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Buddhist Ideas about No-Self and the Person Martin Verhoeven Abstract: The author argues that the doctrine of no-self, although fundamental to Buddhist teaching, is widely misunderstood as a form of nihilism. The essential teaching is that all phenomena, including the human self, are composites and that, therefore, they have no permanent essence of their own. The Buddha did not, however, discount the experience of a self; on the contrary, he held that our attachment to self is the ultimate cause of suffering. This paper was presented to the fourth annual Northern California Chan/ Zen-Catholic Dialogue, January 2006. It appeared in Religion East & West, Issue 6, October 2006. Mere suffering exists, no sufferer is found; The deeds are, but no doer of the deeds is there; Nirvana is, but not the man that enters it; The path is, but no traveler on it is seen. —from the Visuddhimagga, XVI Be a person of the Way With no mind; Although you’re a person, There’s no self. . . . When the Way of being a person is perfected, Buddhahood accomplishes itself. —Chan Master Hsüan Hua


he idea that no permanent self is to be found in the basic elements of our experience is at the heart of the Buddhist path to liberation. The anātman doctrine taught by the Buddha proclaims the impersonality of all living phenomena of existence: there is no self, nothing belongs to a self. In the Buddhist teaching, no being has any enduring essence or personality; everyone, even the Buddha, exists in name only. The name merely refers to a congeries of psycho-physical elements which arise and vanish from moment to moment, carried along from beginningless time on a turning wheel of lives. Indeed, the first stages

Issue 10, October 2010


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