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Booth # 6211 - North Hall Las Vegas Convention Center 二○一七年一月五日至八日 January 5 ∼ 8 , 2017

ISSN 1941-7878


Connecting the US and China Markets with the World


ISSN 1941-7878

主辦:美中貿易投資促進會 承辦:中華商報傳媒集團 電話 626.215.0179 傳真 888.272.8858

CES 輝煌 50 年 驚喜連連 【本報綜合報導】2017 國際消費 電子展(以下簡稱 CES)——全球 消費電子行業的年度盛宴將於 1 月 5 日至 1 月 8 日在拉斯維加斯盛大 舉行。同時,CES 也走到了第 50 個 年頭。作為全球最前沿的創新技術 的聚集地,本次展會將進一步鞏固 CES 的行業地位,使之持續成為全 球科技信息展會中的翹楚。 CES 的主辦方、美國消費技術協會 (CTA)總裁兼首席執行官蓋瑞·夏 培羅(Gary Shapiro)在接受本報採 訪時表示,在過去的 50 年中,CES 隨著行業的變化而發展,集中反映 並幫助推動了整個消費技術領域的 不斷擴展。他認為,多年以來,CES 能在這一領域上能夠獲得成功,離 不開眾多忠實用戶的深度合作。因 此,此次 CES 50 週年紀念也是一個 非常完美的里程碑,他本人為此而 感到自豪。 CES 50 年發展歷史回顧 1967 年舉行的首屆 CES 展會並非 在拉斯維加斯,而是在紐約市舉行, 直到 1998 年,CES 才固定每年 1 月 份在拉斯維加斯舉辦。 1967 年 CES 的會場面積約為 10 萬平方英尺, 當時 CES 還只是芝加哥音樂秀的一 個分場,吸引了約 1.75 萬名與會者

參加,只有 117 家參展企業展出了 相關產品,諸如晶體管收音機、立 體聲和小屏幕黑白電視等產品。參 加首屆 CES 的頂級公司包括:3M、 摩托羅拉、松下、飛利浦、夏普、 索尼、東芝、西屋等公司。而到了 1972 年,CES 展會與會人數已經擴 大到近 4 萬人,近 300 家企業攜帶 新產品先後登台亮相;而到 1977 年

CES 舉辦超過 10 年時,總人數躍增 至 5 萬人以上,超過 700 家參展商 加入到冬季展覽秀當中;在 1984 年 的 CES 上,出席人數雙雙刷新歷史 記錄,單場與會人數超過 10 萬人; 到 2005 年,CES 一躍成為世界上最 大的年度電子展覽,擁有 15 萬觀 眾;時至今日,CES 展會的規模依 然保持超高的增速,無論是人數、

場地還是參展商,CES 消費電子展 都堪稱全球科技盛會之最。 1997 年在拉斯維加斯舉行的 CES 破紀錄地第一次使用了超過 100 平 方英尺的展區。而到了 20 年後的今 天,展區面積擴大到 240 萬平方英 尺。在即將舉行的 2017 CES 上,將 有超過 3800 家參展商參展,並且 有超過 16.5 萬名與會者參加這次展

新華絲路提供海外推介和聯絡服務 中國經濟信息隸屬於新華通訊 社,是新華社經濟信息服務業務的 主體。新華社是國家通訊社,也是世 界四大通訊社之一,在全國各省、 市及香港、澳門特區設有 33 個分支 機構,在境外有 180 個分支機構。

中國經濟信息社作為中國經濟信 息事業的開創者,目前已成為國內 規模最大、服務領域最廣、產品種類 最全的經濟信息服務機構之一。依 托新華社遍布全球的新聞信息採集 和服務網絡以及雲技術、大數據、 人工智能等先進技術,為全球超過 兩萬家用戶提供經濟信息服務。 “新華絲路”信息產品是由新華 社中國經濟信息社主辦,以“一帶一 路”為核心內容的國家級信息服務 平台。通過中英文數據庫、徵信、 諮詢與智庫、交易撮合四大產品服 務體系,為客戶提供“一帶一路” 建設相關的信息查詢與發布、信息 甄別、個性化諮詢以及商務撮合交 易等服務,幫助用戶把握商機、規 避風險。 2015 年 7 月“新華絲路”信息產 品正式上線以來,社會各界反響強 烈。 2016 年 2 月 19 日,習近平總 書記在新華社調研時,實地考察了 “新華絲路”數據庫產品,給予了 高度評價並表示新華社有能力把這 件事情辦好。 在“一帶一路”建設深入開展背 景下,為幫助“走出去”企業更好地 展示產品和企業形象,幫助更多機 構和企業更好、更穩地“走出去”, 我們依托新華社海外分社和戰略合 作夥伴,為機構和企業客戶提供以 下海外宣介及聯絡服務:

(1)外宣服務支撐:多語種專題 頁製作 + 廣告 + 視頻播放 + 海外社 交媒體運營。 新華絲路網中文站:http://silkroad. news.cn/ 新華絲路網英文站:http://silkroad. news.cn/en 我們可以從客戶處選擇有價值的 相關新聞信息、專家觀點刊登在網 站相關欄目中,有利於形象宣傳,傳 播客戶的研究觀點和企業形象,提 升國內和國際影響力。也可以為客 戶在新華絲路網上,提供專題頁、 廣告、視頻播放的服務。另外,我 們還可以在海外社交媒體上進行相 關運營。

(2)海外推介全流程服務:前期 諮詢——推介活動落地——人脈資 源收集——當地媒體宣介——項目 洽談 / 對接。 相對於一般的公司或媒體承接推 介活動,我們的服務更為客戶的推 廣對接實效著想,除了較為常見的 宣傳服務和中期的活動落地服務 外,我們還提供前期分析諮詢、後 期跟踪撮合和持續關注報導,以及 多語種網絡和現場服務。 (3)海外媒體資源整合 + 傳播方 案製定和執行。 (4)海外政商資源溝通活動。 右上圖為案例:北京中關村十大 新聞事件評選活動宣傳推介

中華商報傳媒集團 洛杉磯總社 15713 Valley Blvd., City of Industry, CA 91744 廣告刊登熱線 626-215-0179 傳真 888-588-3431 editor@chinesebiznews.com

會,將有來自 150 個國家超過 5 萬 名國際專業人士參加。可以說,CES 已成為目前世界上規模最大、水平 最高和影響最廣的消費類電子產品 展覽會。 科技創新產品的首展地 許多給人類進步帶來重要意義的 產品、技術、概念、想法在 CES 誕 生,同時也見證了全人類電子科技 的發展軌跡,許多我們至今耳熟能 詳的電子產品和偉大創新都在這里 首次亮相,CES 不啻為見證人類探 索文明的一個歷史載體。 CES 自創立初始,就成為無數引 領行業的電子產品和“黑科技”的 展示舞台。該展會自 1967 年開始, 已經展出了將近 70 萬件產品。 我們今天使用的許多電子產品, 大多最先出自 CES 的展台,並從這 裡走向世界的。例如,1970 年在 CES 首次亮相的錄像機(VCR),在 1996 年在 CES 首次問世的 DVD 刻 錄機、在 2001 年出現的 Xbox 遊戲 機、2004 年誕生的藍光光盤、2010 年發明的平板電腦等等,它們曾經 或現在大多已經成為我們日生活中 必不可少的科技產品。而近幾年在 CES 亮相的創新產品更是層出不窮, 4K 超 高 清 電 視、3D 眼 鏡、VR\AR 設備、3D 打印技術、智能可穿戴設 備、各種物聯網智能設備等,引領 著全球未來科技發展新趨勢。 近幾年電子消費品的趨勢是朝著 智能化的方向發展,前幾屆 CES 展 會 上 推 出 的 無 人 駕 駛 汽 車、 無 人 機、虛擬現實、智能家電等產品有 力推動了行業創新,這也使 CES 愈 發成為全球業者觀察產業趨勢的風 向標。 2017 CES 的亮點領域 2017 CES 的亮點將主要集中在智 能家居、自動駕駛、VR 技術、5G、 可穿戴、OLED 等領域。在這些領 域,眾多世界頂級公司的產品將同 台比拼。 在智能家居方面,近年在亞馬遜、 蘋果和谷歌引領下,智能家居市場 已經擁有了一個比較完整的生態體 系,一直保持升溫。在 2017 年的 CES 展會上有許多智能家居設備廠 商推出新品,比如智能門鎖、智能燈 泡、安全攝像頭、恆溫器,以及智 能洗衣機、智能電冰箱和智能空氣 淨化器成為用戶最想購買的智能家 居產品,參展的眾多“中國智造”

廠商將大放異彩。 在無人駕駛方面,當前不僅有物 聯網技術公司在研發無人駕駛技 術,像福特等傳統車企也開始進入 這一領域。從 2017 年 CES 參展名 單中我們就可以發現不少的汽車廠 商,比如克萊斯勒、豐田,也想在此 領域分一杯羹。例如,汽車技術供 應商 Delphi 也披露了在 CES 上展示 自動駕駛技術的信息。 Delphi 已經 給一輛奧迪 SQ5 加裝了傳感器和自 動駕駛軟件,並將展示與計算機視 覺技術公司 Mobileye 合作的成果。另 外,芯片廠商將展示它們的芯片不 但能處理大量傳感器輸入的信息, 還能向汽車發出控制指令。日本芯 片公司瑞薩科技將在 CES 上展示一 輛自動駕駛原型車。 在 5G 手機方面,世界多個行業巨 頭也爭相搶占 5G 技術發展先機。在 本屆展會上,英特爾將全方位展示 5G 等領域創新技術,高通 CEO 將進 行以 5G 網絡革命性為主題的演講, 愛立信將舉辦的“5G 盛宴”分會並 現場展示實驗性的 5G 基站和移動 用戶設備。 在虛擬現實方面,在 CES 2017 上 將看到更多更強大的 VR 設備登場。 會展中心的遊戲展館和 VR 展區將 分為兩個大廳,預計各種各樣的硬 件初創公司都會藉 CES 展示最新的 外設產品。當然,其中也不乏大型廠 商的產品,比如 HTC 的 Vive 頭顯, 三星的 GearVR,另外還有諸多支持 AndroidDaydream 和 Windows 10 的 VR 設備預計都將會在本次 CES 展會 上亮相。 在 OLED 電視方面,韓國 LG 公司 SIGNATURE OLED 電視的第二代產 品在 CES 創新獎評選中獲得“最佳 創新獎”,它擁有 77 英寸屏幕、帶 有 HDR 顯示技術、浮面玻璃設計以 及 2.57mm 超薄機身。另外,一直 堅守液晶陣營的索尼,也被傳出即 將在本屆 CES 上發布新款 OLED 電 視。還有,索尼的老對手松下也預 計會推出他們的第二代 OLED 電視 產品。 最後,可穿戴設備也是值得特別 關注的領域,在 CES 不久前評選出 來的最佳創新獎的項目中,可穿戴 產品佔據了很大的比例。足以顯示 未來的可穿戴產品不僅不會消失, 而且花樣會越來越多。

專業的美國房地產搜索平台 美國手機房產網:http://m.fangchan.us/

二○一七年一月五日至八日 January 5 ∼ 8 , 2017 www.ChineseBizNews.com

2•藝術長廊 2.CES Int'l Edition

CES 專刊

中國廠商搶占智能家居舞台 【本報綜合報導】國際消費電子 展(CES)作為全球消費電子領域 的風向標,CES 每年都會吸引最優 秀的創新公司帶來最先進的技術理 念和產品。有多位業內人士指出, 是消費電子行業的風向標,不如說 是全球廠商的集體展示會和發布會 更貼切。作為世界第二大經濟體的 中國,電子產品的研發和製造能力 也與日俱增,“中國製造”正日趨 向“中國創造”轉型。特別是在智 能家居領域幾可以與歐美日巨頭一 爭高下,同時也將更多的“中國創 造”推向世界,讓世界認識“中國 創造”,認可“中國創造”。

智能家居創新贏得盛讚 儘管近年來無人機、AR/VR 等黑 科 技 分 流 了 一 些 公 眾 的 注 意 力, 但是智能家居依然熱度不減,依舊 是 CES2017 的重頭戲。業內人士表 示,隨著芯片級解決方案的推出, 智能家庭產業鏈完善會加快提速, 智能家居產品將更加流行,價這意 味著更多日常設備迎來“物聯網” (IoT)升級。支持 Wi-Fi 連接和應用 控制將逐漸成為家居設備的標配。 冰箱、洗衣機和烘乾機都比以往更 加“聰明”。門鈴、燈泡、吊扇和 煙霧報警器也都將如此。 智能家居設備製造商西勒奇公司

2017 台北電腦展鎖定 6 大主題 【本報台北專訊】2017 台北國際 與會廠商反應熱絡。 據 統 計,COMPUTEX 2017 已 有 電腦展(COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2017) 將於明年 5 月底登場,鎖定 6 大主 近千家台灣廠商取得展位資格,分 題,已有近千家台灣廠商取得展位 析展商報名資料,除了歷年參展品 牌大廠持續參與之外,為數眾多的 資格。 2017 台北國際電腦展將在明年 5 中小型資通訊參展廠商,在產品面 月 30 日至 6 月 3 日於世貿一館、世 亦隨著物聯網發展趨勢,開發具有 貿三館、南港展覽館與台北國際會 軟硬整合特色的分眾化消費科技產 議中心四地同步展出。共同主辦單 品,讓傳統硬體裝置能夠利用 APP 位之一台北市電腦公會表示,因應 程式進行設定控制與參數調整,甚 資通訊產業軟硬整合市場趨勢,消 至可以透過藍牙、WiFi、ZigBee 或 費科技應用服務需求,COMPUTEX LoRa 等無線通訊協定,傳輸各種使 2017 將 以 物 聯 網(IoT)、 新 創 用數據與環境資料到雲端,如此一 (Startup)、人工智慧(AI)、電競 來,能透過大數據分析或人工智慧 (Gaming)、AR VR、商業解決 技術,提供個人化專屬服務,真正 方案(Business Solutions)等六大主 讓硬體設備智慧化,並創造品牌差 題作為展覽主軸,提供一站式資通 異性,也讓 COMPUTEX 成為全球知 名物聯網應用服務生態系重點 B2B 訊科技生態系 B2B 專業採購服務。 2017 台 北 國 際 電 腦 展 並 透 過 專業展會之一。 此外,因應 B2B 商業推廣也盛行 與 InnoVEX 同 期 舉 辦 方 式, 讓 COMPUTEX 成為新創圈與資通訊產 社群網路行銷,為讓國際潛在買主 業鏈結的國際媒合平台。為協助展 關注台灣產業與廠商動態,TCA 成 商能順利參與 COMPUTEX,展前說 立 Computex 與 InnoVEX 二 個 臉 書 明會從 19 日開始一連舉辦五日,進 (Facebook)粉絲專頁,提供展覽活 行參展重要事項說明與展位抽籤, 動、產業情報與新創活動資訊。

戰略副總裁與合夥人羅伯·馬頓斯 (Rob Martens)認為,本屆 CES 的 趨勢之一是智能家居協議與標準的 升級。在第一波智能家居浪潮中出 現的少數智能家居產品,價格昂貴 且功能有限。此後消費電子品牌致 力於解決智能家居究竟應該是什麼 樣的以及讓所有消費者可以廣泛地 接觸物聯網等難題,最終的目標是 打破智能家居前行中的障礙。 本屆 CES 期間,智能家居愛好者 或許能夠看到一些行業組織、品牌 企業與技術公司的聯合,大家通過 不同的技術平台來進行無縫合作, 例如蘋果的 HomeKit、谷歌 Home、 亞馬遜 Alexa、三星的 SmartThings 等等。 據 CES 官方資料顯示,2016 年共 有 4119 家參展商,來自中國的企業 數量比 2015 年翻了一番還要多, 達到 1300 家,約佔參展企業總數 的三分之一。這其中,除了華為、 聯想、海信、TCL 等知名企業大放 異彩,大疆創新、Wulian 等後起之 秀的智能硬件也十分搶眼。其中, Wulian 就是從事物聯網智能家居的 企業,生產的智能家居產品已經在 連續兩年在 CES 上參展。 記者了解到,前年、去年已連續兩 次在 CES 上參展的領先的中國物聯 網設備和解決方案提供商 Wulian 已 經確認參加 2017 年的 CES。而在過 往兩屆 CES 上,Wulian 公司都憑藉 物聯網智能家居創新產品和應用, 贏得了大量觀眾,該公司生產的豎

型網關、煙霧火警探測器、小物環 境監測攝像機、可視雲聯鎖、 Mini 網關、智能貓眼等大量精品不僅在 國內智能家居市場獨占鰲頭,也受 了國外觀眾的交口稱讚。 2017 CES 上,Wulian 同樣會為全球智能家居 領域帶來驚喜,繼續領跑行業。屆時 一定會有更新產品驚艷亮相 2017 CES 展。 繼 2016 年的 CES 上中國製造的 智能家居在 CES 上大放異彩後,今 年一些廠商繼續在智能家居上為中 國爭光。其中,中國廠商聯絡互動 作為中國“智”造業第一批“吃螃 蟹者”,在去年開始發力佈局智能 硬件產業鏈生態。在 2016 年的 CES 上,聯絡互動將展示一批智能硬件 新品,這些新品覆蓋智能穿戴、智 能家居以及智能醫療等領域。 以智能空調設備為例,聯絡互動 “忻風”系列下的單品忻風便攜式 空氣淨化器在今年冬天銷售火爆, 這 款 配 備“ 微 型 空 氣 淨 化 器 ” 的 防 PM2.5 等 有 害 氣 體 的 智 能 口 罩 在朋友圈瘋傳,該產品在近日甚至 出現了賣斷貨的情況。在剛結束的 “2016 互聯網牛耳獎頒獎盛典” 上,忻風便攜式空氣淨化器一舉斬 獲 了 智 能 行 業“ 年 度 最 具 人 氣 產 品”獎項。在即將舉行的 2017 年 的 CES 上,聯絡互動也將展示這款 產品,並發布“忻風”系列其他新 品,如車載智能淨化器和空氣監測 儀等將一併與公眾零距離接觸。用 智能的環保設備為中國和世界作出

貢獻。 智能係統凸顯“中國創造” 中國廠商不僅在生產、設計單項 產品中贏得國際消費者的尊重,在 智能家居生態中也為世界貢獻著自 己的才智。例如,中國家電業巨頭 蘇寧電器也計劃在 CES 上推出自己 的產品。 2016 年年底,蘇寧也開啟 了蘇寧易購線上體驗館,同步展示 最新、最潮的產品。在 CES 的蘇寧 線上體驗館分為眾籌優趣和智能家 居兩個展區,聚集了 CES 展會眾多 新奇特的消費電子產品,以智能家 居展區為例,智能家居為消費者精 選了海信智能空氣淨化器、博倫博 格智能冰箱、PPTV 電視等智能家居 產品。也充分體現了人性化、舒適 高效的智能家居理念。蘇寧智能家 居系統自 2015 的 CES Asia 展會上 正式發布以來,短短一年半的時間 裡已經與 70 多個國內外主流品牌、 400 多家廠商達成了合作,目前有

美國地產集團簡介 美國地產集團與美國泰ᆤ傳媒集 團,是美國知名的地產公司與享有 美譽的媒體集團,在美國經營多年, 擁有很多成功的商業地產運作和宣 傳推廣的案例。 蘇家敏女士作為兩家集團公司的 CEO,不僅擁有豐富的媒體經營經 驗,更具有長達 28 年的商業地產經 驗,她對酒店、土地、倉庫、公寓、 學校、商場、豪宅、連鎖餐廳、連 鎖加油站等各種類型的商業地產。 現 在隨 著 美 國 房 地產市場的複 蘇,投資者對商業地產的需求持續 走強,美國地產集團的業務規模也 在快速增長,現在美國地產的合作 單位包括 TARGET 商場、WALMART 商場、萬豪酒店集團、ARCO 加油站 運營商,還有著名的中資銀行、美 國猶太人的資本集團。 美國地產集團尤其專精一條龍落 地服務,協助過多位中國企業家一 步到位,在美國生根。集團運營的 商業地產可以僱傭員工,所發展出 來的品牌非常適於投資移民,即可 保障投資人的投資回報,又可幫助 投資人獲得永久美國身份,享受美 國社會的優質生活。 美國地產精英團隊裡有數位資深 中美地產專家,可為您解答在地產

投資中遇到的各種疑難問題。美國 地產還有強大的售後服務團隊,為 投資人提供持續的售後支持,可以 讓投資人無後顧之憂。 美國中華商報傳媒集團旗下所運 營的專業地產媒體(中華地產報、 國際地產雜誌、家園月刊、美國房 產網、經紀人房產網、易美居移動 服務)提供多渠道全方位的市場營 銷支持。 美國地產集團 蘇家敏 Grace Su 400-651-3663 轉 2138(國際直 播電話) 電話: +1 626 677 6488 傳真: +1 888 272 8858 微信 /QQ 號:2475051295 Email grace@meiguorealty.com

逾千款的設備接入到了蘇寧智能家 居系統,覆蓋了智能客廳、廚房、 安防、健康等場景。 此外,中國的海爾、阿里、美的、 飛利浦、長虹、TCL 等廠商都展開智 能家居的終端生產。整個智能家居 的大生態下,一件件產品都正在這 些物聯網、智能家居操作系統的加 持下變得越來越智能。系統搭台、 硬件廠商場戲的方案正在成為整個 智能家居行業的普遍解決方案。屆 時,這些廠家的智能家居生態系統 都會在 CES 亮相,展示中國製造的 獨特魅力。 近年來,家居行業開始碰上轉型 升級的拐點。在異常激烈的市場和 技術競爭中,通過優勝劣汰,有品 牌基礎、技術實力和資源平台的企 業能夠在新興領域和傳統領域改造 “彎道超車”,獲取先發優勢。 雖然,智能消費品還有諸多的問 題需要解決,而其市場也沒有到大 規模爆發的時候,但這並不阻礙企 業對於佈局其中的決心,從目前所 蒐集到的關於 CES2017 的信息當然 只是冰山一角,相信,在大會正式 開幕後,將會有更多更重磅的新產 品與技術的發布,助力智能化時代 的到來。 在當前中國經濟增速放緩的形勢 下,家居企業、互聯網企業等行業 紛 紛 進 軍 智 能 家 居 領 域 搶 占“ 藍 海”。智能家居產品歷經單品智能 到多品類互聯的演變,發展到如今 智能家居全產業鏈的貫通。以智能 家居 4.0 模式為代表的“智慧生活 生態圈”的落地,智能家居市場將 迎來可以預計的擴張和爆發契機。

2017 亞洲消費電子展徵集演講提案 【本報訊】美國消費技術協會 (CTA)TM 日前宣布布從即日起開始 徵集 2017 年亞洲消費電子展演講 提案,截止日期為 2017 年 1 月 16 日。作為中國消費技術行業的重要 活動之一,本屆亞洲消費電子展將 於 2017 年 6 月 7 日至 9 日再次在中 國上海舉行。根據目前會議規劃, 本屆展會的會議內容將合計超過 40 多小時。來自世界各地多達一百多 名行業領袖和專家將在此與業內人 士共聚一堂,分享最新行業趨勢以 及對創新的深入見解。有意發表演 講的嘉賓可通過填寫此表單提交演 講提案。 “在亞洲消費電子展上進行演講 的嘉賓將獲得在 30,000 餘名參與 展會人員面前亮相的機會,其中還 包括 1,100 多名來自世界各地的媒 體記者,”美國消費技術協會總裁 兼首席執行官蓋瑞·夏培羅 (Gary

Shapiro) 先生說,“快速發展的亞洲 消費電子展為業內提供了一個理想 的交流和研討平台,有力地推動了 亞洲消費技術市場的不斷進步。我 們期待在亞洲消費電子展上聽到來 自消費技術行業最有名望、最為睿 智的專家的演講。” 2017 年亞洲消費電子展日前開 始接受演講提案。我們將根據演講 人在行業裡的地位、演講內容是否 新穎且具有獨特視點、演講人過去 的演講經歷等條件,從中篩選出最 佳演講人選。一旦提案被選中,我 們將於 2017 年 2 月 28 日之前及時 通知演講人。需要注意的是:演講 人提交的提案內容必須以面向業內 人士為主。除此之外,在提交提案 之前,務必仔細閱讀提案提交指南 和演講人須知。 如 有 任 何 問 題 或 疑 問, 中 國 地 區 請 聯 繫 wanghuan@shanghai-

中華商報傳媒集團 洛杉磯總社 15713 Valley Blvd., City of Industry, CA 91744 廣告刊登熱線 626-215-0179 傳真 888-588-3431 editor@chinesebiznews.com

intex.com, 中 國 以 外 地 區 請 聯 繫 CESAsiaconferences@CTA.tech。 本屆亞洲消費電子展預計將有 450 家展商參加,重點展示 19 大類 的產品,其中包括新增加的無人機、 物聯網以及虛擬現實 (VR) 等產品類 別。而展覽區域將擴大至上海新國

際博覽中心的五個展廳。有關展會 的最新信息,請訪問展會官方網站 CESAsia.com。 如需了解更多有關亞洲消費電子 展的參展機會,請聯繫 Brian Moon, 聯繫方式:bmoon@CTA.tech

專業的美國房地產搜索平台 美國手機房產網:http://m.fangchan.us/

CES 專刊

二○一七年一月五日至八日 January 5 ∼ 8 , 2017 www.ChineseBizNews.com

3.CES3•全版廣告 Int'l Edition

中美數字支付的多角度比較 【本報特稿】筆者上次從美國回 中國之前,有一天跟公司(美國運 通紐約總部)食堂的多米尼加收銀 員聊天。她問我去中國帶哪家的信 用卡最划算。我告訴她,中國信用卡 沒有美國普及,她得多兌換現金。 她當時眉頭緊皺,感覺一夜要回到 解放前。然而,相信很多人發現我 的建議其實是誤導。幾天后我回到 上海跟朋友聚會,在馬路上站了半 個小時攔出租車卻一無所獲。於是 我打開手機,下載滴滴出行,選擇 了快車。當我進入支付頁面的時候, 選項只有兩個:微信和支付寶。而我 卻沒有在這兩個賬戶綁定銀行卡。 於是,我只好打電話給朋友求助。 不過據說現在也能直接連接信用卡 了。 這次經歷讓我感慨頗多。我在美 國生活,即使去歐洲旅行用信用卡 也完全沒有障礙,但回了中國,出 行卻立馬難倒了我。從中國去美國 的留學生通常在出國前都要研究開 賬戶、寫支票以及申請信用卡的程 序,以保證想用錢的時候沒有障礙。 而現在留美的中國人回國,也得先 普及一下中國通用的支付方式。而 這些,也就是近年的事情。如果您 看到這裡,也跟我一樣好奇為何支 付形式在不同土地上有不同的“化 學反應”,就請一起往下探個究竟 吧。 支付偏好東西有別 美國人民素來在世界上享有“借 債過日子”、“明天的錢今天用”的 名聲。根據 Accenture 的調研表明, 大約有 67% 的美國人最常使用的仍 是現金;59% 的人也會經常使用借 記卡或者信用卡。美國在上世紀 90 年代就出現了電子支付,目前使用 最多的是 Paypal(16%), 其次是各類 移動支付 app(14%)。再從消費金額 來看,2015 年四大支付網絡(Master Card, American Express, Discover) 所支持的各類銀行卡的消費量達到 4.8 萬億美金(約 30 億人民幣), 比 2014 年增長了 7.8 %。而與此同 時,據《紐約時報》報導,美國 2015 年手機支付的交易額在傳統零售消 費的佔比僅為 0.2%。由此可見,雖 然支付的方式在美國推陳出新,但 美國人民隨之前進的步伐卻並不迅 速。 在大洋彼岸的中國,相信十年前, 很多人以為中國會復制美國的銀行 卡之路,由此擺脫攜帶現金的負擔。 但根據中國人民銀行發布的《2015 年支付體系運行總體情況》,全國 2015 年銀行卡消費量為 55 萬億人 民幣,而包括轉賬和消費的移動支 付達到了 108 萬億元人民幣,分別 同比增長了 30% 和 379%。看來,時 過境遷,在互聯網的催化下,中國 走出了一條新道路。 刷卡體驗拉大差距 用戶是各種支付方式的終端抉擇 者,因此用戶的體驗對於支付方式 的發展至關重要。美國人從上世紀 50 年代開始使用銀行卡,一切支付 的基礎設施都是圍繞著讀卡,網絡、 收單、銀行、信用體係等等搭建。 在這個過程中,美國的用戶與銀行 之間建立了長期的互惠關係。其中 主要包括: 1)優惠的消費折扣。雖然一個人 能擁有好幾張銀行卡,但通常他會 從抽出錢包裡抽出來的那一兩張是

各大銀行的“必爭之地”。為了讓 消費者把自己的產品銘刻在心裡, 銀行絞盡腦汁推出各類優惠或折扣 以促進份額。 2)信用歷史。通過使用信用卡, 美國銀行會收集更新用戶的信用數 據,並互相共享全面了解用戶的信 用歷史。這也方便了用戶獲得其他 借貸產品和渠道。 3)用戶體驗和安全。在美國刷卡 非常方便,信用卡更是不需要輸密 碼。這是因為銀行擁有的消費歷史 和用戶信息可以迅速自動地甄別刷 卡端用戶的真實性和信用情況。為 了避免分析結果對用戶刷卡產生過 多干擾,單筆支付拒絕率一般少於 1%。一旦發生盜刷,只要用戶可以 提供簡單的證據,無論是藉記卡還 是信用卡,銀行都承擔用戶的損失。 4)遍布全國的商戶網絡。除了發 卡的銀行等之外,美國的支付網絡 公司(如 Visa, MasterCard)和收單 服務公司(如 FirstData)連接著全 國大大小小的商戶。美國人幾乎走 到哪裡都可以刷卡。

5)優質的客服。作為銀行與用戶 之間的橋樑,客戶服務就是銀行的 隱形門面。用戶通過諮詢、投訴、協 商等獲得信息、補償、甚至是額外 的優惠。美國的銀行通常本著盡力 不丟失一個用戶的原則進行服務, 也由此更加鞏固了與用戶之間的信 任關係。 反觀中國,銀行體系雖然已經發 展得比較全面,但很多地方還有待 提高。中國人喜歡儲蓄,這直接導 致了借記卡比信用卡的普及率要高 很多。居央行統計,2015 年借記卡 發卡數量是信用卡的將近 13 倍, 說明很多中國人持卡也許主要是為 了避免怀揣現金。在這種情況下, 信用卡是否是滿足中國人普遍消費 需求的產品是值得商榷的。再來, 銀行的信用制度不健全,亂收手續 費,盜刷和信息洩露屢見不鮮,而 銀行對於用戶的賠償又非常有限, 導致消費者與銀行之間的信任不夠 穩固。今天,互聯網在中國已經高 度滲透,既然照搬國外的基礎建設 不給力,那就只能依靠全新的思路 直接起搭建新時代的支付框架了。 這也成就了中國在電子支付道路上 的突飛猛進。 網上消費縮短中美距離 自 從 上 世 紀 90 年 代 eBay 和 Amazon 成立以來,網上消費在美國 勢不可擋。據美國商務部的統計, 2015 年 美 國 網 上 銷 售 額 達 到 3.4 千億美元,同比增長 14% 。根據 Visa 的統計,在 2015 年的聖誕消 費季,智能手機上的電商消費已經 達到了電腦端的兩倍。而中國的電 商在最近的十年也是紅紅火火。在 2015 年,網上購物總量達到 3.8 萬 億人民幣,同比增長 33%。雖然網 上消費都蓬勃發展,但對支付的驅

動卻各不相同。 1)美國以銀行為主,科技公司為 輔 美國的網上消費通常是把銀行卡 鏈接到網站,有時也可以鏈接電子 錢包如 Paypal 等。還有一類科技公 司如 Stripe,Braintree 等提供第三方 支付網關(payment gateway),即 保證用戶在支付時的無縫體驗,也 給特別是中小商戶網站提供了方便 的支付處理技術。電子錢包雖然可 以在某些網站作為銀行和電商的橋 樑,與銀行卡一起成為支付選項, 但並沒有占主導地位。原因首先是 Paypal 覆蓋的電商有限且不排外, 可使用 Paypal 的電商也可以提供銀 行卡直接支付方式;第二是電子錢 包之所以方便是在於它免去了繁複 的銀行卡信息輸入步驟,可以做到 多卡合一。然而,很多網站通過支 付網關或是本身的設計 , 只需要用 戶一次性輸入卡號信息,就記憶了 用戶支付的偏好。以後無需再次輸 入。若用戶輸入多張信用卡信息, 也可多卡備選。因此網上消費對於 用戶來說無非還是一個使用銀行卡 的過程。 Paypal 的 CEO Dan Shulman 在接受 Fortune 雜誌採訪的時候也說 道,其實 Paypal 的機會來自於那些 沒有存入銀行賬戶的現金,如何把 它們存到 Paypal 的賬戶裡才是製勝 之道。 2)中國以科技公司為主導,銀行 主要負責清算 中國的銀行構建網上支付系統比 較遲緩,一定數量的銀行無法提供 全國聯網的網上支付服務。而與此 同時,第三方支付平台的興起卻給 網上支付提供了驅動力。支付寶的 興起就是引擎。基於淘寶的用戶基 礎,支付寶於 2003 年推出。它通 過用戶實名認證建立賬戶,綁定銀 行戶頭,讓用戶為在網上選購的物 品買單。要讓消費者放心在網上購 物,電商的信用建立和系統安全是 關鍵。支付寶的貨到付款,“全額 賠付”和手機驗證都為在用戶建立 信任關係方面起到了至關重要的作 用。在 2008 年,支付寶開始了手機 支付和公共事業繳費業務。支付寶 和 Paypal 一樣,同樣是以電子錢包 起家,而且也是依附電商,支付寶抓 住了銀行服務的漏缺,迎著科技發 展的浪潮,滲透到了生活的方方面 面。正是由於第三方平台提供的支 付服務的價值赶超了銀行,給平台 帶來了用戶粘性,也為這之後移動 支付的發展也鋪平了道路。而再反 觀 Paypal,在 21 世紀的前十年,它 的主要功能就是 eBay 的支付工具。 [9]eBay 對於 Paypal 的創新不足導致 到它在美國幾乎失去了電子支付的

先機。 3) 移動支付走出中國特色 移動支付可以完成網上和零售端 的交易。從零售端支付來看,美國 是依靠手機軟硬件製造商建立的第 三方平台主導。他們的用戶限於自 己的手機用戶。出於支付安全,使 用 iphone 在零售終端支付需要輸入 密碼或是指紋驗證。從用戶體驗來 講,雖然是使用了新科技,但也不 比拿卡插一下或劃一下快捷多少。 其次是受限於零售終端,這與手機 支付平台使用的技術有關。 Apple 和 Google 需要商戶使用 NFC(NearField Communicator), 意 味 著 零 售 終 端 需要通過更新來具備無線讀卡的 能 力, 使 手 機 和 終 端 產 生 交 互。 SamsungPay 使 用 的 是 虛 擬 磁 卡 技 術,就如同把綁定的信用卡複製成 虛擬卡後使用,雖然可以在幾乎所 有零售端使用,但這只限於最近出 品的三星手機型號。 而中國的零售端支付借助了第三 方支付平台如支付寶,微信等,結 合了電商和社交網絡的用戶基礎和 需求場景,令用戶量飛速增長。其 次,第三方支付主要是生成二維碼, 這種支付方式的安全性雖然不如 NFC,但普及率卻遠勝於後者。商戶 只需安裝識別軟件,成品較低。第 三,這些支付平台常常結合各種優 惠,或是與美團等 app 一起優惠買 單,為消費增值。最後,中國的國產 手機製造商在近年迅速覆蓋了低端 廉價的智能手機市場,成功地將其 普及到了為較不發達地區,甚至成 為那些地區上網最主要的途徑。由 此也保障了手機支付的全面滲透。 在移動 app 上,年輕人是消費主 力軍。從移動端的網上交易來講。 無論是中國還是美國的支付平台都 在大力與各種消費 app 整合,以迅

中華商報傳媒集團 洛杉磯總社 15713 Valley Blvd., City of Industry, CA 91744 廣告刊登熱線 626-215-0179 傳真 888-588-3431 editor@chinesebiznews.com

速發展用戶粘性。中國的大多數電 商 app 都已經使用微信和支付寶賬 戶。第一次支付會實行手機驗證增 加安全性。而今年強制推行的手機 全面實名認證也會對移動支付的安 全保障具有推波助瀾的作用。在美 國,ApplePay 等也與越來越多的移動 app 綁定。每次付費時的指紋驗證快 速又保險。美國的年輕人對於移動 支付的無縫體驗非常渴望,他們被 普遍認為將成為美國支付變革的推 動者。如果那些手機製造商能在其 建立的支付平台上推出更多優惠的 折扣或 app 之間的整合,會非常有 吸引力。據我所知,SamsungPay 已 經發了很多福利啦! 結語 說了那麼多,我還是很想讚歎一 下中國企業的創新力。曾經先進的

技術可能最終會成為進步的障礙。 而那些在初創時能結合當代科技驅 動和用戶需求的新思路雖然冒險, 卻是推成出新的原動力。中國在支 付方面雖然法律法規還不健全,安 全問題也不可小覷,但希望這條獨 特的道路能越走越長,越走越遠, 為老百姓的生活增添更多價值! 作者:潘雯靜 編輯:周玉琳,CFA,FRM 供 稿: 本 報 合 作 夥 伴 華 爾 街 Fintech 俱樂部(WSFC) 作者簡介 本 文 作 者 潘 雯 靜 (Wenjing Pan) 在美國運通紐約總部工作,專職於 電子支付營銷分析,擁有平台搭建、 風險控制和建模等方面的經驗。對 於美國的 Fintech 行業一直非常關 注,經常參與主持相關討論學習。

5G 革命的中央舞台在 CES 【本報訊】2017 國際消費電子 展 (CES® 2017) 是 全 球 最 大 的 互 聯 技 術 展 會。 全 球 的 技 術 生 態 系 統 將 匯 聚 一 堂, 展 示 新 一 代 移 動 網絡技術 5G 將為各大主要商業領 域的互聯和移動帶來的顛覆性影 響。 5G 的未來和其對互聯世界的 影響將是 CES 2017 的關注焦點, 其重頭戲便是愛立信舉辦的超級分 會 (Supersession)“5G 盛宴”(Stoked About 5G)。 CTA 總裁兼首席執行官蓋瑞·夏 培羅(Gary Shapiro)表示,“從物 聯網、虛擬現實到無人駕駛汽車, 這些新興創新的核心便是互聯。CES 2017 將展示 5G 領域全系列的技術, 因此它將成為體驗 5G 革命的最佳 去處。愛立信 ' 超級分會 ' 將為人們 勾勒出 5G 技術所創造的新互聯世 界,包括將顛覆消費者生活、工作 和娛樂方式的新產品和服務。借助 橫跨 24 個產品類目的 3,800 多家展 商,CES 2017 將揭曉互聯真正的影 響力。” 由愛立信舉辦的“5G 盛宴”超 級分會將於 1 月 5 日(週四)上午 10:15 拉開帷幕,地點:拉斯維加斯 會展中心 (LVCC) 北廳 257 號房間。 該分會將探索響應速度快於人腦的 5G 技術能夠為移動領域帶來的美 好未來。演講者包括: ·20 世 紀 福 克 斯 影 視 (20th Century Fox Film Corp.) 首席技術官

Hanno Basse ·韓國電信 (SK Telecom) 首席技術 官、執行副總裁兼企業研發中心負 責人 Alex Choi ·寶馬集團信息通信電子業務副 總裁 Fathi El-Dwaik 博士 ·愛立信高級副總裁兼首席策略 技術官 Ulf Ewaldsson ·Re/code(主持人)高級主編 Ina Fried 互聯主題將貫穿整個 CES 2017, 涉及幾乎每個產品類目,包括汽車、 智能家庭、機器人、健身技術、健 康和康體和可穿戴產品等。此外, CES 大會議程將凸顯互聯移動領域 的最新進展,其中的主題包括無人 駕駛技術、物聯網、智慧城市、數 字健康和 5G,期間高通首席執行官 Steve Mollenkopf 也將發表主旨演講, 探討 5G 對全世界的影響。 除了愛立信之外,互聯和移動領 域的其他領軍企業也將參加 CES, 發布新產品和服務,包括華為、高 通、Sprint、Verizon、 三 星、LG、 TCL、ZTE Blackberry 和諾基亞等。 5G 將帶來新服務的爆炸式增長,包 括寬帶和更好的家庭服務,為智能 汽車提供更快的互聯服務、價格實 惠的智慧城市基礎設施和增強現實 / 虛擬現實互動體驗。借助展示的各 類技術,CES 2017 將揭示 5G 能夠 為消費者帶來哪些真正的好處。

專業的美國房地產搜索平台 美國手機房產網:http://m.fangchan.us/

äşŒâ—‹ä¸€ä¸ƒĺš´ä¸€ćœˆäş”ć—Ľč‡łĺ…Ťć—Ľă€€January 5 âˆź 8 , 2017 www.ChineseBizNews.com

4•�襓镡坊 4CES Int'l Edition

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Jen-Hsun Huang 30 -DQXDU\ 9H Q H W L D Q / H Y H O 3 D O D ] ] R %DOOURRP Jen-Hsun Huang founded NVIDIA in 1993 and has continued to serve since as president and CEO. The company has pioneered the GPU, which has evolved from a 3D graphics processor into a computer brain giving humans the power to simulate virtual worlds and computers the intelligence to understand the real world. Huang has received the Daniel Epstein Engineering Management Award from University of Southern California and an honorary doctorate from Oregon State University. He was named a founding member of the U.S. Immigrant Entrepreneur Hall of Fame. Harvard Business Review has named him one of the world’s 100 bestperforming CEOs.

Arnold W. Donald $0 -DQXDU\ 9H Q H W L D Q / H Y H O 3 D O D ] ] R %DOOURRP Arnold W. Donald has served as president and chief executive officer of Carnival Corporation since July 2013. Previously, Donald was president and CEO of The Executive Leadership Council, a professional network of African-American executives of major U.S. companies, from 2010 to 2012. He previously served as president and CEO of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

International from 2006 to 2008. From 2000 to 2005, Donald was the chairman of the board of Merisant Company, a manufacturer and marketer of tabletop sweetener products, including the EqualÂŽ and CanderelÂŽ brands. From 2000 to 2003, he was also the CEO of Merisant Company. Donald has served on the board of directors of Bank of America Corporation since 2013 and the board of directors for Crown Holdings, Inc. since 1999. He previously served as a director of Oil-Dri Corporation of America from 1997 to 2013 and The Laclede Group, Inc. from 2003 to 2014.

Street Journal, The New York Times and The Washington Post, Shapiro has helped direct policymakers and business leaders on the importance of innovation in the U.S. economy. He is considered an "influencer" on LinkedIn and has more than 170,000 followers.

a global automotive company with 240,000+ employees and US$110B+ in revenue. Under Ghosn, Nissan has had KLJKHU SUR¿W PDUJLQV WKDQ PDQ\ ULYDOV and has expanded geographically — particularly to China, now one of Nissan's key markets. Additionally, Ghosen was named CEO of Renault Group in 2005, becoming the first person to run two global Fortune 500 companies simultaneously. He is also chairman and CEO of the Renault-Nissan Alliance, one of the world's largest automotive groups. Renault, Nissan and AVTOVAZ together sold 8.5M+ vehicles in 2015 — more than one in 10 cars worldwide.

Richard Yu

Gary Shapiro $0 -DQXDU\ 9H Q H W L D Q / H Y H O 3 D O D ] ] R %DOOURRP Gary Shapiro is president and CEO of the Consumer Technology A s s o c i a t i o n ( C TA ) ™ t h e U . S . trade association representing more than 2,200 consumer technology companies and which owns and produces CESŽ — The Global Stage for Innovation. Shapiro directs a staff of more than 160 employees and thousands of industry volunteers, leading his organization’s promotion of innovation as a national policy to spur the economy, create jobs and cut the deficit. CTA advocates for a lower GH¿FLW VNLOOHG LPPLJUDWLRQ IUHH WUDGH and policies that support innovative new business models. CTA does not seek government funding for industry. Shapiro authored CTA’s New York Times best-sellers, Ninja Innovation: The Ten Killer Strategies of the World’s Most Successful Businesses (Harper Collins, 2013) and The Comeback: How Innovation will Restore the American Dream (Beaufort, 2011). Through these books and television appearances, and as a columnist whose more than 500 opinion pieces have appeared in publications such as The Wall

30 -DQXDU\ 9HQHWLDQ 3DOD]]R %DOOURRP Richard Yu is CEO of Huawei Consumer Business Group and is responsible for communicating and implementing its strategy internally and externally. Yu began his career at Huawei in 1993. In 2008, he was nominated as president of the West Europe SubRegion and, thereafter, as president of the European Region. In 2006, he was appointed president of Huawei’s Wireless Network Product Line, where he led the team in becoming a leading global supplier of wireless solutions. Other positions he has held include, CTO of Wireless R&D, head of Huawei UMTS product line and director of the GSM/UMTS Technical Sales Department.

Carlos Ghosn 30 -DQXDU\ :HVWJDWH :HVWJDWH 7KHDWHU Carlos Ghosn is chairman and CEO of Nissan Motor Corporation, Ltd.,

(Artisan Entertainment). Kassan is often called upon as a speaker and commentator to share his insights on the media and advertising industries, changes within them, growth, and the places in which tangible opportunities exist for marketers. He is a regular keynote speaker at the world’s major media conferences. In addition, Kassan has served on the Board of the Hollywood Radio and Television Society, the Commission on California State Government Organization and Economy and the Cultural Affairs Commission – City of Los Angeles and has been Chairman of the State Senate Select Committee on the Entertainment Industry. Kassan is also a strong supporter of community and notfor-profit programs, and currently serves as Chair of the UJA-New York Marketing Communications Committee. He also plays an active role in children’s education and mentoring, having been involved in ERWK WKH + ( / 3 *URXS D QRQ SUR¿W organization serving children with special needs, and the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters program of Los Angeles.

Steve Mollenkopf $0 -DQXDU\ 9H Q H W L D Q / H Y H O 3 D O D ] ] R %DOOURRP Steve Mollenkopf is chief executive RྜFHU RI 4XDOFRPP ,QFRUSRUDWHG DQG also serves on the company’s board of directors. Mollenkopf, an inventor, engineer, and seasoned executive, is moving the company into new industries while also leading the way to 5G. Since becoming CEO in March 2014, Mollenkopf has led the expansion of Qualcomm’s business into sectors such as the Internet of Things (IoT), wearables, automotive and health care. He is a published IEEE author and holds seven patents in areas such as power estimation and measurement, multi-standard transmitters, and wireless communication transceiver technology.

Michael E. Kassan $0 -DQXDU\ :HVWJDWH :HVWJDWH 7KHDWHU Michael E. Kassan is an internationally recognized business strategist operating at the intersection of the media, advertising and entertainment industries. He is the founder of MediaLink, a leading Los Angeles- and New York City-based advisory and business development firm that provides critical counsel and direction on issues of marketing, advertising, media, entertainment and digital technology. MediaLink provides strategic marketing and brand development, implementation roadmaps, technology solutions for media, media sales and revenue generation, business development, organizational planning and competitive analysis to many of the Fortune 100’s biggest global brands. P r e v i o u s l y, K a s s a n w a s t h e President/COO and Vice-Chairman of Initiative Media Worldwide. In 1997, he was named one of the top media executives in America by Advertising Age Magazine. He joined Initiative Media Worldwide in 1994, and helped grow media billings from $1.5 billion to over $10 billion. Prior to Initiative, he was President and COO of International Video Entertainment

Barry Diller $0 -DQXDU\ :HVWJDWH :HVWJDWH 7KHDWHU Barry Diller is the chairman and senior executive of IAC and the chairman and senior executive of Expedia, Inc. Until late 2010, Diller spent 15 years serving as the chairman and CEO of IAC. Before IAC, Diller served as the chairman and CEO of both QVC, Inc., from 1992 to 1994, and Fox, Inc. from 1984 to 1992. At Fox, he was responsible for the creation of Fox Broadcasting Company. Prior to joining Fox, he served for 10 years as the chairman of Paramount Pictures Corporation and was previously the vice president of prime time television for ABC Entertainment. Diller serves on the boards of The Coca-Cola Company and the Graham Holdings Company (formerly The Washington Post Company). He also serves on the Board of Councilors for the School of Cinema-Television at the University of Southern California.

Kevin Plank 30 -DQXDU\ 9H Q H W L D Q / H Y H O 3 D O D ] ] R %DOOURRP $IWHU \HDUV RI RXW¿WWLQJ DWKOHWHV with the world’s most innovative performance apparel, footwear and equipment, Kevin Plank oversees a global company of 14,000 employees with revenues surpassing $4 billion. Under Armour athletic performance products are sold globally and are worn by athletes at all levels on playing fields around the world. The Under Armour Connected Fitness platform powers the world's largest digital health and fitness community through a suite of applications: UA Record, MapMyFitness, Endomondo and MyFitnessPal. True to his vision, Plank and Under Armour are committed to empowering athletes everywhere ‌ and they are just getting started.

International Real Estate Journal

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CES ĺ°ˆĺˆŠ

äşŒâ—‹ä¸€ä¸ƒĺš´ä¸€ćœˆäş”ć—Ľč‡łĺ…Ťć—Ľă€€January 5 âˆź 8 , 2017 www.ChineseBizNews.com

5CES5â€˘ĺ…¨ç‰ˆ坣ĺ‘Š Int'l Edition

CES 2017: Center Stage for the 5G Revolution CESŽ 2017 is the world’s largest show for connectivity. The entire global technology ecosystem will gather to showcase the revolutionary impact 5G, the next generation of mobile network technology, will have on connectivity and mobility across every major business sector. The future of 5G and its effect on the connected world will be a major focus at CES 2017, highlighted by the SuperSession, “Stoked About 5G�, presented by Ericsson. Owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)TM, CES 2017 is scheduled January 5-8, in Las Vegas, Nevada. “From the Internet of Things, to virtual reality to self-driving cars and beyond, connectivity is at the core of emerging innovation. With the entire spectrum of technology on display, there is no better place to experience the 5G revolution than at CES 2017,� said Gary Shapiro, president and CEO, CTA. “Ericsson’s SuperSession will paint a picture of our new connected world with 5G technology, including new products and services that will revolutionize the way consumers live, work and play. With more than 3,800 exhibiting companies across 24 product categories, the true impact of connectivity will be unveiled at CES 2017.� The “Stoked About 5G� SuperSession presented by Ericsson will take place at 10:15 AM, Thursday,

January 5 in the LVCC, North Hall, Room N257. The session will explore the bright future of mobility with 5G, the network that reacts faster than the human brain. Speakers include:

including Self Driving Technology, IoT, Smart Cities, Digital Health and 5G, as well as a keynote from Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf, who will discuss the worldwide

Hanno Basse, CTO, 20th Century Fox Film Corp. • A l e x C h o i , C TO , E V P a n d Head of Corporate R&D Center, SK Telecom Dr. Fathi El-Dwaik, Vice President, Information and Communication Electronics, BMW Group Ulf Ewaldsson, Sr. VP, Chief Strategy and Technology Officer, Ericsson Inc. Ina Fried, Senior Editor, Re/code (Moderator) Connectivity will be ubiquitous throughout CES 2017, touching nearly every product category from automotive to smart home, robotics, fitness tech, health and wellness, wearables and more. In addition, the CES Conference Program will highlight the latest developments in connected mobility with topics

impact of 5G. In addition to Ericsson, leaders in connectivity and mobility will be at CES launching new products and services such as: Huawei, Qualcomm, Sprint, Verizon, Samsung, LG, TCL, ZTE Blackberry, Nokia and more. 5G will open up an explosion of new services – including broadband and better home services, faster FRQQHFWLYLW\ IRU VPDUW FDUV D྾RUGDEOH smart city infrastructure and interactive AR/VR experiences. With the full spectrum of technology on display, CES 2017 will illustrate how * ZLOO WUXO\ EHQH¿W FRQVXPHUV Verizon Wireless got the hype train rolling late last year when it said it ZRXOG EH WKH ¿UVW WR GHSOR\ ¿HOG WULDOV and commercially deploy 5G. AT&T followed suit, and it said earlier this month that it's testing out 5G for a

single business customer in Austin, Texas. Verizon will lie low in early 2017. It has traditionally skipped the glitz and glamour of CES aside from one year -- a splashy press conference in 2011 to mark the full debut of its 4G LTE network. History could repeat itself again once its 5G network is mature enough for a meatier conversation. That doesn't mean other key players will stay quiet. AT&T will talk up 5G during its annual developer FRQIHUHQFH ZKLFK NLFNV Rŕľľ LQ 9HJDV at the start of CES. Tom Keathley, senior vice president of wireless network architecture and design for AT&T, wouldn't comment on the company's specific plans at CES, but said it will play a big role at the trade show. You'll also hear more about the advancement of LTE as the foundation for 5G. (LTE, after all, stands for Long Term Evolution to 5G.) 5G will be the centerpiece of Qualcomm CEO Steve Mollenkopf's keynote address at CES. He'll make the case for its societal and economic benefits, and he'll share the stage with leaders from other industries to showcase how 5G will affect areas outside mobile. His goal: start nudging 5G toward the mainstream. Ericsson's booth, meanwhile, will be wall-to-wall 5G as the network infrastructure company doubles down on next-generation wireless

What to Expect at the 50th Anniversary of CES Fifty years ago, the smiley-face emoticon had just been invented, the Wonderbra was being rolled out, and the first video game consoles were still a number of years from inception. Technology was on the cusp of exploding and no one even knew it. Unless of course, you were at CES, an annual trade show organized by the Consumer Technology Association. The first CES opened their doors in the summer of 1967 in New York. The event featured 117 innovators s h o w i n g o ff t e c h n o l o g i e s t h a t included transistor radios, stereos, and miniature black and white televisions. They led a supportive community of innovators towards the future by giving them a place to share their “outlandish ideasâ€? to avid tech HQWKXVLDVWV $QG ÂżIW\ \HDUV ODWHU LW KDV VHULRXVO\ SDLG Rŕľľ This year, CES boasts more than 165,000 attendees from more than 150 GLŕľľHUHQW FRXQWULHV PLOOLRQ VTXDUH

feet, roughly the size of 50 football ¿HOGV ZLOO EH GHGLFDWHG WR VKRZFDVLQJ the world’s most innovative services and devices propelling us into the future, touching on drones, the Internet of Things, self-driving cars, and so much more. In fact, nearly 20 percent of the 3,800 companies exhibiting at CES 2017 didn’t even exist as companies three years ago. If you’ve never been to the event, the festivities are broken up into three spaces, Tech East, Tech West, and Tech South. Read below to find out what you can expect from these VSHFL¿F DUHDV Tech East Taking place in the Las Vegas Convention Center, Westgate Las Vegas, the Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel, this section of the event will be dedicated to technology that is changing daily lives. From drones to self-driving cars, Tech East will make you question what your day will be

like just a few years into the future. You’ll enjoy lobby experiences from Samsung, IBM, Ford, Logitech, and many more innovators in the tech sector. You’ll also get to hear from notable minds such as Carlos Ghosn of Nissan, Barry Diller of Expedia, and Michael Kassan of MediaLink. Tech West While Tech East was dedicated to technology’s impact on every day life, Tech West will look at how the future will change through tech innovation. This portion of CES will be held at the Sands, Venetian, Palazzo, and Wynn hotels, and it will introduce attendees to futuristics ideas, like robotics and ¿WQHVV WHFKQRORJ\ WKDW FRXOG FKDQJH the world forever. You’ll enjoy lobby experiences from Ford, TechCrunch, and The Henry Ford. You’ll also be able to take in rousing speeches from impressive titans like Jen-Hsun Huang of NVIDIA, Arnold Donald of Carnival,

Steve Mollenkopf of Qualcomm, and Kevin Plank of Under Armour. Tech South Tech South will be hosted at the Aria, Cosmopolitan, and Vdara hotels, and it will feature a combination of content, creativity, and technology. This is where you’ll want to connect with innovators, builders, makers, and consumers in hopes of getting a better understanding of the technology landscape. This section is where companies l i k e G o o g l e , Ve r i z o n , Tu r n e r, and other tech giants will be showcasing their latest technological advancements. From artificial intelligences to mobile, you’ll be treated to some of the best tech in the world. CES Startup Night Before the festivities begin at CES, Tech.Co is hosting our fourth annual Startup Night, a special evening of startups, technology, networking and libations. We’ll have some of CES’s best tech startups on display featuring this year’s hottest trends such as artificial intelligence, digital assistants, augmented reality, medical and sports tech, voice recognition, energy, transportation, and more. You’ll get a sneak peek into what these early-stage tech startups from around the world are building. %\ &RQRU &DZOH\ 7HFK FR

中č?Żĺ•†ĺ ąĺ‚łĺŞ’é›†ĺœ˜ ć´›ć?‰磯總礞 15713 Valley Blvd., City of Industry, CA 91744 坣ĺ‘ŠĺˆŠç™ťç†ąçˇš 626-215-0179 ĺ‚łçœ&#x; 888-588-3431 editor@chinesebiznews.com

technology. You'll see more than 30 demonstrations, including how media flows over these faster networks, how cities can get smarter and how a more responsive connection can help with the remote control of critical machinery. At previous trade shows, Ericsson showed off a virtual-reality rig that allowed you to remotely control a giant excavator 1,550 miles away. Running on a 4G network, it was a little slow and there was a clear lag in responsiveness -- 5G would eliminate those problems.

Those demonstrations represent the ultimate vision for 5G, but they're also pretty far away. The industry hasn't even come to an agreement on what the standards look like -- an optimistic forecast for that is in 2018. Much of the talk about 5G has been RQ WKH LGHD RI VR FDOOHG Âż[HG PRELOH broadband, or replacing the physical internet line that goes into your home. That means a world in which you won't have the cable guy punch holes in your walls to route a coaxial line into your living room.

CES Asia Sets New Standard Shanghai, China - Owned and produced by the Consumer Technology Association (CTA)™, and co-produced by Intex Shanghai, CES Asia™ with sold exhibit space up 22 percent will return to Shanghai June 7-9, 2017. CES Asia is the premier event for the consumer technology industry, showcasing the full breadth and depth of the innovation value-chain in the Asian marketplace. Key global businesses come to this new event to grow and reinforce their brand by showcasing the latest products and technologies to consumer tech industry executives, foreign buyers, international media and a limited number of consumers from China. Attendees have exclusive access to some of the largest brands from China and around the world, while FHOHEUDWLQJ WKH LQQRYDWLRQ WKDW GH¿QHV the consumer technology sector. The second annual CES Asia shattered all expectations with more than 425 exhibitors from 23 countries, regions and territories showcasing the full breadth and depth of innovation in the Asian marketplace. The halls of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) were bustling with more than 32,000 attendees, including more than 1,000 members of the media. The show saw the introduction of exciting new products, collaborations and services and expanded the CES exhibitor base, as 57 percent of exhibitors did not exhibit at CES 2016. CES Asia 2016 brought some of the largest companies

and thought leaders together in one location and affirmed itself as the platform for key global and domestic businesses to grow and reinforce brands in Asia. “CES Asia 2016 set a new industry standard for tradeshows in the region with the show floor nearly doubling in size, informative and entertaining keynoters, and exhibitors making a major investment in their presence,� said Gary Shapiro, president and CEO, Consumer Te c h n o l o g y A s s o c i a t i o n . “ T h e excitement and energy was tangible as companies launched ground-breaking innovations and announced new partnerships. It was clear business was being conducted onsite.� Influential executives from major brands took to the CES Asia stage to announce new partnerships and strategic business ventures. The CES Asia Conference Program featured more than 100 speakers and 50 sessions, including keynotes from Huawei’s Kevin Ho, Wanda Cinema Line’s John Zeng, Legendary East’s Peter Loehr, Intel’s Josh Walden, BMW’s Olaf Kastner, Tmall’s Yin Jing, Alibaba Group’s Xiaoming (Simon) Hu, JD.com’s Chen Zhang and JD Smart’s Eric Wang. CES Asia featured all four of China’s top retailers, with Suning and Yiahodian joining Alibaba and JD.com as exhibitors. No other event in the world, including CES, has all major Chinese retailers participating together.

ĺ°ˆ漭çš„çžŽĺœ‹ćˆżĺœ°ç”˘ć?œ索嚳ĺ?° çžŽĺœ‹ć‰‹ćŠ&#x;ćˆżç”˘çś˛ďźšhttp://m.fangchan.us/

6•�襓镡坊 6CES Int'l Edition

The Group The China Economic Information Service (CEIS), a wholly-owned company of the Xinhua News Agency, is a leading economic information service provider in China. It currently has 30 branches across China and also controls four key subsidiaries, namely, China Finance Corporation (CFC), Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange (SHPGX), Xinhua (Qingdao) International Marine Information Center and Beijing Xinhua Multimedia Data Co., Ltd. Xinhua, the state news agency of China, is a pioneer of economic information service in the country. In 1984, the then Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping wrote an inscription of “developing information resources to serve ‘Four Modernizations’ constructionâ€? for Xinhua, marking the commencement of the press agency's economic information service. In January 1985, Xinhua set up a special line to undertake comprehensive economic information service, which was upgraded to a department of the news agency - Economic Information Editorial Department - in June 1988. After more than 30 years of development, Xinhua has built up an economic information product system covering many economic ÂżHOGV DQG VHUYLQJ PRUH WKDQ XVHUV ZRUOGZLGH ,WV Ă€DJVKLS LQIRUPDWLRQ VHUYLFH SODWIRUPV DQG SURGXFWV LQFOXGH WKH ;LQKXD )LQDQFH QDWLRQDO ÂżQDQFLDO information platform, the Xinhua Silk Road information product series, the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange, the Xinhua Index and Credit Investigation, and economic think tank service. In 2015, Xinhua decided to reorganize its economic information service facilities and resources for faster and greater development, after which economic information service was taken as a strategic focus of the whole news agency's business development. It integrated the departments and subordinate enterprises undertaking economic information service business in the agency, including the Economic Information Editorial Department, the CFC and the China Financial Information Center, to incorporate them into the CEIS with an aim to make its economic information service business bigger and stronger and better serve the country's central task of economic construction and development strategies. The reorganized CEIS was officially inaugurated on April 26, 2016, representing an important milestone of Xinhua's economic information service business development and marking basic completion of Xinhua's economic information service business reorganization and a start for integrated management. It takes charge of Xinhua's economic information collection, information product development, marketing and customer service by combining the resource advantages of the national news agency with corporate operating advantages created through reform. It endeavors to blaze a new trail for economic information service business development and aims to become a navigator in China’s economic information service area. CEIS will adhere to the directions of global, market-oriented and professional development, so as to become an information service provider compatible to &KLQD V HFRQRPLF VWDWXV DQG ZLWK VLJQLÂżFDQW LQWHUQDWLRQDO LQĂ€XHQFH ,W DLPV WR EH D OHDGHU LQ &KLQD V HFRQRPLF LQIRUPDWLRQ VHUYLFH DUHD DQG ZLOO RŕľľHU VHUYLFHV to users worldwide.

Organizational Structure 'HSDUWPHQWV DW WKH +HDG 2ŕľśFH %RDUG RI 'LUHFWRUV 2ŕľśFH *HQHUDO (GLWRULDO 'HSDUWPHQW 0DUNHWLQJ &HQWHU Human Resource Department, Financial Department, Administration and Legal $ŕľľDLUV 'HSDUWPHQW 'HSDUWPHQW IRU 3DUW\ $ŕľľDLUV DQG 'LVFLSOLQHV Information Collection Center, Data Center, Technology Center, Economic Research Center Xinhua Silk Road Information Department, Financial Information Department, Administrative Information Department, Strategic Consulting Center, Public Sentiment Monitoring & Analysis Center, Index Center, Credit Information Center, Energy Information Department, Tobacco Information Department, Agricultural Information Department, Real Estate Information Department, Oceanic Information Department Branches 30 branches across China

Key Subsidiaries 1. China Finance Corporation (CFC) Wholly owned by CEIS, CFC is an investment management platform of CEIS, managing subordinate enterprises with 100%, controlling and minor stakes. Its investments cover such areas as investment management, data service, software development, index development, private equity, property PDQDJHPHQW DQG ¿QDQFLDO LQIRUPDWLRQ WUDGLQJ 2. Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange (SHPGX) SHPGX is a joint venture of the Xinhua News Agency and three Chinese oil and natural gas giants - CNPC, Sinopec and CNOOC, as well as six other companies in upstream and downstream oil and gas industry. It is a petroleum and natural gas trading bourse, as well as an information hub and finance platform. Its business scope covers spot trade of energy products such as natural JDV XQFRQYHQWLRQDO JDV OLTXH¿HG SHWUROHXP JDV /3* DQG SHWUROHXP DV ZHOO as related information and technology support. 6+3*; LV LQ YHU\ H྾RUW WR EXLOG LWVHOI LQWR D PDLQVWD\ SODWIRUP RI QDWXUDO JDV spot trade in China. It targets to become China’s LNG and pipeline gas pricing FHQWHU ZLWKLQ WKUHH \HDUV DQG D QDWXUDO JDV WUDGLQJ FHQWHU IRU WKH $VLD 3DFL¿F UHJLRQ DQG RQH RI WKH JOREDO QDWXUDO JDV SULFLQJ FHQWHUV ZLWKLQ ¿YH \HDUV 3. Xinhua (Qingdao) International Marine Information Center Co-founded by the Xinhua News Agency, Shandong provincial government and Qingdao municipal government, it is a high-end platform in China for collecting, processing and releasing marine-related information. Its main business platforms include the China International Ocean Summit Forum, the China Marine Database, the www.chinalw.com.cn, the Blue Information magazine, and the Ocean Development Index (ODI). 4. Beijing Xinhua Multimedia Data Co., Ltd. As a wholly owned subsidiary of CEIS, the company owns a strong technology team dedicated to big data products development. Its key products and platforms include "a website, a database and two platforms", namely, the website - www.xinhuapo.com, the database of data companies, and the Xinhua Public Sentiment Monitoring and Analysis Platform and the New Media Service Platform. The New Media Service Platform's main business covers whole network Service Provider (SP), Green Channel business of China Mobile, and new media software development for mobile devices.

äşŒâ—‹ä¸€ä¸ƒĺš´ä¸€ćœˆäş”ć—Ľč‡łĺ…Ťć—Ľă€€January 5 âˆź 8 , 2017 www.ChineseBizNews.com

CES ĺ°ˆĺˆŠ

About China Economic Information Service (CEIS)

Main Products and Services Committed to improving user satisfaction and providing quality service, CEIS has just launched a new platform of product series and services, including Xinhua Finance, Xinhua Silk Road, Administrative Information, Industry Information series, Public Sentiment Monitoring & Analysis, Strategic Consulting, Economic Think Tank, Xinhua Index and Xinhua Credit Information. 1. Xinhua Finance Xinhua Finance is responsible for building a national-level financial information platform, mainly to provide support for RMB LQWHUQDWLRQDOL]DWLRQ ,W RŕľľHUV D VHULHV of information service solutions, LQFOXGLQJ ÂżQDQFLDO QHZV WHFKQRORJ\ and data for financial institutions worldwide. It also runs the financial LQIRUPDWLRQ SRUWDO RI ZZZ FQÂżQ FRP the Xinhua Financial Information Exchange and the finance-focused magazine Finance World. 2. Xinhua Silk Road As a multi-language database focusing on information related to the "Belt and Road" Initiative, Xinhua Silk Road serves global participants of the Initiative with all-dimensional, full workflow information products and consulting services, in a bid to help Chinese companies "go out" and companies outside China "come in". Its services cover information search engine, country-specific research, business project release and trade matching, as well as investment and international trade-related customized services covering such fields as ÂżQDQFH SDWHQW DFFRXQWLQJ WD[ DŕľľDLUV ODZ DŕľľDLUV WUDLQLQJ DQG H[KLELWLRQ 3. Xinhua Administrative Information Xinhua Administrative Information serves governments, institutions and social organizations via its authoritative administrative information service platform, professional government management consulting platform and high-end thoughts and experience exchange platform, committed to building a full workflow administrative information product system that ranks the first class in China. 4. Xinhua Energy Information Running a trading data-based

product system and a price index assessment system, Xinhua Energy Information targets to serve as a "powerhouse" for boosting Chinese energy enterprises' internationalization and a "window" for helping overseas energy firms' entry into the Chinese market. Its Energy Research Institute, which is now under construction jointly with Chinese government organs, large energy companies and research institutes, will invite top energy research institutions and experts around the world to participate in the making of a world-known energy think tank. 5. Xinhua Agricultural Information Xinhua Agricultural Information provides authoritative, professional, highly efficient and multi-level information and consulting services on agriculture-related issues, such as DJULFXOWXUDO ÂżQDQFH UXUDO DUHD UHIRUP poverty relief and farm product markets. Its major products include Farm Products Price Monitoring & Analysis Report, Special Edition of Information on Agriculture and Agricultural Finance Research. 6. Xinhua Real Estate Information Xinhua Real Estate Information targets property developers, institutions and individuals as its major users. Its information products and services focus on such market segments as residential housing, commercial property, real estate for tourists, residential housing for senior citizens, community O2O, housing renting, space to facilitate business startups, green housing, industrialized house building, etc., to foster the product model of "professional information products + proximate information services + innovative sharing platform", as well as detailed services such as project survey, business matching, competing power research, index publication and business reputation building. 7. Xinhua Oceanic Information Upholding the philosophy of providing high-level customized service, Xinhua Oceanic Information targets precisely at differentiated demands of various clients, by

中č?Żĺ•†ĺ ąĺ‚łĺŞ’é›†ĺœ˜ ć´›ć?‰磯總礞 15713 Valley Blvd., City of Industry, CA 91744 坣ĺ‘ŠĺˆŠç™ťç†ąçˇš 626-215-0179 ĺ‚łçœ&#x; 888-588-3431 editor@chinesebiznews.com

running an open and interactive service system of "Platform + content + terminals" and providing clients with one-stop integrated service. Its main products include oceanic think tank service, industrial research, project consulting, policy interpretation, monitoring reports, high-level forums and information terminals. 8. Xinhua Tobacco Information X i n h u a To b a c c o I n f o r m a t i o n provides four types of service, namely, tobacco industry analysis reports, tobacco price monitoring, public sentiment monitoring and customized reports. Its main products and platforms include Xinhua Tobacco Research, Xinhua Tobacco News, Market Research and Observation, Brand Research, International Tobacco Market, National Tobacco Work Dynamics, Xinhua Tobacco Information Network (www.xhyc. n e t o r w w w. x h t o b a c c o . c o m ) , Tobacco Think-tank (WeChat public service account),mobile APP Xinhua Tobacco, and structured industry databases. 9. Xinhua Public Sentiment Monitoring & Analysis Xinhua Public Sentiment Monitoring & Analysis is engaged in multilingual public sentiment monitoring service. Following the model of "big data collection + smart data cleaning + manual intervention", it provides integrated solutions including public sentiment alerts, analysis, judgments and countermeasures. Supports are also available to effectively deal with public relation crisis. Its major products include Xinhua Public Sentiment Monitoring and Analysis System, National Public Sentiment Observation Weekly, and Overseas Public Sentiment Observation Weekly for Local Governments. 10. Xinhua Strategic Consulting Xinhua Strategic Consulting provides specialized and customized surveys, industry research, strategic research and other consulting services for ministries, local governments and key enterprises. Its main products include economic analysis reports, tailor-made reports, and Xinhua Economic Analysis Daily. It also

provides comprehensive consulting services in such areas as Internet, big data, tourism, medicine, and militarycivilian integration. 11. Xinhua Index Xinhua Index provides index development, release, marketing and maintenance services, as well as comprehensive assessment and PHDVXULQJ LQ WKH ÂżHOGV RI JRYHUQPHQW administration, business affairs and finance sectors, for government GHSDUWPHQWV HQWHUSULVHV DQG ÂżQDQFLDO institutions. Its products fall into three categories: 1) Government Indexes, including indexes tracking local characteristic industries and emerging industries; 2) Business Indexes, including indexes tracking market entities such DV VWDWH RZQHG ÂżUPV DQG ODUJH SULYDWH businesses, and indexes tracking VSHFLÂżF LQGXVWULHV DQG WKH HFRQRP\ 3) Finance Indexes, mainly to develop and market tradable indexes for banks, insurers, trust firms, securities dealers and other financial organizations, centering on internationalization of the Chinese currency. 12. Xinhua Credit Information Xinhua Credit Information provides government and business clients with objective and independent information gathering, processing and rating services based on integrating credit data acquired from government organs, enterprises and other organizations and employing advanced technical means and assessment measures. Its main services include credit information reports, credit investigations, credit consulting and assessment. 13. Xinhua Economic Think Tank Xinhua was selected as one of China's first batch of pilot national high-end think tanks in 2015, while CEIS has been authorized by Xinhua to undertake its economic think tank construction work. Xinhua Economic Think Tank provides policy suggestions on key and hot economic issues in China and globally. Its publications including National Highend Think Tank Research Report and Economic Analysis Report are well recognized by policy makers and the industry.

ĺ°ˆ漭çš„çžŽĺœ‹ćˆżĺœ°ç”˘ć?œ索嚳ĺ?° çžŽĺœ‹ć‰‹ćŠ&#x;ćˆżç”˘çś˛ďźšhttp://m.fangchan.us/

CES ĺ°ˆĺˆŠ

äşŒâ—‹ä¸€ä¸ƒĺš´ä¸€ćœˆäş”ć—Ľč‡łĺ…Ťć—Ľă€€January 5 âˆź 8 , 2017 www.ChineseBizNews.com

7CES 7â€˘ĺ…¨ç‰ˆ坣ĺ‘Š Int'l Edition

English-language products of Xinhua Silk Road Information Service News Ɣ &KLQD (FRQRPLF ,QIRUPDWLRQ Wire Service. Abbreviated as CEI, China Economic Information Wire Service was launched in 1987 as China's first English-language realtime China-focused economic and investment information service provider. The internet- and satellite-based service objectively reflects general economic trends in China through economic news and data, and makes multiple-dimensional release of government policies and regulations, investment environment, foreign FDSLWDO ÀRZ DQG WKH ODWHVW QHZV DERXW the progresses of the Belt and Road Initiative. With a daily release, from Monday to Friday, of 50-60 stories, the service is an important way for users to get timely and thorough understanding about China’s economic and industrial development and its Belt and Road construction. The coverage of CEI spans up to 30 ¿HOGV ZKLFK DUH JRYHUQPHQW SROLFLHV and regulations, major economic and industrial events in China, investment, infrastructure construction, foreign trade, banking, science and technology, securities industry, energy industry, medicine industry, textile industry, metallurgy industry, information technology, automobile, transportation, agriculture, real estate, insurance, mechanical and electrical

industry, tourism, food, paper making, environment protection, foreign exchange and debt, etc. Ɣ %HOW 5RDG :HHNO\ %HOW Road Weekly focuses on China’s movements in implementing its Belt and Road Initiative and Chinese enterprises’ investment activities in the countries and regions along the Belt and Road. With a uniquely Chinese perspective, Belt and Road Weekly offers access to detailed, professional, authoritative and exclusive information on activities of leading Chinese companies and their projects progresses in the Belt and Road construction and also indepth analysis of geopolitics, macro and industry policies, investment environment and risks and alike that may have influence on such enterprises. Comprising eight columns, Belt and Road Weekly brings together information and stories on politics, economy, policy, business, project, backgrounder, as well as related international affairs. Leading minds from China and around the world also share here their perspectives about the Belt and Road Initiative and Chinese companies’ activities. Ɣ ;LQKXD 6LON 5RDG :HEVLWH 3RUWDO silkroad.news.cn/en is positioned to offer authoritative, accurate and valuable information to help Chinese

enterprises “go outâ€? and overseas companies “come inâ€? during the implementation of China’s “Belt and Roadâ€? Initiative. Capitalizing on Xinhua News A g e n c y ’s g l o b a l i n f o r m a t i o n gathering network, think tanks and experts both at home and abroad, the website provides latest news and in-depth analysis concerning Belt and Road-related government policies, market information, business environment, investment DQG ÂżQDQFLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ DV ZHOO DV project updates, all free of charge. It comprises major sections such as News, Views, Projects, Belt & Road Weekly and Research, with built-in online interaction and communication function. Apart from being an information provider, the website also acts as a platform for cooperation between CEIS and domestic and overseas institutions and businesses. It stands ready to become a window for partners to showcase their products, services, achievements and events via offering them professional consulting services tailored to their individualized needs.

Research & Consulting Backed up by a team of nearly 1,000 economic analysts of China Economic Information Service, correspondents of Xinhua News Agency, contracted special economic analysts and professionals from strategic cooperation partners, the Research & Consulting unit of Xinhua Silk Road Information Service focuses on researching the business environment and industry development in China. It regularly provides serial business environment and assessment reports of China and its 31 provinces, municipalities and regions, and serial reports of industry development in China. It also produces reports on the development of the Belt and Road construction and the Chinese companies and investors’ overseas movements. It can also produce customized reports in accordance with users’ demands. All the Research and Consulting reports are also available at the Xinhua Silk Road Database.

Xinhua Silk Road Database Xinhua Silk Road Database, available at http://db.silkroad.news.cn/en/, comprises the following four major sub-databases in addition to another two respectively storing news and researches produced by Xinhua Silk Road Information service. Ć” 3URMHFW 6XE GDWDEDVH RŕľľHUV GDWD RQ WKH &KLQD LQYHVWHG SURMHFWV DQG WKRVH other foreign-invested projects in the countries along the Belt and Road. Ć” &RPSDQ\ 6XE GDWDEDVH RIIHUV FUHGLW UHFRUGV RI &KLQHVH FRPSDQLHV WKH OLVW RI &KLQDÂśV TXDOLÂżHG RYHUVHDV FRQWUDFWRUV ÂżQDQFLDO UHSRUWV RI &KLQDÂśV OLVWHG

中č?Żĺ•†ĺ ąĺ‚łĺŞ’é›†ĺœ˜ ć´›ć?‰磯總礞 15713 Valley Blvd., City of Industry, CA 91744 坣ĺ‘ŠĺˆŠç™ťç†ąçˇš 626-215-0179 ĺ‚łçœ&#x; 888-588-3431 editor@chinesebiznews.com

FRPSDQLHV DQG SURÂżOHV DQG 0 $ DFWLYLWLHV RI FRPSDQLHV LQYROYHG LQ WKH %HOW and Road construction. Ć” (FRQRPLF ,QGLFDWRU 6XE GDWDEDVH SURYLGHV VWDWLVWLFV RI &KLQDÂśV PDFUR DQG local economy, customs statistics, and the macroeconomic and micro economic data of 59 countries along the Belt and Road. Ć” /DZV DQG 5HJXODWLRQV 6XE GDWDEDVH SURYLGHV ODZV DQG UHJXODWLRQV RI &KLQD and 59 countries along the Belt and Road, and related treaties or agreements signed between them.

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