Welcome to Walsh Jesuit

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2020-2021 Welcome Packet • PAGE 1


One Call: Find information fast with one phone call. 234.352.1357 Front Desk: 330.929.4205 Walsh Jesuit Security Officer: 330.515.1068 PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE

Sean Lynch ‘94, Principal, lynchs@walshjesuit.org Mark Hassman, Assistant Principal, Academics, hassmanm@walshjesuit.org Jane Rafferty, Assistant Principal, Faculty and Student Formation, rafferyj@walshjesuit.org Gerald Rardin ’72, Dean of Students, rarding@walshjesuit.org Dr. Emily Grad, Dean of Students, grade@walshjesuit.org


Patti Clair, Vice President of Advancement, clairp@walshjesuit.org Kevin Byrne ‘92, Director of Alumni Relations, byrnek@walshjesuit.org Marion Drake, Advancement Officer, drakem@walshjesuit.org Kristina Kremer, POWWOW Coordinator, kremerk@walshjesuit.org Kathleen Sarazin, Database & Donor Relations Manager, sarazink@walshjesuit.org Pam Vineyard, Administrative Assistant Advancement Office, vineyardp@walshjesuit.org

Parent Clubs

Mothers’ Club: Theresa Mistysyn, President, wjmcpres@gmail.com Established over 40 years ago, the Walsh Jesuit Mothers' Club is an association of parents & guardians of WJ students. It is committed to serving the mission of the school through service to the Walsh Jesuit community.

Please join us for our first Mother’s Club Meeting of 2020-21 School Year GENERAL MEETING HELD VIA ZOOM OCTOBER 7, 2020 at 9am www.zoom.us Meeting ID 852 7464 8663 No password required

The Mothers' Club hosts a variety of events and offers programs throughout the school year. Its aim is to provide a source of information, and an opportunity to foster development of fellowship & friendship. The MC creates environments that stimulate & contribute to reflective, spiritual, social, interactive & inclusive atmospheres.

Athletic Boosters Club: Ron Russ, President, russr@ohio.edu The Walsh Jesuit Booster Club is an association of parents with the goal of supporting the Walsh Jesuit Athletic Program. Many athletic expenses at Walsh Jesuit are funded by the Booster Club, and support is needed to continue our high-quality program across the broad range of sports offered. The Booster Club donates 100% of membership & fundraising proceeds to support Walsh Jesuit student-athletes and maintain and improve the school's athletic facilities. This includes uniforms, equipment, and travel as well. We welcome & encourage your participation at the level of your choice. Performing and Fine Arts Booster Club: Jessica Nagy, President, Jnagysp@gmail.com The Performing and Fine Arts Booster Club works for the betterment of Walsh Jesuit High School’s performing and fine arts programs and related projects of the school through financial and volunteer support.

SPA (Spirituality Program for Adults)

You are invited to prayerfully consider making a SPA (9 week) retreat during the upcoming academic year. • Fall 2020: Nine Wednesday evenings, September 23 - November 18, 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. *Register by Friday, September 18, 2020 for the Fall retreat. • Winter/Lent 2021: Nine Tuesday evenings, January 19 – March 16, 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. For further information contact one of the following: • Dolly Gingo, gingod@walshjesuit.org, 330-929-4205, ext. 264 • Fr. Don Petkash, S.J., petkashd@walshjesuit.org, 330-929-4205, ext. 149 PAGE 2 •

Walsh Jesuit High School

MI S S I O N S T A T E M E NT W a ls h Jesu i t, a Cath o l i c, col l ege p r ep a r a t or y hi gh s chool i n t he s p irit of St. Ig n ati u s Lo yol a , r ea ches b ey ond a ca d emi c ex cel l enc e to d evel o p co mpeten ce, cons ci ence, a nd comp a s s i on w i t hi n i t s gra d u ates. As a Ch r i st-ce nt er ed communi t y , w e s t r i v e t o b e me n an d wo m en f or a nd w i t h ot her s .

For over 50 years, Walsh Jesuit has been committed to academic excellence, spiritual growth & cura personalis (care for the whole person) as our students grow within our community each day. We hope you share in the experience of our over 9,000 ignited graduates who set the world fire & make a difference in the world.

Walsh Jesuit Board of Directors Mr. Stacy A. Brovitz ’77, Chair Mr. Mark Anzelc Mrs. Carol Bachmann Mr. E. Macke Bentley Mr. Ric Boggs Mr. Louis Ciraldo ‘71 Mr. Karl Ertle, President, Walsh Jesuit High School Mrs. Anne Granchi Mr. Thomas J. Haag ‘81 Mr. Craig S. Marshall ’78, General Counsel Rev. Bernie McAniff, S.J. Mr. Joseph Micheller

Mr. Ted Paynter ‘94 Rev. Donald J. Petkash, S.J. Rev. Thomas Pipp, S.J. Mrs. Gina Poblete Mrs. Rosanne Potter Mr. Manav Raj ‘88 Ms. Maripat Klein Rajan Mr. R. James Rollins Mr. Al Romanini ‘91 Mrs. Bernadette Salley Mr. Robb Scherler ‘86 Mr. Daniel Vaughn

WALSH JESUIT ALMA MATER Music and lyrics by Zachary Gustafson (‘96)

Walsh Jesuit, alma mater, we raise our voice to thee; Thy cross and crown above us shine to guide us faithfully. With a warrior’s heart and spirit, and Heaven’s grace untold, May we be worthy of thy mission, fit to wear the maroon and gold.

2020-2021 Welcome Packet • PAGE 3

WALSH JESUIT-ISMS… Terms to know A.M.D.G.

Ad maiorem Dei gloriam, the Latin motto for the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), meaning “For the greater glory of God.”

Cura Personalis Latin phrase that translates to “care for the entire person.” The expression is the hallmark of Ignatian spirtuality. Daily Examen The Daily Examen is a technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day to detect God’s presence and discern His direction for us. It is adapted from the Spiritual Exercises. The Walsh Jesuit community pauses each day at 1:13 p.m. for the Daily Examen. Grad at Grad A document known as The Profile of a Graduate of a Jesuit High School at Graduation that was adopted by the Society of Jesus as their vision of what a graduate will be like after four years at any of the Jesuit institution. Ignatian Spirituality Inspired by St. Ignatius, Ignatian Spirituality affirms the world and all creation through God’s grace and love. Ignatian Spirituality finds God in all things. IHS

The first three letters, in Greek, of the name Jesus. These letters appear as a symbol on the official seal of the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits.

Immersion Through immersion, students enter into communities for faith formation and educational preparation and experience the realities of others’ poverty. Jesuit

A member of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic order of priests founded by St. Ignatius Loyola. There are approximately 2,500 Jesuits in the United States today.


Kairos, the Greek word meaning the “God appointed moment in time,” is a four-day retreat for Juniors and Seniors to examine their lives, relationship with God, and with others.


Founded in 2002 at St. Ignatius High School, the St. Benedict Joseph Labre Project brings a simple meal to men and women living on the streets of Akron, allowing students to form meaningful relationships with those on the margins.


A Latin word that means “more” or “greater.” Magis is the Jesuit philosophy of doing more for Christ, and therefore doing more for others.

POWWOW Walsh Jesuit’s largest fundraising gala benefiting all students through the Warrior Fund. Acronym for Promotion Of Winning Warriors of Walsh Jesuit. Society of Jesus (S.J.) A religious order of the Catholic Church that was founded by Ignatius of Loyola and six companions with the approval of the Pope Paul III in 1540. The members are called Jesuits. SPA

SPA, also known as the Spirituality Program for Adults is an eight-week retreat based upon the Spiritual Exercises for the Walsh Jesuit community.

Spiritual Exercises A compilation of meditations, prayers, and contemplative practices developed by St. Ignatius Loyola to help people deepen their relationship with God.

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Walsh Jesuit High School

Parent and Students Resources Academic Resource Center (ARC) The mission of the ARC is to challenge students and support them as they maximize their potential. ARC provides support to all levels of students, to strengthen organizational skills, time management, and responsibility. Additionally, the ARC reinforces critical thinking, positive decision-making and coping skills if there is a serious illness and/or death of a loved one. The ARC also reviews college essays, creates flashcards, provides warmth and security and applies educational material to life outside of school. Lastly, National Honor Students serve as tutors to help in the ARC, so that there is always someone to help any student at any time during the school day. Director of Educational Support & Academic Achievement: Janet O’Driscoll, odriscollj@walshjesuit.org

Rev. Thomas Bain, S.J. Library

Students may use the Rev. Thomas Bain, S.J. Library for study. The library holds a book collection, DVD collection, periodical collection, and extensive database resources. A media specialist is always present to assist students with research needs & book recommendations. A faculty proctor is also present to assist. The library has 36 computers & 2 printers for research and schoolwork.

The Stanley J. Sever, Jr. Writing Lab

The Writing Lab, which is staffed every period, is dedicated to helping students develop the ability to write welldeveloped essays. Students do not have to make an appointment, just walk in! The Lab helps students learn to edit & proofread work, and students work 1-on-1 with a teacher to strengthen writing skills.

The Math Lab

The Math Lab, in conjunction with the Math Department, is available to help students in core math classes on a drop-in or scheduled basis. Help is available before & during school.


MYWJ is a cloud-based software system that connects parents, teachers, and students. Parents and students can login to access academic, athletic and activity information.

2020-2021 Welcome Packet • PAGE 5

Ways to Give

EVERY GIFT TO WALSH JESUIT MATTERS, NO MATTER THE SIZE OF THE GIFT! CASH OR CHECK Gifts may be made by cash or check, payable to Walsh Jesuit High School.

tax on the increase value of the stock and providing an income tax deduction for the full market value of the stock at the time of the gift. Gifts of stock are valued at the mean price on the date of transfer to Walsh Jesuit. Stock donations should be transferred by your broker to Walsh Jesuit’s account at PNC Bank. An Electronic Transfer can be done to fulfill your wishes in selling or disposing of securities. Visit www.walshjesuit.org/support for detailed instructions or contact Patti Clair (330-929-4205 ext. 166 or clairp@walshjesuit.org).

VENMO Walsh Jesuit now accepts Venmo. Send cash to @WalshJesuit and include your grad year when applicable. CREDIT CARD Credit card gifts may be made by visiting www.walshjesuit. org/support, sending in a donation card with your credit card information, or calling the Advancement Office at 330-9294205.

MATCHING GIFTS Double or even triple the impact your gift makes. Many employers will match employees’ donations. To find out if your company

STOCKS OR SECURITIES Gifts of appreciated stock generally offer two-fold tax benefits: avoiding capital gains

participates in a matching gift program, check with your human resources department. Donors must initiate the matching gift process. PLANNED GIFTS One of the best ways to ensure Walsh Jesuit’s future is to become a member of the Warrior Legacy Society. The Warrior Legacy Society recognizes those in our community who have chosen to ensure that Walsh Jesuit High School continues to provide a Jesuit education for the young men and women of northeast Ohio through naming Walsh Jesuit in their wills as an estate gift.

“ to us. We know there is a tuition gap The Warrior Fund is very important

in the cost of educating a child and what is offered in terms of programs and educational services. For us as parents, it is important to bridge the gap by donating whatever dollar amount we can give at any given time. The Jesuit tradition of academic rigor and the education of the whole person was very important to us and we are thrilled that our boys chose Walsh Jesuit for their high school education so that they were able to have those value instilled within their education starting the ninth grade.

Tim and Rita Burke, parents of Tim `22 and Jack `23

Visit www.walshjesuit.org/support for more information or contact the Advancement Office at 330.929.4205 or advancement@walshjesuit.org. PAGE 6 •

Walsh Jesuit High School



all programs at Walsh Jesuit High School

100% 100% of the class of 2020 will go onto continue their education at 68 different colleges and universities

110 ACRE

campus with state of the art and modern facilities


Dollars earned by the class of 2020 in meritbased scholarships from 79% of its graduates.

stage productions of major theatrical works


Kairos retreats with nearly 300 student participants and leaders

$2.8 million in tuition assistance

25,000 hours

Tuition Gap



The 49% of students who received


men and women experienced a Walsh Jesuit educational experience

of service to the community

25 Advanced Placement and Honors courses of study offered


SPORTS 2020-2021 Welcome Packet • PAGE 7

POWWOW POWWOW is Walsh Jesuit’s annual dinner and auction that raises much needed funds to benefit ALL students of Walsh Jesuit. In fact, in 2020, POWWOW raised nearly $500,000 during its live virtual event! Now in its 49th year, the tradition continues with the support of parent volunteers. POWWOW 2021 will take place April 24th and we are currently anticipating both a live and virtual component. This year’s theme will be Mardi Gras, and the evening promises to be an exciting event, including scrumptious food and drink, raffles, and both a live and silent auction. Fundraising through corporate sponsorship and auction gift gathering begin in late fall. We encourage our WJ families to get involved through volunteer opportunities. Look for more information this fall in the weekly E-Bulletin.

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Walsh Jesuit High School




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