Blooming Valley

Page 1









Department The


Graduates of





Arts Hong



“爆谷”— 好一個藝術系畢業展的展題。乍看叫人摸不着頭腦,但經同學的解讀 後,卻又頓覺奇趣生動,頗具創意。也許這個展題亦可視作藝術系同學創作與成 長歷程的一個剪影。 時下的年青人擅於在日常生活之中找尋創作靈感,但卻銳意要打破成規定法,為 原來尋常的事物重新定義,從而凸顯自我的獨特個性,間中更帶點遊戲味道。 以“爆谷”為例,經同學重新演繹後,竟能一語雙關,由原來不過是大家熟悉的 一種食品,變成同學朝氣蓬勃的寫照。 正如本屆畢業同學所言,他們好比滿園綻放的鮮花,叫人目不暇給,創作熱情又 好比夏日的驕陽,不容冷卻。在此,我希望引伸一下同學的比喻,祝願朵朵艷麗 的鮮花,最終都能夠結成累累果實,在各自的發展路上,在香港的藝壇,以至香 港以外的藝術領域,取得豐盛的收穫。

莫家良 藝術系系主任



While “Blooming Valley” looks perfectly conventional for an exhibition title, the title in Chinese “爆谷” usually only means “popcorn”, which appears to be somewhat nonsensical in the context. The graduating students, however, manage to justify it not without jest and imagination. In a way, the justification invites attention to not just their artistic creations but also their attitude of life. Young people nowadays are good at finding inspiration from their daily life. Instead of looking at things and happenings in the usual and logical perspective, they are bent on reinterpreting them for new meanings so as to highlight their unique personalities and sometimes not forgetting to amuse themselves and others in the process.“爆谷” or “popcorn” is just one such example. What is originally a reference to a common snack has now turned into a pun that has taken on a new meaning that relates to their energy and passion. As described by the graduating students, they are flowers in full bloom that fascinate whoever sets eyes on them and their passion is like the summer sun that is burning with rage. Let me extend this analogy a bit to wish them all a gratifying harvest in the future with fruits that they wish to bear with their flowers whether in the local art scene or further beyond.

Harold Mok Chairman, Department of Fine Arts


目錄 \ : 序言 陳軒蒨 周秀蘭 鄭 思 朱倩華 何淑美 何艷婷 葉麗珊 林耀謙 劉彥韜 李南衡 梁依廷 羅懿靜 陸憓賢 彭漪琪 蘇 茵 黃芷淵* 黃向藝 黃綺琪 胡幗姿* 楊霖潔 楊承謙 葉羨衡 葉穎芯 主席的話 *



Content \ :

Preface CHAN Hin Sin Cindy CHAU Sau Lan CHENG Sze CHU Sin Wa HO Shuk Mei June HO Yim Ting IP Lai Shan LAM Yiu Him LAU Yin To Lewis LEE Lam Hang Casper LEUNG Yee Ting LO Yi Ching Evelyn LUK Wai Yin PANG Yi Ki Annette SO, Helen WONG Tsz Yuen Jenny* WONG Xiang Yi Zephry WONG Yee Ki WU Kwok Chi* YANG Lam Kit Crystal YEUNG Shing Him Bernard YIP Sin Hang Natalie YIP Wing Sum Cathy Afterword *

Graduate of History Art Stream, the others are graduates of Studio Art Stream



6101 6677

CHAN Hin Sin,Cindy

2010 2009 2006 2006 2004 1987

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 參與美國匹茲Carnegie Mellon University交留生計劃 入讀香港中文大學新亞書院藝術系 預科畢業於賽馬會體藝中學 中五畢業於嘉諾撒聖家書院 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Participated a half year exchange programme at College of Fine arts, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States Entered into the Department of Fine Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Graduated from the Jockey Club Ti-I College Graduated from Holy Family Canossian College Born in Hong Kong

2009 2006 2006 2004 1987 展覽 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 2004

《2009香港國際古玩及藝術博覽會》,香港會議展覽中心 《2008香港國際古玩及藝術博覽會》,香港會議展覽中心 《廿!》 陳軒蒨、蔡鈺娟、賴宛珊、蘇綽玲聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《不能展的。秘密》聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館樓間 《雙年展》 藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《Homee》,新晉香港女性藝術家聯展,不一藝術 《倆點伴》 藝術系二年級展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《中大藝術2007》 藝術系系展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《來來》 藝術系系展一年級班展,香港中文大學崇基書院行政樓展覽廳 《賽馬會體藝中學第五屆畢業展》,香港文化中心 《文字藝術展》,賽馬會體藝中學展覽廳

Exhibition 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 2004 獎項 2008

<Hong Kong International Arts and Antiques Fair 2009> Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre <yaa~> Joint Exhibition of Cindy Chan, Bouie Choi, Elise Lai and Zon So, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Our Show.OFF> Joint Exhibition, Cheng Mind Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Our Biennial> Joint Exhibition of year two student, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK <Hong Kong International Arts and Antiques Fair 2008> Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre <Homee> Group Exhibition of Young Hong Kong Female Artists, Edge Gallery <2:30> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK <Come, Come> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Lobby Gallery, Administrative Building, Chung Chi College, CUHK <The Art of CUHK 2007> Annual Exhibitions of the Fine Arts, Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, CUHK <The Fifth Graduation Exhibition of Ti-I College> Hong Kong Cultural Centre <Letters of Arts joint Exhibition> Ti-I Gallery, Jockey Club Ti-I College

香港中文大學,人文精神創意獎 Cliftons 藝術獎 – 香港地區

Awards 2008 收藏



CUHK Outstanding Creativity Award on Humanities Cliftons Art Prize - Hong Kong 《Hill Top Garden 29c》 (一組三幅),2008,水彩、紙,36 x 36 公分 (每幅)。私人收藏 《Acquisitive Pain》,2008,塑膠彩及混合媒介、帆布,165 x 137 公分。人文精神創意獎 《The Red Balloon》,2008,塑膠彩及混合媒介、帆布,142 x 81 公分。私人收藏 <Hill Top Garden 29c> (Set of three), 2008, Watercolor on Paper, 36 x 36 cm (each). Private Collection <Acquisitive Pain>, 2008, Acrylic & Mixed Media on Canvas, 165 x 137 cm. Cliftons Art Prize Collection <The Red Balloon>, 2008, Acrylic & Mixed Media on Canvas, 142 x 81 cm. Private Collection


陳 軒 蒨 CHAN Hin Sin,Cindy








Watching your face is an interesting journey 混合媒介 Mixed media

尺寸不定 Dimension Variable



How do you do, Mr.Lion and Mr. P

塑膠彩及混合媒介、帆布 Acrylic & Mixed Media on Canvas 2009

陳 軒 蒨 CHAN Hin Sin,Cindy

121cm × 72cm (每幅 each)






CHAU Sau Lan, Carrie

2010 2006 1987

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於香港培道中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from Pooi To Middle School Born in Hong Kong

2006 1987 展覽 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007

《女兒國》周秀蘭個人作品展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《Heterogeneous》周秀蘭、潘泳霖、蘇曉欣、黃芷淵、胡偉寬、楊晉宣聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《覺藝美術學會第十一屆會員作品展》,香港視覺藝術中心展廳 《夢幻邂逅》周秀蘭、黃芷淵、潘泳霖、蘇曉欣、楊晉宣聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《倆點伴》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《來來》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學崇基書院行政樓展廳 《覺藝美術學會第十屆會員作品展》,香港視覺藝術中心展廳

Exhibitions 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007


<The Girl s Kingdom> Solo Exhibition of Chau Sau Lan, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK <Heterogeneous> Joint Exhibition of Chau Sau Lan, Poon Wing Lam, So Hiu Yan, Wong Tsz Yuen, Wu Wai Fun and Yeung Chun Yi, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <The 11th Joint Exhibition of the members of The Art Sense>, Gallery of Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre <The five people you meet in Wonderland> Joint Exhibition of Wong Tsz Yuen, Poon Wing Lam, So Hiu Yan, Yeung Chun Yi and Chau Sau Lan, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Two point five> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK <Come, Come> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Lobby Gallery, Administrative Building, Chung Chi College, CUHK <The 10th Joint Exhibition of the members of The Art Sense>, Gallery of Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre



周 秀 蘭 CHAU Sau Lan, Carrie





三的禱告 鉛筆紙本

Charcoal on Paper 38cm x 53cm 2008



水彩紙本 Watercolour on Paper 29cm x 41cm 2009



周 秀 蘭 CHAU Sau Lan, Carrie

水彩紙本 Watercolour on Paper 56cm x 76cm 2009







2010 2007 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於賽馬會體藝中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from Jockey Club Ti-I College Born in Hong Kong

2007 1988 展覽 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007

《調色》鄭思,林耀謙,李南衡聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《:「」》鄭思、鄭家榆、蘇茵、陸憓賢、彭漪琪、江耀榮聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《中大藝術2009》藝術系系展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《在途中》中大藝術2009藝術系系展策展計劃入圍展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《短髮聯展》陳健聲、何艷婷、鄭思、羅懿靜、陸憓賢聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《花語》,嘉道理農場 《賽馬會體藝中學2007年畢業展》,藝林畫廊 《賽馬會體藝中學2007年畢業展》,香港文化中心 《賽馬會體藝中學2007年畢業展》,賽馬會體藝中學

Exhibitions 2010


<Monkey around sex> Joint Exhibition of Cheng Sze, Lam Yiu Him and Lee Lam Hang, Casper, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <:「」> Joint Exhibition of Cheng Sze, Cheng Ka Yue, So Helen, Luk Wai Yin, Pang Yi Ki, Annette and Kong Yiu Wing, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <The Art of CUHK 2009> Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <The Art of CUHK 2009: Curatorial Exhibition “On the Way”> Annual Exhibitions of the Fine Arts Department, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Short Cut> Joint Exhibition of Chan Kin Sing, Ho Yim Ting, Cheng Sze, Lo Yi Ching, Evelyn and Luk Wai Yin, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK

2007 2007 2007 2007

<Poem of Flowers> Joint Exhibition, Kadoorie Farm <Jockey Club Ti-I College 2007 Graduation Exhibition>, Art Land Gallery <Jockey Club Ti-I College 2007 Graduation Exhibition>, Hong Kong Cultural Centre <Jockey Club Ti-I College 2007 Graduation Exhibition>, Jockey Club Ti-I College

2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008




鄭 思 CCHENG Sze





油畫布本 Oil on Canvas



Love me tender, love me true

混合媒介 Mixed Media 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2009

3 Traces

鄭 思 CCHENG Sze

混合媒介 Mixed Media 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2009





CHU, Sin Wa

2010 2006 1987

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於賽馬會體藝中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from STFA Lee Shau Kee College Born in Guangdong

2006 1987 展覽 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007

《My Little Rabbit is Melting》朱倩華個人作品展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《鄉水》藝術系暑期江南考察聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《中大藝術2009》藝術系系展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《懶》陳健聲、陳朗恩、朱倩華、李南衡、楊霖潔聯展,香港中文大新學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館

Exhibitions 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007


<My Little Rabbit is Melting> Solo Exhibition of Chu Sin Wa, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <The Jiang Nan Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department> CUHK Fine Arts China Summer Study Trip Exhibition, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <The Art of CUHK 2009> Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Idleness> Joint Exhibition of Chan Kin Sing, Chan Long Yan, Chu Sin Wa, Lee Nam Hang, Yang Lam Kit, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK


“Le rêve et la raison d’être”

朱 倩 華 CHU, Sin Wa







Rainbow Man (detail)

混合媒介 Mixed Media 尺寸可變 Dimension Variable 2009


Rainbow Man

水彩紙本 Watercolor on Paper 50cm x 30cm 2009


EYE(LEVEL)CONTACT 混合媒介 Mixed Media 500cm x 250cm 2009


To My Lover

朱 倩 華 CHU, Sin Wa

混合媒介 Mixed Media 尺寸可變 Dimension Variable 2009






HO, Shuk Mei June

2010 2007 2000 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術,副修法文 畢業於樂道中學 畢業於嘉諾撒培德小學 生於廣州


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts, minor in French Studies Graduated from Lock Tao Secondary School Graduated from Pui Tak Canossian Primary School Born in Canton

2007 2000 1988 展覽 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007 2004

《INNER-MOST》何淑美個人作品展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《中大藝術2009》藝術系系展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《光的藝術》校園推廣計劃展覽,香港沙田大會堂展覽廳 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《中小學生視覺藝術創作展2004》,教育統籌局藝術教育組展覽室

Exhibition 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2007 2004

< INNER-MOST> Solo Exhibition of Ho Shuk Mei, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <The Art of CUHK 2009> Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <The Light of Art> Joint Exhibition, Exhibition Gallery, Shatin Town Hall, Shatin, Hong Kong <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Exhibition of Primary and Secondary Schools Students Creative Visual Arts Work-2004>, Exhibition Rooms of the Arts Education Section, Education and Manpower Bureau

獎項 2007 2005 2004

尤德爵士紀念基金獎學金 校內樂道獎項-最佳表演獎,金獎 中小學生視覺藝術創作展優異獎狀

Award 2007 2005 2004

Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prize Lock Tao Award, The Gold Award of Best Performance Outstanding Award of Exhibition of Primary and Secondary Schools Students Creative Visual Arts Work - 2004

收藏 《Spring》,水粉布本。私人收藏 《On the way of train ride》,素描。私人收藏 《Imaginary space, Guangzhou》,油彩布本。Mrs. Clare-Marie Beeson收藏 Collections <Spring>, gouache on Canvas. Private Collection <On the way of train ride>, Charcoal on Paper. Private Collection <Imaginary space, Guangzhou>, Oil on canvas. Collected by Mrs. Clare-Marie Beeson



何 淑 美 HO, Shuk Mei June

“Our Arts represent our unique.”






Self portrait II

油彩紙本 Oil on canvas 119 x 91cm 2010

I planted my green garden, the main road of New Asia College 混合媒介 Mixed media 尺寸不定Dimension Variable 2008


The blue of Liverpool 油彩紙本 Oil on canva 122cm x 179cm 2009

何 淑 美 HO, Shuk Mei June






HO, Yim Ting

2010 2007 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於德愛中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from Tak Oi Secondary School Born in Hong Kong

2007 1988 展覽 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2005

《36 Muses in Maze 》,賽馬會創意藝術中心 《調色》何艷婷個人作品展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《映.城》,網上相片展 《中日友好書法展》,日本創價大學 《Respect- See it again》,香港大學 《中大藝術2009》藝術系系展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《渝港大學生藝術采風夏令營-寫生作品展》聯展,重慶大學 《短髮聯展》陳健聲、何艷婷、鄭思、羅懿靜、陸憓賢聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《從黑白到黑白之上》中國媒介聯展,香港中文大學錢穆圖書館 《二連》 藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《很美》美國藝術文化自然之旅聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《匯藝八方中華情》,香港文化中心 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《中小學生視覺藝術創作展2005》,視覺藝術中心

Exhibitions 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2005

<36 Muses in Maze>, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre <Palette> Solo Exhibition of Ho Yim-Ting, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK < Blogging Photography > Online photography exhibition <中日友好書法展>, Soka University, Japan <Respect- See it again>, The University of Hong Kong <The Art of CUHK 2009> Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <渝港大學生藝術采風夏令營-寫生作品展> Joint University Exhibition, Chongqing University <Above Black and White> Joint Exhibition of Au Yeung Wing Sze, Lung Tak Chun, Ho Yim Ting, Lo Yi Ching, Luk Wai Yin, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Short Cut> Joint Exhibition of Chan Kin Sing, Ho Yim Ting, Cheng Sze, Lo Yi Ching, Evelyn and Luk Wai Yin, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <So American> Joint Exhibition of a study tour of Art, Culture and Landscape, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <匯藝八方中華情>, The Hong Kong Cultural Centre <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Exhibition of Primary and Secondary Schools Student s Creative Visual art work 2005>, The Hong Kong Visual Art Centre

獎項 2009 2009 2009 2009

丁衍庸學業成績獎 林耀明校董傑出學生服務獎 新亞書院傑出服務獎 新亞書院優異生獎

Awards 2009 2009 2009 2009


Tin Yen Yung Merorial Award Lam Yiu Ming Student Outstanding Services Awards Dean s List- service, New Asia College, CUHK Dean s List- merit, New Asia College, CUHK

何 艷 婷 HO, Yim Ting

“Bridging the world with the miracle of ART!”





1 還有什麼可以送給你? Any more I can do for you? 攝影 Photography 38.1cm x 50.8cm 2009


給你一個五星級的家 Home sweet home

攝影 Photography 38.1cm x 50.8cm 2009


全家幅Family Photo

何 艷 婷 HO, Yim Ting

攝影 Photography 38.1cm x 50.8cm 2009





IP, Lai Shan

2010 2007 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於寶血女子中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from Precious Blood Secondary School Born in Hong Kong

2007 1988 展覽 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008

《鄉水》 藝術系暑期江南考察聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《葉麗珊個人作品展》 葉麗珊個人作品展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《記陸》 陳朗恩、葉麗珊、梁依廷、蘇茵、楊霖潔、葉羨衡聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《女人子》 陳朗恩、葉麗珊、蘇茵、葉羨衡聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館

Exhibitions 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008


<The Jiang Nan Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department> CUHK Fine Arts China Summer Study Trip Exhibition, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Ip Lai Shan Solo Exhibition> Solo Exhibition of Ip Lai Shan, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Mark Six> Joint Exhibition of Chan Long Yan, Ip Lai Shan, Leung Yee Ting, So Helen, Yang Lam Kit and Yip Sin Hang Natalie, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <WM> Joint Exhibition of Chan Long Yan, Ip Lai Shan, Leung Yee Ting, So Helen, Yip Sin Hang, Natalie, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK



葉 麗 珊 IP, Lai Shan






塑膠彩布本 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS 6 feet X 4 feet 2009

Shall we talk under the water? 攝影 Photography


葉 麗 珊 IP, Lai Shan






LAM, Yiu Him

2010 2007 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於東華三院辛亥年總理中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from T.W.G.Hs Sun Hoi Directors College Born in Hong Kong

2007 1988 展覽 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007

《調色》鄭思,林耀謙,李南衡聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《小圈子》大專院校藝術聯展,石硤尾賽馬會創意藝術中心 《在途中》中大藝術2009藝術系系展策展計劃入圍展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《四重奏》江耀榮,林耀謙,劉彥韜,楊承謙聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《光的藝術》校園推廣計劃展覽,香港沙田大會堂展覽廳 《很美—美國藝術文化自然之旅》藝術系暑期美國之旅回顧展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館

Exhibitions 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007

<Monkey Around Sex> Joint Exhibition of Cheng Sze, Lam Yiu Him and Lee Nam Hang, Hui s Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Little Coterie> Joint University (CUHK / BU / IED) Exhibition, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre <The Art of CUHK 2009> Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <The Quartet> Joint Exhibition of Kong Yiu Wing, Lam Yiu Him, Lau Yin Lo, Yeung Shing Him, Bernard, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <The Light of Art> Joint Exhibition, Exhibition Gallery, Shatin Town Hall, Shatin, Hong Kong <So American-A Study of Art, Culture and Landscape> Joint Exhibition of the Department of Fine Arts United States Summer Study Trip, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK

獎項 2009


Award 2009


Lui Lup Fun Curatorial Award, The Art of CUHK 2009



林 耀 謙 LAM, Yiu Him





錄像裝置 Video Installation 3min 40sec 2009


A story about me

錄像裝置 Video Installation 2min 53sec 2009

林 耀 謙 LAM, Yiu Him

3 To him and her 錄像裝置 Video Installation 3min 15sec 38.1cm x 50.8cm 2009





LAU, Yin To Lewis

2010 2007 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於宣道中學 生於中國香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from Christian Alliance College Born in Hong Kong, China

2007 1988 展覽 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007

《聊齋誌異》鄭家榆、劉彥韜、楊承謙聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《鄉水》藝術系暑期江南考察聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《2009香港國際古玩及藝術品博覽會》,香港會議展覽中心 《渝港大學生藝術采風夏令營-寫生作品展》聯展,重慶大學 《中大藝術2009》藝術系系展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《小圈子》大專院校藝術聯展,石硤尾賽馬會創意藝術中心 《四重奏》江耀榮、林耀謙、劉彥韜、楊承謙聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館

Exhibitions 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007

<Liao Zhai Zhi Yi> Joint Exhibition of Cheng Ka Yue, Lau Yin To, Lewis and Yeung Shing Him, Bernard, Hui Gallery, New Asian College, CUHK <The Jiang Nan Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department> CUHK Fine Arts China Summer Study Trip Exhibition, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <渝港大學生藝術采風夏令營-寫生作品展> Joint University Exhibition, Chongqing University <Hong Kong International Art and Antiques Fair>, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center <The Art of CUHK 2009> Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Little Coterie> Joint University (CUHK / BU / IED) Exhibition, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre <Quartet> Joint Exhibition of Kong Yiu Wing, Lam Yiu Him, Lau Yin To, Lewis and Yeung Shing Him, Bernard, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asian College, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK

獎項 2009


Award 2009 收藏



Ting Yen Yung Creative Award 《Sheung Wan》,水彩紙本。私人收藏 《Wai Chai》,水彩紙本。私人收藏 《Starferry》,油彩布本。林偉而先生收藏 《The Game of Artists》,油彩布本。林偉而先生收藏 《維多利亞一號》,油彩布本。何超儀小姐收藏 <Sheung Wan>, Watercolour on Paper. Private Collection <Wai Chai>, Watercolour on Paper. Private Collection <Starferry>, Oil on Canvas. Collected by Mr. William Lin <The Game of Artists>, Oil on Canvas. Collected by Mr. Wi <Dream Home>, Oil on Canvas. Collected by Ms. Ho Chiu Yee

劉 彥 韜 LAU, Yin To Lewis

“當眾人離開自己的崗位,而你能堅守自己的位置。 我相信,你已經成功了一大半。”






The Game of Artists

油畫布本 Oil on Canvas 118cm x 208cm 2010



油畫布本 Oil on Canvas 122cm x 150cm 2009

Studio of Fine Arts dept. 油畫布本 Oil on Canvas 144cm x 160cm 2009

劉 彥 韜 LAU, Yin To Lewis






LEE, Nam Hang

2010 2007 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於順德聯誼總會李兆基中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from Shun Tak Fraternal Association Lee Shau Kee College Born in Hong Kong

2007 1988 展覽 2010 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007

《OPPS》,李南衡個人作品展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《中大藝術2009》 藝術系系展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《懶》陳健聲、陳朗恩、朱倩華、李南衡、楊霖潔聯展,香港中文大新學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《順德聯誼總會李兆基中學二零零七年畢業展》

Exhibitions 2010 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007


< OPPS > Solo Exhibition of Lee Nam Hang, New Asia College Ch ien Mu Library, CUHK <The Art of CUHK 2009> Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK < Idleness>, Joint Exhibition, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Idleness> Joint Exhibition of Chan Kin Sing, Chan Long Yan, Chu Sin Wa, Lee Nam Hang, Yang Lam Kit, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK <STFA Lee Shau Kee College 2007 s Graduation Exhibition>



李 南 衡 LEE, Nam Hang




As Long As You Discovered Me 混合媒介 Mixed Media 98cm x 62cm 2008



混合媒介 Mixed Media 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2008

Spatial Organization of Children 混合媒介 Mixed Media 42cm x 30cm(每幅each) 2009

李 南 衡 LEE, Nam Hang






LEUNG, Yee Ting

2010 2007 2005

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於賽馬會體藝中學 畢業於浸信會呂明才中學


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), Major in Fine Arts Graduated from Jockey Club TI-I College Graduated from Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School

2007 2005 展覽 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007

《食.藝》梁依廷個人作品展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《記陸》 陳朗恩、葉麗珊、梁依廷、蘇茵、楊霖潔、葉羨衡聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《索畫》梁依廷、黃綺琪聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《賽馬會體藝中學畢業班聯展—尚心》,香港文化中心

Exhibitions 2010 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007

<Eating with Art> Solo Exhibition of Leung Yee Ting, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK <Mark Six> Joint Exhibition of Chan Long Yan, Ip Lai Shan, Leung Yee Ting, So Helen, Yang Lam Kit and Yip Sin Hang Natalie, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <A maze> Joint Exhibition of Leung Yee Ting and Wong Yee Ki, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Jockey Club Ti-I College Form Seven Graduation Exhibition - From Deep Within>, The Hong Kong Cultural Centre

獎項 2009 2009

香港中文大學文物館館友會獎金 香港中文大學文物館暑期實習工作計劃獎學金

Awards 2009 2009


Scholarship of the Friends of the Art Museum, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Scholarship of Summer Internship at the Art Museum, the Chinese University of Hong Kong



梁 依 廷 LEUNG, Yee Ting




山齋清供 Shan Zhai Qing Gong

水墨設色紙本 Chinese Ink on Paper 27cm x 24cm(每幅each) 2010


請茶 Tea time

水墨設色紙本 Chinese Ink on Paper 28cm x 85cm (左、右);34cm x 92 cm (中) 2009


山齋清供 Shan Zhai Qing Gong

梁 依 廷 LEUNG, Yee Ting

水墨設色紙本 Chinese Ink on Paper 27cm x 24cm(每幅each) 2010





LO, Yi Ching Evelyn

2010 2007 2005 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於聖公會呂明才中學 畢業於聖伯多祿中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from S.K.H.Lui Ming Choi Secondary School Graduated from St. Peter  s Secondary School Born in Hong Kong

2007 2005 1988

展覽 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007

《基督徒聯展》 《鄉水》 藝術系暑期江南考察聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《中大藝術2009》 藝術系系展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《從黑白到黑白之上》中國媒介聯展,香港中文大學錢穆圖書館 《光的藝術》校園推廣計劃展覽,香港沙田大會堂展覽廳 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《短髮聯展》陳健聲、何艷婷、鄭思、羅懿靜、陸憓賢聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館

Exhibitions 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007

<Christian Union Group Exhibition> Joint Exhibition <The Jiang Nan Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department> CUHK Fine Arts China Summer Study Trip Exhibition, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <The Art of CUHK 2009: Curatorial Exhibition “On the Way”> Annual Exhibitions of the Fine Arts Department, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Above Black and White> Joint Exhibition of Au Yeung Wing Sze, Lung Tak Chun, Ho Yim Ting, Lo Yi Ching, Luk Wai Yin, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <The Light of Art> Joint Exhibition, Exhibition Gallery, Shatin Town Hall, Shatin, Hong Kong <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Short Cut> Joint Exhibition of Chan Kin Sing, Ho Yim Ting, Cheng Sze, Lo Yi Ching, Evelyn and Luk Wai Yin, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK

獎項 2008 2008

《中國全國書畫攝影詩文大賽》書法二級優異獎 《中國全國書畫攝影詩文大賽》書法榮譽獎

Awards 2008 2008


2nd Class Award in Chinese Calligraphy in《中國全國書畫攝影詩文大賽》(Youth Class) Honor Award in Chinese Painting in《中國全國書畫攝影詩文大賽》(Youth Class)



羅 懿 靜 LO, Yi Ching Evelyn





水墨紙本 Chinese Ink on Paper 202cm x 86cm 2008



水墨紙本 Chinese Ink on Paper 193cm x 56cm 2009



羅 懿 靜 LO, Yi Ching Evelyn

水墨紙本 Chinese Ink on Paper 275cm x 69cm 2008





LUK, Wai Yin

2010 2006 1987

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於聖公會曾肇添中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from S.K.H. Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School Born in Hong Kong

2006 1987 展覽 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007

《:「」》鄭思、鄭家榆、蘇茵、陸憓賢、彭漪琪、江耀榮聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《中大藝術2009》藝術系系展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《從黑白到黑白之上》中國媒介聯展,香港中文大學錢穆圖書館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《短髮聯展》陳健聲、何艷婷、鄭思、羅懿靜、陸憓賢聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館

Exhibitions 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007


<:「」> Joint Exhibition of Cheng Sze, Cheng Ka Yue, So Helen, Luk Wai Yin, Pang Yi Ki, Annette and Kong Yiu Wing, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <The Art of CUHK 2009> Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Above Black and White> Joint Exhibition of Au Yeung Wing Sze, Lung Tak Chun, Ho Yim Ting, Lo Yi Ching, Luk Wai Yin, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Short Cut> Joint Exhibition of Chan Kin Sing, Ho Yim Ting, Cheng Sze, Lo Yi Ching, Evelyn and Luk Wai Yin, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK



陸 憓 賢 LUK, Wai Yin




噴漆鐵蓋本 Spray Paint on Iron 20cm x 24cm 2009

2 Mosaic Tile Favor 紙皮石口味 混合媒介 Mixed Media 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2009

3 Best Before 此日期前最佳

陸 憓 賢 LUK, Wai Yin

混合媒介 Mixed Media 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2009

「優 惠 券」在 限 期前未被 兌 現, 「牛奶」就在 這 天 到期了,今後 的一切,它再也無法分享…… 取而代之的,便是可永久保存的 「紅酒」。 3




PANG, Yi Ki Annette

2010 2007 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於荃灣官立中學 出生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from Tsuen Wan Government Secondary School Born in Hong Kong

2007 1988 展覽 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007

《霎時有訪》 彭漪琪個人作品展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《:「」》鄭思、鄭家榆、蘇茵、陸憓賢、彭漪琪、江耀榮聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《小圈子》 大專院校藝術聯展,石硤尾賽馬會創意藝術中心 《中大藝術2009》藝術系系展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《Every Story is a Love Story》 彭漪琪、楊雪盈、葉慧盈聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《二連》 藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《很美—美國藝術文化自然之旅》藝術系暑期美國之旅回顧展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《一連》 藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》 藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館

Exhibitions 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007


<Interview in a Wink> Solo Exhibition of Pang Yi Ki, Annette, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK <:「」> Joint Exhibition of Cheng Sze, Cheng Ka Yue, So Helen, Luk Wai Yin, Pang Yi Ki, Annette and Kong Yiu Wing, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Little Coterie> Joint University (CUHK / BU / IED) Exhibition, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre <The Art of CUHK 09> Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Every Story is a Love Story> Joint Exhibition of Pang Yi Ki Annette, Yeung Suet Ying Clarisse and Yip Wai Ying Jo, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <So American-A Study of Art, Culture and Landscape> Joint Exhibition of the Department of Fine Arts United States Summer Study Trip, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK


彭 漪 琪 PANG, Yi Ki Annette

“to unlearn the past”





我不是你的鞋子 I  m not your shoe 塑膠彩布本 Acrylic on canvas 50cm x 50cm (每幅each) 2009


Those Days 秘密的歲月

塑膠彩及鉛筆、木 Acrylic and Pencil on Wood 12.5cm x 54cm (每幅each) 2009


On the Train 火車上

彭 漪 琪 PANG, Yi Ki Annette

繪畫裝置 Painting installation 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2009





SO, Helen

2010 2007 2007 2000 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 入讀香港中文大學新亞書院藝術系 畢業於The Read School, Drax, 英國 入讀香港賽馬會體藝中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Entered into the Department of Fine Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Graduated from the Read School, Drax, England Entered into Jockey Club Ti-I College Born in Hong Kong

2007 2007 2000 1988 展覽 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007

《sweet dreams/ beautiful nightmares?》蘇茵個人作品展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《:「」》鄭思、鄭家榆、蘇茵、陸憓賢、彭漪琪、江耀榮聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《鄉水》藝術系暑期江南考察聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《記陸》陳朗恩、葉麗珊、梁依廷、蘇茵、楊霖潔、葉羨衡聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《女人子》陳朗恩、葉麗珊、蘇茵、葉羨衡聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《在途中》中大藝術2009藝術系系展策展計劃入圍展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《很美—美國藝術文化自然之旅》藝術系暑期美國之旅回顧展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館

Exhibitions 2010 2009 2009 2009

2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007


<sweet dreams/ beautiful nightmares?> Solo Exhibition of So Helen, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <:「」> Joint Exhibition of Cheng Sze, Cheng Ka Yue, So Helen, Luk Wai Yin, Pang Yi Ki, Annette and Kong Yiu Wing, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <The Jiang Nan Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department> CUHK Fine Arts China Summer Study Trip Exhibition, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Mark Six> Joint Exhibition of Chan Long Yan, Ip Lai Shan, Leung Yee Ting, So Helen, Yang Lam Kit and Yip Sin Hang, Natalie, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <WM> Joint Exhibition of Chan Long Yan, Ip Lai Shan, Leung Yee Ting, So Helen, Yip Sin Hang, Natalie, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <The Art of CUHK 2009: Curatorial Exhibition “On the Way”> Annual Exhibitions of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <So American-A Study of Art, Culture and Landscape> Joint Exhibition of the Department of Fine Arts United States Summer Study Trip, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK

蘇 茵 SO, Helen

“世界行得太快,我的記憶量太少。我只好用自己的方法, 將不是屬於我的人事景物,自私地據為己有。”






Snap Snap

混合媒介 Mixed Media 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2008


Nap Time with Maruko

塑膠彩木本 Arcylic on Wood

I’m so proud to be a Chinese

塑膠彩紙本 Arcylic on Paper


蘇 茵 SO, Helen







WONG, Tsz Yuen Jenny

2010 2008 2006 2006 1987

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術,副修政治與行政 赴美國貝拉明大學作交流生 獲選為香港十大傑出學生 畢業於聖士提反女子中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts, Minor in Government & Public Administration Being an exchange student in Bellarmine University, US Elected as One of the HKSAR Top-10 Outstanding Students Graduated from St. Stephen s Girls College Born in Hong Kong

2008 2006 2006 1987

展覽 2009 2008 2008 2007 2006 2005 Exhibitions 2009


<Heterogeneous> Joint Exhibition of Wong Tsz Yuen, Chau Sau Lan, Poon Wing Lam, So Hiu Yan, Wu Wai Fun and Yeung Chun Yi, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <The Five People You Meet in Wonderland> Joint Exhibition of Wong Tsz Yuen, Chau Sau Lan, Poon Wing Lam, So Hiu Yan, Wu Wai Fun and Yeung Chun Yi, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Hong Kong Cityscape> Joint Exhibition of Fine Arts, the Hong Kong Art Museum <2:30> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK <Come, Come> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Lobby Gallery, Administrative Building, Chung Chi College, CUHK <Hong Kong Scenery> Joint Art Exhibition of Fine Arts, MTR Corporation Ltd

獎項 2008 2008 2006 2004 2004 2004 2003

香港中文大學新亞書院優異生獎狀 香港中文大學Yasumoto國際交流獎學金 香港十大傑出學生選舉優勝者,元朗青年商會主辦 香港傑出少年選舉優異獎,香港遊樂場協會主辦 青島盃中國青年T-恤設計比賽總冠軍,中國十省市組委會主辦 《香港明天更好壁畫比賽》優勝獎,香港廠商會主辦 《香港:亞洲國際都會紀念封設計比賽》優異獎,香港郵政總局主辦

2008 2008 2007 2006

Awards 2008 2008 2006 2004 2004 2004 2003 收藏 2006 2004 2001


《Heterogeneous》周秀蘭、潘泳霖、蘇曉欣、黃芷淵、胡偉寬、楊晉宣聯展, 香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《夢幻邂逅》周秀蘭、黃芷淵、潘泳霖、蘇曉欣、楊晉宣聯展, 香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《香港都市景貌》美術壁畫邀請展,香港藝術館 《倆點伴》藝術系二年級展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《來來》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學崇基書院行政樓展廳 《香港城市景貌》港鐵公司藝術展覽,港鐵沿線巡迴展


Dean  s list -- Merit, CUHK Yasumoto International Exchange Scholarship, CUHK 19th HKSAR Top-10 Outstanding Student, launched by Junior Chamber International Hong Kong Commendation of the 5th Hong Kong Outstanding Teen, launched Hong Kong Playground Association 1st Prize of the China Youth T-shirt Design Competition, launched by 10-Joint-Province-Design-Committee in China Commendation Prize of “Hong Kong: The Better The Tomorrow” Painting Competition Consolation Prize of “Hong Kong Asia s World City” Souvenir Covers Design Competition, launched by Hong Kong Post 《香港城市景貌》,塑膠彩布本。港鐵公司收藏 《遨遊太空》,塑膠彩T-恤。中國航天員收藏 《Dream》,塑膠彩紙本。私人收藏

黃 芷 淵 WONG, Tsz Yuen Jenny







夢幻邂逅2 Dream series 2

混合媒介 Mixed media 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2008


美國回憶 American Memories

黃 芷 淵 WONG, Tsz Yuen Jenny

混合媒介 Mixed Media 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2009





XIANG, Yi Wong Zephry

2010 2005 1999 1987

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於循人中學,吉隆坡,雪蘭莪,馬來西亞。 畢業於安邦國民型華文小學,雪蘭莪,馬來西亞。 出生於馬來西亞


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from TSUN JIN High School, KL, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. Graduated from SRJK (C) On Pong, AMPANG, SELANGOR, MALAYSIA. Born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2005 1999 1987 展覽 2009 2008 2007 2007

《向藝》黃向藝個人作品展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《Directionalism》蔣之宓、黃向藝、張冷雪聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《兩點伴》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《來來》藝術系系展一年級班展,香港中文大學崇基書院行政樓展覽廳

Exhibitions 2009 2008 2008 2007

<ForwART> Solo exhibition of Xiang Yi Wong, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia College, Chinese University of Hong Kong. <Directionalism> Joint Exhibition of Mi Tjio, Xiang Yi Wong, Ling Shuet Cheung, Hui Gallery, New Asia College <2:30> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK <Come, Come> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Lobby Gallery, Administrative Building, Chung Chi College, CUHK

獎項 2007 2008 2009

作品刊登于《中大通訊 第307期—藝文風景》 香港中文大學文物館館友會獎金 香港工筆畫會創作獎

Awards 2007 2008 2009


Work published at ‘A touch of Class’ section, CUHK Newsletter, No.307. Scholarship of the Friends of the Art Museum, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Chinese Meticulous Painting Associoation Creative Award

“人的一生,有時像在拉屎,有時很努力了, 可出來的,只是個屁。”

黃 向 藝 XIANG, Yi Wong Zephry

“Sometimes Life is like Sh*ting, although you Are Hard to go, but still a Fart.”






共浴 Bathing

紙本設色 Chinese Ink on Paper 57cm x 83 cm 2009


剃須 Shaving

紙本設色 Chinese Ink on Paper 53cm x 69cm 2009


編物 Amimono

黃 向 藝 XIANG, Yi Wong Zephry

絹本設色 Chinese Ink on Paper 52cm x 52cm 2009





WONG, Yee Ki

2010 2007 2005 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術,副修西班牙語 畢業於賽馬會體藝中學 畢業於沙田崇真中學 出生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), Major in Fine Arts, Minor in Spanish Graduated from Jockey Club TI-I College Graduated from Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School (STTSS) Born in Hong Kong

2007 2005 1988 展覽 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2007 2007

《足各》中大藝術系基督徒聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《使人和睦的人有福了》,當代基督徒藝術作品展,中大崇基學院利黃瑤璧樓 《索畫》梁依廷、黃綺琪聯展,香港中文大學錢穆圖書館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學文物館 《原是好的》中大藝術系基督徒聯展, 中大錢穆圖書館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《賽馬會體藝中學畢業班聯展—尚心》,香港文化中心

Exhibitions 2010 2010 2009 2008 2008 2007 2007

<AWay> Joint Exhibition of Christians in Fine Arts, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Blessed Are the Peace-Makers> Joint Exhibition of Contemporary Christian Art of the 4th Chung Chi Christian Festival, Esther Lee Building, Chung Chi College, CUHK <A maze> Joint Exhibition of Leung Yee Ting and Wong Yee Ki, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia College, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Unto Good> Joint Exhibition of Christian of the Fine Art Department, Hui Gallery, New Asia, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Jockey Club Ti-I College Form Seven Graduation Exhibition - From Deep Within>, The Hong Kong Cultural Centre

獎項 2005 2004

沙田崇真中學視覺藝術科獎學金 沙田崇真中學視覺藝術科獎學金

Awards 2005 2004


Scholarship of Visual Arts from Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School (STTSS) Scholarship of Visual Arts from Shatin Tsung Tsin Secondary School (STTSS)



黃 綺 琪 WONG, Yee Ki






遮 Shelter

紙本水墨設色 Ink and color on paper 76cm x 76cm 2009


踱步 Wander

塑膠彩木本 Acrylic on wood 157.5cm x 17.5cm 2009

以色列的聖者 The one of Israel 混合媒介 Mixed Media 700cm x 44cm 2010

黃 綺 琪 WONG, Yee Ki







WU, Kwok Chi Remex

2010 2007 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於新生命教育協會呂部碧凰中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College Born in Hong Kong

2007 1988 展覽 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007

《香港行為藝術節—行為作動攝影展覽》 《香港民政事務處及香港中文大學合辦—藝綻冬日.潮裝公園.夠膽發夢》 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館

Exhibitions 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007

<Hong Kong International Performance Art Festival: Hong Kong On the Move DaDao Live Art Exhibition> < Public Art Project: Budding Winter, Art in the Park, Dare to Dream> <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK

演出 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008

無限傳說《再續情.未了》Musical Makeup artist 壹團和氣—北區人香港事第二部曲《夏枯草之味》Drama Makeup artist 香港中文大學四院劇賽 導演《這年夏天 我們的樹》形象設計 城市當代舞蹈團—現代舞編舞創作計劃My Own Dance 2009編舞《空中飛行塔》、《死啦 死啦》 香港中文大學崇基劇社週年公演,副導《人間》 大專戲劇節 形象設計《顧城》 香港中文大學聯合劇社週年公演,形象設計《蟲》 香港中文大學四院劇賽,形象設計《千里共嬋娟》 香港中文大學崇基劇社週年公演,形象設計《遊戲》

Performances 2010 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008

Legend-Infinity《再續情.未了》Musical Makeup artist Harmonic Theatre 北區人香港事第二部曲《夏枯草之味》Drama Makeup artist Director of Chinese University of Hong Kong 4-college competition (Chung Chi Drama Club) 《This Summer Our Tree》 Choreography of 2 dance pieces in Contemporary Dance Program“My Own Dance” 《空中飛行塔》、《死啦!死啦》 Assistant director of Chung Chi Drama Club of Chinese University Chung Chi Drama Club Annul Performance《Ren Jian》 Image designer of United Drama Club Annul Performance《蟲》 Image designer of Joint University Performance《顧城》 Image designer of Hong Kong 4-college competition《千里共嬋娟》 Image designer of Chung Chi Drama Club Annul Performance《Game》

獎項 2009


Award 2009


Director of the Chinese University of Hong Kong 4-college Drama Competition (Chung Chi Drama Club)《This Summer Our Tree》- Best Director, Best Visual Effect, Best Performance


胡 幗 姿 WU, Kwok Chi Remex

“Living and creating with heart is art.”






5  x 3


陶瓷 Ceramic (5件pieces) 2010

Mr & Mrs Mak 身體健康 混合媒介 Mixed Media 3m x 1m 2010



當代舞蹈 Contemporary Dance 18 minutes 2009

胡 幗 姿 WU, Kwok Chi Remex






YANG, Lam Kit

2010 2007 2005 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於聖傑靈女子中學 畢業於中華基督教會基法小學 出生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Major in Fine Arts Graduated from St. Catharine School for Girls, Kwun Tong Graduated from CCC Kei Faat Primary School Born in Hong Kong

2007 2005 1988 展覽 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007

《She is being kiXXed, today》,個人作品展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《記陸》陳朗恩、葉麗珊、梁依廷、蘇茵、楊霖潔、葉羨衡聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《中大藝術2009》 藝術系系展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《在途中》中大藝術2009藝術系系展策展計劃入圍展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《懶》陳健聲、陳朗恩、朱倩華、李南衡、楊霖潔聯展,香港中文大新學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館

Exhibitions 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007


<She is being kiXXed, today> Solo Exhibition of Yang Lam Kit, New Asia College Ch ien Mu Library, CUHK <Mark Six> Joint Exhibition of Chan Long Yan, Ip Lai Shan, Leung Yee Ting, So Helen, Yang Lam Kit and Yip Sin Hang Natalie, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <The Art of CUHK 2009> Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <The Art of CUHK 2009: Curatorial Exhibition “On the Way”> Annual Exhibitions of the Fine Arts Department, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Idleness> Joint Exhibition of Chan Kin Sing, Chan Long Yan, Chu Sin Wa, Lee Nam Hang, Yang Lam Kit, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK



楊 霖 潔 YANG, Lam Kit



A Scenery

裝置 Installation 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2009


The Hug: Sculpture and Sculptor 裝置 Installation 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2009

3 A project: yes, I dream in the old fashion world

楊 霖 潔 YANG, Lam Kit

攝影及錄像記錄 Photography and Video Documentary 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2009






YEUNG, Shing Him Bernard

2010 2006 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於賽馬會體藝中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from the Jockey Club Ti-I Collegel Born in Hong Kong

2006 1988 展覽 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007

《聊齋誌異》鄭家榆、劉彥韜、楊承謙聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《藝綻冬日—夠膽發夢》公共藝術計劃,沙田中央公園 《鄉水》藝術系暑期江南考察聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《四重奏》江耀榮、林耀謙、劉彥韜、楊承謙聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《很美—美國藝術文化自然之旅》藝術系暑期美國之旅回顧展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《賽馬會體藝中學畢業班聯展—尚心》,香港文化中心

Exhibitions 2010 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007


<Liao Zhai Zhi Yi> Joint Exhibition of Cheng Ka Yue, Lau Yin To, Lewis and Yeung Shing Him, Bernard, Hui Gallery, New Asian College, CUHK <Art in the Park—Dare to Dream > Public art project, Shatin Central Park <The Jiang Nan Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department> CUHK Fine Arts China Summer Study Trip Exhibition, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Quartet> Joint Exhibition of Kong Yiu Wing, Lam Yiu Him, Lau Yin To, Lewis and Yeung Shing Him, Bernard, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asian College, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <So American-A Study of Art, Culture and Landscape> Joint Exhibition of the Department of Fine Arts United States Summer Study Trip, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Jockey Club Ti-I College Form Seven Graduation Exhibition - From Deep Within>, The Hong Kong Cultural Centre



楊 承 謙 YEUNG, Shing Him Bernard



1 試想象他沒計較 Imagine if he  s let it be 油彩紙本 Oil on Canvas 117cm x 84.5cm 2009

2 同志們辛苦了! It  s been hard for you, comrades! 紙皮及油漆 Paper and Paint 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2009


無題 Untitled

楊 承 謙 YEUNG, Shing Him Bernard

英泥 Cement 159.5cm x 58cm x 49cm 2009






YIP, Sin Hang Natalie

2010 2007 1988

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於香港中國婦女會中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated from the Hong Kong Chinese Women s Club College Born in Hong Kong

2007 1988 展覽 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2005 2005

《文化地圖》火炭藝術工作室展覽,香港火炭坳背灣街57-59號利達工業中心7樓708室 《鄉水》藝術系暑期江南考察聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《記陸》陳朗恩、葉麗珊、梁依廷、蘇茵、楊霖潔、葉羨衡聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《渝港大學生藝術采風夏令營-寫生作品展》聯展,重慶大學 《在途中》中大藝術2009藝術系系展策展計劃入圍展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《中大藝術2009》藝術系系展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《女人子》陳朗恩、葉麗珊、蘇茵、葉羨衡聯展,香港中文大學新亞書院許氏文化館 《二連》藝術系二年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院錢穆圖書館 《一連》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院人文館 《序》藝術系一年級班展,香港中文大學新亞書院誠明館 《全港中學視覺藝術傑出學生選舉入圍展覽》,紅磡都會 《全港中學視覺藝術傑出學生選舉入圍展覽》,香港中央圖書館展覽館

Exhibitions 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2007 2005 2005

<CULTaMAP Art Fair Exhibition> Rm. 708, Leader Indl. Centre, Fo Tan <The Jiang Nan Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department> CUHK Fine Arts China Summer Study Trip Exhibition, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Mark Six> Joint Exhibition of Chan Long Yan, Ip Lai Shan, Leung Yee Ting, So Helen, Yang Lam Kit and Yip Sin Hang Natalie, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <渝港大學生藝術采風夏令營-寫生作品展> Joint University Exhibition, Chongqing University <The Art of CUHK 2009: Curatorial Exhibition “On the Way”> Annual Exhibitions of the Fine Arts Department, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <The Art of CUHK 2009> Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <WM> Joint Exhibition of Chan Long Yan, Ip Lai Shan, Leung Yee Ting, So Helen, Yip Sin Hang, Natalie, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Online Suddenly> Joint Exhibition of year two students of Fine Arts, Ch ien Mu Library, New Asia Collage, CUHK <A Year of Linkage> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Preface> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia Collage, CUHK <Winners Exhibition of the Election of Outstanding Students of Visual Arts in Hong Kong Secondary Schools>, Hung Hom Metro Plaza <The Election of Outstanding Students of Visual Arts in HK Secondary Schools>, Exhibition Gallery of Hong Kong Central Library

獎項 2005


Award 2005


Outstanding Secondary School Arts Student Competition, launched by C01 Design School



葉 羨 衡 YIP, Sin Hang Natalie



It will be a beautiful day, after all 油畫布本 Oil on Canvas 60cm x 70cm)



水彩紙本 Watercolour on Paper 30cm x 26cm (每幅each)


Have some sleep

油畫布本 Oil on Canvas 140cm x 55cm

葉 羨 衡 YIP, Sin Hang Natalie






YIP, Wing Sum Cathy

2010 2008 2008 2006 2004 1987

畢業於香港中文大學(文學士),主修藝術 畢業於香港理工大學多媒體設計與科技高級文憑(成績優異) 受浸 畢業於台山商會中學 畢業於五旬節林漢光中學 生於香港


Graduated with the Degree of Bachelor of Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK), major in Fine Arts Graduated (with Distinction) from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Higher Diploma in Multimedia Design and Technology Baptism Graduated from Toi Shan Association College Graduated from Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School Born in Hong Kong

2008 2008 2006 2004 1987 展覽 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008

《足各》中大藝術系基督徒聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《鄉水》藝術系暑期江南考察聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《HI, BYE》董永康、陳雪兒、鄺詠君、葉穎芯、羅家南聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《反畫》藝術系一年級聯展,香港中文大學許氏文化館 《廿四味》藝術系一年級聯展,香港中文大學誠明館 《Eyes Wide Open》理大設計年展2008,香港創新中心

Exhibitions 2010 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008

<AWay> Joint Exhibition of Christians in Fine Arts, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Art in the Park—Dare to Dream> Public art project, Shatin Central Park <The Jiang Nan Exhibition of the Fine Arts Department> CUHK Fine Arts China Summer Study Trip Exhibition, Hui Gallery, New Asia Collage, CUHK <HI, BYE> Joint Exhibition of Tung Wing Hong, Chan Suet Yi, Kwong Wing Kwan, Yip Wing Sum and Law Ka Nam, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK <Break Rules> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Hui Gallery, New Asia College, CUHK<So American, art exhibition according to the summer <24 Flavours> Joint Exhibition of year one students of Fine Arts, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, CUHK <Eyes Wide Open> The Poly-U School of Design Annual Show 2008, Innocentre, Kowloon Tong

獎項 2008


Award 2008


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Design Outstanding Student Award 2007/08

葉 穎 芯 YIP, Wing Sum Cathy

“Art is an open question, without an absolute answer. ”






Life of Egg

混合媒介 Mixed Media 尺寸不定 Dimension Variable 2009

2 用廁紙量度身體 Use tissue paper to measure _____. 混合媒介 Mixed Media 尺寸不定


Buttons and Stripes II

葉 穎 芯 YIP, Wing Sum Cathy

水彩紙本 Watercolour on Paper 54cm x 78cm 2009



後記~* 很疲累!踏入四月中,全體畢業生都在忙。忙的不只是畢業作品,還忙於計劃前 路,要做一個全職藝術家?還是一個普通打工仔?我想大家還未能決定吧。三年 的生活好像都在忙碌中度過,這晚終於有一個機會,讓我好好回味一下這三年, 這三年藝術系帶給我的回憶。 回想當初,我們這一群為什麼會讀藝術?是興趣,是一時衝動,還是一個夢想? 對於我,三年前是因為對其他事物不感興趣,才會走進這個我不全了解的圈圈 中。初生之犢,對萬千事物都感到好奇,日間我們穿梭中大,學習不同課題,接 觸不同媒介,認識古今中外的藝術家;晚上我們留連誠明,同學之間互相交流, 不同年級不分你我,創作出一件又一件的作品,生活得十分快樂。而當這種形式 的生活變成習慣後,我們便再不願意浪費一分一秒,變成一個六歲小孩那樣,不 斷尋求知識。因為我們了解到自己是那麼的無知,開始發現世界是那麼的大。正 因這種藝術系訓練出來的生活態度,才能成就出一個又一個的藝術家。深山之中 有這一群刻苦耐勞的人,其實是一種福氣。這種生活亦是這三年最值得回憶的一 環。三年了,過了三年這樣的生活,我終於了解到藝術究竟是什麼了。 畢業的時間越來越近,捨不得是有的,開始珍惜每天留在誠明的時間,亦開始面 對現實,考慮將來。將來要做一個全職藝術家?還是一個普通打工仔?這個問題 還是留給你吧!但是,不管將來你是一個藝術家,還是一個朝九晚七的打工仔, 都請你不要離棄這個改變我們一生的好朋友。 各位,發揮你們最大的潛能!勇敢向前!打敗怨氣!加油!

林耀謙 2010畢業展籌委會主席 二零一零年四月十六日 104


Very tired! At the beginning of April, all graduates are busy. Not only because of the graduation work, but also busy with the future plans. Become a full-time artist? Or an ordinary wage earner? I guest all graduates still could not decide. It appears as if we spent the last three years in a busy way, but, in this evening, I finally have a chance to look back to the memory that the Department of Fine Arts brought me in the past three years. Recalling our memories, why do we choose art? Interested in? On impulse? A dream? To me, I walked into the circle of incomplete understanding simply because I have a passion on it. As freshmen, we are addicted to learning new things. In the day time, we get in touch with different techniques, different medias, and get to know the ancient and modern artists through studying the history of art; in the evening, we linger at Cheng Ming Building, chatting and communicating with mates of different years, play around, and creating art pieces. Life is really happy! Day after day, we did find ourselves to have learnt more; but at the same time, we discover that we cannot waste a single minute anymore in order to fully equip ourselves to face the outside world. I guess this is the way of how artists appear. I truly believe It is a blessing that there is a group of hard working people working at the remote mountains. After three years of life at Cheng Ming, I finally understand what Art is! Our graduation is approaching. Frankly, we are reluctant to leave. Everyone! Start treasure the moment we stay Cheng Ming Building; start to face the reality and consider about our future. Becoming a full-time artist? Or an ordinary wage earners? This answer is left to you! However, whether you are an artist in the future, or a nine-to-seven employees, please do not leave art in our lives. All graduates please grievances! Cheers!








Lam Yiu Him Chairman, 2010 Graduation Exhibition Committee 16th April, 2010 105



主辦 Organizers



Chief Sponsors

Diamond Sponsor

特別贊助 Gold Sponsors

贊助 Silver Sponsors




Media partners

Private Sponsor

特別鳴謝 Special Thanks To 特別贊助 Gold Sponsor 香港中文大學新亞書院 New Asia College The Chinese University of Hong Kong







鳴謝 Acknowledgements

莫家良教授 蘇芳淑教授 唐錦騰教授 呂振光教授 陳育強教授 韋一空教授 周晉教授 尹翠琪教授 莫一新先生 饒宗頤教授 王無邪教授 何培斌教授 林業強教授 李東強先生 吳玉蘭博士 區大為先生 曾廣才先生 劉掬色女士 馮美華女士 黃兆先生 黃麗貞女士 羅琛堡先生 蘇慶強先生 譚偉平先生 吳秋萍女士 陳國富先生 陳遠光先生 鄺凱女士 鍾翠華女士 陳雅飛博士 林嘉敏女士

Professor Harold MOK Kar-leung Professor Jenny SO Fong-suk Professor Vincent TONG Kam-tang Professor LUI Chun-kwong Professor Kurt CHAN Yuk-keung Professor VIGNERON Frank Professor ZHOU Jin Professor Maggie C K WAN Mr. MOK Yat-san Professor JAO Tsung I Professor WONG Chung Ki Wucius Professor HO Puay Peng Professor LAM Yip Keung Peter Mr. LI Tung Keung Dr. NG Yuk Lan Mr. OU Da Wei Mr. TSANG Kwong Choi Ms. LAU Guk Zik Ms. FUNG May Wah Mr. WONG Siu Ms. WONG Lai Ching Mr. LAW Sum Po Jamsen Mr. SO Hing Keung Mr. TAM Wai Ping Ms. NG Chow Ping Mr. CHAN Kwok Fu Mr. CHAN Yuen Kwong Edward Ms. KWONG Hoi Rita Ms. CHUNG Tsui Wah Carol Dr. CHEN Yafei Ms. LAM Ka Man Carmi

及畢業展來賓、座談會嘉賓及參與者、文物館所有工作人員、各藝術系同學等。 And, the visitors of the exhibition, the guests and participants of the forum of the exhibition, the staff of Art Museum, all Fine Arts students etc.



爆 谷 Blooming Valley 中文大學二零一零藝術學士畢業生作品集 Works of Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts) 2010 Graduates 編輯 /設計: 畢業展設計組: 出版: 地址: 印刷: 版次: 印數:

a seed of 〔vik , karmel〕 葉羨衡、何淑美、葉穎芯 香港中文大學藝術系 香港中文大學新亞書院誠明二樓 二零一零年五月出版 1000

Editor and Designer: a seed of 〔vik , karmel〕 Design Team of the Graduation Exhibition Committee: Yip Sin Hang, Natalie, Ho Shuk Mei, June, Yip Wing Sum, Cathy Publisher:Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Adress: 2/F, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Printing: Edition: First Published in May, 2010 Number of Prints: 1000








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