a dva nce m e n t
a dva nce m e n t
Mardi Gras, POWWOW 2020 will be held on April 25th. The concept of a fundraising auction was developed at Walsh Jesuit High School in 1973. As with most private schools, increasing costs made it necessary for the school to seek new sources of revenue in its attempt to defray operating expenses. Walsh Jesuit High School is grateful to all former moderators, chair couples and volunteers. Thanks to their leadership and dedication, over $10 million has been generated for the benefit of Walsh Jesuit High School students.
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Tickets go on sale on Fat Tuesday, February 25th, via the school website, and invitations will be mailed March 2nd. Once again we will be offering early bird pricing. Regular priced tickets purchased between February 25th and March 15th will receive a $25 discount. Quite a spectacular evening is being planned by our co-chairs, Kara Lewis and Maureen Mohlenkamp. We are excited to share that for the 4th year in a row, Marhofer Chevrolet will be sponsoring a stunning, red Corvette Raffle! Tickets will be available for purchase on the school website or at Walsh Jesuit High School. The POWWOW team is always in need of volunteers, auction donations and corporate sponsors. Donations can be purchased via our Amazon Wish List or dropped off at WJ during regular school hours. Visit the school website for volunteer information and sign up links, donation and corporate sponsorship forms and Corvette raffle information.
www.walshjesuit.org/support/powwow Winter 2020
3/5/20 1:57 PM