Heady Times Fall 2017

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Delivering Excellence Seasonals Rethinking Retail New Products Programs D O G F I S H H E A D ’ S S A M C A L A G I O N E | FA L L S E L E C T I O N S | R E T H I N K YO U R R E TA I L S T R AT E G I E S

Letter toTHE TRADE Rethinking Retail Replaces Heady Times’ “The Beer Guy” Heady Times’ number one mission is to help you sell more beer, so we are going to change things up a bit. Our regular feature, The Beer Guy, is now Rethinking Retail – a series of articles, podcasts and online tools you can use to increase profits.


ENNSYLVANIA’S BEER LAWS HAVE CHANGED DRASTICALLY and those who adapt to those changes will thrive. That’s the message of our first Rethinking Retail article “Industry Analyst Bump Williams Explains Why Now is the Time to ‘Rethink’ Your Retail Strategies”. It’s basically a conversation between Williams and Origlio’s Off-Premise Chain & Space Planning Manager Bob Sokel on the value of making incremental changes, starting with shelf sets. Why begin with shelf sets? Property Brothers, a ‘before & after’ show on HGTV, illustrates the point. Brothers Jonathan and Drew Scott transform fixer-uppers into dream homes that maximize the potential of the space. Essentially, they see through the clutter and make the space work for the homeowners.

In This ISSUE Delivering the Taste of Excellence ��������������� 1 Cover Story ������������������������� 2 Brewer Highlight ����������������� 4 The Beverage Zone �������������� 5 Byrne’s Tavern �������������������� 6 New Products ��������������������� 7

Origlio’s Bob Sokel is our before & after shelf set specialist. Sokel says that home makeovers and retail shelf sets have a lot in common. Good shelf sets, the kind that entice customers to make impulse purchases and not just point them to things on their shopping list, require planning and constant maintenance. He explains, “Selling is hard. Good retailers try to carry all the products and all the packages their customers want, but unless merchandise is strategically put on the shelves in a way that gets those extra impulse purchases, the retailer is leaving money on the table.”

Programs ������������������������� 22

Why do shelf sets sell more beer? This is Bump Williams’s explanation in a nutshell.

Rethinking Retail �������������� 29

Seasonal Selections ���������� 10 Available Year-Round Perfect for the Season ������� 21

• We all have 20% less leisure time now than 17 years ago. • Because we have less time, people want fast, quick and easy. • Choosing – making decisions at retail, is a burden. • Customers want you to make it easier for them to choose. •S helf sets with a curated selection of products and packages create a pleasant shopping experience, and when that happens, impulse purchases increase. Now you know why shelf sets are important. The next step is figuring out which configurations work for your current customers and attract new customers. No matter what kind of license you hold – Distributor, Tavern, Restaurant or Grocery, easy access to products and packages enhances customer loyalty and increases revenue. Why not work with your Origlio Beverage representative on a plan for your business? And please check out the Retailer Resources section of our website, origlio.com, for suggested shelf-set planograms. As Mark Twain said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” Sincerely,

Dominic Origlio President

Web ordering is now available to all Origlio Beverage customers. To place your beer order online, contact your Origlio sales rep today! To receive weekly emails of upcoming releases from Origlio Beverage, please send your email address and the name of your account to socialmedia@origlio.com or text ORIGLIOBLAST to 22828.


Heady Times is published five times a year, courtesy of Origlio Beverage.

DeliveringTHE TASTE OF EXCELLENCE Find Out More About Origlio’s Employees Stephen LoPresti

Delivery Service Representative How long have you been with Origlio Beverage? This is my 28th year with the company. What area/s do you service? I currently deliver to any distributor, on any given day, in any of the five counties that Origlio services. How do you provide the best service to customers? I like to troubleshoot any orders that I can, prior to leaving the warehouse. I also check each and every order, case by case and pallet by pallet, at the time of delivery. And I am happy to assist with the unloading. What do you like to do in your spare time? I enjoy spending time with my wife and two sons, gardening and chillin’ out on the lake, fishing.

Fred Gross

Senior Director of Marketing How long have you been with Origlio Beverage? 10 years. Prior to that, I called on Origlio from the supplier/brewery side for nine years. What positions have you held within the company? Brand Marketing Manager, Director of Business Development and my current position, Sr. Director of Marketing. What does your job entail? My team and I manage supplier relationships, financial planning, marketing and forecasting. We work closely on everything from budgeting and pricing to local media, sponsorships and promotional activity. What do you like most about your job? I enjoy building working relationships with all of our supplier partners and I like the challenge of being the conduit for all departments (sales, operations, finance) for our suppliers. What does it take to be a top-notch marketing director? Experience – overall marketing and industry knowledge. I truly believe having 25+ years of experience working in all three tiers (retail, wholesale and supplier/manufacture) of this industry gives me a great understanding and perspective to make thoughtful decisions. What do you like to do when you’re not working? I enjoy spending time with my family, which includes my wife Jen and my two daughters Carly (14) and Emmy (12). My weekends are usually filled supporting whatever activities they are involved in – soccer, field hockey, dance, girl scouts and student council.

If you could be anywhere drinking any beer, where would you be and what beer would be in your hand? I would be relaxing by a lake, surrounded by friends and family, enjoying one of Origlio’s many great brands.

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CoverSTORY Redd’s is Rockin’ Again Hot New Flavors, Blueberry & Raspberry, Reignite Interest in This “Crisp Like an Apple” MillerCoors Game Changer In 2015 MillerCoors knocked it out of the park with the debut of Redd’s Apple Ale. Nielsen proclaimed it a “Breakthrough Innovation Winner” and it quickly became the nation’s best-selling six-pack in grocery and convenience stores like Harris Teeter and Seven-Eleven. The brewery couldn’t make it fast enough. Marketing Director Daniel Warhaftig riffs on Redd’s renewed success and explains why it raises the ring at your register by 14%.


e set out to make something different for beer drinkers who grew up with lots of flavor choices,” explains Warhaftig. “The beer drinkers we are talking about are the men and women who enjoy American light lagers. It had to be sessionable [5% ABV or less], and not as sweet as an FMB [Flavored Malt Beverage]. We worked really hard on the liquid. Nobody was doing apple in the beer aisle. And we knew that apple is a favorite, even nostalgic, flavor for consumers. Who didn’t drink apple juice as a kid?” Perfecting the liquid really paid off. Redd’s is a golden ale (not a cider) with a crisp apple flavor and clean, refreshing finish. The flavor captured the attention of millennial American light lager drinkers who are always looking for something new, usually with a touch of sweetness, but not so sweet that they can’t enjoy more than one. But Redd’s Apple Ale found fans among non-beer drinkers as well. Warhaftig explains, “We took a close look at who was drinking Redd’s and found out that non-beer drinkers were big fans too… folks who identify themselves as wine & spirits drinkers and others who enjoy shandies, teas and FMBs. Men and women drink Redd’s and it’s popular in Hispanic and LGBT communities. The big takeaway here is that Redd’s appeals to everyone at the party. And best of all, consumers buy Redd’s in addition to – not instead of, their usual light lager. Since Redd’s sells at above premium pricing, the ring at the register goes up by about 14%.” But even “Breakthrough Innovation Winners” like Redd’s have to keep the lineup fresh. The new flavors, Redd’s Blueberry Ale and Redd’s Raspberry Ale, have sparked consumer interest in original Redd’s Apple Ale and driving trial across the


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entire portfolio. “The new flavors have absolutely reignited interest in Redd’s,” says Warhaftg. “Blueberry is a hot flavor now and the feedback we get on the taste of the Raspberry has been tremendous. Consumers love it. The new flavors are doing very well, but original Redd’s Apple remains the best-selling flavor.” There is no doubt that the introduction of new flavors improves sales. But even the sales professionals at MillerCoors were surprised by the huge lift in sales when all three flavors of Redd’s (in any package configuration) are grouped together. “We know that Redd’s six-packs displayed together rev up sales by 19%.” That is an amazing statistic. Warhaftig commented, “It proves that shelf sets matter and have a dramatic effect on sales.” MillerCoors has breathed new life into Redd’s. But the company isn’t banking on new flavors alone to win back customers. This fall, Redd’s returns to TV with “wicked” funny commercials on TBS, FX, NBC and other networks. These commercials and corresponding social media campaigns reach 84% of men ages 21 to 34. All the advertising connects with millennial men where they are spending their time digitally. Sounds like Redd’s is going to hit it out of the park again.


The power of the perfect facing. Sales velocity doubles when two Redd’s flavors in 24 oz. single-serve cans are sold together. By adding a third flavor to the facing, sales increase by 54%. How about a revenue raiser? Customers who buy Redd’s Wicked in 24 oz. single-serve cans buy about 1.5 packages per trip. You can drive more sales by offering a “2-for” price, where permitted by law.

Redd’s Apple Ale Redd’s Apple Ale now comes in a new, re-sealable aluminum pint bottle, a package consumers really love.

Warhaftig on Redd’s Wicked (ABV 8%) With “just the right amount of wrong” to jump start the night for a killer good time, Redd’s Wicked, available in Apple, Mango, Black Cherry and Blood Orange (the fall seasonal available September 1st), gives flavor-seeking millennials the ‘beer + fruit’ choice they are looking for. And Redd’s Wicked makes double the margin of Bud Light Lime-a-Ritas in half the space.

Redd’s Blueberry and Raspberry Ales Hot, new flavors Blueberry and Raspberry are permanent additions to the Redd’s family.

Redd’s Black Cherry Ale Fall’s “Limited Pick” is Redd’s Black Cherry. Redd’s offers millennials the variety they crave without subjecting you to SKUmageddon.

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BrewerHIGHLIGHT Dogfish Head Founder Sam Calagione & His Brewery’s One-two Punch Approach to Brewing By definition, a one-two punch is an especially forceful or effective combination of things. It’s a boxing metaphor. But damn, it really applies to Sam and his brewery.


HILE MANY CRAFT BREWERIES LOSE THEIR CREATIVE edge, Dogfish Head (DFH) leads with a left jab followed by a right cross that always lands their beers squarely on the mark. “It’s about being a creative brewery first [jab] and a commercial brewery second [cross],” Calagione says when asked why after 22 years in the business Dogfish Head remains an influential, ground-breaking brewery. Then in rapid fire succession he continues. “It’s passion first [jab] and profit second [cross], then hiring people who get that.” This spring, Calagione was named a James Beard award winner, an honor which recognizes individuals whose innovative work pushes the culinary envelope, effectively changing the food & beverage landscape. Perhaps not so coincidentally, on the very day Heady Times asked this brewer-distiller-restaurateur to list 10 things we might not know about him and his brewery, the newspaper USA Today published an article about DFH SeaQuench Ale – because it’s innovative.

Here are 10 things Sam Calagione wants you to know about him and his brewery. 1. D FH SeaQuench Ale, a delicious lime and sea salt-infused beer with an ABV of 4.9%, is a hybrid of three German beer styles – kölsch, Berliner weiss and gose. It is the only beer that can legitimately claim to be hydrating like a sports drink, a fact verified by the folks at Sports Science Insights, the National Aquarium and chemists like Matt Hartly, who teaches at American University. 2. SeaQuench Ale is Men’s Health magazine editor’s choice for the best-tasting, low calorie beer. The lime and salt make it a great companion to Mexican food. 3. T he continuous hopping of DFH 60/90/120 Minute IPAs is an adaptation of a soup-making technique. All of Sam’s beers are culinary inspired. That’s why DFH beers are extra good with food. 4. L ots of his beers are “firsts”: Aprihop, the first fruited IPA; Festina Pêche, the first nationally distributed fruited sour and Raison d’Etre, the first time he was “vilified” for putting ingredients like raisins and maple syrup into a Belgian-style ale. 5. F or Sam and company, original music and original beer go hand-inhand, so when he opened his brewpub/restaurant in Rehoboth, DE, he only hired bands that played their own songs. 6. H is most recent musically-inspired beer series is called Alternate Takes. 4

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7. T he only pumpkin beer older than DFH Punkin (still brewed according to the recipe that Sam created as a homebrewer back in 1993) is Buffalo Bill’s. While many pumpkin beers are falling off the radar screen, Punkin Ale is still on a tear. 8. S am never really retires any beers. “They are all our children. We don’t kill them, but we may send them away to military school for a while.” Look for 61 Minute, Indian Brown Ale and 90 Minute in a mixed winter pack called IPAs for the Holidays. 9. F lesh & Blood and SeaQuench are the fastest growing brands in DFH’s history. 10. S am just spent millions to renovate their original place, the brewpub in Rehoboth. More money was spent on their new stage than on their first brewing system!

Off-PremiseSPOTLIGHT The Beverage Zone


IGGER DOESN’T ALWAYS MEAN BETTER AND BEVERAGE ZONE in Fairless Hills is proof of that. The 1400 square-foot distributor has been serving Bucks County beer drinkers for 20 years! Owners and brothers Michael and Adam Lerro, along with store manager Sean Foley, who all have backgrounds in restaurant management, run this thriving store, where for two decades, customer service is the one thing that has remained constant. Heady Times (HT): What prompted you to open a distributer all those years ago?

Co-owner Adam Lerro (left) with store manager Sean Foley

Adam Lerro (AL): Well, the honest answer is, on Christmas Eve 1996, I ran out of beer. I turned to my brother and said, ‘this would never happen if I owned a distributor.’ No kidding, two days later, my uncle told me there was a distributor for sale. It was super intriguing, so I asked my brother if he wanted to venture into business together and here we are, 20 years later. HT: I’ll bet you’re glad you ran out of beer now! How has your restaurant experience helped you at retail? AL: I would say that organization is key and customer service matters more than anything else. HT: Which industry changes have had the most impact on your business? AL: Six pack and single sales – in a good way, but it took a lot of work to make the store conducive to the sale of all these packages. We knew there was no way we could carry the variety of beer we wanted to without coming up with a solution to best utilize the space. So, I went home and got to work. I created custom shelving that allows full cases to be stacked on the floor with six and 12 packs on top. Customers are able to see everything we carry very clearly. The store is small, but it’s shoppable, well lit and clean. We also had the cooler doors installed, which allow us to keep many of our six packs, single serves and some 12 packs cold. Being able to sell six packs has been huge for us. It’s hard for people to justify the cost of an entire case of specialty beer, but a six pack is affordable. We’ve also noticed that for many, six packs are add-on purchases. And, being so close to Sesame Place, we are fairly certain that the six packs will go fast this summer*. Last year, a lot of people came in looking for six packs to take back to their hotel after a day at the theme park. We had to turn them away and it sucked… not this year! HT: For a small store, you have a lot of inventory. How do you choose the products you carry? AL: Yeah, we offer about 1000 SKUs. We carry what our customers ask for. Sean Foley (SF): IPAs and seasonals sell really well, especially in the summer and fall months. In September and October lots of customers come in looking for authentic German Oktoberfests.

HT: There is lots of competition in this area. What makes Beverage Zone stand out? AL: Well, it’s definitely not the size. It’s our service for sure. I know a lot of companies claim to offer the best customer service, but we really do. We know so many of our customers by name and what they like. Our regulars don’t even pass the counter. They come in, ask for what they want – in some cases we already know – and we get it, and bring it to their cars. You’ll find Sean chatting with customers all the time. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to be friendly and courteous to your customers. It’s what keeps them coming back and what has kept us in business all of these years. SF: We also offer home delivery, which is rare for a distributor. It’s a great service for people who have trouble getting around and it’s also really convenient for parties. We’ll even set up the kegs on ice and tap them. We call it door to pour service. People love it.

AL: We choose a lot of the beers we carry based on the name and the graphics. If they look cool, sound appealing and the brewery is reputable, they will usually sell. *This interview was conducted in early June. Thebeveragezone.com • 198 Lincoln Hwy., Fairless Hills, PA • 215-949-9903 www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.95


On-PremiseSPOTLIGHT Byrne’s Tavern


OR 39 YEARS, BYRNE’S TAVERN, LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF Richmond and Westmoreland Streets in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia has thrived, thanks to the leadership of owner Frank Byrne. Keeping any business’s doors open for 39 years can be a challenge, but Byrne has not only adapted to the evolving beer industry, he’s accepted the challenge, and excelled. What was once a watering hole for locals, who spent their days working at the bustling shipping port, Byrne’s Tavern is now a familyfriendly establishment known for its perfect Guinness pour and famous chicken wings. Heady Times (HT): Congrats on 39 years in business! That’s quite an accomplishment. How have things changed during that time? Frank Byrne (FB): Well, I started on June 14th 1978. The previous owners only offered Schmidt’s and Ortlieb’s on tap. Of course that made sense because both breweries were local. I put Coors on soon after taking over, and we began to evolve, trying different styles. We used to have only four beers on tap, but we’ve expanded to eight. We also stock 55 different craft beer selections in bottles and cans. Obviously Schmidt’s and Ortlieb’s are no more, but we have Yuengling, Harp and Guinness. We offer a great selection.

Frank Byrne, owner of Byrne’s Tavern

HT: Why did you choose to expand your beer selection? FB: The customers were asking for more variety. We had to progress, you can’t just sit back. So I paid attention to what the customers were asking for. That’s even more important today because of the tremendous selection of craft and seasonal beers. HT: How has your customer base evolved over time? FB: Well, in 1978, my dear friend Huey – who was my only employee when I first started here – would get here by 7:00 AM. Back then, you had thousands of people just getting off their shifts at the grain elevator down the street, or the coal works. There were two lumber companies and eight trucking companies. After they were done with their workday, they’d all come here for a drink. So we’d be busy at 7:00 in the morning. Sadly, those days are gone. HT: You must have had to increase your staff beyond you and Huey very quickly. FB: Yes, I did. Huey and I used to work at Cavanaugh’s together. This bar was Strukie’s for 45 years, and when Mr. Struk passed, his two daughters decided to sell it. I took a chance. It was just Huey and I to start, now we have a staff of 28, which includes my sister, who handles all the logistics, paperwork and hiring. I wouldn’t be able to do it without her.

That’s what it’s all about. Consistency, in everything we do, is so important. Take our chicken wings for example. It took me six months to come up with the recipe. Once we found one we liked, we stuck with it. We don’t do fifteen different sauces, we do one and we make it right. Now we sell nearly 2,500 pounds of fresh wings a week! No frozen product and we cut them ourselves. When we commit to something, the consistency and the quality is there. You can’t always be perfect, but we strive for it every day.

HT: We’ve heard that Byrne’s Tavern is known for their perfect Guinness pour and amazing wings. FB: Yes, we are. Guinness is very supportive of us. The reps come out to show our staff how to pour the perfect pint. We get compliments on it all the time. You don’t just draw it and throw it in front of somebody. A good Guinness takes time. Byrnestavern.net • 3301 Richmond Street, Philadelphia, PA • 215-423-3444 6

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NewPRODUCTS Ballast Point Brewing Co. Ballast Point is excited to partner with Origlio in Philadelphia as their new distributor. Philly was the first city that Ballast Point traveled to outside of San Diego. They look forward to growing their business in the City of Brotherly Love. Started in 1996 by a small group of homebrewers in San Diego, Ballast Point Brewing Co. explores new tastes and techniques to create the perfect balance of taste and aroma. From developing a proprietary yeast for their amber ale to creating the breakthrough gold medalwinning Sculpin IPA, Ballast Point is dedicated to the craft of brewing beers for all to enjoy.

Ballast Point Sculpin IPA Sculpin IPA is a trophy beer that’s a testament to Ballast Point’s homebrew roots and a great example of what got them into brewing in the first place. After years of experimenting, they knew hopping an ale at five separate stages would produce something special. The result ended up being this gold medal-winning IPA, whose inspired use of hops creates hints of apricot, peach, mango and lemon flavors, but still packs a bit of a sting, just like a Sculpin fish. ABV: 7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point Grapefruit Sculpin Some may say there are few ways to improve Sculpin’s unique flavor, but the tart freshness of grapefruit perfectly complements the award-winning IPA’s citrusy hop character. Grapefruit’s a winter fruit, but this easy-drinking ale tastes like summer. ABV: 7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point Pineapple Sculpin A tropical take on a tried-and-true favorite, Pineapple Sculpin IPA came from one of many small-batch cask experiments to enhance the flavor of the brewery’s signature IPA. With so many tropical hop notes in Sculpin, how could they not try adding some sweet, juicy pineapple? The combination of fruity flavors and hop intensity definitely packs a punch. ABV: 7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point Big Eye IPA The beer that helped put San Diego IPAs on the map, Big Eye IPA is a big hoppy brew, thanks to the abundance of American Columbus and Centennial varieties used to flavor and dry hop. While the English originally added extra hops to preserve their beers for sea travel, Ballast Point does it for the love of all that bold, intense flavor that makes IPAs a favorite style. ABV: 7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point Bonito Blonde Ale An approachable beer with some substance, Bonito is inspired by California’s perma-sunny days. This brew draws you in with its golden color and soft malt character, while the light mouth feel and dry finish keeps you coming back. And what would set a San Diego blonde apart? A subtle hint of hops, naturally. ABV: 4.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point Manta Ray Double IPA Aromas of fresh, citrusy tangerine, melon and light pine leap from the beer and linger over a smooth finish. Like its namesake, this double IPA can sneak up on you. It’s a big beer without a bite. ABV: 8.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point Longfin Lager A classic German-style beer brewed in San Diego, Longfin Lager is a solidly balanced Helles that finishes clean, with a hint of hops. It would easily fit in at any German beer garden, but it’s perfect for enjoying on the beach, the boat or anywhere else you can put an ice chest full of beer. ABV: 4.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

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NewPRODUCTS Ballast Point Even Keel Session IPA A flavorful ale that keeps you balanced, Even Keel is a hoppy, session IPA designed for smooth sailing. A full-flavored beer with a silky malt backbone and a bright hop profile of herbs and citrus, it packs all the taste of an IPA in a sessionable alcohol content. This ale is perfect for leisurely days on the water, when all you want are a few beers and a level ride. ABV: 3.8% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point Mango Even Keel The perfect balance of fruit and hops, Mango Even Keel is the ideal beer for easy drinking. This hoppy, session ale gets a flavor boost from mango, which perfectly plays off the citrusy hop bouquet. With fruit, hops and a low ABV, this beer truly is on another level. ABV: 3.8% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point Grunion Pale Ale This award-winning hoppy pale ale is named after the tiny local fish known for late night frolics on shore. A pair of new hop varieties lend strong, yet balanced summer melon aromas and herbal flavors, while a soft caramel malt sweetness holds it all together. ABV: 5.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point Watermelon Dorado This double IPA is not one to back down from big flavors. Mash, kettle and dry hopping blend to create a huge hop profile that is balanced with a blast of watermelon. The result is a refreshing brew that is all summer and no seeds. ABV: 10% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point Sea Rose Sea Rose is a tart, cherry, wheat ale that is light and clean. Fresh cherry juice adds a soft, coral color and fruity nose that gives way to a dry, slightly tart finish. It’s approachable, yet unexpected – exactly what Ballast Point loves to brew. ABV: 4% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: Now, year‑round


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Ballast Point California Kölsch The beer that launched Ballast Point, California Kölsch is a rich golden brew, crafted with aromatic German hops and rounded out with a blend of American and Munich malts. While it’s hopped like a lager, it is fermented like an ale to create a smooth, bright taste that has just a hint of fruit and spice. It’s extremely drinkable, like a Kölsch should be, yet complex, like a good craft beer demands. ABV: 5.2% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point California Amber California Amber takes its inspiration from traditional English ESBs. Four types of malt give it a bold complexity, while the brewery’s proprietary yeast strain lends a fruity, madeira-like richness. However, it’s the American hops that give this ale a distinct bite and floral aroma that have earned it just about every major beer medal. ABV: 5.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point The Commodore Strong flavors of roast coffee and bittersweet chocolate balance with light, citrusy hop aromas, highlighted by a crisp, bitter finish. One sip of this gold medal-winning stout will have you ready to take command of your own fleet. ABV: 6.5% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: Now, year-round

Ballast Point Sculpin IPA Variety The Sculpin IPA Variety includes: Ballast Point Sculpin IPA, Grapefruit Sculpin IPA and Pineapple Sculpin IPA. Availability: Now, year‑round

Ballast Point Variety 12 Pack The Ballast Point Variety 12 Pack includes: Sculpin IPA, California Kölsch, Grunion Pale Ale and Sea Rose Tart Cherry Wheat Ale. Availability: Now, year‑round

Blue Moon Mango Wheat This fall, Blue Moon has a new, year‑round tropical release – Mango Wheat Brewer’s Select! This refreshing, mildly sweet ale has a ripe mango flavor balanced with a biscuity malt sweetness and hints of honey. ABV: 5.4% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: Year‑round, beginning in September

NewPRODUCTS Strongbow Artisanal Blend

Abita 30° 90°

Artisanal Blend will be joining the Strongbow lineup of flavors this fall! This hard cider provides the crisp taste of heirloom apples in every sip. These heirloom apples are cold-pressed and blended together to craft a naturally refreshing, semi-sweet hard cider. Like the other Strongbow flavors, Artisanal Blend is gluten free. ABV: 6% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: Year‑round, beginning in September

New Orleans is located at latitude 30° north, longitude 90° west. This is the most geographically accurate location of the finest food, music and round-the-clock good times on earth. Abita created 30° 90° to celebrate the way they love to live in New Orleans. ABV: 4.5% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Year‑round, beginning in September

Cape May Cans

Paulaner Weizen-Radler

Two of Cape May’s year‑round favorites are now available in cans! Cape May IPA, a slightly bitter American IPA loaded with a hop blend that provides the floral and citrus notes and Coastal Evacuation, a double IPA made with copious amounts of Centennial hops that dominate the flavor from start to finish, are both available in 12 oz. cans, as well as draught, now, all year long! Cape May’s fall seasonals, Mop Water and City to Shore will also be available in cans in August. Availability: Now, in limited quantities, year‑round

This mix is in a class of its own. WeizenRadler combines the great taste of Paulaner Hefe-Weizen with natural, effervescent lemonade for a non-alcoholic alternative that has a refreshingly fruity, yet malty taste. The citrus notes of lime, orange and lemon match the wheat beer perfectly and provide a uniquely balanced taste experience. ABV: 0.5% Package: 11.2 oz. bottles only Availability: Now, year‑round

Angry Orchard Pear

Fürstenberg Premium Pilsener

AO Pear is delicately crafted to highlight the mellow sweetness of pears. Using apples and pears grown in the U.S., this hard cider blends ripe pear taste, with crisp apple notes, for a well-rounded and smooth taste. ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: Year‑round, beginning in September

The long tradition of Fürstenberg Premium Pilsener goes all the way back to Brewmaster Josef Munz, who brewed one of the first pilsner-style beers in Germany in the late 19th century. Today, Fürstenberg still brews Premium Pilsener based on the original recipe of the past using yeast that is specially developed by the brewery, the best brewing malt from the region and a special combination of Hallertau and Tettnang hops for a characteristic aroma and unique bitter notes. ABV: 4.8% Package: Draught only Availability: Now, year‑round

Shiner Golden Ale Dry hopped with Mosaic hops, this light-bodied ale has a unique, tropical aroma and a flavor that’s balanced by sweetness from the malt. It’s not the kind of gold you keep in a safe… unless your safe is also a cooler. ABV: 4.6% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: Year‑round, beginning in September

1911 Hard Cider Can Variety Pack 1911’s can variety 12 pack includes: Original, Raspberry and Grapefruit hard ciders. Enjoy the orchard’s top picks – from tree to can – all made from 100% fresh pressed apple cider. Availability: Now, year‑round

Peak Ginger Saison Previously available as a seasonal, Ginger Saison will soon be available year‑round. This is Peak’s saison with hints of spice and fruit from the Belgian yeast. Fresh ginger from farms in Western Massachusetts provides a spicy, yet refreshing burst of flavor. ABV: 4.7% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Year‑round, beginning in August www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.95


SeasonalSELECTIONS When Demand Exceeds Supply Many of our craft seasonal and specialty releases are available in limited or extremely limited quantities. Breweries only produce a certain amount of their specialty beers and Origlio does all they can to get as much product as possible. In addition, this publication is compiled months prior to the decision made by the brewery to allocate their products to the wholesaler. Variations in production for some of these limited release offerings will fluctuate, resulting in lower quantities than anticipated. If you are interested in something you see in this publication and it is out of stock when you place your order, please contact your Origlio Sales Representative to discuss a similar option. Origlio also sends out an email blast weekly to inform customers of seasonal offerings that are widely available to you, immediately. If you are interested in receiving the weekly email blast, please send your email address to socialmedia@origlio.com.

Guinness 200th Anniversary Export Stout Guinness is celebrating 200 years of rich history with this commemorative, limited edition, Export Stout. Smooth and robust, with a deep roasted character, this stout is brewed with black patent malt and inspired by the first Guinness import to America in 1817. ABV: 6% Package: 11.2 oz. bottles only Availability: September

Guinness Gilroy Cans This fall, to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of Guinness in America, limited edition Gilroy cans, with the never before seen U.S. Guinness campaigns of the 1950s, will be available! Package: 14.9 oz. cans only Availability: September

Smirnoff Ice Variety Pack Football Edition Score big with this footballthemed, 12 pack fall variety, which includes four favorite Smirnoff Ice flavors: Original, Strawberry, Grape and Raspberry. Availability: August

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Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale Harvest Pumpkin Ale returns with the autumn flavors we’ve all grown to love. It’s crafted with real pumpkin and harvest spices including cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and allspice for a taste all will enjoy. ABV: 5.7% Availability: August Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught

Blue Moon Share Pack The new Blue Moon Share Pack includes three approachable wheat beers: Blue Moon Belgian White, Mango Wheat and Pacific Apricot Wheat. Availability: September

Redd’s Limited Pick Black Cherry Ale Redd’s “Limited Pick” flavor for the fall is Black Cherry. This copper-colored ale has a moderate overall flavor of sweet cherry with woody tones, balanced with the signature Redd’s apple flavor. ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: September

Redd’s Wicked Blood Orange Redd’s Wicked Blood Orange brings a unique flavor profile – orange with a kick. Blood oranges taste similar to regular oranges, but slightly more bitter and less acidic. Wicked Blood Orange includes a slight hint of bitters, making it the perfect drink to transition into fall. ABV: 8% Packages: 10 and 24 oz. cans Availability: September

Yuengling Oktoberfest Brewed each year as an homage to the brewery’s German heritage, Yuengling Oktoberfest is a true representation of the style. Made with a blend of Tettnang and Hallertau hops, this coppercolored, medium-bodied beer serves up a slightly sweet, toasted character and mild herbal bitterness. ABV: 5.4% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

SeasonalSELECTIONS Samuel Adams Octoberfest

Twisted Tea Frosted Cherry

In 1810, the Oktoberfest tradition was born when Munich celebrated the Crown Prince’s wedding with a special beer and 16-day party. Sam Adams’ take on the style blends hearty malts for a deep, smooth flavor with notes of caramel – perfect for the season, or whatever you’re celebrating. ABV: 5.3% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

Real iced tea taste with notes of black cherry, Frosted Cherry is perfect for the cooler months. ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: August

Samuel Adams Harvest Hefe This beer puts a seasonal twist on a traditional hefeweizen, with the addition of warming fall flavors. Aromatic notes of cinnamon and nutmeg complement the slightly sweet and clove flavors, characteristic of the style, making for a bright, spiced beer that’s perfect for fall. ABV: 5.4% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Samuel Adams Beers of Fall Variety Pack

Jack-O Traveler Back for its fifth year, Jack-O Traveler is an alluring wheat beer illuminated by the tastes of fall. It strikes a perfect balance between bright refreshment and seasonal spice. Made with real pumpkin for a delicious dark-hued, shandy-inspired beer, Jack-O Traveler was named a top 5 seasonal beer in PA in 2016 by IRI Total Pennsylvania and this year it will be available in 12 pack cans for the first time! ABV: 4.4% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

Sam Adams fall variety includes: Boston Lager, Octoberfest and exclusive to this mix pack, 20 Pounds of Pumpkin, Black Lager, Maple Red and new Honey Rye Pale Ale. Availability: August

Samuel Adams Fall Can Variety Sam Adams fall variety pack of cans includes: Octoberfest, Dunkelweizen and Bohemian Pilsner. Availability: August

Angry Orchard Cinnful Apple Cinnful Apple is sweet with a slight heat. The juicy apple notes are complemented by cinnamon spice for a cider that is refreshing and smooth, yet warming. It’s the perfect choice for the colder months and holiday drinking occasions ahead. ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: August

Angry Orchard Autumn Sampler Angry Orchard’s fall variety includes: Crisp Apple, Easy Apple, Green Apple, Stone Dry, Cinnful and Hopped Apple. Availability: August

Mike’s Hard Pink Grapefruit Lemonade Mike’s new seasonal, Pink Grapefruit, features a classic mix of pink grapefruit and lemonade. The freshly squeezed taste of juicy grapefruit comes through, followed by hints of lemon notes, for a nice, clean finish with just the right balance of tartness and sweetness. ABV: 5% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: September

Mike’s Harder Passion Orange Guava Harder Passion Orange Guava features a tropical mix of guava, passion fruit and orange juice. Fresh guava comes through initially, followed by the passion fruit, with hints of orange and tropical notes, with just the right amount of tanginess. ABV: 8% Package: 16 oz. cans only Availability: October www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.95 11

SeasonalSELECTIONS Ballast Point Pumpkin Down The caramel and toffee maltiness of Ballast Point’s Piper Down Scottish ale is the perfect backdrop for a boatload of roasted pumpkin. Just before bottling, a subtle amount of spice is added to complement, but not overwhelm, the earthy flavor. This is a pumpkin ale that bucks the trend. ABV: 5.8% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Ballast Point Dead Ringer Oktoberfest Lager A fresh take on a traditional festival beer, Dead Ringer is inspired by old-style Märzen brews customarily enjoyed during Bavaria’s worldfamous beer festival. Thanks to an abundance of toasted malt and a lower hop bitterness, this dark reddish brown lager is loaded with sweet, caramel toffee flavors and aromas. All the taste and celebration of Oktoberfest packed into one bottle; no lederhosen required. ABV: 6% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Ballast Point Victory at Sea A big porter crafted to weather any storm, Victory at Sea Imperial Porter is a bold, smooth brew with just the right amount of sweetness. This robust porter is infused with vanilla and San Diego’s own Caffe Calabria coffee beans. The subtle roasted notes and minimal acidity of the cold brewed coffee, balances perfectly with the sweet caramel undertones of the malt, creating a winning combination for your palate. ABV: 10% Packages: 12 and 22 oz. bottles and draught Availability: October

Ballast Point Unfiltered Sculpin IPA Unfiltered Sculpin IPA packs extra hops into every sip, enhancing the classic Sculpin notes of fresh apricot, peach, mango and lemon with a slight haze and less bitterness. Freshness is key to every beer, but especially true for this extra-hopped IPA – store cold and drink soon. ABV: 7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: Now!

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Ballast Point Sour Wench Blackberry Ale Sour Wench Blackberry Ale is a fruity Berliner weisse-style beer bursting with Oregon blackberry flavor and aroma. The fruit addition adds a beautiful violet hue, and the taste has an approachable soft tartness from kettle souring. This artful gypsy will surely lure you into the world of sour beers. ABV: 7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: September

Paulaner Oktoberfest Märzen This authentic Oktoberfest is full-bodied with a rich malt flavor and dark toffee notes, revealed by an underlying fruitiness and masterful hop balance. It will instantly turn your four walls into an Oktoberfest tent! ABV: 5.8% Packages: 11.2 oz. bottles and draught Availability: Bottles in August, draught available year‑round

Paulaner Oktoberfest Wiesn Brewed only once a year in anticipation of the big festival, Paulaner Oktoberfest Wiesn is the pinnacle of German brewing. Deep golden in color, this full-bodied seasonal is wonderfully mellow with a balanced, harmonious taste and a pleasant aroma of hops. ABV: 6% Packages: 11.2 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Hacker-Pschorr Original Oktoberfest Joseph Pschorr captured the spirit of the first Oktoberfest with a rich, full-bodied amber lager that has come to be imitated around the world. Hacker-Pschorr Original Oktoberfest has a nose of black currants and earth with a malt-driven flavor, expertly balanced by Hallertau hops. ABV: 5.8% Packages: 11.2 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Dinkel Acker Oktoberfest Märzen Amber in color, this beer has a strong, dense, white head with great retention. You will detect pleasant aromas of caramel and honey with a good balance of malt and fruity notes. Oktoberfest Märzen has a rich, textured palate with an underlying sweetness, true to tradition. Brewed according to the German Purity Law, this beer is extremely smooth and easy to drink – a great beer for celebrating. ABV: 5.7% Packages: 11.2 oz. bottles and draught Availability: Draught year‑round, bottles in August

SeasonalSELECTIONS Harpoon Flannel Friday T­ he sun is bright but the air is crisp – it’s time to add another layer. Fall is here! Be ready for that first chill with the malt sweetness and hoppy citrus notes with Harpoon Flannel Friday! This hoppy amber ale is a tribute to the quintessential season of change. The bright hop aroma from late hop additions plays with a strong malt backbone. This beer is brewed for those beautiful sunny fall days and crisp autumn nights. ABV: 5.7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

UFO Leaf Peepin’ Fall Mix Pack There’s nothing like enjoying a refreshing flavor adventure after a day of leaf peepin’. This new autumnal UFO can mix includes: the delightfully citrusy UFO White, the new fall seasonal UFO Cranbeery, the all-natural raspberry stylings of UFO Raspberry and the lipsmacking UFO Hefeweizen. Happy leaf peepin’! Availability: August

Harpoon Octoberfest Brewed in the spirit of celebration, Harpoon Octoberfest is a malty tribute to fall, balanced by a gentle hop bitterness. In keeping with tradition, it is a Märzenstyle beer, brewed with abundant quantities of Munich, chocolate and pale malts. Those malts provide a solid, full body and create the beer’s deep color. It’s a rich, flavorful beer. ABV: 5.3% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: September

Harpoon Pumpkin Cider Real pumpkin and freshly pressed apples are combined with seasonal spices to craft this pure and natural craft cider. ABV: 4.8% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: August

Harpoon Tailgater Fall Mix Fall is loaded with football. And concerts. And foliage. And more football. These were the occasions Harpoon had in mind when they came up with the Tailgater Mix Pack, featuring: Harpoon IPA, Harpoon Flannel Friday, Harpoon Octoberfest, and new Harpoon House Golden (exclusive to this variety pack). Packages: 12 pack bottles and 12 pack cans Availability: August

UFO Cranbeery This hefeweizen is infused with cranberries right from the bogs of Massachusetts. A little tart, a little sweet and a lot delicious, this cranberry hefeweizen is a refreshing addition to leaf peepin’, hiking or just hanging out around a camp fire (s’mores encouraged). ABV: 4.8% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

Sierra Nevada Oktoberfest Each year, Sierra partners with a different German brewer to explore the roots of Germany’s famous Oktoberfest beers. This year, they collaborated with Germany’s Brauhaus Miltenberger, whose approach to the classic style, Sierra has always admired. The result is a festival beer true to their style – deep golden in color with deceptively rich malt flavor, balanced by traditional Germangrown, whole-cone hops. ABV: 6.1% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout Inspired by the mysterious creature that dwells in the deepest Arctic seas, Narwhal Imperial Stout is back for 2017. Midnight black and bold, with notes of baker’s cocoa, dark roasted coffee, a satiny body and smooth refined finish, this beer invites you in, to enjoy the depths of malt flavor. Dive into the darkness with the most intense stout Sierra has ever made and enjoy the complex flavors of this robust brew. ABV: 10.4% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: September

Sierra Nevada Drinking Buddies Mixed Pack Beer tastes better with friends, so Sierra’s giving their classic Pale Ale and Torpedo Extra IPA some pals to hang with at the party. This variety pack features those two legendary go-to beers along with their wingmen: Sidecar Orange Pale Ale and Tropical Torpedo, for a range of citrusy, fruity, piney and hop-forward flavors, because everybody can use a drinking buddy. Availability: August www.origlio.com HeadyTimes v.95 13

SeasonalSELECTIONS Dogfish Head Punkin Ale Medium amber to copper in color with brilliant clarity, DFH Punkin is a full-bodied brown ale with smooth hints of pumpkin, brown sugar and spice. ABV: 7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Dogfish Head Oak-Aged Vanilla World Wide Stout Oak-Aged Vanilla World Wide Stout is dark and roasty. It’s brewed with a ridiculous amount of barley and aged in oak barrels with vanilla beans. With tender love and care, this beer is fostered from smooth, sweet wort into the big, bad, blackened stout it always longed to be. ABV: 16-17.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Dogfish Head Puddin’ Wine Puddin’ Wine is a special collaboration between DFH and Jason & Todd Alström of Beer Advocate. Reminiscent of your favorite Christmas pudding, this traditional Englishstyle barleywine, aged for six months on Terra d’Oro Zinfandel Port barrels, delivers an infusion of flavors through the addition of sultanas, cherries, blackcurrants, plums, dark brown sugar and hazelnuts. A blend of Maris Otter, Pils and dark crystal malts, alongside toasted wheat, balances the dark pit fruit notes with smoothing caramel and toffee. ABV: 10.5% Package: Draught only Availability: Limited quantities in October

Dogfish Head Carobock (Alternate Takes #6) DFH was inspired to create their own iteration of a Bavarian-style Weizenbock, a style known for being rich and malty with notes of chocolate, bananas and toasted malt. Theirs is styled to be a play on a chocolate-covered banana, so toasted carob pods were selected to provide intense, earthy chocolate flavors, rounded out by aging on Madagascar vanilla beans. Carobock is brewed with malted wheat, dark Munich malt & chocolate wheat and fermented with a traditional weizen yeast to boost the banana and spice notes that typify the style. ABV: 8% Package: Draught only Availability: September

14 HeadyTimes v.95 www.origlio.com

Narragansett Bancroft Up or Down Ale Part of Narragansett’s Mash-Up Series, Up or Down Ale is made in collaboration with The Bancroft Tennis Co., which was born in 1882 with a promise of building a racquet used the world over. For generations, across the street from Narragansett’s home in Pawtucket, Bancroft produced state-of-the-art wood racquets that led to championship titles and Hall of Fame careers for dozens of the game’s greats. Up or Down Ale is a “smashable” ale reminiscent of the Narragansett Banquet Ale of the 1930s and ’40s. It’s brewed with Cascade hops for mild floral and citrus flavors, and dryhopped with Chinook for a subtle aroma of mountain pines. ABV: 4.2% Packages: 16 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

Woodchuck Fall Harvest The fall harvest brings farmers and communities together to celebrate another year of fruitful labor. It is a time of shorter days, cooler nights and great apples. This cider has a complex and elegant character full of apple, cinnamon and nutmeg, balanced with a hint of American white oak. A true taste of the season. ABV: 5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Shiner Oktoberfest This festive, Märzen-style ale uses traditional German malts for a rich flavor and a dry, moderately hoppy finish. ABV: 5.7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

Straub Oktoberfest Deep amber in color, Straub Oktoberfest is rich, smooth and malty with mild hop bitterness on the finish. ABV: 5.7% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: Mid-August

SeasonalSELECTIONS Lagunitas Eroica

Allagash Brett IPA

This is a Lagunitas-ified version of a traditional Flemish farmouse ale, aged in red wine oak barrels and funkied up with Brettanomyces yeast. It’s a golden saison-sour with a nice tartness that leaves your buds quenched and wanting more. ABV: TBD Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

During transport overseas, early IPAs were stored in wooden barrels. In these barrels – beer experts suppose – some ales were naturally inoculated with Brettanomyces, a form of wild yeast. Brett IPA plays off this piece of brewing lore by pairing Brettanomyces (a yeast that exhibits itself as ripe fruit rather than strong funk or sourness) with multiple varieties of fruitforward hops. Aromas of citrus, pineapple and passion fruit meld into tropical flavors that pair nicely with the beer’s lightly hopped body. Maris Otter, Munich malts and raw wheat balance the floral barrage of Bravo, Cascade, Amarillo, Centennial, Citra and Galaxy hops. By finishing with a mix of pleasant bitterness and tropical fruit, Brett IPA ushers brewing history into the present. ABV: 7.1% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Lagunitas Born Yesterday Born Yesterday is a newborn version of Lagunitas’ re-born Pale, a Newer New Dogtown Pale with a fresh addition… some wet, lupulin-drenched, un-kilned, wholecone, fresh-picked-and-rushed-straight-fromYakima hops were added for your immaculate reception. This un-freakin-filtered, wetterthan-wet beer has 11 pounds-per-barrel of Simcoe, Citra, Mosaic and Indigenous Catawampus. Whoa. ABV: 7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: October

Lagunitas Brown Shugga This special ale is something unique. Feeding brown cane sugar to otherwise cultured brewery yeast is akin to feeding raw shark to your gerbil. It is unlikely to ever occur in nature without human intervention. And it looks weird besides. But it has happened and now it’s too late. ABV: 9.7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: October

Lagunitas NightTime Kinda like Daytime’s big, dark and scary sidekick, this ale is packed full of highly roasted malts then bitterly balanced with fistfuls of the dankest hops. It’s not for the lunch crowd or the faint of heart. ABV: 8% Packages: 22 oz. bottles and draught Availability: September

Allagash Interlude Two yeast strains were used to create this unique, Belgian-style ale. The first, a saison yeast, establishes the flavor foundations of a classic, Belgian-style ale. The second, Allagash’s house strain of Brettanomyces yeast, contributes a myriad of flavors including pear, apricot, graham cracker and bread crust. A portion of Interlude is aged in red wine barrels, which imparts a distinctive, vinous, plum character and a dry, almost tannic, finish. ABV: 10.6% Packages: 25 oz. bottles and draught Availability: Very limited quantities in October

Sly Fox Oktoberfest There is no better companion for cool autumn nights, roaring bonfires or festive tailgates than Sly Fox Brewing Company’s Oktoberfest Lager! A tasty tribute to fall, Sly Fox Oktoberfest delivers a perfectly delicious malt profile with a subtle sweetness, accentuated by a slightly hoppy finish. Sly Fox’s traditional Märzen-style brew is a medium-bodied, smooth beer that always proves to be a crowd-pleaser! ABV: 5.8% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

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SeasonalSELECTIONS Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale Imperial Pumpkin Ale is heartier, spicier and more caramelly and pumpkiny than its faint brethren. Lots of pumpkin has been added along with cinnamon, nutmeg and a touch of cardamom and clove, giving this beer a spicy, full-bodied flavor. ABV: 8% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Weyerbacher Sunday Molé Stout As the name suggests, this Imperial stout is the foundation of everyone’s favorite, Sunday Morning Stout, with a twist (and without the barrel aging). This brew captures everything you’d expect from a traditional molé – coffee, chocolate, heat and smokiness. Foremost is coffee, which is followed by layers of chocolate, courtesy of the chocolate malt, cocoa powder and cacao nibs. Finally, there is a subtle lingering heat and smokiness from a blend of ancho, pasilla, mulato and chipotle peppers, as well as cinnamon, which is gone by the time you’re ready for your next sip. ABV: 11.3% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: September

Weyerbacher Dallas Sucks Made for the fans, Dallas Sucks is an easy drinking pale ale. ABV: 4.5% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: September

Great Lakes Oktoberfest Great Lakes’ take on this classic German style is a celebration of maltiness – packed with rustic, autumnal flavors to put a little more oomph into your oompah-pah. It’s über smooth, with vibrant malt flavors and a festive flourish of noble hops (lederhosen not included). ABV: 6.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Great Lakes Nosferatu Don’t be afraid of things that go hop in the night! Rich roasted malt flavors haunt the shadows of this Imperial red ale’s bitter teeth. Ruby red in color, with a toasty malt body lurking beneath a stunning hop bite, Nosferatu pairs well with root vegetables, red meats and dark cellars. ABV: 8% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: September

Great Lakes Ohio City Dark and roasty, yet light and smooth as a fresh coat of snow, this oatmeal stout will kick your cabin fever and inspire you to toss another log on the fire. Oh what fun it is to ride through a flurry of flaked oats o’er a field of rich, roasted malt flavors! Try this one with chocolate desserts or aged cheddar cheese. ABV: 5.4% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: October

Shipyard Pumpkinhead Shipyard Pumpkinhead is a crisp and refreshing wheat ale, with delightful aromatics and a subtle spiced flavor. ABV: 4.7% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Shipyard Smashed Pumpkin Weyerbacher Easton Brown & Down Brewed with deep-roasted chocolate malt, this brown ale has a warm, roasty flavor, balanced out with a slightly dry finish. ABV: 5.6% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: October 16 HeadyTimes v.95 www.origlio.com

A big-bodied beer, Shipyard Smashed Pumpkin has a light, coppery-orange color and a pleasing aroma of pumpkin and nutmeg. Pale, wheat and light Munich malts combine with the natural tannin in pumpkin and the delicate spiciness of Willamette and Hallertau hops to balance the sweetness of the fruit. ABV: 9% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: August

SeasonalSELECTIONS Stone Fruitallica Masters of brewing, Beavertown (UK) and Garage Project (New Zealand) worked with Stone in California to brew this double IPA with kiwi, yuzu fruit and habanero. A massive hop character tips the scales at 100+ IBUs, while maintaining a fruit-forward character and juiciness for all. ABV: 8% Packages: 22 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Stone 21st Anniversary Hail to the Hop Thief Double IPA Stone took all there is to love about the IPA, got creative, dry-hopped it a lot, left it unfiltered and shared it openly in the hopes that in some way it may inspire you. Stone 21st Anniversary Hail to the Hop Thief Double IPA features a unique combination of hops including Magnum, Pekko, Mosaic and Mandarina Bavaria. ABV: 9.8% Packages: 22 oz. bottles and draught Availability: Mid-August

Stone Vengeful Spirit IPA A very juicy beer, even before the fruit addition, Vengeful Spirit is exploding with the flavors of citrus candy and Tiki-style cocktails (think Scorpion Bowls and Mai Tais). It’s sweet and juicy, with notes of tropical fruit punch and passion fruit. Loral hops shine through with intensely layered citrus and bright, floral elements. ABV: 7.3% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: September

Abita Pecan Ale This toasty fall beer is brewed with real Louisiana Pecans for a subtle, nutty flavor and aroma. Pale, Munich and biscuit malts as well as Willamette hops are used to make this brew something to geaux nuts for! ABV: 5.2% Package: 12 oz. bottles only Availability: August

Firestone Walker Mocha Merlin With an infusion of dark coffee, a dash of cocoa nibs and a touch of seasonal wizardry, Firestone Walker’s signature Velvet Merlin oatmeal stout has been transformed into Mocha Merlin – a roasty, chocolaty brew that will warm your soul. ABV: 5.5% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: September

Firestone Walker Leo v. Ursus Inferos Leo v. Ursus is a chronology of beers that shift stylistically with each limited quarterly release. These are bold creations, often hoppy and intense, but always with a native sense of balance. The next installment in the series, Inferos, will be available this fall! ABV: 8.2% Packages: 16 oz. cans and draught Availability: September

Firestone Walker Luponic Distortion Revolution No. 007 Luponic Distortion is an ever-evolving mix of experimental hops, designed to deliver mindblowing flavors that break the rules with each new release. The unique revolution number on the label tells you which release you have in hand. The next beer in this series, 007, will be available this fall! Crack fresh and enjoy the show. ABV: 6.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles, 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: Late August

Cape May City to Shore Made annually for the Bike MS: City to Shore charity ride, the brewery eagerly awaits this fall hop-bomb every year. Brewed with a blend of hops that hit all the right notes and tickle your taste buds just right, then dry hopped with over a pound per barrel of more sexy hops, this double IPA brings a wave of citrus, grapefruit and other exotic fruits to your face. Not as dry as Cape May’s usual hopbombs, they leave a touch more of the body behind to bring out the juicier hop profile. After finishing up the 100-mile charity bike ride of City to Shore’s namesake, you’re pretty beat up, so reaching for this DIPA just feels right. ABV: 7.8% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

Cape May Mop Water CMBC’s Chief Mop Man mandated a beer brewed with cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice and a s**load of real vanilla. Combining all these spices, with the flavors of German malts, creates a brown ale perfect for cool autumn evenings and bitter winter nights. ABV: 7.3% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

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SeasonalSELECTIONS Evil Genius Trick or Treat Trick or Treat is a pumpkin porter brewed with chocolate and spices. This is not your typical pumpkin beer by any means. It’s a deep, dark, decadent seasonal delight that is sure to warm you up as the weather starts to cool off. First, Evil Genius brews a rich, robust porter that is spiced with cinnamon, clove and nutmeg. Then they up the ante and make it truly their own by adding chocolate post fermentation. Trick or Treat is a spicy, rich, unique and full-bodied dark ale with all the comfort and warmth needed to survive the chilly and ever-lengthening autumn nights. ABV: 7.8% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Evil Genius Bye, Felicia! The newest addition to Evil Genius’ seasonal offerings, Bye, Felicia! is a juicy, tropical, fruit-forward IPA infused with all-natural passion fruit. Medium-bodied, with low Graphics for Bye, Felicia! were not bitterness and extreme aromatics, available at the time of print this crushable IPA is packed with notes of mango, peach, bubblegum and a hint of pine. Extremely soft on the palate and endlessly drinkable, Bye, Felicia! is perfect for both hop-lovers, and the hop shy. ABV: 6.5% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: September

Oskar Blues Hotbox Coffee Porter This porter is based on malt flavors of roasted nuts, crème brulee, cocoa and caramel, extracted from English and German roasted and caramel malts. Hotbox Roasters then crashes the party and infuses potent, coldextracted coffee from Burundi and Ethiopian beans and deals out flavors and aromas of dark plums, chocolate and hints of blueberry. ABV: 6.4% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

Oskar Blues Death By Coconut Intense, pure liquid cacao flavors swirl with popping coconut aromas, all supported by a semi-sweet porter made from loads of Oskar Blues’ dark chocolate and extra dark caramel malt. This choconut goodness will have you yellin’, “Pass. Dash. Hit.” all winter long. ABV: 6.5% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: October 18 HeadyTimes v.95 www.origlio.com

Oskar Blues Ten FIDY Imperial Stout This titanic, immensely viscous stout is loaded with inimitable flavors of chocolate-covered caramel and coffee that hide a hefty 65 IBUs underneath the smooth blanket of malt. Ten FIDY is made with enormous amounts of 2-row malt, chocolate malt, roasted barley, flaked oats and hops. It is the ultimate celebration of dark malts and boundary-stretching beer. ABV: 10.5% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: September

Heavy Seas TreasureFest Brewed in the Oktoberfest style, TreasureFest is an American spin on the classic German style. Brewed with imported German malt and lavishly hopped with a blend of German hops in the kettle and dry hopped with American hops, this is a fresh look at the old Oktober stand-by. Put on your silly pants and hats and raise your stein to TreasureFest! ABV: 6% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Heavy Seas The Great’er Pumpkin In the most worthy of pumpkin patches and during the silence of the midnight hour, The Great’er Pumpkin raises up and pours a rich, deep, burnished orange color. Heady aromas of bourbon, cinnamon, ginger, allspice and clove linger seductively over the thick white head of this tremendous brew. It’s love at first sip as the full malt body, dominated by British crystal malt, brown sugar and pumpkin, slowly washes over your tongue. Bourbon barrel aging rounds out the flavors with notes of oak, vanilla and bourbon. This Imperial pumpkin ale pairs well with crisp autumn weather, crunchy fallen leaves and the knowledge that the kids will be asleep soon so you can raid their Halloween candy. ABV: 10% Packages: 22 oz. bottles and draught Availability: September

Rodenbach Vintage 2015 Rodenbach Vintage 2015 is a unique unblended Flemish red ale that is matured for two years in oak casks. Only the best casks are handselected by Rodenbach Brewmaster Rudi Ghequire. ABV: 7% Packages: 750 ml bottles and draught Availability: Limited quantities in October

SeasonalSELECTIONS Saranac German Roots Variety Pack

The Hop Concept Tropical & Juicy

Saranac’s German Roots Variety Pack includes four different beer styles inspired by the brewery’s German heritage: Saranac Octoberfest, a traditional German lager made with German Perle and German Saphir hops combined with crystal and caramel malts; Black Forest, a black beer that’s not too roasty, chocolaty or heavy; Haus Lager, an extremely sessionable traditional, Germanstyle helles lager and Bavarian Pils, a hoppy pilsner brewed with the unique Mandarina Bavaria German hop. Availability: August

Tropical & Juicy is brewed and dry-hopped with freshly harvested whole flower hops. It’s a recipe that changes seasonally depending which variety of fresh hops are available at the time of the annual fall hop harvest. Using the hop cones at their peak of freshness helps the beer burst with citrus and spicy notes and creates a crisp and refreshing IPA, with a resonating hop character and a dry, grassy finish. ABV: 8.5% Packages: 22 oz. bottles and draught Availability: October

Saranac 1888 Octoberfest Saranac 1888 Octoberfest is a true Oktoberfest beer brewed with German hops – Perle and Saphir combined with crystal and caramel malts for a nicely toasted malt character and deep caramel color. This recipe has been with the Matt family for four generations. When FX Matt founded the company, he made it a point to only allow English to be spoken at the brewery. In his honor, Saranac forgoes the traditional “Oktoberfest” spelling. ABV: 5.4% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

Saranac Pumpkin Ale Along with 3,000 pounds of real pumpkin, Saranac also uses cinnamon, allspice, clove and ginger to spice this beauty. It doesn’t get more authentic than that. ABV: 5.3% Packages: 12 oz. bottles and draught Availability: August

The Lost Abbey Devil Went Down to Georgia Formerly Track #11 from The Lost Abbey’s Ultimate Track Set, Devil Went Down to Georgia is an American barleywine aged in bourbon barrels with peaches and black tea. Initial aromas of peaches and tea lead to notes of stone fruit and oak with hints of vanilla, finishing with the drying spice of freshly brewed tea. ABV: 12.5% Packages: 375 ml cork-finished bottles and draught Availability: Very limited quantities in August

Spring House Braaaiins! Pumpkin Ale for Zombies This pumpkin ale is brewed with generous amounts of real pumpkin blended into the mash. The subtle, fresh pumpkin flavor is enhanced by the addition of a touch of traditional autumn spices and sweet dough, thus creating a beer with an orange amber color, warm pumpkin aroma, a bold malt center and a crisp finish. ABV: 7.8% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

Sixpoint Tesla Think the juiciness of big doses of American hops, with that clean snappiness of a cold fermented, meticulously lagered beer. What’s that have to do with Tesla’s shocking experiments? When there’s serious creativity flowing, everyone can feel it. ABV: 7.1% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: October

Sixpoint Köld Schauer A light, fresh and clean kölsch, Köld Schauer is snappy and easy on bitterness, with a distinctive honeydew melon aroma. ABV: 4.9% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: September

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SeasonalSELECTIONS Green Flash Treasure Chest

Twin Lakes Oktoberfest

Green Flash co-founder and breast cancer survivor, Lisa Hinkley began the Treasure Chest program in 2011 to support breast cancer charities in her hometown. Today, the brewery is committed to brewing it forward from coast to coast as Treasure Chest makes its annual return. This bright and tropical IPA features Summit, Warrior, Citra, Cascade and Simcoe hops, and is infused with passion fruit tea. ABV: 6.5% Package: Draught only Availability: September

Twin Lakes Oktoberfest is designed to emulate the traditional Vienna-style lager using American ingredients. The finest American 2-row, Ashburne and Bolander Munich malt, Tettnanger hops and Bavarian lager yeast. Oktoberfest is malty and crisp, but not sweet, with a smooth, balanced finish and understated hops. Twin Lakes Oktoberfest blends the traditions of German brewing with innovative American spirit. ABV: 6% Package: Draught only Availability: September

Green Flash Spanish Trampoline IPA Benefitting from the use of the hop-bursting technique, Spanish Trampoline offers massive hop flavors and a dominant hop aroma, with a mellow level of hop bitterness. Layers of Cashmere, Idaho 7, Comet, Tahoma, Columbus and Nugget hops are balanced by a simple malt bill, offering a full-bodied mouth feel that does not distract from the fruity, bold, tropical hop notes. Entertain your taste buds with an epic IPA. ABV: 6.6% Package: Draught only Availability: August

Green Flash Hop Head Red A luscious beauty, Hop Head Red exudes resinous, hoppy qualities from Nugget and Amarillo to overtake the full-bodied depths of a caramel malt base. Captivating and seductive floral aromas and alluring hop flavors are the result of dry-hopping with mountains of Amarillo. The blissful union of IPA and red ale make Hop Head Red an unforgettable obsession. Experience love at first sip. Every time. ABV: 6.5% Package: Draught only Availability: October

Alpine HFS Holy sh*t, it’s that f**ing good! This West Coast-style American IPA is lightbodied and full of hop flavor and aroma. It pours a pale gold with a light, fluffy, off-white head. Featuring a combination of Mosaic, Simcoe and Citra hops, HFS presents a bold tropical fruit explosion with hints of grass and pine balanced by a light and bready malt character. ABV: 6.5% Package: Draught only Availability: Very limited quantities in September 20 HeadyTimes v.95 www.origlio.com

Peak Sweet Tarts Maine Blueberry Sour Ale Sweet, tart blueberry marries crisp, fruity goodness, with a touch of sour that is entirely refreshing in this seasonal beer. Made with blueberries grown in Lincolnville, Maine, this sour ale has a light body and the perfect amount of flavor. ABV: 4.6% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught Availability: August

Dock Street Bean2Bean Espresso Stout Intense aromas of espresso and dark chocolate precede this rich, elegant stout. Medium-bodied with a pleasant sweetness, this beer is infused with cold brewed coffee using local Bean2Bean espresso. ABV: 6% Package: Draught only Availability: August

Dock Street Fall Haze This is the fall installment of Dock Street’s seasonal series of hazy, hoppy and super fresh pale ales. ABV: 5.5% Package: Draught only Availability: September

2SP Delcofest

This big, malty Oktoberfest is both clean and crisp, with the full range of caramel and toasty flavors. Slam it! ABV: 6.5% Packages: 16 oz. cans and draught Availability: September Graphics for 2SP Delcofest weren’t available at time of print

Available Year-Round PERFECT FOR THE SEASON Sly Fox Box Set

Wells Sticky Toffee Pudding

The most popular of Sly Fox’s 12 oz. cans come together in a beautiful box that allows consumers to sample the brewery’s flagship brands. This cool collection includes: Pikeland Pils, Phoenix Pale Ale, Helles Golden Lager and Rt. 113 IPA. The quartet inside this Box Set provides a wide breadth of flavors that will quench any size thirst throughout the year.

Two of the things Britain is renowned for across the globe are traditional ale and pudding. Brewed with Wells’ trusted best pale ale malt and a secret blend of complex sugars and molasses, initial sweetness is tempered by a gentle bitterness from two of England’s most traditional aroma hop varieties – Fuggles and Goldings. Rich and full-flavored with a deep copper color, Wells Sticky Toffee Pudding has all the warmth, aromas and appeal of the dark pudding from England. It has a sweet taste of caramel and toffee along with a smooth and robust aftertaste. As with all puddings, this offers full contentment in a glass. ABV: 5% Package: 11.2 oz. bottles only

2SP Bellcracker Bellcracker is an ideally balanced double IPA made with Citra and Amarillo hops. The bright, tropical fruit and citrus flavors make for a dangerously easy-drinking beer. ABV: 8.7% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught

Verdi Strawberry Sparkletini With just the right amount of fruit flavor, Strawberry Sparkletini is a very versatile Spumante that is an excellent addition to many other cocktail ingredients, including vodka (either plain or flavored). Sparkletini is a delightfully sparkling Spumante with a light, refreshing taste that’s perfect whenever you feel like enjoying a fun, sophisticated drink. Serve chilled to savor its balanced, clean taste. ABV: 5% Package: 25 oz. bottles only

Jack’s Dry Hopped Hard Cider Adding classic American craft brewing hops throughout the fermentation process of this dry cider base lends pleasant citrus and herbal aromas and flavors. ABV: 5.5% Packages: 12 oz. cans and draught

Unibroue Éphémère Apple Brewed with apple must redolent of ripe Granny Smith apples, this white ale pleases the palate with a delicate balance of fruit, spice notes and just a hint of sweetness. Although refreshing in the summer months, Éphémère Apple satisfies with each sip in all seasons, especially when paired with an artisan cheddar cheese, pork tenderloin served with apple chutney or Vidalia onion soup. ABV: 5.5% Packages: 12 and 25 oz. bottles and draught

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Programs ’Stone Season is Open

Add Some Color to the Cooler with Redd’s

Experience Coors Light XP As of August 1, 2017, the Coors Light XP app is available to download, allowing consumers to earn their way toward unique experiences and more – hence, the name XP. The launch will have national advertising and retail support. From TV to specially marked 12-pack cans and bottles, Coors Light XP kicks off during the college football time frame to further grab consumers’ attention. On-premise, consumers will be able to activate geolocation and play a custom trivia game to earn XP (which also means Experience Points) as they enjoy Coors Light on game day. At-home or at the bar, consumers are able to have a more rewarding experience with Coors Light. As an easy 1-2-3, here’s the breakdown of the mechanics after the initial download of Coors Light XP: 1. BUY specially marked packs of Coors Light bottles or cans. 2. COLLECT XP (via in-pack codes) and redeem for unique rewards. 3. LEVEL UP in the app for access to exclusive experiences. Be on the lookout for Coors Light XP, download it for yourself and experience a more refreshing “rewards” program filled with a mountain of exclusives. 22 HeadyTimes v.95 www.origlio.com

In the fall months, friends and family come together to celebrate Halloween and holiday occasions. Party hosts have the pressure of providing the right mix of drinks to fulfill the needs and wants of their guests. The Redd’s portfolio is the perfect solution. The flavor profile of the Redd’s lineup appeals to both men and women with the approachable, yet unexpected combination of beer and the crisp taste of fruit. This fall, help your customers bring together the perfect seasonal party with Redd’s!

Keystone Light is back with its muchanticipated ’Stone hunting program, where consumers seek out seeded orange cans for the chance to score bragging rights among their fellow ’Stone hunters. Fans who find orange ’Stones can proudly display their trophies on mount cutouts found inside all Keystone Light packs. Plus, they’ll have the chance to win smooth prizes, like a Kawasaki ATV! Look for the hype surrounding this year’s ’Stone season on Keystone Light’s social with #stonehunt.

Redd’s: There’s Wicked Within Redd’s Wicked is the perfect brand to fight at retail because it’s a high-alcohol, flavored malt beverage that is ‘just the right amount of wrong’ to start your Halloween night. The Redd’s Wicked drinker wants to set the tone of the pre-party to one that starts off the night with a killer good time. Wicked will help consumers ramp up without the pitfalls of a mystery mixed drink and set themselves up for success, to last long into the night. High ABV FMBs have been growing faster than any other segment in convenience and faster than almost every segment in general. Redd’s Wicked makes double the margin with half the space of the Rita’s.


Dos Equis Celebrates Fans Who Choose Game Day Over Everything

Heineken Sponsors Philadelphia Union Heineken is a proud sponsor of Major League Soccer and the Philadelphia Union for the 2017 season. Visibility POS will be in-market all season long to support the sponsorship.

This September, Dos Equis is returning as the official beer sponsor of the College Football Playoff and celebrating the fans who choose Game Day Over Everything. These passionate fans will be given a chance to win a VIP experience at the national championship game in Atlanta and other amazing prizes. All season long, Dos Equis will keep consumers engaged with on and off-premise POS and a national TV spot. With ongoing program support, consumer excitement and the passion surrounding college football, Dos Equis is ensuring you finish the season strong with even more sales.

Tecate Boxing The stakes are high and there is no doubt it will be a bout for the ages. But when you’re Tecate, the beer that is born bold, raising the stakes is what you do best. So who will it be? Champion or Challenger? The kid or the up and comer? Red or Blue? It’s time for you to Claim Your Corner.

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Programs Celebrate Stouts Outside of St. Patrick’s Day 1817 not only marked the first Guinness export from Ireland to the U.S., but it was also a major milestone in stout brewing. This was the first use of roasted black malt, which gives Guinness Stout its beautiful, dark color and lovely roast character. This fall, celebrate 200 years of brewing history and introduce your customers to a stout from the brewers who put stouts on the map.

This fall, Guinness will help you become a destination for Halloween celebrations with thematic visibility, sampling and drink ideas.

Refresh Your Game Day Lineup with Smirnoff Ice With new, limited edition, football-themed six pack packaging and a chance for consumers to win an ultimate watch party, Smirnoff Ice will refresh consumer’s Game Day celebrations. The national text-towin sweepstakes (September 1st through November 30th) offers a chance for one grand prize winner to receive a flat screen TV and other game day essentials for an ultimate watch party!

24 HeadyTimes v.95 www.origlio.com

Programs Sam Adams Octoberfest Stein Hoisting Events Lead to Crowning America’s Stein Hoister of the Year This year, Sam Adams is partnering with Sports Illustrated to name the Sports Illustrated Stein Hoister of the Year! Winners of regional competitions will compete in the national finals, where a male and female winner will be named Stein Hoisters of the Year and attend the Sports Illustrated Sportsmen of the Year Gala in

December 2017! Stein Hoisting events will be available to view by region on samueladams.com and results will be emailed directly to participants. Photo backdrops that incorporate the Sports Illustrated partnership will be at each event, while thematic wristbands, hats and hoisting steins will be available to execute the competitions.

Celebrate Jacktoberfest! Celebrate the season where Oktoberfest meets Halloween with the Jack-O Traveler promotion! Consumers can enter to win the ultimate fall prize pack including a fire pit, Traveler-branded cooler and two Adirondack chairs at Travelerbeer.com/Jacktoberfest.

Corona’s Host of Latin Music Sponsorships to Hit Philly For years, Corona Extra has successfully tapped into Hispanic consumers’ passion for Latin music to help accomplish multiple business objectives: win with Hispanics, drive consumer engagement and continue to reinforce Corona Extra’s leadership position among Hispanics.

Corona will also continue to leverage its long-standing relationship with MANÁ. While the band will not be on tour in 2017, it will have its first ever residency show in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand. This allows Corona to bring back Latin music’s biggest 2016 U.S. tour for an exclusive two-day concert performance to celebrate Fiestas Patrias.

In 2017, Corona will once again bring the best of Latin music to Hispanic consumers – including those in Philadelphia – by sponsoring three of today’s most captivating and award-winning Latin music superstars: Pitbull, Enrique Iglesias and MANÁ.

Additionally, Corona will also be the official sponsor of Enrique Iglesias’ two Las Vegas Residency shows at Caesars Palace, which is scheduled for the same dates as MANÁ and should make for another fun-filled and festive Fiestas Patrias celebration. It’s safe to say Corona will be tough to miss on Mexican Independence Day.

The Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull tour will take the stage at the Wells Fargo Center on Friday, Oct. 13th, with supporting POS available. The Enrique Iglesias-Pitbull duo is a natural partner for Corona Extra, as Pitbull has included the brand as his beer of choice on his hospitality rider for years and Iglesias on multiple occasions has asked Constellation’s agency partners to send him cases of Corona. Constellation Brands also has done research affirming that partnering with these artists will benefit the Corona Extra brand by resonating with millennials from all Hispanic segments.

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Programs Firestone Walker Kegerator Giveaway This fall, consumers can enter to win a limited edition Firestone Walkerbranded kegerator! The text to win promotion ends September 30th.

Where Are You Drinking Your UFO? From August 1st through October 31st consumers will be asked to tag pics of themselves drinking UFO using #ufosighting. Whether at the beach, on a mountain, on a lake or even in another country – UFO wants to see their pics! One consumer will be randomly chosen as the winner of a $1500 voucher to Jet Blue and 5 random consumers will be chosen to win a $200 gift card to Sunglass Hut.

Celebrate 200 Years of Bitburger with the Beer and Brats Rebate Until the end of October, consumers can get $3.00 off of Bitburger Braugruppe brands. In celebration of Bitburger’s 200th Anniversary, this mail-in-rebate program offers consumers the chance to get a $3.00 rebate when they buy any combination of 12 units of qualifying Bitburger Braugruppe products including: Bitburger (Pilsner & Radler), Kostritzer, Konig or Benediktiner (Weisbier & Helles) and sausage (any kind, anywhere). Consumers will send in their receipts from the beer and sausage purchases to receive the rebate. 26 HeadyTimes v.95 www.origlio.com

Programs Dogfish Head Fall Gathering Goodness At the DFH brewery in Milton, DE, fall means two things: harvest season with local farmers and sharing a great beer with friends! The Fall Gathering Goodness display program pays homage to the season by celebrating beers with real, fresh ingredients like pumpkin meat in Punkin Ale and lemon flesh in Flesh & Blood. Encourage your customers to grab a beer and gather with friends to celebrate fall!

Dogfish Head OffCentered Ale-Trail You CAN take it with you! To celebrate the launch of Dogfish Head cans, the brewery teamed up with Atlas Obscura, the definitive guide to the world’s most curious places, to curate a summer’s worth of off-centered adventures: the OffCentered Ale Trail. Craft beer fans and adventurous pathfinders can use these trails to explore obscure, off-centered spots (in 12 cities nationwide, plus a “Local Ale-Trail” in southern Delaware near the DFH brewery) inspired by 60 Minute IPA, Flesh & Blood IPA and SeaQuench Ale. Whether you’re headed across the country or around the corner, grab some friends and some Dogfish cans and hit the trail! Not in the 12 cities? Fans can submit their own stops through the Atlas Obscura website to create their own trail! For more details, check out dogfish.com/aletrail.

Win the Ultimate Yuengling Party Pack Yuengling’s tailgate program kicks off the 2017 football season with America’s Oldest Game Day Favorite! Throughout September and October, fans will have a chance to enter to win the ultimate party pack, which includes a Grizzly cooler, football and fire pit by texting codes found on retail displays or on signs where Yuengling Lager draught is sold. Consumers can get up to $5 off the purchase of Lager, Light Lager and Black & Tan when they purchase salty snacks with a mail-in rebate.

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Programs Oskar Blues CAN’d Aid Bike Build The CAN’d Aid Foundation was formed as an immediate response to the massive flooding that devastated the towns of Lyons & Longmont, CO in September 2013. To date, CAN’d Aid has raised more than $2.5 million to support its “do-goodery” efforts through Towns, Tunes, Treads + Trails and Love Yur Mama programs. If a trail needs maintenance, lowincome children need a new bike to ride or there’s a program to get more people off the couch and ready to explore the outdoors – CAN’d Aid is ready to make it happen. To date CAN’d Aid has: • Built 1,026 bikes (distributed to students at Title 1 schools)… many of which are the first bikes EVER for these students.

• Donated 300+ brass instruments, guitars, banjos, drums, etc. to public school programs around the U.S. • The Crush it Crusade has recycled 579,643 pounds of waste – the equivalent of over 17.6 million cans • Canned and distributed 500,000 cans of clean water to communities in the wake of natural disasters. This fall, Origlio Beverage will donate $1 per case of Oskar Blues sold for the month of September, matched by Oskar Blues, to raise money for a bike build for a Title 1 Elementary School in Philadelphia!

Unibroue À Tout Le Monde Guitar Giveaway The launch of Unibroue À Tout Le Monde has generated tremendous visibility and excitement with fans. This tasty, dry hopped saison has been a resounding success! Now 8,200,000 passionate Megadeth fans will be in a frenzy for a chance to win one of 10 limited edition À Tout Le Monde guitars via a text-to-win promotion running from August 7th through September 17th. Learn more and see full contest rules, terms and conditions at unibrouecontest.com.

Check out George Latella’s latest Retail Edge article “Experience is Still King – Lessons from Starbucks” at origlio.com/blog/experience-still-king-lessons-starbucks. George Latella teaches Food Marketing at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. Food Marketing, the largest major at Saint Joe’s, recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. Latella is also a partner in Beacon Marketing Group which provides marketing planning, research and e-commerce/direct marketing communications for food and beverage companies. He can be reached at glatella@sju.edu or 610-660-2254. 28 HeadyTimes v.95 www.origlio.com

RethinkingRETAIL Industry Analyst Bump Williams Explains Why Now is the Time to “Rethink” Your Retail Strategies Editor’s Note: Our new Heady Times column Rethinking Retail provides insights and practical suggestions you can implement to get more foot traffic and improve sales. And stay tuned for our Rethinking Retail podcasts. Lasting no more than 5 minutes, you’ll get straight talk and great tips from industry pros who want you to sell more beer.

“Stores across the country face the same challenges, but my heart goes out to the folks in Pennsylvania because the retail landscape there has changed dramatically in a very short period of time,” says Bump Williams, founder of BWC Company. Williams is well known in the beer, wine & spirits world where he has made his mark helping retailers grow sales. He begins by evaluating their current status and goals. Then he gives his clients actionable recommendations, which invariably improve their bottom line.

“I thought I had it all figured out,” a beer distributor said to a long-time customer while carrying a case of beer to her car. “I can sell beer in all different packages – even growlers. But now other licensees sell beer and some sell wine. How do I compete?”

“It’s a lot to absorb,” says Williams about the situation in Pennsylvania. “Some guys have even admitted that they feel lost and don’t know what to do, or where to begin. If you want to stay in business, I tell them to take a deep breath and think about taking small bites out of the apple. There are ALWAYS things you can do, even if you don’t have a lot of money to spend, to show the customer that your store is where they want to buy beer. What you can’t do is NOTHING.”

Sound familiar? You built a thriving beer business in Pennsylvania playing by the rules. Yes, the rules [laws] have changed, but so have a lot of other things. Customers don’t just buy beer; they are looking for a retail experience. Beer-only drinkers are harder to find. Many customers who purchase beer often make decisions based on information they read on their mobile phones, while walking up and down the aisles. Then occasionally someone walks into your store, looks around, but leaves without buying anything.

Bob Sokel, Off-Premise Chain and Space Planning Manager for Origlio Beverage agrees with Williams’s approach. “When times change, you have to change the way you think about your business. There’s lots of opportunity to grow by selling single-serve and six-packs along with cases. By taking small bites out of the apple, as Williams suggests, you can begin to make

changes that will make you more successful.” “I usually begin by asking my clients a few questions,” Williams says. “What do you think are your biggest challenges? Are you willing to make some changes to address those challenges? What are the kinds of things you have done in the past that have improved sales – like samplings or ‘Meet the Brewer’ events? What makes you different from the competition?” While these are important things to consider, both Williams and Sokel realize that there are only so many hours in a day. When asked to pick just one thing (that doesn’t cost money) you could do to improve sales, without hesitation both men said shelf sets. “Sokel and his Origlio Beverage co-workers have studied how products should be organized to maximize sales. Ask them what should go where,” Williams advised. Have a strategy in mind before stocking the shelves and you will make it easier for your customer to buy more beer. A shelf set template is available at origlio.com in the Retailer Resources section.” “Hey, you’re not in grade school anymore,” Williams quipped. “Take a look at the plan-o-grams on Origlio’s website. For once it’s OK to copy off of your neighbor’s test paper!”

Bye-Bye Beer Guy, At Least for Now Steve Hawk, Heady Times Beer Guy, has penned lots of articles which have appeared in this space, full of info that has added to your Beer Cred. We really aren’t saying bye-bye to Steve. You’ll still be able to read his work in our consumer magazine Draught Lines.

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3000 Meeting House Road Philadelphia, PA 19154

Celebrate Día De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) with Casa Modelo and Corona Casa Modelo In 2017, Modelo is inviting more consumers than ever to share in the celebration of Día de los Muertos, leading the way by embodying the essence of the holiday through a modern day lens. Día de los Muertos is a traditional holiday celebrated in the Mexican culture on November 1st and 2nd, honoring the life of those that have passed on. As the holiday increases in popularity in the U.S., Modelo is the brand that authentically celebrates the occasion with festivities that include food and drinks and the use of typical decorative elements such as candles, skulls and marigolds. For the third year, Modelo is renewing its partnership with artist Steve Simpson and leveraging its authentic Mexican heritage to pay tribute to an important aspect of the Mexican culture like no other beer can. Modelo’s authentic Día de los Muertos creative will live across a 360 degree campaign including new POS elements and merchandise. This year’s theme is inspired by the Oaxacan carnival-esque street celebration known as comparsas. Music, dancing and larger-than-life calacas carry the vibrancy of the holiday with them as they parade through the streets in remembrance of past friends and family. The comparsa is not only a shining example of the vibrancy and celebratory nature of Día de los Muertos, but also serves as an authentic way for Modelo to share the experience here in America to help everyone live the holiday. #CelebraLaVida

Corona Inspired by the bright lights of Día de Los Muertos, coupled with Corona’s positive vibes and social atmosphere, this year Corona adds a neon vibrancy to the day of the dead, illuminating the holiday for a broader audience. Leveraging the traditional elements of the holiday, combined with the modern, and the welcoming tone of the brand, Corona Extra creates an exciting celebration that all will want to join. The holiday is increasingly being celebrated in America by Hispanic and multicultural communities due to its festive nature and because it’s a more authentic and intriguing alternative to Halloween. In 2017, Corona illuminates the holiday and invites everyone to participate in celebrating Día de los Muertos their own way.

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