No More Dragon Zone??? Over the past year, the restaurant, The Dragon Zone, had become an after school hang out for many Mountainburg students. Unfortunately, our hometown hangout has had to close over this past month.
find someone to take over The Dragon Zone, but so far there have been no takers.
Sullivan said that the thing he misses most about the place is their food, and many would agree. Not Our small town does not have many only did students lose a hangout, places, and with one of the best ones but The Dragon Zone was considgone, what will ered by many resiwe do now? dents to be the best Employee and restaurant in Mounthe owner’s son, tainburg. Now resiJohnny Sullivan dents have only two said that they places in town left have tried to to eat.
Not only did many students lose a hangout, but also an employer. Since its opening about a year ago, juniors Garth Webster, Michael Sullivan, Ryan Chase, Shawnee Johnson, Melisa Graber, Marlon Watkins, Dustin Houston, and sophomore Johnny Sullivan have all worked there. The Dragon Zone was known as a friendly place to retreat and enjoy good company and good food. Without it, Mountainburg students and residents are left with very few options.
Basketball Playoffs Mountainburg Dragons and Lady Dragons basketball teams made it to the Regional Tournament. The boys’ team finished as Conference Champs and District Runners-up after a disappointing loss to County Line. Both teams finished third in regional play-offs and went on to play in the state tournament. Cole Teague, junior, said he believed they had a chance at winning regional and doing well in state because the only teams they had lost to are County Line, Eureka Springs, Waldron, and Danville. County Line has hosted both District and Regional Tournaments, which
seemed unfair to many teams in their play in the secconference. In the Mountainburgond round County Line series, the Dragons led 2-1. against the hostTeague believes County Line is slightly ing team Buffalo overrated and that the Dragons could Island Central have easily defeated them if they had where the Lady faced off in either tournament. Unfor- Dragons lost 62-54. tunately, the Dragons lost out the first Mountainburg’s basketball teams had round of the State tournament against exceptionally good seasons. The playAugusta. ers did an outstanding job and repreThe Lady Dragons beat Danville in the sented the school well, proving Mounfirst round of the regional tournament, tainburg is a competitive team in the 2A and faced the County Line team, where conference. they lost by 16. The Lady Dragons ended up placing third after defeating the Hartford Hustlers. The Lady Dragons went on to play Hazen in the first round of the 2A state tournament. They defeated Hazen 40-22 and went on to
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