Drake Law School - 2021 Honor Roll of Donors

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Dear Alumni and Friends,

D RA KE LAW MISS ION S TAT E M E N T Drake Law School prepares graduates to promote justice, serve their communities, and uphold the ideals of ethics and professionalism. We cultivate critical thinking and professional skills, provide opportunities to acquire global perspectives, and engage in public service. We foster an exceptional learning environment in a welcoming and inclusive community distinguished by accessible and accomplished faculty and staff and a collegial student body.

When the 2020-21 academic year began, we at Drake Law braced for an extraordinary time in which to teach and to learn. Our faculty, staff and students all came through a difficult year with the grace and tenacity that enabled us to not only survive, but thrive. In March, U.S. News and World Report ranked Drake Law #102 in the country, our highest placement ever. Our legal writing program was ranked #9, tied with Georgetown University. The Drake Law Review was ranked in the Top 30 law journals for influence on the courts, and National Jurists’s preLaw Magazine listed Drake as one of the Best Law Schools for Practical Training. With our academic programs on solid ground, we looked to you to secure the funds on which we rely to be fiscally sound. In the midst of uncertainty, you gave your financial support to the work we do at an unprecedented level. For only the second time in our history, the law school’s annual fund eclipsed the $500,000 mark, exceeding our goal, which allowed us to not only provide our students with the extra resources the pandemic required, but also to strengthen our financial position as we look toward the future. This year, helping ensure we continue on this upward trajectory, Drake University and the Law School begin the first public phase of a comprehensive campaign: The Ones — Drake’s Campaign for the Brave & Bold. While the focus of that effort will be on growing our endowment, which provides a permanent foundation for our future, all gifts to the annual fund will also count in measuring the success of our effort. When the time comes for you to renew your annual fund gift, I hope you will do so knowing that your contributions help us in both the short and long-term. Like any highquality academic program, our ability to recruit the best students and create excellent educational opportunities relies on a steady flow of resources. I sincerely thank every one of you who was a part of this historical year at Drake Law. Your generosity and investment in our students are essential to our success and, when the situation calls for it, our adaptation to meet new challenges. I look forward to partnering with you again in the year ahead to take Drake Law to new heights. With gratitude,

Jerry L. Anderson Dean and Richard M. and Anita Calkins Distinguished Professor of Law 2

Letter from the President of the Board of Counselors Dear Drake Law Alumni, It is my pleasure to serve as President of the Board of Counselors, the advisory leadership group at Drake Law. On behalf of the entire Board, I wish to offer my thanks to every member of our alumni community who contributed to the incredible fundraising success of the law school during the last year. I echo Dean Anderson’s sentiments that you are a critical part of our ability to move forward, to reach higher, and to provide the best education possible to our students. As a new academic year began this fall, we welcomed another highly qualified first-year class to campus. Despite the lingering protocols, these students joined their peers ready to challenge themselves to learn and excel in an environment most of us would never have contemplated. I know that our support makes a difference in their Drake Law experience, and can turn something special into something truly extraordinary. Beyond the value of your financial support, I hope you will find additional ways to engage at Drake, perhaps as a mentor, a career contact, or just an ear with a shared perspective on the stress of navigating law school. Drake Law alumni number more than 6,500 strong. Let’s see what we can do, together. Thank you again for your support of our alma mater. You are the ones ensuring a bright future for Drake Law School. Sincerely yours,

Tye J. Klooster, LW’03

2021–2022 DRAKE LAW SCHOOL BOARD OF COUNSELORS The Board of Counselors is a group of alumni and attorneys who serve as advisors to the dean. They meet three times each academic year to discuss issues and promote the interests of Drake Law School. Tye J. Klooster (LW’03), President Barbara Q. Decker (LA’72, GR’83, LW’00), Vice-President Emily N. Anderson (AS’04, LW’07) Thomas R. Bernau (BN’85, LW’88) David L. Brown (LW’75) Richard M. Calkins, Ex-Officio Elizabeth A. Coonan (LW’02) Hon. Diane G. Crookham-Johnson (LW’10) Lindsey A. Davis (LW’03) Claire R. Davison (LW’21) Denny W. Drake (LA’73, LW’77) David M. Erickson (LA’74, LW’79) Danielle I. Foster-Smith (AS’97, LW’99) Marc P. Franson (BN’77, GR’77, LW’80) Amy A. Gandhi (AS’06, LW’12) Jeffrey L. Goodman (LW’85) David V. Gorsche (LW’91) Patrick A. Grant (LW’76) Danielle J. Haindfield (JO’96, LW’99) Rajee C. Harris (BN’10, GR’13, LW’13) Kristin L. Hays (LW’96) Thomas I. Henderson (LA’77, LW’80) Jonathan S. Hoak (LW’77) Lee P. Hook (LW’81) Jeffrey N. Karch (GR’93, LW’93) Ruby H. Kazi (LW’03) Chad F. Knapp (LW’02) Kathleen K. Law (LW’05) Dionna M. Lewis (LW’11) Jill N. Link (PH’05, LW’07) Hon. David N. May (LW’98) Todd M. McGuire (AS’96, LW’99) William J. Miller (LW’02) Riley K. Noble, Class of 2022, SBA President Kevin B. Patrick (LW’12) Gerald W. Patterson II (LW’92) Hon. David M. Porter (LW’04) Timothy A. Pratt (LW’75) Jennifer L. Richter (LW ‘91, JO ‘91) William C. Scales Jr. (LW’11) Miranda M. Soto (LW’02) Michael J. Staab (LW’81) Chinyere Ukabiala (LW’01) Lance J. Vander Linden (LW’82) Maggie E. White (AS’06, LW’13) Gregory B. Wilcox (LW’82)

Letter from the Chair of the Drake Law Recent Alumni Engagement Board Dear Fellow Alumni and Friends, On behalf of the Drake Law Recent Alumni Engagement Board, thank you for your continued support of the law school. This group is in our second year of existence and has worked hard to increase engagement among Drake’s alumni who have graduated in the last 15 years. Like everyone else, we’ve had to adapt to a virtual environment during the pandemic but have capitalized on opportunities to reach alumni from all over the country. Some events, like our virtual trivia night, have been so successful that we plan to hold them annually, even when it’s safe to meet in person again. Our Board consists of 21 Drake Law alumni from diverse professional backgrounds and geographic locations. Our goal is to plan a variety of events and initiatives to keep our classmates involved with and connected to Drake. The Board is divided into two committees, Events and Giving. The Events Committee is focused on planning social, networking, and CLE events and the Giving Committee is exploring ways for recent alumni to contribute their time, talents, and treasure to Drake Law School. As this is still a new Board, we’re very open to ideas on how to make this happen and would love to hear from recent alumni about what we can do to keep you engaged with our alma mater. Check us out online by visiting our website (drake.edu/law/alumni/ recentalumniboard). You can also follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn by searching for the Drake Law Recent Alumni Engagement Board.

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We will be accepting nominations in the spring for five spots on the Board to replace members whose terms will end June 30, 2022. If you have interest in joining us or have ideas for the group, please reach out to me at 515-345-4630 or Maggie.E.White@emcins.com. I’d love to chat and get your feedback on how we can best serve Drake’s newest alumni.



Maggie E. White, AS’06, LW’13 President, Drake Law School Recent Alumni Engagement Board

2020-2021 RECENT ALUMNI ENGAGEMENT BOARD Maggie White (AS’06, LW’13), President Joshua Strief (AS’10, LW’14), Vice-President Jenna Sabroske (LW’18), Secretary Tyler Adams (LW’20) Amanda Brookhyser (LW’09) Joe Casey (LW’18) Manuel Cornell (LW’18) Torey Cuellar (LW’14) Ashley Frazier (LW’19) Brandon Geib (LW’15) Adrienne Gross (LW’07) Danielle Holmes (LW’18) Nicole Krueger (LW’19) Jacob Lofgren (LW’08, GR’08) Cory McAnelly (LW’11) Victoria Millett (LW’18) Erica Nichols Cook (LW’09) Robert Palmer (AS’10, LW’14) Anne Reser-Moorehead (LW’19) Ted Stopulos (LW’10) Brooke Yang (LW’16)

Honor Roll of Donors Gifts made during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. LELAND S. FORREST SOCIETY The Leland S. Forrest Society recognizes individuals and couples who provided Drake Law School with supporting gifts of $2,500 or more. † - Deceased Richard Allbee (LA’67, LW’69) Brad and Sally Austin (Brad, LW’76) Thomas and Margaret Bernau (Thomas, GR’85, LW’88) Jim Bruner (BN’60, LW’63) John Bunz (LW’90) Craig Claussen (LW’73) Roxanne Barton Conlin (LA’64, LW’66, GR’79) Joe P. and Jeanie Crookham (Joe, LW’68) Hon. Diane Crookham-Johnson and Kevin Johnson (Diane, LW’10) Richard A. Davidson (BN’81, LW’84) Neil and Lindsey Davis (Neil, LW’03; Lindsey, LW’03) †Warren L. De Vries (LW’49) Barbara Quijano Decker (LA’72, GR’83, LW’00) Sheri DiPaglia Philip J. Dorweiler (LW’50) Denny Drake and Marsha Ternus (Denny, LA’73, LW’77; Marsha, LW’77) David Erickson (LA’74, LW’79) Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Fitzpatrick (Michael, LA’80, LW’84; Sharon, BN’81, GR’84) Sheldon T. and Terry Fleck (Sheldon, LW’75; Terry, PH’74) Ronald R. Fletcher (BN’67, LW’69) Jeffrey and Elizabeth Goodman (Jeffrey, LW’85; Elizabeth, LW’85) David and Julie Gorsche (David, LW’91) Melanie Grant Patrick and Carla Grant (Patrick, LW’76) Cora C. Hayes (GR’78) Jon S. Hoak (LW’77) John and Linda Hopkins Daniel Jacobi and A. Patricia Houlihan (Daniel, LA’76, LW’86; Patricia, LW’82) Hon. Michael and Susan Huppert (Michael, LA’79, LW’82) Steven C. Jayne and Karen E. Shaff (Steven, LW’78; Karen, LW’79) Robert E. Josten and Susan Judkins Jeffrey and Jill Karch (Jeff, GR’93, LW’93) Greg and Pam Kenyon (Greg, LW’78; Pam, LA’78) Tye and Renee Klooster (Tye, LW’03; Renee, LW’02) †Hon. Ruth B. Klotz (BN’54, LW’55) William Knapp II and Nancy Knapp (William, LW’76) George A. and Angela LaMarca (George, LW’70) Jeffrey and Shannon Lamberti (Jeffrey, LA’85, LW’89, GR’89)

Dennis G. Linder (BN’68, LW’71) Erik and Dr. Jill Link (Erik, ED’03, GR’08; Jill, PH’05, LW’07) Brian and Mary Lohse (Brian, LW’95) †J. Locke (LW’48) and †Harriet S. Macomber Fund Steven and Julie Mauer (Steven, LW’87) Nate McCay (LW’80) Todd M. McGuire and Hayley E. Hanson (Todd, AS’96, LW’99; Hayley, LW’00) Joseph and Catherine McLaughlin (Joseph, LW’85) David R. and Debra J. Milligan (David, BN’70, LW’74) Elizabeth Nelson (LW’80) Gerry and Mary Lou Neugent (Gerry, LW’75) Anne and Dennis Olson (Anne, AS’98, LW’02; Dennis, AS’98, LW’01) Claire Patin (LW’77) Gerald Patterson II and Colleen Patterson (Gerald, LW’92) Roland Dale and Teri Peddicord (Dale, BN’61, LW’62) Paul C. Peglow (LW’76) Dean Matthew Powell and Elizabeth Moffett-Powell (Dean, LA’71, GR’74, LW’74) Timothy Pratt (LW’75) Dr. Ruth Robinson (LA’71, LW’75) Nicholas Roby and Deb Tharnish Ryan Rohlfsen and Cynthia Erno Rohlfsen (Ryan, AS’96, LW’99; Cynthia, LW’99) Jeffrey Singer (LA’72, LW’75) Thomas and Julie Slater (Thomas, LW’79) †Neal Smith (LW’50) Michael J. Staab (LW’81) Kermit and Jenny Sutton (Kermit, LW’74) Dennis and Karen Taylor (Dennis, BN’71, LW’74) Johnny C. Taylor Jr. (GR’91, LW’92) Chinyere and Onyebuchi Ukabiala (Chinyere, LW’01) Lance and Shari Vander Linden (Lance, LW’82) Rose Ann Vasquez (LW’85) Matthew J. and Melissa H. Weresh B. Joan White (LW’80) Gregory B. and Melinda S. Wilcox (Gregory, LW’82; Melinda, ED’80) Dr. David Wilson and Mary Curd (David, LW’74) Larry F. Witte (BN’66, LW’71) Thomas M. Zurek and Barbara M. Zurek (Thomas, BN’70, LW’74; Barbara, GR’90)

Law School President’s Circle 2021 The President’s Circle recognizes individuals and couples who provide extraordinary annual gifts of $1,000 or more to The Drake Fund. Their leadership inspires ongoing and increased support from Drake alumni, parents, and friends. The following gave at the President’s Circle level during the 2021 fiscal year and designated a portion of their gift to the Law School. PC 1881 CHARTER CLUB ($50,000 +)

Hon. Diane Crookham-Johnson and Kevin Johnson (Diane, LW’10) Joe P. and Jeanie Crookham (Joe, LW’68) Jeffrey and Shannon Lamberti (Jeffrey, LA’85, LW’89, GR’89) Dean Matthew Powell and Elizabeth Moffett-Powell (Dean, LA’71, GR’74, LW’74)

VERITAS SOCIETY ($25,000 – $49,999)

Sheldon T. and Terry Fleck (Sheldon, LW’75; Terry, PH’74)

GEORGE T. CARPENTER SOCIETY ($15,000 – $24,999) William Knapp II and Nancy Knapp (William, LW’76) Elizabeth Nelson (LW’80) Mr. Johnny C. Taylor Jr. (GR’91, LW’92)

DANIEL MOREHOUSE CLUB ($10,000 – $14,999) Mr. Richard A. Davidson (BN’81, LW’84) David and Julie Gorsche (David, LW’91) Mr. Steven C. Jayne and Ms. Karen E. Shaff (Steven, LW’78; Karen, LW’79) †J. Locke (LW’48) and †Harriet S. Macomber Fund Paul C. Peglow (LW’76) Timothy Pratt (LW’75) Matthew J. and Melissa H. Weresh B. Joan White (LW’80) Larry F. Witte (BN’66, LW’71)

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MARY CARPENTER SOCIETY ($5,000 – $9,999)


Richard Allbee (LA’67, LW’69) Thomas and Margaret Bernau (Thomas, GR’85, LW’88) John Bunz (LW’90) Mr. Ronald R. Fletcher (BN’67, LW’69) Jeffrey and Elizabeth Goodman (Jeffrey, LW’85; Elizabeth, LW’85) Daniel Jacobi and A. Patricia Houlihan (Daniel, LA’76, LW’86; Patricia, LW’82) Todd M. McGuire and Hayley E. Hanson (Todd, AS’96, LW’99; Hayley, LW’00) Gerry and Mary Lou Neugent (Gerry, LW’75) Gerald Patterson II and Colleen Patterson (Gerald, LW’92) Nicholas Roby and Deb Tharnish Jeffrey Singer (LA’72, LW’75) Mr. Michael J. Staab (LW’81) Dennis and Karen Taylor (Dennis, BN’71, LW’74) Rose Ann Vasquez (LW’85) Mr. Thomas M. Zurek and Mrs. Barbara M. Zurek (Thomas, BN’70, LW’74; Barbara, GR’90)

LEGACY PARTNER ($2,500 – $4,999)

Brad and Sally Austin (Brad, LW’76) Jim Bruner (BN’60, LW’63) Neil and Lindsey Davis (Neil, LW’03; Lindsey, LW’03) Barbara Quijano Decker (LA’72, GR’83, LW’00) Philip J. Dorweiler (LW’50) Denny Drake and Marsha Ternus (Denny, LA’73, LW’77; Marsha, LW’77) Hon. David Erickson (LA’74, LW’79) John and Linda Hopkins Hon. Michael and Susan Huppert (Michael, LA’79, LW’82) Mr. Robert E. Josten and Ms. Susan Judkins Jeffrey and Jill Karch (Jeff, GR’93, LW’93) Greg and Pam Kenyon (Greg, LW’78; Pam, LA’78) Tye and Renee Klooster (Tye, LW’03; Renee, LW’02) Dennis G. Linder (BN’68, LW’71) Erik and Dr. Jill Link (Erik, ED’03, GR’08; Jill, PH’05, LW’07) Steven and Julie Mauer (Steven, LW’87) Nate McCay (LW’80) Joseph and Catherine McLaughlin (Joseph, LW’85) Anne and Dennis Olson (Anne, AS’98, LW’02; Dennis, AS’98, LW’01) Claire Patin (LW’77) Roland Dale and Teri Peddicord (Dale, BN’61, LW’62) Dr. Ruth Robinson (LA’71, LW’75) Ryan Rohlfsen and Cynthia Erno Rohlfsen (Ryan, AS’96, LW’99; Cynthia, LW’99) Thomas and Julie Slater (Thomas, LW’79) †Neal Smith (LW’50) Kermit and Jenny Sutton (Kermit, LW’74) Chinyere and Onyebuchi Ukabiala (Chinyere, LW’01) Lance and Shari Vander Linden (Lance, LW’82) Gregory B. and Melinda S. Wilcox (Gregory, LW’82; Melinda, ED’80) Dr. David Wilson and Mary Curd (David, LW’74)

MEMBER ($1,000 – $2,499)

Cory and Emily Abbas (Cory, BN’94, LW’04; Emily, JO’97, GR’09) Mr. Garth D. Adams and Mrs. Cheryl O. Adams (Garth, LA’85, GR’86; Cheryl, GR’87) Emily and Daniel Anderson (Emily, AS’04, LW’07; Daniel, LW’06) Jerry and Susan Anderson Gary L. Axon (LW’66) Leslie Babich (LW’74) Robert and Jean Baldwin (Robert, LW’63) Hon. Romonda D. Belcher (LW’95) Hon. Mark Bennett and Joanne Johnson (Mark, LW’75) James and Tarita Benzoni (James, LW’90) Sen. Nathaniel and Andrea Boulton (Nathaniel, LW’05, GR’05; Andrea, AS’04, GR’09) John and Jill Bouslog (John, LW’85, GR’85; Jill, GR’88) Carl Boyd (LW’91) Corinne Brand (LW’85) Mr. W. Curtis Brighton (LW’81) Mr. David L. Brown (LW’75) Hon. Floyd Brown (LA’78, LW’81)

Scott and Anne Brown (Scott, LW’82) Art and Barb Cady (Art, LA’74, LW’77) Bonnie J. Campbell (LA’82, LW’84) Frank and Marilyn Carroll Brad and Emily Chafa (Brad, BN’83; Emily, LA’82) Timothy and Elizabeth Coonan (Timothy, AS’96, LW’02; Elizabeth, LW’02) Victor Corpuz, Esq. (LW’88) Garry and Cindy Cox (Garry, LW’78) Susan P. Cramer (LW’72) Steven and Brenda Daniels (Steven, LA’80, LW’83) Lieutenant General Russell C. Davis (LW’69) Sheila K. Tipton and William L. Dawe III (Sheila, LW’80; William, LW’75) J. Michael and Donna Deege (J. Michael, LW’68) Dwight and Brenda Dinkla (Dwight, LW’77) John D. and Beth Ann Edwards (Beth, AS’99) Hon. Larry and Cynthia Eisenhauer (Larry, LW’75; Cynthia, GR’76) Matthew Erickson and Margaret Lingreen (Matthew, LW’77; Margaret, LA’74, LW’77) Mr. Thomas L. Flynn (LW’72) Claire Gagnon (LW’07) Richard C. and Nancy Garberson (Richard, LW’74) Lori Geadelmann (LW’93) Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Gerard (Philip, LW’73; Susan, BN’72) Mark Godwin (LW’85) Nicholas Gradisar (LW’76) Danielle and Matthew Haindfield (Danielle, JO’96, LW’99; Matthew, LW’99) Stephen and Ruth Ann Hall (Stephen, LW’68) Mr. Robert L. Hammond Jr. (LW’74) Melodee Hanes and Senator Max Baucus (Melodee, LW’82) Elizabeth Hansen Michael and Elizabeth Hansen (Michael, LW’75) Thomas Henderson and Nan Horvat (Thomas, LA’77, LW’80; Nan, LW’81) Hon. Craig Higgins and Robin Jefferson Higgins (Craig, LW’91) John and Jennifer Hilmes (John, LW’79) Dick and Jane Hinson (Dick, LW’74; Jane, GR’76) Jon S. Hoak (LW’77) James Hoffert and Susan Ford-Hoffert (James, LW’74) Marty and Theresa Howard William Hoye (LW’86) Matthew Hurn and Hon. Anastasia Baker-Hurn (Matthew, LW’98; Anastasia, LW’98) Lois and Dwight James (Lois, ED’56; Dwight, LW’61) Jill Jensen-Welch and John Kite (Jill, LA’82, GR’94, LW’03) Gary V. and Amy Johnson (Gary, LW’78) Vreni and Martin Jones (Vreni, LW’80) Ruby H. Kazi (LW’03) Joseph Kelly Jr. and Penny Kelly (Joseph, LW’74) Ms. Elizabeth Gregg Kennedy and Mr. Walter Kennedy (Elizabeth, LA’76, LW’81; Walter, GR’80) Janice Kerkove and David Richardson (Janice, LW’99) Peter Kitundu and Anjela Shutts (Peter, LW’00; Anjela, LW’96) Stephen Kranz (LW’92) Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kropp (Robert, BN’81) George A. and Angela LaMarca (George, LW’70) Valerie Ann Landis (LW’87) James and Carol Langeness (James, LW’80) Gregory and Elizabeth Lederer (Gregory, LW’77) Professor Joseph Lenz and Professor Andrea Charlow Tom and Wendy Levis (Tom, LA’74, LW’77; Wendy, PH’77) Chunping Li (LW’04) Keith Luchtel, JD and Patricia Luchtel (Keith, LW’73) Kent and Elizabeth Lund (Kent, LW’80) Jesse and Venessa Macro (Jesse, LW’91; Venessa, LW’92)

Mr. Robert P. Malloy and Ms. Lynne M. Malloy (Robert, LW’74) Vincent and Kimberly Mauer (Vincent, LW’84, GR’84; Kimberly, LW’84) Lorraine and Thomas May (Lorraine, LA’73, LW’76) Eldon and Denise McAfee (Eldon, LW’91) Miki McGovern (LW’80) Joan McKown and James Brigagliano (Joan, LW’83) Middleton Family Carey Miller and Brent Stille (Carey, LW’03) Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Mumma (Michael, LW’75) Robert Oberbillig (LA’56, LW’58) Karl Olson (LW’92) Thomas and Elaine Palmer (Thomas, LW’88) Phyllis E. Pearson (LW’79) Jack Petersen and Susan Chantland (Jack, LW’81) Philip and Beth Petti (Philip, LW’85) Janet Phipps Burkhead (LW’05) Richard and Joyce Pundt (Richard, LW’69) Richard Rastetter Jr. and Barbara Rastetter (Richard, LW’72) Phil and Margaret Redenbaugh (Phil, LW’70) Mr. David M. Rich (GR’84, LW’84) Jennifer and James Richter (Jennifer, LW’91, GR’91) Georgianne Riley (LA’74, LW’78) Curtis Ritland, JD and Linda Ritland (Curtis, LW’75) Hon. S. Joseph and Lee-Ann Rubenstein (S. Joseph, LW’75) Barbara Lano Rummel (LW’90) Linda and Michael Rutledge (Linda, LA’71) Susan Sabin (LW’90) Doyle and Margaret Sanders (Doyle, LA’69, GR’72, LW’72; Margaret, JO’70) William Scales Jr. and Erica Scales (William, LW’11) Mark Schuling and Hon. Eliza Ovrom (Mark, LA’76, LW’80) Sara J. Sersland (LW’79) Dr. Michael and Sue Siddall (Michael, LW’75) Lyle L. Simpson (LA’60, LW’63) H. Richard and Kathryn L. Smith (Richard, LW’58) John and Gail Smith (John, LW’77) Miranda Soto (LW’02) Bruce and Jodi Stanfield (Bruce, LW’01) Donald Stanley Jr. and Debra Moore (Donald, LW’00; Debra, GR’87) Daniel and Jill Stevenson (Jill, LW’95, GR’95) Mr. Robert L. and Mrs. Karen E. Stuyvesant (Robert, BN’69, LW’74) Hon. Virgil Swope III and Susan Swope (Virgil, LA’74, LW’87; Susan, LA’86, GR’88) Jay and Nikki Syverson (Jay, BN’02, LW’09; Nikki, JO’03) Mr. H. Raymond Terpstra II (LW’81) Mark and Patricia Tripp (Mark, LW’81) Benjamin B. Ullem (LA’66, LW’69) Kevin and Sharon VanderSchel (Kevin, LW’80; Sharon, GR’79) Mark and Patricia Vogel (Mark, BN’91; Patricia, JO’90, LW’92) Gillian and Andrew Wilcox (Gillian, LW’07; Andrew, LW’08) Wayne and Suzann Wilson (Wayne, LW’73; Suzann, ED’72) Shannon and Ryan Woods (Shannon, LW’03) Justice Bruce and DiAnn Zager (Bruce, LW’81) Mr. Markham L. Zobrist (LW’79)

ASSOCIATE MEMBER ($500 – $999) Cedric Adams (LW’17) Lauren Calef (LW’20) Joseph Casey (LW’18) Kylie Crawford (LW’17) Peter Larsen (LW’19) Victoria Millet (LW’18) Matthew Monroe, Esq. (LW’19) Margret White (AS’06, LW’13)

Donor Spotlights Scholarship funds and faculty underwriting are meaningful ways to create a permanent legacy at Drake Law, creating an important source of support to grow our impact and reputation in legal education. For more information about establishing a fund at Drake Law, please contact Thomas Smith, Advancement Officer, at thomas.smith@drake.edu.

WAYNE (LW’72) AND DONNA KERN Wayne and Donna Kern stepped forward in the midst of the pandemic and made a leadership contribution to guarantee conditional scholarships for our students. The Kerns have also endowed a scholarship fund at Drake. Wayne is retired from legal practice, and he and Donna make their home in the Dallas, Texas area.

JEFFREY LAMBERTI (LA’85, GR’89, LW’89) Jeffrey Lamberti also supported our conditional scholarship program, and was the lead donor in establishing the Melanie Thwing-Eastman Public Service Scholarship. This scholarship will provide financial assistance to students who wish to pursue a career in public defense. Jeff is a Partner at Lamberti, Locke & Luetje, P.C. in Ankeny, Iowa, and is a former member of the Iowa Legislature.

JOHNNY C. TAYLOR, JR. (GR’91, LW’92) Johnny C. Taylor, Jr. established two scholarship funds in FY2021. These funds are named in honor of retiring professors David McCord and Andrea Charlow, in recognition of their decades of service to Drake. Johnny is CEO of SHRM, the world’s largest membership organization dedicated to human resource management.

ELIZABETH NELSON (LW’80) Elizabeth “Libby” Nelson continues to support the Elizabeth A. Nelson Scholarships, which she established in 2014. These awards are given to students based on merit and financial need. Libby is Vice President and General Counsel of Kemin Industries, Inc. in Des Moines, Iowa.

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Old Main Society


The Old Main Society recognizes those who have made a gift of $1,000 or more to Drake Law School in support of capital or endowed projects. $50,000 +

Joe P. and Jeanie Crookham (Joe, LW’68) Jeffrey and Shannon Lamberti (Jeffrey, LA’85, LW’89, GR’89) Brian and Mary Lohse (Brian, LW’95) Elizabeth Nelson (LW’80) Dean Matthew Powell and Elizabeth Moffett-Powell (Dean, LA’71, GR’74, LW’74)

$10,000 – $49,999

Roxanne Barton Conlin (LA’64, LW’66, GR’79) Mr. Richard A. Davidson (BN’81, LW’84) Melanie Grant Cora C. Hayes (GR’78) Jon S. Hoak (LW’77) David R. and Debra J. Milligan (David, BN’70, LW’74) Dennis and Karen Taylor (Dennis, BN’71, LW’74)

$5,000 – $9,999

Craig Claussen (LW’73)

$2,500 – $4,999

Anonymous Sheri DiPaglia Patrick and Carla Grant (Patrick, LW’76) George A. and Angela LaMarca (George, LW’70)

$1,000 – $2,499

Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Fitzpatrick (Michael, LA’80, LW’84; Sharon, BN’81, GR’84) John Gelson (LW’81) Elizabeth Grant Mark A. Haenny (LW’85)

Drake Law School Welcomes Two New Faculty Members Drake Law School welcomed Nickole Miller and Jeremy Kidd to the full-time faculty on July 1. Assistant Professor of Law Nickole Miller is the new director of Drake’s Middleton Center for Children’s Rights. Professor of Law Jeremy Kidd joins the faculty to teach contracts and business law courses. NICKOLE MILLER comes to Drake Law from the University of Baltimore School of Law where she was a visiting assistant professor and interim director of the Bronfein Family Law Clinic. During her time at the Baltimore School of Law, Nickole served as a clinical teaching fellow at the Immigrant Rights Clinic as well as the Saul Ewing Advocacy Clinic. Prior to teaching, she was the Managing Attorney at the Immigrant Defenders Law Center in California, one of the largest U.S. immigrant children’s representation programs.

Nickole received her BA from Columbia University, and her JD, cum laude, from DePaul University College of Law, where she specialized in public interest law. She will be taking over the leadership of the Joan and Lyle Middleton Center for Children’s Rights, which encompasses student representation of children in the Children’s Rights Clinic, as well as public information and advocacy to improve the rights and welfare of children in our judicial system. Professor Miller’s recent scholarship focuses on the rights of children in immigration proceedings. JEREMY KIDD is a law and economics scholar whose teaching specialties include commercial and corporate law. He joins Drake Law from Mercer Law School in Macon, Ga., where he was a tenured professor.

Prior to teaching, he practiced law with Ballard Spahr LLP in Washington, DC, and with Strong & Hanni, PC, in Salt Lake City, Utah. He also clerked for both the federal district court in Utah and 6th Circuit Court of Appeals. Jeremy received his JD from the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University and a PhD in Economics and BA from Utah State University. His recent scholarship includes articles on Fintech, workplace drug testing, insider trading, and social-media driven securities trading. Professor Kidd will join a strong group of business/ corporate law faculty at Drake Law.

Professor Erin Lain Returns to Drake Law School as New Associate Dean for Academic Affairs This fall, Drake Law School welcomed Erin Lain as the new Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Erin has been a Drake Law professor since 2016 and most recently served as Drake University’s Associate Provost for Equity and Inclusion. Prior to that, Erin was assistant dean for academic services at Drake Law School. In addition to her

responsibilities overseeing the law school’s academic program, Erin will teach classes in a variety of subject areas. Erin received her BA, JD, and PhD from Drake University. Her recent scholarship focuses on issues of equity and inclusion in the legal field, including her forthcoming article “Examining the Bar Exam: An Empirical Analysis of Racial Bias in the Uniform Bar Examination” in the University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform. Erin is an active member of the Iowa State Bar Association, the Polk County

Bar Association, and the American Bar Association. In 2018, Erin received the Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Inc. EDGE Award for Greater Equality. In 2017, Erin received the Gertrude Rush Award from the Iowa Organization of Women Attorneys and the Iowa Chapter of the National Bar Association. The Rush Award recognizes leadership in the community and in the legal profession in the areas of human and civil rights.

You are the ones who MAKE A DIFFERENCE in students’ lives. Scholarship funds and faculty underwriting are meaningful ways to create a permanent legacy at Drake Law, creating an important source of support to grow our impact and reputation in legal education. Here are some examples of how your support can change a life forever. For more information about establishing a scholarship at Drake Law, please contact Thomas Smith, Advancement Officer, at thomas.smith@drake.edu.

EMILY RUSSELL LOHSE FAMILY FELLOW CLASS OF 2023 PARKERSBURG, IOWA Undergraduate institution: Wartburg College Law School activities: Delta Theta Phi, Christian Legal Society, Federalist Society, Mock Trial Team, Arbitration Team Law School clerkships/internships/ professional experience: Law clerk, Iowa Secretary of State

Thanks to the generous support of my donors, I get to immerse myself in all the

valuable opportunities that Drake Law has to offer without having to worry about how I’m going to afford a legal education. My donors are the reason why I am able to get the most out of my law school experience and

why I strive to have the opportunity to show that same generosity to a law student in the future.

JAZMINE POLK CROOKHAM SCHOLAR/LAW OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP AWARDEE CLASS OF 2022 OMAHA, NEBRASKA Undergraduate institution: University of Kansas Law School activities: Junior Staff, Drake Law Review; Secretary, Black Law Student Association

Law School clerkships/internships/ professional experience: Law clerk, Ahlers & Cooney, PC; Legal intern, Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence; Teaching Assistant, Legal Research and Writing; Cady Law Opportunity Fellow

Being a student at Drake Law has been an amazing experience and the generosity of the donors has had

a huge impact on my success in school. With their support, I have been able to focus on school without

worrying about finances and amassing more student loan debt. That peace of mind allowed me to concentrate on my grades, which led to my work on the Drake Law Review, a teaching assistant position, and finding my dream practice area. I would not be where I am today, the person I am today, with an exciting future ahead of

me in the legal profession, without the generous donors.

CAMERON FRAZIER JUDGE JAMES GRANT SCHOLARSHIP AWARDEE CLASS OF 2022 BOULDER, COLORADO Undergraduate institutions: University of Oklahoma and University of Colorado Law School activities and organizations: Negotiations Team Law School clerkships/internships/ professional experience: Law clerk, Johnson & Repucci LLP (2020); Summer associate, Johnson & Repucci LLP (2021)

I always wanted to attend law school after my collegiate athletic career. Thanks to the Judge James Grant

Scholarship, I was able to pursue my dream without worrying about student loans. Without this help, I would not be in the position I am today. I cannot overstate the impact this scholarship had on my future.

MARCOS DANIELSON CROOKHAM SCHOLAR CLASS OF 2023 MCALLEN, TEXAS Undergraduate institution: Adams State University Law School activities and organizations: Vice-President, Hispanic Latino Law Student Association; Drake Law Ambassador

Law School clerkships/internships/ professional experience: Law clerk, Nyemaster Goode, PC; Law clerk, Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield; Summer associate, BrownWinick Law Firm (summer 2022); Cady Law Opportunity Fellow

Going to law school can be a monumental undertaking both logistically and financially. It is only through

the generosity of donors that someone like me could even conceive of making law school a viable option. Thanks to the generous donation of the Crookham family, I can focus all my efforts on the incredible courses that Drake Law provides. Graduating law school with no debt is an unbelievable gift, one which I will cherish

for the rest of my life.

AUSTIN R. DECKER SHAFF/JAYNE SCHOLARSHIP AWARDEE CLASS OF 2021 TIFFIN, IOWA Undergraduate Institution: Lehigh University Law School Activities and Organizations: Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity, Student Animal Legal Defense Fund Law School clerkships/internships/ professional experience: Iowa State University Athletic Compliance Department; Intern, Iowa Court of Appeals; Research assistant for Professor Royce Fichtner Post-graduation position: Associate attorney, Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid, Crane & Partners PLLC, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky

Law school has provided me with an education and training that will allow me to support my family

as well as help those around me. I would not have been able to attend law school had it not been for the support and generosity of the donors who made it possible for me to receive a scholarship. I am grateful for their compassion and generosity, and in time, I too want to pass on the same kindness they showed

me to Drake’s future law students.

Law School Annual Fund Alumni Contributors 2020-2021 Gifts to the Law School Annual Fund provide essential support for the operating budget of the Law School. These contributions sustain academic program development, scholarships, financial assistance, library acquisitions and faculty enrichment. Alumni are listed by class year. CLASS OF 1948





Ronald E. Mason

Robert D. Baldwin Jim Bruner Ronald M. Frykberg Lyle L. Simpson James A. Stout




†J. Locke Macomber

CLASS OF 1949 †Warren L. De Vries


Philip J. Dorweiler Jr. †Neal E. Smith


Richard E. Lee

CLASS OF 1953 Robert H. Clark Jr.


Terrence A. Hopkins

CLASS OF 1965 John L. Kiener Wayne M. Sakai


Virgil D. Moore





†Ruth B. Klotz


L AW H O N O R R O L L | D R A K E U N I V E R S I T Y

Darrell J. Goodhue Ronald L. Sorenson

Gary L. Axon Ronald A. Brownlee Donald H. Carlson Roxanne Barton Conlin Ronald B. Mehling James R. Moore



Marvin F. Heidman William D. Jansen Louis A. Lavorato R. Dale Peddicord Ray H. Potter

Robert C. Oberbillig H. Richard Smith

Henry L. Elwood

CLASS OF 1960 Merrick C. Hayes James B. West

CLASS OF 1961 Dwight W. James W. Dean Moore Gary F. Walker

John W. Baty Tobin B. Swanson

Joe P. Crookham J. Michael Deege Stephen A. Hall Mark Ravreby

CLASS OF 1969 Richard A. Allbee Ralph Brown Russell C. Davis Ronald R. Fletcher David L. Phipps Richard A. Pundt Benjamin B. Ullem

William A. Brannon William E. Davis Richard A. Heininger George A. LaMarca Phil C. Redenbaugh

John L. Kuipers Dennis G. Linder Jere C. Maddux Clayton C. Mowers Larry F. Witte

Anonymous Thomas J. Bice Gordon G. Bowles Susan (Parsons) Cramer Robert T. Dolan Thomas L. Flynn Richard D. Howe Janet (Taylor) Johnson Stephen C. Lande John C. Palmer Richard C. Rastetter Jr. Doyle D. Sanders Robert H. Zane


Kenneth D. Benhart Scott W. Borden John D. Chambers Craig Claussen John S. Congalton Michael G. Duany Philip C. Gerard E. M. Greaves Robert I. Karon Keith E. Luchtel James E. Maloney Ralph S. Nelson J. Michael Richardson Wayne I. Wilson

CLASS OF 1974 Leslie I. Babich Steven R. Bakke Richard B. Clogg

Felice (Phillips) Congalton David W. Curd Lawrence H. Fautsch Richard C. Garberson Robert L. Hammond Jr. Janet (Giese) Harvey Richard C. Hinson James S. Hoffert Dennis E. Jontz Dorothy E. Kelley Joseph S. Kelly Jr. Gary G. Kimes Robert P. Malloy Richard A. Malm Michael R. May William J. McHugh Sr. R. James McNulty Jr. David R. Milligan Michael J. Moon John G. Mullen Karl A. Nelson Albert P. Pacione Jr. Dean M. Powell John C. Powell William F. Raisch Ralph Rosenberg James E. Ryan Mary (Smith) Schilken Allan C. Somers Robert L. Stuyvesant Kermit S. Sutton Dennis Taylor Daniel F. Wiechmann Jr. David Wilson George W. Wittgraf Thomas M. Zurek


Vicki (Huff) Alsin Ronald A. Baybayan Mark W. Bennett Kenneth I. Birkenholtz David L. Brown Patrick M. Carr William L. Dawe III Larry J. Eisenhauer Sheldon T. Fleck Charles E. Gribble Michael W. Hansen Victor G. Lathrop William D. Mahler

Michael F. Mumma Gerard D. Neugent George Parke III Timothy G. Pearson John M. Perkins Timothy A. Pratt Curtis L. Ritland Ruth Robinson S. Joseph Rubenstein Steven K. Sandblom Robert N. Schway James M. Shaker Michael S. Siddall Jeffrey Singer Andrew L. Symons Jay W. Thomas Richard N. Tompkins Jr. James A. Trannel Henry R. Veenstra Jr. Ronald A. Wait William C. Whitten




Bradford Austin Alan H. Bjork Phyllis (Gall) Dickstein Nicholas A. Gradisar Patrick Grant William C. Knapp II Mark B. Mahoney Lorraine (Buckles) May Paul C. Peglow John C. Peterson R. Ronald Pogge Robert W. Powers David A. Stromgren James C. Twedt Steven A. Widdes


George A. Cady III Randall L. Clark Gordon K. Darling Jr. Dawn DiBenedetto Dwight L. Dinkla Denny W. Drake Matthew J. Erickson Jonathan S. Hoak Alberto C. Lamorena III Gregory M. Lederer Thomas J. Levis Margaret Lingreen Odell G. McGhee II Dan A. Moore Mary C. Nelson Claire B. Patin John C. Smith Marsha K. Ternus Craig D. Vermie

Janet (Daugherty) Buck Walter Chidester Peter J. Coniglio Garry Cox David D. Dixon Randy V. Hefner John W. Hofmeyer III Steven C. Jayne Gary V. Johnson Gregory L. Kenyon Fred A. Larson Wayne E. Newkirk Georgianne M. Riley Douglas J. Scheidt Timothy J. Schmid N. Morrison Torrey Randy L. Waagmeester James R. Westergaard Brian E. Wheeler John C. Wilkinson

Jere M. Ahrens Darnell E. Carter David M. Erickson Alan R. Farris Gerald B. Feuerhelm Richard S. Freeman James E. Gritzner Steve A. Halbrook Charles F. Helsten Diane M. Henson John D. Hilmes Mike R. Hyzer Thomas G. Kouri Jenifer Mercer-Klimowski David D. Nelson Phyllis E. Pearson Sara (Gunther) Sersland Gregory J. Seyfer Karen E. Shaff Thomas P. Slater Jill (Rolek) Southworth James E. Thielen Markham L. Zobrist


Anonymous Nathan Andersohn Glen C. Baity George F. Davison Jr. Michael B. Devine Lance D. Ehmcke Thomas I. Henderson Vreni (Glista) Jones Robert C. Kielian James B. Langeness William J. Lorenz Kent J. Lund Nathan S. McCay Michelle McGovern

Elizabeth A. Nelson Kevin A. Parker Richard A. Priest Jr. Stephen E. Reno Timothy P. Schimberg Mark R. Schuling Donna E. St. George Dale C. Tigges Sheila Tipton Kevin E. VanderSchel B. Joan (Coffman) White


Cory R. Borgeson William C. Brighton Dennis N. Britson Floyd K. Brown Kevin J. Carr Amy Christensen Arthur B. D’Almeida John Gelson Dale A. Glanzman Joseline (Hopkins) Greenley Louis A. Gresh Lee P. Hook Denise J. Horner Nan M. Horvat Louise M. Jacobs Elizabeth (Gregg) Kennedy Kevin W. Lyons Marilyn K. Mueller Steven R. Parrish Jack M. Petersen Glenn S. Pressman Michael J. Staab Harry R. Terpstra II David D. Todd Mark L. Tripp Mark R. Warnsing Bruce B. Zager


Jorge A. Alvarado Stephen J. Anderson Don E. Brazelton Scott D. Brown Storrs W. Downey Steven W. Guiter William A. Haas Melodee Hanes Ann P. Houlihan Michael D. Huppert John F. Lorentzen Bruce J. McNeil Ronald L. Mountsier Joan O’Brien Steven J. Oeth John R. Sobota Lance J. Vander Linden Paul H. Wieck II Gregory Wilcox


John S. Benton William H. Caughran John D. Cleavenger Douglas M. Conde Steven K. Daniels Joan E. McKown Lawrence P. McLellan Lynn D. Naefach Steven J. Roy Robert R. Smith Charles E. Tiernan III Sara (Kincaid) Walker JoEllen J. Watts Alan M. Wilson Jeffrey K. Woodbury


Lee B. Brumitt Bonnie (Pierce) Campbell Richard A. Davidson Richard H. Davidson Michael R. Fitzpatrick William M. Goff James B. Griffin III James F. Hutchinson Debra (Egli) James Gary E. Lambert Doug R. Marek Kimberly (Kolenbrander) Mauer Vincent E. Mauer Thomas J. Meeker Michael G. Neill John A. Nilsen Jr. Judith (Kruse) Parks Kathy (Collins) Reilly David M. Rich Carol (Dorsey) Senty Edward A. Tarlov


Anonymous John M. Bouslog Corinne L. Brand Julie Cardosi Rogers Elizabeth Goodman Jeffrey Goodman Mark Godwin Mark Haenny John C. Heinicke Matthew J. Kaftan Joseph P. McLaughlin Connie A. Newlin John T. Palter Philip T. Petti Joseph Seidlin G. Thomas Sullivan Ann Taylor Margaret Thomson Rose A. Vasquez Kendall R. Watkins


Donald W. Bohlken F. Montgomery Brown Alan B. Clay Martha P. Crist Charles H. Fagen Steven K. Gaer William Hoye Daniel E. Jacobi Steven J. Kahler Kevin J. Kuckelman, Esq. James R. Overdorf Eric J. Palmer John M. Sier Gary R. Urquhart Nancy (Stoller) Whittenburg


Thomas N. Bower Constance Cohen Craig A. Gustafson Carmen L. Janssen Thomas F. Klumper Valerie A. Landis Steve E. Mauer Donald D. Metcalf Gregory G. Milani Sarah Pitts Virgil R. Swope III Steven D. Tynan


L AW H O N O R R O L L | D R A K E U N I V E R S I T Y

Todd E. Babich Thomas R. Bernau Edward J. Cervantes Victor N. Corpuz Kevin J. Driscoll Alice (Eastman) Helle Denise R. Ketchmark Meg (Winslow) Maffitt Susan (Achen) Margolies James W. McGill Carl E. Mergele Tina Meth-Farrington Thomas A. Palmer Johnathan J. Slavens



Deanna Clingan-Fischer Harry E. Gallaher Luvell Glanton Sr. Matthew A. Grotnes Jeffrey Lamberti James G. Leach Martha (Schaff) Licea Marc A. Margolies Linda (Burdt) Massengill John L. McGehee Caroline A. Mondschean Joe E. Smith Joseph A. Tilley


Sandra L. Braber-Grove James Benzoni John H. Bunz Jane (Stuelke) Crock Carolyn T. Lumbard Sandra K. Lyons Suellen Overton Barbara (Lano) Rummel Susan (Hansen) Sabin Dianna (Headricks) Silvagni Coreen Sweeney


Carl B. Boyd Brenda Currans Michael E. Gabor David V. Gorsche William W. Heaivilin Craig K. Higgins Brian M. Kennedy Jane (Vanwerden) Lorentzen Tamara A. Lorenz Jesse A. Macro Jr. Eldon L. McAfee Jennifer (Maurer) Richter Laura M. Roan Donald S. Waters


Neal H. Bookspan Erica Brown Joseph A. Cacciatore Stephen D. Elison Brandin Hay Stephen P. Kranz Venessa (Kuhlmann) Macro Gerald Patterson II Karl T. Olson Johnny C. Taylor Jr. Patricia (Rensink) Vogel


Gary F. Baumann Phillip A. Cervantes Michael R. Crabb Theodore A. Donahue Jr. Lori (Weieneth) Geadelmann Michele (Gooding) Hoyne Jeffrey N. Karch Stephen P. Laitinen Jos G. Linn Jerold P. McMillen Ken Parkinson Scott S. Riemenschneider Donna M. Schauer John M. Schwarz


Anthony Almquist Alexander P. Galyon Scott J. Levy Bruce E. Odle Laurence M. Rubenstein Rachel R. Watkins Schoenig





Romonda D. Belcher Paul J. Carter Kimberly (Kuehner) Hardeman Jay C. Helton Brian Lohse Shannon M. McDonough Jill (Martin) Stevenson Robert B. Stone Richard N. Waldinger

Ted S. Biderman Judith R. Boes Douglas A. Eichholz Daryn C. McBeth Richard F. Mitvalsky Thomas J. O’Brien Amy L. Peters Kristal R. Rivers Anjela Shutts Randall A. Smith


Tarita Benzoni Janet (Guinan) Canty Alan K. Cubbage Bennett A. MacDougall Jason T. Madden James R. Walter


Gregory S. Bailey Julie (Bettenhausen) Bailey Anastasia A. Baker-Hurn Ladonna L. Boeckman Christopher S. Crawford Matthew M. Hurn David N. May Christine C. Nierenz


Cynthia Erno Rohlfsen Danielle I. Foster-Smith Elias S. Gastelo Eugene Gu Danielle (Jess) Haindfield Matthew J. Haindfield Janice J. Kerkove Todd M. McGuire Ryan J. Rohlfsen James R. Wainwright


Jennifer Block Christine (Carroll) Cownie Barbara (Quijano) Decker Drew J. Gentsch William M. Grabitz Thomas P. Graves Hayley Hanson Marty G. Helle Peter R. Kitundu Donald D. Stanley Jr. Congarry D. Williams

Steven E. Carr Jason R. Cassady, Esq. Robert W. Dixon Luis E. Gonzalez Angela (Weaklend) Morales Dennis T. Olson II Lori (Sanderson) Skibbie Bruce M. Stanfield Chinyere (Uko) Ukabiala

Elizabeth (Katz) Coonan Timothy R. Coonan Heather (Mowery) Fleming Renee (Wiszowaty) Klooster Thi Q. Lam John M. Mossman Anne (Nielsen) Olson Miranda (Lundeen) Soto Andrew L. Tipton K. Dwayne Vande Krol Alexander Williams III


Ronald G. Bailey Rosalind (Sargent) Burns Bethany J. Currie Lindsey (Moore) Davis Neil S. Davis Elizabeth (Neugent) Dixon Jill Jensen-Welch, Esq. Ruby H. Kazi Tye J. Klooster Barry J. Koopmann Sarah M. Kouri Michael E. Marquess Carey A. Miller Mark J. Parmenter Jeremy M. Reppy Curtis W. Stamp Annette (Stanley) Taylor Thao N. Trinh Shannon (Clark) Woods Michael S. Worrall


Cory D. Abbas Nicholas O. Cooper Blaine T. Doerrfeld Craig W. Drummond Maria (Unser) Favia Michael F. Hayden Nichole (Biglin) Hayden Chunping Li Kendric M. Olson Hannah (Holl) Rogers Julie (Cummings) Thomas Mark T. Williams Jennifer (Williams) Zwagerman Jill Zwagerman


Ben W. Barlow Nathaniel R. Boulton Tara (Zager) Hall Kathleen Law Mary M. Lickteig Kathryn Lindley Amber (Brady) Miller Adam Parsons Janet E. Phipps Burkhead Kristina (Oeth) Stanger


Daniel J. Anderson Stephen P. Dowil Jessica L. Malott Anna (Wholey) Mundy Nathan A. Mundy Adam D. Otto Noreen (Bush) Otto Kirk W. Schuler Richard R. Smith Megan J. Tooker Stephen W. Tyler


Emily (Peebler) Anderson Benjamin D. Bergmann Claire E. Gagnon Robert D. Hodges Carla (Olson) Hughes Veronica (Franck) Kirk Jill (Flaherty) Link Peter J. Rolwes Brent T. Smoyer David W. Venables Christian P. Walk Gillian (Ruddy) Wilcox


Kendra Campbell Frederick M. Ebinger Matthew H. Elias Amanda A. James Jordan A. Kaplan Jacob R. Lofgren Patrick McElyea Jennifer (Beal) Rhuppiah Andrew M. Wilcox


Maria E. Brownell Timothy J. Carey Erica Nichols Cook Maximilian L. Eubank Sean C. Flood Joshua A. Gaul Adam Gregg Erin Grundy, JD Lee D. Henderson Kyle D. Krause Meghann R. Sweeney Jay P. Syverson


Diane G. CrookhamJohnson Philip J. De Koster Jonathan D. Law Andres R. Montalvo


Anonymous Ross A. Baxter Keith Duffy Rebecca Duffy Nathan D. Kirstein Catherine (Chargo) Lucas Cory A. McAnelly William C. Scales Jr.


Leslie (Tweeton) Behaunek Edward J. Connolly Ashley (Heissel) Corkery Linzey (Bachmeier) Erickson Joseph K. Findlay Amy A. Gandhi Bradley O. Hopkins Erik I. Howe Erin Lee Schneider Jamie Mills Kevin B. Patrick Jasmina Sarajlija Stacey (Van Zuiden) Scholl Eric W. Schultz Michael Traxinger Caroline (Bettis) Valentine Jeremy M. Wilson Kelly (Potthoff) Wilson Hope M. Wood


Anonymous Spencer Cady Emily Ertel Rajee C. Harris Jonathan P. Holmen Margret White


Elizabeth Burns-Thompson Nicholas K. Cooling Torey Cuellar Molly T. Driscoll Margaret A. Hibbs Wesley L. Kappelman Kelsey Knight Amber Leon Mary M. Malloy Beatriz A. Mate-Kodjo Robert L. Palmer David Ranscht Joshua R. Strief


James E. Becker Andrew Duffelmeyer James D. Greenwood Eric A. Howard Katrina Raisch Sean Raisch


Jefferson Fink Tyler Heeren Adrienne N. Howard Christopher J. Jessen Melody Lien Richelle (Johnson) Mahaffey Kelsey (Leppert) Sjoblom Ann T. Stockdale


Cedric D. Adams Bona Bonkafo-Efofa Shannon N. Bravo Kylie E. Crawford Shannon M. Duval Tira Mays Tara J. Miller v Jenna (Bishop) Sabroske


Joseph R. Casey Olivia (Slater) Clausen Zachary D. Clausen Kacy L. Flaherty Victoria M. Millet Jeffrey W. Parris Gabriel J. Walsh

2021 ALUMNI AWARD WINNERS Alumnus of the Year

JOE P. CROOKHAM, LW’68 Chairman of the Board and principal owner, Musco Lighting

Alumnus of the Year


Attorney, Goodman/Keller, PC, and President, Harbinger Jury Consultants


Nicole M. Krueger Peter E. Larsen Matthew W. Monroe Nicholas D. Ott Julie L. Spieker Hunter W. Thorpe


Lauren E. Calef Esther C. Lwakabamba

Recent Alumnus of the Year

ADAM C. GREGG, LW’09 Lieutenant Governor of Iowa

CLASS OF 2021 Clarissa R. Davison

Distinguished Public Service Award

JANET PHIPPS BURKHEAD, LW’05 Brigadier General, Iowa Army National Guard (Ret.) Former Director, Iowa Department of General Services and Iowa Department of Administrative Services

Friends of Drake Law Parents of current and former students, community members, and Drake Law faculty and staff who contributed to the Law School during the 2021 fiscal year.


F. Richard and Barbara Lyford

Jerry and Susan Anderson

Professor Natalie Lynner

The Honorable Romonda D. Belcher (LW’95)

Jesse and Venessa Macro

The Honorable Mark Bennett and Joanne Johnson (Mark, LW’75)

Professor David and Laura McCord

Sharon Brown

James and Lisa McKinney

Frank and Marilyn Carroll

Wayne and Mary Beth Newkirk

Timothy and Elizabeth Coonan (Timothy, AS’96, LW’02; Elizabeth, LW’02) Susan Dittmer

L AW H O N O R R O L L | D R A K E U N I V E R S I T Y

Krista and Shaun Magill

Kara Blanchard

Mariann and Bob Clark (Bob, LA’50, LW’53)


(Jesse, LW’91; Venessa, LW’92)

(Wayne, LW’78; Mary Beth, BN’90, GR’97) Kathryn Overberg Kevin and Dr. Lauren Patrick (Kevin, LW’12; Lauren, AS’12)

Matthew and Laurie Dore

Hon. Brent Pattison

John D. and Beth Ann Edwards (Beth Ann, AS’99)

Professor Suzan Pritchett and Joe Moose

Paul England

Zhihui Qi

Steven Foritano

Lori and Steven Richman

Sally Frank

Nicholas Roby and Deb Tharnish

Neil and Khanh Hamilton

Danielle Shelton and Eric Engstrom

Val and Susan Hansen

H. Richard and Kathryn L. Smith (Richard, LW’58)

David Hanson

Thomas Smith

Alicia Hilligas

Professor Maura Strassberg

Theresa and Marty Howard

Leona Sutton

Sara and David Hughes

Julie A. Thomas (LW’04)

Susan and The Honorable Michael Huppert

Carole Tillotson

(Michael, LA’79, LW’82)

David S. and Sara K. Walker (Sara, LW’83)

Lisa Jepsen

Karen and Marc Wallace

Shirley Johnson

Steve and Karen Weiss

Mr. Robert E. Josten and Ms. Susan Judkins

Matthew J. and Melissa H. Weresh

Professor Andrew Jurs

Dr. Louis Wolter and Carolyn Lumbard

Kathleen Law (LW’04)

(Carolyn, GR’75, GR’79, LW’90)

Erin Lee Schneider and Brian Lee (Erin, LW’12)

Professor Ellen Yee

Professor Joseph Lenz and Professor Andrea Charlow

Rob Young

Rebecca Lutkenhaus

Jennifer and Jay Zwagerman (Jennifer, LW’04)

Adjunct Professors of Law 2020–2021 Adjunct faculty, including competition team coaches, are essential to the success of our academic and extracurricular programs. The following is a list of adjunct faculty who served the Law School during the 2020–2021 academic year. Thomas Bakke (LW’16)

Allison Kerndt

Jordan Roling (LW’10)

Hon. Romonda Belcher (LW’95)

Nicholas Krob (LW’15)

Roxann Ryan

Jessie Benson (LW’18)

Kristy Latta (LW’05)

Debra Scorpiniti (LW’93)

Willard L. Boyd III

Kathleen Law (LW’05)

Ed Sease (LA’64, LW’67)

Tricia Bushnell

Christine Lebrón-Dykeman

Amy Skogerson

Brandon Clark (LW’10)

Joseph Leo (LW’06)

Louis Sloven (LW’15)

Sheridan DeJong (LW’20)

Hon. Edward Mansfield

Kim Smith

Ana Dixit (LW’16)

Jeremy Masterson (LW’13)

Jim Snyder

Barbara Edmondson

Jeff Noble (LW’90)

Ashley Tollakson (LW’09)

Ronald Forsell (LW’15)

Kayli Paul (LW’20)

Conner Wasson (LW’14)

Michael Gilchrist

Kevin Patrick (LW’12)

Jessica Whitney

Kay Godfredsen (LW’04)

Hon. Brent Pattison

Kevin Hathaway (LW’10)

Tess Pocock (LW’19)

Businesses, Corporations, and Foundations Business, corporations, and foundations that contributed to the Law School Annual Fund, and/or helped support endowed scholarships, events and special programs, physical improvements, and capital projects during the 2021 fiscal year. Aaron Fields Administrative Law Firm

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

NAACP - Nebraska-Iowa

Advocacy Publications

Friends of Max Baucus

NJ Mediator Resolution Services, L.L.C.

Ahlers & Cooney. P.C.

Harbinger Jury Consultants

Northwestern Mutual Foundation

American Board of Trial Advocates –

IBM Matching Grants Program

Nyemaster Goode, P.C.

International Academy of Trial Lawyers


Iowa Academy of Trust and

Rodney L. Hudson Family Foundation

Iowa Chapter Bird of Paradox Studios Belin McCormick, P.C. Bradshaw, Fowler, Proctor & Fairgrave, P.C.

Estate Counsel Iowa Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

Simmons Perrine Moyer Bergman, P.L.C. State Farm Companies Foundation Sullivan & Ward, P.C.

Branstad Law, P.L.L.C.

Iowa County Attorneys Association


Capital City Connections

The Iowa State Bar Association

U S Bancorp Foundation


John Deere Foundation

Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield

Davis Brown Law Firm

KPMG Foundation

Wellmark Foundation

Denise R. Ketchmark Attorney at Law

Lohse Family Foundation

Wells Fargo

DeVries Family Trust

J. Locke and Harriet S. Macomber Trust

Wells Fargo Foundation

Dorsey & Whitney, LLP

Meredith Corporation

West Bank

Dorsey & Whitney Foundation

Meredith Corporation Foundation

Whitfield & Eddy Law

EMC Insurance Companies


Elverson Vasey Law Firm

Musco Lighting

Bold denotes matching gift companies.

Chancellor’s Elm Society The Chancellor’s Elm Society honors alumni and friends who make a planned gift to Drake University. Examples of planned gifts include charitable bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts, charitable gifts of life insurance, charitable beneficiary designations, and other gift planning vehicles.

L AW H O N O R R O L L | D R A K E U N I V E R S I T Y

Anonymous Mark and Badonna Berkman (Mark, LA’83, LW’86) The Honorable Richard Blane II and Barbara Blane (Richard, LA’70, LW’73) Mr. David L. Brown (LW’75) James Carney (LW’75) Cynthia Ullem Christy and Geoffrey Christy (Cynthia, LW’97; Geoffrey, GR’04) Craig Claussen (LW’73) Roxanne Barton Conlin (LA’64, LW’66, GR’79) Terry and Barbara Davis (Terry, LW’79; Barbara, GR’79) Philip J. Dorweiler (LW’50) Denny Drake and Marsha Ternus (Denny, LA’73, LW’77; Marsha, LW’77) Jeffrey and Cynthia Flagg (Jeffrey, LW’76) Bruce Foudree and Suzanne Reade (Bruce, LA’69, LW’72) Marilyn and Marc P. Franson (Marc, BN’77, GR’77, LW’80) Jeffrey and Elizabeth Goodman (Jeffrey, LW’85; Elizabeth, LW’85) Mr. Robert L. Hammond Jr. (LW’74) Diane M. Henson (LW’79) Janet Galloway Huston (LW’83) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. James Sr. (Lawrence, ED’70, LW’01; Barbara, ED’69) George and Christine Karnas (George, LA’78, LW’81; Christine, JO’80) Greg and Pam Kenyon (Greg, LW’78; Pam, LA’78) †The Honorable Ruth B. Klotz (BN’54, LW’55) William Knapp II and Nancy Knapp (William, LW’76) Thomas and Miranda Kouri (Thomas, LW’79; Miranda, GR’76) George A. and Angela LaMarca (George, LW’70) Bob and Nancy Landess (Bob, LW’62; Nancy, ED’76)


Kay and Tom McCollum Charitable Fund (Kay, GR’68; Tom, LW’68) Mr. Fred McNee and Mrs. Kathy McNee (Fred, LW’69; Kathy, FA’68) David R. and Debra J. Milligan (David, BN’70, LW’74) Don and Beverly Muyskens (Don, LW’70) Gerry and Mary Lou Neugent (Gerry, LW’75) Ms. Kim M. Olson (LW’82) Roland Dale and Teri Peddicord (Dale, BN’61, LW’62) Amy Peters (LW’96) Gary Roberts (LW’76) Dr. Ruth Robinson (LA’71, LW’75) The Honorable S. Joseph and Lee-Ann Rubenstein (S. Joseph, LW’75) Doyle and Margaret Sanders (Doyle, LA’69, GR’72, LW’72; Margaret, JO’70) Mr. Michael Schroeder and Mrs. Rosalie Schroeder (Michael, LA’79, LW’83; Rosalie, LA’79) Sara J. Sersland (LW’79) Ms. Lou Ann Simpson (BN’65, LW’68) Lyle L. Simpson (LA’60, LW’63) Dan W. Smith (BN’53, LW’55) Mr. Robert L. and Mrs. Karen E. Stuyvesant (Robert, BN’69, LW’74) †George W. Sullivan (LW’58) Katherine Swank (LW’85) Benjamin B. Ullem (LA’66, LW’69) James Van Ginkel (BN’76, LW’79, GR’79) Rose Ann Vasquez (LW’85) David S. and Sara K. Walker (Sara, LW’83) Dr. David Wilson and Mary Curd (David, LW’74)

This list includes gifts documented as of June 30, 2021. For more information about including Drake Law School in your estate plan, please contact Thomas Smith, Advancement Officer, at thomas.smith@drake.edu.


Mark L. Andersen (LW’75)

Jack R. Hall (LW’52)

Joseph W. Anderson (LW’79)

Marci B. Hamrock Tooman (LW’95)

We recognize our alumni who passed away in the last year knowing that each of them had an impact on others and made a difference in their communities and the profession through their work and service.

Carl T. Bahnson (LW’79)

Richard C. Harmon (LW’81)

Robert L. Beneventi (LW’52)

Haroldeen Hartsfield (LW’74)

Barton E. Bernstein (LW’51)

Paul M. Hauer (LW’99)

Greg A. Buchanan (LW’74)

Loren T. Hora (LA’69, LW’71)

Richard G. Davidson (LA’51, LW’54)

Mary Ann D. Jenson (LW’52)

Rex L. Davis (LW’52)

Jesse R. Johnston (AS’03, GR’04, LW’15)

M. Dean Dutton (LW’55)

Beth S. Kerwin (LW’76)

Suzanne V. Engman (LA’71, LW’79)

Ruth B. Klotz (BN’54, LW’55)

Honorary and Memorial Gifts Gifts to the Law School made in honor or memory of special members of the Law School community. IN MEMORY OF MARK CADY (LA’75, LW’78) Garry and Cindy Cox (Garry, LW’78) IN HONOR OF ANDREA CHARLOW Hon. S. Joseph and Lee-Ann Rubenstein (S. Joseph, LW’75) Chinyere and Onyebuchi Ukabiala (Chinyere, LW’01)

IN MEMORY OF DENNIS PARMENTER (LW’77) Ralph and Teresa Rosenberg (Ralph, LW’74; Teresa, GR’88) IN MEMORY OF ROBERT RAY (BN’52, LW’54) William and Jane Brackett (William, JO’76; Jane, FA’76)

IN MEMORY OF FRANK COMITO (LA’61, LW’63) Branstad Law, P.L.L.C.

IN HONOR OF KATHLEEN RICHARDSON (JO’76, GR’01, LW’02) Samantha Thorpe (JO’95)


IN HONOR OF EMMA SCHULTE (LW’20) Shannon and Ryan Woods (Shannon, LW’03)

IN HONOR OF ELIZABETH DOOLEY (LW’11) Timothy and Barbara Dooley IN MEMORY OF M. DEAN DUTTON (LW’55) John and Linda Hopkins IN MEMORY OF TODD ELVERSON (FA’78, LW’81) Laurence and Jean Apple (Laurence, BN’79) Elverson Vasey Law Firm IN MEMORY OF HAROLDEEN HARTSFIELD (LW’74) Joyce Hartsfield IN HONOR OF NICHOLAS KROB (LW’15) Stephanie Early IN HONOR OF MARGARET LINGREEN (LA’74, LW’77) Anonymous IN MEMORY OF DWIGHT OPPERMAN (LW’51) Carey Miller and Brent Stille (Carey, LW’03)

IN MEMORY OF EARL SUTTON (LW’59) Anonymous Mr. Garth D. Adams and Mrs. Cheryl O. Adams (Garth, LA’85, GR’86; Cheryl, GR’87) Sherriee and Carl Adams Sandra Guild Mark Haller Lu Ann and Robert Link (Lu Ann, ED’78) Dr. Helen Robinson (GR’63, GR’77, GR’79) Leona Sutton IN MEMORY OF D. WILLIAM THOMAS (LW’76) Hon. Richard and Christine Clogg (Richard, LW’74; Christine, GR’76) IN MEMORY OF MELANIE THWING (LW’15) Anonymous Anthony and Rose Almquist (Anthony, LW’94) Jerry and Susan Anderson Bird of Paradox Studios Elizabeth Burns-Thompson (LW’14) Diane Buzzard Kelly Buzzard Spencer Cady (BN’09, LW’13) Kendra and John Campbell (Kendra, LW’08)

Torey Cuellar (LW’14) Andrew Duffelmeyer and Kelsey Knight (Andrew, JO’08, LW’15; Kelsey, AS’09, LW’14) Stephanie Early Hon. Patrice Eichman Judith England Jefferson Fink (LW’16) Lt. Governor Adam Gregg (LW’09) Kristina Gutwein Rachael Harms Gayla Kelemen Jackie Kundinger Andrea Lansing Joseph Laufenberg Amber Leon (LW’14) Margaret Lien Melody Lien (LW’16) Richelle Mahaffey (LW’16) Gina Messamer Amber Panek Frank Parise Katrina and Sean Raisch (Katrina, LW’15; Sean, LW’15) David Ranscht (LW’14) Jasmina Sarajlija, JD (AS’09, LW’12) Stephanie Schultz Alyssa Smith Joshua and Daphne Strief (Joshua, AS’10, LW’14) Andrew Thalacker Amanda Vladusic Sharon Walker Margret White (AS’06, LW’13) Florence Zalatoris IN HONOR OF DAVID WALKER Carey Miller and Brent Stille (Carey, LW’03) Richard Priest Jr. and Leslie Wilkins (Richard, LW’80)

Kevin N. Lanigan (LW’85)

Harry Perkins III (LW’73)

James A. Trannel (LW’75)

Samuel G. Livingston (LW’85)

Brenda K. Quade (LW’01)

Thomas R. Van Steenhuyse (BN’75, LW’75)

James A. Lorentzen (LW’52)

B. Gerald Reynolds (BN’65, LW’68)

Catherine M. Volz (LW’80)

Jason A. Lowry (LW’14)

Craig S. Rogers (LA’84, LW’88)

Lee M. Walker (LW’75)

Richard J. Mathews (LW’82)

Joel M. Saldivar (LW’12)

Gary L. Wiegel (LW’65)

John R. McEwing (LW’76)

Robert B. Scism (LW’64)

Alan D. Williams III (LW’82)

Larry L. Miller (LW’82)

Ronald L. Sorenson (LW’64)

Gordon Nesbit (LW’56)

George W. Sullivan (LW’58)

Major Joel A. Novak, LLM (AS’87, LW’92)

Earl W. Sutton (LW’59)

Dennis W. Parmenter (LW’77)

D. William Thomas (LW’76)

2507 University Avenue Des Moines, Iowa 50311


THE 2020–2021 HONOR ROLL OF DONORS reflects gifts received during our

2021 fiscal year, from July 1, 2020−June 30, 2021. Every effort has been made to avoid errors. Please accept our apology if you have been listed incorrectly or omitted. Please report corrections to: Thomas Smith Advancement Officer Drake Law School 515-271-1877 thomas.smith@drake.edu

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