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February 18, 2016

A 11

Island Moon

Backwater Adventures

On the Rocks

Big Trout

By Jay Gardner

By Joey Farah Farah’s Fishing Adventures Well once again I’m behind deadline for my MOON MONKEY crew, too many hours on the water. This does say that what I write is up to date happenings on the water so I hope it helps a few out or inspires you to stop looking out the window and go fishing. Just as hearts were pounding spring flowed through the jetties. Massive amounts of shrimp and small baitfish poured into the bay this week and with it came the BIG MONSTER BLACK DRUM. As many as 40 a night have been coming to hand at JOLLY ROGER OUTLAWS got together on the Lagoon marker 37 pier the last few for a great day of fishing. We had limits of trout from the nights. The only problem is that ICW on soft plastics. there are so many small trout that you have to use crab or sea lice to keep a turn on again till mid day. The grass lines are bait in the water. This massive movment of fish best first thing in the morning as these fish are shallower and in clear water, feeding on small has let loose spring fishing. perch that are eating shrimp. Natural colors in This morning we stopped along the east side of small 3”DOA CALL SHADS have been tops the ICW about five miles down from the bridge. for an all day bite. Order all your DOA BAITS We were using soft plastics and as swarms of FROM THEIR WEBSITE or stop bye Roy’s, bait swam by we caught a trout on every cast they have a pretty good selection. The biggest for over thirty minutes until we picked up advantage you can give yourself this week is a tube of PRO-CURE. This is an extra fish-smell additive that I use every day on my soft plastics and live bait. Shrimp, blue crab, shad, and menhaden are my favorites depending on the fishing you’re doing. Down south fishing along the north shoreline of Baffin has been good for hunting big trout but now that temperatures have stayed up the big fish have definitely spread out to all reaches of Baffin and beyond. This is great, getting out away from the boat pressure will improve your chances. Look for most of the biggest fish along grass beds in 2ft of water close to rocks.

Carol beat the boys easily with this double jig and SOA soft plastics. Her first cast was a double!

MARCH 26th is the FARAHS MARKER 37 SEMINAR WEEKEND. FREE SEMINARS FROM THE TOP LOCAL GUIDES! We will be covering 8 different subjects on two different stages, free barbecue, and DOA LURE GIVEAWAYS, also product prizes from WATERLOO RODS AND EVERLAST FISHING EQUIPMENT. EASTER WEEKEND SATURDAY March 26th, starts at 4pm at Marker 37. I’m out of time I need to send this in! GO GET WET AND LIKE OUR PAGE ON FACEBOOK SO YOU CAN FOLLOW ALL OUR HOOKUPS.

and moved. The amount of fish in the channel this week is amazing, with the low tide. Try drifting or wading the east and west side at first light, then move towards the flats adjacent to the channel as shrimp settle down and bury themselves out in the soft bottoms in about 2-5ft of water. We have also been catching good keepers out in the murky open water of the King Ranch Shoreline during the middle of the day. These fish feed heavy during the night and don’t


Man, the weather has been GREAT lately out and about on our Island. The water at the beach has been beautiful, the winds have been mostly cooperative, and driving hasn’t been all that bad on the sand at all. This is definitely the calm before the storm, almost like an “Indian Spring?”. We all know what an Indian summer is, but I haven’t been able to figure out what beautiful, mid-and-late February weather is. I’ll take it in any terms. What a great time to live on the Island! The Zeps even got baby Nash out the other day and joined us for a bit. We’ve been having some wonky tides over the past six months. First, it came up so high in the early fall that it floated boards off the docks. Then, it didn’t drop out when it was supposed to in November and December; in fact, the water levels stayed up and we saw some pretty high tides, especially for winter. And then it held high through January and into February, where it finally started dropping out (and I mean, Elvis has LEFT the building two weeks ago), and

the appearance of scissor-tailed flycatchers. Of course, there is also the dreaded “three-at-30” that also marks the start (and continuation) of spring typically followed by a hard summer. Three months of 30 MPH and plus winds out of the southeast every day, and you loyal readers know what I mean. Time to stock up on AquaNet to hold those coiffures down, and nail the deck furniture to the deck. Time to get your stuff together for the big show next weekend on February 27th; this will be the 47th (just kidding, it’s the 21st) annual Big Shell Beach Clean Up down on the Padre Island National Seashore. As a reminder, due to the popularity of NOT waking up at 4:45am on a Saturday, we will again be starting at 8am this year. Come on down to the Visitors Center (free admission to the Park) and Tom Bergen and Ranger Buzz will tell you where to go and get lined up this year. Maybe you’ll be un-lucky enough to wind up with me as your section leader, but we’ll head south and get it knocked out anyway. Of course there will be hotdogs thanks to CCA-Corpus Christi Chapter and pizzas thanks to Daniel Dain at Dominoes. Get it on your calendar for next weekend and hit up info@ if you need more information.

This past week has been a bunch of those “you’re going the wrong way” days when I’ve crossed the bridges into town to go to work in the morning. The weather has been very nice, and maybe after the CCA-CC banquet coming up here on March 10th I’ll be able Rachel and Zep with baby Nash to breathe a little easier and might even be able to take a now its creeping right back up. What is going day off (gasp! Oh no! the world would end!) on around here? Meanwhile, Florida is getting Drop me a line if you want to know more about pummeled with some actual winter weather, any of the events coming up at tarponchaser@ and the manatees are all hiding up the rivers in and we’ll see you On the Rocks. the springs together. Wouldn’t surprise me if a manatee showed up here the next season, maybe word will get out that we had a mild winter. Speaking of having a mild winter, I’m really starting to believe that we might be headed towards spring sooner than later. I’ve already seen a few snakes out and about and there have been other reports of them stirring already as well. What’s also really telling is the mourning doves (and collared, and white-wings) are all talking to each other and starting nesting season. I can’t remember the last year that they really cranked it up in mid-February. This could be a fairly interesting season. However, we may get whacked again, and again like what happened two years ago. That was a really bad spring break, and I hope for the local businesses sake alone that we are really headed into spring. The last two harbingers of spring are the new leaves on all the mesquite trees and

Fully Guided • All Tackle Provided



2016 is here and the 21th Annual Billy Sandifer Big Shell Beach Cleanup is around the corner. This cleanup can not happen without the help of our volunteers and your help is needed again.

S E E YO U T H E R E !

2017 MODEL

The Big Shell Beach Cleanup Saturday

February 27, 2016

8 am

Volunteers will meet at Malaquite Pavilion on Padre Island National Seashore. To reach Malaquite Pavilion just stay on (SPID) through Corpus Christi out onto North Padre Island where it becomes Park Road 22. Just keep driving till you come to the entry gate of PINS. Tell the attendant you are there to volunteer for the beach cleanup and you will not be charged admission. The second set of buildings is the Malaquite Pavilion and turn into the huge parking lot. It’s on the left side of Park Road 22. All volunteers will be back at the pavilion by 2 pm. Four wheel drive vehicles, trailers for hauling trash in and out of the work area, and working volunteers are needed. Walking volunteers (those arriving in two wheel drive vehicles) are welcome and will be afforded transportation to and from the work area. Those unable to pick up trash but having four wheel drive vehicles are most welcome to aid in hauling volunteers and trash. The event will not be rescheduled and will take place rain or shine.

Refreshments will be available in the work area and at Malaquite following the event. Long pants and sturdy foot wear recommended. Don’t pick up broken glass or flammable items. Report all hazardous items to your section leaders.

This masked marvel loaded up on a nice 4-pound trout on glow DOA SOFT PLASTICS along the ICW this week.






MAKO 19 Pro Skiff Ava ila




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