of your marketing efforts. Digital Fusion Group will help you create email communica ons that contain important informa on presented in a compelling way. Our designs draw the recipient’s eyes to your key messages and mo vate users to take ac on. You select only the services you need, and we’ll do the rest: • Email newsletter design • Email announcement design • Mailing list acquisition • Mailing list management • Opt-in/opt-out management • Copywriting and editing • Coordinating website and print collateral campaigns • Reader analysis Even if you’re already working with a company that provides email newsle er services, Digital Fusion Group can help maximize your efforts by adding custom touches and teaching you how to maximize your return on investment.
Marke ng materials that spark imagina on and grab a en on. Collateral Development From business cards to catalogs, Digital Fusion Group creates collateral pieces that deliver your message with style. We develop suites of collateral materials that address your target market and position your products and services as superior solutions. We make certain your message hits home with consumers by grabbing their attention with relevant and useful information enveloped in eye-catching designs. Whether it’s a persuasive presentation, leave-behind literature, or an ad in a public transportation system, Digital Fusion Group creates marketing collateral pieces that resonate in your audience’s mind. Our collateral development features the following services: • Research and planning • Scheduling and budgeting • Development of cost-effective creative concepts • Production and printing services
Adver sing is free when it works. Adver sing Design Digital Fusion Group knows exactly how to create advertising campaigns that leave a lasting impression and compel consumers to action. We help you craft and select the right messages and mediums to have the maximum impact on your target audience and enjoy an outstanding return on investment. We design advertising for: •
Trade shows
Street furniture
Subway platforms
Digital signage
Direct mail
Vehicle wraps
We’ve got you covered from cover to cover. Book Publishing Digital Fusion Group is your friend in the publishing business. Whether you’ve got a book ready to go, or a great idea in need of development, our publishing professionals know what it takes to make your book a great success. Manuscript Development • Writing • Ghost writing • Editing Book Preparation • Cover design • Book layout • Typesetting • Infographic design • Illustration • ISBN acquisition • Metadata development Book Production • Print-on-demand • Bulk printing • Full-color printing • Hard cover • Paperback eBook Production • Kindle • Nook • Adobe Digital Editions Distribution Channels • United States & Europe • • Barnes & Noble • Online booksellers • Brick and mortar booksellers
An unimilted variety of materials and op ons. In addition to quality printing on virtually every paper stock, apparel, and specialty item available, Digital Fusion Group offers an extensive array of other print-related services that take your materials to the next level.
House Stock Guide 60 lb. Uncoated Text 30% PCW recycled content, acid-free
100 lb. Gloss Text
Digital Fusion Group can print on any paper stock you choose. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact us at 321-613-5555 for a custom quote.
30% PCW recycled content, acid-free
100 lb. Uncoated Text
Printing Green
50% PCW recycled content, acid-free
12 pt. Gloss Cardstock 10% PCW recycled content, acid-free
12 pt. Uncoated Cardstock 50% PCW recycled content, acid-free
13 pt. Uncoated Cardstock 100% PCW recycled content, acid-free Manufactured with BioGas
16 pt. Gloss Cardstock acid-free
Our green ini a ves include soy inks and biodegradable paper. Our paper is created from sustainably managed forests and contains high percentages of PCW (Post Consumer Waste) collected from recycling facilities and transformed into fresh paper.
We can do it all. Whether you just want to add a special touch to your printed piece, need that polished look that only professional bindery can provide, or want each piece to be personalized - we can do it all. Print coatings Foil stamping Lamination Perforation Die-cutting Embossing
Round corner cutting Scoring Folding Drilling Collation and manual assembly Binding
(saddle stitch, perfect, spiral, padding)
Numbering Variable data printing Mailing services Shrink wrapping Split Shipments Rush Shipping
Today’s technology makes full-color prin ng affordable. Full-Color Prin ng Digital Fusion Group’s partnerships with industry leading printers means we buy printing at wholesale prices and pass the savings along to you. We provide a full range of printed and specialty products including: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Business cards Letterhead and envelopes Brochures and flyers Postcards and mailers Catalogs Hard cover and paperback books Folders Forms Labels Stickers Clings Door hangers and rack cards Table tents Posters Banners Tickets Ad specialties Custom CDs/DVDs Apparel
Large Format Prin ng • • • •
Outdoor vinyl and vinyl mesh Photo and poster paper Canvas Finishing Options: Grommets, reinforced hems, pole pockets, wind slits, lamination, and foamcore mounting
Wearables and gi s are traveling ads for your business. Apparel and Specialty Prin ng Select from our tremendous variety of quality apparel stocks, or have us special-order the item of your choice. Apparel Options
Imprint and Finishing Options
Screen printing
3-D and puff inks
Super gels
Metallic inks
Dye sublimation
All-over printing
Bags and totes
Gi s and Promo onal Items If you’re looking for new and creative ways to get your name and message to your audience, specialty printing from Digital Fusion Group offers an amazing array of choices. Corporate gifts
Awards and incentives
Desk accessories
Gift and loyalty cards
Technology gadgets
Key tags
Banners and flags
Lanyards and badges
Candy and cookies
Clients We’ve got the best clients in the world. All over the world.
Public Sector Brevard County, Florida Department of Defense Department of Education Department of Transportation District of Columbia District of Columbia Schools Environmental Protection Agency Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Pipeline Mapping System Virginia Dept. for the Blind & Vision Impaired The World Bank
Non-Profit Organizations
Childwatch of North America Foster Care Alumni of America Joseph’s House National Youth in Care Network The Casements United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation Wekiva River Basin State Parks
Industry Clients Anderson-Clark, Inc. Boldface Design Castaneda Global Communications CAK + Associates ENC Marketing Euro RSCG Long Marketing Magnet Communications My Marketing That Works For You ProPrinting OTC Navigation Scenic Marketing PROPrinting Order Printing for Organizations Property Management Printing
Clients Private Sector Agents of America Ambassador Limo AOA Insurance Services AsmaraHR AtSite Architecture Avalon Technology Associates Baltimore-Washington International Airport Battelle Bell Robinson Financial BioMed Healthcare Bright Options Buckeye IT Cable & Wireless Call Center Success Institute Campus Advantage Campus Lodge Apartments Campus Towers Apartments Carey Winston Commercial Real Estate Castrol/Mazda Race Team Celerity Works Chafe Zone Products Clean Fuel Inc. Commons on Kinnear Apartments Commonwealth Consultants Country Cottage and Gardens Custom Credit Card Processing Datanet Digital Discovery District of Columbia Schools Diversified Technology Group Doug Bryant Massage Down Your Back Salon Driven Classic Cars Eberhard Industrial Editorial Solutions, LLC EL Greenburg and Associates Fairway View Apartments Florida Coastal Investments Fluffy’s Pet Services FrontRunner Advantage Gatestone Group George Washington University Government Training Inc. Greenville Tech Housing Health Design Plus HR Resource Group Integrity Home Services Jacksonville Technology Associates J Medical Management Knights Circle Apartments Larz Lacoma / The Larz from Mars Show LifeSTYLED Lindsay Lexus of Alexandria Live for Art Gallery Long and Foster Real Estate
Management Solution Consultants Manistee River Salmon Manorwood Consulting Maxtown Medical McLean Furniture Metropolitan Lighting Design MGI1 Michael Baker Corporation Naithsmith Hall Apartments National Education Association Neurofeedback Center of Virginia New Light Technologies NorthShore Adventures Ohio Aquarium Service Old Town Writers’ Group OmniTrust OTC Navigation OutSelling Oxford Consulting Papa Joe’s Pizza Pet Pantry Express Piedmont Select Pinkerton Computer Consultants Place du Plantier Apartments Pointe at Central Apartments Quality Inn & Suites Rayne Diversified Regional Care Inc. Resiliency Strategies Ruby Tuesday Restaurants Satori Group Seven Seas Shipchandlers Shadowood Apartments Stadium View Apartments Stratford Business Services Sunstone Apartments The Belmont Apartments The Center for Intelligence Best Practices The Edge at 42nd Apartments The Goal, Inc. The Lily Pad The Resourcing Solutions Group Themis Alliance, LLC Thunder Hill Golf Course Tooling University Town and Country Co-Op Travel Asmara Traverse City Bass Turtle Creek Apartments University Canyon Apartments University Park Apartments Visual Vox WatchIt Technologies Whitcomb and Hess Windsor Hills Apartments Woofie’s
2011-2012 Digital Fusion Group Corporate Dona on
Recipient: Foster Care Alumni of America Donation of the graphic design, production, and promotion of a 138-page full color book to be used as a fundraiser. Paperback and Kindle Edition available from
Giving Back From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life. Arthur Ashe Whether we’re collecting and wrapping holiday gifts for underprivileged kids in our communities, tallying up charity auction bids, or putting our design and marketing skills to use for the benefit of a deserving organization, the Digital Fusion Group Team makes giving back a priority. We never forget that we’re lucky to get to do what we love for a living, and lucky to live the lives we lead. We also recognize that each and every one of us owes a great gratitude to at least one person or organization that changed our lives for the better. We pay their kindness forward by using our time and skills to help others. The Digital Fusion Group Team has made donations of their time, consulting, design, product development and/or money to the following organizations:
Anderson’s Army Central Ohio Food Bank Childwatch of North America Crittenton Family Services Foster Care Alumni of America Joseph’s House Mothers Against Drunk Driving Ohio Youth Services Network Scarlet’s Foundation Smithsonian Institution The Casements Toys for Tots Washington D.C. History Network