PROGRAM ASSOCIATE (MYANMAR NATIONAL) Namati: Innovations in Legal Empowerment Yangon, Myanmar Office July 2013
Looking for an exceptionally organized and motivated team player to support a range of legal empowerment initiatives. About Namati Our Vision: Empowered citizens, responsive governments. Our Mission: Namati is dedicated to putting the law in people’s hands. We strive to build a just world, in which every one of us can take part in the decisions – and demand accountability from the institutions – that affect our lives. Our Strategy: Namati works in three ways: 1. Grassroots Innovation: Namati partners with civil society organizations and governments to develop, implement, and evaluate legal empowerment strategies that address five urgent global challenges: Delivering quality legal aid at scale; Protecting community land rights; Closing the enforcement gap in environmental law; Fulfilling the right to citizenship; and Ensuring that essential services like healthcare and education are accountable to local communities. 2. A Global Network: Namati convenes an international community of practitioners committed to advancing justice. Members learn from each other and collaborate across borders. Together, we are building a stronger global movement for legal empowerment. 3. Research and Advocacy: Drawing on our own experience and that of the wider network, we advocate for and advise on reforms to policies and institutions.
About the Burma Program In Burma Namati is focused on legal empowerment efforts in two thematic areas: legal aid and land and natural resource rights. Namati is partnering with Burmese civil society groups and law firms to implement programs and to draw lessons from people’s experience with the law at the grassroots level into policy debates. We are also strengthening existing legal empowerment efforts through sharing methods, data collection options, and other practical tools gleaned from our legal empowerment experience around the globe.