Resilience and Self-Care

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Resilience and Self-Care


Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress


Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure

Signs of Stress


Anxious Afraid

Angry or aggressive Sad

Irritable Frustrated Depressed

Relaxation Technique

Physical Behavioural


Nausea Indigestion

Digestive problems such as constipation, bloating or diarrhea

Shallow breathing or hyperventilating Sweating

Heart palpitations Aches and pains


Deep Breathing Technique


Withdraw from other people or snap at them

Be indecisive or inflexible

Be tearful

Have problems getting to sleep or staying asleep

Experience sexual problems

Smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs more than usual

Self-care Assessment and Plan

T 1300 135 600 (AU) / 0800 452 521 (NZ) E intake@drakewellbeinghub com au A Level 3/388 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 W www.drakewellbeinghub com au

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