Executive office RED WINE Magazine, Incorporated 17503 La Cantera Parkway, Suite 104-193 San Antonio, Texas 78257
Editorial -in-chief Dr. Diana Hardy
Editorial Deborah Chiaravolliti
Writers Erica Johnson Dr. Diana Hardy
Graphic Design Karen Hue Gustavo
Website Design Gagan Masoun
This is a Set-up
Are you looking for a set-up? There is an old scripture that is relevant to everyone. “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6). The Holy Spirit said this Himself; it wasn’t coined by some writer.
If you put a
considerable amount thought to it, you might see it applies to your life. We look for answers everywhere.
We go to bookstores, seminars and
conferences. We talk to friends and family. We listen to people on TV who pay millions to give you information you at least half-heartedly try. But the God that made you is giving you the flat truth as to why your success has hit a ceiling or you have yet to experiences any success. It is because you lack the knowledge to be catapulted into your next level. God designed us so that we need knowledge the way we need water. When God downloads the knowledge to us, we get ideas, concepts and creativity. Things that can prove prosperous and fruitful for us because of His inspiring love for us. It never depletes, His love. If you are a man, this Father’s Day give yourself a gift. I know others will be giving you gifts but give yourself a gift and seek God’s knowledge. You may think that it is old and ancient and wonder how it can apply to you, but God has taken a very beautiful love letter called the Bible and locked up everything in it from prosperity, health, wealth to all kinds of ideas. He uses stories of what He did for others to highlight what is available to us and more. I want to encourage you as a lover of God’s Word, which has brought me success, to go after God’s knowledge like you look for food when you are hungry. You will go places and see things you never thought you would. Happy Father’s Day to every man out there. Send me your questions or comments. I am here for you. I love you. God bless you.
Dr. Diana
December 2014 - January 2015//Special Issue
The Cold Letters CANCER C A N C E R - Those cold letters do not reign supreme. So many people are afraid of hearing the words “You have cancer”, that they won’t even go to the doctor. There are others who go to the doctor and are caught completely off guard when they receive a diagnosis of cancer. I originally wrote my book How I Beat Cancer because my secretary asked me to write a small pamphlet that she could give to people when she visited cancer clinics. And so I agreed. What started out as a small pamphlet containing words of encouragement and some “how-to” tips to survive cancer, turned into a 46 page book about my personal life and experience with cancer. I am sharing How I Beat Cancer with the world because I want mothers, fathers, grandmothers and even doctors to know that there is a cure for cancer. It’s just that science doesn’t hold the answer. The one who has the awesome cure is God. Scientists are not completely sure what causes cancer. They conduct vigorous research and have increased understanding about the behavior of cancer cells, but a cure is not yet here. I am not a physician and I don’t pretend to tell physicians or scientists what to do. What I do know is God. I know that God speaks the ultimate truth. And once you know that, you realize that you don’t have to know exactly how things go wrong in the body, because God will show you how to be healed, how to be cured of cancer. God cured me of cancer. And I am still so humbled by it. I have so much gratitude to God because a cousin of mine, who was my age, was diagnosed with colon cancer at the same time I was diagnosed. She died and I didn’t. It takes me places you could never understand when I think about how God chose me. How I Beat Cancer is my personal life story and testimony about my battle with cancer with God by my side. The book tells you how to fight cancer with God. I am not knocking chemotherapy or any other modern day treatments. It was not my choice because I believe chemotherapy kills the good with the bad. God was my choice and I am all the more better for it. So when you are undergoing the medical interventions you choose, take this book along and use the spiritual medication that you find within its pages. You will receive the kind of life-saving results you deserve.
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WHEN 2 I Red Wine
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December 2014 - January 2015//Special Issue
This and other such clichés are presented to us by people when we are going through a rough patch in life. However, this advice seems to ignore one basic fact: not everyone likes lemonade!
What I am trying to say is that no matter how WISE OR STRONG YOU MAY BE, somewhere along the road, life will hit you harder than you could imagine. And that is the point when all motivational quotes fail. When we are struck down and don’t know what to do, we naturally seek the counsel of those closest to us. Sometimes we don’t even confide in family and instead go to our circle of friends in the hope that they will offer some tidbit or piece of advice by way of similar experience. Then there are those who simply Google away their problems. The point is that we look for answers in familiar places, because that’s what we have been hardwired to do. However, we are not always looking in the right place.
Accidents just do not happen. There are deep seated problems and issues that we keep on nurturing inside us until they erupt like a volcano and devastate our lives. 4 I Red Wine
I started feeling more grounded and better able to solve my problems when I imagined my life as a fortress with walls around it. As the proverb goes, I started to read “the writing on the wall”, i.e. warning signs of an impending problem or danger. That is just what most people fail do to. No one wants to look at the ugliness or the past stupid mistakes they make, and that is why they fail to identify problems as they are surfacing. Instead of nipping it in the bud (another cliché!), we have a reactive approach to problems. And that doesn’t always work, does it? But there is another way to deal with the storms in your life…
Be honest with me here: How many times have you sat down and thought to yourself that the only person who knows what to do about this situation is God? We usually have an endless network of people we turn to in time of need, from family to friends, from friends to therapists, from therapists to counselors, from counselors to “gurus”, and so on. I guess everything works for us instead of the real answer! My friend, there will be times in your life when only God will know what to do. And you have to come to that realization before you can take the steps to procure the information from God. So many people feel God is so untouchable or unapproachable. But have you ever really tried to get an answer from God? He knows how to answer you and make your spirit resonate.
Am I saying it is wrong to talk to friends about your situation? Not at all!
I would adjure you to talk to people who have godly wisdom. People who at their core are good and make wise choices. These are the kinds of friends one should turn to for counsel. They have travelled down the road in the life where they have a measure of success and are not burned out or burned up. And while we may think that these friends should be older than us, that is not always necessary. But remember to ultimately rely on that One True Friend…
God is the only one with the solution. As nice as your friends and family might be, they don’t know as much as HE does. The answer, the strategy, the solution is with God. He holds the blueprint to your life, your journey. Everything you will do and everywhere you will go. Anything you are confronted with, He knows about. He can read your thoughts, He knows them from afar off says the Bible (Psalm 94:11).
That’s my wisdom to you. You may not be ready to study the Bible, but just read some of the stories in the Bible of things He did for others and see how He brought them through and gave them courage and motivation. Be blessed! Dr. Diana
December 2014 - January 2015//Special Issue
Monogamy Mystery 7
5 I Red Wine
MONOGAMY is still a hot topic. People still believe monogamy exists in some form. I know some say otherwise but if people really did not believe that a person can be monogamous then people wouldn’t be getting married. A person who does not believe in monogamy is not a good candidate for marriage. No one goes into marriage believing at the altar that their mate is coming to commit infidelity. And if you do, then there is something going on in your mind and you need to step back and think this marriage thing through. Perhaps at this time, you are not in the right position to give your heart to someone if you don’t believe they are going to be solely committed to you and forsaking all others. There is a mystery to monogamy. Scientists, psychologists, therapists and people in general can’t figure it out because there is only one person who knows how to have a monogamous relationship and that is God. We really do have to go to Him because He was the One who designed and created marriage and monogamy all the way back in Genesis when He pulled Eve out of Adam. That’s why Eve was able to be Adam’s wife because she came from him. That is why you need the oracle of God before you marry someone because you want to make sure that God has already connected you in the spirit realm. You need His blessing on it just like most men want a woman’s father’s blessing for marriage. You need God’s blessing because without it you are in dangerous waters. Matrimony and monogamy are spiritual. In order to be able to be with one spouse, forsaking all others, you need God’s assistance. In this world, monogamy is very difficult due to the state of society. You need God in the equation with you and your spouse. The Bible says a threefold cord is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12). That’s important because God needs to guide you in your
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marriage and teach you to be with that one person. We change as time goes by. At some point we are not the same person we were when we got married. Today we see this natural progression of change cause people to walk away from their marriages. They feel they don’t know each other anymore.
But that is why you need
because He knows how you will change in the future.
own. You really shouldn’t expect that person to be monogamous in that situation because God is not in it and is not covering it with His mantle because He doesn’t approve of it. Sometimes when people are not saved or young in Christ they will pray to have another person’s mate. Often it is out of ignorance or innocence just thinking they will treat the person better. I actually did it before I was saved and learned better. These are fleshly prayers and God is not going to honor them. People have difficulty being monogamous when they have not included God in their marriage and/or given their lives over to God through salvation. So they struggle to conceive how to be monogamous. It is a mystery, monogamy. How does one maintain that and just be with one person without
will be and He knows how to equip you with strength and skill to remain with your spouse. He will help you see yourself in that person and allow your love to encompass your marriage. That is why you need His input on picking a spouse because He knows whether the two of you will be able to last through the changes of life.
Just being in a relationship, not married, but sexually intimate is out of the purpose and plan of God. It is actually blatant sin. I know people struggle with calling it that but it is true. In this situation God is not part of it and you are basically on your
When you GIVE YOUR LIFE TO GOD He you. It is a process but it happens. You see the results outwardly in the process of time.
salvation process, you receive the POWER you need to be monogamous through the Holy Spirit taking up residency in your heart.
desiring someone else or making the mistake of sleeping with someone else. It is a mistake regardless of why we do it. That mystery won’t be unraveled in your life until you go to God and let Him educate you on His word. The Bible says that men are supposed to love their wives as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25-33). Well Christ died for the church so that means you are supposed to love your wife as you love yourself. In 1Cor 7:1-4, the Bible states to avoid fornication let every man have his wife and every woman her husband. It goes on to say the husband gives authority over his body to his wife and vice versa. So if you have given authority of your body over to your husband then he is free to touch you and have sexual relations with you when he desires. And vice versa. I am not going to go into all the “what if ’s” like when you don’t feel well.
know you should not be sleeping with anyone else. And the same holds true for women and their husbands.
That means a husband doesn’t have the right to give his body to another woman. Your body belongs to your wife. So in essence, you would need permission from your wife to sleep with another women being that your body is also your wife’s. And if you know your wife would not give you such permission, then you
Is monogamy difficult? Of course. But is it worth it? It sure is. Anything worth a heck is going to be tough. There are men out there who are monogamous. It may be few and far between when compared to how many people there are in the world but it does exist. And there are a lot of women who don’t give up on a man who is trying to be remade by God and reformed from being a playboy. When you give your life to God He remakes you. It is a process but it happens. You see the results outwardly in the process of time. God will change your thought process. In the salvation process, you receive the power you need to be monogamous through the Holy Spirit taking up residency in your heart.
Savior and confess and believe on Him. And then once you are saved you
have the capacity to do anything. The sky is the limit on what you and God can do together. And monogamy becomes a real opportunity for you because now you have the Master at the helm of the ship. Without Him it will be practically impossible. Because when we are in the world we follow the way of world. When we see things that are beautiful and draw us we flow right to it. I have met men who didn’t want to mess around on their wives but they got so much pressure from their peers and the person who is after them, they ultimately gave in. People know how to spot your weaknesses. They go after giving you what your mate doesn't and then it becomes like taking candy from a child. Yes, monogamy is a mystery but the mystery has been revealed. God bless! Dr. Diana
So in order for Him to come live inside of you, you have to accept His Son Jesus Christ as your Lord and 7 I Red Wine
RED WINE Is the New Water Many people say that ‘God may have given us wine, but He didn’t specify the color!’ Well, I like to think that the color is red. In this article, I am going to talk about a brand of red wine that not many people have tasted, and I will also discuss the unique benefits of this brand.
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All over the media, we are bombarded with claims of the health benefits of red wine. The hype and publicity has definitely paid off, for we are witnessing a surge in red wine consumption. I remember when I was young; there were only a handful of red wine outlets. Growing up in New York City, the concept of supermarket was a place where we went to get household supplies. But now, there are rows and aisles dedicated to the sale and promotion of red wine, both local and international varieties. Not to mention, vineyards and wineries have sprung up like weeds in the last couple of years. However, there is another variety found more abundantly than the natural red wine we usually drink. Not many people are aware of this red wine, and that is exactly why this magazine exists in the first place.
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THIS MAGAZINE IS NOT ABOUT RED WINE, I.E. THE BEVERAGE This magazine is not about red wine, i.e. the beverage. Hence, you are not going to find articles like ‘5 Most Expensive Wines in the U.S.’ or ’10 Benefits of Drinking Red Wine Every Day’. You see, red is the color of blood, and hence for believers, it symbolizes the blood of Jesus. This is the ‘new wine’ that Jesus has promised to everyone who seeks it, and is available to you and me on a daily basis. Now all of us know the benefits of the red wine that is available in the market (burns fat, lowers blood pressure, anti-aging etc.). But what about this new wine? Does it offer any benefits?
One of the best things about the red wine that Jesus offers is that it is free. Just like salvation, you don’t have to buy it. In fact, the more you drink from it, the more fulfilled and wealthier you will become.
Alcohol in general and red wine in particular may have their benefits, but there are ill-effects as well. For instance, many (myself included) get a headache after drinking red wine. But not the new wine! It only refreshes you.
The new red wine we are talking about isn’t just a symbol of Christ’s blood. It also offers assurance that when we drink this red wine; God speaks to us directly, just like in conversation. In Greek, this is known as ‘Rhema’, which means the revealed Word (‘logos’ being the written word). So when God speaks to us, He teaches us and trains our hearts and minds. We receive the wisdom that untaps our creative potential, helping us to come up with new business ideas that can make us wealthy. This is in stark contrast to alcohol. While many people associate alcohol with creativity, it actually damages brain cells and hinders your creativity in the long run.
The red wine I am talking about is powerfully prophetic and multifaceted, offering a solution to every problem. Say someone is threatening your life, if you bring up the blood of Jesus, God will bring up the necessary provision when you need it. Most importantly, it has cleansing power and it will wash you.
THE RED WINE I AM TALKING ABOUT IS THE WORD OF GOD (AND MUCH MORE). God doesn’t just give us the scriptures-the most profound love letter I have very read-but He gives us more.
However, most people stay oblivious to this wine throughout their lives, and there’s a reason why this is so. You see, the Word of God is ‘coded’, in that it is designed in such a way that those who have no desire for His Word or do not want to live by it us don’t readily understand it. So, if you have decided you want to live your own way and do your own thing as they said in the 70’s, you will not understand His Word. I don’t know if I’m stepping over the line here, but God would have to be crazy to expose His heart to people who don’t care! I mean, don’t you just hate neighbors who pass you by without saying ‘Hi’ even after years of living next door? So the reason why the Word is coded and may seem contradictory to some is because it was written for the children of God who are adamant, passionate, and driven to know Him and His Word. People who really need Him. Do you need Him? That’s the question you need to ask yourself. The invisible Father is always waiting to hear His children say, “I will do what you say, teach me so I can please you.” Pray this prayer and enjoy the limitless bounty of the limitless wine today!
This follows from the previous point. When you receive God’s wine with all your heart and soul and see it in working in your life to solve your problems, you can use this newfound wisdom to help other people in their needs. Note that this is just a glimpse of what the true red wine has in store for you. The benefits are unlimited, because the God that provides the wine is limitless.
11 I Red Wine
The first miracle Jesus did is recorded in John 2:1-11. It is at a wedding in Cana where His mother and His disciples were also invited. When the host runs out of wine, Mary asks Jesus to do something, but He tells her His time has not yet come. His mother then tells the servants to do whatever Jesus tells them. So Jesus told them to fill 6 jars with water. After they filled them with water, Jesus told them to draw some out and take it to the chief steward. After tasting what was drawn out, the steward tells the bridegroom that people usually serve the best wine first and save the inferior wine for later. But in this case, the bridegroom has saved the best wine for last! The water became wine.
Water symbolizes the Holy Spirit as well. This truth is also ‘coded’ as I said, and the more intimate you become with God the more understanding of His Word you will gain. Throughout the New Testament, Jesus took the time to explain what He was saying to His disciples but not to the people outside of His sheep. They couldn't understand the parables because these were spiritually discerned. The red wine I am talking about here is the same wine Jesus turned from water in those jars. And that red wine, as the chief steward said, is best which He saved for last. He wants to penetrate our hearts with it. It is not some worldly, carnal wisdom but rather it is profound, spiritual, Godly wisdom. It comes from heaven and God is willing to share it with those who seek Him. So if you enjoy the natural taste of red wine, I suggest you give this wine a try. God bless you! Dr. Diana
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The 16 I Red Wine
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, Dance, Dan c
17 I Red Wine
December 2014 - January 2015//Special Issue
There isn’t a household in America where the residents aren’t listening to songs from the Billboard Top 40; hits sung by Nicki Manaj, Beyoncé, Iggy Azalea, Lady Gaga and all the others who populate the list each week. Most people would agree that they listen to music because it is a type of therapy. It can calm, inspire or sadden you. It can make you smile or cry. Jazz and the blues can make you melancholy and has the power to remind you of your past, the good and the bad. Face it, music is a strong presence in our world and plays an important part in our lives.
It began in the Kingdom of Heaven and plays an important role in life there.
instruments like tabrets and pipes as part of his body (Ezekiel 28:13-14). In Biblical times, the Jews often praised God using music and incorporated it into their festivals. They also celebrated victory over their enemies with music; writing and singing songs about how God overthrew their enemy. They did it for Pharaoh’s fate as well; they wrote a song about how God drowned Pharaoh in the Red Sea (Exodus 15). In the Bible, David shows us how much God loves music, song and dance. When David was bringing the Ark of the Covenant back to his people, he danced with such fervor that he danced right out of his clothes (2 Samuel 6). He didn’t care who was looking because he was dancing in worship and thanks to God. (And God said David was a man after His own heart!) When you worship God from your heart, not only does He come in and enjoy the worship, He releases gifts and treasures to you. He will bestow wisdom and His blessings upon you, just for loving and worshiping Him through music. Many times when I am going through life’s struggles and I go to God for help, He tells me to sing. It helps! When you are troubled, or sick and need God’s presence, but are not sure He heard your prayer, sing to Him from your heart. Sing about Him, who He is and how much you desire Him. Sing from your heart, and if you want to, sing at the top of your lungs! If you dance before the Lord, He will give you wondrous gifts. Secular Songs aren’t Spiritual
The Bible says God inhabits the praises of His people which are a type of music to Him (Psalm22:3). Music is so significant to God that He created Lucifer, who we now know as Satan, to be His minister of music. He made Lucifer with
18 I Red Wine
The commercial, secular music being produced today is not attributable to God. It’s usually about heartache and love, sex and sin. You don’t hear God’s name in the lyrics because the music isn’t about Him. It’s targeted toward you. The music wants to put you in a certain mood, capture
your imagination, energize, sexualize or demoralize you. Well, that is so much carnality and it doesn’t bless God in any way.
There are some songs that talk about God, but in a secular, rather than a spiritual manner. Does God approve? That is a discussion for another time. Leave it to say that sometimes the secular world needs to hear about God’s goodness and if it needs to be communicated to them through music they will listen to, then so be it.
Let’s get back to talking about where music originated- Heaven.
For that reason alone, there needs to be more praise and worship music on the market. Gospel and contemporary Christian artists should be blessed financially, just as the millionaire and billionaire secular artists are. The money to be made in the non-gospel world is the reason that many Christian singers have left the church for commercial singing careers. (You have to admit money is a strong draw.) The world needs to sit up and take notice that gospel music is as beautiful and compelling as secular music. It is as soft or as dynamic as any of the Billboard top 40 and it plays just as important a role in our lives. There is an old saying that says, “Music soothes the savage beast”. Next time you turn on the radio remember that music was made for God. As it soothes and comforts you, remember the music should also talk about God, His love and His works. Be blessed! Dr. Diana
a lot of great men and women in the world to do His work on the front lines of humanity.
ALLING CALLING Are you one of them? Do you feel the hand of God?
When you feel Him calling you into His service, what will you do? Will you accept His request or will you run in the other direction? Let’s talk.
There are more than 7 billion people in the world and God is choosing from among them to fill certain positions, job openings if you will, in His Kingdom. The Bible says, “Many are called but few are chosen,” (Matthew 22:14), and the few are very fortunate. To land an affluent, fulfilling job in the Kingdom is to achieve your life’s calling.
GOD’S Calling You! 19 I Red Wine
“If you don’t understand what is happening in your life right now, it may be because God is calling you and wants to bring you to Him. Don’t be afraid. God knows, and has always known, what is best for you. ”
created one such position, the “Office of the Prophet”, to help His people. When common folk or the leaders of Biblical times had problems, they went to see the prophets. If you look at the lives of the great prophets; Elijah, Elisha, Samuel, David, Ananias, John the Baptist and many others, you will see that each one experienced a unique and different walk with God. They used their experiences in their work as the therapists, counselors and life coaches of their day. Today, there are many prophets in the world, and there are still more waiting to mature in God before being called to office. We always need more of God’s prophets, apostles, pastors, teachers, and evangelists. “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11-12)
So God is calling you to serve Him in a specific office and you are trying to run the other way. You say you want to be a pastor or an elder, but that is not where God is calling you. Don’t be afraid. Let God lead you to where you will be happiest.
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In Biblical times most prophets were men. God is still calling men to the Office of the Prophet today. Give yourself the opportunity to hear Him. Don’t settle for a position as assistant pastor if you are being called by God to become a prophet. Don’t stay in a church that doesn’t believe the calling you feel deep in your spirit. Follow God; He will take you where you need to go. If you think, or feel, that God is calling you to the Office of the Prophet, He will make sure you receive the message! He will confirm it through another prophet or apostle. In fact, if you don’t understand what is happening in your life right now, it may be because God is calling you and wants to bring you to Him. Don’t be afraid. God knows, and has always known, what is best for you.
The Prophets of today can counsel you when you have problems and questions about life, (including whether or not God is calling you. More on that later). They hear directly from God. They take their orders directly from God. To the Body of Christ I say that you do not need today’s therapists if they do not have a relationship with God. Instead, ask God to send you a Prophet who carries His divine solutions for your life.
The prophets and apostles come with the oracle of God in their mouth. They tell people who they are and expose the wrongs they have committed. They also bless people and lift them up in their
works when they are right. They deliver the blessings of God and shut down men who were not right in their hearts. When it comes to prophets, you have to take the good with the bad, as they say. If you want their advice, you have to accept their truth as well. Go to God and say “Send me a prophet, a man or a woman of God, to speak in my life.”
If you are called by God to serve, you won’t become a prophet immediately. You will need training and someone who can speak wisdom into your life. (After all, the prophets in the Bible went to schools specifically designed to train prophets!) I have been training leaders for a long time now and I know that God will send the right trainer into your life. No need to worry, you are too blessed to be stressed. If you feel you have been called by God let’s get it confirmed y’all!
I have knowingly been a prophet for 18 years. God’s hand has been on me since I was 9 years old. At that young age I could read people and sense things about them. My family used my abilities to their advantage. They didn’t know I was a prophet, they just called it my “gift”. I should tell you that serving God as a prophet is not an easy life, but it certainly is rewarding. Helping people around the globe is an exciting and deeply fulfilling calling. Rest assured, when and if God calls you to serve Him, He will make it plain and clear to you, just as He did for me. You want to do great things? The time is now. Jesus said work while it is day because when nights comes no man can work (John 9:4). Be blessed! Dr. Diana
19 I Red Wine
Father’ Day is celebrated this month, and so it seems fitting to talk about the pain that some men suffer, in silence.
In fact, it is a great silence occurring in all parts of the world, caused by poor father/son relationships. The pain takes many different shapes; for some the father was in the home but absent from the relationship. For others, the father left the family and was never known by their sons. Whatever the reason, the agony caused by these actions is suffered in silence. Men are much less apt to cry about their problems with friends, talk about them publicly, or as so many do these days- appear on a national talk show to complain.
YOU HAVE A HEAVENLY FATHER When a man aches for a father figure, God is listening. He knows you need to see your reflection in another man. He knows every man needs encouragement, someone to say “Well done” with a pat on the back. David’s father didn’t do that for him and God knew it, just like He knows
it happened to you. He sent the prophet Samuel to choose David, even when his father Jesse didn’t. When your earthly father doesn’t choose you God your Heavenly Father will. All you need to do is talk to Him and pray to Him about your life and your needs and He will always be available to you.
Unfortunately the story of fathers’ disregard for their sons is as old as time. In the Bible, 1Samuel 16 tells the story of a young boy named David. He lived with his father Jesse and seven brothers. When the Prophet Samuel came to anoint one of Jesse’s sons to be king, Jesse presented seven of his sons to Samuel before he presented David. Jesse obviously thought that out of the seven sons,(“Certainly not David”) one had to be me “King material”. God did not agree. He rejected the seven sons because the one He wanted was David. While the other sons were being presented to Samuel, David was out in the fields tending the sheep and singing songs to God. God saw David’s heart and fell deeply in love with him. I relate this story because it can help us understand the dysfunctional father/son relationships that exist today. 21 I Red Wine
Human weakness begets human pain Every human being is flawed, and that includes fathers. Sometimes a father sees too much of his own weaknesses in his son, and the mirror image is painful. It may cause the father to fear that his son will be a disappointment; just like the father is to himself. As a result, he dislikes and rejects his son. He may even come to despise his son for wishing that he were something, and someone, else. Jesse was a lot like that. He wanted any son but David to be a king. He didn’t see any possibilities in David. God did, and only God makes a king. God saw that David was the only one out of eight sons that had the makings of a leader. When God was ready to bring David closer to Him as a future king, He removed him from the household that rejected him. If you were rejected by your father, if you left your home or were kicked out, don’t worry. You have a Heavenly Father who knows all your talents. As His child, God will use you to promote His Kingdom, bless His people on earth, and facilitate love and healing. He will use your loving heart to build part of His Kingdom here on earth. God will be the Father your soul longs for. He will let you see yourself in His eyes. He will call out of you the awesome abilities you may not know you have. When you need a strong father figure in your life, God is there. He is a more authentic father than any human being can be.
The Bible says,
all ye that labor and are heavy laden,
for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
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God’s phenomenal, powerful love is available to each and every one of us. If you seek God with all your heart He will take away the pain and soreness of your afflictions. If your father was cruel, hurtful, or rejected you, God will be the salve to heal those wounds.
Forgiveness releases weight, and hate
Try to forgive your earthly father for his weaknesses. Pray for him. Regardless of what caused him to be a poor father to you, suffice it to say, “He didn’t have it in him to give”. If you have love and strength give it to your father. If he isn’t around, give it to him in spirit. Pray that God will put His arm around him and walk down the road with him as well. Why? Because unforgiveness is a sin and a weight that you cannot carry as a child of God. Your earthly father can’t help you heal, but your Heavenly Father can. God is the Great Physician and Comforter. He will be your Counselor. He will help you deal with anger, mistrust, fear and shame. God will come if you call Him, no matter where you are; single or in a marriage, at home or in prison. Keep crying out! Brothers, you cannot call Him just once. Be willing to show yourself to Him. Tell Him what want you need and desire. Your amazing Super God Father knows you and will help you find yourself. Let God hold you and counsel you. With Him by your side, you won’t need to appear on a talk show! Happy Father’s Day to all of you. I hope you find yourself in HIM. Lots of Love! Dr. Diana
No matter where you go, people think if you grow up in New York City, you are tough and savvy. In my case that happens to be true; growing up in New York City did prepare me for some of life’s tough blows. I have found that when you grow up in New York City, people think all kinds of things about you! That may be why I was discussing the issue of fighting the other day.
I was having a conversation with a woman who said that she had never had a fight with another person. I was surprised! Don’t most kids get into a fight with a schoolmate at some point? Bullies have been around forever, yesterday they were on the playground, today they are online. Anyone who has ever gone to school has come in contact with a bully. I find it hard to believe that she didn’t.
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Spiritually speaking, Satan is the bully who organizes Kingdom fights against us on a routine basis. When he wins a battle, people end up crushed in spirit. They don’t know what hit them. They may have no appetite, no desire to leave the house or go to work. Thinking they are depressed they go to the doctor, who agrees, and then prescribes a collection of medications to treat the symptoms. If demons are at play, all the prescriptions in the world won’t cure the depression. We all know that our body needs, food, exercise and sleep. It is with our spirit that we fall short. Make no mistake, the assignment of demons is to depress you. They want to totally annihilate you if possible.
If you feel depressed, it may be that the third part of you, called the “Spirit Man”, is battling a demon. Most people don’t
take care of their spirit man. They think that if they work on their outer core, their body and their emotions, then their spirit will be just fine. That does have some truth to it, but the spirit needs more work than that. We live in a world where we have to deal with demons, and Satan and our spirit needs to be prepared. Our flesh is our “clothing”, but who we truly are is held in our spirit. When the demon arrives, two invisible creatures will be at war- your spirit and the demon- and you are going to have to learn how to battle effectively in the spiritual realm. Satan is after you- the apple of God’s eye You may think this is crazy. You may think this is over your head. Jesus said the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). That enemy is the demons that Satan assigns to watch us, track us and our bloodline, including our children. The Bible makes the “spiritual battle” concept exceedingly clear.
The Book of Ezekiel, (chapter 28), tells the story of Lucifer, an arch angel and “covering cherub”. He was a beautiful angel who was in the Garden of God, the pre-Adamic Garden of Eden. Lucifer was gorgeous, but when he purposely rebelled against God, he fell from Heaven and became Satan. His wisdom became corrupted. Now Satan is battling for your spirit because you are the object of God’s affection, the apple of God’s eye. Satan hates God and wants to beat Him. Of course he can’t, so the second best thing to do is to steal what God loves most- one of His children- you. How does the physical you win a spiritual battle against Satan? Assess the situation. Ask yourself the following questions: • Do I really have the disease called depression or is there a demon that wants me to think that?
• Can I wrench myself free from that demon? • If I do, will I still be classified as depressed? • No you will not! I have seen people delivered from the grip of demonic spirits. You too can be free from depression and any other demon of physical or mental illness, but you must learn how to fight in the spirit, with the spirit. Strengthen your spirit for battle, and in order to do so you must learn God’s word. It is the beginning. The spirit responds to God’s word. And you need the word because now you know there is a spiritual war going on, and you need to be armed and ready. Take good care, Spiritual Soldiers! Love, Dr. Diana
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