Are you an independent venue?

Are you an independent venue?
This year’s 2024 Supplier’s Guide is still the only guide of its type in Scotland. It has been designed to give you, our readers, a comprehensive guide to services to the Scottish bar, restaurant, hotel and pub industry. Whether you are looking for a wholesaler, upholsterer or a recruitment specialist – this publication aims to make your life a whole lot easier.
As well as a comprehensive list of services we also have an extensive listing of brands available for you to stock and we have endeavoured to tell you who owns them, or distributes them, too. Obviously there is just not space for them all.
Some people refer to this guide as their bible. I hope the 2024 edition lives up to its reputation. If you misplace it during the year, you can also check it out online at dramscotland.co.uk or at hotelscotland-online.co.uk.
We always welcome feedback and if there is something you would like to see included next year, let us know.
Susan Young, Editordramscotland.co.uk
@dramscotland /dram.scotland
Published by: Media World Ltd
T: 01560 600585 www.dramscotland.co.uk
Editorial: Susan Young, Nicola Walker, Nicola Young
Advertising: Kimberley Andreucci, Sylvia Forsyth
The publishers, authors and printers cannot accept liability for errors or omissions. Any transparencies or artwork will be accepted at owner’s risk. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holder and publisher, application for which should be made to the publisher. Articles published in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publishers.
© Media World Limited 2024
Bruce Stevenson Insurance
Tel: 0131 553 2293 www.brucestevenson.co.uk
Callan Accountancy
Tel: 0141 204 0930 www.callanaccountancy.co.uk
Cornerstone Accountants
Tel: 0141 221 6807 www.cornerstoneaccountants.co.uk
Cumberland Building Society
Tel: 01228 403 141 www.cumberland.co.uk
DSL Business Finance
Tel: 0141 425 2930 www.dsl-businessfinance.co.uk
Four M Chartered Accountants
Tel: 01382 480488 www.four-m.co.uk
French Duncan Accountants
Tel: 0141 221 2984 www.frenchduncan.co.uk
Gallagher Insurance & Risk Management
Tel:0141 233 3233 www.ajg.com
James Hallam
Insurance and Risk management
Tel: 013897 272600 www.jameshallam.co.uk
Hayhoe Webb Partnership
Advisors & Accountants
Tel: 01620 826 060 www.thehayhoewebbpartnership.co.uk
Hogg and Thorburn CA
Chartered Accountants & Business Advisors
Tel: 01896 753233 www.hoggandthorburn.co.uk
LM Accountants
Chartered Accountants
Tel: 0800 861 1497 www.lm.accountants
Marsh Insurance www.marsh.com
Johnston Smillie
Chartered Accountants & Business Advisors
Tel: 0131 317 7377 www.jsca.co.uk
Kean Jarman & Co
Chartered Accountants
Tel: 0141 552 7225 www.keanjarman.com
Marshall Commercial Commerical Insurance & Community Broker
Tel: 0131 316 5400 www.marshallcommercial.co.uk
McDougall Johnstone
Chartered Accountants
Tel: 0141 471 3333 www.mcdougalljohnstone.co.uk
Premier Line Insurance
Tel: 0333 320 6009 www.premierline.co.uk
Stuart Hindley
UK Hotel Finance & Hospitality Finance
Tel: 01488 684834 www.stewarthindley.co.uk
Thomson Cooper Accountants
Tel: 01383 628800 www.thomsoncooper.com
Wills Towers Watson
Tel: 0141306 1901 www.wtwco.co
WRC Recycling is proud to announce the launch of its comprehensive trade waste services, tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses in the Glasgow area. With a strategic focus on providing sustainable waste management solutions, the company aims to service a wide array of sectors, including hospitality, retail, manufacturing, and leisure as its new venture receives the green light.
The business’ new trade waste services are designed with a strong emphasis on sustainability and cements an exciting new initiative that involves the use of the firms granulated plastics as the material used for the creation of its new containers. Working in partnership with leading bin supplier Contenur, WRC will provide a closed loop recycling solution that delivers value to all parties, including WRC Trade Waste customers, through assurance that its new service offering is delivered with sustainability at the heart of the operation. With this service, WRC Recycling offers businesses an opportunity to minimise their carbon footprint while efficiently managing their waste.
WRC Operations Director, Colin Blakely,
said: “The introduction of WRC’s Trade Waste division is the necessary next step in our growth strategy to allow us to offer our business customers a fully bespoke, turnkey service package.
“An initiative that will strengthen our ability to provide our existing commercial customers with a more seamless waste management solution, our Trade Waste division will ensure our clients waste is well-managed, secured, and processed on a timescale that works around their business demands”.
WRC’s passion for investment and commitment to its community is the drive behind its new venture and is the first of many growth opportunities in the pipeline for 2024.
WRC Recycling is currently recruiting for a Sales Executive to drive sales for the firms newly launched division. All interested applicants are advised to apply via the Careers page of the WRC Recycling website.
WRC Recycling looks forward to partnering with Glasgow businesses across various sectors, providing them with efficient and eco-friendly waste management solutions.
For more details on the services offered at WRC Recycling visit: https://www.wrcrecycling.co.uk/
Scotland’s best-selling ale Belhaven Best recently revealed a new look, aimed at bringing out the best in this iconic Scottish pint but the liquid has not changed. The new look features a blue and gold design created in partnership with specialist Scottish drinks agency Thirst. It aims to capture everything that is brilliant about Best. There’s a nod to the iconic malting chimneys of Belhaven Brewery where Best is made, while rays of sunshine flooding through these chimneys represent the brewery’s home town of Dunbar, on East Lothian’s golden coastline. Best is as popular as ever and is currently gaining in market
Staropramen 0.0, a non-alcoholic lager available in 330ml bottles, taps into the growing demand for both low-and-noalcohol options.
The brewing team at Staropramen worked for more than two years to perfect the special brewing procedure that could deliver the full flavoured, refreshing, malty taste the brand is known for, while achieving 0.0% alcohol. As a result, Staropramen 0.0 maintains a subtle sweet flavour and soft malty-fruity aroma, which is complemented by its own unique flavour profile and crisp finish. The launch was supported by a marketing campaign including digital advertising, paid social media activity and point-of-sale (POS)
Cold Town Beer was started in early 2018, when the owners, who also own bars across the country, set up a microbrewery inside an old, empty church on Edinburgh’s Grassmarket. It was a small start, and they started out supplying a few local venues. After a few initial recipes and comments, they settled on Cold Town Lager. They expanded into Dunedin Street which allowed them to supply a variety of bars and restaurants across the whole of Scotland. In 2019 they transformed their first home into Cold Town House, featuring an evolved version of its microbrewery alongside. The venue also boasts some of the most iconic views of Edinburgh Castle from underneath the castle rock.
Discover how you can transform your cellar, reduce waste and save time and money with SmartDispense®.
Alliance Online
Catering supplies & Catering equipment
Tel: 0844 499 4300 www.allianceonline.co.uk
Blair’s Catering Equipment
Tel: 01294 213553 www.blairscateringequipment. co.uk
Blizzard Refrigeration & Catering equipment
Tel: 01254 614444 www.blizzardequipment.com
Blue Refrigeration
Tel: 0845 652 1250 www.bluerefrigeration.co.uk
Buzz Catering Supplies
0845 652 1250
Tel: buzzcateringsupplies.com
Catering World
0141 613 2075
Tel: www.catering-world.co.uk
CS Catering Equipment
Tel: 01977 687 665 www.cs-catering-equipment. co.uk
Icecream equipment
Tel: 01432 346018 www.carpigiani.co.uk
CFW Catering Equipment
Tel: 01592 650540 www.cfw.co.uk
GW Group
Tel: 01772 319405 www.gwrobotics.co.uk
The Cutlery Polisher
Cultery polishing equipment
Tel: 01474 873892 www.thecutlerypolisher.co.uk
Dawn Direct Ltd
Tel: 01236 468000
Glass to Sand
Distributor of Expleco
compact glass bottle crushers
Tel: 0131 353 0171
Grampian Catering Equipment Ltd
Tel: 01358 729500
Lockhart Catering Equipment
Tel: 03701 678678
Jongor Hire
Equipment and Furniture Hire
Tel: 0117 955 6739 wwwjongor.co.uk
James F. Kidd
Catering supplies and equpment
Tel: 0141 418 2222 wwwjameskidd.co.uk
Maidaid Halcyon
Glass/dishwashers, icemachines, miniracks
Tel: 0345 130 8070 www.maidaid.co.uk
Meiko UK
Tel: 01753 215120 www.meiko-uk.co.uk
New Coin
Tel: 0141 649 9922
New Concept
Tel: 0141 952 7901 www.newconcept-ltd.com
Tel: 0117 316 5000 www.nisbets.co.uk
Polar Refrigeration
Tel: 0117 316 5000
Pub Giant
Tel: 01592 655756
Rational UK
Tel: 441582480388
Sims Automatics/Glass & Ice
46 Dalsholm Road
Glasgow G20 0TB
Tel: 0141 946 0444 www. www.simsautomatics. co.uk
Stirling Catering Equipment
Tel: 01786 841643 www.stirlingcateringequipment. co.uk
Servaclean Bar Systems
Tel: 01274 390038
Email: info@servaclean.co.uk www.servaclean.co.uk
Stannah Microlifts Ltd 0141 882 9946
Email: contact@stannah.co.uk www.stannahlifts.co.uk
Our Microlift service lifts/ dumbwaiters move loads of 50100kg. Our Trolleylift service lifts provide floor level loading of goods up to 300kg. Our Goodsmaster large goods lifts move loads up to 3000kg and can be attendant controlled. All our lifts are backed by local service available 24/7, 365 days a year. We promise to be ‘always true to our word’. You can rely on Stannah.
Valentine & CusineEquip
Tel: 0118 957 1344 www.valentinefryers.com
Tel: 01274722125
from Gaming Machines, Barware Products, LED Screens, Juke Boxes, Pool Tables, Epos Systems, CCTV and much moreWe’re Scotland’s Premier supplier.
Six° North
Laurencekirk AB30 1AG
Tel: 01561 377047 www.sixdnorth.co.uk
Tel: 01506 413634 www.scotbeers.com
Allanwater Brewhouse
Bridge of Allan, FK9 4NY
Tel: 01786 834555 www.allanwaterbrewhouse.co.uk
Arran Brewery
Brodick KA27 8DE
Tel: 01770 302353 www.arranbrewery.co.uk
Barney’s Beer
Edinburgh EH9 1PL
Tel: 07512 253660 www.barneysbeer.co.uk
Beath Brewing
Cowdenbeath KY4 9AS Tel: 07792369678 www.beathbrewing.com
Belhaven Brewery
Dunbar EH42 1PE
Tel: 01368 869106 www.belhaven.co.uk
Bellfield Brewery
Edinburgh EH7 5TB Tel: 0131 656 9390 www.bellfieldbrewery.com
Black Isle Brewery
Munloch IV8 8NZ Tel: 01463 811 871 www.blackislebrewery.com
Brew Toon
Peterhead AB42 1QB Tel: 01779 476211 www.brewtoon.com
Broughton Ales
Biggar ML12 6HQ Tel: 01899 830345 www.scotbeers.com
Bute Brew Co
Rothesay PA20 0DN
Tel: 07415 478320 www.butebrewco.co.uk
Cairngorm Brewery
Aviemore PH22 1ST
Tel: 01479 812 222 www.cairngormbrewery.com
Campervan Brewery
Edinburgh EH6 5HG Tel:0131 553 3373 www.campervanbrewery.com
Cold Town Brewery
Edinburgh . EH7 4JB
Tel: 0131 221 9978 www.coldtownbeer.com
Cromarty Brewing Co
Davidston IV11 8XD
Tel: 01381 600440 www.cromartybrewing.com
Glasgow G4 0UT
Tel: 0141 212 8815 www.drygate.com
Edinburgh Beer Factory
Edinburgh EH11 4EQ Tel: 0131 442 4562 www.edinburghbeerfactory.co.uk
Fierce Brewing
Aberdeen, AB21 0GP Tel: 01224 035035 www.fierecbeer.com
The Five Kingdoms Isle of Whithorn, DG8 8LL Tel: 01988 615665 www.fivekingdomsbrewery.com
Futtle East Neuk of Fife DK10 2FB Email: hello@futtle.com www.futtle.com
Fyne Ales
Cairndow PA26 8BJ
Tel: 01499 600120 www.fyneales.com
Harviestoun Brewery
Alva FK12 5DQ
Tel: 01259 769100 www.harviestoun.com
Innis & Gunn Brewing
Edinburgh Tel: 0131 220 7230 www.innisandgunn.com
Isle of Harris Brewery
Isle of Harris www.isleofharrisbrewery. com
Tel:07584 354144
Isle of Skye Brewing Co
Uig, IV51 9XP
Tel: 01470 542 477 www.skyeale.com
Jaw Brew
Glasgow, G52 4LA
Tel: 0141 237 5840 www.jawbrew.co.uk
Spey Valley Brewery
Tel: 01899 830345 www.scotbeers.com
Kelburn Brewery
Barrhead G78 1QB Tel: 0141 881 2138 www.kelburnbrewery.com
Keller Taproom
Edinburgh EH1 3LY E: contact@kellertaproom. com www.kellertaproom.com
Lerwick Brewery
Shetland Islands ZE1 0N
Tel: 01595 694552 www.lerwickbrewery.co.uk
Loch Lomond Brewery
Dumbarton G83 0TL
Tel: 01389 755 698 www.lochlomondbrewery.com
Moulin Brewery
Pitlochry PH16 5EH
Tel: 01796 472196 www.moulinhotel.co.uk
Operating seven days a week with maximum call-out times of 6 hours for gas and 2 days for draught. Leave your tech services to Scotland’s specialist.
Draught installs
Cellar management
CO2 detection systems
CO2, mixed gas and air compressor systems’ install and maintenance
Temporary bar hire
Staff training
Mor Beers
Dundee DD5 3PD
Tel: 07402 900755
The Orkney Brewery
Head Office, Nairn
IV12 5QW
Tel: 01667 404 555 www.orkneybrewery.co.uk
Pilot Brewery
Edinburgh EH6 5RQ
Tel: 0131 561 4267 www.pilotbeer.co.uk
Speyside Brewery
Forres IV36 2GU
Tel: 01309 358082
St Andrews Brewing Company
St Andrews KY16 8AL
Tel: 01334 473330
Stewart Brewing
Loanhead EH20 9LZ
Tel: 0131 440 2442
Sulwath Brewers Ltd
Castle Douglas DG7 1DT
Tel: 01556 504525
Traquair House Brewery
Innerleithen EH44 6PW
Tel: 01896 830323
Tempest Brew Co
Galashiels TD1 3RS
Tel: 01896 759500
West Brewery
Glasgow G40 1AW
Tel: 0141 550 0135
Wigtown Brewery
Wigtown, Dumfries and Galloway
Tel: 07981 925629
William Brothers Brewery
Alloa FK10 1NJ
Tel: 01259 725511
Tel: 0800 328 9533 www.beertech-uk.com
Clear Brew Ltd
5 The Moor, Falmouth, Cornwall, TR11 3QA
Tel: 0800 7810577 enquiries@clearbrew.co.uk www.clearbrew.co.uk
Clear Brew provides a fully managed beer line cleaning service on an extended frequency. Their system comprises of a water-fed mixing unit, that uses no electricity or propellant gas, combined with inhibitor technology and market-leading chemicals. This results in a service that is guaranteed to save money, reduce waste, and improve beer quality.
Thompson Hunter Tel: 0333 533 0313 E: info@thompsonhunter.co.uk www.thompsonhunter.co.uk
Thompson Hunter Ltd provides specialist tech services support throughout Scotland for event organisers and the licensed trade. With ready stock availability, including BOC and Air industrial gases, and a team of field engineers operating across Scotland seven days a week, we can respond to customers within a six-hour window for gas installations and two days for draught installs. No other company has the ability to be as agile and that is why we are the go-to tech services partner for major breweries including Innis & Gunn and Molson Coors.
Alliance Online
Tel: 0844 499 4300 www.allianceuk.com
Astra Hygiene Supplies
Chemicals, Paper and Janatorial products
Tel: 01389 755544 www.astralhygiene.co.uk
John Black & Son
Suppliers of cleaning & Hygiene products
Tel: 0141 429 2837 www.johnblackandson.co.uk
Bunzl Cleaning & Hygiene Supplies
Tel: 0131 657 6890 www.bunzlchs.com
Clean Zone Ltd
Janitorial, catering and cleaning supplies
Tel: 0141 333 1516 www.clean-zone.co.uk
Hospitality and Hotel Cleaning Supplies
Tel: 01604 405311 www.diversey.co.uk
Ecolab Ltd
Hospitality and Hotel Cleaning Supplies
Tel: 02920855540 www.ecolab.com
Environmental Pest Control Services
Tel: 0141 764 0700 www.epcs.org.uk
Eliminate Limited
Pest Control Services
Tel: 0800 206 2679 www.eliminatesolutions.co.uk
Environmental Pest Control Services
Tel: 0141 764 0700
Foremost Products Hospitality supplies Tel: 0141 944 4443 www.foremostproducts.co.uk
Initial Tel: 0808 231 8179 www.initial.co.uk
James F. Kidd Tel: 0141 418 2222 www.jameskidd.co.uk
Air & Surface Sanitation/Grease management solutions www.mechline.com
Meiko UK Limited Tel. 01753 215120 www.meiko-uk.co.uk
Menco Environmental Services Tel: 01316549339 www.mencoservices.com
Out of Eden
Tel: 01768 372939 www.outofeden.co.uk
Capital Power Clean
Hire, service and repair of floor to ceiling cleaning machines
Tel: 01506 854585 www.capitalpowerclean.co.uk
Cleaning Scotland Ltd
Tel: 0141 433 8040 www.cleaningscotland.com
Deep Clean Scotland
Tel: 0131 660 4376 www.deepcleanscotland.co.uk
Maid for It
Professional cleaners
Tel: 07856 729829 www.maid-for-it-professipmal-cleaning. business.site
PHS Group
Hygience Service Provider
Tel: 029 2080 9098 www.phs.co.uk
Pure Cleaning (Scotland) Ltd
Tel: 0131 202 9161 www.purecleaningscotland.co.uk
Portland Janitorial Products Ltd
Tel: 0131 603 0383 www.portlandjanitorial.co.uk
RBR Supplies
Cleaning chemicals & Hospitality Supplies
Tel: 01355 244 344 www.rbrsupplies.com
Twisted Hygiene & Packaging
Branded food packaging & janitorial products
Tel: 0141 428 3149 www.twistedhygiene-packaging.co.uk
Tel: 01908 359 000 www.winterhalter.biz
Tel: 0800 612 7237 www.uk-elis.com
Hospitality Linen Service
Tel: 0131 297 0555 www.hospitalitylinenservices.co.uk
Tel: 01224 879788 www.fccsgroup.co.uk
Tel: 01334 654033 www.fisherslaundrygroup.co.uk
Professional Linen Services
Tel: 0131 654 9327 www.plslaundry.co.uk
St Jude’s Laundry
Tel: 0131 661 8090 www.stjudeslaundry.co.uk
Stalbridge Linen Service
Tel: 0800 093 9933 www.stalbridge-linen.com
Green Group Laundry
Tel: 0141 345 2220 www.green-group.uk
The UK’s leading biotech cleaning brand
Tel: 029 2086 1211 www.biohygiene.co.uk
BioVate Hygenics
Supplier of natural biological and plant based liquids
Tel: 01327 222580 www.biovatehygenics.com
Ecolab Ltd
Hospitality and Hotel Green Cleaning Supplies
Tel: 02920855540 www.ecolab.com
Argyll Coffee Roasters
Tel: 01700 385538 www.argyllcoffee.co.uk
Tel: 0330 110 1101 www.arumba-coffee.co.uk
Tel: 0131 653 4010 www.bordies1867.co.uk
Caffia Coffee Group
Tel: 01324 617618 www.caffia.com
Espresso Ecosse
Distributes Illy Coffee in Scotland
Tel: 0141 0844 335 6908 www.espresso.ecosse.co.uk
Italian Aroma Coffee
Tel: 0141 951 4442 www.italianaromacoffee.co.uk
James F. Kidd
Tel:0141 418 2222 www.jameskidd.co.uk
Tel: 0131 656 9565 www.machina-coffee.co.uk www.beverage-solutions.com E:
Sale Di Mare, Birra Moretti’s unfiltered lager, launched this year within the UK on trade. Meaning “salt from the sea”, and coming in at 4.8% ABV, it is made with a hint of Italian sea salt. The unfiltered, medium-bodied premium lager is available on draught and in bottles. Brewed in the UK Birra Moretti is the leading Italian style lager brand. The new Sale Di Mare can, say Heineken, help operators capitalise on the popularity of Italian style lagers and meet rising consumer demand for bolder flavours and provide them with the opportunity for a more premium offering. The launch is being supported by a multi-million-pound nationwide marketing campaign along with bespoke glassware and point of sale.
Madri Excepcional continues to make waves and is now the country’s second-largest above premium lager in the on trade and the third-largest world beer in the UK’s total trade in the third quarter of 2023. It grew brand volume by more than 50% in the U.K. in Q3 versus 2022. Brewed in the UK, the authentic Spanish-style lager is developed with Spanish brewery Cerveza La Sagra, located near Madrid in Toledo, Spain and aims to capture
Favela is an organic, vegan and gluten free beer that is inspired by the sights and flavours of Rio de Janeiro. The organically grown barley and Brazilian hops deliver a floral note to the brew, and the purity of flavour is protected by cold filtration. Sister brand, Ipanema is an Indian Pale Ale brewed with fresh Brazilian hops to deliver a hoppy citrus flavour that is also gluten free.
Both brands are partnered with the Favela Foundation which aims to support grassroots educational projects in Brazil’s favelas and provides opportunities to the residents of these communities.
With recent advertising campaigns across the UK the brands are aiming to take the market by storm.
Amber Beverage UK
Tel: 01283 217703 www.amberbev.co.uk
Arran Distillery
Tel: 01786 431 900 www.arranwhisky.com
Arbikie Distillery Tel:01241 830770 www.arbikie.com
Asahi UK Ltd
Tel: 01483 718 100 www.uk.asahibeer.co.uk
Bacardi Global Brands Ltd www.bacardimited.com
Belhaven Free Trade Team
Belhaven Brewery, Brewery Lane, Dunbar, EH42 1PE
Tel: 0345 607 5325 https://valueforvenues.co.uk/
The Belhaven free trade team are here to add value to your venue, by delivering a full drinks range, cellar services, financial support, business advice & best in class customer service. With a proud brewing history and top selling brands, we are excited to support independent hospitality businesses across Scotland.
Ben Nevis Distillery Tel: 01397 702476 www.bennevisdistillery.com
Branded Drinks www.brandeddrinks.co.uk
Cadenhead Whisky
Tel: 0131 556 5864 www.wmcadenhead.com
Campari UK
Tel: 0203 100 9600 www.campariuk.com
Courageous Spirits
Tel: 07843 925950 www.courageousspirits.com
Diageo plc
Tel: 020 8978 6000 www.diageo.com
CVH Spirits (formerly Distell) Tel: 01355 260999 www.cvhspirits.com
Douglas Laing Tel: 0141 333 9242 www.douglaslaing.com
Duncan Taylor Tel: 01466 794 055 www.duncantaylor.com
Dunnet Bay Distillers Ltd Tel: 01847 851 287 www.dunnetbaydistillers.co.uk
Eden Mill Tel: 01334 834 038 www.edenmill.com
Edrington UK Tel: 0333 016 1910 www.edrington.com
The Glasgow Distillery Tel: 0141 404 7191 www.glasgowdistillery.com
Gordon & MacPhail Tel: 01343 545111 www.gordonandmacphail.com
Halewood International TTel: 0151 480 8800 www.halewood-int.com
Heineken UK Tel: 0131 528 1000 www.heineken.co.uk
Sazerac Tel: 01932 252100 www.Sazerac.com
Instil Drinks Tel: 0207 449 1685 www.instildrinks.co.uk
Ian MacLeod Distillers Tel: 01506 852205 www.ianmacleod.com
Inverhouse Distillers Tel: 01236 769377 www.interbevgroup.com
Isle of Harris Distillers Tel: 01859 502212 www.harrisdistillery.com
Kopparberg, Cider of Sweden Tel: 0560 118 5623 www.kopparberg.co.uk
Lindores Abbey Distillery Tel: 01337 842547 www.lindoresabbeydistillery.com
Marussia Beverages UK Tel: 020 7 724 5009 www.marussiabeverages.co.uk
Morgenrot Tel: 0161 925 9140 www.morgenrot.co.uk
Old Curiosity Distillery Tel: 0131 285 6833 www.theoldcuriosity.co.uk
Pixel Spirits Tel: 074436 56528 www.pixelspirits.co.uk
Proof Drinks Tel: 020 7737 7995 www.proofdrinks.com
Little Brown Dog Spirits Ltd Tel: 07447523523 www.littlebrowndogspirits.com
Molson Coors
Tel: 0131 225 9520 www.molsoncoors.com
For over two centuries Molson Coors has been brewing beverages that unite people for all of life’s moments. In the UK and Ireland. It now has four breweries, with its UK home in the renowned brewing town, Burton upon Trent, and a nearly 300-year-old cider press in Suffolk.
Molson Coors produces some of the most beloved and iconic beer brands. While the company’s history is rooted in beer, Molson Coors offers a modern portfolio that expands beyond beer. Its growing beverage portfolio in the UK and Ireland includes Aspall Cyder, Atlantic Pale Ale, Cobra, Madri Excepcional, Pravha, Staropramen, Rekorderlig, Miami Cocktail Company, Tarquin’s Gin and Southwestern Distillery, alongside popular favourites Coors, Carling - the UK’s number one selling lager, and the UK’s number one selling cask ale - Doom Bar.
DBP Architects
Tel: 01592 205761 www.dbparchitects.co.uk
Tibbatts Abel Tel: 0121 747 1111 www.tibbattsabel.com
Frank Adams Contracts
Tel: 01355 220 695 www.frankadamscontracts. co.uk
Donaldson Construction
Tel: 01259 219923
Hugh Stirling
Tel: 0141 420 1666 www.hughstirling.co.uk
Proof Drinks
Tel: 020 7737 7995 www.proofdrinks.com
Proximo Spirits
Tel: 020 7489 6410 www.proximospirits.com
Thatchers Cider
Tel:01934 827408 E: info@thatcherscider.co.uk www.thatcherscider.co.uk
Since 1904 four generations of Thatchers have been making cider at Myrtle Farm. Their passion for quality has led to an unrivalled range of premium ciders, with their knowledge of apple resulting in innovative ciders that are full of flavour and reflect cider making at its best. Their ciders include flagship brand Thatchers Gold and Thatchers Haze.
Whyte & MacKay
Tel: 0141 248 5771 www.whyteandmackay.com
Laidlaw Contracts
Tel: 0131 447 5677 www.laidlawcontracts.co.uk
Tel: 0141 729 7086 www.proconcept.co.uk
Thomas Johnstone
Tel: 0141 812 7000 www.tjl.com
Alder Groundcare and Landscaping
Tel: 01560 485 940 Mobile: 07807 435278
Keith Robertson Landscaping Mobile: 07799 00277
Able Decorators
Tel: 07756 498450
Borthwick Decorators
Tel: 0131 235 2733
Campbell Decorators Tel: 01505 331777
George Nicolson
Tel: 0131 477 4477
3 Design Scotland
Tel: 0141 332 1717
CM Design
Tel: 0141 341 0343 www.cmdesignconsultants.com
Crocker Smith
Tel: 07939 497376
Tel: 07710 348969
Surface ID
Tel: 0141 342 5448
Tel: 01467 620311
Creative Upholstery
Tel: 01738 638918
Graham Upholstery
Tel: 01389 875176
Tel: 01324 563 903 www.lecsupholstery.com
Stevenson Ayr
Tel: 01292 268369 www.stevensonsayr.co.uk
RM Upholstery
Tel: 0131 654 2999
Bespoke Lighting & Video
CCP Contract Furniture
Tel: 01423 359242
Character Joinery
Tel: 01563 531411
CM Sturrock Electrical Services
Tel: 01828 686115
Email: info@cmsturrock.co.uk
Evolution Electrical
Tel: 07450 204994
GL Floors
Tel: 0131 669 1204
Love Awnings
Tel: 07554 132604
Glasgow Wood
Tel: 0141 237 8566
Marlborough Granite
Tel: 0141 881 8200
Mozolowski & Murray
Tel: 0345 050 5440
Murray Timber Products
Tel:1236 7233008
wwww.murraytimberproducts. co.uk
MME Electrical Services
Tel: 0141 573 2298
Mayfair Furniture
Tel: 01733 310115
North Star Electric
Tel: 141 237 5626
Pronto Ceramics
Tel: 07768 948949
Pronto Ceramics is a Glasgow based supplier of high quality tiles and ancillary products, including underfloor heating, wet rooms and technical advice. With substantial experience in the tiling industry, it offers an extensive choice of tiles from quality European manufacturers with the latest cutting edge designs. Its projects span domestic and commercial architecture, trade and retail sectors. It is the trusted supplier for all your tiling needs.
Revamp Fabrications Ltd
Tel: 0141 554 6666
Scotia Sound Systems
Tel: 0141 887 7797
Scotia Security
Tel: 07368 666 457
Select Contract Furniture
Tel: 01355 263649
www.select-contract-furniture. com
SIG Contracts
Tel: 0800 316 9339
Solas Neon
Tel: 0131 210 0230
Trent Furniture
Tel: 0116 286 4911
Wired Electrical Ltd
Tel: 0141 429 3334
Marlborough Granite is one of the most recognisable names in the Marble and Granite industry and over the past twenty years we have endeavoured to provide our clients with a service and commitment which we believe is the cornerstone of our success.
The latest CNC and Water Jet technology, combined with traditional, hand masonry skills ensure a perfect finish on all our products. Our materials are sourced worlwide through a network of trusted distributors and slab processors. We currently import quartz from Spain, Israel, Italy and the U.S.. Marble from Spain and Italy and our Granites are sourced as far afield as Brazil, India and South Africa.
30 Wellbeck Road
Darnley Industrial Estate, Glasgow G53 7SD Tel: 0141 881 8200
Email: sales@marlboroughgranite.com www.marlboroughgranite.com
Adams Furnishings
Tel: 01355 590 966
Email: info@adamsfurnishings.co.uk www.adamsfurnishings.co.uk
Andy Thornton
Tel: 01422 376000 www.andythornton.com
Barron Carpets
Tel: 07734 192839 www.barroncarpets.co.uk
Cafe Reality
Tel: 01823 476563 www.cafereality.co.uk
Central Upholstery
Tel: 01324 499 904 www.centralupholsteryco.uk
Eclipse Furniture
Tel: 01452 336520 www.eclipsefurniture.co.uk
Elite Contract Furniture
Tel: 0141 429 1124 www.contractfurniturescotland.com
Glasgow Architectural Salvage
Tel: 0141 958 1113 www.glasgowarchitecturalsalvage.co.uk
Glasgow Wood
Tel: 0141 237 8566 www.glasgowwood.org.uk
Holyrood Architectural Salvage
Tel: 0131 661 9305 www.holyroodarchitecturalsalvage.com
JC Upholstery
Tel: 01698 843360
Email: info@jcupholstery.co.uk
Mayfair Furniture
Tel: 01733 310115
sales@mayfairfurniture.co.uk www.mayfairfurniture.co.uk
New Concept 0141 952 7901 www.newconcept-ltd.com
Select Contract Furniture
Tel: 01355 263 649 www.select-contract-furniture.com
SIG Contracts
Tel: 0800 316 9339 www.suiteillusions.co.uk
Suite Illusions
Tel: 0141 647 0427 www.suiteillusions.co.uk
Trent Furniture
Tel: 01162 864911 www.trentfurniture.co.uk
Tel: 01592 782873 www.dusal.co.uk
Grove Bedding
Tel: 0131 333 1903
Hotel Beds Scotland by Select
Tel: 01355 263649 www.hotelbedsscotland.co.uk
Hypnos Beds
Tel: 01844 348200 www.sleep@hypnosbeds.com
Matteson Contract Beds
Tel: 01473 255888 www.mattisoncontractbeds.co.uk
Tel: 016973 20342 www.shop.sealy.co.uk
Silent Night
Tel: 01282 811795 www.silentnight.co.uk/hospitality
It has been a big year for Scottish brand, The Gin Bothy who were selected to feature in the coveted Oscars nominee gift bags. The remains of this limited-edition small batch were then made available for purchase to the public. They have continued to expand their product range with an ambitious vision for future growth in the UK and with a firm eye on the American market.
The Gin Bothy is an eco-aware, award-winning distillery founded in 2015 by ‘accidental gin maker’ Kim Cameron. Nestled in the Angus Glens of Scotland, they are inspired by the landscape and use local ingredients to craft infused, popular artisan Gins. Their range includes their Original Gin, and Gunshot Gin.
Ben Lomond Gin have recently unveiled a limited-edition gin as the first release in its Explorer Series, a collection of versatile gins that will be distilled using a unique selection of foraged botanicals found in some of the UK’s best wild places, protected by leading conservation charity the John Muir Trust. The result is Schiehallion Gin which is bottled at 43% ABV. Each edition of the Explorer Series will be limited to just 1,000 bottles. A direct contribution from every purchase of The Schiehallion will help fund the John Muir Trust’s Wild Woods Appeal, dedicated to expanding and restoring native woodlands across the wild places in its care.
Lind & Lime have now achieved B Corp accreditation, only the 4th Scottish gin distillery to achieve this. The accreditation bolsters Lind & Lime’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and ethical standards, with the independent distillery always adhering to organic practices and becoming certified organic in April 2023.
Lind & Lime is a classic robust London dry gin made using seven botanicals - juniper, coriander, angelica, liquorice, orris, fresh lime peel and aromatic pink peppercorns. It’s bottle is inspired by industrial Leith; a wine bottle with ‘Leith Glass Works’ embossed on the bottom.
Owners Muckle Brig, also opened the UK’s first vertical distillery, Port of Leith, in October 2023.
Glen’s Vodka is the Official Spirit of the Scottish Professional Football League (SPFL) and the Spirit of the Super League.
Produced in Scotland by the Loch Lomond Group at its state-of-the-art facilities in Ayrshire, Glens is the UK’s second best-selling spirit and the largest Scottish vodka brand.
Loch Lomond also produce Glen’s Platinum Vodka, made using premium grain, and entered the ‘Ready to Drink’ (RTD) category last year with its Glen’s Vodka with Pink Lemonade and Glen’s Vodka with Cola.
TOVARITCH! Premium Vodka, 37.5ABV, has garnered 145 industry awards, making this 100% European brand the world’s most highly awarded vodka. Despite the Russian name, meaning ‘friend’, the brand is made in Latvia and uses only European materials in terms of ingredients, production, and packaging.
Made from a traditional 200-year-old recipe and traceable European wheat, it is distilled five times and filtered 10 times. The clean, contemporary 70cl bottle design and label are designed to make the brand stand out on shelf. For the on-trade, the brand offers a range of point-of-sale assets to support listings and encourage brand recognition and sell-through.
Absolut Vodka has added Absolut Wild Berri to its range. Using only natural flavours and with no added sugar, the 38% ABV vodka offers a natural taste of freshly picked blueberries, blackberries and wild strawberries combined with spicy hints in the flavour. As part of Absolut’s commitment to mix cocktails, people, and ideas, Absolut Wild Berri say the company “can be used to create a wide range of perfectly balanced drinks such as A Wild Berri Bramble - using the vodka, lemon juice, sugar syrup and a drizzle of dark berry cordial, garnished with blackberries.” The brands Born To Mix flavours and cocktails media campaign runs throughout May and June.
We build a wide range of standard and bespoke tables, seating, storage solutions and cladding, all from reclaimed timber.
Having worked with businesses like Fallachan Dining, Barclays, ITISON, Chivas Regal, Fruin Farm, The Engine Works and the Courtyard Pantry, we’re pretty excited to be working with you next. Contact us
First Corporate Tel: 01639 899008 www.firstcorporateuk.com
Heirloom Waistcoats 01706367711
Simon Jersey
03444 994414
Email: www.simonjersey.com
Arran Sense of Scotland
Tel: 0800 783 6154
Gordon Castle
Tel: 01343 612312 www.gordoncastle.co.uk
Guest Room Supplies
Tel: 01444 365 444 www.guestroomsupplies.com
Hotel Supplies Ltd
Tel: 01372 569767 www.hotelsuppliesltd.co.uk
Hotel Guest Supplies
Tel: 01902 674407 www.hotelguestsupplies.co.uk
Tel: 001851 703278 www.uk.ishga.com
The Highland Soap Company
Tel: 01397 719186 www.highlandsoaps.com
Nobel Isle
Tel: 0800 157 7838. www.nobleisle.com
Out of Eden
Tel: 01768 372939 www.outofeden.co.uk
Alexandra Tel: 0333 6001111 www.alexandra.co.uk
Yourtex Tel: 01577 869080 www.yourtex.com
Scottish Fine Soaps
Tel: 01324 573402
www.scottish fine aoaps.com
Toiletry Express
Tel: 020 70978877
Bedroom Accessories
Tel: 01372 362535 www.aslotel
Beddings Direct
Tel: 01204 418 846 www.beddingsdirect.co.uk
Corby of Windsor Tel: 0330 0882 064 www.corbyofwindsor.com
Foremost Products Tel: 141 418 2222 www.foremostproducts.co.uk
Richard Hawworth Tel:0845 337 7732 www.richardhawroth.co.uk
Hotel Buyer
Tel: 01375 651 606 www.hotel-buyer-store.co.uk
BC Softwear Tel: 00845 210 4000 www.bcsoftwear.co.uk
Johnsons Stalbridge Linen Services Tel: 0800 0939933 www.stalbridge-linen.com
Linen & Moore Tel: 01491571053
Lothian Supply Company Tel: 01506871720
Millcrest Tel: 01727 226 822 www.mellcrest.com
Mil-tek Scotland Tel: 0800 0337300
Mitre Linen Tel: 01685 353 454 www.mitrelinen.co.uk
Norfolk Feather Co Tel: 01379 643187
Over the last few years we have had Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005, amended by both the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010, the Alcohol (Scotland) Act 2010 however in January 2023 the Scottish Government updated its Statutory Guidance and it now takes account of all the regulatory changes. However it is always best to take advice from qualified licensing lawyers. New legislation has also come into play.
It pays to look after your staff, to offer training beyond the mandatory two hours, and to up-skill them to ensure they can see the hospitality industry is a wonderful career, not just a job.
All staff must undertake the statutory 2 hour training before their first shift. At the end of the day the responsibility is with the premises manager or premises licence holder – to ensure that happens. This training should ensure that staff understand the specific licence terms that apply to the premises they work in. Staff should know what is, and is not, allowed on the premises and this does vary from premises to premises. Staff should be re-trained on important items on a regular basis and these reminders should be recorded. Share the operating plan and licence conditions - and ensure staff understand their roles and responsibilities Fundamental points such as: The premises licence, operating plan and the mandatory conditions and any local or specific conditions relating to the licence should all be known by everyone, working in the premises not just management. Keeping decent records of all ongoing staff training is a must. If something goes wrong and a licensing hearing, or a meeting with the police takes place, having evidence that you have taken all reasonable steps to stop problems from arising can stand you in good stead.
Although the law only requires staff members to be trained once, a responsible licence holder will make sure the staff training is delivered properly on
an ongoing basis and that proper records are kept.
A daily or weekly reminder system can be a boon. EPOS tills flag reminders for sales and instruction in record keeping for refusals and incidents should be carried out.
LSOs are entitled to ask for, and review staff training records and they often do. If staff training records are not correct, the LSO might consider –“what else is wrong?”
The training can be delivered by someone with a personal licence but ideally it should be someone who is not just a personal licence holder but who is half decent at delivering the training.
The hospitality sector often has a high turnover of staff. You will take new people on all the time. Any time you take someone new on, the best bet is to retrain them with the 2 hour course before they start their first shift.
Do not trust that a staff training certificate offered by a new staff member will be genuine or that it will enable the new staff member to be an effective part of your team. It will certainly not cover the details in your operating plan.
How do you know that the training was properly delivered? If they make mistakes the license holder is the one responsible and can be convicted if an offence occurs.
Most people now recognise the phrase “Challenge 25”. The legal age for consumption of alcohol is still 18 but your licence also has a condition that requires you to verify the age of anyone who looks under 25. It is sensible to have it down on paper and to make sure your staff understand why it is required All staff need to be able to carry out Challenge 25. Stewards can be seen as a first line of defence. However it is
bar staff - those people selling alcohol who MUST be sure the person to whom they intend selling the alcohol is 18 or over.
There are a number of forms of acceptable ID including a European Photo Driver’s Licence, UK Passport and Pass Card. EU national identity cards, biometric immigration documents, and military ID. Staff can familiarise themselves with all of these
documents by looking at www.challenge25.com. When working on licensed premises you must have your original personal licence available to show to the authorities on request. A copy will not
suffice. Whether or not your licensing board issues photocard IDs you MUST keep your personal licence in the licensing file or safe at your place of work.
Remember you must update the licensing board of changes to your personal info (e.g. name change if married/ divorced or changeof address) or if you have been convicted of an offence within one month of the occurrence.
It is incredibly important that the licensed trade work to have a positive, respectful relationship with police officers and LSOs. Remember that police and LSOs can enter and inspect your premises at any time and have the right to ask for documentation such as the premises licence or a copy or ORIGINAL personal licences or staff, training certificates or to see additional staff training
records. Keep an incident book and record any issues. Download CCTV of incidents and keep the download with the incident record book - you can keep incident books electronically however make sure they are accessible to all staff - CCTV more often saves the day for clients. Co-operate with the Police and build positive relations with your local beat officers as well as licensing officers. Report all incidents.
All licensed premises will need to ensure they comply and do not sell alcohol below the permitted level which has risen from 50p to 65p per unit. This comes into effect in September. A breach could not only see the premises licence reviewed by the licensing board but the licence holder could also face prosecution.
Hospitality is moving away from its erroneous image as a stopgap for a transient student workforce. Professionalism in the sector is increasing year on year. Invest in training, whether it is
•Duty of care
•Bystander training
•Conflict management
•Additional Personal Licence Holders
•First Aid/Mental Health
•SIA Training
•Wine, Spirits or Beer
•Cellar Management
This training will yield rewards, protect the business, and improve the bottom line.
Every premises has a named Premises Manager (PM) who must hold a personal licence. This person’s name appears on the Premises Licence and they are expected to be the day-to-day manager of that premises. A person can only be a PM on one licence at a time. If the premises manager leaves, dies, loses their personal licence, or is no longer capable of running the business due to mental health issues, then you must remember to advise the licensing board within 7 days. This activates a grace period of 6 weeks for you to lodge an application naming a new manager. Remember that the new manager must hold a personal licence, and that he or she cannot be named on another licence. It is always best to have one spare personal licence holder on your premises staff as it can be nearly impossible to recruit, and or train and obtain a grant of a personal licence for another person to take on the role in the 6 weeks period.
This is incredibly important. If you miss the 7-day notice, or separately, if you miss the 6-week deadline to name the new manager, then the police or the LSO can come calling and ask you to shut. It is unlawful to sell alcohol if the 7-day or 6-week deadlines are missed. Most local police and LSOs are pretty clued up as to who is named as the PM on which licence, so don’t underestimate this point. Not only might you have to close for a short period until a new PM is named but ultimately the premises licence could be subject to a review.
A PM does not need to be on the premises at
In addition to your weights and measures and smoking notices, you have a legal duty to display certain licensing notices too. The premises licence itself can be quite a large document, with the main licence encompassing the layout plan and the operating plan, and a separate licence “Summary”.
It is this separate, smaller Summary document which has to be displayed prominently so it can be viewed by the public – not necessarily just behind the bar if it cannot be read from there. It is an offence not to have it displayed properly, so make sure you’ve got this covered.
The full premises licence, which could be 10–40 pages long and sometimes more, does not need to be displayed, but it does need to be kept on the premises in a safe place where it can be accessed by staff - both for training purposes or because a police officer or LSO may ask to see it. These officials are entitled to see it upon request. The main licence should either be the principal (original) copy, or a photocopy which has been certified by a solicitor as a true copy. It is good practice to keep a certified copy on the premises and the original in a safe place as it has to be returned to the board if any applications are made, such as a change of manager.
It is suggested you keep a copy of the whole
all times. There is a general expectation that the person named should have day to day control of the premises but there is no legal requirement for that person to be physically present at all times. That being said, as the police and LSOs will expect the named manager to have control of staff, you must have someone named who is genuinely managing the premises on or around the premises on a frequent basis. If Police Scotland or an LSO asks, “Who is the premises manager?” and staff cannot answer, questions will be raised.
premises licence in a folder behind the bar, together with copies of all personal licences kept on the premises and a copy staff training certificates. Keep the originals safe in the office.
If the licence is lost or stolen, you must make a lost property report on the Police Scotland website to get a reference number and a duplicate requested from the licensing boardthis normally attracts a small fee. In addition to displaying the summary of the licence, you must also display a notice referred to as the “Section 110” notice which details age related offences and confirms the position that alcohol will not be sold unless verification has occurred.
In addition to this a separate notice should also be on display indicating whether under 18s can or can’t access the premises and if required detailing which parts of the premises and under what terms under 18s have access e.g lounge bar only, for the purposes of having a meal.
Challenge 25, notices should also be displayed.
. In addition, you may also wish to display notices concerning the use of external areas and smoking areas or asking patrons to leave quietly asking customers to respect neighbours.
Everyone in every community has a part to play in tackling drug misuse. It is important to ensure that licensed premises within SCOTLAND remain ‘drug free’. Illegal substances must not be allowed to be supplied or consumed within a licensed premises.
Licensed Premises should have a drugs policy and training which allows all staff employed to have a better understanding of the law in relation to drugs and drug related incidents. It will provide systems and procedures to ensure that all drug related incidents are dealt with consistently and safely.
Ways to achieve this include:
1. Communication with customers;
2. Providing employees with guidance, information, training and procedures to assist them in identifying drugs, the effects of taking them and appropriate action;
3. Complying with legal responsibilities
4. Working closely with local authorities and Police Scotland especially if you think you may have problem.
The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, classifies drugs as follows:
Class ‘A ‘
Includes Cocaine, Crack Cocaine, Heroin, Ecstasy, Cannabis Oil and LSD.
Class ‘B’
Includes Cannabis, Cannabis resin and Amphetamine.
Class ‘C’
Generally tend to be prescribed drugs which are abused, the most popular include Temazepam, Diazepam and Steroids.
The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 creates a number of offences to control the misuse of illegal drugs.
It is an offence for a person to have a controlled drug in his/her possession.
It is an offence for a person to have a controlled drug in his/her possession whether lawfully or not with intent to supply it to another.
It is an offence for a person to supply or offer to supply a controlled drug to another person.
It is an offence for a person to be concerned in the supply of a controlled drug to another person.
It is an offence to permit or suffer any drug related activity on the premises
All licensees should introduce the use of searches as a condition of entry to their premises. Signs required to be clearly displayed regarding this and a ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy displayed in relation to drugs within licensed premises. New drugs emerge all the time and you do need to make sure your staff are aware of what to do if they suspect drugs re being sold or consumed on the premises
Remember if people are taking drugs they are not likely to be availing themselves of the drinks and food available for sale on your premises
Only the Police have power to search people without their consent.
Yes, if it is clearly advertised as a condition of entry that customers are required to allow a search of their person.
Searches can only take place with the permission of the person concerned. A witness should always be present during any search to provide corroboration and prevent any allegations. If they decline to be searched, entry can be refused.
Always remember your rights to refuse entry or to ask someone to leave your licensed premises. If an individual refuses, the Police should be contacted for assistance.
The search should be restricted to outer clothing or pockets and should include bags etc. Great care must be taken whenever you are searching a person in relation to drugs. Never put your hand straight into someone’s pocket without first asking the person if they have any sharp objects and pat the outside of the pocket. It may be preferable to ask the person to empty their own pockets and show you the contents.
You should then ask if the pocket is empty and pat it from the outside. This may be sufficient to establish if there is anything in the pocket. Great care must be taken so that an exposed needle for example, does not cause injury. You should also ask the individual to empty any bags and watch carefully whilst this is done. Again this may be sufficient to establish whether any drugs are present. Obviously if the premises in which you are, are particularly busy, you do not want to take too long to carry out your search. Thoroughness should not however be sacrificed for speed. You should attempt to put your customer at ease and make them as comfortable as possible in these circumstances.
Yes, requests for random searches inside premises are now commonplace and this is
recommended if you feel you may have can issue with drug abuse . You cannot be sure that a customer searched prior to entry, has not otherwise accessed drugs on the premises
Signage relating to searches should be clearly displayed setting out the Search Policy. It is of vital importance that licensees and staff are aware of the limitations on their power of search. Searches can only take place with the permission of the person concerned to be searched. The search should not take place in a public area of the premises. Again, corroboration during searches is essential. If the individual does not agree to a search, you have no legal powers to do it. However you can ask people who refuse a search to leave If a subject withdraws consent during a search, you have no legal powers to continue, you must stop immediately and consider contacting the Police. Again you also have the right to ask someone to leave your licensed premises.
No. A male should only search a male and a female should only search a female to prevent allegations of indecency/sexual assault. A witness should always be present to provide corroboration and help to prevent any allegations. The witness can be either male or female. If possible, carry out the search within the range of CCTV cameras if you have them.
The person who has agreed to being searched and who has agreed to remain with you must be handed over to the Police as soon as possible. However, you have no power to force them to remain with you. If you find something which you think is a controlled substance, you should keep this safe and contact the Police immediately.
No. The customer must always grant permission to be searched. There are no circumstances in which force may be used to carry out the search. You have no power to detain a person for offences under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. The
person(s) must agree to remain with you and must be handed over to the Police as soon as possible. If other offences take place advise the police and make sure you keep copies of CCTV and write up an incident report as soon as possible after an incident - training staff to ensure they know how to do this is vital and you should always have someone on the premises who can operate the CCTV
If you find anything that appears to be an illegal drug, put it in a plastic bag or envelope and seal it: This must be signed by the finder and witnessed by another member of staff; Enter the details of the drugs found in the appropriate drugs register; If any member of staff or management finds drugs or experiences, is advised of or witnesses aa crime on the premises, they must immediately inform the most Senior Manager on duty.
Do not automatically think that because you know, the Police will know too. The Police can only act if they have information/intelligence to act upon. YOUR information may be the key to success. If you have any information about drug or other criminal activities you should notify the Police immediately.
The new Minimum Wage and National Living Wage came into force on the 1st April. Additionally the National Living Wage will now also apply to those aged 21 and over.
The new rates are as follows: National Living Wage
Holiday Entitlement
For leave years beginning on or after 1 April 2024, there is a new accrual method for irregular hour workers and part-year workers in the first year of employment and beyond. Holiday entitlement for these workers will be calculated as 12.07% of actual hours worked in a pay period.
Flexible Working
Employees now have right to make a flexible working request from day one of employment. Previously employees needed at least 26 weeks employment before making a formal request. This is now effective.
The Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Act 2023 introduces several procedural changes to flexible working requests. Employees will be able to make two flexible working requests in any one year and will no longer be required to set out how their request may affect their employer’s business. These changes will come into effect following the issuance of Regulations by the Secretary of State.
The Workers (Predictable Terms and Conditions) Act 2023 establishes a new statutory right for workers who have atypical contracts to request more predictable terms and conditions of work. Workers under these contracts include fixed-term workers, agency workers, and those engaged under zerohour contracts.
This Act has received Royal Assent but it is expected that it will not come into force until around September 2024.
The right to make a request extends to all workers and employees, who can make a maximum of two applications in any 12-month period. However, the right to make a request will be subject to a minimum service requirement. The length of this minimum service requirement has not been established yet, but there has been indication that it will likely be 26 weeks.
Workers may make a request under the Act where there is a lack of predictability in any part of their work pattern.
This includes: - the number of days they work;; days of the week and times during the day they work; period for which they are contracted to work.
The Workers Protection (Amendments of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023 places a responsibility on employers to take reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of their employees in the workplace.
This Act will come into force in October 2024.
A further Act already enforceable - the Protection from Sex-Based Harassment in Public Act 2023 introduces amendments to the Public Order Act 1986 and establishes a new offence of intentional harassment, alarm or distress on account of sex. This offence applies when someone engages in threatening, abusive or intentional behaviour in public, specifically targeting the victim due to their sex or perceived sex.
A workplace could be considered to be a public place, which could mean that employers may be criminally liable for sexual harassment at work.
Aberdeen, City of
Te:l 01224 522462
This board has three divisions.
Clerk: Karen Wiles
Aberdeenshire (Central)
Tel: 01467 539903
Aberdeenshire (North)
Tel: 01467 534517
Aberdeenshire (South)
Tel: 01467530729
Tel: 00345 2777778
Argyll and Bute
Tel: 01546 604128
Ayrshire (East)
Tel: 01563 576000
Fax: 01563 576179
Ayrshire (North)
Tel: 01294 324305
Ayrshire (South)
Tel: 01292 617683
Tel: 01259 452093
Dumfries and Galloway
Email: licensing@dumgal. gov.uk
Tel: 01387 245923
Dunbartonshire (East)
Tel: 0141 578 8000
Dunbartonshire (West)
Clerk: Peter Hessett
West Dunbartonshire Council
Church St
Dumbarton G82 1QL
Tel: 01389 737000
Dundee, City
Tel: 01382 434000
Edinburgh, City
Tel: 0131 200 2000
Tel: 01324 501575
Tel: 0345 1551177
Glasgow, City
Tel: 0141 287 5354
Tel: 01475 717171
Highland Council
Highland Licensing Board now oversees the three admin areas: Caithness, Sutherland and Easter-ross. Inverness, Badenoch and Strathspey. Ross, Skye, Lochaber.
Tel: 01349 886609
Lanarkshire (North)
Tel: 01698 302302
Lanarkshire (South)
Tel: 01698 454806
(Div 1)
Council Offices
413 Almada Street, Hamilton
Lanark ML3 0AA
(Div 2)
East Kilbride
(Div 3)
Tel: 0303 1231015
(Div 4)
Tel: 0303 1231015
Lothian (East)
Tel: 01620 827867
Lothian (West)
Tel: 01506 281632
Tel: 0131 271 3667
Tel: 01343 543451
Orkney Islands
Tel: 01856 873535
Perth and Kinross
Tel: 01738 475180
Tel: 0300 3000 0300
Renfrewshire (East)
Tel: 0141 577 3001
Shetland Islands
Tel: 01595 744067
Scottish Borders
Tel: 01835 826662
Tel: 01786 404040
Western Isles
Tel: 01851 822619
Anderson Strathern LLP
58 Morrison Street
Edinburgh EH3 8BP
Tel: 0131 270 7700
Email: info@andersonstrathern.co.uk www.andersonstrathern.co.uk
Brunton Miller LLP
Herbert House
22 Herbert Street
Glasgow G20 6NB
Tel: 0141 337 1199
Email: info@bruntonmiller.com www.bruntonmiller.com
James & George Collie
1 East Craibstone Street
Aberdeen AB11 6YQ
Tel: 01224 945592
Email: info@jgcollie.co.uk www.jgcollie.co.uk
Gilson Gray
160 West George Street
Glasgow G2 2HQ
Tel: 0141 530 2021 www.gilsongray.co.uk
Harper Macleod
The Ca’d’oro
45 Gordon Street
Glasgow G1 3PE
Tel: 0141 673 0066
Email: info@harpermacleod.co.uk www.harpermacleod.co.uk
Janet Hood Training & Consulting
Kirkton of Balfour Farmhouse
Edzell, Brechin DD9 7X4
Tel: 07718882837
Email: janethood@me.com www.jhtc.co.uk
Macgregor Thomson
Springfield House
Laurelhill Business Park
Stirling FK7 9JQ
Tel: 01786 406423 www.macgregorthomson.co.uk
Miller Samuel Hill Brown Solicitors
The Forsyth Building,
5 Renfield St, Glasgow G2 5EZ
Tel: 0141 221 1919
Email: info@mshblegal.com www.mshblegal.com
Morton Fraser Lawyers
1 West Regent Street
Glasgow G2 1RW
Tel: 0141 274 1100
Email: infodesk@morton-fraser.com www.morton-fraser.com
Pinsent Masons
141 Bothwell Street
Glasgow G2 7EQ
Tel: 0141 567 8400 www.pinsentmasons.com
TLT Scotland Ltd
9th Floor Cadworks
41 West Campbell Street
Glasgow G2 6SE
Tel: 0333 0060400
Email: generalenquires@tlt.com www.tlt.com
Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP
9 Haymarket Square
Edinburgh EH3 8FY
Tel: 0131 228 9900
Email: info@shepwedd.com www.shepwedd.com
Wyllie & Henderson
Solicitors & Estate Agents
Market Chambers
Caledonian Road
Perth PH1 5NJ
Tel: 01738 638 465 www.wyllie-henderson.co.uk
6 Degrees North
Reekie House
Aberdeen Road
Laurencekirk AB30 1AG
Tel: 01561 377047
Admiral Taverns
Chester CH1 2NP
Tel: 01224 321171
Amber Taverns
The Victory Offices
112 Victory Road
Blackpool FY1 3NW
Tel: 01253 757158
Apex Hotels
1 Mid New Cultins
Edinburgh. EH11 4DH
Tel: 0131 441 0441
Belhaven Pubs
Tel: 0345 712 5875 www.greeneking.co.uk
Bow Hospitality Group
190 Bath Street
Glasgow, G1 23B
Tel: 0141 352 8800
Bruce Group Scotland
53 George IV Bridge
Tel: 0131 226 1402
Buzzworks Holdings
34-36 Grange Street
Kilmarnock, KA1 2DD
Tel: 01292 670190 www.buzzworksholdings.com
Caledonian Heritable
4 Hope Street
Edinburgh EH2 4DB www.caledonianheritable.com
Caledonia Inns
1 Alvanley Terrace,
Edinburgh EH9 1DU
Tel: 0131 564 1901
Cairn Hotel Group
31-40 West Parade,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7LB
Tel: 0191 272 5788 www.cairrnhotelgroup.com.
Cawley Hotel Group
Duck Bay Marina
Alexandria G83 8QZ
Tel: 01389 751234 www.cawleyhotels.com
Castle Leisure Group
52-54 King St
Stirling FK8 1AY
Tel: 01786 409010 www.clg.co.uk
City Centre Pubs Dundee
18b West Marketgait
Dundee, DD1 1QR Tel: 01382 223484 www.citycentrepubsdundee. com
Compass (Edinburgh) Ltd
104 Constitution Street
Edinburgh EH6 6AW Tel: 0131 629 1919
Crerar Hotel Group Office 22. Great Michael House 14 Links Place
Edinburgh, EH6 6BL Tel: 0843 050 2020 www.crerarhotels.com
Cru Holdings 8-9 Strothers Lane
Inverness IV1 1LR Tel: 01463 630003 www.cruholdings.com
Dawncrest Ltd 193 Bath Street
Glasgow G2 4HZ Tel: 0141 222 2046 www.dawncrest.com
DRG 87 St Vincent Street
Glasgow G2 5TF
Tel: 0141 221 6100 www.thedrg.co.uk
The Epic Group (Scotland) Ltd
2 Union Terrace, Aberdeen AB10 1NJ
Finsbay Ventures 44 Main Street Milngavie, G62 6BU Tel: 0141 616 6016 www.fisforfinsbay.com
Fuller Thomson Heritable Ltd 13 Brown Street Dundee, DD1 5EF www.fullerthomson.com
Highland Coast Hotels 1-4 Atholl Crescent
Edinburgh EH3 8HA Tel: 01408 623800 www.highlandcoasthotels.com
Hold Fast Entertainment
3rd Fl. 48 West George Street
Glasgow G2 1BP
Tel: 0141 572 1120 www. holdfastentertainment,com
Kingdom Taverns
Dean House, 191 Nicol Street
Kirkcaldy KY1 1PF Tel: 01592 200033
Lisini Pub Co
114 Main Street
Uddingston G71 7HZ
Tel: 01698 812106 www.lisini.co.uk
La Vita Restaurant Group
161 Queen Street
Glasgow, G1 3BJ
Tel: 0141 248 3533
Macdonald Hotels
Whiteside House, Whiteside
Industrial Estate
Bathate EH48 2RX
Tel: 01506 815200 www.macdonaldhotels.co.uk
Manorview Hotels
Bowfield Road
Howwood PA9 1DZ
Tel. 01505 704348
Melville Hotels Group
9 Newton Place
Glasgow G3 7PR www.melvillehotels.co.uk
Meraki Restaurant Group
449 Clarkston Road Glasgow F44 3LL www.merakirestaurantgroup. co.uk
Montpeliers (Edinburgh) Ltd
29 Queensferry Street
Edinburgh EH2 4QS
Tel: 0131 226 1370 www.montpeliersedinburgh. co.uk
Monteleone Ltd
151 Bath St
Glasgow G2 4SQ
Tel 0141 204 3281 www.butterflyandthepig.com
Metropolitan Pub Company
4/5 Broadston Place
London W1U 7EL
Tel 0207 589 4888
Park Leisure
31 Hawkhill
Dundee DD1 5DH
Tel: 01382 223484
R Group
Eagle Lodge
Hilton Road
Bishopbriggs G64 2PN
Tel: 0141 772 5951
RAD Group
1 Glaisnock St,
Cumnock KA18 1BP
Tel: 01290 428779
Renaissance Ecosse
17 The High Street
South Queensferry
Edinburgh EH30 9PP
Tel: 0131 331 1298 www.renaissance-ecosse.co.uk
Rosemount Taverns
5 Fitzroy Place
Glasgow G3 7RH
Tel: 0141 221 7799
Rusk & Rusk
1055 Sauchiehall Street
Glasgow, G3 7UD
Tel: 0141 339 2999
Signature Pubs
6 Albyn Place
Edinburgh EH2 4NL
Tel: 0131 221 9978
SK&B Inns
98 Causeyside St,
Paisley PA1 1TX
Tel: 0141 580 1054
The Scotsman Group
70 Hamilton Drive
Glasgow G12 8DR
Tel: 0141 581 2400
Marine Drive
Irvine KA11 5AE
Tel: 01294 204040
Star Pubs
3-4 Broadway Park
South Gyle
Edinburgh, EH12 9JZ
Tel: 0808 5949596
Stonegate Group
3 Monkspath Hall Road
Solihull, B90 4SJ
Tel: 0121 272 5000 www.stonegategroup.co.uk
The Rocks Leisure Group
The Lochside 20 Shore Street
Bowmore, Islay, PA43 7LB
Tel: 01496 810244
Vittoria Group
86 Brunswick Street,
Edinburgh EH7 5HU
Tel: 0131 524 1594
Worq Group
62 Virginia Street
Glasgow G1 1TX
Tel: 0330 912 0420
The world-famous herbal liqueur Jägermeister is distributed in 150 countries around the world – but its home is in Wolfenbüttel, Lower Saxony. Only here is Jägermeister produced and distributed by Mast-Jägermeister SE. The world’s most successful herbal liqueur has been based on a mysterious recipe of 56 different herbs, flowers and roots for over 80 years.
As well as having a strong and creative social media presence the brand promoted activations across UK festivals last year and even launched its own Jägermeister Christmas jumper!
A few years ago it also brought out Jägermeister Cold Brew Coffee, a blend of cold brewed arabica coffee and original Jägermeister that is crafted with all-natural ingredients.
Teremana® is a premium, small-batch tequila founded by Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. Crafted at Destilería Teremana De Agave nestled in the highest peaks of the Jalisco highlands, Teremana offers three distinct expressions - Blanco, Reposado, and Añejo. Each bottle is meticulously crafted from 100% fully mature agave, slow roasted in traditional brick ovens, and distilled in handmade copper pot stills. The brand is distributed globally by Mast-Jägermeister SE who are planning to “internationalise it throughout the course of 2024”. Also, according to The Spirits Business the brand is now “expanding its distillery to meet increasing demand as the brand pursues international growth.”
Last year Liquid Oats, the vegan friendly liqueur brand made in Glasgow by Dark Art Drinks, launched a limitededition Candied Raspberry. This edition blends Speyside Scotch whisky, creamy condensed oat milk, and sweet candied raspberries, all coming together to mimic a cranachan dessert. The range also includes a Liquid Oats Sweet Vanilla which is served in over 30 venues across Scotland. A surge in popularity came after Liquid Oats Sweet Vanilla was sampled on BBC’s This Morning in 2022 and the brand say that their commitment to sustainability and inclusivity is a huge driving factor of the brands success, along with their choice to use premium Scotch whisky.
Thatchers are an independent, family company who have been crafting all of their ciders at Myrtle Farm in Somerset since 1904. The latest addition to their range is an Apple and Blackcurrant Cider which they describe as ‘a rich, refreshingly fruity cider, created with the sweetest dessert apples, a fresh berry aroma and bold natural blackcurrant flavour.’
This new flavour joins Thatchers Gold, Haze and Rose as well as other flavours such as Cloudy Lemon, Blood Orange and the alcohol-free Thatchers Zero, which has recently received a fresh new look.
The company have a strong sustainability ethos and all their ciders are gluten free, vegetarian and vegan friendly. Their new TV advert last year collaborated with multi-Academy Award winning studio Aardman who used stop motion animation to bring the viewer through the gates of Thatcher’s own Myrtle Farm home in a light-hearted and affectionate way.
Last year Kopparberg added a selection of new products to its range including Summer Punch Cider, Strawberry & Pineapple Cider, an alcoholic Orange Ginger Beer and a Sweet Vintage Pear variant at 7% ABV.
Over the Summer they also introduced the Kopparberg ice bucket hat. Featuring specially developed technology in the hat’s lining, the ice bucket hat keeps drinks cold for up to two and a half hours. The hats unique look was designed by acclaimed artist Bernardo Henning, famous for his bold splashes of colour and other big brand collaborations including Nike, Lego and MTV.
Kopparberg Cider is also available in flavours including Mixed Fruit, Strawberry & Lime, Pear, Cherry, Rose, Raspberry and Passionfruit as well as various alcohol-free options.
Peacock Cider has recently been rebranded. Available in Apple or Mango & Lime flavour the bottles feature an artistic new take on the Peacock bird “to inject some additional character to the brand”. To support the rebrand they will be running trade initiatives throughout the year include a ‘Peacock Lottery’ where customers will be entered into a prize draw to win free stock, premium POS or vouchers for online stores or experience days.
Peacock Cider may be associated with Asian dining occasion as a complement to spicy food, but they are keen to promote themselves as ‘a great cider in its own right’. To further support the branding they are also introducing new POS material and glass ware.
Blue Arrow
125 West Regent Street
Glasgow, G2 5JF
Tel: 0141 221 0007 www.bluearrow.co.uk
Chefs in Scotland
15 Well Street, Old Well Road
Moffat, DG10 9DP
Tel: 01683 222830 www.chefsinscotland.co.uk
Eden Scott
2 West Regent Street
Glasgow, G2 1RW
T: 0141 410 1000 www.edenscott.com
Ellis Mack Recruitment
Centrum House, 38 Queen Street
Glasgow, G1 3DX
Tel: 0141 548 8246 www.ellismack.co.uk
Tel: 07775 997442 www.hospotalent.co.uk
People Solutions Ltd
Tel: 0141 301 2177 www.peoplesolutions.co.uk
6 New Street
Paisley, PA1 1XY
Tel: 0141 887 1155 www.stafffinders.co.uk
Xpress Recruitment
Gyleworks, 34 South Gyle
Crescent Edinburgh, EH12 9EB
Tel: 0131 440 1960 www.xpressrecruitment.com
Argyll Systems
Tel: 0141 950 6766 www.argyllsystems.co.uk
Alliance iPOS Till Systems
Tel: 0141 332 6999 www.allianceipos.com
ACR Epos Systems
Tel: 0141 424 0558
Ewww.acrepossystems. co.uk
Tel: 0800 044 3550 www.dojo.tech
Tel: 0330 900 2273 www.hungrrr.co.uk
Tel: 0345 301 0034 www.hopsoftware.com
ICR Scotland
Tel: 0333 121 2150 www.icrscotland.co.uk
Epos Now
Tel: 0800 294 5945 www.eposnow.com
Tel: 0131 664 1700 www.lapsleys.co.uk
Mews www.mews.com
Blue Print Training
Tel: 0141 225 3848. www.blueprint-training.org
CPL Training
Tel: 01509 279169 www.cpltraining.co.uk
Flow Learning by Mapal
Tel: 0844 445 7119
www.flowhospitalitytraining. co.uk
Get Licensed
Tel:0207 078 7259 www.get-licensed.co.uk
Hospitality Training
Tel: 01224 749100 www.hospitality-training.org.uk
Inn Dispensable
Tel: 0800 074 1583 www.inn-dispensable.com
Tel: 0131 510 7008 www.stampede.ai
Tel: 020 3510 0160 www.sumup.com
Triple Seat www.tripleseat.com
Tel: 0131 477 8200 www.zonal.co.uk
At ICR Scotland, we value genuine human interaction. That's why, during normal working hours, you'll never face recorded messages or automated receptionists.
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Ayrshire Refrigeration
Tel: 01292 266662
Blue Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Tel: 0845 652 1250
Catering World
Tel: 0141 613 2075
Cuisine Equip
Tel: 0118 957 1344
James F. Kidd & Son Ltd
Tel: 0141 418 2222
Tel: 01280 845300 www.maidaid.co.uk
Tel: 0800 074 5030
New Coin Automatics
Tel: 0141 649 9922
Sims Automatics
46 Dalsholm Rd
Glasgow G20 0TD
Tel: 0141 946 0444
Sims Automatics is the biggest independent operator of gaming, amusement and leisure equipment in Scotland. Established for forty-five years, it has an in-depth knowledge of the leisure machine industry and can offer customers advice on a wide range of equipment, backed up by excellent service to ensure maximum income generated.
Sims Glass & Ice
46 Dalsholm Rd
Glasgow G20 0TD
Tel: 0141 946 0444 www.simsautomatics.co.uk
Sims is Scotland’s premier supplier of glasswashers, dishwashers, ice machines and bottle coolers to the licenced trade. It offer a wide range of quality equipment from top manufacturers for purchase or rental and provide our customers with a fast and efficient after sales service.
Tel: 0141 810 4111 www.ssuk.co.uk
Valentine Equipment Ltd
Tel: 0118 957 1344 www.valentinefryers.com
Stannah Microlifts Ltd
Tel: 0141 882 9946 www.stannahlifts.co.uk
Microlifts from Stannah are compact, structure-supported and quick and easy to install. These reliable and hard wearing products are designed for operation 24/7, 365 days a year, supported by regular service visits from expert local engineers. So even when staff shortages bite, great service can still be provided to your customers - without the heavy lifting. With a durable and reliable Stannah lift sharing the load, your staff will be well-protected every day and able to do more than ever before.
Victor Manufacturing
Tel: 01274 722125 www.victoronline.co.uk
Lagg Distillery have recently celebrated the fifth anniversary of their very first middle cut. In 2023 they released their Core Range bottlings - LAGG Single Malt Kilmory and Corriecravie editions. Now, in 2024, they have more exciting projects on the horizon, including hosting the 2024 Arran Whisky Festival, a LAGG Single Malt Collaboration with Bute Smokehouse, and a Distillery-exclusive cider made from their first harvest of apples at Lagg.
Lagg Distillery, owned by Isle of Arran Distillers, first opened to the public in 2019 with a brand-new distillery and visitor centre that offers tours, tastings and incredible views. The pride themselves on bringing a contemporary style to traditional methods of producing peated whisky on Arran.
The Borders Distillery in Hawick opened in 2018, bringing distilling back to the Borders for the first time since 1837.
Founded by John Fordyce, Tim Carton, Tony Roberts, and George Tait, all veterans of the Scotch Whisky industry they now produce whisky, vodka, and gin and partner with 12 local Borders farmers who supply all the grain they use to make their spirit.
The Long & Short of It is the second whisky released in its Workshop Series. The first release in 2022 was Borders Malt & Rye.
Entirely distilled in the Scottish Borders, this limited-edition bottling will see only 8,400 bottles released for sale worldwide, with every bottle individually numbered.
Isle of Raasay Distillery, owned by R&B Distillers Limited, was founded by Bill Dobbie and Alasdair Day in 2013. The company transformed Raasay’s historical Borodale House into a modern distillery, visitor centre and whisky hotel, which opened in 2017. Earlier his year, William Dobbie became Managing Director with his father Bill Dobbie taking on the role of Chairman.
The Isle of Raasay Single Malt Scotch Whisky is made with a blend of peated and unpeated spirits matured in a unique combination of six casks: first-fill Rye whiskey, virgin Chinkapin oak, and Bordeaux red wine casks. Their releases include the Dùn Cana Sherry Quarter Cask and the Na Sia Single Cask Whisky Bottlings.
The Isle of Raasay Gin is a handcrafted spirit made from ten botanicals including local Raasay juniper, sweet orange peel, and lemon peel. It’s distilled in a unique process combining traditional pot still distillation and vapor infusion to capture the essence of each botanical.
Alliance Wines
Tel: 01505 506060 www.alliancewine.com
Alchemy Drinks
Tel: 0141 483 8444
Allson Wholesale
Tel: 01592 770864 www.allsonwholesale.co.uk
Tel: 01586 554258 www.wmcadenhead.com
Drinks Express
Tel: 01738 646 666 www.bbfoodservice.co.uk
Dunns Food and Drinks
Tel: 01698 727 700 www.dunnsfoodanddrinks.co.uk
Gordon & MacPhail
Tel: 01343 554801 www.gordonandmacphail.com
Enotria & Coe
Tel: 020 8961 5161 www.enotria.co.uk
Hallgarten Druitt & Novum Wines
Tel: 077177 48938 www.hallgartendruitt.co.uk
Inverarity Morton Tel: 0141 620 6100 www.inveraritymorton.com
JW Filshill Ltd
Tel: 0141 883 7071 www.filshill.co.uk
Matthew Clark
Tel: 0141 429 0888 www.matthewclark.co.uk
Wildflower Wines Ltd
Tel: 01506 844 220 www.wildflowerwines.co.uk
ABR Quality Foods
Tel: 0141 942 2202 www.abrqualityfoods.co.uk
Batleys/Bestway Tel: 01738 646 666 www.bbfoodservice.co.uk
Brakes Tel: 0345 606 9090 www.brake.co.uk
Bidfood Tel: 0370 3663 000 www.bidfood.co.uk
Central Produce Ltd Tel 01259 212338
Clarks Food Tel: 01968 675257 www.clarksfoods.co.uk
Continental Quattro Stagioni Continental Food Supplies Tel: 0131 319 1919 www.continental-food.co.uk
Conetta Wholesale Tel: 01698 813017 www.conetta.co.uk
Costco Wholesale
Glasgow 0141 553 2205 Edinburgh Tel: 0131 440 4518 Aberdeen Tel: 01224 745566 www.costco.co.uk
CQS (Continental Food) 0131 319 1919 infoscot@continental-food.co.uk www.continental-food.co.uk
Delamere Dairy Tel: 01565 750528 www.delameredairy.co.uk
Dunns Food and Drinks Tel: 01698 727 777 www.dunnsfoodanddrinks.co.uk
Failte Food Service Tel: 0141 548 6170 www.failtefoods.com
Food Options Tel: 01506 702600 www.foodoptions.co.uk
Forteith Foodservice Tel: 01631 569100 www.forteith.co.uk
Glasgow Fruit Market Tel: 0141 552 1111
Graham’s Dairy Tel: 01786 833206 www.grahamsfamilydairy.com
King Foods Tel: 01224 896 606 www.king-foods.co.uk
Letterfinlay Foods Ltd Tel: 01397 772 957 www.letterfinlay.com
Lomond - The Wholesale Food Co Tel: 0141 353 6777 www.lomondwholesale.co.uk
JB Foods (Scotland) Ltd Tel: 0131 448 2888 www.jbfoods.biz
Mills Milk Tel: 01475 672474 www.millsmilkscotland.co.uk
Reids Food Services Tel: 01294 833001 www.reidsfoodservice.com
Scotch Frost Tel: 01698 810 099
Speciality Breads Ltd Tel: 01843 209442
Wellocks Tel: 08444 993 444 www.wellocks.co.uk
Aberdeenshire Larder
Tel: 01358 727 850 www.aberdeenshirelarder. co.uk
Buffalo Farm
Tel: 01592 646252 www.thebuffalofarm.co.uk
Campbell Brothers/Buccleuch
Tel: 0131 654 0050 www.campbellbrothers.co.uk
James Campbell Butchers
Tel: 0141 331 2457 info@campbellbutchers.co.uk www.campbellbutchers.co.uk
Bernard Corrigan Ltd
Tel: 0141 552 4368 www.bernardcorrigan.com
Forbes Raeburn
Tel:01466 792818 www.glasgowbutchers.co.uk
G H Davidson
Tel: 01505 322957 www.glasgowbutchers.co.uk
John Gilmore & Co Ltd
Tel: 01875 616111 www.gilmourbutchers.com
Grants Family Butcher
Tel: 01505 228732
McLays Ltd
Tel: 0141 336 6543 www.mclaysfoods.net
Macsween of Edinburgh
Tel: 0131 440 2555 www.macsween.co.uk
Pollok Williamson
Tel: 01292 618644 www.pollokwilliamson.co.uk
Ramsay of Carluke
Tel: 01555 772277 www.ramsayofcarluke.co.uk
Rodgers Butchers
Tel: 0141 952 9558www. rodgersbutchers.com
Scott Brothers
Tel: 01382 819 417 www.scottbrothersbutchers. co.uk
Simon Howie
Tel: 01764 684332 www.thescottishbutcher.com
Bernard Corrigan Ltd
Tel: 0141 552 4368 www.bernardcorrigan.com
Campbell Brothers Fish
Tel: 0131 654 0050 www.campbellbrothers.co.uk
J. Pieroni & Sons
Tel: 01292 265 532 www.pieronis.com
Loch Fyne Oysters
Tel: 01499 600 264 www.lochfyne.com
David Lowry Fish Merchants
Tel: 01333 730770 www.lowriefish.co.uk
John Vallance
Tel: 0141 552 2825 www.johnvallance.com
Stevie Fish
Tel: 07779727023 www.steviefish.com
The Tobermory Fish Co
Tel: 01688 302120ß www.tobermoryfish.co.uk
J M Breckenridge
Tel: 01631 563 711 www.jmbreckenridge.co.uk
Central Produce
Tel: 01259 212 338
FreshDirect Tel: 0141 812 5162 www.freshdirect.co.uk
Fresh Food Company Tel: 0141 548 6989 www.freshfoodcompany.co.uk
Les Turriff Tel: 01382 773 838 www.lesturriff.co.uk
Mark Murphy Tel: 0131 458 6060 www.dole.co.uk
Seasonal Produce Tel: 0844 871 6131 www.seasonalproduce.co.uk
Total Produce Tel: 0131 458 6060 www.totalproduce.com
Food Options
Tel: 01506 430252 www.foodoptions.co.uk
Scotch Frost of Glasgow Ltd Tel: 01698 810 099 www.scotchfrost.com
Equi’s Ice Cream Tel 01698 282494 www.equisicecream.com
Giacopazzis Tel: 01890 233013 www.giacopazzis.co.uk
Porrelli Ice Cream
Tel: 0141 889 6390 www.porrelli.com
1719 Ale
Hopo 6.2 IPA
GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Broughton Brewery 01899 830 345
60° North Lager Lerwick Brewing Co 01595 694552
80 Bob St Andrews Brewing Co 01334 473330
80/- Scottish Ale
Abbot Ale
Belhaven/GK 0345 607 5325
GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Cromarty Brewing Co 01381 600 440
Alba Scottish Pine Ale William Bros 01259 725 511
Ale of Atholl Moulin Brewery 01796 472 196
Alternyte Alt Bier Abernyte Brewery 07827 715 915
Arctic Swell Vienna Lager Cromarty Brewing Co 01381 600 440
Are You With Me Ale Beath Brewing 07792 369 678
Arran Blonde Arran Brewery 01770 302 353
Arran Brewery Dug Arran Brewery 01770 302 353
Arran Clyde Puffer Arran Brewery 01770 302 353
Arran Dark Arran Brewery 01770 302 353
Arran Fireside Arran Brewery 01770 302 353
Arran Guid Ale Arran Brewery 01770 302 353
Arran ID Arran Brewery 01770 302 353
Arran Milestone Arran Brewery 01770 302 353
Arran Red Squirrel Arran Brewery 01770 302 353
Arran Sleeping Warrior Arran Brewery 01770 302 353
Arran Sunset Arran Brewery 01770 302 353
Arrowhead Lager Redcastle Brewery 01241 860516
Hop Coaster Cromarty Brewing Co 01381 600 440
Auf Wiedersehen Five Kingdoms Brewery 01988 500 334
Auld Toon Triple Six° North 01561 377 047
Autumn Nuts Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
Avalanche Hoppy Ale Fyne Ales 01499 600 120
Avondale Strathaven Ales 01357 520 419
Ax Man Rye IPA Drygate 0141 212 8815
Azure Hoppy Lerwick Brewing Co 01595 694 552
Ballo Blonde Golden Ale Abernyte Brewery 07827 715 915
Banks Carlsberg Marston’s 03457 585685
Barrel Aged Milk Spey Speyside Brewery 01309 358082
Stout Islay Edition Black Isle Brewery 01463 811 871
Bass Ale Budweiser Brewiing 01772 877681
Bear Ale Traquair 01896 830 323
Bearface Lager Drygate 0141 212 8815
Beavertown Neck Oil IPA Heineken 0345 878 7071
Beavertown Gamma Ray APA Heineken 0345 878 7071
Beavertown Beavo Lager Heineken 0345 878 7071
Brixton Atlantic Pale Ale Heineken 0345 878 7071
Brixton Cold Harbour Lager Heineken 0345 878 7071
Belhaven 80/- GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Belhaven Best GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Belhaven Black GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Belhaven Oak Stout GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Belhaven Black Stout Belhaven/GK 0345 607 5325
Belhaven Twisted Thistle IPA GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Belhaven Wee Heavy GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Bidon Table Beer Six° North 01561 377 047
Big Red Rooster St Andrews Brewing Co 01334 473330
Binary Star Barney Beer 01312 070 153
Birds & Bees Golden Summer Ale William Bros 01259 725 511
Bitter & Twisted Golden Ale Harviestoun Brewery 01259 769 100
Bitter X Blonde Five Kingdoms Brewery 01988 500 334
Black Galloway Porter Stout Sulwath Brewers 01556 504 525
Black Gold Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
Black Hop Down Black IPA Cromarty Brewing Co 01381 600 440
Black IPA Stewart Brewiing 0131 440 2442
Black Isle Blonde Black Isle Brewery 01463 811 871
Black Isle Goldfinch Black Isle Brewery 01463 811 871
Blackhouse Fallen Brewing 07500 906 924
Blindside Black IPA Lerwick Brewing Co 01595 694 552
Bute Brew Co Flagship IPA Bute Brew Co 07415 478320
Hopo Blonde Lager Broughton Brewery 01899 830 345
Blonde Voyage Blonde Ale Campervan Brewery 0131 553 3373
Blood Red Sky Innis & Gunn 0131 220 7230
Boddingtons Budweiser Brewiing 01772 877681
Bohemian Pilsner Bellfield Brewery 0131 656 9390
Bombardier Marstons 01902 711 811
Bombini Honey Beer Six° North 01561 377 047
Bonnie & Blonde Ale Loch Lomond 01389 755 698
Born Slippy Lager Beath Brewing 07792 369 678
Brakspear Marstons 01902 711 811
Caffrey’s Molson Coors 0345 6000888 Cerveza Lager Fierce Brewing 01224 035035 Charisma Alechemy 01506 413634
Chieftain IPA Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Cold Town Lager Cold Town Brewery
Cold Town Chocolate Cake Stout Cold Town Brewery 0131 221 9978
Czech Pot Blonde Beer Allanwater Brewhouse 01786 834 555
Dark & Spicy Porter William Bros 01259 725 511
Dark Dunter Broughton Ales 01899 830 345
Dark Horse Born in the Borders Brewery01835 830 495
Dark Island Orkney Brewery 01667 404 555
Dark Moor Kelburn Brewery 0141 881 2138
Dark Ness Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
Dark Storm Five Kingdoms Brewery 01988 500 334
Day Shift American Pale Ale Fierce Beer 01224 035 035
David’s Not Bitter Spey Valley Brewery 01899 830345
Deuchars IPA GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Mango Pale Ale Drygate 0141 212 8815
Double Volcano IPA Barney Beer 01312 070 153
Dragonfly Fallen Brewing 07500 906 924
Dragonhead Orkney Brewery 01667 404 555
Drift Golden Ale Jaw Brew 0141 237 5840
Drop Hoppy Pale Ale Jaw Brew 0141 237 5840
Duchess Anne Strathaven Ales 01357 520 419
Dundonian Pilsner 71 Brewing 01382 203 133
Dunkel Dark Lager (DRK) West Brewery 0141 550 0135
Eagle Marstons 01902 711 811
East Coast IPA GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Easy Livin Pils Tempest Brewery 01896 759 500
Easy Shift Session Pale Fierce Beer 01224 035 035
Ebulum Elderberry Black Ale William Bros 01259 725 511
Edelweiss Wheat Beer Beath Brewing 077923 69 678
Edinburgh Gold Stewart Brewing 0131 440 2442
Embra Stewart Brewing 0131 440 2442
Engineer’s Reserve Blackest AleHarviestoun Brewery 01259 769 100
Event Horizon Black IPA Abernyte Brewery 07827 715 915
Exciseman’s 80 Broughton Ales 01899 830 345
Extra Pale Barney Beer 01312 070 153
Fathom Dark Ale Jaw Brew 0141 237 5840
Feierabend Pilsner West Brewery 0141 550 0135
Fierce IPA 5.2% Fierce Brewing 01224 035035
Fife Gold St Andrews Brewing Co 01334 473330
First World Problems Stewart Brewing 0131 440 2442
Flintlock Golden Ale Campbells Brewery 07899 653 151
Fly Half Kelburn Brewery 0141 881 2138
Founder’s Marstons 01902 711 811
Foxy Blonde Born in the Borders Brewery01835 830 495
Frank Keith Brewery 01542 488 006
Franz Stewart Brewiing 0131 440 2442
Fraoch Heather Ale William Bros 01259 725 511
Funkytown IPA Beath Brewing 07792369 678
GPA West Brewery 0141 550 0135
G4 West Brewery 0141 550 0135
Galleon Gold Blonde Ale Brewing Co 01688 302 821
Galloway Gold Lager Sulwath Brewers 01556 504525
Game Bird Born in the Borders Brewery01835 830 495
Gladeye IPA Drygate 0141 212 8815
Glide Enjoyable Smooth Beer Jaw Brew 0141 237 5840
Gold Dust Born in the Borders Brewery01835 830 495
Gold Pot Golden Beer Allanwater Brewhouse 01786 834 555
Goldeneye Pale Ale Black Isle Brewery 01463 811 871
Goldihops Kelburn Brewery 0141 881 2138
Good Ordinary Pale Ale Barney Beer 01312 070 153
Good Times William Bros 01259 725 511
Grapevine Fallen Brewing 07500 906 924
Greene King IPA GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Greene King XX Mild GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Grozet Gooseberry Ale William Bros 01259 725 511
Gunner Blonde Ale Campbells Brewery 07899 653 151
Gunnpowder IPA Innis & Gunn 0131 220 7230
Hardys & Hansons Bitter GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Hardys & Hansons Cool GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Hardys & Hansons Dark Mild GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Harviestoun IPA Harviestoun Brewery 01259 769 100
Heidi Weisse Wheat Beer West Brewery 0141 550 0135
Herr Keith Keith Brewery 01542 488 006
Hibernator Oatmeal Stout Black Isle Brewery 01463 811 871
Highland Jock Broughton Brewery 01899 830 345
Highlander Traditional Ale Fyne Ales 01499 600 120
Hobgoblin Marstons 01902 711 811
Hollyrood Stewart Brewing 0131 440 2442
Hopo Session IPA Broughton Brewery 01899 830 345
Hop Classic Belgian IPA Six° North 01561 377 047
Hopocrisy Pale Ale Six° North 01561 377 047
Hoppy Ness Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
House Pilot 0131 561 4267
Hurricane Jack Blonde Ale Fyne Ales 01499 600 120
Husky Brown Winter Ale Cromarty Brewing Co 01381 6004 40
Iced Tea Ale Pilot 0131 561 4267
Ich Bin Ein Berryliner Berliner Weisse Fyne Ales 01499 600 120
India Pilot 0131 561 4267
Innis & Gunn Lager Beer Innis & Gunn 0131 220 7230
Innis & Gunn The Original Innis & Gunn 0131 220 7230
Intergalatic Dry-Hop Lager Belhaven/GK 0345 607 5325
IPA St Andrews Brewing Co 01334 473330
IPL India Pale Lager 71 Brewing 01382 203 133
Island Pale Ale IPA Brewing Co 01688 302 821
Kelburn Brewery 0141 881 2138
Jarl Blonde Session Ale Fyne Ales 01499 600 120
Jock in A Box Broughton Brewery 01899 830 345
Juice Do It Alechemy 01506 413634
John Smiths Heineken 0345 878 7071
Joker IPA William Bros 01259 725 511
Just The Ticket Fallen Brewing 07500 906 924
Ka Pai Stewart Brewiing 0131 440 2442
Kelpie Seaweed Ale William Bros 01259 725 511
Keltic Kelburn Brewery 0141 881 2138
Kessog Dark Ale Loch Lomond 01389 755 698
Kincardine Sunset Kinneal Brew House 01506 824 574
Kinnoull Red IPA Abernyte Brewery 07827 715 915
Kirin Ichiban Marstons 01902 711811
Knockendoch Dark Ale Sulwath Brewers 01556 504525
Köln Pilot 0131 561 4267
Kracker Kelburn Brewery 0141 881 2138
Lager Keith Keith Brewery 01542 488006
L.A. Spey (Low Alcohol) Speyside Brewery 01309 358082
Latitude Orkney Brewery 01667 404 555
Lawless Village IPA Bellfield Brewery 0131 656 9390
Lerwick IPA Lerwick Brewing Co 01595 694552
Light Ale Lerwick Brewing Co 01595 694552
Light Ness Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
Listening Post Pilsner Abernyte Brewery 07827 715 915
Local Motive Fallen Brewing 07500 906924
Loch Lomond Craft Lager Loch Lomond 01389 755 698
Loch Ness Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
London Glory GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Long White Cloud Tempest Brewery 01896 759500
Loose Cannon Brew Toon 01779 476211
Man Overboard Double IPA Cromarty Brewing Co 01381 600440
March of the Penguins William Bros 01259 725511
Marston’s Marstons 01902 711811
Mashmellow Milk Stout Barney Beer 01312070153
Maverick Red Ale Fyne Ales 01499600120
McCaig’s Folly Dark Ale Brewing Co 01688 302821
McEwan’s Marstons 01902 711811
Meantime Asahi UK 01483 718118
Merlin’s Ale Broughton Brewery 01899 830345
Midnight Sun Rich William Bros 01259 725511
Migrator Double IPA Black Isle Brewery 01463 811 871
Mint Chocolate Moose Fierce Brewing 01224 035035
Mills & Hills Imperial Stout Fyne Ales 01499600120
Misty Law Kelburn Brewery 0141 881 2138
Mocha Porter St Andrews Brewing Co 01334 473330
Mochaccino Stout Pilot 0131 561 4267
Modern Helles Tempest Brewery 01896 759500
Monk of Iona Amber Ale Brewing Co 01688 302821
MòR Please Golden Ale MòR Brewing 07402 900755
MòR Tea Vicar Amber Ale MòR Brewing 07402 900755
MòR-bidly Dark Dark Ale MòR Brewing 07402 900755
MòR-ish Amber Ale MòR Brewing 07402 900755
MòR-ticia Stout MòR Brewing 07402 900755
Morland Original GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Moulin Light Moulin Brewery 01796 472196
Munich Dunkel 71 Brewing 01382 203133
Munich Red Lager West Brewery 0141 550 0135
Murphy’s Heineken 0345 8787071
Nix NC500 IPA Black Isle Brewery 01463 811 871
Nessie’s Monster Mash Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
New World Odyssey Fallen Brewing 07500 906924
Newcastle Brown Ale Heineken 0345 8787071
Night Shift Black IPA Fierce Beer 01224 035035
Nimbus Orkney Brewery 01667 404 555
Nobleman Gold Ale
Redcastle Brewery 01241 860516
Nollaig Festive Spruce Beer William Bros 01259 725511
Norseman Pale Ale Redcastle Brewery 01241 860516
Northern Light Orkney Brewery 01667 404 555
Northern Sinner Brew Toon 01779 476211
Oatmeal Stout St Andrews Brewing Co 01334 473330
Ola Dubh Barrel Aged Beer Harviestoun Brewery 01259 769100
Old Engine Oil Black Ale Harviestoun Brewery 01259 769100
Old Jock Ale Broughton Brewery 01899 830345
Old Mortality Strathaven Ales 01357 520419
Old Remedial Moulin Brewery 01796 472196
Old Speckled Hen GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Orange/Green Pilot 0131 561 4267
Orinoco Breakfast Stout Drygate 0141 212 8815
Orkney Gold Orkney Brewery 01667 404 555
Outaspace Apple IPA Drygate 0141 212 8815
Pale Keith Keith Brewery 01542 488006
Paolozzi Lager Edinburgh Beer Factory 0131 442 4562
Peanut Riot Roasted Peanut Porter Fierce Beer 01224 035035
Pedigree Marstons 01902 711811
Peleton Pilsner Six° North 01561 377047
Pennvael Amber Ale
Kinneal Brew House 01506 824 574
Pentland IPA Stewart Brewing 0131 440 2442
Perfect Storm IPA William Bros 01259 725511
Pivo Estivo Kelburn Brewery 0141 881 2138
Platform C Fallen Brewing 07500 906924
Plockton Dark Plockton Brewery 01599 544276
Plockton Gold Plockton Brewery 01599 544276
Plockton Light Plockton Brewery 01599 544276
Plockton Tawny Plockton Brewery 01599 544276
Pot Black Stout
Pot of Gold Golden Beer
Allanwater Brewhouse 01786 834555
Allanwater Brewhouse 01786 834555
Procastination Blonde Beer Allanwater Brewhouse 01786 834555
Profanity Stout William Bros 01259 725511
Hopo Proper IPA Broughton Brewery 01899 830345
Puffin Ale
Orkney Brewery 01667 404 555
Pump’d Keith Keith Brewery 01542 488006
Purple Reign Brew Toon 01779 476211
Radical Road Stewart Brewing 0131 440 2442
Raptor IPA Cromarty Brewing Co 01381 600440
Raspberry Carronade Brew Toon 01779 476211
Raven Ale
Orkney Brewery 01667 404 555
Red Eye Flight Tempest Brewery 01896 759500
Red Kite Amber Ale Black Isle Brewery 01463 811 871
Red Lady Ruby Ale Redcastle Brewery 01241 860516
Red Macgregor Orkney Brewery 01667 404 555
Red Rye Barney Beer 01312070153
Red Rye Sour Barney Beer 01312070153
Red Smiddy Kelburn Brewery 0141 881 2138
Redact Red Lager William Bros 01259 725511
Reef Zesty Light Beer Jaw Brew 0141 237 5840
Regnitz Kelburn Brewery 0141 881 2138
Robert Burns Brown Ale Belhaven/GK 01368 862323
Rogue Wave Extra Pale Ale Cromarty Brewing Co 01381 600440
Ruddles Best GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Ruddles County GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Saazi Ness
Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
Sanda Black IPA Fyne Ales 01499600120
Sanda Blonde IPA Fyne Ales 01499600120
Santa’s Sledgehammer Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
Schiehallion Craft Lager Harviestoun Brewery 01259 769100
Scotch Ale, Porter Black Isle Brewery 01463 811 871
Seasonal West Brewery 0141 550 0135
Session IPA Innis & Gunn 0131 220 7230
Seven Giraffes Extraordinary IPAWilliam Bros 01259 725511
Sharp’s Doom Bar Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Sheepshagger’s Gold Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
Shipyard Marstons 01902 711811
Sir Keith Keith Brewery 01542 488006
Skeleton Blues Stewart Brewiing 0131 440 2442
Skipper’s Ticket Pale Ale Lerwick Brewing Co 01595 694552
Skull Splitter Orkney Brewery 01667 404 555
Skye Black Isle of Skye Brewing 01470 542 477
Skye Blaven Isle of Skye Brewing 01470 542 477
Skye Blonde Isle of Skye Brewing 01470 542
Slatch Lager Hybrid Abernyte Brewery 07827 715 915
Smooth Creamy Stout William Bros 01259 725511
Solway Mist Wheat Beer Sulwath Brewers 01556 504525
Soma IPA Tempest Brewery 01896 759500
Sorachi Ace Barney Beer 01312070153
Speyside Lager Speyside Brewery 01309 358082
Spindrift Lager Bute Brew Co 07415 478320
St Andrews Amber Ale Belhaven/GK 01368 862323
Stillman’s IPA Speyside Brewery 01309 358082
Sunshine on Keith Speyside Brewery 01309 358082
St Edmund’s Ale GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
St Giles Stewart Brewing 0131 440 2442
St Mungo Lager West Brewery 0141 550 0135
Stag Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
Stewart’s 80/- Stewart Brewing 0131 440 2442
Stout Keith Keith Brewery 01542 488006
Stuart Ale Traquair 01896 830323
Sublime Stout Fyne Ales 01499600120
Sunriser Kelburn Brewery 0141 881 2138
Superior IPA Fyne Ales 01499600120
Surf Summer Pale Ale Jaw Brew 0141 237 5840
The ’79 Selection Broughton Brewery 01899 830 345
Taste of Scotland Broughton Brewery 01899 830 345
The Grace Light Mild Sulwath Brewers 01556 504525
The Pale Armadillo Tempest Brewery 01896 759500
The Ridge IPA Harviestoun Brewery 01259 769100
Three Sisters Orkney Brewery 01667 404 555
Timothy Taylor Branded Drinks 01594 810261
Tolly English Ale GK/Belhaven 0345 607 5325
Tower IPA Redcastle Brewery 01241 860516
Trade Winds Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
Traquair House Ale Traquair 01896 830323
Traquair Jacobite Ale Traquair 01896 830323
Trevor Keith Brewery 01542 488006
Tri-ball Tribute Blonde Ale Sulwath Brewers 01556 504525
Tropical Tart Sour Ale Fierce Beer 01224 035035
Tushkar Oatmeal Stout Lerwick Brewing Co 01595 694552
Twisted Thistle IPA Belhaven/GK 01368 862323
Unco Hoppy Kelburn Brewery 0141 881 2138
Unforgiven Red Rye Tempest Brewery 01896 759500
Veilen Dank Double IPA Black Isle Brewery 01463 811 871
Very Berry Sour Ale Fierce Beer 01224 035035
Vienna Pale Pilot 0131 561 4267
Vital Juices Barney Beer 01312070153
Vital Spark Ruby Ale Fyne Ales 01499600120
Volcano IPA Barney Beer 01312070153
Wanderlust Wheat Six° North 01561 377047
Wave Weissbier Jaw Brew 0141 237 5840
Wayfinder Pale Ale Kinneal Brew House 01506 824 574
Wee Blonde St Andrews Brewing Co 01334 473330
Wee Guinea Session Beer Allanwater Brewhouse 01786 834555
Wee Heavy Scotch Ale
Belhaven/GK 01368 862323
Wee McAsh Five Kingdoms Brewery 01988500334
Weekend Hooker Brew Toon 01779 476211
Wee Jock Bring Out The Imp Alechemy 01506 413634
West Black West Brewery 0141 550 0135
West 4 Session Lager West Brewery 0141 550 0135
Whole Lot of Hopo Broughton Brewery 01899 830 345
Wild West West Brewery 0141 550 0135
West Highland Way Pale Ale Loch Lomond 01389 755 698
Wildcat Cairngorm Brewery 01479 812 222
Wothington’s Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Wonderful Jake 60/- Ale Kinneal Brew House 01506 824 574
Wry Keith Keith Brewery 01542 488006
Yellowhammer IPA Black Isle Brewery 01463 811 871
Yill Pale Ale Kinneal Brew House 01506 824 574
Young’s Marstons 01902 711811
Younger’s Marstons 01902 711811
1664 Carlsberg Marstons 0345 7585685
ABK Dunkel Dunns 01698 727777
Alhambra Reserva Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Amstel Heineken 0345 8787071
Anglioletti Dunns 01698 727777
Armand De Brignac Ace of Spades Amathus Drinks 0212 9519840
Asahi Asahi UK 01483 718118
Beavertown Neck Oil Heineken 0345 8787071
Beavertown Bones Lager Dunns 01698 727777
Beck’s Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Birra Moretti Heineken 0345 8787071
Birrificio Angelo Poretti Carlsberg Marstons 0346 7585685
Bitburger Premium Pils Dunns 01698 727777
Blue Moon Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Brahma Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Brasserie D’Achouffe Dunns 01698 727777
Brooklyn Defender IPA Carlsberg Marstons 0347 7585685
Brooklyn Lager Carlsberg Marstons 0348 7585685
Brooklyn Pilsner Carlsberg Marstons 0349 7585685
Brooklyn Special Effects Carlsberg Marstons 0350 7585685
Bud Light Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Budweiser Budvar Dunns 01698 727777
Budweiser Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Carlsberg Carlsberg Marstons 0347 7585685
Chang Dunns 01698 727777
Chimnay Blue Cap Dunns 01698 727777
Chimnay Red Cap Dunns 01698 727777
Chimnay White Cape Dunns 01698 727777
Cobra Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Cobra Gluten Free Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Cobra Malabar Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Coors Light Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Corona Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Cruzcampo Heineken 0345 8787071
Debowe Asahi UK 01487 718118
Desperados Heineken 0345 8787071
Dos Equis KB Drinks 01622 351110
Duvel Dunns 01698 727777
Edelweiss Heineken 0345 8787071
Erdinger Alcoholfrei Carlsberg Marstons 0352 7585685
Erdinger Dunkel Carlsberg Marstons 0353 7585685
Erdinger Weissbier Carlsberg Marstons 0354 7585685
Estrella Damm Carlsberg Marstons 0354 7585685
Estrella Galicia Belhaven/Greene King 01386 862323
Fosters Heineken 0345 8787071
Furstenberg Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Goose Island Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Grolsch Asahi UK 01490 718118
Heineken Range Heineken 0345 8787071
Hoegaarden Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Holsten Pils Carlsberg Marstons 0357 7585685
Kasteel Rouge Dunns Dunns 01698 727777
King Cobra Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Kingfisher Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Kirin Ichiban Dunns 01698 727777
Krombacher Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Krosovice KBE Drinks 01622 351110
La Chouffee Dunns 01698 72777
Lagunitas Heineken 0345 8787071
Lech Asahi UK 01491 718118
Leffe Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Lowenbrau Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Lucky Buddha Dunns 01698 727777
Madri Excepcional Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Mahou Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Menabrea Tennents
Miami Cocktail Co Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Michelob Ultra Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Miller Genuine Draft Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Offshore Pilsner Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Peroni Asahi UK 01495 718118
Peroni Capri Asahi UK 01498 718118
Pilsner Urquell Asahi UK 01499 718118
Pravha Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Quilmes Clasica Cerveza Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Red Stripe Beer Diageo 0410 7515101
Sagres Heineken 0345 8787071
San Miquel Carlsberg Marston’s 03457 585685
Sapporo Dunns 01698 727777
Singha Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Sol Heineken 0345 8787071
Staropramen Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Stella Artois Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Stella Unfiltered Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Tsingtao Dunns 01698 727777
Tiger Beer Heineken 0345 8787071
Tuborg Carlsberg Marston’s 03457 585685
Tusker Dunns 01698 727777
Tyskie Asahi UK 01500 718118
Vedett Dunns 01698 727777
West 4 Dunns 01698 727777
Mongozo GL Pils Dunns 01698 727777
San Miquel Gluten Free Carlsberg Marston’s 03457 585685
Peroni Gluten Free Asahi UK 01483 718118
Asahi 0.0 Asahi UK 01484 718118
Bavaria Holland AF Dunns 01698 727777
Becks Blue AF Dunns 01698 727777
Birra Moretti 0 Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Birra Moretti 0 Dunn 01698 727777
Bitburger Driver AF Dunns 01698 727777
Budweiser 0 Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Carlsberg range Carlsberg Marstons 0351 7585685
Cobra Zero Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Corona Cero Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Erdringer Alcohol Frei Inverarity Morto 0141 620 6100
Estrella Free Damm Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Furstenberg Pilsner AF Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Gordon’s 0.0% Diageo 0370 7515101
Kaliber Diageo 0377 7515101
Peroni 0.0 Asahi UK 01496 718118
Pistonhead AF Proof Drinks 020 7737 7995
Staroprmanen O% MolsonCoors 0345 6000888
Stella AF Budweiser cscpocmorders@ab-inbev.com
Yardarm Lager AF Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Aalborg Jubilëums Aquavit Amathus Drinks 0209 9519840
Hendricks Absinthe Dunns 01698 727777
La Fee Blanche Amber Beverage 01311 217703
La Fee Bohemian Amber Beverage 01312 217703
La Fee NV Absinthe Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
La Fée Parisienne Absinthe Dunns 01698 727777
Meletti Amaro Amathus Drinks 0218 9519840
Murmichan Scottish Absinth Dunns 01698 727777
Sebor Absinth Sazerac 01932 252100
Amaro Campari UK 0203 100 9600
Angostura Bitters and Rum CVH Spirits 01355 260999
Aperol Campari UK 0203 100 9600
Campari Campari UK 0212 100 9600
Carpano Botanic Bitter Sazerac 01932 252100
Cocalero Aperitif Paragon 0161 390 0019
Crodino Aperitifs Campari UK 0217 100 9600
Cynar Campari UK 0218 100 9600
Eaux-de-Vie Amathus Drinks 0214 9519840
Fernet-Branca Sazerac 01932 252100
Lillet Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Lutèce Aperitif Cask Liquid Marketing 07957 835356
Martini Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Noilly Prat Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Ouzo 12 Campari UK 0229 100 9600
Pastis 51 Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Peychaud’s Aperitivo Sazerac 01932 252100
Peychaud’s Bitters Sazerac 01932 252100
Ramazzotti Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Regans’ Bitters Sazerac 01932 252100
Ricard Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Suze Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Xtabenntun D’Aristi Amber Beverage 01339 217703
Ararat Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Augier Cognac Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Avallen Calvados Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Bache Gabrielson Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Bisquit Cognac Campari UK 0208 100 9600
Cles Des Ducs XO Amber Beverage 01294 217703
Courvoisier Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Eco Spirits Avallen Calvados Dunns 01698 727777
Fundador Whyte & Mackay 0141 248 5771
Hardy Legend Range Amber Beverage 01303 217703
Hennessy Paradis Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
La Guilde du Cognac Paragon 0161 390 0019
Larsen Cognac International Beverage 01236 769377
Martell Cognac Dunns 01698 727777
Naud Cognac Paragon 0161 390 0019
Remy Martin Cognacs Dunns 01698 727777
Seignette VS Sazerac 01932 252100
Three Barrels Brandy Dunns 01698 727777
Besserat de Bellefon Cask Liquid Marketing 07946 835356
Champagne Piaff Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Dom Perignon Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Krug Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Laurent Perrier Inverarity Morton nverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Moet & Chandon Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Mumm Champagne Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Perrier Jouet Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Ruinart Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Veuve Clicquot Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Bulmers Cider range Heineken 0345 8787071
Carling Apple Cider Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Carling Black Fruit Cider Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Inch’s Apple Cider Drinks Express 01738 646666
Inch’s Cider Heineken 0345 8787071
Kopparberg Mixed Fruit Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Kopparberg Mixed Fruit Tropical Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Kopprberg Naked Apple Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Old Mout Cider Berries & CherriesDrinks Express 01738 646666
Old Mout Cider Pineapplie & RaspberryDrinks Express 01738 646666
Orchard Thieves Heineken 0345 8787071
Peacock Apple Cider Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Rekorderlig Mango RaspberryMolson Coors 0345 6000888
Rekorderlig Strawberry-Lime Drinks Express 01738 646666
Savanna Cider Heineken 0345 8787071
Scrumpy Jack Heineken 0345 8787071
Stassen Cider Heineken 0345 8787071
Strawberry & Lime Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Strawberry & Lime Draught Cider of Sweden 02890 668901
Strongbow range Heineken 0345 8787071
Kopparberg Summer Punch Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Symonds Founders Reserve Heineken 0345 8787071
Strongbow Range Heineken UK 0345 878 7071
Thatcher’s Blood Orange Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Thatcher’s Fusion Cloudy Lemon Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Thatcher’s Gold Cider Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Woodpecker Heineken UK 0345 878 7071
Arbikie Highland Estate Dunns 01698 727777
Adnams Copper House Gin Dunns 01698 727777
Barra Distillers Atlantic Gin Dunns 01698 727777
Beefeater Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Beefeater Blood Orange Drinks Express 01738 646666
Ben Lomond Gin Dunns 01698 727777
Boodles Gin Dunns 01698 727777
Boe Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Bols Genever Dunns 01698 727777
Bombay Sapphire Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Brockmans Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Broker’s Gin Sazerac 01932 252100
Bulldog London Dry Gin Campari UK 0209 100 9600
Caorunn Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Cask Strength Gin Duncan Taylor 01472 794055
Ceder’s Gin Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Chase Seville Marmalade GinDunns 01698 727777
Colonel Fox Gin Cask Liquid Marketing 07950 835356
Colonsay Gin Wild Thyme Spirits Ltd 01951 200082
Cross Keys Gin Amber Beverage 01295 217703
Crossbill Gin Crossbill 0141 237 4664
Daffy’s Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Darnley Spiced Gin Wemyss 01333 451300
Devil’s Staircase - Highland Spiced Pixel Spirits 07443 656528
Dingle Gin Paragon 0161 390 0019
Eden Mill Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Edinburgh Gin Drinks Express 01738 646666
Four Pillars Proof Drinks 020 7737 7995
G’Vine Paragon 0161 390 0019
Garden Shed Gin Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Gin Bothy Gunshot Infused Gin The Gin Bothy 01575 570111
Glasgow Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Glaswegin Glaswegin Distilling Co. 0141 812 9480
Gordon Castle Gin Gordon Castle 01343 612315
Gordon’s Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Gordon’s Gin range Diageo 0368 7515101
Gordon’s Pink Gin Diageo 0369 7515101
Hebridean Gin Isle of Raasay Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Hendricks Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Imaginaria Gin range Paragon 0161 390 0019
Indian Summer Gin Duncan Taylor 01476 794055
Isle of Bute Oyster Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Jinzu gin Diageo 0406 7515101
The Kyoto Distillery Ki No Bi GinDunns 01698 727777
Kirkjuvagr Orkney Gin Dunns 01698 727777
Kirsty’s Gin Arbikie 01241 830770
Kopparberg Gin Drinks Express 01738 646666
LBD Gin Little Brown Dog 07447 523523
Liverpoot Organic Gin Halewood 0151 480 8800
London Hill Gin Ian Macleod 01506 852205
Malfy Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Makar Gin Dunns 01698 727777
McQueen & The Violet Fog Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Melbourne Gin Amber Beverage 01321 217703
Martin Millers Original Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Monkey 47 Dunns 01698 727777
Nadar Gin Dunns 01698 727777
NOLET’S Silver Gin Cask Liquid Marketing 07961 835356
O’ndina Gin Dunns 01698 727777
Orkney Gin Orkney Distilling 01856 875338
Pickerings Original Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Pixel Spirits Chanterelle Gin Pixel Spirits 074436 56528
Pixel Spirits Oak Aged Gin Pixel Spirits 074436 56528
Plymouth Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Poetic License Dunns 01698 727777
Port of Leith Lind & Lime Dunns 01698 727777
Portobello Road Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Ramsays Gin Dunns 01698 727777
Rangers Small Batch Gin Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Rangers Specialist Gin Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Red Door Gin Gordon & MacPhail 01343 545 111
Rives Gin Amathus Drinks 0219 9519840
Rock Rose Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100 Roku Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Secret Garden Lemon Verbena Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Shetland Reel Gin Dunns 01698 727777
Sipsmith Dunns 01698 727777
Source Gin International Beverage 01236 769377
Strathearn Distillers Heather & RoseDunns 01698 727777
Tanqueray Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Tarquin’s Gin Molson Coors 0345 6000888
The Botanist Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Tobermory Hebridean Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Tyree Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Ungava Gin Speciality Brands 027 8838 3808
Ungava Gin Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Villa Ascenti Gin Diageo 0416 7515101
Whitetail Gin Whitetail Gin 01681 705163
Whitley Neill Gin Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Colonsay Wild Island Gin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Wildcat Gin Whyte & Mackay 0141 248 5771
Yu Gin Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
After Shock Edrington UK 0333 016 1910
Adriatico Bianco Crushed AmarettoAmber Beverage 01283 217703
Adriatico Roasted Amaretto Amber Beverage 01284 217703
After Shock Drinks Express 01738 646666
Agwa Proof Drinks 020 7737 7995
Amarula Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Ancho Reyes Dunns 01698 727 700
Anchos Reyes Chilli Dunns 01698 727 700
Anchos Reyes Verde Dunns 01698 727 700
Antica Formula Dunns 01698 727 700
Antica Sambuca Dunns 01698 727 700
Antica Sambuca with flavoursSazerac 01932 252100
Apollo Triple Sec Drinks Express 01738 646666
Archers Dunns 01698 727 700
Averna Liqueur/Specialitys Campari UK 0207 100 9600
Baileys – full range Dunns 01698 727 700
Belle de Brillet Dunns 01698 727 700
Benedictine Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Bols Triple Sec Drinks Express 01738 646666
Branca Menta Sazerac 01932 252100
Bumbu Cream Liqueur Dunns 01698 727 700
Caffe Borghetti Sazerac 01932 252100
Carolans Finest Proof Drinks 020 7737 7995
Ceylon Arrack Dunns 01698 727 700
Chambord Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Chartreuse Cask Liquid Marketing 07948 835356
Cherry Heering Amber Beverage 01293 217703
Cointreau Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Coole Swan Proof Drinks 020 7737 7995
Dark Matter Spiced Mocha LiqueurDunns 01698 727 700
De Kuyper Drinks Express 01738 646666
De Kupyer Blue Curacao Drinks Express 01738 646666
Dead Man Fingers Halewood 0151 480 8800
Disaronno Drinks Express 01738 646666
Disaronno Velvet Dunns 01698 727 700
Disca Crème de Peche Amber Beverage 01296 217703
Drambuie Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Fireball Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Firefly Moonshine Sazerac 01932 252100
Frangelico Dunns 01698 727 700
Galliano Dunns 01698 727 700
Gator Bite Coffee Liqueur Amber Beverage 01302 217703
Glayva Whyte & Mackay 0141 248 5771
Goldschlager Diageo 0403 7515101
Grand Marnier Range Dunns 01698 727 700
Hynotiq Proof Drinks 020 7737 7995
Jagermeister Dunns 01698 727 700
Jagermeister Manifest Dunns 01698 727 700
Kahlua Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Kalani Mayan Coconut LiqueurAmber Beverage 01307 217703
Kwai Feh Amber Beverage 01310 217703
Lazzaroni Amaretto Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Lazzaroni Limoncello Sazerac 01932 252100
Lejay Original Crème de Cassis Amber Beverage 01315 217703
Licor 43 Dunns 01698 727 700
Limoncello Di Capri Dunns 01698 727 700
Liquid Oats Candied Raspberry Dunns 01698 727 700
Liquid Oats Sweet Vanilla Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Lucky Liquor Co range Dunns 01698 727 700
Lucky Sod Dunns 01698 727 700
Luxardo Limoncello Drinks Express 01738 646666
Malibu Drinks Express 01738 646666
Manderin Napoleon Amber Beverage 01319 217703
Mekhong International Beverage 01236 769377
Meletti Amaro Amathus Drinks 0217 9519840
Merlet Liqueur/Specialitys Cask Liquid Marketing 07960 835356
Metaxa Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Midori Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Molinari Sambuca Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Monin range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Mozart Chocolate Cream Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Mr Black Proof Drinks 020 7737 7995
Narano Bitter Orange Liqueur Amber Beverage 01325 217703
Opal Nero Black Sambuca Dunns 01698 727 700
Pama Proof Drinks 020 7737 7995
Panther Milk Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Passoa Dunns 01698 727 700
Pernod Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Red Squirrel Ginger Nut Liqueur Dunns 01698 727 700
Riga Range Amber Beverage 01328 217703
Romana Sambuca Diageo 0412 7515101
Rum Chata Dunns 01698 727 700
Santa Marta Limoncello Cask Liquid Marketing 07965 835356
Sheep Dog Drinks Express 01738 646666
Sheridan’s Diageo 0389 7515101
Sisca Liqueur Amber Beverage 01331 217703
Sourz Drinks Express 01738 646666
St-Germain Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Tequila Rose Drinks Express 01738 646666
Tia Maria Dunns 01698 727 700
Tuaca Sazerac 01932 252100
Tullamore Dew Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Villon Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Xante Amathus Drinks 0221 9519840
Xante Chocolate & Pear Dunns 01698 727 700
Bacardi Breezer Range Drinks Express 0800 0501055
Botega Bay Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Caribbean Twist Halewood 0151 480 8800
Crabbie’s Alcoholic Fruits Halewood 0151 480 8800
Finest Call Amber Beverage 01283 217 703
Hooper’s Alcoholic Brews Global Brands 01246 216 000
Miami Cocktail Co Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Red Square VS Halewood 0151 480 8800 VK Drinks Express 01738 646666
Southern Comfort RTD Sazerac 01932 252100
WKD Drinks Express 01738 646666
White Claw Filshill 0141 883 7071
Appleton Estate Campari UK 0203 100 9600
Ableforth’s Rumbullion Dunns 01698 727 700
Admiral Rodney Rum Dunns 01698 727 700
Aluna Coconut Rum Dunns 01698 727 700
Angostura Rum 1824 Dunns 01698 727 700
Appleton Estate Dunns 01698 727 700
Bacardi – Full range Dunns 01698 727 700
Banditti Club Rum Dunns 01698 727 700
Banks 7 Island Rum Dunns 01698 727 700
Bayou Range Dunns 01698 727 700
Black Magic Spiced Rum Dunns 01698 727 700
Black Tears Rum Cask Liquid Marketing 07947 835356
Bounty Rum Mangrove
Brugal Dunns 01698 727 700
Brugal 1888 Dunns 01698 727 700
Brugal Añejo Superior Rum Dunns 01698 727 700
Brugal Blanco Supremo Dunns 01698 727 700
Brugal Extra Viejo Dunns 01698 727 700
Bumbu Rum Dunns 01698 727 700
Captain Morgan Black Spiced Drinks Express 01738 646666
Captain Morgan Dark Rum Drinks Express 01738 646666
Cargo Range Amber Beverage 01290 217703
Caribbean Rum Duncan Taylor 01471 794055
Cut Rum Proof Drinks 020 7737 7995
Dark Matter Spiced Rum Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Dead Mans Fingers Spiced RumDrinks Express 01738 646666
Dictador Rum Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Diplomatico Rum Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Discarded Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Don Papa 7 Year Old Drinks Express 01738 646666
Don Papa Rye Cask Diageo 0362 7515101
Don Papa Sherry Cask Diageo 0363 7515101
Don Q Rum Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Duncan Taylor Single Cask Rum Duncan Taylor 01475 794055
El Dorado Rum Cask Liquid Marketing 07953 835356
Flor De Cana Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Goslings Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Hampden Estate Rum Speciality Brands 023 8838 3808
Havana Club Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Hidden Loot Rum Paragon 0161 390 0019
Jung & Wulff Barbados No.3 Sazerac 01932 252100
Jung & Wulff Guyana No.2 Sazerac 01932 252100
Jung & Wulff Trinidad No.1 Sazerac 01932 252100
Kadoo Caribbean Rum Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
69Koko Kanu Campari UK 0224 100 9600
Kraken Rum Drinks Express 01738 646666
Kraken Rum Black Cherry Drinks Express 01738 646666
La Hechicera Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
La Mauny Rum Campari UK 0225 100 9600
Lambs Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Langs Rum Ian Macleod 01506 852205
Legendario Range Proof Drinks 020 7737 7995
Malibu Coconut Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Mapmakers Coastal Rum Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Mount Gay Rum Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Phraya Rum Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Banks 7 Golden Blend Dunns 01698 727 700
Pussers Rum Paragon 0161 390 0019
Ron La Progresiva Cask Liquid Marketing 07964 835356
Ron Zacapa Rum Diageo 0386 7515101
Rum Malecon Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Rum Sixty Six Halewood 0151 480 8800
Sailor Jerry Drinks Express 01738 646666
Santa Theresa Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Stroh 80 Amber Beverage 01333 217703
Trios Rivieres Blanc Campari UK 0233 100 9600
Twin Fin Rum Molson Coors 0345 6000888
Watson’s Demerara & Trawler RumsIan Macleod 01506 852205
Wood’s Navy Rum Drinks Express 01738 646666
Wray & Nephew Campari UK 0236 100 9600
Britvic 0121 711 1102
Coca-Cola 0800 580 580
Drinks Express 01738 646666
Dunns Food and Drink 01698 727 700
Fentimans Dunns Food and Drink 01698 727 700
Fevertree Dunns Food and Drink 01698 727 700
Lixir Tonics Molson Coors 0345 6000888
1800 Tequila Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Arette Tequila Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Astral Tequila Diageo 0397 7515101
Avion Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Bandero XO Cafe Tequila Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Casa Noble Tequila Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Casimgos Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Cazadores Tequila Dunns 01698 727700
Cazcabel Tequila Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Cenote Range Amber Beverage 01292 217703
Codigo 1530 Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Corazon Sazerac 01932 252100
Creyente Mezcal Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Dead Mans Fingers Coffee TequilaDunns 01698 727700
Don Julio Tequila Range Dunns 01698 727700Del
Maguey Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
El Jimador Dunns 01698 727700
Herradura Directo Dunns 01698 727700
Don Julio Tequila Diageo 0361 7515101
Don Ramon Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Espolon Tequila Dunns 01698 727700
Excellia Tequila Paragon 0161 390 0019
Fortaleza Tequila Range Amber Beverage 01301 217703
Herradura Tequila Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Illegal Mezcal Anejo Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Jose Cuervo Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
KAH Tequila range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Madre Mezcal Ensamble Amber Beverage 01317 217703
Madre Mezcal Espadin Amber Beverage 01318 217703
Maydena Tequila Campari UK 0226 100 9600
Mezcal Union Uno Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Monte Alban Sazerac 01932 252100
Montelobos Ensamble Mezcal Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Montezuma Sazerac 01932 252100
Mundo Tequila Amber Beverage 01324 217703
Ocho Tequila Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Olmeca range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Ojo De Tigre Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Patron Tequila Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Quiquiriqui Mezcal Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Ranjo Viejo Tequila Gold Dunns 01698 727700
Rooster Rojo Anejo Tequila RangeInverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Se Busca Tequila Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Tapatio Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Tequila Creme (mango, lemon, strawberry)Paragon 0161 390 0019
Tequila El Sueno Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Jose Cuervo Tradicional Silver Day of the Dead 0142 620 6100
Tequila Mockingbird Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Tequila Rose Drinks Express 01738 646666
Tijuana Sweet Heat Sazerac 01932 252100
42 Below Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Absolut Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Au Vodka range Drinks Express 01738 646666
Belvedere Pure Organic Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Belvedere Vodka Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Bistro Vodka Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Black Cow Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Cariel Vanilla Vodka Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Chopin Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Ciroc Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Crystal Head Vodka Cask Liquid Marketing 07951 835356
DingleVodka Paragon 0161 390 0019
Douglas Fir Cask Liquid Marketing 07952 835356
Eristoff range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Finlandia Mango Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
FLIRT Vodka - Original, Raspberry & Vanilla Paragon 0161 390 001
FRIS Vodka Sazerac 01932 252100
Glen’s Vodka Drinks Express 01738 646666
Grey Goose Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Haku Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Herbsaint Sazerac 01932 252100
Holy Grass Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Ketel One Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Koskenkorva Vodka Amber Beverage 01309 217703
L’Orbe Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Le Philtre Vodka Paragon 0161 390 0019
Moskovskaya Vodka Amber Beverage 01323 217703
Nadar Vokda Arbikie 01245 830770
Ostoya Vodka Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Portobello Road Vodka Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Puffing Steam Vodka Borders Distillery 01450 374330
Rangers Small Batch Vodka Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Reyka Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Rostov Vodka Ian Macleod 01506 852205
Skyy Campari UK 0232 100 9600
Smirnoff Range Drinks Express 01738 646666
Stoli Vodka range Amber Beverage 01332 217703
Svensk Vodka Amathus Drinks 0220 9519840
Tattie Bogle Vodka Arbikie 01242 830770
The Reid Malt Vodka Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Ukiyo Japanese Vodka Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Vest Vodka Halewood 0151 480 8800
Vladivar Whyte & Mackay 0141 248 5771
Voddy Voddy 07825 773740
Wheatley Vodka Sazerac 01932 252100
Wyborowa Wodka Range Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
X Muse Vodka Cask Liquid Marketing 07966 835356
Zubrowka Bison Grass Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Zubrowka Rose Paragon 0161 390 0019
Zubrowka Vanilla Vodka Paragon 0161 390 0019
Ballantines Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Bell’s Drinks Express 01738 646666
Black Bottle Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Black Bull Duncan Taylor 01467 794055
Black Bull 10 Year Old Rum Finish Duncan Taylor 01469 794055
Black Bull Kyloe Duncan Taylor 01470 794055
Buchanan’s range Diageo 0349 7515101
Celtic Whisky Distillery Paragon 0161 390 0019
Chivas Regal Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Claymore Whyte & Mackay 0141 248 5771
Cutty Sark Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Dewars range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Duncan Taylor Blends Duncan Taylor 01474 794055
Famous Grouse Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Grant’s Family Reserve Drinks Express 01738 646666
Haig Club Drinks Express 01738 646666
Hankey Bannister International Beverage 01236 769377
High Commissioner Drinks Express 01738 646666
Jack & Victor Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
J&B Whisky Diageo 0375 7515101
John Barr
Whyte & Mackay 0141 248 5771
Johnnie Walker range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Langs Ian Macleod 01506 852205
Long John Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Monkey Shoulder Drinks Express 01738 646666
Nobel Rebel Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Pigs Nose Ian Macleod 01506 852205
Politician Duncan Taylor 01477 794055
Royal Salute Whisky Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Scottish Glory Duncan Taylor 01479 794055
Scottish Leader Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Sheep Dip Ian Macleod 01506 852205
Smokin’ Duncan Taylor 01480 794055
Spearhead Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Teacher’s Dunns 01698 727 700
The Six Isles Ian Macleod 01506 852205
The Woodsman Whyte & Mackay 0141 248 5771
VAT 69 Diageo 0395 7515101
White Horse Diageo 0396 7515101
Whyte & Mackay Whyte & Mackay 0141 248 5771
A1792 Ridgemont Reserve Dunns 01698 727 700
Angels Envy Dunns 01698 727 700
Benchmark Sazerac 01932 252100
Booker’s Bourbon Edrington UK 0333 016 1910
Buffalo Trace Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Bulleit Bourbon Dunns 01698 727 700
Bushmills Irish Whiskey Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Canadian Club Dunns 01698 727 700
E.H. Taylor, Jr. Dunns 01698 727 700
Elijah Craig Bourbon Proof Drinks 020 7737 7995
Evan Williams Bourbon Proof Drinks 020 7737 7995
Four Roses Dunns 01698 727 700
Grace O’Malley Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Heavens Door Whiskey RangeParagon 0161 390 0019
Jack Daniels range Dunns 01698 727 700
Jameson Irish Whiskey Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Jameson Orange Irish WhiskeyDrinkns Express 01738 646666
Jeffersons Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Jim Beam range Dunns 01698 727 700
Kentucky Owl Amber Beverage 01308 217703
Kilchoman Dunns 01698 727 700
Knob Creek Dunns 01698 727 700
Maker’s 46 Dunns 01698 727 700
Maker’s Mark Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Old Rip Van Winkle Sazerac 01932 252100
Paddy Irish Whiskey Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Rabbit Hole Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Red Stag by Jim Beam Edrington UK
Slane Irish Whiskey Drinks Express 01738 646666
Slane Irish Whiskey Drinks Express 01738 646666
Stagg Jr. 1792 Dunns 01698 727 700
Stolen X Bourbon Paragon 0161 390 0019
The Busker Irish Whiskey Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Tullamore Dew Irish Whiskey Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Wild Turkey Bourbon Campari UK 0234 100 9600
Woodford Reserve Range Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Bailey’s Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Drambuie Range Dunns 01698 727 700
Fireball Cinnamon Sazerac 01932 252 100
Glayva Whyte & Mackay 0141 248 5771
Aberfeldy Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Aberlour Master of Malt 01892 882 555
anCnoc International Beverage 01236 769377
Ardbeg Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Arran 10 YO Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Auchentoshan Edrington UK 0333 016 1910
Auchroisk Diageo 0345 7515101
Auld Reekie Duncan Taylor 01466 794055
Battlehill Duncan Taylor 01468 794055
Benrinnes Diageo 0347 7515101
Benromach Gordon & MacPhail 01343 545111
Big Peat Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Blair Atholl Diageo 0348 7515101
Bowmore Edrington UK 0333 016 1910
Bunnahabhain CVH Spirits 01357 260999
Bunnahabhain Cask Strength Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Caol Ila Diageo 0351 7515101
Caol Ila 13 yo Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Cardhu Diageo 0354 7515101
Cardrona Single Malt International Beverage 01236 769377
Clynelish Diageo 0356 7515101
Conoisseurs Choice Range Gordon & MacPhail 01343 545111
Convalmore 36 Year old Diageo 0399 7515101
Crabbie Single Malt Whisky Halewood 0151 480 8800
Cragganmore Diageo 0357 7515101
Craigellachie range Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Dailuaine Diageo 0359 7515101
Dalwhinnie Diageo 0358 7515101
Deanston CVH Spirits 01358 260999
Dimensions Duncan Taylor 01473 794055
Dufftown Diageo 0400 7515101
Duncan Taylor Single Cask Duncan Taylor 01466 794 055
Edradour Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Fettercairn Whyte & Mackay 0141 248 5771
Glemorangie 18 yo Extremely Rare Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Glen Elgin Diageo 0365 7515101
Glen Garioch Edrington UK 0333 016 1910
Glen Grant Campari UK 0222 100 9600
Glen Ord Diageo 0402 7515101
Glen Scotia Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Glen Spey Diageo 0367 7515101
Glendullan Diageo 0401 7515101
Glenfarclas 15 YO Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Glenfiddich Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Glenfiddich 21 YO Gran Reserva Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Glenglassaugh Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Glenglassaugh Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Glenkinchie Diageo 0366 7515101
Glenlivet Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Glenlivet Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Glenmorangie Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Glenmorangie Signet Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Edrington UK 0333 016 1910
Highland Park Edrington UK 0333 016 1910
Inchgower Diageo 0374 7515101
Isle of Harris The Hearach Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Isle of Raasay Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Jura range Whyte & Mackay 0141 248 5771
Knockando Diageo 0379 7515101
Lagavulin Diageo 0380 7515101
Edrington UK 0333 016 1910
Ledaig Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Linkwood Diageo 0381 7515101
Littlemill Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Masthouse Whisky Cask Liquid Marketing 07959 835356
Mortlach Diageo 0382 7515101
Oban Diageo 0383 7515101
Octave Range Duncan Taylor 01466 794 055
Octomore Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Old Pulteney International Beverage 01236 769377
Port Charlotte Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Port Dundas 20 Year Old Diageo 0408 7515101
Port Ellen Diageo 0409 7515101
Rosebank Diageo 0413 7515101
Roseisle Diageo 0414 7515101
Royal Brackla Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Royal Lochnagar Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Royal Lochnager Diageo 0385 7515101
Scallywag Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Scapa Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Secret Speyside Range Pernod Ricard 0800 376 5550
Sherry Bomb Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Singleton Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Speyburn International Beverage 01236 769377
Strathearn Single Cask Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Strathmill Diageo 0415 7515101
Talisker Diageo 0392 7515101
Tamdhu Ian Macleod 01506 852 205
Tamnavulin Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Tantalus Duncan Taylor 01481 794055
The Ardmore Edrington UK 0333 016 1910
The Balvenie William Grant & Sons 01272 748 100
The Cairn CRN57 Gordon & MacPhail 01343 545111
The Dalmore Whyte & Mackay 0141 248 5771
The Glendronnach 01892 882 555 01892 882 555
The Glenlivet Pernod Ricard UK 0800 376 5550
The Glenrothes Edrington UK 0333 016 1910
The Glenrothes Whisky Maker’s Cut Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
The Macallan Edrington UK 0333 016 1910
The Sassenach Master of Malt 01892 882 555
The Singleton Diageo 0391 7515101
The Singleton Master of Malt 01892 882 555
Timorous Beatie Douglas Laing 0141 333 9242
Tobermory Whisky Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Togouchi 12 Year Old Amber Beverage 01334 217703
Torabhaig Malt Whisky Inverarity Morton 0141 620 6100
Wormtub Master of Malt 01892 882 555
All Wholesalers have a wide range of wines.
Adriatico Bianco Crushed Amaretto
Adriatico Roasted Amaretto
Akashi Single Malt
Arette Tequila Range
Arinzano Wines
Arran Whisky Range
Bayou Range
Cargo Range
Cariel Vanilla Vodka
Cenote Range
Cherry Heering
Cles Des Ducs XO
Cross Keys Gin
Disca Crème de Peche
Faustino Wines
Fercullen Whisky Range
Finest Call Syrups
Flor De Cana Range
Fortaleza Tequila Range
KAH Tequila range
KAH Tequila Anejo
Kalani Mayan Coconut Liqueur/
Kentucky Owl
Koskenkorva Vodka
Kwai Feh
La Fee Blanche
La Fee Bohemian
La Fee Parisienne
Lagg Whisky
Lejay Original Crème de Cassis
Luxardo Range
Madre Mezcal Ensamble
Madre Mezcal Espadin
Manderin Napoleon
Martin Miller’s Range
Melbourne Gin
Mezcal Union Uno
Moskovskaya Vodka
Mundo Tequila
Narano Bitter Orange
Portia Wines
RE’AL Syrups
Riga Range
Rooster Rojo Anejo Tequila Range
Se Busca Tequila Range
Stoli Vodka range
Stroh 80
Togouchi 12 Year Old
Togouchi Blended
Valhalla Nordic Herbal Liqueur/
Xante Chocolate
Xante Pear
Bud Light
Budweiser 0
Goose Island
Michelob Ultra
Stella Artois
Stella Alcohol Free
Stella Unfiltered
Aalborg Jubilëums Aquavit
Absinthe La Fée Bohemian
Armand De Brignac Ace of Spades
Cusquena Gold Lager
Gammel Dansk
Jinro Range
Luxardo Amaretto di Sashira
Meletti Amaro
Pernod Absinth
Rives Gin
Svensk Vodka
Arbikie 1794 Highland Rye Single
Kirsty’s Gin
Nadar Gin
Nadar Vokda
Asahi 0.0
Cornish Orchard Ciders
Dark Star Ales
Fullers London Pride
Fullers ESB
Meantime Anytime IPA
Meantime Prime Ale
Meantime Greenwich Lager
Peroni 0.0
Peroni Gluten Free
Peroni Capri
Pilsner Urquell
42 Below
Angels Envy
Bacardi – Full range
Banks 5- Island Blend
Plus Banks 7 Golden Blend
Baron Otard
Bombay Sapphire
Camino Real
Castillo range
Cazadores Tequila
Craigellachie range
Dewars range
Eristoff range
Facundo rum collection
Grey Goose
Hatuey beer
Noilly Prat
Patron Tequila
Royal Brackla
Russian Prince
Santa Theresa
Single Can Estate Rums
Teeling Whiskey
The Deveron
Ultimate Vodka
William Lawson
Abbot Ale
1906 Black Courage
1906 Rerserva Special
Abbot Ale
Ale Fresco Golden Ale
Belhaven 80/-
Belhaven 90/ Wee Heavy
Belhaven Best
Belhaven Black
Belhaven Craft Pilsner
Belhaven Old Gold
Belhaven Scottish Ale
Belhaven Scottish Oat Stout
Bonkers Conkers
Coronation Ale
Deuchars IPA
East Coast IPA
Estrella Galicia
Flint Eye Lager
Golden Breeze
Greene King IPA
Greene King XX Mild
Hazy Day IPA
Ice Breaker Pale Ale
Inter Galatica
King Craft
London Glory
Maltsmith Lager
Maltsmiths IPA
Morland Original
New tricks Golder Ale
Old Crafty Hen
Old Golden Hen
Old Hoppy Hen
Old Master Hen
Old Mulled Hen
Old Speckled Hen
Olde Trip
Prior Life IPA
Rocking Rudolph
Ruddles Best
Ruddles County
Strong Suffolk
Tolly English Ale
Yardbird Ale
Diplomatico Rum
Early Times
El Jimador
Fords Gin
Gin Mare
The Glendronnach
Herradura Tequila
Jack Daniels Range
Old Forrester Range
Slane Irish Whisky
Woodford Reserve Range
Ancho Reyes
Anchos Reyes Original
Anchos Reyes Verde
Appleton Estate
Averna Liqueur/Specialitys
Bisquit Cognac
Bulldog London Dry Gin
Campari Ask Tales
Campari Negroni
Campari Range
Cinzano 1757 Rosso
Cinzano Sparkling Wines
Cinzano Vermouth Blanco
Cinzano Vermouth Rosso
Crodino Aperitifs
Del Professore
Espolon Tequila
Glen Grant
Grand Marnier Range
Koko Kanu
La Mauny Rum
Maydena Tequila
Montelobos Ensamble Mezcal
O’ndina Gin
Ouzo 12
Trios Rivieres Blanc
Wild Turkey Bourbon
Wilderness Trail Bourbon
Wray & Nephew
Birrificio Angelo Poretti 4 Hops
Brooklyn Defender IPA
Brooklyn Lager
Brooklyn Pilsner
Brooklyn Special Effects
Carlsberg range
Erdinger Alcoholfrei
Erdinger Dunkel
Erdinger Weissbier
Estrella Damm
Hobgoblin range
Holsten Pils
Kirin Ichiban
Marston’s Range
San Miguel range
Shed Head
Somersby Cider range
Tetley’s range
The Bee
The LawnMower
Strawberry & Lime Draught
Strawberry & Lime
Mixed Fruit 500ml
Mixed Fruit Tropical 500ml
Pear 500ml
Strawberry & Lime Alcohol-Free
Mixed Fruit Alcohol Free
Mixed Fruit Tropical Alcohol-Free
Pear Alcohol-Free
Strawberry and Lime Gin
Summer Punch
Passionfruit Light Cider
Kopparberg Strawberry & Lime Gin
Kopparberg Strawberry & Lime
Kopparberg Strawberry Cherry Rum
Orange Ginger Beer
Strawberry Cosmo
Asterley Bros
Besserat de Bellefon Champagne
Black Tears Rum
Cockburn’s Port range
Colonel Fox Gin
Crystal Head Vodka
Douglas Fir
El Dorado Rum
El Gobernador Pisco
Feragaia Alchohol Free Spirit
Hepple Gin
Lutèce Aperitif
Mars Whisky
Masthouse Whisky
Merlet Liqueur/Specialitys
NOLET’S Silver Gin
Ocho Tequila
Quiquiriqui Mezcal
Ron La Progresiva
Santa Marta Limoncello
X Muse Vodka
Liquid Oats Sweet Vanilla
Liquid Oats Candied Raspberry
Astral Tequila
Baileys – full range
Blair Atholl
Buchanan’s range
Bulleit Bourbon
Caol Ila
Captain Morgan - range
Cladach Blended Malt
Convalmore 36 Year old
Deleon Tequila
Don Julio Tequila
Don Papa 7 Year Old
Don Papa Rye Cask
Don Papa Sherry Cask
Glen Elgin
Glen Ord
Glen Spey
Goldschlager Cinnamon
Schnapps Hop House 13 Lager
Gordon’s 0.0%
Gordon’s Gin range
Gordon’s Pink Gin
Grand Old Parr
Haig Club
J&B Whisky
Jeremiah Weed range
Jinzu gin
Johnnie Walker range
Ketel One
Pimm’s range
Pommery Brut Royal
Port Dundas 20 Year Old
Port Ellen
Red Stripe Beer
Roe & Co Irish Whiskey
Romana Sambuca
Ron Zacapa Rum
Royal Lochnager
Angostura Bitters
Angostura Rums
Black Bottle
Scottish Leader
Satryna Tequila
Tobermory Gin
Disaronno Amaretto
The Busker
Tia Maria
Zucco Rabarbaro
Auld Reekie
Black Bull
Black Bull 10 Year Old Rum Finish
Black Bull Kyloe
Caribbean Rum
Cask Strength Gin
Duncan Taylor Blends
Duncan Taylor Single Cask Rum
Indian Summer Gin
Rare Auld Grain
Scottish Glory
The Octave Collection
The Rarest Series
Eden Mill Ceramic Hop Gin
Eden Mill Cask Aged Gins
Eden Mill Single Malt
Eden Mill Golf Gin
Eden Mill Love Gin
Eden Mill Original Gin
Ramsay’s Gin
After Shock
Basil Hayden’s
Booker’s Bourbon
Brugal 1888
Brugal Añejo Superior Rum
Brugal Blanco Supremo
Brugal Extra Viejo
Canadian Club
Canadian Club 1858
Cutty Sark
Glen Garioch
Highland Park
Japanese Craft Spirits
Jim Beam range
Knob Creek
Maker’s 46
Maker’s Mark
Naked Malt
Red Stag by Jim Beam
The Ardmore
The Famous Grouse range
The Glenrothes
The Macallan
Benromach Range
Gordon & MacPhail Single Malt
Red Door Gin
The Cairn CRN57
Whitley Neill Gin
Dead Man Fingers
Crabbies Alcoholic Ginger Beer
Samuel Gelston’s Irish Whiskey
Crabbie Single Malt Whisky
Liverpoot Organic Gin
Rum Sixty Six
Beavertown Neck Oil
Birra Moretti
Brixton Coldharbour
Bulmers Cider range
Heineken Range
Inch’s Cider
John Smiths Range
Newcastle Brown Ale
Old Mout range
Orchard Thieves
Savanna Cider
Scrumpy Jack
Stassen Cider
Strongbow range
Symonds Founders Reserve
Tiger Beer
Durbanville Hills
Three Ships
Jagermeister Cold Brew Coffee
Jagermeisterr Manifest
Jagermeister Prost
Big Peat
The Epicurean
Rock Island
Timorous Beatie
Strathearn Single Cask
Yu Gin
Garden Shed Gin
Bache Gabrielson
Bistro Vodka
Rum Malecon
Dictador Rum
Rangers Specialist Gin
Rangers Specialised Dark Rum
Rangers Small Batch Vodka
Rangers Small Batch Gin
Tequila Mockingbird
Chateau Cheval Blanc
Cloudy Bay
Dom Perignon
Moet & Chandon
Veuve Clicquot
Ben Lomond Gin
Champagne Piaff
Glen Scotia
Glen’s Vodka
Loch Lomond Matl Whisky range
Nobel Rebel
Spearhead Whisky
(Brand Owner/Distributor)
As We Get It
Edinburgh Gin
Isle of Skye
London Hill Gin
Pigs Nose
Sheep Dip
Langs Rum
Rostov Vodka
The Six Isles
Watson’s Demerara & Trawler
Caorunn Gin
Cardrona Single Malt
Hankey Bannister
Larsen Cognac
Old Pulteney
Phraya Rum
Source Gin
The Reid Single Malt Vodka
Wee Mongrel Batch One
Experimental Spirit Series
Single Cask Series
Appleshed Cider
Agnes Arber Gin
Bangla Beer
Birra Murano
Budvar Czech Lager
Buen Amigo Tequila
Camden Eazy IPA
Dortmunder Beer
Forged Irish Stout
Iron Wheel Bourbon
Juan De La Costa Rum
Lal Toofan Indian Beer
Lucky Buddha
Moonshine Vodka
Pardal Lager
Abasolo El Whisky De Mexico
Admiral Rodney Rum
Aluna Coconut Rum
Arcane Rum
Arquitecto Tequila
Avallen Calvados
Bounty Rum
Ceylon Arrack
Chairmans Reserve Rum
Clement Rum
Colombo No. 7
Dark Matter Rum
Davna Vodka
Don Q Rum
El Sueño Tequila
Fee Brothers
Kokoro Gin
La Travesia Mezcal
Limoncello Crema
Limoncello Di Capri
Los Arcos Destilado De Agave
Louis Royer Cognac
Mackintosh Blended Whisky
Mezcal Ojo de Tigre
Milk & Honey Whisky
Molinari Sambuca
Pisco Aba
Pokeno Whisky
Portobello Road Gin
Portobello Road Vodka
Rhum JM
Barber’s Gin
Blackwood’s Range
Casa Noble Tequila
Doorley’s Barbados Rum
Dutch Courage Gin
Maxime Trijol Cognac
Mossburn Single Malt
Mozart Chocolate Cream
Rum Chata
Torabhaig Malt Whisky
(Brand Owner/Distributor)
Aspall Cyder
Atlantic Pale Ale
Blue Moon
Bodega Bay
Carling Apple Cider
Carling Black Fruit Cider
Chieftain IPA
Cobra Gluten Free
Cobra Zero
Cold River Cider
King Cobra
Lixir Tonics
Madri Excepcional
Cobra Malabar
Miami Cocktail Co
Miller Genuine Draft
Offshore Pilsner
Sea Fury Special Ale
Sharp’s Doom Bar
Tarquin’s Gin
Twin Fin Rum
100 Pipers
Augier Cognac
Brancott Estate
Bumbu Rum
Campo Viejo
Ceder’s Gin
Chivas Regal
Church Road Wines
Codigo 1530
Del Maguey
George Wyndham Wines
Havana Club
Jacobs Creek
Kenwood Wines
Ki No Bi
Luc Belaire
La Hechicera
Long John
Lot No.40
Malibu Coconut
Martell Cognac
McQueen & The Violet Fog
Method & Madness
Midleton Very Rare
Monkey 47
Mumm Champagne
Olmeca Tequila
Ojo De Tigre
Ostoya Vodka
Pastis 51
Perrier Jouet
Plymouth Gin
Rabbit Hole
Royal Salute Whisky
Seagram’s Gin
Seagrams Whisky
Secret Speyside Range
Smooth Amber
Spot Whiskey
St Hugo Wines
Stoneleigh Wines
TX Whisky
Ungava Gin
Wyborowa Wodka Range
Ysios Wines
Arumdu Rum
Celtic Whisky Distillery
Cocalero Aperitif
Dingle Gin
Dingle Whiskey
Excellia Tequila
FLIRT Vodka - Original, Raspberry
& Vanilla
Fuba Cachaca
Heavens Door Whiskey Range
Hidden Loot Rum
Imaginaria Gin range
La Guilde du Cognac
La Quintinye Vermouth
Le Philtre Vodka
Martin Millers Gin
McConnell’s Irish Whisky
Naud Cognac
Pussers Rum
Stolen X Bourbon
Tequila Creme (mango, lemon, strawberry)
Zubrowka range
Devil’s Staircase - Highland
Drookit Piper - Highland Citrus
Drookit Hoose - Highland Dry
Spirit of the Glen Gin
Pixel Spirits Oak Aged Gin
Carolans Finest
Cazcabel Tequila
Compass Box
Coole Swan
Cut Rum
Evan Williams Bourbon
Four Pillars
El Bandarra
Elijah Craig Bourbon
Larceny Bourbon
Lucky Sod
Legendario Range
Pistonhead Non-alcoholic
Scavi & Ray Prosecco
400 Conejos
1800 Tequila
Boodles Gin
Creyente Mezcal
Gran Coramino Tequila
Gran Centenario Tequila
Great Jones Bourbon
Jose CuervoTequila
Maestro Dobel
Proper No.12
Pendleton Whisky
Reserva De La Familia Tequila
Stranahan’s Whiskey
Tincup Whiskey
Three Olives Vodka
Belle de Brillet
Belle de Brillet
The Botanist
Domaine des Hautes Glaces
Louis XIII range
Mount Gay Rum
Port Charlotte
Remy Martin Cognacs
Hampden Estate Rum
Nikka Whisky
Port Askaig
Ungava Gin
Kerr’s Gin
Kerr’s Navy Strength
Lower East Side
Puffing Billy Steam Vodka
WS:00 Borders New Make
WS:01 Borders Malt & Rye
WS:02 The Long & Short of it
Harveys Sherry
Jura range
The Dalmore range
Whyte & Mackay
The Woodsman
Wildcat Gin
Ailsa Bay
De Kuyper
Grant’s Family Reserve
Hendricks Gin
Monkey Shoulder
Sailor Jerry
Silent Pool Gin
The Balvenie
Three Barrels Brandy
Tullamore Dew
Wood’s Navy Rum
(formerly Hi- Spirits)
Antica Formua
1792 Ridgemont Reserve
Antica Sambuca
Antica Sambuca with flavours
Black Magic
Branca Menta
Broker’s Gin
Buffalo Trace
Caffe Borghetti
Carpano Botanic Bitter
E.H. Taylor, Jr.
Eagle Rare
FRIS Vodka
Jung & Wulff range
Lazzaroni range
Monte Alban
Old Rip Van Winkle
Paddy Irish Whiskey
Peychaud’s Aperitivo
Peychaud’s Bitters
Punt e Mes
Sazerac Rye
Sebor Absinth
Seignette VS Sheep Dog
Southern Comfort
Stagg Jr. 1792
Tequila Rose
Tijuana Sweet Heat