RED WINE Magazine April 2016 (free)

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Fine As “What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.” (Matthew 10:27).

Executive office RED WINE Magazine, Incorporated 17503 La Cantera Parkway, Suite 104-193 San Antonio, Texas 78257

Editor-in Chief Dr. Diana Hardy

Editorial Staff Deborah Chiaravolliti


Writers 2







Dr. Diana Hardy Erica Johnson

Graphic Design Karen Hue Gustavo

Website Design Gagan Masoun



Good News! I have some good news but before I give it to you, I want to thank the thousands of you who read RED WINE every month. Because of your desire to know who you are and to learn about the fabulous God who made you and loves you and enjoys you waking up each day, the Lord told me to write every single day and send you some food and love from Him on a daily basis. I am overjoyed that God is paying that much attention to us. There are many topics that I am going to write on and I encourage you that if there is anything you are interested in knowing about or questions you have, write us at Red Wine. You can send an email to me at We are going to kick this off the right way! I am looking for God to do some profound things. He has been doing them in my life for over 20 years now. So I am sure there are many adventures for your life ahead. I don’t care where you are, even if you are depressed right now. Know that I am praying for you, even without knowing your name and I will pray for every depressed person who reads this magazine looking for hope. There is hope for us all. I will be talking to you soon. God bless you. Dr. Diana

Dr. Diana

How I Beat Cancer C A N C E R - Those cold letters do not reign supreme. So many people are afraid of hearing the words “You have cancer”, that they won’t even go to the doctor. There are others who go to the doctor and are caught completely off guard when they receive a diagnosis of cancer. I originally wrote my book How I Beat Cancer because my secretary asked me to write a small pamphlet that she could give to people when she visited cancer clinics. And so I agreed. What started out as a small pamphlet containing words of encouragement and some “how-to” tips to survive cancer, turned into a 46 page book about my personal life and experience with cancer. I am sharing How I Beat Cancer with the world because I want mothers, fathers, grandmothers and even doctors to know that there is a cure for cancer. It’s just that science doesn’t hold the answer. The one who has the awesome cure is God. Scientists are not completely sure what causes cancer. They conduct vigorous research and have increased understanding about the behavior of cancer cells, but a cure is not yet here. I am not a physician and I don’t pretend to tell physicians or scientists what to do. What I do know is God. I know that God speaks the ultimate truth. And once you know that, you realize that you don’t have to know exactly how things go wrong in the body, because God will show you how to be healed, how to be cured of cancer. God cured me of cancer. And I am still so humbled by it. I have so much gratitude to God because a cousin of mine, who was my age, was diagnosed with colon cancer at the same time I was diagnosed. She died and I didn’t. It takes me places you could never understand when I think about how God chose me. How I Beat Cancer is my personal life story and testimony about my battle with cancer with God by my side. The book tells you how to fight cancer with God. I am not knocking chemotherapy or any other modern day treatments. It was not my choice because I believe chemotherapy kills the good with the bad. God was my choice and I am all the more better for it. So when you are undergoing the medical interventions you choose, take this book along and use the spiritual medication that you find within its pages. You will receive the kind of life-saving results you deserve.


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Now at that time, I felt like the only person in the whole world who was unhappy with themselves and their life. But of course, as an adult you learn that many people felt that way as children, teens and even right now in their adult life. The reasons vary. Some people have experienced trauma, rejection, addiction or, like me, just an overall uneasiness in your own skin. No matter where you are, you feel out of place, even in your own home with your family.

WhyCAN’T I buy LOVE? Erica Johnson

I felt like there was another person on the inside that somehow I could not express on the outside but if I could get away to a new place with new people I could show them who I really was on the inside. It may have been just teenage awkwardness but it grew into full blown depression. Because at some point you give up that anything will ever change. I got that revelation when I went to college. I was in a new place with new people but somehow I still could not adjust. So my deduction that I just needed a change of place was wrong. That’s when the depressed mind begins to tell you that the problem is you and you will never be able to get away from you.

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That of course is true, you can’t get away from you but the piece of the puzzle I was missing was that I didn’t know who I truly was. Most of us don’t because that answer lies only with God. I know you may think that is cliché but it is the truth. God made each and every one of us so it follows that He would understand what we need and who we are better than anyone else, even ourselves. My soap opera fantasy actually came true. I was given a new identity in Christ Jesus. I discovered things about myself I never knew and have travelled and met people I would have never thought I would encounter. At the lowest point in the life I knew, I reached out to God and He pulled out of my old life and into a blessed existence. And He’s not done because I have the promise of eternal life with Him. Whenever I talk to people about salvation, there is always that person that asks what on earth do they need to be saved from. Everybody has that personal thing they can’t get themselves out of, be it addiction, depression, abuse, sickness, debt etc. I found out personally that giving your life over to the Lord and deciding to live for Him sets you free from things you’d never be able to climb out of yourself. The only way I knew to get out of the deep depression that plagued me from childhood was suicide. I needed God to show me there was another way out called salvation (Colossians 1:13). So if you are reading this and you are suffering from depression, addiction, mental illness, physical illness, or if you are being abused I can tell you on good authority God can get you out right now. If your marriage is falling apart, divorce is not your only option, there is salvation.

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And of course there is what we all have heard; salvation provides a place with God in eternity. Everyone gets eternal life by the way. Salvation just ensures that you spend eternity in the presence of God instead of in hell (Matthew 25:46).


Whatever you are facing today that makes you want to run away from your life, instead run to Jesus (Matthew 11:28-29). Whatever you need, it is in Him. I found this out for myself and He doesn’t love me anymore than you. He did it for me so He will do it for you and those you love if you just believe! Be blessed!

said He came that we may have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).

That means in eternity but it also means right now today in our life here on earth. I got my new identity and my new life through Christ. The Bible says that we become new creatures in Christ Jesus, the old passes away and everything becomes new (2 Corinthians 5:17).

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I needed God to show me there was another way out called salvation (Colossians 1:13).

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Tomorrow Erica Johnson

Growing up, my Grandmother watched soap operas religiously. And every summer when I was home from school I’d sit right there with her and watch them. Even in college, I would sneak in an episode now and then and call her on the phone to watch it together. I always loved the story line where the person would leave town and create a new identity and start a whole new life. That appealed to me personally because I never felt comfortable in my own skin. So as a teenager, equipped with my soap opera fantasies, I would dream of growing up and moving away to become someone else. I was always searching for my tomorrow, if you will (Sorry, I couldn’t resist!).

I am sure everyone has had that thought at least once in life but some of us live with the idea for a long time. And to some degree, that idea gives you hope, false hope, but hope nonetheless. But one day you realize that it is a soap opera story line and unless they are running from the law, people don’t typically just go away and change their identity.

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Now at that time, I felt like the only person in the whole world who was unhappy with themselves and their life. But of course, as an adult you learn that many people felt that way as children, teens and even right now in their adult life. The reasons vary. Some people have experienced trauma, rejection, addiction or, like me, just an overall uneasiness in your own skin. No matter where you are, you feel out of place, even in your own home with your family. I felt like there was another person on the inside that somehow I could not express on the outside but if I could get away to a new place with new people I could show them who I really was on the inside. It may have been just teenage awkwardness but it grew into full blown depression. Because at some point you give up that anything will ever change. I got that revelation when I went to college. I was in a new place with new people but somehow I still could not adjust. So my deduction that I just needed a change of place was wrong. That’s when the depressed mind begins to tell you that the problem is you and you will never be able to get away from you. That of course is true, you can’t get away from you but the piece of the puzzle I was missing was that I didn’t know who I truly was. Most of us don’t because that answer lies only with God. I know you may think that is cliché but it is the truth. God made each and every one of us so it follows that He would understand what we need and who we are better than anyone else, even ourselves. My soap opera fantasy actually came true. I was given a new identity in Christ Jesus. I discovered things about myself I never knew and have travelled and met people I would have never thought I would encounter. At the lowest point in the life I knew, I reached out to God and He pulled out of my old life and into a 8 I Red Wine

blessed existence. And He’s not done because I have the promise of eternal life with Him. Whenever I talk to people about salvation, there is always that person that asks what on earth do they need to be saved from. Everybody has that personal thing they can’t get themselves out of, be it addiction, depression, abuse, sickness, debt etc. I found out personally that giving your life over to the Lord and deciding to live for Him sets you free from things you’d never be able to climb out of yourself. The only way I knew to get out of the deep depression that plagued me from childhood was suicide. I needed God to show me there was another way out called salvation (Colossians 1:13). So if you are reading this and you are suffering from depression, addiction, mental illness, physical illness, or if you are being abused I can tell you on good authority God can get you out right now. If your marriage is falling apart, divorce is not your only option, there is salvation.

And of course there is what we all have heard; salvation provides a place with God in eternity. Everyone gets eternal life by the way. Salvation just ensures that you spend eternity in the presence of God instead of in hell (Matthew 25:46). Jesus said He came that we may have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). That means in eternity but it also means right now today in our life here on earth. I got my new identity and my new life through Christ. The Bible says that we become new creatures in Christ Jesus, the old passes away and everything becomes new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Whatever you are facing today that makes you want to run away from your life, instead run to Jesus (Matthew 11:28-29). Whatever you need, it is in Him. I found this out for myself and He doesn’t love me anymore than you. He did it for me so He will do it for you and those you love if you just believe! Be blessed!



It doesn’t mean that you won’t sin; it means that sin will not control you anymore. To put it in plain language, your desire to do what please God will begin to overrule your desire to do what pleases your flesh (Romans 6)

I started this article with this scripture on purpose because I believe it is on point right now. Not only is it profound but it is of high value to all of us in the world. Saints, if we want to help people we have

of understanding of God’s Word, you know that prayer is the most powerful weapon there is. The scripture above shows you there is a war going on and there is a spiritual one you don’t see


WAR “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

to pray. We have to have a concentrated focus on praying according to the will of God. There are some steps we have to to take in order for our prayers to be effective. Nobody wants to keep praying and the prayers don’t go past the ceiling in their house. Or their words just fall to the ground. If you have just a basic amount

which is facilitating the war that is happening in the natural. The reason why ISIS is out there now is because of the satanic kingdom, Jesus said it was a kingdom. Jesus said if satan’s kingdom is divided it shall not stand. Well there would be no reason for Him to say satan’s kingdom unless it was a kingdom. Am I right about that? Can we agree on that? Satan’s kingdom is releasing words and

making concentrated efforts and advancements in this world to destroy your life and the life of your family and friends. He wants to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). If he can’t kill you, he will steal from you or destroy whatever you have. And not just items in your house but also in your bank account, your children, friends, family and coworkers. Everything that is important to you. So prayer war is what we have to do. We have the US army that will go and fight with natural weapons and that has been done all throughout Iran and Iraq. But how much have we advanced? How strong are we because of that? Instead we experienced a lot of pain, young men and women coming home without limbs and some without their right minds. I understand we may need physical war at times but what is more important is spiritual warfare we can do right from our home, cars or jobs.

You can be the strongest warrior God has in a bathroom stall. You just have to get devoted and come into agreement that God’s way is the only way. I am talking about a God that gave you scriptures. He can back up His Word and He has. If you think God doesn’t have power, just remember this past Resurrection Day which some of you call Easter, you know that’s about how Jesus died on the cross Friday and resurrected on Sunday before 9 I Red Wine

the sun came up. He got up with all power in His hands (Matthew 28:18). And if He can lay down His life as the Bible says He did and then take it back up, He has the power to protect you and your family and win this war against ISIS and every other organization like it. But we need to do warfare. And our warfare is not carnal, meaning worldly or natural but through God. The weapon God gave us is prayer.

darkness (1 John 3:8). Now if you are not saved, your prayer isn’t effective against warring in the spirit. In order for you to have that authority to come against terrorist groups and the attacks against your life, you need to be saved. Which means you have to give your life to the Lord. You have to turn your entire life over to Him just by asking through prayer. That’s how you get saved.

Jeremiah 51: 20 says, “Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms.” He goes on to say in Jeremiah 54:16 that He made the blacksmith that made the weapon. Now if He made the person who made the weapon, He can certainly control the weapon


If you are saved, you are called to prayer.

That’s how we do things. If you are a Christian and you don’t pray much, go to God and ask for forgiveness and repent. If you feel like you don’t know how to pray, ask God to teach you. Get into the Word of God. Read David’s psalms. See how Jesus teaches His disciples to pray (Matthew 6:9-13). That prayer tells you the formula you must use when praying to God. Start praying that God would destroy terrorists groups and the work that satan has launched against you. Just speak against those kinds of things. Use the authority that has been given to us to overthrow the works of darkness. The Bible says for this reason Jesus was manifested, to destroy the works of

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This is the work you should be doing today while you are on your 9-5. Go in the bathroom and say a prayer. At lunch, talk to God. Ask Him to come into your life, redeem you and save you. And mean it. Ask God what’s His plan and how to pray and you will be one powerhouse to deal with. God bless you! Have a fabulous day. Dr. Diana

“Return O faithless children and I will heal your faithlessness.” Jeremiah 3:22,

Most people I know welcome a three day rejuvenating weekend. With all we do, everybody is busy doing something whether work, education or family. Our schedules are full and stress is high. We all need a three day rest. Sometimes even spouses need a break away from each other.


3Day Think about it. Where would you like to go for three days to get away from things that stress you out? If I offered you a three-day vacation, you wouldn’t turn it down. You’d think of some place to go. Just get in your mind where you’d like to be right now. Some place peaceful and relaxing. Maybe a trip to the mountains that you always wanted but didn’t have

time or money to go. Three days can rejuvenate you and when you come back you feel like doing what you couldn’t do for years. There are all kinds of three day vacations and transformations. When I think about three days, I think about Christ. It’s Good Friday and on Sunday He is going to get up. You all know the story of how He was hung on Calgary’s Cross at Golgotha, which is the place of the skull. And He gets up with all power in His hands on Sunday morning. Those three days changed our lives. Where would we be if the world was Christ-less? I shudder to think of the darkness that would be in our world. The pain and the suffering. We’d have no hope for ourselves or our children. Orphans and widows would have nothing they could reach out to. Yes, there is God the Father, He loves everybody but without Christ we could not reconnect with Him because of what Adam and Eve did in the garden. When they ate of the forbidden fruit, they caused a separation between us and God and we could not access God anymore the way that they did. Yeah, it is their fault we fell; we lost eternal life and lost the opportunity to go directly to God. But is it still their fault today? Because now that Jesus died on Good Friday, and gets up on Sunday because He loves us so much, we don’t have any more excuses. You know how we are; we make all kinds of excuses. These three days happened over 2000 years ago. They transformed our lives. Now, because of these three days, we can come boldly to the throne of grace. That

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means we can walk boldly up to God’s throne room and make our case, tell Him what we need. We can bring Him into our homes. So why don’t we? How many of you are tired and have lost trust in humanity? You are afraid of change and afraid to go places that you’d love to go. You are afraid for your family and friends. But you won’t take that three day transformation that Jesus made available to you when He came out of heaven through the body of a woman, grew up and lived on the earth 33 years. Do you know what it means that He left heaven, the place where all beauty is and where a lot of your loved ones are now to come down here? He made a big sacrifice, John 3:16 says so. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”


HIM INTO YOUR LIFE! Think about it, we go to massage therapists and invite them into our homes so we can feel better and relieve stress but we won’t invite the very treasure of heaven, the Great Physician who can heal anything and relieve you of stress. And give you the opportunity to go live with God and have Him be in your life right now. Have Him change everything in your life. Tired of the old you? God can make a new you today in the blink of an eye. You just have to be willing to go for that transformation. Accept Jesus Christ today. After all, He hung on a cross for

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you. Who else would do that for you? Then He got up for you on Sunday morning! Glory to God. With all power, taking back the control from satan of this dying world. My final thought is I know you all are talking about politics and the presidential candidates. It is a monstrosity all of this fighting and plain outward show of flesh. You cannot trust in people who behave this way but you can trust in God. God wants you to see the difference between Him and them. He is the One! Make Him your president. If you are in discomfort, He can give you comfort right now. One of His names is the Comforter. I love y’all! Don’t settle for death when you can have eternal life. Don’t stay stuck

in your bondages, whatever they may be, drugs, alcohol, sex, food even divorce is a bondage because some of us do it over and over. Ask Elizabeth Taylor. Get healed, get your spirit made alive again with eternal live and go through your transformation. It won’t even take three days, it happens in a moment when you accept Jesus Christ for real, from your heart. And ask Him to heal your faithlessness. He said in His Word in Jeremiah 3:22, “Return O faithless children and I will heal your faithlessness.” God will even heal your faithlessness so what excuse do you have really. Be blessed! Dr. Diana


ERICA JOHNSON Actor Eddie Redmayne has shared in various interviews what he found to be most moving about the relationship recounted in The Danish Girl, is the immense, unconditional love between the husband and wife. The wife loved her husband despite his confession of being transgender and even after having reassignment surgery, she remained committed to the marriage. All at a time in history where such behavior was quite unacceptable. We have all at some point said or even just thought that we wanted to be loved unconditionally. We want

to be accepted for who we are even the strange or difficult things about us. But is love really unconditional acceptance? How many wives, husbands and parents have been interviewed after their loved one committed a terrible act or committed suicide and all they could say was they were blinded by love and couldn’t see the warning signs? The human capacity to love is limited and clearly flawed. But we have the Word of God to help us understand real love. God so loved the world that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ so men would not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). In God’s love there is a basic understanding

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that man is separated from God, sinners, but through God’s love manifested in Christ Jesus, we can be reconciled to God and not perish. Love is not unconditional acceptance but rather true love moves us away from those things that keep us separated from God and away from those things that make us impotent in building the Kingdom of God. So many call Christians intolerant and perhaps some are but the message of the gospel is mercy and grace. Extend mercy and grace to those who engage in behaviors and lifestyles that contradict the Word of God. Love the person but pray against the sin in their life. To me that is better than unconditional acceptance. It is like telling someone you will not accept a19 mediocre life for them. You will love them with a love that pushes them closer to God because the Bible tells us that love does not rejoice in wrongdoing but instead rejoices in truth (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). I am so glad that the people in my life don’t accept my sin or my struggles. They bear with me and love me but I also know they are going to God in prayer and helping me get set free (Galatians 6:2). I now know that having people who love you but dislike the things that hinder you are better than someone saying they love me unconditionally. Don’t look for people to accept your sin or to accept the limitations that have been placed on your life because of curses and bondages you may have operating in your life. Look for some people who will call

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forth those promises that God has for you, that will call forth your blessings and cancel the curse. Look for people who will fight to tear down every hindrance that keeps you separated from God and from your divine purpose. No one can love you like God can but I tell you that kind of love from a fellow Christian comes pretty close. In fact, it is through God’s love that we are able to stand with each other and bear the burden together. The Bible says love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). Now some would say that means cover up but I tend to believe it means to cover in prayer. When we love, we pray for each other. We take each other’s sins and struggles to the throne

and get a strategy from God on how to get our brother or sister free (James 5:16). Consider the men who lowered their crippled friend before Jesus so he could get healed (Mark 2:4). You really can get by with a little help from your friends. You deserve love, just make sure you get loved the right way.

The Bible says

L O VE covers a multitude of SINS (1 Peter 4:8).

Moving On

No matter what one’s religious beliefs, everyone agrees that birth is a miracle. Even scientists, though they have some understanding of the mechanism involved, concede that it is a miracle because they cannot duplicate it or recreate it through science.

I mean think about what happens. This place called a womb was designed by God to hold an unborn child. That is its primary function. The walls of the womb expand to hold the growing fetus and it is equipped with everything the child needs. There is a mechanism to receive nutrients and fluids; there is even some way that the child receives oxygen in the womb. Nice, warm, cushiony surroundings so you don’t get bruised up. I mean this place is set-up for some good living.

now. No more supply of nutrients or oxygen. You gotta do this thing on your own. Thank God you only have to go through that once! Or do you? God is not wasteful. You’ll find that many of the things we experience in human existence can be applied to many situations.


Then about nine to ten months into your lease, something tells the womb that thing in there must come out. This womb nurtured and took care of you and suddenly you become a foreign object, too big to be in there anymore. And the womb begins to contract to push you on out. And I mean violently contract, like a forcible eviction.

Now child birth is quite painful for the mother. But understand child birth for


the child being born is traumatic. There you are floating around and then suddenly something is pushing you out. . . .hard! You get out and suddenly somebody smacks your butt because guess what? You have to breathe on your own now. It’s cold, there’s bright lights all around and you have no idea what’s happening. And if that wasn’t enough, you have to use your own mouth to eat

This birthing process happens when the child leaves home. The years before a child leaves home are often quite tumultuous because the home (womb) is becoming too small for the growing child and so they must be thrust out into the world to become the adults they are meant to be. And what we see in the natural can also be applied to the spiritual. While you are born-again when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, as you mature in Christ you will find yourself evicted from many wombs.

The womb represents a comfortable place. And for some of us we grow just enough in God to become comfortable. We are satisfied with our prayer life, our church, and our responsibilities. But in God we are supposed to go from glory to glory. There are so many levels to God’s glory, power and wisdom that one should never find themselves comfortable. That’s why Paul said you have to press towards the mark of the high calling in

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Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14). There is a pressing that is supposed to happen that pushes you out of every comfortable place into the next level in God. Those times of transitions are stressful. Like the unborn child, you feel the pressure to get out. The place that was comfortable will become uncomfortable as it pushes you out. And then when you

process. You have to go to your next level in God; you can’t stay where you are forever. There are blessings that God has for you but the anointing you need to carry those blessings is on the next level. There are people that God wants to use in your life but they are waiting for you at that next level. There are places you need to go for God but your ticket is on the next level.

God knows the plans He has for you. Plans to prosper you, give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

get out you will find that there are some things you will have to do on this level that you didn’t have to do before. But I want to encourage you to go ahead and be pushed out. I know it is stressful and you may feel unsure of what is happening but trust God through the

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I want to tell you to trust God even when you don’t know what’s happening or how to handle it. God knows the plans He has for you. Plans to prosper you, give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). God did not give you the spirit of fear but He did give you love, power and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Release the fear

that has been holding you back and move on up to the next level. I will see you there!


Fine As


When the wine ran out at a wedding, Jesus changed water into wine (John 2:1-12). Jesus told the servants to fill these stone jars with water and take the jars to the master of the banquet. When the water was poured out for the master of the banquet it was shown to be wine. In fact, he said it was the best wine they had served all night. Clear, tasteless water was poured in but a delightful wine was poured out. No one knows the moment or the mechanism by which Jesus made the change. But when it was poured out everyone knew that the Lord performed a miracle. That’s why you have to let the Lord pour you out. Your friends and family just see you as clear, tasteless water. They know you are going to church and praying and trying to change your life but again, they just see water being poured into a vessel. That’s why they keep asking you to go to the club, even though you told them you don’t do that anymore. They tell you that it doesn’t take all that to be saved. They try to get you to hook-up even though you told them you are waiting for marriage before having sex.

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But when you let God pour you out, people get to see that the water that was poured in has been transformed by the Lord into a rich, fine wine. Often when asked about their faith, some people will say their relationship with God is personal. Now, it certainly is a personal relationship, it’s got to be intimate to be effective. But personal doesn’t equal private. These two words have different meanings. And the fact is our relationship with God is not private. The Bible says confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead and you shall be saved (Romans 10:9). Jesus said, “What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.” (Matthew 10:27). Jesus also said, “But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 10:33). So you see God clearly expects us to proclaim our relationship with Him. People have got to see that He took some water (the old, broken down, burdened you) and transformed it into a fine wine (the liberated, translated you.). And people will see that in how you live and interact with them. They will see it in how you face adversity and how you celebrate victory. Let God pour you out through serving Him and through proclaiming Him as you go through your day. You don’t need a bull horn to announce you believe in God but you can proclaim Him by speaking His Word into situations people bring to you at work. Proclaim Him by being a godly spouse even when that contradicts what society says men and women should do in a relationship.

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Then people will stop trying to take you to the club or stop asking you to compromise your beliefs. Now some of your old friends and coworkers might make fun of you and call you a “Jesus Freak” but I know from experience that those same people will ask you to pray when they are faced with a serious situation in their life. It is a personal thing but it’s wasn’t made to be private. After all, who puts a light under a bed or a bowl or a bushel? No one! You put it on a stand so it can give light to all who encounter it (Luke 11:33)! Blessings!

“What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.” (Matthew 10:27).

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