January 7, 2016
Island Moon
Whitecap Work
A 11
Island Moon,
17th Annual New Year’s Meander by Port Aransas Parks and Recreation. 2-mile run or 2016-meter walk. Runners included kids and adults with winner being 11-year-old Zoe Roetter from Austin.
How many articles have been written through the years about the seawall, beach maintenance, the narrow beach, hazardous conditions, and inconvenienced locals and visitors who are now forced to drive around the Island House Private Beach?
If you have driven to Whitecap Beach lately you may have noticed this construction trailer and a sand barrier going up. The changes are the beginning of a townhome development on seven acres of land near the south end of the Michael J. Ellis Seawall between Island House, Whitecap, and Windward. We will have more information on the project in the next few issues.
It’s frustrating to see so much time, effort, and money being thrown away until the end of time. Deep pockets got away with creating the problem, and now our collective shallow pockets have to perpetually fund temporary fixes. That money could be better spent on a permanent solution. The seawall and Island house need to be moved back where they should have been built to begin with. There has been a lot of talk about all the improvements coming to the Island. Perhaps we should consider taking the opportunity to start over, do it right, and fix the problem once and “for all.” Yuri Kiang
Send photos and letters to editor@islandmoon.com The handicap ramp on the seawall is being extended further out into the beach. photo by Mary Craft
Trash cans are being placed about every 250 feet on the beach. photo by Mary Craft
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