Academic Program 2025-26

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Students should create a balanced course of study that is appropriately rigorous; reflects their passions, gifts and challenges; and takes full advantage of the array of distinctive programs at St George’s At the same time, students must meet all diploma requirements (see below)

New Students: If you would like help completing the Course Planning Worksheet, please call the Academic Office at (401) 842-6653 to set up a telephone appointment with the Academic Registrar.


1 HUM120 and HUM130 - HUMANITIES I - required of all third formers - a course that will offer English, history and religion credit This is a two block course and counts as 2 0 credits

2. MTH110 - ALGEBRA I or MTH210 - GEOMETRY or MTH310 - ALGEBRA II or a higher level of mathematics (See course descriptions )

3. BIO210 - BIOLOGY or CHM310 - CHEMISTRY (which must be taken alongside or after ALGEBRA II)

4. A language class in either Chinese, French, Spanish, or Latin. (Online placement exams need to be taken by ALL new students )

5. ART151/152 and ART161/162 - ARTS FOUNDATION SEQUENCErequired of all third-formers A year-long introductory course, with in-depth units of study in visual arts (one semester) and performing arts (one semester).

By choosing from the above list, all third formers will have a schedule of six classes for each semester Please note that some of the above classes are offered at the Advanced or Honors level. (See course descriptions.) Placement in an Advanced or Honors level course will be made by the respective Department Chairs, who will consider students’ previous coursework, teacher recommendations, and performance on placement exams provided by the school


There will be some variation in fourth formers’ schedules, depending on whether or not they are repeating the year Students who are new to fourth form will take:



There will be various choices for the following classes:

3 Math – The next level course in sequence (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Precalculus, Calculus, Quantitative Reasoning or Statistics)

4. Science – The next course in sequence (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or an advanced class)

5 Language – The level following their course from in the previous year If new, students are required to take our language placement exam.

6. Additional course at the student’s request. - Placement in a sixth course is dependent on satisfaction of prerequisites and available space Students needing a course as one of their core five courses will have priority over those registering for a sixth as an elective


Courses designated Honors demand students’ increased commitment of time and effort.. Courses designated Advanced demand a commitment of approximately 25 to 50 percent above regular expectations Students interested in pursuing Honors or Advanced work should indicate that preference on the course request sheet. Placement in these courses is determined by department faculty and the Academic Office on the basis of all four of the following factors:

1. Student interest and commitment, as expressed in the course planning worksheet, acknowledging the additional time and effort required;

2. Demonstrated achievement in related courses already completed;

3. Potential for success, given other requirements and demands of the student’s program (it is unusual, for example, for students to be enrolled in four or five honors-level or advanced classes at once); and

4 Available seats in the Honors or Advanced section requested

Students who successfully enroll in Honors or Advanced courses are expected to honor the commitment that their teachers have made to them by maintaining and completing the course; low grades or insufficient effort are not grounds for dropping any course at St George’s School Schedule changes involving moving out of an honors or advanced course must happen within the first four weeks of the year (or semester for semester-long courses).


While encouraging learning for enrichment over the summer, St George’s does not award academic credit or advanced placement for summer work done in an external school or program. St George’s does offer credit for two of its own courses offered online during the summer through Prestans Academy: Geometry and Chemistry. Students seeking more information about whether they are good candidates for summer Geometry or Chemistry study should contact the STEM Department Chair


The requirements for a St. George’s diploma ensure broad exposure for students across the curriculum and, at the same time, enable students to pursue depth in particular areas of interest and academic passion. While these requirements represent a minimum, entrance requirements for certain colleges and universities may exceed this minimum and many, if not most, students exceed these minimum requirements in their time at St. George’s.

Students may receive credit toward the St. George’s diploma for courses taken previously at the high school level when it is clear that they meet the equivalent of our own curricular requirements. Students must complete their sixth-form year at St. George’s and pass all courses during their senior year regardless of the total credits accumulated prior to the senior year Please see The Shield for additional information about non-academic graduation requirements.


Students are required to successfully complete one year or two semesters of visual art, music or theater, for academic credit, in any combination, during the high school years Third-form students meet this requirement by completing the Arts Foundation course. New fifth-formers must complete one semester of visual art, music, or theater for academic credit Enrollment for one year in a St George’s music ensemble that practices at least two hours per week outside scheduled academic time (Chorus, Orchestra, or Jazz Ensemble) earns 0.5 credit. Students may re-enroll in Chorus, Orchestra, and Jazz Ensemble enrollment for multiple years


The Humanities Department at St George’s encompasses the academic disciplines of history, religious studies and English to explore in different ways what it means to be human: the stories we tell (literature), what we believe (religious studies,) and what we remember (history). Over four years of study at St George’s students will explore the “Here” (Humanities 1, Humanities 3 and electives) and the “There” (Humanities , and electives) with the ultimate goal of students’ gaining an understanding and appreciation of the “Everywhere” (the immense diversity of cultures, traditions and experiences throughout the world, the roots of conflict and injustice, and common universal themes of humanities).


Students must be enrolled in an English class during every semester at St George’s

Third Form Year- Humanities I (also earns history credit)

Fourth Form Year- Humanities II: World Literature

Fifth Form Year- Humanities III: American Literature

Sixth Form Year- English Electives (one year-long course or two successive semester-long courses)


Third Form Year- Humanities I (also earns English credit)

Fourth Form Year- Humanities II: World History

Fifth Form Year- Humanities III: American History


Students fulfill the theology and religion requirement at St. George’s by completing the interdisciplinary courses HUM 100, HUM 220 and HUM 230, and by attending weekly chapel and community events.


Successful completion of level three of one language: Chinese, French, Latin, or Spanish



Students are required to successfully complete two years of year-long laboratory science. The majority of St George’s students graduate with at least three years of high school science Biology, chemistry, and physics are strongly recommended


Math through successful completion of any level of Pre-Calculus

Courses by Department 2025-2026

Red = Fall Semester Courses; Green = Spring Semester Courses; Black = Yearlong Courses; A (advanced) & H (honors) courses require department permission to enroll. Course ID Title Open to Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite/Dual Credit/Notes






Required for all other visual arts courses

Required for all other performing arts courses

Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152

Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152, & pre/coreq Chemistry

ART 331, 332 3D DESIGN all forms Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152

ART 351 2D DRAWING all forms Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152

or 152



forms Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152 ART 410/A DRAWING & 2D DESIGN (A) IV, V & VI

ART 430/A 3D DESIGN (A) IV, V & VI

ART 432 DESIGN SCIENCE all forms


Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152

Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152

Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152, & 1 semester Geometry

Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152

Limited space. Approval required.

MUS 212 SONGWRITING all forms Instructor permission required.


MUS 270 CHORUS all forms

MUS 280 ORCHESTRA all forms

MUS 290 JAZZ BAND all forms

MUS 401, 402 MUSICIANSHIP all forms

Recommended: Music Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 161 or 162, or performance experience.

Note: outside of academic schedule, full year = 0.5 credits

Note: outside of academic schedule, full year = 0.5 credits

Note: outside of academic schedule, full year = 0.5 credits

Dept. permission. Co-requisite chorus, orchestra, or jazz band

MUS 410/A MUSIC THEORY (A) all forms Department permission

THE 222 THEATER all forms Art 161 or 162, or instructor permission

Red = Fall Semester Courses; Green = Spring Semester Courses; Black = Yearlong Courses; A (advanced) & H (honors) courses require department permission to enroll.

Course ID Title


Open to Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite/Dual Credit/Notes




English, History credit

English, History credit

English credit



HUM 460/A HUMANITIES III: ADVANCED AMERICAN LITERATURE (A) V English credit, Requires department approval


HUM 480/A HUMANITIES III: ADVANCED AMERICAN HISTORY (A) V US History credit, Requires department approval


English credit

HUM 511 DETECTIVE FICTION V, VI English credit


HUM 520 GLOBAL STUDIES V, VI English, History credit

HUM 520/A GLOBAL STUDIES (A) V, VI English, History credit

HUM 521 CLIMATE FICTION V, VI; IV by permission English credit


English credit

HUM 531/532 CRIMINAL LAW AND LITERATURE VI; IV&V by permission English, History credit




English credit

English credit

HUM 561/A FREEDOM, DECISIONS, & ETHICS (A) V, VI; IV by permission English credit


HUM 581/A, 582/A EVIL AND JUSTICE (A) VI; V by permission English, History credit

HUM 591, 592 CREATIVE WRITING V, VI; IV by permission English credit








HUM 661 ECONOMICS V, VI; IV by permission

History credit; Pre-/Co- requisite: American History

History credit, English credit

History credit, English credit

History credit. Pre-/Co-requisite American History

History credit Pre-/Co-requisite American History

History credit

History credit

History credit Prerequisites Algebra I & Geometry

HUM 671 HEBREW BIBLE V, VI; IV by permission English credit

HUM 672 NEW TESTAMENT V, VI; IV by permission English credit

HUM 681, 682 HISTORICAL NARRATIVES: FACT OR FICTION V, VI; IV by permission History, English credit

Red = Fall Semester Courses; Green = Spring Semester Courses; Black = Yearlong Courses; A (advanced) & H (honors) courses require department permission to enroll.

Course ID Title


Open to

CHI 100 CHINESE I all forms

Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite/Dual Credit/Notes

CHI 200 CHINESE II all forms Chinese I

CHI 220/H

CHI 300

CHINESE II (H) all forms Chinese I, Requires department approval

CHINESE III all forms Chinese II

CHI 320/H CHINESE III (H) all forms Chinese II or II (H), Requires department approval

CHI 400 CHINESE IV all forms Chinese III or III (H)

CHI 401 CHINESE IV-1 all forms Chinese III or III (H)

CHI 420/H CHINESE IV (H) all forms Chinese III or III (H), Requires department approval

CHI 421/H CHINESE IV-1 (H) all forms Chinese III or III (H), Requires department approval

CHI 500 CHINESE V all forms Chinese IV or IV (H), Requires department approval

CHI 510/A CHINESE V (A) all forms Chinese IV or IV (H), Requires department approval

FRE 100 FRENCH I all forms

FRE 200 FRENCH II all forms French I

FRE220/H FRENCH II (H) all forms French I, Requires department approval

FRE 300 FRENCH III all forms French II or II (H)

FRE 320/H FRENCH III (H) all forms French II or II (H), Requires department approval

FRE 400 FRENCH IV all forms French III or III (H)

FRE 401 FRENCH IV-1 all forms French III or III (H)

FRE 420/H FRENCH IV (H) all forms French III or III (H), Requires department approval

FRE 421/H FRENCH IV-1 (H) all forms French III or III (H), Requires department approval


LAN 432 FRENCH CULTURAL DIPLOMACY V, VI; IV by invitation History credit

FRE 510/A FRENCH V (A) all forms French IV or IV (H), Requires department approval

FRE 610/A FRENCH VI (A) all forms French V (A), Requires department approval

FRE 611/A, 612/A FRENCH VI (A)-1,2 all forms French V (A), Requires department approval

LAT 100 LATIN I all forms

LAT 200 LATIN II all forms Latin I

LAT 220/H LATIN II (H) all forms Latin I, Requires department approval

LAT 300 LATIN III all forms Latin II or II (H)

LAT 320/H LATIN III (H) all forms Latin II or II (H), Requires department approval

LAT 400 LATIN IV all forms Latin III or III (H)

LAT 410/A LATIN IV (A) all forms Latin III or III (H), Requires department approval

LAT 510/A LATIN V (A) - not offered 2025-26 all forms Latin IV or IV (H), Requires department approval

LAT 520/A ADVANCED CLASSICAL STUDIES (A) all forms Latin III or above, and students currently enrolled in Latin

III/III(H) by recommendation

Red = Fall Semester Courses; Green = Spring Semester Courses; Black = Yearlong Courses; A (advanced) & H (honors) courses require department permission to enroll.

Course ID Title

Open to

SPA 100 SPANISH I all forms

SPA 200 SPANISH II all forms Spanish I


all forms Spanish I, Requires department approval

SPA 300 SPANISH III all forms Spanish II or II (H)

SPA 300/C SPANISH CONVERSATION all forms Spanish II or II (H), Requires department approval

SPA 320/H SPANISH III (H) all forms Spanish II or II (H), Requires department approval

SPA 400 SPANISH IV all forms Spanish III or III (H)

SPA 420/H SPANISH IV (H) all forms Spanish III or III (H), Requires department approval

SPA 500 SPANISH V all forms Spanish IV or IV (H)

SPA 501, 502 SPANISH V-1, 2 all forms Spanish IV or IV (H)

SPA 510A SPANISH V (A) all forms Spanish IV (H) or III (H), Requires department approval

SPA 610/H, 611/H, 612/H SPANISH VI (H) - 1, 2 all forms

SPA 620/A SPANISH VI (A) all forms

Spanish V, or V(A), Requires department approval

Spanish V, V(A), or VI(H), Requires department approval




















Algebra I, can be taken as summer course with dept approval

Algebra I, requires department approval


Geometry (prerequisite), or as a corequisite with dept approval

Geometry, Requires department approval

Intro Algebra II

Algebra II or department approval

Algebra II (H), Requires department approval

Any level of Precalculus

Precalculus, Requires department approval

Any level of Precalculus

Precalculus in year immediately prior, Requires dept approval

Precalculus in year immediately prior, Requires dept approval

Precalculus (H) or AB Calculus (A) in year immediately prior, Requires dept approval

AB or BC Calculus, Requires department approval

Requires department approval

Requires department approval

Red = Fall Semester Courses; Green = Spring Semester Courses; Black = Yearlong Courses; A (advanced) & H (honors) courses require department permission to enroll.

Course ID Title Open to Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite/Dual Credit/Notes










No experience necessary

No experience necessary

COM400 or COM500, Requires department approval

Requires department approval

Chemistry or Biology (H), Requires department approval

Algebra II (Pre/corequisite), can be taken as summer course with dept approval

Algebra II (Pre/corequisite), Requires department approval

Algebra II (Pre/corequisite) and 1 year of Chemistry, Requires department approval






Algebra II, Requires department approval

Algebra II (H) (Pre/corequisite), Requires department approval

Calculus, Requires department approval

Geronimo Crew Automatic enrollment. Counts as 6th course. SCI 420/A ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (A)

Biology & either Chemistry or Physics, Requires dept approval SCI 431 ROBOTICS


Prerequisites: Biology, Chemistry and Physics, with an application and departmental approval

Biology, IV with department approval

CONNECTED LEARNING - See course descriptions for full list of afternoon programs. ART 301 PRINCIPLES OF ENGINEERING all forms

ART 432 DESIGN SCIENCE all forms



Visual Foundation or Arts Foundation, & pre/coreq Chemistry

Dual credit Art/Science.

Visual Foundation or Arts Foundation, & 1 semester

Geometry Dual credit Art/Science.

Dual credit English/History

Geronimo crew members.

Course Descriptions by Department 2025-2026

Page 11

VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS: Music, theater and visual arts

*two semesters of arts in any subdiscipline, or one semester for entering fifth-formers.

Page 16

HUMANITIES: English, history and social science, theology and religious studies.

*four years of English; two years of history, including one year of American history.

Page 25

LANGUAGE AND CULTURE STUDIES: Chinese, French, Latin, Spanish

*completion through level three of one language

Page 38


*two years of year-long lab science; math through any level of precalculus.

Page 48

CONNECTED LEARNING: Interdisciplinary and experiential courses

Page 50

CONNECTED LEARNING: Complete List of Afternoon Programs by Season (Fall, Winter, and Spring)

* Graduation requirements



ART 151, 152 VISUAL ARTS FOUNDATION - fall or spring semester course

ART 161, 162 PERFORMING ARTS FOUNDATION - fall or spring semester course

The Visual Arts Foundation and Performing Arts Foundation semester-long courses will help you to discover talents you never knew you possessed. Completion of this year-long study is required as a prerequisite for all other art courses. In Visual Arts Foundation, we will introduce you to the fundamental concepts of two-dimensional and three-dimensional arts, while in Performing Arts Foundation you will study the fundamentals of the performing arts (music and theater)

Throughout each of these semester-long courses, students develop a comprehensive vocabulary as they actively engage with the work of studio and performing artists The course emphasizes the importance of foundational skills as a primary tool for the development of creative concepts. In the visual arts course, media such as pencil, charcoal and ink help students investigate various solutions to visual projects as they build technical skills in our visual arts studios. A broad range of formal concerns is presented through a series of sequential exercises. In the performing arts course, students will be exposed to important curriculum involving music appreciation, character analysis, and performance principles These core skills will be explored in a sequence that builds in complexity as each semester progresses. Students will observe the work of professional artists for inspiration and learn to evaluate their own solutions and those of their peers through regular group discussion and critiques

ART 211, 212 INTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY - fall semester course and spring semester course

Prerequisite: Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152.

Anyone can take a photograph. You may have already taken hundreds of photographs during your lifetime. But what makes a photographic image truly captivating? Astonishing? Evocative? Memorable? It takes far more than pointing and shooting a camera We engage in an ongoing discussion of the breadth of possibilities in the visual art of photography as students become comfortable using their cameras and the most current photographic software. This semester-long course explores the techniques and applications of acquiring, manipulating and outputting digitized photographic images utilizing Adobe Photoshop The technical skills for digital photography are covered including refinement of exposure, post-image capture processing and print manipulation Assignments range from specific exercises with depth of field, portraiture, landscape and abstraction. Students are expected to engage fully in critiques and classroom discussions Students must provide their own DSLR camera and tripod

ART 301 PRINCIPLES OF ENGINEERING - fall semester course

Prerequisite: Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152, & pre/coreq Chemistry Dual credit Art/Science

This semester course is a survey course of engineering. The course exposes students to some of the major concepts that they will encounter in a postsecondary engineering course of study including materials, proposal writing, research and fabrication. Students will have the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of concepts through problem-based learning. Used in combination with a team approach, this course challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities and problem solving skills by using engineering concepts. It also allows students to develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of education. Students will employ engineering and scientific concepts in the solution of engineering design problems Students will develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and design to create solutions to various challenges. Students will also learn how to document their work and communicate their solutions to their peers and faculty members.

ART 331, 332 3D DESIGN - fall semester course and spring semester course

Prerequisite: Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152

Learn how to weld, make pottery, shape wood and protect an egg from a 150-foot fall all in a semester course

The 3D Design class focuses on the use of all three materials (clay, wood, metal) and the use of both additive and subtractive methods of construction. Three-Dimensional Design, a studio art elective, offers students an opportunity to explore a wide range of three-dimensional forms with emphasis on formal vocabulary and the development of an idea Design problems evolve through the three phases of the creative process: discussion of criteria and development of preliminary ideas, translation of ideas into two-dimensional drawings and execution of plans into three-dimensional objects Students learn to balance practical issues of function with the formal issues relating to aesthetics Hand-building ceramic techniques are used in the production of functional ceramics Students continue to use clay as a medium as they experiment by making scale models for projects, which will be made by using a variety of materials and methods Formal exercises in wood, paper and welded steel emphasize the structural capabilities of line, plane and volume Students learn to operate hand and power tools safely in the three-dimensional design studio. The text employed is Block and Leisure’s “Understanding Three Dimensions.”

ART 351 2D DRAWING - fall semester course

Prerequisite: Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152.

2D Drawing offers further exploration of the drawing concepts and skills introduced in Visual Foundation Composition, line, perspective, value, spatial relationships and the portrait are reviewed and applied to more complex situations. In addition, a color drawing is introduced as well as several projects based on personal ideas and self-expression This course can serve as a preparation for the Advanced Portfolio courses and students may use artwork created in this class to supplement their portfolio.

ART 362 2D PRINTMAKING AND PAINTING - spring semester course

Prerequisite: Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152

In this course, students investigate several methods of print production, print vocabulary, and a brief history of printmaking Through research, exploration, and experimentation, images are developed utilizing multiple techniques, both analog and digital, using the hand, the etching press and the large-format printer Students explore technology in a broad sense, mixing traditional methods of printmaking with new image-making techniques Contemporary relief methods, monotypes, collagraphs, and digital prints are some of the methods explored The elements and principles of design are introduced to help guide students in creating thoughtful compositions. All inks and paints used in the class are water-based and non-toxic. Work created in this course can be used to supplement the Advanced Studio Art Portfolio

ART 382 VIDEO ART- spring semester course

Prerequisite: Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152

In this studio course, we explore the creation of moving images and the many ways in which video and animation can support creative expression. Students develop projects and occupy the roles of creator, subject and audience. As such, this course is lab-based and hands-on The goal is to craft works of animation, experimental and documentary video that can be analyzed both in terms of their intended impact and their ability to elicit meaningful aesthetic experience. Classroom activities and projects focus on the use of Adobe Premiere editing software Student assessment is based on the quality of and ability to present a cohesive narrative, and on acquired technical competence. Students must supply their own tripod and camera.


Open to fourth-, fifth- and sixth-form Prerequisite: Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152

This full-year portfolio course is designed to address a very broad interpretation of drawing and two-dimensional design issues Light and shade, line quality, rendering of form, composition, surface manipulation and illusion of depth are drawing issues that will be addressed during the first half of the year The elements of design (line, shape, illusion of space and motion, pattern, texture, value and color) and ordering principles (proportion/scale, rhythm, hierarchy, symmetry/balance and unity) help guide students in making coherent and meaningful decisions relating to composition The elements are explored and used as a means of artistic expression The principles help guide students in making decisions about how to organize the elements.


Open to fourth-, fifth-and sixth-form. Prerequisite: Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152.

Three-Dimensional Design Portfolio, a full-year elective, explores a wide range of three-dimensional concepts Concepts, such as space, plane, volume, form, light and texture are explored through a series of three-dimensional exercises. Additive, subtractive and fabricated processes are utilized to articulate design ideas into coherent three-dimensional solutions Students are expected to demonstrate a variety of skills, which include traditional sculpture, architectural models, ceramics, wood and metal work as well as industrial design prototypes. Students explore the work of professional artists, designers and architects for ideas and inspiration. Students learn to evaluate their own solutions and those of their peers through regular critiques Sixteen finished sculptures will be produced (8 breadth, 8 concentration) in accordance with the guidelines suggested by the College Board. Students will have the option of submitting their completed portfolio to the College Board to receive an Advanced Placement score

ART 432 DESIGN SCIENCE - spring semester course

Prerequisites: Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152, & 1 semester Geometry Dual credit Art/Math

This semester course is intended to provide students with hands-on experience in designing, creating and analyzing two- and three dimensional geometric structures, sculptures and models using a variety of media (including paper, wood, metal, ceramics, etc ) Students successfully completing this course would receive one semester credit in Arts and one semester credit in Mathematics. Possible topics and projects include tessellations, polyhedra, Platonic solids, Archimedean solids and the mathematics and design of commercial packaging Class periods for this course would include lecture/demonstration and hands-on labs One or two field trips to local manufacturing facilities and art museums would be included. Each student will maintain a daily journal containing research assignments, design sketches, and potential ideas relating to class projects The resources of the Arts Center, the Welding Lab, and the Fab Lab would be utilized for the hands-on part of this course

ART 452/H 3D/WELDING (H) - spring semester course

Open to fourth-, fifth, sixth-form. Prerequisite: Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152. Limited space. Approval required

This course provides an introduction to welded steel sculpture. Technical and analytical skills are developed as students employ the concepts, vocabulary and techniques practiced in the Three-Dimensional Design Course Students learn to safely operate the power tools and welding equipment associated with the fabrication of steel sculpture, including oxyacetylene and MIG methods. The course begins with research and discussion related to the history of 20th century sculpture, with a written paper presented to the class in a seminar format Students build intermediary models prior to executing full-scale designs. A journal of drawings, research and personal observations is maintained as a method for organizing and developing potential plans. The semester culminates in

a large-scale steel sculpture of each student’s individual design The text used is Nathan Cabot Hale’s “Creating Welded Sculpture.” Subject to available space and department approval. One section offered in the spring only.


MUS 212 - SONGWRITING - spring semester course

Instructor Permission required

This course is designed for students who already have a basic foundation of music writing and/or performance experience. Students will delve beyond basic music theory and examine elements of songwriting harmony, form, lyric writing, and arranging Basic keyboard skills will be reinforced and digital audio workstations will be used extensively to create fully produced songs.


Prerequisite: none Recommended: Music Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 161 or 162, or performance experience

An introduction to the technology, concepts and techniques used for recording and producing music. This course addresses fundamental audio engineering concepts and audio production technologies in a hands-on lab environment Topics include music production software and hardware, microphones, DAWs, MIDI, and sequencing tools. Projects will emphasize musical composition and production, utilizing notation software, audio production, and MIDI sequencing

MUS 270


- year-long semester course outside of academic schedule (0.5 credits)

All singers regardless of experience can participate in the St George’s Chorus This group performs at school events such as coffeehouses and Lessons and Carols and everyone in this group is invited to participate in the chapel choir. This group sings in all styles including sacred choral music, pop a cappella, and traditional choral music Participation in one full year is the equivalent of one semester of arts credit Singers in this course are also eligible to sing in the a cappella groups Snapdragons and Hilltoppers and the Advanced Vocal Ensemble. Grading in this course is pass/fail.


- year-long semester course outside of academic schedule (0.5 credits)

All instrumentalists can participate in the St George’s Orchestra The focus of this ensemble is to perform music within the orchestral and wind-ensemble traditions Special focus is given to cohesive interpretation, communication, and expression as an ensemble. Participation in one full year is the equivalent of one semester of your arts credit This group performs frequently for school events and in the surrounding community Grading in this course is pass/fail.


year-long semester course outside of academic schedule (0.5 credits)

All instrumentalists can participate in the St George’s Jazz Band The focus of this ensemble is to perform jazz, funk, and other styles relevant to the twenty-first century musician. Special focus is given to cohesive interpretation, communication, and expression as an ensemble Participation in one full year is the equivalent of one semester of arts credit. This group performs frequently for school events and in the surrounding community. Grading in this course is pass/fail


- fall semester course & spring semester course

Placement by audition or instructor permission. Co-requisite: Any one of the performing ensembles (chorus, orchestra, or jazz band)

This year-long course is offered to musicians of all levels and fulfills an arts credit through individual music study and participation in one or more of the school’s performing ensembles (Chorus, Orchestra, Jazz Band)

The curriculum consists of the daily class meetings and two or more ensemble rehearsals each week in the evenings and other times as scheduled This course combines group learning of music reading and listening skills with self-directed study on an instrument or voice. This course gives students an opportunity to build intensive practice time into their schedules, allowing them to make significant musical progress in one year

All students will learn the elements of intentional practice, that is, how to practice efficiently for maximum progress Musicianship and the co-requisite ensembles may be taken each year.


Department permission required.

The study of music theory sharpens and enhances one’s insights into and perceptions of music The goal of this course is to develop an ability to listen to and to understand the processes and synthesis of music. Students will build skills in harmonic and melodic analysis, harmonization technique and the ability to transcribe music as well as rhythmic and melodic training The course will use the National AP Curriculum in conjunction with the Applied British Royal School of Music Curriculum. At the conclusion of the course, the student will be prepared for the Advanced Placement Music Examination given by the College Board and/or upper levels of the ABRSM exam The course will culminate with students composing and orchestrating original music in the style of their choice


THE 222 THEATER - spring semester course

Prerequisite: Art 161 or 162, or instructor permission.

The Theater course is designed for students with interest in delving deeper into all areas of the theatrical arts with emphasis on honing the craft of performance and public speaking Select topics include advanced voice and diction development, audition/interview techniques, character and script analysis, movement, writing, directing, self-promotion, and the exploration of various theatrical genres Students learn and experience the importance of connecting to the imagination, collaborating, organizing, creating a safe space, spatial and physical awareness, and engaging in a meaningful creative process. Through a series of performances, assessments, and exercises, students will develop an understanding and appreciation for the art of theater and will have a deeper connection to their inner artist Students in this course are not required to audition for extra-curricular productions




Required for third-formers. Two course periods totalling 2.0 credits. Dual credit, English and History

These yearlong, place-based, interdisciplinary humanities courses will ask students to consider the variety of forces that have shaped the land, cultures, and places they inhabit. Through sequential semesters students will focus on local, national and global themes including the environment, the Native American experience, colonization, the growth of trade and industry, enslaved labor, and immigration The course emphasizes reading, writing, researching, speaking, and critical thinking, so students develop foundational skills and a shared vocabulary in the humanities Students reflect on their own personal journey as well as investigate the world beyond their own experiences through an examination of literature, poetry, historical narratives, and archival documents. In doing so, students make connections across texts and experiences, both academic and personal, and develop an understanding of community, its continuity and change over time Students produce work in various modalities that explores how they contribute to that story These courses fulfill the third-form English requirement.


Required for fourth-formers.

Humanities II English, in conjunction with Humanities II History seeks to expose students to the rich tapestry of global culture. Humanities II English focuses on the role of stories in creating and defining both individual experiences and cultures Specific focus is given to the African diaspora, the societies of Central and South Asia, Latin America, Northern Europe and China The course addresses the cultural legacies of colonialism, forced migration, and the systemic inequalities resulting from these legacies. Specific skills include close reading and analytical writing, the development of clarity through the mechanics and art of expository writing, as well as oral presentation skills, critical thinking, and synthesis



Required for fifth-formers. HUM 460/A requires department approval.

American Studies English covers the full sweep of American literature/cultural history Texts are chosen based on interdisciplinary interest and intrinsic literary merit. Students learn how to be critical readers of texts both written and visual in order to be thoughtful analysts and consumers of American culture, ideology, and history The reading pace is brisk Students engage with content through daily discussions and writings in an effort to convey their understanding of the development of American cultural identity. Works may include, but are not limited to, fiction and poetry, as well as speeches, memoirs, and literary non-fiction by a range of authors, including Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Frederick Douglass, F Scott Fitzgerald, and Toni Morrison The advanced section of this course includes more extensive readings, more in depth literary analysis, and more comprehensive essays and papers.

HUM 501/502 SPORTS JOURNALISM - fall semester and spring semester course

Open to fifth-formers and sixth-formers, English Credit

This course examines our community, current events, and historical and cultural touch points through the lens of sports Students spend time reading different forms of short and long form prose, listening to podcasts, and viewing relevant visual coverage while tailoring the experience to a choice team. Much of the work throughout the semester builds towards a portfolio about one of the athletic teams on campus, with the entries covering writing and photography that is informative, persuasive, researched, and expressive

HUM 511 DETECTIVE FICTION – fall semester course

Open to fifth-formers and sixth-formers, English Credit

In this course, we examine the tradition, the dynamic nature, and the attraction of Detective Novels. In addition to reading the first mystery writers, students read short stories and novels covering the tradition and genre We explore the question of what distinguishes detective fiction from other works of fiction, the development of the detective as an archetypal hero, and what makes this genre so popular

HUM 512 BOARDING SCHOOL LITERATURE - spring semester course

Open to fifth-formers and sixth-formers, English Credit

Boarding schools and their surrounding settings and situations have become almost a genre in literature This course would survey various types of Boarding School Literature with the goal of examining what the works tell us about the culture of boarding schools, how they are used/abused for sensationalism, and what are the conventions of this type of literature


Open to fifth- and sixth-formers Dual credit English/History

Are we post-pandemic? How do different groups and countries approach this question and what are the current global consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic? What role does climate change play in the effects of globalization?? What are the top ten questions facing today’s leaders? Who is the current global power? Where does tomorrow’s power come from?

This course explores these and other pressing questions through the lens of globalization. In the fall, students will study core globalization concepts to build a foundation of knowledge During the winter and spring, the class will use the cities of Berlin, Prague, and Budapest as case studies to develop research questions regarding the impact of globalization, the cities’ historical significance, and their cultural identities. Students will grapple with the ongoing question of whether we are “post-globalization” as some experts argue The course will culminate in a 12-15 page final paper (or equivalent project)

*There is a charge for the travel component of this class. Travel during spring break is a requirement of the course.


Open to fifth- and sixth-formers Dual credit English/History

Are we post-pandemic? How do different groups and countries approach this question and what are the current global consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic? What role does climate change play in the effects of globalization?? What are the top ten questions facing today’s leaders? Who is the current global power? Where does tomorrow’s power come from?

This advanced course delves deeply into these questions and other pressing questions through the lens of globalization. In the fall, students will study core globalization concepts to build a foundation of knowledge. During the winter and spring, the class will use the cities of Berlin, Prague, and Budapest as case studies to develop research questions regarding the impact of globalization, the cities’ historical significance, and their cultural identities. Students will grapple with the ongoing question of whether we are “post-globalization” as some experts argue While the foundational content is the same as the regular Global Studies course, students in the advanced section will engage in more challenging assignments and assessments designed to foster advanced research skills These may include extended readings, additional analysis tasks, and higher-level writing assignments. The course will culminate in an 18-20 page final paper (or equivalent project) that demonstrates a nuanced understanding of globalization and the case study of cities

*There is a charge for the travel component of this class Travel during spring break is a requirement of the course

HUM 521 CLIMATE FICTION- fall semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, fourth-formers by permission, English Credit.

The objectives of this course are threefold: to explore the literature of climate change, with special attention to the human relationship to the environment and the effects of climate change on human relationships; to analyze and critique these relationships and effects through close reading and analytical writing; and to develop our practical, moral and aspirational capacities for understanding these relationships and effects through creative and reflective work. Readings will include The Tempest (Act. 1), and selections from Learning to Die in the Anthropocene, Floodlines, and Annihilation among others.

HUM 522/A MARITIME LITERATURE - MOBY DICK (A) - spring semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, English Credit

This course explores the influence of Herman Melville’s Moby Dick in the world of art, politics, psychology and environmentalism Specific objectives of the course include development of reading capacity, critical and comparative analysis of text, images and film, and music, and an understanding of the context and impacts of the text on American culture The course is capacious, and includes exposure to concepts as diverse as the ethics of whaling, gender in culture, race in environmentalism, religious critiques, while encouraging students to develop and express their own connections to these ideas A desire to “sail cross oceans and swim through libraries” is key Practically, the course involves daily reading and discussion, frequent student class leadership, reflective and analytical writing, one major analytical essay and one major project, as well as multiple speaker, film, and field trip opportunities

HUM 531/532 CRIMINAL LAW AND LITERATURE - fall and spring semester course

Open to sixth-formers, fourth and fifth-formers with permission Dual credit English/History

The purpose of this course is to have students sharpen their analytical skills (and enhance their understanding and appreciation of literature and the law) by reading significant works of literature through a legal lens and to examine the legal questions that arise, especially as pertains to criminal law, in these works as well as to understand the motives and psychology of characters Works potentially include Passing, As I Lay Dying, The Tell-Tale Heart, and Sweat.

HUM 541/A PRIZE-WINNING LITERATURE (A) - fall semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, English Credit.

This course uses award-winning contemporary literature to dive deep into issues challenging our society and into the crucial work of figuring out how to respond and how it connects to their lives Additionally, students will discuss and consider: Why do they think these books deserve to be recognized with these awards? What qualifies a book for award winning status? Course readings will include novels awarded the Booker, Pulitzer, and National Book Award prizes and be accessible to college bound seniors Possible novels include Cold Mountain, The Goldfinch, The Topeka Schools, Beloved, The World According to Garp, and A Cat’s Cradle. A portion of the readings will be “choice reading.”

HUM 542/A READING AND WRITING POETRY (A) - spring semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, English Credit

This course is a fast-paced introduction to modern and contemporary U S poetry, with an emphasis on experimental verse, from the 19th century to the present Participants (who need no prior experience with poetry) will learn how to read poems that are supposedly "difficult " We will encounter and discuss the poems one at a time, and also listen to and discuss lectures from the University of Pennsylvania “ModPo” online course This collection of American Poems begins with Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson (proto modernists) and then follows through to the Modernists, Harlem Renaissance, Neo-formersalists, Beats, New York School, L-A-N-G-U-A-G-E, and contemporary poets Along with intensive poetry analysis, students will write their own poems, collecting them into a portfolio for submission at the end of the semester.

HUM 552/A VISIONS AND REVISIONS (A) - spring semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, English Credit

How do contemporary authors remix the classics? The purpose of this course is for students to explore the interpretive richness of “intertextuality,” texts building on or talking back to other texts Classic literature will be paired with more recent works that revise or expand the original story, often by giving a voice to marginalized characters. Pairings may include The Iliad and Night Sky with Exit Wounds, Medea and Salvage the Bones, David Copperfield and Demon Copperhead, and Mrs. Dalloway and The Hours.

HUM 561/A FREEDOM, DECISIONS, AND ETHICS (A) - fall semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, fourth-formers by permission, English credit

The purpose of this course is to practice ethical thinking, to become familiar with traditional ethical theories (utilitarianism, deontological ethics, natural law, virtue ethics, care ethics) and to apply ethical theories to real-world scenarios. The course textbook is Ethical Choices: An introduction to moral philosophy with case studies This course overlaps with politics, religion, history, social science, English, and psychology in the variety of case studies we examine and the writing that is required

HUM 671 HEBREW BIBLE - fall semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, fourth-formers by permission, English credit

Whether you would describe yourself as an atheist, an agnostic, or a devout believer, you are probably familiar with at least some of the stories in the Bible Indeed, its influence on popular culture is undeniable. References to Biblical stories abound in literature, film, and media of all kinds. To be an informed citizen in today's world, you need to have at least a basic knowledge of this incredible literary work

In this course, students develop an understanding of the major narratives of the Hebrew Bible, otherwise known as the Old Testament We learn about the historical contexts of these stories, and make connections to events in our own lives and in the world Throughout the semester, we look at questions that the Bible raises about the nature of God, the existence of evil, and what it means to lead an ethical life.

HUM 672 NEW TESTAMENT - spring semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, fourth-formers by permission, English credit.

The Christian New Testament has been described as a lens through which to understand the world, a diamond with an endless number of facets, and a mirror that shows us who we truly are It has shaped lives, liberation movements, philosophies, and end-times cults Its themes and turns of phrase have spawned literature of all sorts, movies and television, and of course tens of thousands of religious denominations A body of writing that consequential deserves to be studied regardless of what faith commitments (or lack thereof!) one brings to it

In this course, students develop an understanding of the New Testament, with some reference to its relationship to the Hebrew Scriptures (known to Christians as the Old Testament) We discuss the differences in the way that Jesus is described and understood in the four Gospels, and we try to understand what turned several ragtag members of a Jewish sect into the founders of the world’s largest religion

HUM 572/A NARRATIVES OF INCARCERATION (A) - spring semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, English credit.

The primary purpose of this course is to help students understand the problem of mass incarceration in the United States – not only its roots and history, but also its impact on prisoners and families. By reading the personal essays, memoirs, and biographies of convicts and ex-convicts from a range of backgrounds, students explore the paths to prison, the conditions in which prisoners do time, the flaws in the system, and the challenges of transitioning from prison to the outside world. In order to contextualize the personal narratives, students read and discuss academic resources about the prison system in the United States These expository readings provide historical and factual background for class discussions, while a range of visitors (formerly incarcerated people, prison staff, and parole officers) help to humanize the issues and to answer students' questions from an insider’s perspective. .

HUM 581/A & 582/A EVIL AND JUSTICE THROUGH FILM (A) - fall semester and spring semester course

Open to sixth-formers, fifth-formers by permission Dual credit English, History

Are humans innately good, or are we born with a propensity toward evil? Why does evil exist, and how should we respond when we encounter it? Through the screening and examination of documentary and narrative film as well as the consideration of selected texts, students in this course will examine recent and historical manifestations of unjust practices as well as the contemporary responses to perceived evil. Topics will include the legacy of lynching in the United States, the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, the evolution of the incarceration system in the United States and the notorious meeting of senior Nazi officials where they discussed the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question " Students will emerge with an expanded appreciation for complex ethical challenges and an ability to engage with confidence in contemporary debates around justice, equity, punishment and morality


WRITING - fall semester course and spring semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, fourth-formers by permission, English credit

This course examines the power of the written word and literature by analyzing, producing, and studying the mechanics of the three genres: poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. The course objectives are to demystify the “process” of writing and introduce students to the “workshop” model of teaching, learning, and practicing creative writing. While texts by well-known authors are incorporated, the majority of the literature read and examined in the class is created by students enrolled in the course



Required of fourth-formers.

Humanities II History, in conjunction with Humanities II English, offers a comprehensive introduction to the history, religions, and literature of different regions of the world. Within Humanities II: History, students explore The Middle East: The Crossroads of Civilization, South Asia: Cultural Blending, Conflict, and Change over Time, East Asia: Enduring the Traditions and the Modern World, Africa: Ancient Traditions and Cultural Change, Latin America: Explorations and Encounters, and Europe and the Western World: Agents of Change and Modern World Conflicts. Within this curriculum students consider how cultural identities are formed, learn about the traditions and beliefs of the great religions of the world, and focus on key events in history that transformed each region, while developing their critical thinking and writing skills. Students also learn how to do library research, to evaluate sources, to write research papers and to present their findings



Required of fifth-formers. US History Credit. HUM 480/A requires department approval.

A chronological survey of American history and culture, American Studies History covers the full sweep of American history from the founding of the nation to the late 20th century. Inherently interdisciplinary in nature, this course will draw on multiple aspects of American history, culture, and life, providing students with fresh insight into not only where we have been as a nation, but where we are going Students will learn how to be critical readers of both written and visual texts in order to be thoughtful analysts and consumers of American culture, ideology, and history. Works will include Eric Foner’s Give Me Liberty! textbook as well as extensive use of primary documents. Students also will learn the conventions of writing in history and will complete at last 2 independent research papers. The advanced section of this course will include more extensive readings, more in depth analysis, and more comprehensive essays and papers. Admission to the Advanced section by approval of the department.


Open to fifth- and sixth-formers Prerequisite or Corequisite: U S History History Credit

This year-long advanced level course seeks to promote more active and informed citizenship and political participation for all individuals across the political spectrum Students gain an understanding of the complexities of America’s government, and see where various entities both compete and cooperate to acquire and distribute resources in order to “form a more perfect union.” This course explores the intricacies of the Constitution and the federalist system The Judicial branch plays a central role in our discussions as we look at conflicts between states and the federal government and ask questions about individual rights, freedoms, and responsibilities Students take an in-depth look at the Watergate Affair and the changing relationship between media, politics, and the American public Finally, we compare and contrast the US government to other governing systems in place around the world Students are expected to commit to nightly reading and class discussion, and complete several short papers and projects through the course of the year.

HUM 611/A RENAISSANCE STUDIES (A) - fall semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers. Dual Credit: History, English.

This course takes an interdisciplinary look at the history, literature, art, and religion of Renaissance Europe (14-16th centuries), while also considering how the Renaissance has impacted Western culture today and how we continue to imagine and reimagine the Renaissance We use Western Civilizations (Cole and Symnes) and to gain an understanding of the historical period, alongside readings from Dante, Boccaccio, Petrarch, Chaucer, Machiavelli, Luther, and More amongst others that help students gain a holistic view of Renaissance thinking and culture We explore the art of the Italian and Northern Renaissance and consider why this era continues to capture our imagination and inform our worldviews today

HUM 612/A 20TH CENTURY EUROPE (A) - spring semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers. Dual Credit: History, English.

This course takes on four main themes of 20th century European culture: sustaining and dissolving empires; autocracy, totalitarianism, and warfare; feminism and civil rights; and the rise and fall of communism, while also relating the issues of today’s Europe (particularly the issues of immigration and rising authoritarianism) to the past. Students gain an understanding of the historical period, alongside works of literature and philosophy in full and excerpt, including pieces by Simone de Beauvoir, Hannah Arendt, Erich Maria Remarque, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and John Le Carre


- fall semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers Prerequisite or Corequisite: U S History History Credit

The purpose of this course is to analyze, from a historical lens, but without a traditional history textbook, the unique issue of race in the United States of America In keeping in the spirit of St George’s School’s humanities curriculum, however, the course explores a multitude of written works, including literary works produced by BIPOC folx, with the possibility of travel to key and historic locations of the Civil Rights Movement.


- spring semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers. Prerequisite or Corequisite: U.S. History. History Credit.

This course examines the origins, similarities, differences, and legacies of the African American and Native American civil rights movements, from the 19th century to the present Students discover the unique situations, personalities, and obstacles that defined each movement, and their general impact on these populations in the late 20th and early 21st centuries


semester course and spring semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, History Credit.

This course is designed to equip students with the skills, mindsets, and opportunities necessary to address societal challenges through innovative solutions. Rooted in St. George’s value of “constructive service to the world”, this course invites students to create real-world impact, and to make St George’s, the local community, and the world a better place Over the course of a semester, students engage on and off campus with mission-driven enterprises As traditional lines between businesses, governments, and nonprofits blur, it’s important for future change makers to understand the evolving business landscape as well as the systemic inequities to create social change Through this course, students develop and apply practical skills, grounded in historical and social contexts, to create lasting and meaningful change.


Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, History Credit.

This yearlong course offers a quantitative and qualitative examination of the principles of micro and macroeconomics. After introducing fundamental economic concepts like opportunity cost, scarcity and choice, and the laws of supply and demand, the class focuses on practical applications of business principles such as: the costs of production; profit maximization; different models for business operation; and labor markets Beginning in the second semester, students focus on macroeconomics. Special emphasis is placed upon developing a thorough understanding of aggregate demand and supply; monetary and fiscal policy; money and banking; unemployment; Gross Domestic Product; and the role of government The course also focuses on developing skills applicable to careers in business and finance. Texts include Greg Mankiw's Principles of Economics, The Wall Street Journal, and Charles Wheelan's Naked Economics.

HUM 661 ECONOMICS - fall semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, fourth-formers by permission History Credit

This semester-long course offers a primarily qualitative examination of the principles of micro and macroeconomics. After introducing fundamental economic concepts like opportunity cost, scarcity and choice, and the laws of supply and demand, the class focuses on practical applications of business principles such as: the costs of production; profit maximization; and different models for business operation. Students then turn to macroeconomics. Primary emphasis is placed upon developing a very basic understanding of aggregate demand and supply; monetary and fiscal policy; money and banking; unemployment; Gross Domestic Product; and the role of government The course also focuses on developing skills applicable to careers in business and finance. Unlike its advanced counterpart (HUM660/A), this class does not provide preparation for either AP Economics exam and requires only the most basic skills in algebra and geometry

HUM 681, 682 HISTORICAL NARRATIVES: FACT OR FICTION - fall and spring semester course

Open to fifth- and sixth-formers, fourth-formers by permission. History, English Credit.

The purpose of the course is to have students engage in an historical narrative presented in film or in literature and to critically consider its value as a historical reference. While watching a film or reading a book, we will ask the questions: How much of this is true to the historical record? What is misrepresented or omitted? What can we learn from this film or book about actual events or people of that era? Topics may include varying WWI and WWII narratives, decolonization in Africa, fall of the Soviet Union, end of apartheid in South Africa, changes in the Indian subcontinent, modernity in East Asia, and conflict in Ireland




The first year of Chinese introduces the student to radicals, tones and characters. These aspects of Mandarin Chinese make the language unique in the world The Chinese I course provides an introduction to basic Chinese grammar and sentence structure The primary text used is Go Far with Chinese, which is supplemented by authentic materials such as short stories, songs, and videos. Students are required to use Chinese in order to communicate with each other and with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersion experience in the classroom Progress is monitored closely by means of quizzes, tests, presentations, and projects to assess student progress and proficiency. Upon completion of first-year Chinese, students should be able to carry out basic conversations in Chinese


Prerequisite: Chinese I

Chinese II focuses on sentence structure and word order. Students learn how to make compound and complex sentences to enhance their writing skills The textbook Go Far with Chinese is richly illustrated with intriguing and interactive classroom activities and intensive vocabulary drills Students learn everyday expressions regarding their daily life such as making a phone call, eating at a restaurant, and commenting on the weather to improve their conversational skills They further improve their reading and listening comprehension skills through engaging class exercises, homework assignments, presentations, and projects Students are required to use Chinese in order to communicate with each other and with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersion experience in the classroom By the end of the school year, students should have a good grasp of the Chinese language and be capable of engaging in meaningful discussions in Chinese Chinese II Honors is also offered


Prerequisite: Chinese I. Department approval required.

Chinese II Honors is a yearlong course designed for motivated students who have a genuine interest in Chinese, a strong record of achievement in the discipline, and a willingness to devote the additional time and effort required of this course Students in this class tackle the same material as that of Chinese II but with increased depth and intensity Chinese II Honors focuses on sentence structure and word order Students learn how to make compound and complex sentences to enhance their writing skills. The textbook Go Far with Chinese is richly illustrated with intriguing and interactive classroom activities and intensive vocabulary drills Students learn everyday expressions regarding their daily life such as making a phone call, eating at a restaurant, and commenting on the weather to improve their conversational skills. They further improve their reading and listening comprehension skills through engaging class exercises, homework assignments, presentations, and projects Students are required to use Chinese in order to communicate with each other and with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersion experience in the classroom. By the end of the school year, students should find themselves well prepared to write short essays, read short articles, and engage in meaningful discussions in Chinese


Prerequisite: Chinese II

The emphasis of Chinese III is to continue to develop communicative competence in all four components: listening, speaking, reading, and writing The textbook Go Far with Chinese is also used at this level It depicts a typical high school student’s life, and the topics covered include preparing to go back to school, planning an event, shopping for a gift, making travel plans, and stopping for a bite to eat. In Chinese III, students significantly expand their vocabulary, and there is a greater emphasis on Chinese history, culture, and traditions Students utilize a variety of authentic materials in and out of class and are required to use Chinese at least 80% of the time in order to communicate with each other and with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersion experience in the classroom By the end of the year, students should be able to demonstrate a good understanding of Chinese language and culture and feel confident when engaging in casual but meaningful conversations in Chinese Chinese III Honors is also offered.


Prerequisite: Chinese II or II (H) Department approval required

Chinese III Honors is a yearlong course designed for motivated students who have a genuine interest in Chinese, a strong record of achievement in the discipline, and a willingness to devote the additional time and effort required of this course Students in this class tackle the same material as that of Chinese III but with increased depth and intensity. The emphasis of Chinese III Honors is to continue to develop communicative competence in all four components: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The textbook Go Far with Chinese is also used at this level. It depicts a typical high school student’s life, and the topics covered include preparing to go back to school, planning an event, shopping for a gift, making travel plans, and stopping for a bite to eat In Chinese III Honors, students significantly expand their vocabulary, and there is a greater emphasis on Chinese history, culture, and traditions. Students utilize a variety of authentic materials in and out of class and are required to use Chinese at least 80% of the time in order to communicate with each other and with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersion experience in the classroom. By the end of the year, students should be able to demonstrate a good understanding of Chinese language and culture and feel confident when engaging in casual but meaningful conversations in Chinese

CHI 400 and 401 CHINESE IV-1

Prerequisite: Chinese III or III (H).

Students enrolled in Chinese IV gain greater fluency in the language through the continued honing of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. In addition to the text Go Far with Chinese, students further develop their reading skills through supplementary, authentic reading materials such as magazines and newspapers, and they enhance their speaking skills through discussions, presentations, and conversations with native speakers Students are required to use Chinese at least 85% of the time in order to communicate with each other and with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersion experience in the classroom Additionally, students practice their writing skills through writing short essays and journal entries, and they sharpen their listening skills by watching Chinese movies and tv shows. Students should be able to understand the spoken language in formal settings (lectures, news, etc.) and in casual settings (conversations, dialogues, etc ) at the end of this course Chinese IV Honors is also offered Note: Students may take just the first semester (401) or the yearlong course (400) Those who aspire to complete the Advanced Level must commit to 400 as a yearlong course.

CHI 420/H CHI 421/H CHINESE IV-1 (H)

Prerequisite: Chinese III or III (H) Department approval required

Chinese IV Honors is a yearlong course designed for motivated students who have a genuine interest in Chinese, a strong record of achievement in the discipline, and a willingness to devote the additional time and effort required of this course Students in this class tackle the same material as that of Chinese IV but with increased depth and intensity. Students enrolled in Chinese IV Honors gain greater fluency in the language through the continued honing of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills In addition to the text Go Far with Chinese, students further develop their reading skills through supplementary, authentic reading materials such as magazines and newspapers, and they enhance their speaking skills through discussions, presentations, and conversations with native speakers In Chinese IV Honors, there are also opportunities for individual research in the Chinese language Students are required to use Chinese at least 85% of the time in order to communicate with each other and with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersion experience in the classroom. Additionally, students practice their writing skills through writing short essays and journal entries, and they sharpen their listening skills by watching Chinese movies and tv shows Students should be able to understand the spoken language in formal settings (lectures, news, etc.) and in casual settings (conversations, dialogues, etc.) at the end of this course. Note: Students may take just the first semester (421H) or the yearlong course (420H) Those who aspire to complete the Advanced Level must commit to 420H as a yearlong course


Prerequisite: Chinese IV (H) or IV

This yearlong, upper-level course is designed for qualified students who are interested in completing Chinese studies comparable in content to semester college/university courses in Mandarin Chinese In addition to continuing work with the text, Go Far with Chinese, the goal of this course is to further develop students’ proficiency in the target language and to enhance their understanding of the Chinese culture through discussions of topics reflecting multiple areas of Chinese society and culture and the use of various authentic multimedia and literary materials in different linguistic registers. Students are required to use Chinese at least 90% of the time in order to communicate with each other and with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersion experience in the classroom Chinese V Advanced is also offered


Prerequisite: Chinese IV (H) or IV Department approval required

This yearlong, advanced course is designed for qualified students who are interested in completing Chinese studies comparable in content to semester college/university courses in Mandarin Chinese. Students in Chinese V Advanced tackle the same material as that of Chinese V but with increased depth and intensity In addition to continuing work with the text, Go Far with Chinese, the goal of this course is to further develop students’ proficiency in the target language and to enhance their understanding of the Chinese culture through discussions of topics reflecting multiple areas of Chinese society and culture and the use of various authentic multimedia and literary materials in different linguistic registers. Students are required to use Chinese at least 90% of the time in order to communicate with each other and with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersion experience in the classroom. For students who wish to take the Advanced Placement Chinese Language and Culture exam in May, supplementary materials will be recommended by the teacher


This yearlong course is designated for students with no previous or limited experience with French. Students start to learn the language through the lens of interculturality They will be immersed in meaningful, authentic contexts from the beginning of each unit, when they are introduced to video bloggers from Francophone countries Students will see and hear a variety of young people throughout the program, helping them to interact with the relevant and culturally rich topics that we will study in class Vocabulary and grammar are presented in context Additionally, they will practice the four skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) through the three modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational). Following the guidelines of the World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages, the goal is to expose students to multiple strategies in order to help interpret and express themselves with expanding literacy, while learning to communicate and interact with cultural acumen While laying the foundation for students to build proficiency through the Novice levels, and preparing to tackle more advanced proficiency levels, we aim to foster an attitude of curiosity, open-mindedness, respect, tolerance, and empathy towards others that lead learners to want to communicate and engage in another language


Prerequisite: French I.

This yearlong course is a continuation of the program and materials presented in French I or its equivalent at the ACTFL Novice Mid/High level. French II further develops the students’ reading, writing and conversational skills at the Intermediate Low level. After a review of the material from the Novice level, the class introduces students to more complex sentence structures as well as the use of the past and future tenses, various pronouns and prepositions The new vocabulary presented relates to traveling, daily routines, food, health and technology Communication is a critical component of the French II classroom Students are required to use French at all times in order to communicate with each other as well as with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersive experience in the classroom Since this is a proficiency-based class, daily communicative goals will be provided to the students to help them build their language skills toward the targeted level for the course, Intermediate Low, not only through vocabulary and structures, but also through an exploration of the history and cultures of the French-speaking world French II Honors is also offered


Prerequisite: French I Department approval required

This yearlong course is a continuation of the program and materials presented in French I or its equivalent at the ACTFL Novice Mid/High level. French II further develops the students’ reading, writing and conversational skills at the Intermediate Low level After a review of the material from the Novice level, the class introduces students to more complex sentence structures as well as the use of the past and future tenses, various pronouns and prepositions The new vocabulary presented relates to traveling, daily routines, food, health and technology Communication is a critical component of the French II classroom. Students are required to use French at all times in order to communicate with each other as well as with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersive experience in the classroom Since this is a proficiency-based class, daily communicative goals will be provided to the students to help them build their language skills toward the targeted level for the course, Intermediate Low, not only through vocabulary and structures, but also through an exploration of the history and cultures of the French-speaking world The Honors section is designed for students who are particularly motivated to gain a command of the language, and are willing to devote additional time and effort on a regular basis. It will have more in-depth homework assignments and more rigorous grading for writing and speaking tasks Although the material covered will be the same, Honors students are required to master material that is optional for non-honors students


Prerequisite: French II or II (H).

This yearlong course is a continuation of the program and materials presented in French II or its equivalent at the ACTFL Intermediate Low level French III continues to build on the established foundation as it further develops students’ reading, writing, and conversational skills. The class introduces students to more complex sentence structures and vocabulary, as well as grammar, which is taught in context

As in French II, communication is a critical component of the French III classroom Students are required to use French at all times in order to communicate with each other as well as with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersive experience in the classroom Since this is a proficiency-based class, daily communicative goals will be provided to the students to help them build their language skills toward the targeted level: Intermediate Low-Mid, not only through vocabulary and structures but also through an exploration of the history and cultures of the French-speaking world

The year concludes with students reading and analyzing their first piece of French literature: "Le petit Prince "


Prerequisite: French II or II (H). Department approval required.

This yearlong course is a continuation of the program and materials presented in French II or its equivalent at the ACTFL Intermediate Low level French III continues to build on the established foundation as it further develops students’ reading, writing, and conversational skills. The class introduces students to more complex sentence structures and vocabulary, as well as grammar, which is taught in context

As in French II, communication is a critical component of the French III classroom Students are required to use French at all times in order to communicate with each other as well as with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersive experience in the classroom Since this is a proficiency-based class, daily communicative goals will be provided to the students to help them build their language skills toward the targeted level: Intermediate Low-Mid, not only through vocabulary and structures but also through an exploration of the history and cultures of the French-speaking world

The year concludes with students reading and analyzing their first piece of French literature: "Le petit Prince." Although the material covered is the same in the Regular and Honors sections, Honors students are required to master material that is only optional for the Regular section Assessments and homework assignments are also more rigorous in the Honors section.FRE 400 and FRE 401


Prerequisite: French III or III (H)

This course takes a communicative approach to teaching students at the ACTFL Intermediate High level The French IV class reviews and expands upon the themes and structures previously studied while focusing more on the application of those skills to listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Daily discussion topics, role-plays, presentations, and interviews provide students with opportunities to express their opinions and to integrate the vocabulary and structures they have learned Like in previous French classes, students are required to use French at all times in order to communicate with each other as well as with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersive experience in the classroom Cultural competence and communicative skills are also strengthened through the study of art, literature, current events, social justice issues, country profiles, and cultural readings They are also developed through exposure to a rich selection of fiction, drama, and poetry, both classical and contemporary. Materials include the textbook Face-à-Face and the novel Le Petit Nicolas, as well as authentic short movies and

music videos French IV Honors is also offered Note: Students may take just the first semester (401) or the yearlong course (400). Those who aspire to complete the Advanced Level must commit to 400 as a yearlong course.

FRE 420/H FRE 421/H FRENCH IV-1 (H)

Prerequisite: French III or III (H) Department approval required

This course takes a communicative approach to teaching students at the ACTFL Intermediate High level The French IV Honors class reviews and expands upon the themes and structures previously studied while focusing more on the application of those skills to listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Cultural competence and communicative skills are also strengthened through the study of art, literature, current events, social justice issues, country profiles, and cultural readings They are also developed through exposure to a rich selection of fiction, drama, and poetry, both classical and contemporary. Materials include the textbook Face-à-Face and the novel Le Petit Nicolas, as well as authentic short movies and music videos

The goal of French IV Honors is for students to leave the course well prepared for further study of French at the Advanced and/or college level The Honors section is designed for students who are particularly motivated to gain a command of the language and are willing to devote additional time and effort on a regular basis. It will cover structures and vocabulary at a deeper level, have more in-depth homework assignments, and more rigorous grading for writing and speaking tasks Although the material covered will be the same, Honors students will be required to master material that is only optional for non-Honors students Note: Students may take just the first semester (421H) or the yearlong course (420H). Those who aspire to complete the Advanced Level must commit to 420H as a yearlong course


Open to all forms.

In this fun and interactive class, you'll take a journey through French-speaking places in the Americas, like Louisiana, New England, Quebec, Haiti, and the Caribbean You'll explore how French culture has shaped these regions through music, movies, stories, and more. Learn about local traditions, food, and the use of the French language while diving into important social and historical issues that matter today With hands-on activities, guest speakers, and exciting media, you'll get a chance to experience the rich cultures of these places up close.


Open to V, VI form; IV by invitation. History credit

This course examines how France and the United States have used language and culture as tools to influence international perspectives, forge alliances, and navigate geopolitical challenges. From France’s network of "Alliances Françaises" and cultural institutes to the U S ’s post-WWII cultural diplomacy through films, music, and exchange programs, we’ll explore how each nation promotes its values, language, and identity abroad Students will analyze the strengths and limitations of these approaches. The course invites students to reflect on how cultural and linguistic influence plays a role in shaping modern diplomacy and their own lives as citizens of an interconnected world.


Prerequisite: French IV (H) or III (H) Department approval required

This yearlong college-level course at the ACTFL Advanced Low sublevel takes a holistic approach to language proficiency and recognizes the complex interrelatedness of comprehension and comprehensibility, vocabulary usage, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness The Advanced French course engages students in an exploration of culture in both contemporary and historical contexts. It develops students’ awareness and appreciation of products, both tangible (e g , tools, books, music) and intangible (e g , laws, conventions, institutions); practices (patterns of social interactions within a culture); and perspectives (values, attitudes, and assumptions that underlie both practices and products) in the Francophone world.

The class is taught exclusively in French, and the students in this class are expected to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in French. Advanced French students will have the opportunity to interact weekly with college-level students from the Université de Rennes 2 in Brittany, France Materials include the textbook Thèmes, the TV show “Lupin” and extensive resources from the Internet -- from newspapers and newscasts to videos and articles from various French-speaking countries -- to help students further hone their communicative skills. For students who wish to take the Advanced Placement French Language and Culture exam in May, supplementary materials will be recommended by the teacher

FRE 610/A and 611/A,612/A FRENCH VI(A) – 1, 2

Prerequisite: French V(A), each semester of French Language (A) may be taken apart (611/A or 612/A) or consecutively (610/A) Department approval required

French VI Advanced consists of two college-level semester courses that broaden students’ knowledge of Francophone Culture(s) Students will travel through history and investigate major dates, time periods and events that have shaped the Francophone World such as the French Revolution, World War I and II and colonialism Each student will also be exposed to different pieces of French Literature such as poems, essays, maxims, and plays as well as videos and movies; then they will be asked to analyze/interpret each document, based on the historical context

Each and every class will be conducted exclusively in French. Students will actively participate in discussions, create presentations and write essays The goal of this course is to develop oral, written and analytical skills, while at the same time acquiring a better understanding of the Francophone World and its history Students may take either or both semesters. Note: Students may take just the first semester (611A), just the second semester (612A) or the yearlong course (610A)



This yearlong course is an introduction to the world of the diverse ancient Roman people and to the Latin language In this course, students will learn to think critically, logically, and analytically as they study the intricacies of grammar and sentence structure, and they begin to read tiered stories about Roman culture, history, and mythology. Students will not be assessed on spoken language skills and the class will be conducted in English. Emphasis will thus be on the elements of the language: alphabet and pronunciation, parts of speech, morphology (word-formation), vocabulary (including English derivatives), grammatical/syntactical rules, and strategies for reading and translation. Students will also study the geography of the ancient Roman world, an outline of Roman history, important aspects of Roman public and private life, and Greco-Roman mythology; they will frequently be asked to consider how ancient culture informs our modern world Students will use the online textbook Suburanī


Prerequisite: Latin I

This yearlong course continues the investigation into the ancient Roman world and the nuances of the Latin language Students will explore more challenging grammatical topics, such as indirect statements and participles, and will hone their reading and comprehension skills with tiered readings about Roman life Furthermore, students will increase their working Latin vocabulary, cultivate their English vocabulary through Latin derivatives, and consider how ancient civilization informs the modern world through study of Roman society and culture By the end of this course, students will have a strong working vocabulary and a firm foundation of the basics of Latin grammar. Throughout the year, students will use the online textbook Suburanī. Latin II Honors is also offered.


Prerequisite: Latin I Department approval required

Latin II Honors is a yearlong course designed for motivated students who have a genuine interest in Latin, a strong record of achievement in the discipline, and a willingness to devote the additional time and effort required of this course Students in this class tackle the same material as that of Latin II but with increased depth and intensity Students will thoroughly review elements learned in Latin I before proceeding to new concepts. By the end of this course, students will have a strong working vocabulary and a firm foundation of the basics of Latin grammar. Throughout the year, students will use the online textbook Suburanī


Prerequisite: Latin II or II (H).

In this yearlong course, students will work to improve the skills that they learned in the first two levels of Latin and to explore more advanced grammatical topics, including the subjunctive mood Over the course of the year, students will refine their analytical, interpretive, and writing skills by critically investigating Latin texts. Textual analysis and essay writing will begin to play a role in student assessment, and the course contains opportunities for students to practice analytical writing and close reading In preparation for further study in Latin, students will strive to move beyond simply translating Latin into English, but rather to engage in the more complex issues of critical reading Throughout the year, students will use the online textbook Suburanī and supplementary original texts Latin III Honors is also offered


Prerequisite: Latin II or II (H). Department approval required.

This yearlong course is designed for motivated students who have a genuine interest in Latin, a strong record of achievement in the discipline, and a willingness to devote the additional time and effort required of this course Students in this class tackle the same material as that in Latin III but with increased depth and intensity In this course, students will work to improve the skills that they learned in the first two levels of Latin and to explore more advanced grammatical topics, including the subjunctive mood Over the course of the year, students will refine their analytical, interpretive, and writing skills by critically investigating Latin texts Textual analysis and essay writing will begin to play a role in student assessment, and the course contains opportunities for students to practice analytical writing and close reading In preparation for further study in Latin, students will strive to move beyond simply translating Latin into English, but rather to engage in the more complex issues of critical reading Throughout the year, students will use the online textbook Suburanī and supplementary original texts .


Prerequisite: Latin III or III (H)

Latin IV is an upper-level intermediate course offered to students in their final year of Latin study at St. George’s and to students who would benefit from further practice prior to enrolling in an advanced course In this class, students will review Latin forms, syntax, and vocabulary as they discuss the geography, history, culture, art, and mythology of the classical world. Students will continue to develop their analytical, interpretative, and writing skills through the use of texts and authentic materials Typically, students in this course will read a selection of classical authors such as Vergil, Ovid, and Caesar Latin IV Advanced is also offered


Prerequisite: Latin III or III (H). Department approval required.

This fast-paced, advanced yearlong course is designed for motivated students who have a genuine interest in Latin, a strong record of achievement in the discipline, and a willingness to devote the additional time and effort required of this course. This course will continue students' experience in reading original Latin prose and poetry, including scansion and figures of speech Students in this course should have an excellent understanding of the architecture of a complex Latin sentence. The year will begin with a thorough review of forms, syntax, and vocabulary. Following that review, students will read selections from Vergil’s Aeneid. In the second half of the year, students will study a selection of Latin poetry including Ovid and/or Catullus

LAT 510/A LATIN V (A) - not offered in 2025-26

Prerequisites: Latin IV, Latin IV (A). Department approval required.

Latin V Advanced is a yearlong advanced literature class that offers an in-depth study of Latin poetry and prose Students will not only establish advanced proficiency in reading skills, but also will learn to move beyond mere translation to develop their own understanding, on firm textual evidence, about what they read. This course will include a continuous review of Latin word-formation, syntax, vocabulary, rhetorical devices, and scansion Students will encounter a variety of Latin authors; the texts will vary each year based on student interest


Prerequisites: Latin III or above, and students currently enrolled in Latin III/III(H) by recommendation

This course invites advanced Latin students to explore the cultural legacy of the ancient world beyond traditional translation. While some exploration of primary texts in the target language will be included to deepen language skills, the focus will be on a broad study of Roman history, mythology, and how Latin texts have been interpreted and transformed over time Students will investigate topics in Roman history and society, major mythological cycles, and the lives of influential Latin writers.

A significant part of the course will be devoted to textual criticism and reception studies, examining how ancient texts were transmitted, edited, and reinterpreted across the centuries From medieval manuscript traditions to Renaissance rediscoveries and contemporary adaptations, students will gain insights into the long-lasting impact of the Roman world on art, literature, and popular culture Through guided projects and critical analyses, students will develop skills in evaluating sources, understanding interpretative frameworks, and considering the relevance of Latin literature in a modern context This course is ideal for students looking to broaden their understanding of the ancient world and its lasting influence across disciplines



Spanish I is an introductory, yearlong course offered to students with limited or no prior experience with the Spanish language. Spanish I is also designed for students who may benefit from a thorough review of the concepts they acquired during their middle school Spanish studies In this class, students learn vocabulary related to greetings, expressions of courtesy, academic life, family, pastimes, vacations and shopping Grammar concepts introduced include regular and irregular verbs in the present tense, descriptive and possessive adjectives, the present progressive and the preterite tense In Spanish I, students develop reading, writing and conversational skills through the use of texts, selected readings, workbooks and audiovisual materials Students practice and demonstrate their language proficiency through individual and partner work, group discussions, projects and formal presentations Students research and learn about various Spanish-speaking countries and then present their findings to the rest of the class Students are required to use the target language at all times in order to provide and partake in an immersion experience in the classroom.


Prerequisite: Spanish I

This yearlong course is a continuation of the program and materials presented in Spanish I or its equivalent. It continues to build on the established foundation as it further develops the students’ reading, writing and conversational skills The class not only reviews the material from Spanish I but also introduces students to more complex sentence structures as well as the use of commands, the preterit, and the future tenses. The new vocabulary presented relates to cultural events, celebrations, daily routines, shopping, food, technology, the home, etc As in Spanish I, communication is a critical component of the Spanish II classroom Students are required to use Spanish at least 90% of the time in order to communicate with each other and with the teacher in an effort to provide an immersion experience in the classroom. In addition to our study of grammar and vocabulary, we also explore various cultures and the history of the Spanish-speaking world through selected readings, films and online research. Spanish II Honors is also offered.


Prerequisite: Spanish I. Department approval required.

This yearlong course continues to build on the foundation of Spanish I, introducing students to more complex sentence structures and sophisticated tenses. Designed for students who are particularly motivated to build command of the language and are willing to devote additional time and effort on a regular basis, Spanish II Honors requires communication as a critical component of the classroom and covers grammar and vocabulary at a deeper level than in Spanish II. In an effort to provide an immersion experience in the classroom, students are required to use Spanish at least 90% of the time with each other and with the teacher In addition to our study of grammar and vocabulary, we also explore various cultures and the history of the Spanish-speaking world through selected readings, films and online research.


Prerequisite: Spanish II or II (H)

This yearlong course is the continuation of the program and materials presented in Spanish II or its equivalent In this course, students build on their grammar foundation as they practice the use of previously acquired structures and learn advanced concepts such as the subjunctive, future and conditional tenses. Students are required to participate actively and use Spanish at all times in order to provide and partake in an immersion experience in the classroom To develop and build upon their cultural awareness of the different Spanish speaking countries, students in Spanish III study short stories, poems, popular music and films by Spanish and Latin American artists. Students also learn about contemporary Hispanic and Latinx cultures. Spanish III Honors is also offered.


Prerequisite: Spanish II or II (H) Department approval required

This yearlong course continues to build on the foundation of Spanish II Honors, as students learn advanced grammatical concepts such as the subjunctive mood and the conditional and future tenses Designed for students who are particularly motivated to build command of the language and are willing to devote additional time and effort on a regular basis, Spanish III Honors requires active participation and use of Spanish at all times for an immersion experience in the classroom The Honors section covers grammar and vocabulary at a deeper level than Spanish III To develop and build upon their cultural awareness of the different Spanish speaking countries, students in Spanish III Honors study short stories, poems, and films from Spanish and Latin American authors and filmmakers and engage in several research projects.


Prerequisite: Spanish III or III (H)

This yearlong course takes a communicative approach to teaching intermediate Spanish students. We review and expand upon grammar concepts and vocabulary previously studied while focusing more on their application in presentational, interpretive and interpersonal modes Daily discussion topics, role-plays, presentations and interviews provide students with opportunities to express their opinions and to synthesize both grammar and vocabulary. Students write summaries of and responses to audio, video and readings, as well as compositions relating to topics studied The use of films by Hispanic and Latine filmmakers strengthens students’ listening comprehension skills, expands students’ cultural knowledge and provides the opportunity to make comparisons and connections between cultures while providing a platform for analysis and discussion. Through the study of art, literature, current events, country profiles and cultural readings, students further develop their cultural competence and communicative abilities Students are required to participate actively using the target language at least 90% of the time in order to provide and partake in an immersion experience in the classroom. The goal of this course is for students to feel confident in their use of the Spanish language and to spark an interest in further study at or beyond St George’s Spanish IV Honors is also offered


Prerequisite: Spanish III or III (H) Department approval required

This yearlong course takes a communicative approach to teaching intermediate Spanish students We review and expand upon grammar concepts previously studied while focusing more on application of those skills to listening, speaking, reading and writing. We also continue to expand and reinforce each student’s vocabulary. Daily discussion topics, role-plays, presentations, vlog entries and interviews provide students with opportunities to express their opinions and to synthesize both grammar and vocabulary while speaking Students write journal

entries, original poetry, short stories, responses to and summaries of audio, video and readings, as well as compositions and essays relating to course content. The use of films by Hispanic and Latine filmmakers and presentations from guest speakers strengthen students’ listening comprehension skills, expand students’ cultural knowledge and provide the opportunity to make comparisons and connections between cultures as well as a platform for analysis and discussion. Students further develop their cultural competence, communicative skills and creativity through the study of art, literature, current events, country profiles and cultural readings Designed for students who are particularly motivated to build command of the language and are willing to devote additional time and effort on a regular basis, Spanish IV Honors requires active participation and use of Spanish at all times for an immersion experience in the classroom The Honors section covers grammar, vocabulary, and additional content at a deeper level and different pace than Spanish IV The goal of this course is for students to better understand themselves and the world around them, feel confident in their use of the Spanish language and to spark an interest in further study at or beyond St George’s

SPA 500 and 501, 502 SPANISH V-1, 2

Prerequisites: Spanish IV, IV (H), may be taken apart or consecutively

Spanish V is an intermediate course offered to students in their final year of Spanish study at St. George’s and to students who would benefit from further practice prior to enrolling in Spanish VI Honors or our advanced courses In this class, students review previously acquired language structures as they discuss the geography, history, culture, art, and current events of the countries in the Spanish-speaking world. Other topics of study include the Hispanic and Latinx identities, immigration, biculturalism and the diversity among the customs and beliefs of the peoples of Hispanic and Latinx descent In Spanish V, students develop reading and writing proficiency through the use of texts and authentic materials. They refine their conversational skills through interviews and interactions with native Spanish speakers, as well as through continuous participation in discussions, debates, research projects, and formal presentations Students are required to participate actively using the target language at all times in order to provide and partake in an immersion experience in the classroom. Note: Students may take either semester (501 or 502) or both as a yearlong course (500) Those who aspire to enroll in Spanish V Advanced, Spanish VI Honors or Spanish VI Advanced must commit to 500 as a yearlong course


Prerequisite: Spanish IV (H) or III (H) by invitation Department approval required

This yearlong college-level course is designed to improve students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as their cultural competence. In addition to a comprehensive review of the grammar studied in previous courses, students will read short works by a variety of literary masters, including but not limited to Cortázar, Borges, García Lorca, and Guillén Furthermore, weekly presentations on current events in Latin America and Spain promote cultural understanding and serve as subject matter for both discussion and essay writing. Authentic recorded materials and films are used to complement this course, so as to further develop listening comprehension Students also record their own short presentations and write comparative essays as well as shorter written pieces, with a focus on both formal and informal communication. Candidates for this class are expected to demonstrate a high level of proficiency in the language, as well as a general knowledge of the history, literature, customs and values of the Hispanic world and Latinx communities For students who wish to take the Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture exam in May, supplementary materials will be recommended by the teacher This class is taught exclusively in Spanish

SPA 610/H and 611/H, 612/H SPANISH VI (H)

Prerequisite: Spanish 500, 501 and/or 502 , 510/A, each semester of Spanish VI/H may be taken apart (SPA611H or 612H) or consecutively (610H). Department approval required.

The main goal of this course is to promote a global understanding of the social, cultural and historical aspects of the Spanish–speaking world as students continue to develop their reading, writing and conversational skills The course is divided into distinct units that include the study of history and culture of a variety of regions in the

Spanish-speaking world Overarching course themes may include ancient civilizations, colonialism, independence and dictatorships, racism, immigration, women’s and indigenous rights, and other contemporary issues. Course materials include articles, short stories, poetry, plays, podcasts, and films The class is taught exclusively in Spanish Students may take either or both semesters Note: Students may take just the first semester (611H), just the second semester (612H) or both as a yearlong course (610H).


Prerequisite: Spanish Language (A). Department approval required.

This yearlong course is designed for advanced students who have successfully completed Spanish 510/A Advanced or who have been recommended by the teachers of the Spanish department Our purpose is to instill a passion and love for the literature and culture of Spain and Latin America in our students and to help them communicate with fluidity and composure while analyzing the historical readings, literature and art studied in class Students learn research techniques and write formal essays and research papers in Spanish The reading list consists of many of the works selected by the College Board for the AP Spanish Literature and Culture exam. For students who wish to take the Advanced Placement Spanish Literature and Culture exam in May, supplementary materials will be recommended by the teacher We also continue to develop the students’ grammar and vocabulary skills as they are necessary for verbal and written communication and literary analysis. The class is taught exclusively in Spanish.




This yearlong course in algebra is designed to enhance the student’s understanding of the properties and operations associated with real numbers. The course content includes the study of the real number system, linear functions and their graphs, solving linear systems and inequalities, quadratic functions, exponents, radicals, polynomial functions, factoring, and applied problem solving


Prerequisite: Algebra I. Can be taken as a summer course with department approval.

This yearlong course in Euclidean Geometry investigates the definitions, postulates and theorems of two- and three-dimensional figures During the fall, study will focus on the building blocks of geometry; the various shapes and their properties, angles, parallel lines, as well as using geometric software to investigate patterns and make conjectures Students will learn to make convincing arguments by writing both formal and informal mathematical proofs The course will include the study of polygons and their properties, circles and area formulas, as well as the study of solid geometry, similarity and an introduction to trigonometry. The concepts of logical reasoning, problem solving skills, as well as organizational skills will be stressed throughout the year This course can be taken as a summer course with departmental approval


Prerequisite: Algebra I with department approval.

This yearlong honors course includes all of the elements of MTH 210, though has a limited number of seats available, requires more and deeper preparation by students and advances at a faster pace Enrollment in this course is based upon recommendation from the department Should a student wish to enroll in the honors section and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so.

MTH 300 INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRA II - Not offered during the 25-26 school year

Prerequisite: Geometry.

This full-year course builds on key components of Algebra I and Geometry by presenting the fundamental concepts necessary to prepare for Precalculus. Students review the real number system, linear functions and their graphs, quadratics, exponents and polynomial functions, factoring and applied problem solving. Students will also encounter new material in the graphing of polynomial functions; exponential and logarithmic functions, and the complex number system.


Prerequisite (or corequisite, with department approval): Geometry

In this second-year algebra course, students review and expand the study of real numbers begun in Algebra I. Students learn how to solve polynomial equations of increasing complexity and to apply their solutions to “real world” situations New topics explored in Algebra II include graphing polynomial functions, exponential, logarithmic, and rational functions and the complex number system. Students will make extensive use of the graphing calculator, learning how to use it to enhance their understanding of the concepts of the course


Pre/corequisite: Geometry with department approval

This yearlong honors course includes all of the elements of Math 310, though has a limited number of seats available, requires deeper prep, inherent curiosity, and willingness to explore maths topics and advances at a faster pace. This honors section of Algebra II covers all of the topics outlined in MTH 310 but also explores conic sections, counting principles and probability and sequences and series as time permits. Enrollment in this course is based upon recommendation from the department Should a student wish to enroll in the honors section and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so.


Prerequisite: Intro Algebra II.

This course unifies topics previously studied in algebra and geometry In this course, students will study trigonometric functions, their graphs, inverses and applications and synthesize trigonometric functions with a review of linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions The final portion of the course will be devoted to the study of some advanced topics in precalculus Graphing calculators are required for this course. Completion of MTH 400 satisfies the requirement for graduation from St. George’s School.


Prerequisites: Algebra II or department approval

This course unifies topics previously studied in algebra and geometry and provides the foundation needed to support future coursework in calculus, discrete mathematics and statistics In this course, students will review linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions, study trigonometric functions, their graphs, inverses and applications and examine advanced topics in precalculus to include a focus on sequences and series, probability, and if time permits, limits Completion of MTH 410 satisfies the mathematics requirement for graduation from St. George’s School.


Prerequisite: Algebra II (H) with department approval

This honors course includes all of the elements of MTH 410, though has a limited number of seats available, requires more and deeper preparation by students and advances at a faster pace This course unifies topics previously studied in algebra and geometry and provides the foundation needed to support future coursework in calculus, discrete mathematics and statistics. Graphing calculators are required for this course. Enrollment in this course is based upon recommendation from the department Should a student wish to enroll in the honors section and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so Completion of MTH 420 satisfies the mathematics requirement for graduation from St. George’s School.


Prerequisite: any level of Precalculus

In the world today, more and more decisions affecting the course of our lives are based, at least in part, on the results of statistical analysis. In this yearlong course, students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: exploring and describing data, planning a statistical study, using probability to anticipate patterns in data and statistical inference. This course focuses on the statistical thinking behind data gathering and interpretation and helps students become more discerning consumers of statistics, teaching them to look closely at what numbers from surveys, election polls and medical studies really show A graphing calculator is required for this course


Prerequisite: Precalculus with department approval.

The purpose of this yearlong course is to introduce students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data Students are exposed to four broad conceptual themes: exploring and describing data, planning a statistical study, using probability to anticipate patterns in data, and statistical inference Specific topics to be covered include descriptive statistics, data collection, linear regression, experimental design, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and tests of significance A graphing calculator is used extensively, and students are exposed to statistical software. Enrollment in this course is based upon recommendation from the department Should a student wish to enroll in the advanced section and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so


Prerequisite: any level of Precalculus

This yearlong course will give students an opportunity to continue to build their mathematical foundation while considering, on a deeper level, how it applies to the world around them, developing their conceptual understanding of the math concepts they’ve learned to this point It will include a focus on topics like proportional reasoning, modeling, finance, politics and logic Students will engage in problem-solving while strengthening their ability to communicate mathematically They will consider real-world data and will attempt to use quantitative reasoning to better understand society and the world in which they live


Prerequisite: Precalculus in the year immediately prior or department approval.

Calculus brings together the information and skills learned in previous courses and applies that knowledge to solve a wide variety of different problems. The yearlong course begins with the study of limits, advances through differentiation and concludes with integration A graphing calculator is required for this course Should a student wish to enroll in this course and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so.


Prerequisite: Precalculus in the year immediately prior and department approval

Calculus AB is a yearlong course in the calculus of a single variable. This course includes the study of limits, derivatives and integrals, and their applications. Students are exposed to concepts, problems and solutions in graphical, numerical, analytical and verbal form A graphing calculator is required for this course Enrollment in this course is based upon recommendation from the department. Should a student wish to enroll in this advanced section and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so.


Prerequisite: Precalculus (H) or AB Calculus and department approval.

Calculus BC is an extended version of the yearlong AB course AB and BC Calculus contain common topics but the BC course covers additional topics such as parametric equations, vectors, and Taylor series. Students are exposed to concepts, problems, and solutions in graphical, numerical, analytical and verbal form Enrollment in this course is based upon recommendation from the department Should a student wish to enroll in this advanced section and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so.


Prerequisite: AB or BC Calculus and department approval.

This yearlong course is intended for students who successfully complete BC Calculus before their senior year Exceptionally strong AB Calculus students will also be considered. This course extends the fundamental concepts of calculus to functions of more than one variable Vectors and curves in two or more dimensions, double and triple integrals, line integrals, surface integrals, Stokes Theorem, and Green’s Theorem are among the topics covered Students will make extensive use of appropriate software and online resources throughout the course. Enrollment in this course requires approval from the department

MTH 641/A DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (A) - fall semester course

Prerequisite: Multivariable Calculus and department approval

This semester course is intended for students who have completed Multivariable Calculus. Topics covered include: Basic concepts and definitions, direction fields; First Order Differential Equations including: linear equations, separable equations, exact equations, Bernoulli differential equations, substitutions, Intervals of validity, modeling with first order differential equations, equilibrium solutions, Euler’s Method; Second Order Differential Equations including: basic concepts, real and distinct roots, complex roots, repeated roots, reduction of order, fundamental sets of solutions, the Wronskian; Nonhomogeneous Differential Equations, including: method of undetermined coefficients, variation of parameters, mechanical vibrations, Laplace Transforms; Inverse Laplace Transforms.

MTH 642/A LINEAR ALGEBRA (A) - spring semester course

Prerequisite: Multivariable Calculus and department approval

The course is an advanced course on Linear Algebra and covers the following topics: Vectors and Matrices, Vector and Matrix Operations, Linear Independence and Dependence of Vectors, Homogeneous and Nonhomogeneous Systems, Determinants and Invertibility of Matrices, Vector Spaces and Subspaces, Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues and Diagonalization. The course also focuses on the following skills: Communication using mathematical language, matrix manipulation, multidimensional thinking and geometric interpretations of multidimensional spaces.



This yearlong introductory computer science course serves as an introduction to computer programming, allowing students to develop an understanding of programming as a tool for problem solving, across disciplines Students learn the basics of coding using the language Python and apply these skills to scientific and mathematical investigations. During the second half of the course, students will focus on selected topics within Data Science and Artificial Intelligence and examine the social challenges that arise from this technology on a local and global level No programming knowledge is required to be eligible for this course


This yearlong course is a comprehensive introduction to computer science and programming that aims to provide an in-depth look at computational thinking and socially responsible computer science The course will examine the intent and impact of computer technology through scientific, social, cultural, and economic lenses, with a focus on app development. You will actively examine and participate in the process of technological innovation through a combination of computer programming, research, writing, debate and presentation experiences This course aims to ensure that you leave St. George’s with a solid understanding of the digital world and how you might leverage technology to examine problems and create solutions in a socially responsible way This yearlong course is a comprehensive introduction to computer science and programming that aims to provide an in-depth look at computational thinking and socially responsible computer science. The course will examine the intent and impact of computer technology through scientific, social, cultural, and economic lenses, with a focus on app development You will actively examine and participate in the process of technological innovation through a combination of computer programming, research, writing, debate and presentation experiences This course aims to ensure that you leave St. George’s with a solid understanding of the digital world and how you might leverage technology to examine problems and create solutions in a socially responsible way No programming knowledge is required to be eligible for this course


Prerequisite: COM400 or COM500 or department approval.

Advanced Computer Programming is an introductory college-level computer science course designed for students who already have an understanding of basic computer programming. Students will learn the syntax for the Java programming language and explore more advanced programming topics. This course will include a focus on modular programming, writing lean code for efficient programs, developing understanding of and appreciation for documentation and testing and the connection between mathematics and programming. Enrollment in this course is based upon recommendation from the department. Should a student wish to enroll in the advanced section and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so



This is a yearlong course designed to introduce students to the study of living organisms and to learn and enhance the skills required for scientific investigation Students explore topics including evolutionary, molecular, and ecological aspects of the life processes. The expectation is to cover themes that include the scientific method, biochemistry, cell structure, functions and processes, energy, genetics, and anatomy and physiology Laboratory work is an important element of this course and serves as a method to reinforce and introduce biological concepts and skills.


Requires department approval

Honors biology is a survey course where we explore the living world at many levels (molecular, cellular, organismal and ecological ) Evolution is the thread that holds biology together and will be the main theme of the course We begin with a prebiotic planet Earth and culminate with modern lifeforms Climate change is dramatically changing the biosphere and is central to the evolution of today’s organisms. Topics include: biochemistry, cells, energetics, reproduction and inheritance, evolution, anatomy and physiology of plants and animals and ecology The pace of the course is rigorous Students are expected to have (develop) strong, independent study skills Students will be placed into this course by the department.


Prerequisite: Chemistry, Biology (H) Requires departmental approval

Advanced biology gives students the opportunity to be a scientist; to do science. In this course, students will build a foundation using four big ideas: 1 The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life 2 Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, reproduce, and maintain dynamic homeostasis. 3. Living systems store, retrieve, transmit, and respond to information essential to life processes. 4. Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties Lab work is central to the course and students will gain independence and autonomy in the lab.


Pre/corequisite: Algebra II. Can be taken as a summer course with department approval.

Chemistry allows students to gain a better understanding of the world around them through the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. In this course, students explore the structure of and interactions between atoms and molecules in a way that allows them to explain observations made on the macroscopic level Topics covered include atomic models, chemical bonding, and quantitative relationships in chemical equations Conceptual work within the classroom is supplemented with laboratory experiments designed to enhance student understanding and problem-solving skills This course can be taken as a summer course with departmental approval


Open to fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-form with departmental approval

Pre/corequisite: Algebra II

The study of chemistry allows students to better understand how the world around them works by exploring the links between the sub-microscopic world and processes occurring on the human scale Students taking honors chemistry at St George’s School receive a rigorous practical and theoretical background in the fundamentals of this

subject Key topics include atomic and electronic structure, states of matter, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, reaction kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, and electrochemistry. Learning within the classroom is supplemented by work in the laboratory, a customized online textbook, and other web-based resources Honors Chemistry differs from CHM 310 in that it places a larger emphasis on the quantitative aspects of the subject and covers many topics in greater depth. Enrollment in this course is based upon recommendation from the department Should a student wish to enroll in the honors section and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so


Prerequisite: Algebra II and Honors Chemistry

Advanced Chemistry at St George's is designed to build upon the fundamentals addressed in a first-year high school chemistry course. In this course, more advanced chemistry concepts are covered such as thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, and acid-base equilibria. The course's laboratory component allows students to apply the knowledge they gained within the classroom and also build their experimental design, problem-solving, and scientific writing skills Enrollment in this course is based upon recommendation from the department. Should a student wish to enroll in the advanced section and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so


Prerequisite: Algebra II

How can we describe and predict the motion of objects in our everyday world? What fundamental principles govern the behavior of matter and energy in the universe? How does physics help us understand and solve real-world problems? In what ways can scientific thinking and experimentation lead to discovery and innovation? This course is designed for students interested in exploring the principles that shape the physical world around us. Focusing on conceptual understanding rather than advanced mathematics, students will investigate key topics such as motion, forces, energy, waves, electricity, magnetism, and the nature of matter. Through hands-on experiments, collaborative projects, and real-world applications, students will develop scientific reasoning skills and learn to connect abstract concepts to everyday experiences Introductory physics emphasizes inquiry-based learning, critical thinking, and problem-solving, making it ideal for students who want to deepen their appreciation of science without a heavy emphasis on mathematical computations By the end of the course, students will have a clearer understanding of how the universe operates and the tools to analyze and address practical and scientific challenges.


Prerequisite: Algebra II Requires department approval

This course includes a thorough development of Newtonian mechanics including topics like projectile motion, Newton's Laws, energy, momentum and fluids All topics in this course are investigated in both the class and laboratory settings. Projects and original design exercises will lead students to understand and better appreciate the physical world from a rigorous scientific perspective.


Pre/corequisite: Algebra II (H) Requires department approval

Advanced Physics 1 provides a faster paced and more quantitatively-oriented introduction to general physics, with extensive opportunity for design and inquiry-based laboratory experimentation and application of concepts to the real world Topics include Newton’s Laws, energy, momentum, fluids, motion and mechanical waves Advanced Physics 1 is considered equivalent to the first semester of an algebra-based college physics course. Enrollment in

this course is based upon recommendation from the department Should a student wish to enroll in the advanced section and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so.


Pre/corequisite: Advanced Calculus (AB or BC) Required department approval

What is the best angle at which a punter should kick a football? How can you simulate the weightlessness of a space orbit? The study of physics allows students to better understand the world around them by exploring the behavior of matter, energy, and forces In Advanced Physics C, students learn a rigorous approach to college-level, calculus-based physics. Over the course of the year, the class addresses topics entered in classical mechanics such as kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, rotational motion, gravitation and oscillations.. The course is equivalent to the first semester of physics taken by engineers and physics majors Enrollment in this course is based upon recommendation from the department. Should a student wish to enroll in the advanced section and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so.

SCI 331, 332 MARINE SCIENCE - fall semester course and spring semester course

Open to fourth-, fifth-and sixth-form. Automatic enrollment for Geronimo crew members, and counts as an additional course

This semester course is taught on board Geronimo during the school year It is largely experiential and unique to each voyage track - incorporating elements of navigation and seamanship, marine ecology and oceanography. The core of the Geronimo experience is building the seamanship and navigation skills to serve as crew on an ocean-going sailing vessel, while learning lessons in leadership and collaboration Topics are introduced in a class setting, and then skills are executed and built while on watch. In navigation, we will start with a foundation of basic coastal piloting and progress to celestial navigation as time allows, giving students a strong foundation in traditional navigation Part of the course will closely relate to our geographic location and could include components of marine ecology, oceanography and meteorology, along with historical and cultural investigations. Sailing on board Geronimo will afford you a unique perspective for comparing different marine ecosystems and cultures We will employ hands-on explorations whenever possible This course is also designed to help you gain a better understanding of our interconnectedness with the marine environment and to develop an appreciation for the role of the ocean on a global scale


Prerequisites: Biology and either Chemistry or Physics, with departmental approval

The Advanced Environmental Science course is designed to be the equivalent of an introductory college course in environmental science. Its goal is to provide students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. Environmental science is interdisciplinary and encompasses a wide array of topics, ranging from ecology to politics and policy While the sociological and political aspects of environmental science are addressed in this course, the Advanced Environmental Science curriculum places a primary emphasis upon scientific principles and analysis. The course is built upon six central themes: science is a process; energy conversions underlie all ecological processes; the Earth itself is one interconnected system; humans alter natural systems; environmental problems have a cultural and social context; and human survival depends on developing practices that will achieve sustainable systems. The objective of this course is to explore the connections within and between the natural and human worlds under the context of these six themes Enrollment in this course is based upon recommendation from the department Should a student wish to enroll in the advanced section and it was not recommended for them, they will need approval from the department chair to do so.

SCI 431 ROBOTICS - fall semester course

This semester-long course provides a hands-on introduction of robotics, science, and engineering through the integration of the design process The course will be built around the foundations of designing, building, and programming robots Students will complete the design and construction of a working robot using VEX Robotics Kits Throughout the semester, students will be familiarized with block coding, sensors, and automation in designing their robot This course will be offered in the Fall Semester

SCI 432 NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE - spring semester course

Prerequisite: Biology.

This semester-long course will give students a basic understanding of what nutrients are, how they are used in the body, the digestive system anatomy and physiology, nutrition and disease, and how they can apply this science-based knowledge to their own lifestyle As an applicable science-based course, learning how to find reliable research and applying scientific methods in relation to nutrition and cooking will be incorporated. Students will also use basic math skills like conversion and calculating nutrient needs, as well as starting to familiarize themselves with chemical structures of nutrients. This course will be offered in the Spring Semester. The offering of this course is subject to enrollment and staffing


Open to fifth-and sixth form students. Prerequisites: Biology, Chemistry and Physics, with an application and departmental approval

Advanced Research in Marine Biology/Science is a yearlong course which provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of research design, including the fundamental steps of formulating research questions, conducting literature reviews, selecting appropriate methodologies, data collection techniques, and analysis methods Students will develop critical thinking skills to evaluate research studies and gain hands-on experience designing their own research projects in the field of marine biology or another field within the science discipline. Students will collaborate with a mentor who works in their selected field of study to conduct their research Students will communicate research findings clearly and concisely through written reports and symposium-style presentations

SCI 441 DNA SCIENCE - fall semester course

Prerequisite: Biology

This semester course is for the student interested in further exploration of the most influential molecule on the planet. The molecular structure of DNA and the central dogma of biology (DNA codes fo rRNA Protein) introduces the course and lays the foundation for the study of genetic engineering in modern biology labs Students perform DNA extractions from multiple sources Students will become proficient at bacterial transformations fragmenting and splicing of DNA, DNA cloning and DNA fingerprinting. Applications in bioinformatics, forensics, genetic testing and evolutionary biology are explored This course will be offered in the fall semester The offering of this course is subject to enrollment and staffing

SCI 442 BOTANY - spring semester course

Prerequisite: Biology.

Plants are much more interesting than one might think Often relegated to the last chapters of biology textbooks, plants are getting a second look as demonstrated by the success of NY Times best-seller, The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben. Rather than rehashing photosynthesis from freshman biology, this course will focus on plant

anatomy and physiology How do plants communicate – internally and with other plants? How can plants regenerate an entire new plant from a small cutting or even from a lump of cells? Imagine if humans had this ability! There will be extensive use of greenhouse and local specimens in this lab-oriented course. This course will be offered in the spring semester. The offering of this course is subject to enrollment and staffing.


ART 301 PRINCIPLES OF ENGINEERING - fall semester course

Prerequisite: Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152, & pre/coreq Chemistry. Dual credit Art/Science.

This semester course is a survey course of engineering The course exposes students to some of the major concepts that they will encounter in a postsecondary engineering course of study including materials, proposal writing, research and fabrication. Students will have the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of concepts through problem-based learning Used in combination with a team approach, this course challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities and problem solving skills by using engineering concepts. It also allows students to develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of education Students will employ engineering and scientific concepts in the solution of engineering design problems Students will develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and design to create solutions to various challenges. Students will also learn how to document their work and communicate their solutions to their peers and faculty members

ART 432 DESIGN SCIENCE - spring semester course

Prerequisites: Visual Foundation (pre-2024), or Art 151 or 152, & 1 semester Geometry Dual credit Art/Math

This semester course is intended to provide students with hands-on experience in designing, creating and analyzing two- and three-dimensional geometric structures, sculptures and models using a variety of media (including paper, wood, metal, ceramics, etc ) Students successfully completing this course would receive one semester credit in Arts and one trimester credit in Mathematics. Possible topics and projects include tessellations, polyhedra, Platonic solids, Archimedean solids and the mathematics and design of commercial packaging Class periods for this course would include lecture/demonstration and hands-on labs One or two field trips to local manufacturing facilities and art museums would be included. Each student will maintain a daily journal containing research assignments, design sketches, and potential ideas relating to class projects The resources of the Arts Center, the Welding Lab, and the Fab Lab would be utilized for the hands-on part of this course


Open to fifth- and sixth-form Dual credit English/History

Are we post-pandemic? How do different groups and countries approach this question and what are the current global consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic? What role does climate change play in the effects of globalization?? What are the top ten questions facing today’s leaders? Who is the current global power? Where does tomorrow’s power come from?

This course explores these and other pressing questions through the lens of globalization. In the fall, students will study core globalization concepts to build a foundation of knowledge. During the winter and spring, the class will use the cities of Berlin, Prague, and Budapest as case studies to develop research questions regarding the impact of globalization, the cities’ historical significance, and their cultural identities Students will grapple with the ongoing question of whether we are “post-globalization” as some experts argue. See detailed course descriptions below in the Humanities section for the differentiation between HUM510 and HUM520/A

*There is a charge for the travel component of this class. Travel during spring break is a requirement of the course.


Open to fourth-, fifth -and sixth-form. Automatic enrollment for Geronimo crews, and counts as an additional course

This semester course is taught on board Geronimo during the school year. It is largely experiential and unique to each voyage track - incorporating elements of navigation and seamanship, marine ecology and oceanography The core of the Geronimo experience is building the seamanship and navigation skills to serve as crew on an ocean-going sailing vessel, while learning lessons in leadership and collaboration. Topics are introduced in a class setting, and then skills are executed and built while on watch In navigation, we will start with a foundation of basic coastal piloting and progress to celestial navigation as time allows, giving students a strong foundation in traditional navigation. Part of the course will closely relate to our geographic location and could include components of marine ecology, oceanography and meteorology, along with historical and cultural investigations Sailing on board Geronimo will afford you a unique perspective for comparing different marine ecosystems and cultures We will employ hands-on explorations whenever possible. This course is also designed to help you gain a better understanding of our interconnectedness with the marine environment and to develop an appreciation for the role of the ocean on a global scale

Afternoon Offerings by Season


St George’s works hard to provide a variety of opportunities for students in the afternoons All offerings are limited in numbers, but we will do our best to find a place for every student that they are excited to participate in.



Ramleh Service

Do you want to learn more about our local community?

Do you want to be involved with our partner organizations on Aquidneck Island?

Do you like children?

In a school community with a long and rich tradition of service to our local community, Ramleh Service offers you the opportunity to spend your afternoons performing community service Among others, we will travel to the Newport County YMCA (LifeSkills program, Rhody Squash and Twice As Nice Preschool), TeamFAME (the Tennis Hall of Fame outreach program, serving Thompson Middle School students), and the Norman Bird Sanctuary in the fall

The Ramleh Service Program takes its name from Camp Ramleh, a summer camp for underprivileged children from Aquidneck Island founded by former Headmaster William A. Buell, St. George’s Class of 1914, in 1926. The spirit of that program lives on today in the many ways St George’s students continue to serve others

Come and be a part of our daily outreach program, and help organize the next school-wide outreach event at St. George's! This fall, Ramleh Service will run the 40th Feed-a-Friend food drive.

Surfing and Leadership: Lifeguarding and Learn to Surf

Spring Surfing and leadership works to develop our next generation of SG Surfers. Students work in the Spring waves and the Pool to develop new surf skills while completing coursework toward an American Red Cross Lifeguarding Certification This program is for beginner surfers, with more experienced surfers serving as Mentors.

Sustainability: Marine Biology

Marine Biology is for returning students. The Marine Biology Research project will incorporate all aspects of the scientific method as students work together on experimental design, collecting data, including onshore and offshore sampling, literature research, and data analysis We will work in collaboration with Salve Regina University


Play: Cast

Joining the cast of the fall play is a chance to be part of a creative community where everyone is welcome, no matter your previous experience. This is a supportive space where you can grow as a performer and express yourself in ways you may not have tried before Along the way, you'll develop valuable skills that extend far beyond the stage memorization, public speaking, collaboration, creativity, and empathy all of which will serve you in many aspects of life By the time the final curtain falls, you'll have helped create a magical theatrical experience for the cast, crew, SG community, and beyond. Please feel free to reach out to Ms Lawrence with any questions

Play: Crew

In Stage Crew we will work with the director to build the sets, props, and costumes, program our theater lighting system, and run the sound system for our two main stage performances. We work behind the scenes to create a magical space and during the live performances all aspects of the stage management, lighting and sound are run by students If any aspect of this work sounds interesting to you, sign up! Please speak to Mr Sturtevant if you have any questions!


Members of The Lance are the purveyors and archivists of SG´s history and culture for the 2025-2026 school year. During the fall term, Lance members work both collaboratively and individually setting up the layout for the yearbook. Students will work in a number of ways: in writing, editing, photography, art, design and student outreach Each member of the team will be expected to work in most areas and will likely be assigned to a specific area of specialty, led by our editorial board This winter, we will further develop the design, content and layout of this year's theme (determined this season!).


Cross Country

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment.

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment.

Field Hockey

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment.

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment.


Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment.

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment.


Some experience required.

Soccer (boys)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment

Soccer (girls)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment


Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment

Rec: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment


Athletic Helper

This program is geared towards students looking for an introduction to different roles in an athletic department.

Strength and Conditioning

St George’s Strength and Conditioning program creates an experience, manages a facility, and creates culture that supports the St. George’s Athletic Department and community as a whole. Participating members of our community move forward on the health/wellness/fitness/performance spectrum We empower individuals with the knowledge and experience for them to have a direct hand in charting their own health/wellness/fitness/performance while at SG and beyond. Using best practices for research and techniques to assess, train and coach individuals, we help individuals improve and develop physically, improving various performance metrics and also help them develop mentally, emotionally and socially


Pilates: Open to fifth- and sixth-forms only


Ramleh Service

Do you want to learn more about our local community?

Do you want to be involved with our partner organizations on Aquidneck Island? Do you like children?

In a school community with a long and rich tradition of service to our local community, Ramleh Service offers you the opportunity to spend your afternoons performing community service. Among others, we will travel to the Newport County YMCA (LifeSkills program, Rhody Squash and Twice As Nice Preschool), TeamFAME (the Tennis Hall of Fame outreach program, serving Thompson Middle School students), and the Norman Bird Sanctuary in the fall and spring

The Ramleh Service Program takes its name from Camp Ramleh, a summer camp for underprivileged children from Aquidneck Island founded by former Headmaster William A. Buell, St. George’s Class of 1914, in 1926. The spirit of that program lives on today in the many ways St George’s students continue to serve others Come and be a part of our daily outreach program, and help organize the next school-wide outreach event at St George's!

Surfing and Leadership: Surf Craft

Winter Surfing and Leadership focuses on developing the practical and theoretical building skills which connect surfing to the design process and design history. In the first year, we focus on building hollow wooden surfboards. In subsequent years students can choose to shape in foam Students learn to use hand tools and basic woodworking techniques, and gain experience with high performance composites and design software to create their own fully functional surfboards that will last them a lifetime. New this year, we will be partnering with the International Yacht Restoration School of trades (IYRS) to benefit from their expertise with composites and design We also get out to surf winter waves, and connect with local shapers.

Sustainability: Hydroponics

This sustainability afternoon program is for students interested in sustainability and environmental science The program will incorporate all aspects of the scientific method as students work together on experimental design, collecting data, including growing crops for our dining hall, with the hopes of providing vegetables to the Martin Luther King Center, our local food bank. The goal is to grow a variety of produce throughout the winter: different species of lettuce, basil, thyme, rosemary, parsley, and more! Students will be allowed to design their own experiments which involve research on the best parameters for plant growth


Musical: Cast

Joining the cast of the winter musical is a chance to be part of a creative community where everyone is welcome, no matter your previous experience. This is a supportive space where you can grow as a performer and express yourself in ways you may not have tried before Along the way, you'll develop valuable skills that extend far beyond the stage memorization, public speaking, collaboration, creativity, and empathy all of which will serve you in many aspects of life By the time the final curtain falls, you'll have helped create a magical theatrical experience for the cast, crew, SG community, and beyond. Please feel free to reach out to Ms Lawrence or Dr Longo with any questions

Musical: Crew

In Stage Crew we will work with the director to build the sets, props, and costumes, program our theater lighting system, and run the sound system for our two main stage performances. We work behind the scenes to create a magical space and during the live performances all aspects of the stage management, lighting and sound are run by students If any aspect of this work sounds interesting to you, sign up! Please speak to Mr Sturtevant if you have any questions!


Members of The Lance are the purveyors and archivists of SG´s history and culture for the 2025-2026 school year During the winter term, Lance members work both collaboratively and individually threading the pieces of the entire yearbook together. Students will work in a number of ways: in writing, editing, photography, art, design and student outreach. Each member of the team will be expected to work in most areas and will likely be assigned to a specific area of specialty, led by our editorial board. This winter, we will further develop the design, content and layout of this year's theme (established in the fall)


Basketball (boys)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment.

JV/Thirds: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment.

Basketball (girls)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment.

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment.

Ice Hockey (boys)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment.

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment.

Ice Hockey (girls)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment.

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment.

Squash (boys)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment



Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment

Swimming (co-ed)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment

Athletic Helper

This program is geared towards students looking for an introduction to different roles in an athletic department.

Strength and Conditioning

St George’s Strength and Conditioning program creates an experience, manages a facility, and creates culture that supports the St. George’s Athletic Department and community as a whole. Participating members of our community move forward on the health/wellness/fitness/performance spectrum We empower individuals with the knowledge and experience for them to have a direct hand in charting their own health/wellness/fitness/performance while at SG and beyond Using best practices for research and techniques to assess, train and coach individuals, we help individuals improve and develop physically, improving various performance metrics and also help them develop mentally, emotionally and socially


Ramleh Service

● Do you want to learn more about our local community?

● Do you want to be involved with our partner organizations on Aquidneck Island?

● Do you like children?

In a school community with a long and rich tradition of service to our local community, Ramleh Service offers you the opportunity to spend your afternoons performing community service Among others, we will travel to the Newport County YMCA (LifeSkills program, Rhody Squash and Twice As Nice Preschool), TeamFAME (the Tennis Hall of Fame outreach program, serving Thompson Middle School students), and the Norman Bird Sanctuary in the fall and spring.

The Ramleh Service Program takes its name from Camp Ramleh, a summer camp for underprivileged children from Aquidneck Island founded by former Headmaster William A Buell, St George’s Class of 1914, in 1926 The spirit of that program lives on today in the many ways St. George’s students continue to serve others.

Come and be a part of our daily outreach program, and help organize the Ramleh Yard Sale

Surfing and Leadership: Surf and Leadership Skill Development

Spring Surfing and leadership works to develop our next generation of SG Surfers Students work in the spring waves and the pool to develop new surf skills while also implementing dryland training and participating in service and leadership development initiatives This program is for beginner surfers, with more experienced surfers serving as Mentors

Sustainability: Sustainable Gardening and Beekeeping

This program will introduce you to traditional and contemporary methods of maintaining a healthy colony of honey bees We will be managing the existing hives, installing new hives, learning about the equipment needed, and also current practices for feeding and medicating the bees against disease and parasites We will also plant seedlings from the hydroponics lab in the new high tunnel (greenhouse) used to grow vegetables for the community. This will involve planning the plantings in raised beds and caring for the needs of the plants as they grow


Members of The Lance are the purveyors and archivists of SG´s history and culture for the 2024-2025 school year. During the spring term, Lance members work both collaboratively and individually threading the pieces of the entire yearbook together. Students will work in a number of ways: in writing, editing, photography, art, design and student outreach. Each member of the team will be expected to work in most areas and will likely be assigned to a specific area of specialty, led by our editorial board This spring, we will finish the yearbook In addition to finishing the book, the spring season group lays the groundwork for next year.



Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment


Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment

Lacrosse (boys)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment.

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment.

Lacrosse (girls)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment.

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment.


Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment.

Tennis (boys)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment

Tennis (girls)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment

JV: A wider range of abilities and experience levels looking for a mix of competitiveness and enjoyment

Track and Field (boys)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment

Track and Field (girls)

Varsity: A high level of skill, athleticism and commitment.

Racket Sports (Rec)/Athletic Helper (max 16)

Open to V and VI Form only

MTRF: Rec sport activities

W/S: Athletic Training Helper

Athletic Helper

This program is geared towards students looking for an introduction to different roles in an athletic department

Strength and


St. George’s Strength and Conditioning program creates an experience, manages a facility, and creates culture that supports the St George’s Athletic Department and community as a whole Participating members of our community move forward on the health/wellness/fitness/performance spectrum We empower individuals with the knowledge and experience for them to have a direct hand in charting their own health/wellness/fitness/performance while at SG and beyond. Using best practices for research and techniques to assess, train and coach individuals, we help individuals improve and develop physically, improving various performance metrics and also help them develop mentally, emotionally and socially.


Yoga/Mindful Movement

Yoga/Mindful Movement is a safe and supportive space for you to explore yoga and movement in a way that makes exercise fun and meaningful Some days, we’ll get sweaty and energized with dynamic flows and routines, while other days we will focus on restorative practices to help us relax and recharge. Through these sessions, you’ll build a stronger mind-body connection, learn to take amazing care of yourself, and grow into a calmer, more confident version of you No previous experience is needed just come as you are and enjoy the journey!

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