4 week wellbeing challenge

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Goal Setting & Motivation

Week 1

Reflect and Reset

Week 2

Prioritise Self-Care

Week 3

Build Better Connections

Goal: Identify one key area of your life to focus on improving this month.

Take10minutestoreflectonwhatwentwellinthepastyearandwhat you’dliketoimprove

Writedownonepersonalandoneprofessionalgoalforthemonth. Shareyourgoalswithatrustedcolleagueorfriendtostayaccountable.

Goal: Implement one self-care habit into your daily routine

Chooseasimpleself-careactivity,suchasa10-minutewalk,journaling,or practicinggratitude.

Schedulethisactivityintoyourcalendartoensureconsistency. Reflectonhowthissmallchangeimprovesyourenergyandfocus.

Goal: Strengthen one meaningful relationship. Reachouttoacolleague,friend,orfamilymembertocheckinor reconnect

Planacoffeechat,lunch,orvideocalltodeepentherelationship. Noticehowtheseconnectionsboostyourmotivationandoverall wellbeing.

Week 4

Goal: Reflect on your progress and set intentions for February.

Taketimetoacknowledgeandcelebrateyourachievementsfromthe pastthreeweeks.

Evaluatewhatworkedwellandwhereyoucanimprove. SetonekeygoalforFebruaryandoutlinethefirststeptoachieveit.


Notes Section

Week 1

Reflect and Reset

Week 2

Prioritise Self-Care

Week 3

Build Better Connections

Goal: Identify one key area of your life to focus on improving this month.

Goal: Implement one self-care habit into your daily routine.

Week 4

Goal: Strengthen one meaningful relationship.

Goal: Reflect on your progress and set intentions for February.

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