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February 19, 2015

A 11

Island Moon

Barefoot Mardi Gras King & Queen’s Ball Photos by Miles Merwin and Debbie Noble

Island Creations Remodeling

Total Renovation & Remodels, Outdoor Kitchens & Spas, Additions, Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrades, Sunporches, Replacement of Windows and Doors, Roofing, Painting & Stucco

Landscaping Insured Member, Padre Island Business Association Member, Builders Association, Corpus Christi


Design work, Yard Maintenance, Decks, Pergolas, Installation of Rock, Grass, Plants, Trees, Walkways, Paths, Tree Trimming, Container Planting, Vacant Lot Mowing & Shade Covers. All Kinds of Fencing, Pressure Washing & Deck Staining & Sealing


Driveways, Patios, Sidewalks, Patio Overlays, Decorative Stamping & Staining, Decks, Bulkheads, Grouted Stone Walls & Patios, Decorative Stone Paver Driveways & Patios

Owned & Operated by Island Residents David & Katherine Pierce References Available Upon Request Commercial & Residential

Doing Everything a Home or Business Needs

The Gem of the Island! Captures the waterviews Relaxing, private! 13802 Gunwale


cuttlebutt’ s S SEAFOOD BAR & GRILL

Medical Mondays!

10% Discount if you’re wearing scrubs or have a hospital I.D.!

14254 SPID Phone: 361-949-6769

O2 D E N T A L New premier dental facility located in Flour Bluff









Climate Controlled Storage

Starting at $39.00

Flo ur B luff Dr.


Flour Bluff

Lag una Sho res

Climate CoNtrol oN site maNaGer opeN 7 Days eleCtroNiC Gate aCCess ViDeo surVeillaNCe HouseHolD & CommerCial moViNG supplies aVailable

Wa ldro nR oad

No loNG lease aGreemeNt!

Storage iS our buSineSS! offiCe Hours:

(361) 937-8673

m-f 8:30-6:00

sat 8:30-5:30

10514 S.P.i.d.

Monday through Saturday 9am to 5pm

361.937.8333 9929 SPID Suite 119 CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS 78418

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