Applying Service Principles to the Student Experience

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Applying Customer Service Principles to the Student Experience – In Search of Purple Goldfish

Dr Andy Clegg University of Chichester Business School

Aims •  Aims –  To apply customer service principles to the delivery of the student experience –  To look at the opportuni9es of using ‘Value Chain Analysis’ and the ‘Student Journey Model’ to deliver high quality student experiences –  Iden9fy your poten9al purple goldfish

Introduction to Customer Service Ac'vity 1: Iden'fy: •  Two situa9ons where you have been impressed by the quality of customer service and experience •  Two situa9ons where you have been disappointed by the quality of customer service and experience •  For what specific reasons has the customer service been good or bad? What were the purple goldfish?

Service Dimensions •  Tangibles: The appearance of physical facilities; equipment and personnel •  Reliability: Ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately •  Responsiveness: Willingness to help customers and provide prompt service •  Assurance: Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence •  Empathy: Caring, individualised attention the provides its customers [Source: Zeithaml et al, 1993]

Service Dimensions Tangibles [Look sharp!]

Empathy [Care about customers as much as the service!]

Reliability [Just do it!]

11 32


19 Assurance [Know what you are doing!]

22 Responsiveness [Do it now!]

Introduction to Customer Service Key Themes to Consider •  What is quality, experience, excellence? •  When measuring the quality of a product or service product or service what do you consider? •  Does the expecta<on of quality/experience differ depending on the type of product/sector/audience? •  How does the character of the industry/product influence service excellence? •  The emphasis on service excellence and experience is designed to meet what wider goals?

Defining Quality Interna'onal Organisa'on for Standardisa'on Quality: ‘the totality of features and characteris9cs of a product or service that bears on its ability to sa9sfy stated or implied needs’

Defining Quality Interna'onal Organisa'on for Standardisa'on Quality: ‘the totality of features and characteris9cs of a product or service that bears on its ability to sa9sfy stated or implied needs’

Defining Quality Interna'onal Organisa'on for Standardisa'on


noun the whole of something. ‘the totality of their current policies’ Synonyms: entirety, entireness, wholeness, completeness, inclusiveness, unity

Defining Quality Interna'onal Organisa'on for Standardisa'on




characterized by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.

Quality as a Management Tool Increasing Customer Expectations POTENTIAL AUGMENTED EXPECTED Excellence gap


Market Leadership gap High

Levels of service

The Experience Economy

Transformations Guide

Experiences Stage

Services Deliver

Good Make

Commodities Extract

[Source: Pine and Gilmore, 1997]

The Experience Economy




Passive Participant

Active Participant Esthetic



The Experience Economy Customer Participation




Passive Participant

Active Participant Esthetic



The Experience Economy




Passive Participant

Active Participant Esthetic


Customer Connection Immersion

The Experience Economy

Entertainment ‘to sense’

Education ‘to learn’

•  •

Improves the participant's mood/experience absorbed through senses Participation can be passive and/or active Can be added to other realms to improve Entertainment experiential quality

Esthetic ‘to be there’ •  •


Enriches participant through improved design, comfort and beauty of space and furnishings Immersion in the event or environment but having little impact on it

Expands participant's knowledge and/or skills •  Participation is active •  Can be fused with education to create Educational "edutainment."

Escapist ‘to do’ Escapist

•  •

Participation tends to be active Participant tends to be actor in the performance

The Experience Economy

The Branded Customer Experience

Profitable growth Branded experience Predictable experience Random experience • Inconsistent • Unintentional

• Consistent • Intentional • Not differentiated • Not valuable

• Consistent • Intentional • Differentiated • Valuable

• The goal

A Strategic Approach

What is it we want?

Stage 1 Mission and goals

Where are we now? Competitors External environment Internal environment

Where do we want to go? Market penetration Greater customer focus

How do we get there?

Stage 2 Analysis of business situation (SWOT) Stage 3 Objectives Stage 4 Strategy

How are we doing?

Market research Market characteristics

Stage 5 Monitoring and evaluation

Quality service Product development

A Strategic Approach Student Relationship

Prosperity Customisation & Focus The Business School differentiates itself by providing a supportive environment in which students have an identity, are equipped to learn and encouraged to exceed their individual expectations


Value Proposition


Quality of Learning

Course Content & Structure Effectiveness of Teaching

Value Chain Analysis Life Experience

Creating Awareness

Accommod’n Quality & Social Variety

Course Content & Availability

First Experience

Decision Making Support

Environment Sports and Social Accommodation

Decision Making Support

Academic Experience

Leaving & Post University Contact

Year 1 ‘Learn to learn’ Year 2 ‘Engage with content’ Year 3 ‘Develop the professional’

We should recognise that parents are influential in the decision-making process and evaluate the potential ‘Life Experience’

A Strategic Approach

The Service Excellence Model

Deliver the Promise

Go the Extra Mile

Service Excellence

Provide the Personal Touch

Resolve Problems Well

A Strategic Approach Reputation for Service Excellence Committed staff

A service culture

A service personality

Customerfocussed systems

Easy to do business with

Financial benefits

Introduction to Customer Service Ac'vity 2: •  In groups iden9fy how the service excellence model relates to the student experience in your area

A Strategic Approach

The Service Excellence Model

Deliver the Promise

Go the Extra Mile

Service Excellence

Provide the Personal Touch

Resolve Problems Well

Customer Journey Mapping Visitor Journey Model Student Journey Model

Before – During - After

The Student Journey Model

The Student Journey Model

As part of the application process, students will embark on a number of separate journeys

The Student Journey Model

Value Chain Analysis

Introduction to Customer Service Ac'vity 3: •  In small groups, use either the Value Chain Analysis framework or the Student Journey Model to examine elements of your current provision, that underpin the quality of the student experience •  Use two different colours to highlight posi9ve areas of provision and ac9on (strengths/opportuni9es) and nega9ve areas of provision and ac9on (weaknesses/threats)

Why Purple Goldfish?

Differentiation through Experience

Purple Goldfish

•  Giving Little Unexpected Extras

Customer Journey Mapping •  Touchpoint or service point mapping – key points of customer interaction and their expectations at each point •  Critical success factors for the customer and organisations at each point •  What the organisation can influence and how this is affected by policies and procedures •  Moments of truth – key points in the journey that define the overall experience both positively and negatively

In Practice What makes “service” consistent?


•  15 Steps Guest Journey •  Touch Point for each step •  Defined the attitude / the way of Leaving

• Define the process to complete the task • The way of Doing

Key Standards

Consistent Delivery

Steps from Concept to Delivery • Key Standards established as per “Identity / Concept” to be checked against

Product Concept


Interactive Training

Touch points

Key Standards

Task Training

Consistent Delivery


Training •  Interactive to create the attitude •  On the job for consistency

Applying Customer Service Principles to the Student Experience – In Search of Purple Goldfish

Dr Andy Clegg University of Chichester Business School

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