What is Digital Dentistry? | Dr. Christopher Zed

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a What is Digital Dentistry? by Christopher Zed | Mar 8, 2021 | Dentistry, dr. christopher zed

The world has o cially entered the era of digital transformation. Regardless of industry, we have transformed most of our businesses by replacing analog, manual processes with digital technology. Some disciplines have adopted changes faster than others, however. Unlike the biomedicine, automotive, electronic, and aeronautic industries, the world of digital dentistry has taken over a decade longer to catch up. Modern-day dental practitioners now have fascinating technology at their disposal, from scanning and designing to 3D printing. They are only limited by their own budgets and willingness to invest in equipment and training. In the future, any dental practice that wants to stay competitive will need to adapt, but they can start by investing in technology little by little, especially if money is an issue. Like any large investment, Dentists must evaluate the pros and cons before committing. When examining a new potential dental technology, three signi cant components must be satis ed in order to justify the transformation. There should be a high level of predictable outcomes, there should be an increase in accuracy over old methods, and there should be improved e ciency, both in time and cost.

Digital technology improves more than patients’ experiences. Modern systems also organize and keep track of patient data and record keeping. This, in turn, helps to streamline the customer service experience. It’s also important to keep in mind that digital advancements are not limited to hardware. Several dental software eld leaders have ne-tuned their packages to o er a one-stop-shop for any dental practice. Their features include accounting software, scheduling calendars, custom treatment planning, patient records, customer feedback, cosmetic integration, eStatements for patients and vendors, eReminder cards, and careCredit services for customer bill support. Dentrix was launched in 1989, earning recognition as the rst-ever dental practice management software for PCs. Since then, they have expanded on their winning formula for success, changing along with the times. The modern-day software focuses on seamlessly incorporating front o ce, clinical, and business management software to maximize e ciency. Eaglesoft and Denticon are also gaining traction in the digital dentistry eld. The latter focuses on cloud-based storage for a completely paperless o ce. Advanced modules for patient imaging, reporting, analytics, and patient communication put it ahead of its rivals.


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